mv. ~o mA'6 IdlM. M" eop- " W. ~- *.p. nim m es....ILO S.S0 Woodh1 Aoh s en Il z5 u@i i.......... US LO Qum"i. FmenHIbUlD Raaboin t »« ......Iras sd DbO MeO. l .......... u:vj from Pon;b;eou lb8O.?. AEy troi 'oue lb. I.T.i lel~eru %tl d vlhin thé Do12110 801 Iau %0 uvest Ipe? 45, »?Poteitei s. $tle= .lgqtnuou ftes e. 'Vn M dmtt»d laiesIbth ala le" %hom la a et Pugalo" eeelraiel ~'solnI es gus ' ýIaad la u o IePrms uo, to piul ries tmatn s beln.) Lls e. p And. Ues United létatté lia.. Airas. Ceosai he., M v6 iol oi i e'. lIe o ialoflu te 1%"iula og h 11uabmada ieI L ef*,mso laepu aw rep1symelal b iapumiloa. ru C léistrétos ho 0210- it. je b.ado. u»aconfédération MUte, pêper0010à«ula =06 Md tSgruu al oeue St. 6 mp1, IAidels,adAW mmobcoila AMIudsu ecelNoeP. réussirl. Md liu fl o.s. amigtio fua4 oele uat eat. flen f oaml UOM ~~OU5 5sm. oi . tj for s cub &1=14 zi k rMvlu culrapd, =d .pare In tW- 7, snre. Sthui.,vasa radMWocas Aout w cf tI ynueg i::!às ting and to otg sudot.t caner tlofber ub ouit d mpparet bu.faore C&.a. %0 1 bihML$ ng ra.0 ~ ~br:iNuateton on nids op. #And".Uilt Iftl re".oedih1B~ sMvmî tl o rd4mtti revrqie;0 *en aritt. .I)of i OiNl. ravin o ai . «acod&Pl enoy theilr K eai oeuuW1111167reami Tuewodaem. i etF Mr. Bf Edimburgb, al la thé yun mon vctta hîrsparant qa el lat. vdht mti.àci cukoa r pasuing nway, ad car t mde tber t vo, and ar rely u ,ýtPleonxt.~me nBt Balew bcf -hvm, ee the eon lea oe Iluth ultaul rt uvt era h e lrsh thr uara .g' ih. codattr t am Mbonae4%oty out uba s .tld atol5b1, hîriu ht o mug ad .t isvsd tiib brd.lpm of pimorg11f.. ilry mjil u a iltv hi b er arssd ts OSE PahîONE thé mix ai whomre ofiving tho t o cf tite. are wassind sud ,anld hi imm. indedotht rizo a re nvllovrk furi a îh r ïéét ohettifs . 0i mo u %lt bofNat1.mrnt te s h aistael tuon . ie pleafmao cutryf a thdentéat Charleti,,ovib. rnasd aby. à gpo e a# t. ar*P. Dam Ias Âr.-Thomloiuthbl lo eveaoc te c h lafal thMt bri la thil m peeolcitabc n0imaii"atend Va oyse hbao"t a MM of e ae uamorreeseaBomoh ommettoa mi boueloist tnte h uulmor. I a9L éO lu a uïa-À Itu brieeuMttlaf sont d oS b. anthodlt oh"rebd 8s meraiug Theo sm uisval a u#m Mud maoltanc se a ro m l W tbat thelrmlud wu inaasu MM'se asbdImd. The aisadtm oet si*', Viti nopai&thé 1 dseoumd lu 1 mvieme for th* day voie 1.4taSe*i hta ohuroh. Cmav-. -Thé Od4lj awdtug ptpàJis te 1.a dubt b m à oa1~ Mer.~Ié à-é»fr r teouMW #ea%%0iwm- lolas ii voie pUM4 dpai laIfilé ma, auawr r JVE.vol. 19g ojml w# ?4MICA -T. euumtedmIotion triai uds 1.a lem.10l vali DiMr. real,* wtieo duu pgyIe e rdue)ttSa »alt oii ée dpe.h l.oalah 1ho1. itez ' t ;;P dIIerOBpp2avent; aMd Dovthè question ioet ls.50CUISuSlO fa .lmllO commE oçql Maed by Ur-. Eqt7o ag nmidby Tu mDxD.~OtfU i sd voëther; li.. glf, "ha*41h. U namete Mameo Okau fer soity oOol, thé-. » l. ObOIaoUti<t Yt4 KUiUIPL.Msl5aet tho 4 i halv4I.Dougla,collotI t 80 m suila latthot u "e"iiquie;uDot asud ..haîs, cepy ofthéboahob . viltVmU V"rd bout Il. i tro minutils midlb.hé erils oM iVd Au OTMOe n buUs-Unduaprt bis beadicg b ihe ,lonk amsong théi rmidsof lb Ion tlsrw la lu et vuok'a WÂu>UI aaie ibho 00uu.,L-Oaiuid. b 0uMa bainth ikhari Rvtw D" Y_11 0Matit bv )Mu. Morion, ue.ondid bi oé yhi In i a itloi al you kaev b. ml Mr. coutg, That bill fouPluks Uaedla l Ci ave head mapseobea sud vnltlugof the buidingA sîdevalikaIIluuount Sm~ V pa"darlf lu t tiip' omptelguma sud ri<to$89.16 bi ptid. preuul mtadrot ,bat arynespkft"' 0li,'? q-%TM M . i . e.Roine;, oonàded by nal meusla sd thé Bomber Who votod ou Ibat Bi, Perdue, that laid'bih! . et'IR l oide bu eai ist gmrexczusfur holding ah. lfutbut îîduoidd $2t.50 boilg balane slso ep eliaopreesed by tbe Envlmv. ou 10,000 flot of plauks u crdiiod bY y&"=lu M..-MIUFOU. onneil. AmadendUoieîd. O silam-(ABtpod. lm'veil by Mr. Perdu*, m.eomded by m~ q» g W ~Mr. Bumnue?, that the follovlni sionuts Fou RJUTYDa<DD a.u-MI. Macolm Thoborneh,., s l mouuicilPlitl b e pald.-J. J- 51 on oe Ali.Tharburn of Ibis la,reaO.tl4liib .r M D., inodiolues800l7 teaH. 4=se Shc.the Noth.'Wut onu cTued, theBmbum, $2; balane OUplank s e - laI, ooking halo s u mty. Mall as ltmto,$2.0 ea frclete th@% luaîil ibarvatn int pI rumo. Ia oin 2.0 ea oéi ilt One et thé eale sla ex imlnde hakiui a Klunient, $8-2); à- toblaon cslvl hrp ta thb. ;cîîh.Wemt sert iprius. We 1. Bî.dburn, 41-04', E. Woods, ssk tefni Wonder if M1alo l vigo ta. foui for H. Bradbumf, $2 60; E. Woodus zone So'.'.M. Glba McKnncU Ilatouad- roparini oapir, 20o; John Wilson, 1h'.' luit.tub atnphoMakbaz. W. aie plankimi bridge and diaviilauI&k, 83; B] gapullsoiwhat larmed that va ate Win. Dohariy, vork on 111hor n io , esW* geli o balOur aid fiiend. l'arFmeraaa 1o.Paukon, plan o l.wls l may bumî thriabu iel is li hI:ey art$8; B. Oawbld, audi'a fées, $10; P. ea c buqjIa immae oonot bO bother Train, auditoi 90ei, $10; J.-Folsud W. B aomeetnlghh. People vuersiîpîiblnc ubndgo,$940; John li j t t rthe dn kaur %bathModrlth m fo LIIBive, tessud mlege, $22. 35; boI ête la ghebo. beil er "s hocm A1. sG. Romney, counOiloi, lees sud mileage.pu tbmhul ibm Eth eu ic caliîy Ibis 'fu.1..$2,0HF.Pruouole tasu 1h W.vooudéervho vus thé falow thsl;thook lisagi,28.45; Aloi. Morbsu,îOUDîIl- lon' suCb ooneldérable dlne as ll nin a perlier loi' files sud milolge, 28.45; W. T. Cralo, vil! for the voddhng..Dan gav e i eddine oounollart foissum ilmeago, $17-76; S, Thé parti a prelîl bol lime oomiug from. Croie. uddaby, balance cf ialarly, $35; S Sud- nti W eIL . aby, atulklug sehool ratés, 12: n J4.TZLE addaby, teleclg luea, $2; S. sud- to daby, Poila1, i. 10; W. S. Dovain, oa *Nelé tIr Fdw loliui agjuiols. $2; John iell, seleolàgiV» JUMUemLenSlGD.-A ,oîy lSm orourd jro,$;MiOSv.yu& Anderson, lew lor sslmblod at lbeJa»tvfillimethodlat ohunoh o s 6; a. (C. Ane, Tiesmutir, hall ibil on =ua ~ ,nhng, te.$th iaIt., la huai yea's àaas pi$3; . Johnion, gradng P th.émaaau juble.s almoa ud11as 4iuilrosa i ltoholl'a buld e, $10 -Our1ild.nos led Ibesmelvea vuy vola. Ou Mondai eayon oved b Mui. P@e 4.4dIlfo là o tuaery 9viiaamt e the r Wtse Mr. MeonD, that thi e ifve.o.*k au5 l Wu VéryIn lotyfaur dlar'. on t afflablTrosu or reelve a&U the township pro« ont O lby veslu BaIhel ohureh, sMd auRWedui. put on t "laoerk»sued isssurui dai l hu nYolverlouchurob. lualhthe adet ag espifrlm sdis * ltter orchel.a éumber préseuttle oly lbe iccuipta b. lu Iriiolie, ais iopv te modrao, utThuriday nlgbl they woe baoh b. ratalnd by the reeyi, ou@ by the logis taoà*ib .T e l ohddRave t. he ik sud oui by de amis a a eveil cncert, lb. oburchbdui by thonn foi uef4reuc.-OBried. ( EIqTNITfull. X-TOmmbr f b oved by Mr. Morimon, .îcoudoîd by ai 1"3&àlylnT-Th mobér 01théMr. perdue, thaithle Ireuuner s liste- Ru janlalle Suai ab oool giviug their mont roquied la b. made by thei lSth liî auaiutertaluioiih n 02 brittraa vo, lu- a iDcme n AI9o -simd OS a eip 1h07 viii bave a Christmua <elaid Dsoe he 0lu aa b tl btiNea lime la bang lb. présiné laor the scbolonm, boo laid hefoi lb. u nulh ttb Md wu i Whoc ocie hoput pime onoufor rge@10 cudobie§a mafor distrution thoir frlnds, tI I bhoc pm o a el comom. W maSb@ 10 cpies et"a«efor distrIbutond AuiOT,-Me. Arthur& and Spioli 1.pilsakm o ae-ars.d bave sot lb.éagouay for sellia thIbm Erêka Maved by Mr. Perdue, ieoonded by S ftg ahu r oer. Thel have ml au nmter Mr, Ramas?. thai lb. conil nov ------ SAX 1Su»»à.rr, luk. so e u t4W~- ' -CWtTER5ELDON.ti lbé Tua egrismsner21 aS060a0rbObu galu Spautaî fo0 si W~' c uhty vlaitea ouiruolgtborhcod and bY iti ea8(1Y paouîui-Tbe eas la dîswlug ta a n flueè vork bu made mani vouaded sud broken 01014 Mul au slvbsan sl et thIa meon, il *î ~heais bli lie 0i7 in aeal Grat a unholpal sud 80111001affalas, emgros W a cu large Ibé shokittho vhole commuity Whoul.I théml ctn ubi htninhn i oeail satidims ev fw rei houle. Id bouse th&l as no doubp, eveîyvhore li ln OnarO. W&rea Sa0o811vas dosai Ales, il wuvatc ITtilce important matiere are biginin e îî a t liai, a humband sud father antabsli tics 1hé le diveit attention sud dîmand disois-"l înghoe cra. îthuta omeut'î srulng, sien. Tbe limne for provisionai inédit&--'nl uose: vithout sauyétait bed cevim, vhth no alle Beartinluovabndsdthvukc2 hlm caud no tise th may goci-byo. Deceaaed electlug puit.uablo matei for lb. couin- n ow "àau ta thé lime of his dealil, aPPU&eUhY ciù bcards of oui coutry is s dutY, boucs lu kga hsu ad ta bis pnim..0a17 86 ,the pnoblom befttlng snggeste Ilmef : bd by youts otg. PFuit cf lite sud vigor hilofth the Whicb individuels, sud from vhal pro- w' boule about 9 o'lack ou tb. ight ofthIb 26tbe fissiOn ébouhilaeolons b. umade. This e mots lwaopay h Wm.. Gheil, a relative. sud j usinDt@ol nvnbta-t .îîv, vontchomlb stable vhili they'doue tm@nefourh usbunlasiyaavîd a i coie'. lAlter avbile tbey pated adsu oodi rs>ng U rle eopnn e!lb. samy lu n latter vaut la the bam, "ikng dea.ased oui, a ua ua îiealis hr had 0os Wfci. Au hc di net acame lu a are scores of voiîhy faméIers, honorable 11111 eh er .i made, sud mot findivit himmeinu, gohro, if thoy vould only consent la manthing mpo vwu thonght et hlm 1111 the aoompt. thereapoualbblhty, am tborougli eloce folloviafi soruialugsauho vas bomearuhoremark comptlolil, sud coulad W Unîvel ali is- Feune Ibal ho vsut.d ta go aveoîtabbisfathhr'e, faction pertoum ltb. offiia! dutils OS bndabout a mils distn, by maiut ever nul eouducing public affair. Are Dol Ils irday, moine 1he1fon hm baedsol ben Ihere. fumsur ckcued th. boue ma isnev of ,c of Tb.v thon bealln a lboioagb marah of Il tbe countiyp aud undoniably jusly io, &bout buildings sanieblobtaited lu Ibm Iundlng of v h q hgunaabe th. objections ,l osig tithé body about heu o'clock. ciii sud suif, W luidal t s IisIbmibei>Pu vlh beshep a ylu queîy ram &mon& tirit anke, indlvdasl vasi stmllmu M booslb vola t b.i atu dle oMgiwdodi *o kumIbe t.ii 'V"tshai...-- -. =luM sbaie Vas »m» w dma b71.Jse -e4 SuâmbeaSmiq WWuuug hm.lybis auossI mli,.~~OM ofo. ~a E ".sI, o ~AU *5., W~ otabl u xoxneo' vhau igwei. ormil l os. uéhcip tek, t o uaI. lastiolésa s d bula dseifl a. The a rumrsaequit@ b. nulefor a.muudm baive. Boboeed ores Mr àsn su uinressoab u t avey fair 1 o&.The auao.lequ#eollgetoih sg of a , lhern gfa$kOW e e o fod th >ii BEesrrnfo.-M . iSo@ suda [o1 e. Tisfla $500 abmote qfasion LPeTindex ango aovrn, I al t iWbe tSudi et I. 3.D. OBsohI a m thpfoit189d. opresob.cula nevhat questionbble 9If 1h.woréhy am- iv vil.b agneable to filznq the socy. It hi doms Dot, h it l ipi b r ack of qualification, or administatitl fi:ts, or a non afflptmm toth rlbt jrs. Sbould ho ceusent seoptini mlnatlon, thero tmuine but Ul .roon rspeoulation es tota he i.ult. Hil )POintUIIDI vould oeitaly b. agoo. i, bover, as 10 who vill b. thé pub survanta foi theo"miuyeai, teniali Sb. soin. is Fe le b- us PePl.or Coids. -IBN'LEIXtN,-Yftenm enotI. g Y' had a bealingbrout. I tnlci a nube remedioe but sot no reliei. 1 th" t1usd yard. Yoiav011 ave u lstait relief. ý,ftsbe bestt hiwnl g&evre uaiSon aU kiade al Vainudoold.-Kr. John Crbtt, S. [rys, Oa.-iSi. Worss cause much asilems amnig chul- réu. Inemanu Worm Poviera preventt Iis id mueko tuéa"obriuit sud hoalhy.-2-4. Gocd Idybce. ) BAR 8RS,-l have beau troubled ih Jheidaohs for over 40 yeus sud b.d Il ebsd about once savoeek Ibat I1vis sosi. Imm mot eîpected ta live. I vas adlmed la ieB. B. B,..sud have und Ibrue bothlie.I1 ivw havi au attack ouly once lu foui menthe, ad Set if 1 continue uslng it I viii bounely uroi. .Thetoro 1 recommeadit i ehl.- gre. 9. A, Stoneir, Shetissi, Ont.-lS 2. lever allov the bavohs ho renain coinhpa- *d lust uierbna vil ensce. Nations! Pillaeame manrpaa e a sremeay for coatlpai.- Gestiemen,-Your HagyasiaYollov O11 is vorhh ii velght in gald for holh internai sud IteM!ne. During the laIe Ida Grippe ipidéeli voouaditlàamut excellent p roes.ý ive, sud for aprnli mbe, @e., there la nothing to qual it.-Wm. Pemberton, Idilor Reporter,Dslhl, Ont.-lS-2. ý ý Vff1 Md uscle leaders. - neladoes- double = laehbers dovu, barre. VatORloagrades Brfttli c,»Uang ~ pusOf the bot quslity.o Single duch CZ<4 = folbaioalarge bore, 1e. han 108 = lb focfs train.Wo have just completed a **âlie Of 1110 lateat flmproyed principle "Ia» yaepmrd 10 bore auna O6ftee% <lwn te smort leqiha aud guarsaitesgooc4 mhuuing. uid wora jfOsb« Wce o abot gun. a apelmty. kil repire .s tal a workmanllho mane, on re.monab ______________________________tos m Suànlln af ail grde for maie. ~. & ILSO, 1.11E OBINSOli à BOSla LOI le tbo 11*111111wy ouaie 01vS 11MieluHeu.sW11iamstreet, Lindia, ~J~MAI UMRWB, M. D. 0. X-* iSoem 1;WmWoli U the ut sb lredo Md 7ut-iLasud The o la rnd le outafoun or tesistiou et ail. MIVPSnbmlua bau la, 1sthe ttondncv, blelb.ivbout abboan eiiof sslga i atemu ti«On.hotimu..Ooom ~ ~ DO AL . ~. v de . =a epns en ft terst &t me ~ ~ <b~ Laiia ~w vel in u lumebas eeuie.lly cpsle d y the inreu tio âe pfil ork, ad IL 10ud1913mb mu, ame 101%ictor heaae BllvleOt MmoS 0 me àRa a) otattnd tepuleprbem u o vlcesduue,1culg tce leW u pepnlit Li& t -1 butadma slandi.ttodtnvaea ener aI sv îlme, tu amNVOUKI! HOUuE, clr11ulTIu 3tc.DBNddrUSs G.Os. HOPKIN, Eaout .em cv. roulO.Ti bv .O 1). moam LYM JCK»1 u akis. ou es.mly oomlu ood Do atyls-edbYtos 0u (luigsS tgHuti h Henew)bosea fa unt e Ou bliccoube urR Z edn r h a t l y u t a cf tob m. aoo e m caiobveit te abe st The bar is u la mod al er hcuaIbad c i ~~~~R« ol B mi igKant rdeu buasu a edu sud au rev. H Ibis9la -1v ms, sudas. oue 1asetbut equlpp Burdmls, h.Oounty rvwn à um olak f ibe Pesos o i vioela.Offom""Tesa ova *9«ueÏMo.~Lladwa. 0'LUÂEY &àO'LEÂRY, zDi us, AttfltOaq4Jw,oouellOr ahus mS o Ofc, 9obeuY B10014 KmUUWn âc;qy 101co« ai carrent 1510 AI9THE OLAIT. ulUGEoqalUA. K=m nl t., .!'ir? Voitwo moteL 1JOu ILA Bàu«. J NULàuem.m ]P. 5.-PriIs mi "oompas a udite bsn st avot ourriat rate. PRESTON & CURRY, Euuoo§Mala ouyh",,à1. arrstra Slitom, rgoti " fleaWa 11Vbooh, .l- ak =mideBthai oun ondsya. losy la J AI . &V. PasuoN. LA., LL4BK 10011v J. vAnnsMM ualr. MOlET TO LOAN. eeylent on norigffe,msd NSfles neolltd aStrl Ia 0hpu cet. 1119-lt 100DB h JAMMSO. MOlET TO LOAN. istratt LM st tevalsa. m Ou A' laromoucTrut lundifor lavoumu. psr abie on to m sit the bornoyer. leu G. IH. HOPILIBu. imtu. Llndust. I i 1~ money o L * fam d buslue'propirlies a" =li ve verates, sud ou oUi. gccd asoritliet aI 10v esmcirnt ritu. N nMsud Notes dagted& BARZON àhMOLAUGHLIN. EwMinilin.*te., Lindsay. Ont. Augoastlmla. 1BU-1080.I7. DB. W. RElIT, v:=gian. GraduaIs Ume.logcr- outo. = luiue uembei ai On- lan VielmiyNediùAmi s- ~ia. clatin. Ofice sud reilence, eM ( f Nethodiat Chutai, nd Wul a Wallawe vWooi le us unis. Nrel Ibd 1lm. Wbeu Baby vas .lck, vaae a er COmeitoi Whm mMabwvusaeIld, ah. oued for Cuai&a Whai sdebeom Mas, abs o01=9 taO uorlu WbsmkbOdll.mola.lbrnCodbDR. BBOAD, wUEGEoN.gral!dusie OnttriaVol- ogtDUa7 oflgi T«o ria'rglrod member cf On- Ou, UàmWi oi aset norlb, la BdhlbTurbose, oppWo he sgas voîha Ail ma@i by mailor laepapli prompll! îendd ta. Chu ges moderato. à cIII.foth e Botter. LU6iamuai? d.Su. 9,III ffl-I bave "M sthm .bottes cf Burock Blood Bitersil sud dit aaploadld mdifi u SU (f gttbo. for amupahle sud poor appelle, I vifl aumetas "g i in lea great blossng sud PETER MITERLL, I fie a gpuait e l u inM y bs th d ate . . .ï. Og lt-r.J. V. Gron, ô SydeubMan t, Ter. dp ota-uaeoid Iaw fce Apra% taia Mo. onIt, Onu-iS 2. UM-= §ZLa006,,mm%» _________________T. A. MIDDLETON, ual Mes Auu» 1abàaLes ioc. Kent .tt.ut, T"dmiDoc« mm ct bePoOfimm, ulawm-1?U4y7 VitDmoLtI,0I4 SS, BTONO NUADACHE, AUD 5l8A1wim i r"rt SM0,v. DO41 syus, SummBLe sus . vt vu. AiitN 4JluCàîmu O#IlONiO.U en' GUtINT ll 1abla miw at levaite.. U& ifor Huai i. Mcf*MI ' . Amaimesulalb. m1 160<et lb. Oounty ef V1tbia. sd Baillf«i lb. 1>11m Court. Oum icesd radines, Ihuon Des A*isWI. son mm*ueêtoà!*o - ~.w 4 e I i Cornercg lent and Lindsay trees, Llndmay. A A B A S T'I N E lb. itsedtu f b paritt f 10 a &r7i .for health, cleanliness or durabiity a hmi of lb. public patronage la respectfully aellcited. Âgency for Victoria Co. at Every atention Feid ta the couvenlence cf gueula. Go"od aang, commadious asheds, snd large yard rocs. villi attentive hoallersalmiaya on baud,. IALOOLI NReGOEU, W.A G d lf Lu"dmaJUiId U 0.-178-lf Propriela.W A G o d i ' QUEENi'S HOTEL Rocs Paper and Pictur8 Stor8. lieUrwton la vitoat a rival lutl isrc Opposite Veitch's Hotel, L!Ddsay ummneiusmnor tamiliii, and la batfyatae A ebarmini place for 111e houismun, the. sportsman 1682-17 audthoemammiLllzaimvauths primitlve forci and lasa beautiful UtIl, village poeaualug a railvay o th R ya C n - telogra a ocs M Il the convignlecea ofmodemH w lh o a a a litCa gesHapy Jngoderat. Thvery ple dian Insurance Co'y saxiaus ho2scoomm adan ilho omu and parties couk- P y t o ss enl tay a few days -are queoted le communies a is Loses bpolor vr. i . uarallfrom Toronto. The olin am*upplisit viliery accommodaion,anid a W. have pleamore lu acknovledginz th. paymefl goedtableiahspt. WJree Bouta adfiomuthtlou lu full cf -eut dIm sgmlst he Royal CanDMian Ina D. ILLMT Prourlilo.-lSI5 Co., remltlng freas the recent bgfire in Omeme vo-vrs smevAmi100;»Dcu.p..u.% v... Je NEELANDS lie.. M. N.R.C3.D.B., ONT., DBNTIST, L1NDSÂY. By the. aid cf the nev hydro-c*.rbou gaftrnie ho cm. maho indestructible poroeslainuiIlgs u d icalore brohen sud demeyiteih ta lbel original elispe, ontouranid caler bv Ibis praceeiL. 014rootsecau have porcelahi ecrovua sllaobed couequentiyt 111r. le __ -tah» air adia1otred villigreat succms for nuir 3y yrm.extractlng tluth fer Ihousumudu of permang ithaut àapartielsof pain. Haeussthe latest upproved & pitnos for admillming the gua. Ho @tudledaunder Dr. Coton of New YorKthelb invenater of gulerr xtisctiuig tecth, vho has amlelstered il te over liOOO< permeots nid net s fatal case. Mr. Nqeelandi ,nuesBel'. Local Ânacathettc for extracting letb. Mr. ]leelsudea lunov unlng 5a,,ev style of forcep bihie hoiad expresli mtbaufactured vhlu on Zhas Wat ate 01ev Yok. vbich .m.vos tbe ttsa uibout lmmiv te the gums or Jav, tbe gumu healing up beautfuy n afev days and ne aubse- quent trouble. Aniilcial tfelhi nserted on &U the popular base s ad by the moal appiroved astyle.sud appliances for thohr retention sud comtort. Nom- bina of paeon arve ating lueth made by Nr. ileel. nids ov. r 20 yeanid never required repairm. P>ilou from $10 10 8OU for an upper or under st. porpeote from a distlance vtU picue .send postai card beforeocomlugr. OFFIC-lKent street, Laday. narît appoeu.the Simumon ouse W, H, 0R0881 1. D. &L IL1IL.0. D . &Ont. »emml~nduY.The popular GOLD aud POBCE- G ayuiom (vlthout Plie) Pr-,th"s by Mr. Gicea vith greut t I&Ofacilo a I&O UMa- ber cf peruomu ArdiolulTeelh lnerted by theeot spproved mothedmosd prinoiples for .tYIg io1o f nt. coufort, Umet bmble e dtirsbulilron ; id. Silver mi d OWêllll, &alun u Rlthe hurulen don Rnbbean sd at the loweshlilving prices. Al set. cf toeiti tulhed sud 111.4 10the.mouth by Mr. Groom b cn S uo ndin bis e unal supervision. wbioh wvilaccuai for th.eahlatC:on given by hlm The lutrdicenta.tram re 10 lime ci the latest aglaufor thu admIlatralon cf Vltallued Air md 0"«bluMr. Grow om 1auouna. oanstantly In- oreaIngucs.. hila1h. ome of 111cm. anammlhelicu.No pah4 noenla, %no lton gurn, oonmquently. ne The but muthadu ci pre.orvlng the naturel teeth by *iwigvth gol4d ud ler reilable materlala, hum bemmadea istdy for nesriv ?blrty yemr by Mr. Grocsmsd apelalattention and cmolu given by bis te thi m aah of bhm bamneus.No uinece..ary PMla lllng. Dm% 1failla ailun 1Groom At bis office ovO er aedr'a stor, lentUt., and mmmapeelmenl af bis vo&k.-la Haad Loota W.avmg. M'e uadws lge 1, pns e 0wem ebed bleu- ilafu ,wldbb aimny flowered bed Papreada, fMIl = M Pa Xku1hids of narov Ilannel, îwilied, Opla ud imeyFesg Osipet, bit sacimi mei.10&cper yard. ..LE 1TOISN Sasb and Door. Factory MF 5b m W'oufel W~S~?xijOGpeId or Good Olt È~ coxI we-werJ s. M Ca. Omeni Oct..Otb, 1801 Ny~~~~~JO onbilig sdIeh otet e. rt 151h the. iou vusfatlsactorly adjusted. and nov 1 bave a choque for thie ameunt cf my dlaim. W. H. MONTGOMERY. Unis Oct. 6th. 1891. Ny dvclllug and content. vere burned on the 231h Beptember. To-day, oight days suer.lIhave acheque, for thie fuill amount etfpMy caim. This is prompt and MAITEEW WILSO%;. Opa, Oct.. 101h, 1891. For ingursue apply tb S. CORNEIL. tg et, Lindnav JOHIN AAKINS Wll.'L,&114 TAcILST a Or ý' and Stem= Pv'rLI7ý. Rave à largea,,ortment oetCenersi Fw zr i W. e sove teucrîptior. of w ,rI-,t Lindmt. Juiv 211h i88L-ill. B:r. bu J% Amiehi.. - -. :s84.1,6S2 70 Polfols. lfoc..... .... 97.372,M34606 New bumins.mfor 188-. 14,38ù,649 Q0 EidoWDisfte Paid to Living 2o11CY Holders canada for th. ys.ra1882-3-"-5 a n.I Ny tle Atu. .. -. .. . 424,a Ny &Il the CAnaBf i nlm o' o. se. Govrnmont Reporte, page. 56,08, 68 sud 72.1 Seaue Su ECndovment in the t.-9 JOHN[.Iqi. aenlIJRPiJf, GeneraWgn LIndgay, 15 1888-2-tf FOR in-seet Stinge Sore Eyes Eruptions Soré ,'Feet j, -il -IROK rot;icrtF- FACTUII Gy - -7 - cýW Y av M'z b"b. -