Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1891, p. 1

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r., Si ~er 26 I89I~ Vol. X:XXIV.-Wl<,Â. No. 1814à 4 *~ ?~*~'.: ~ '-~ 4 *,~l Lindsay, DeC. 23,1891- NEIL MoPHADýENp for mRea.dy-made 't .~'t* t"-' t, 4.e~ ~ '4 tic, ne 'n , e - * ,~. ~ - V ~.t,* 7 f H' ~ ~. *. * ~d C.#..* - 'j t From Buunt Premises Have to be YaomId b Maroh Lit, 18923 ipurthr nnunomet next week. - Othing We are prepared to, prove our right to the above name by the quantity, quality, variety lndpria. cf our goods. You will sustsin us in thT if #ôù'iïàpeot ourst<ok, MEN'S YOUTHS'f BOYS' OVEBROÂTS, iOVEIRCOAT S 'OVERCOATS $5 to $12. $3.50 te $6.50 $8 te $6 MEN'S IYOUTHSY BOYS' SU IT St I SUITS9 J S«UITS3 05 to $17 I 88850 to$10 8 2 to 5. Tweed Pants from $1 ta $5. Ful Oloth Pants et $1.5O9 TPERMS CASH.____ Don't Porget the Place. 108 Kent St, Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. LidaDe b. 9th, 1891 ,-1802-ly. Thee Sws re adefrom the but l qiokieS1l.KL £i45*R Teewreaxé -maeW Iokh ~I il .wran*d; »,7r D t ge s .1 - I ---s- 7, 2' - - i~~S ~'2 "~ fr- a. ur motto, suad we intend continuing to 0ai we gmýt tiis matter cf PERFUME pro- *Iwer& you. We have ail the very latest odors ton cent boules, 3 for 25c.' Lo'vely littie ,called the Rose Scout Bottie, â50., fihled ***nIy kind cf Perfume. Then we, have &Hl the gé* Perffoe in cut glass bottles, different prices. àw. have every kind cf Perfume you can ,tké cf. Ail we ask is for you te examine thern. CHEMIST, LIN DSAY. I M 5k ~$sna 4iai« An sgen t, reil f nt ,a e boe, FUM fer M rt.4. t Anr env, aent, Lopret e. . lt frtom Aur.. tM-ci à m ha u om. p1.V obyeWto 5 momay Dom. 9, l 3. -iim ren lo, Lot Nor. 9, ut co. lxO. Cazd of Th&Auk. Indigestion tubt, 1y causing the blood to booms depraved and the system e. fmefdla the parent of iinnmerable malades. That Ayer's Sarsaparilia la theb. bt cure for Indigestion, eves ,Wbencompllcated wlthLlver Complaint, la proved by the followlng testiiuony tainMms.Joseph Lake, ef Brockway Centre, Mich.: - "«Liver complaint and indigestionL ade =jyitfe r '-Men and came near endiîig My existence. For more than four years 1 suffered untold agony s reduced almost te, a skeleton, and hardil Lad strength to drag myseif about. -Ail kinda of food distressed me, and onIy> the most delicate couid be dlgested at ail. Within the time mentioned severaL phsiciana treated me vithout giving re- l. Nothing that 1 took seemed te do thny permanent good until 1 commenced heueof Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which him produced wonderfiil resulta. Soon miter commencing te take the Sarsapa- rila ][ could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite bgnte re'rura and with it camne the abiltyto digest all the food taken, mY strength irn. proved each day. sud ai ter a few liiontha o!f ftaithnattention te ou v -* .i. BU. no 7,1- TSRET EI OR OWbmRnOS 1hrby Ihaul, 11e London Mutuel Pin ~îInsm Gs irections, J1 lofuci fIyself a well TAXET STEETNEXTDOO TO ÂBNE & (OB. omp nud thoir ent Mr. John HafeIaw, for womn, able te attend te ail bousehold the -toe meci Myel, sue, fer le duties. The medicine bas given mea a AraArt Portfolio... 4.00 A eî' S ra arla tabetmdmatoigna a-W. étend the Anonasum td Dr J.0. A m u&CtowI M hi Ammria."-Jewîh Timea. Portfolio, poetpe.id, for $5. 20.J.C yr& eLwel as Âlsike and ]Red CloVer $I~Ie1; six: bottle., $5. Worth $5 a bti6 Tzi Ammie« sbl189m will eclipse.ita previoubrilliant record l in te mghtiand BoeyNi biUtY Of ls Meoê1i na A»ainthe put, à Wilontinue to btà. nmotgreaveSed hswha aa oo~puke revew o &. oAil gmt living imams viiibc fuy, lWyFor whioh Toronte price.. viii b.opaut 1Lde7,AF u . etn nMn î :pedldau.dbyli orattakr o u a.G tuog u JOEN AR.HSTRONG'R S dey 28th. for installation of officera; aise on f>wIDg«.ila 1*bsunmk.d vithout fiai or favoi, vile the root pioblema uder- pamue Cash orocery Store, Frlday nezt. Jauary lot. regu!ar montMhy bigalR M iib. more fulIy diaoumad tisa inuthe. pagea of any otiier revie.' 8 PT0ORUH meeting. lO E spECUL FEATUREs ioR 1lus.13 EEBR GL LO.L No. 934, regnier montb]y meeting L li .1 etOffie," bhlslin IM. Th. Conditlon ci WoUMm Valuabie Tarai for Sale or te onTbmuay DOxt, 81*1 ilst. mmgo 0Wmi lSM-àauein the Januari àAErn Thaoughcust the.WoridL Reopia. LctHome Cire!. INo. 84 apeclalmeigo Tilovithuut e404 lué' ouhe ii frmuattlug the tact %bat ibe ptee..uî la the cycle of l'h. urem of te f lats Wm. aW oser for "_ Fzlay. 8thJaauary, 1892. beiloêe? a u=à by an Amoeu anauthor. vommaTsiARISA for 1892 vili coulais a themztall of f "lié.1 lmatcomlî, vérulam,in LO.L. No. 1410, NoiLTH VIRuLàM..-Ât 6""I be.WM 60 mal. eoasmmo, sd brillist and powmrfal ateié. of papeou nIbm teIbm 00?of Victers%* 100 ams more or lm.; 90 the sunual memting of thisIodge heid in the ~al1aa umdd~pfii.moemWmt udcodiio t omu brugiot iewrld ~Orangm ball, Dac. Ifith. th. fcilowing efficers eh uar*h4b~m ysd e moh. A The openg pap.upawab h asr Sclibn ue.go;Oon@tb a 08 er. duiy lected snd lntalled :-Broi. = W s tr. i d Iomue. îhraugiitheo voot umber by Prof. A. N. 3unarie, Ph.D., of l ~>1amdw one and a hall miles rmCraohrHalp . ae atn "d esi;»W 11h @SUl .ory, wbleh open theb.National Univery of Greu. 19 la on Ibm VIIZm e suit purfa, aud la m h D. IL; Thos. Patterpon, Tîmaurter, r.eiected; leva, pht te «» imu teKRusse.an sd aine. la Womm la Mohsmmedas Londi.l"e sl'uthe xe10 an eaedte J. D. Olivet, Rec.Seoy, re-eI.ated; John the watt"osaCp" le A SOIL or 07iuîw>u» V. Scientifie Papers. Popular pr.vmy.leFor l eold ricubra arpy e G. K.Muligun, Fm.-Seoy; Richard Oliver, Chap.; vii he tb. musi fflad oq siory of 1892 and papou on acientitllo aobj.ets oy the mant pro-EopmaIUVendors'BootoreLldaay, or t0 Samuiel Whyte. D .; Wm. Tiers, Leeturer; vou a&d read« 41 tdhbseueof the sus will o re affature THOMAS WILSON Tis. Kelly. Chariré, Fr ,«t<î.,.; Com. ________________________- of Tas m AAfor 1892. Tii. BruIpiperoe TOU peusion iýa1Iemitlm-Jame.s cmol, John Liwson, Emerson 13- roplilar MocIal»sd 3Ecol- tub rieu appeaua In the.iocemîer ARISATOMS GAHMTiers, Edward Kelly, John Martin. Short - - ', le=s It wili b. ue aoyclo- bv them muijustFrench aitronomer, Camile' 7ifl aM ' suad loyal adesewr ie veiotfti pwM ! 0 sdl' S woi00511<. 5and politimi 5Flammarion, ons1'Recuint Dimacooes lu the lday ~o1.inewly ,iooted affluerâ, after vhîch r6freehmenite 4UIOvI4I wgl@ terude & mu leuves.." The neud la by Ibm eurét Eu., __________________ ere panlakren off. exneWq'e tthe @cnditions andrueo f ih ecentiat, Alfred Rua.! Wallaoet, on~ the puIdepiffluit the .,IJ. cf the.hour. 'uusengeaPuIsu utr.oOIfg Events. (3oiegate Institute -Notes. = Iug IU* p.dl..eo leulaled b Scoutes VI Relicious and Educatioma - 'I l'a et usic and librty 1for'th U"adProbleais sud Social Conditions SATuRD.&T, DEc. 26th.-Ooua.rvatire eu- 'Comig evente oeat ahadowa before, " se * I SfS*t srnl et Our Land. Fro i tO Icc*P vilii b. fu'y ai freelv prouented by the vention, Coboconk. wth the. comirg great overf ci J iruary 2let , âmIe Tîu alUsA bas been Ti & TADFraST .mastpr opiite lin 5îb depiattL ent .'f thougit. MoNqDÂT, 28tb.-Nomination of candidaes ulready Ibis peut trest ie boing generally oxAmpIeqoN OVI's pnoPLU ubanintmly f..arlexe VII. Short Stories ama Biogra- for Municipal coucilo. alked about. Min Mue Powler, the brilliant la 1hs "duucatlon of pltocr<zcy Ygn0o&Z. phiea. BLob lises iii Contuin naddition WEDNImDAY Dxo Sth.-Cbrimtmaa osutata, locutoni8t, ieas ,oug lady cf rare Re- aMd i uaoeiueau rn wh<cA ý PIorgtVj. t0 aln'.pu omi rlinsot l inte tous hall, Haliburton. compliahmeuts. She bas given shu" two mW<ule" or *trùsg. 9b librty OfUM4etory or bloerophy e ofnse mnen mutpon; Ana etngo aeae r ition of hnndred radiitge am far we.t ios the Pacifie * i thbâti everv moaher of the fâmil, Winl hall tbm School Trust... ini rural setions. c-aet- Mie Bcrtha W(bb, tbe a'it iyouag .....i.fTE R wt d gb.FIDAT, Jannary lot, 1892, unual les sud viollulat, van bora in Me iv". Fri'm h:,r "t'XNWoktmêaiScience. Diurrg VinII uli-pagfe Portraits and concert etftth. congreuation of theeaest ifnye.etwd àpeint od 1892. TxIaRAî rn il bave the ableet, mont llustrationis -lLèc slaue vi)! cousiis probyterian ohurh e t Ki.rkliald. naforrmine. For tcfl roare et. has been autboftslve, sud brllilaut enaiof popen.a uperbî ful-page portrait. of dl.tinguluh.d i TEE WAEDEEi carrier boyv iii ealU on yen. udrto la'--f~1' . . ove publlabed on p.rechieui scievce, by 1sd. pereonagmo, viti eutog' :,pîintmd onr Bi@ dut qui cito a.li onr;hnaee dotentepers log Ihinkere of the new vend sud 'oid. bîuvy plats papen. il Concert lu the town hall Oakwood, under yoiuthful pr-rdi;zy, bru tg i' th(,r.,nýL:V coin- *theauspiea cf Loyal Oakvood lodge j ptent sud ekilful soiit, sas rém6kabie for A Peur ContributorsltltlieArOuil No. 148 0.O0.0.FP. her amazing technique as fer her wcnd-rfuLl tatve harcto cfîbmmonrtbtloe t lb ArusJ R ous Oieo Jo .li ergon os Alabama, Bunday sohool lu pym's Hal.Kin. cointralto who heu had r, nkile -'ucci-'n tve mentoa 1r echecontibutne Pt. hs oe nrAvootnos,, O, JoS.vl AB.e.1nenthle concert and operatie stage. Her vnrce leaa W. Rilot, o1 Harvard, Alfred Rumil aUloe. D.O. L , Bon. W 0. P. B, i lnrle, EzSenator Wsde Ha"'p - ----- - rich, muaics], pure contralto, the lover tones Camille IF.-mmsrioa, eiîhbo Osullar Rev L)maO ton. Belons Moda, Blon Campbell, C. Wood eg nsulyfladmwflpEqig Ablbott, D.D, Nar3 A. Livernore iii Minai J.Davis,1ev. Idwad veret 50sale,11ev. 0. P. Depuis. The Convention at CobooonIr on bt elnneusy mlahic.ud r>o'ýrfu h1po reveiu Sag.Couns LToeo T#1 Prof. P. àShuler of Br.' Prof W S. souborougb, FrAic .wesi.llu5d, Rabbi Btra,26th December. thtpclrey ah4-qMy :huvr vaoycoeun awoot v- L ottr WomnSh>dîmr et, et. foS&ud&,tlla, te reach the Ji-srt (4 th.' îliuttnr .hd yard amry Gorg, Bdar avaml, ev.arouse the entbuslueni cf Fr, audi..ce, Mr. *OurMagIoetIPemi1D.Th e Libera.Coneervative Convention for E. M. Shrinert, foi i!hit pt fivte yesrs hu avoiry anneorîer Io the art Ïfor189, bo puys the heuvimol cmuled piste puper. vlth India 'Tînton NrbVcoivlb sdu oook01be uv seoo h ctbutn lwentycona extra for pmlting ansudce, « Ili te. sheila 8 z 10 luchai. Tbe autogrsph of mach persoit Setun",26th December, at 1 o'olock oharp. Pianiste. Rie play& wiih a dexterity of col" themgmgnilcent Arisls AilPorlise, con0l» la@0givon t bmv are b. ud lu s beautitui Poltn- shueo h aylse eutn h eeuinsdarfon..îc e~nettn tatul)g wgot-we u pty mw t th wprun» rmtîtaflio el ws. hiter bbn. Tervoaipaligfolle@ n tIebue ofthe ew Itee redbtion.he'leutho ardatalineppnivcesiofi-Ibmth- îlbînkersqietsob a Od Pon, Herbert Spm.'cer Obsa.porifollo la.$t00. Vb turnih a 511 uerbesmne eoe fentenwnms de l nile i eb a]-. i ri r li Deturlrv 'gn i m oacp t u oaoemagulficmnt poM01oli, WhOI reedy, 'the following ubowo the rePrmasta- Waller Emerson la Gnn w,.ll kroiçn to need Phullipe Brouko, JameRuneil Lowel. J. G. *Ïitimr. remit lwenty cents extra la help dofiarIbmhezpenmtion esci polllng enb.diviulou ebould éaud.sy introduction. Be urpses ail cornet Bay. inot J. avage. Pros. Chas, W.lo of Bauet aieebtur ad p stage.I yard, Mary A- Livermore.,Frasb ils E. WIIlaOlierI ample oy o! the ârens mnt fer 110cents. ITiie nomes of the chairmen. sud lu ore'players. He hua von for himseif a nmel Vended Holme., etc. Each Portrait le printed on luaanmom the ucrtarieo, of polliag euh. dlvi- threugheut the usîverpnl vorid. Circuler@ aloue are udded. The greulmal changes lu re-, wil b. snutout ehor ily giving the press -entic. Subsctîption Price.of The. Amu, v iti puemlumt ARENA PUBLISHING CO.j pramtatio under lie nov hlateaa compared on Ibis talented ev'r - s. r la 85 9.0, single mtpise, 50 notbli Boston, Mass. vilh the oid are lu Bidon sud Bezley. ______________________Foliovlug are Ibm Nos, sund names 0i euh. A Heasng Bouse TeaherWated ForS~division.nounes of officer. and No. of dele. of iealh. ansd trangh renowed sud o! 1-u i hrhgurabne nutcu b nlonFa,%Wn.- mm 8d,@ " and coufort foliowa ltenue of Syrup For luool soc"nlNo. 7, Nuripmu, amIe16rJhn n breohMaine , asuuaot u rmd t i-issin Fale, m.tes Rarte8&.l ofo!Fige,M t&Oi aml Whne ferred. Appllculose 10 bm intaIone, sas i.JonAt n hoyriiblt tirn;oneliReue te effectuei!y caethisysteza truses.vii delde s Im apa osttMaonudav harspowor. Oshawa. An l he bovem aabinla e IR 2-Fission Fallu, Tico. Aeu, ve6.ireobi~u.Frue u7ob mvnîuat h m aI Ado dr nte appSâflgcod rnnîniforder. Viliibe sold cheap for itherhnmtv o üa.Ft»! n7obt avcn1 hlt.A 4 .-TacIL uoumy or ebock. Apply et LotS8, con 15. Maripamua. 3-Fenelon East, W.. Kennedy, 3. tien by ail leading dmugits-ll.4. Box loi, OskwaOd. 0. P. CLAIKU, 4-Cambray, Âme. Coatue, Se DM ii.-4L ia.t.odvllleP.C.. ont. 5-Gienuru, Dmu sTolmis sud D. is- A Great Surpra~. l'eshe.'Waatd. iclair, 8. Toce-wne 6-Cameroni, John Cook, 6. . lu store for al %ho use Kemp's Baisamn VeraleImaherforOobmeuamhêjhelingblr- j7- Brovn'e, W., Joramun sd John D. for the Titroat and Luinge, the grtat gu&ran- ci. m oalia r e boouq 810 . od ing À Ai NaiorÀ9 ted remedy. Would you belinve thut ilt 1 HUMr DIOUQVMI', Ii -Somervlt4 BEnuI River, EB. Buddaby, 7. ueld on its merites ad thât Ray lruggiet le lui 44, 0ebaeamt.9Kimut autberized hy the proprietor of titis wonder- Oobacuk. Dc. 10h, - iou, 8, IL.Cottlughaean sd Jamues Wuiremedy te give yen s sampletottie frece? - éo«4D&11lt 8LISwm,8 It neyer faits te cure atute or chironie cougite. Toucer W ae. o-Baddew, H. M Perdue sud J Buggtt, 7. AUl drugglste »sIl Kemp's Bai,,sm. Large - A.ii-Luttrvortb4 T Leavv and 1. Lyle, 6. Bottlea 50 cents and 8i. -19-17y. yen 9. a vie. a, lnump, holmra C4 lm ris- 1l-Suowdo, Glet, I Waueos*7. eu. Ulry8 D0 ulflo.m um eh 0auîlJIU7 I-Irm"tnd ams, Ba acock sud Charlin laax, lqu. 4p1y1%JLH¶f!_ laý4mqie" P. 0. C R ST Aî4-Bezly, Oobocask, J. Hum sud J, IL Bozw DM a& 110leM.Hurme. 66 ___________________ AID ioclru Road, 1. F.e sud W. Fuelt, 6. eue 6-MId..village, W. Goa nud J. H. il 0ILlàLexousl m 100 U D a &rratN E w Y E A R '8 D l e re, 9. B no n,7 &y m»d; 1 ~el htté;1OI@MU ive. WLLlm 18-Laiton. J Belley sdGs oao,7 ,et u"Lwe ;Z ths a bema.19-igb, P Arstrng nd J. Porter, 2. CE ' i :F:'z ~5hiis5iaew-POP Studeutas 3d Teachers ri=ua aucor4 Te I 8 Inwe, »... ibou as PA AND TRIRD. W" ".0. t&,uD=inpl, .Fox sud Je.. Let04 w&a18% l -ff aajei@Oà Mieaita 94audte, opG"'&4 . , ~ ~ J K1L Money never went fart her tan it DIIRnLUdo8 l Ale d. r".mcsu.d G N R L28-Dalles, «LMontgomam dl ., wili go this season in the prhs iê-WodvlleH. RLIsu D.». L, jof really handsome and servicable 1»Ud I let tTRIA»SI » esd 55 .EdeLesseue, D. A. lieatyn sud gifts. Each season it seesaif Dýb« l uA m sd Deemabut80 M Les anA«, . _______________________ uu.,11.the goods offered on the score of 81N '*IM.MAaI - 2.t HalIeybk L. ter.coWobedo mMrde et Cueo MOLE FARE KidDr .dsd.010 quality and cheapness, and e OR i.. 0. W* #W M*. quiAieu w p le SS-Eehov u . les. iOaand D. lie- this season we have to admit that T. Otw u jwmATMUZ 4 Mms ahbusuas. MeOlistmek, j. goods are handsomer and -cheaper T. a JUveste i. i bemet 16 than ever. We believe we have &-"K la-ne .are-srprise -n stre1fo JOH'N DOBSON.R ree ey,. Ta ê Head quarters a pos- 'home wprhave0htmt o lt for n& solid g teo tr of e fin- th t-vs brick y lé- brick CI la ,u'ot às im tM b «~am es miidmb~ r ru ý ix. vi

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