GIRCULRI grwthicitam hair grew Thlok #a ktos I uamiêfly came IoS? eV etly aAelI . oq -have tiaci Ayei's u HaIIV thé put our oci five y.ausma M2a mos at sfato -a tlfg or te*t it sail 1 could dot.ben aris oauang t1eh au te rlanbsa color, and requiring bpta mli àlt ta render 1hthé ati easy barane lire. M. A. Baly, 9 ChmleSste, Ulaverhill, Maus. I have bec n usinq.,&yer's Este Vma for noveral yeara, au belleve that It h oaued my halr toretuin its natural color."-Mrsu. LJ. RMn, Dealier ln M"Gods, , oBlhopvlf, X&i Ayer's Hair'Vigor, oh . Q O.Ayer & Co., L»we% &Mn MR1GFAPLEAU'S: GREAT SPEECH Before the Commetai Club at frovidenceB.L16 AUBEIOAN ETEBS OPENE» As TO TEE Sfl- !iIXMUTB AND FEELINGS 0lf CANADUFS. WMUT TinE LAST uOTONf a mT. Coittsud /rm 1" iceel,. THE- FAILURREor0F OIGE DROWN'a ATTEMIPT lu 1874 haît snob aun cRuelou Mr. Me- kenzie's Goveîument that dutlnq tie remainder cf ilterort àmade o e father attempt ln thaé ir dteîon. 1a1876, vien li. 'WallâC9 asked iflbheGovcrnment in- tendcd 10 rensv negtoliallous, Mr. lMckenzie replied: 'We viii sivaiob ready to negotists for a reolpioolty treaty villi an>'nation." In augcuimthe Naàtional Polioy iu 1879, vih liai becokxeaun essential part 01 public o plie in~ Canada, if il woe lehave uap great national industuies, the Goverument cf Sir John Macdonald di not cvlohk thei trud itional gond viii towurds thm United States and towards fuir reoiprocal relations. Triefore the Cuatouis Ad cOf 1879, ohapter 15, section 61 ootaîned a opeotl el acuont etuh faouiug recipro- city on a ltberal scaie. No Answer va§ made t.> that offtr. In 1887, when Sir Charles Tupper vus at Washington, hoe made a loraiai propeai once more te the Government ai lthe United States for a mutuA. arrangemnt providinq for grealer freedoin of commercial iutercouruc be- twei'n the United States sud Ounada snd liewtonudlslld. Mr. Bayard's reply vue a fiat refusai. It wiii thus be scon liat' the position assumai by Canada bas lrom the lirst been thorougbly consistent, andi eoatimuuouëiI favorable to the adoption aud maintenane flc A JUST AN» BEASONABLE MEASUEE0c? REIPROOITT', with tie United States. This bus bo.: shown: (1) Io lie aidreas cf 1847; (2) in the &et passed lu 1849, la tbm oustoi enctmenll cf atatutory coffeues la 1868 1879 sud 1888, sud lu the speedy rattilca lion by Our Parliamenf etlb rsalimuof 1854, 1871 sud 1888; (3) lu tbe repeated ofuorts made b>' Canada for the continu- suce of the oh uteaty of 1854, mai, afts il. abrogation, foi the reneval of reipto- cal relations OU a fair and equilabis beus On thm other hacd, from it iai.0cfthe abrogation cf the iresaiy ef 1864unuilthe present, ln no sîngle Casebas tb. United Statea Governmeut resPOIdd O th@bm&P proaches maie b>' Canada,#i myad. vance itsilî. This expose '681= 1ih that, lu Canada, vq.e ailags.on lbi necoesty cf erlablsbàinieidber sommer mtai relations beivo esabbtwO 00OUflhi', Tiie dissurecînt bot"" on lie mm&*$ tI attaîn that demrable abject, The cul part>' vho hbaumtl aoya h illifflu la do aaythlaR, but vbosso01mct la si imporlatin lu Ibmâtatcit. 'BiOtl Jonathan, wbo maet laugb 1id b!. sloe, at the aigit of Oui stiaugle If hobo i mnade up is mini NOT TO TEADE WIMTUB TEE OUeU Thé gîcat argumnm t Sfortblu E&v et uurestiited ieetPitgl jea*i Il om epen le Canada a a risi eof480,006 t peope, fcritetlili t a*,&eaida 1'o iu Ibai market 0,00tOW O e.mpeiS forget Ihat lteusilmai sti 00suath greatoul produoses f cf bme UI, mi teles at u* eMal"as01 M.fimvm lb.>' do net produes@ Tbeyouts Ibm fait liai oui youasUaIIT veul1 eruho ialuit.s 4" 1I9.Caai 1 the poveif ai sr M Amue manuf scIurei.010 4 se., ls. denvis lisat that r«, SEI.~ bard ooma"it.1 va dii Ma aU mur~~di nov lste te , a Iý l 04 I I I I ës eI. les t. a. mi 01 t u M ulml e etbu sea suf4h a utionoeudu; f bi lwbaitoqcv * 1%e clruisllo5 111051 aA» APilEL es lua atable w v hws thé «mVA-d lies et lbings af 1er ami. béor.e * e* Kiole> larif! went tlcfornm.1 Tie expanalon of clreulalOn ui. Ju te Oetober cf uai vern va: 1. lu l .......... ..... 49M.,00 2, lu- 18M8............... 6 4U9.000 S. 1* 1887 ............... 8167,0W1 u .88 ........... 6,00,000 Is. 1M ........ ... 48,00<) Blu 180............ 5,818,000> 7.,In 1891............ 6,602,000 You v in.isoi, Ihat lie lncreuelu ibe cireuiablon, icquteed for the business cf ths country in Ootmle ,as oomeured vish JUIF of 1891, Win the largeut aofail rien &ivea. h vas, viol the exceptIon of tbres ptsvlmu Oeober% thli sit cf amy yea. Il vas the luigsit lu 10 years (Hear, hear.) *Nov, in Canadathe, si* pausicu cf elroulalion froin luly le Oo*ber le soby.lir àdue tohe roe la lhi liiplaie. XiIl te fermer sud lbe mnovlag et bis produis tha ra up the olrouiation. Ycu vi ses, therefère. that of the iondltlan ocf'lie former. If lie MÉOKmley tariR bai bit tie Oseadiau fumer bard the circulation woli bave been of cniy a normal oharacter, or hlow the average. But the. circulation lita Oiober vas 41,250,000 above îb'e average. of the previcus six vears ai 24 per sent. of au !nue"& .It Io *vident liaitih MoKinle>' tariff bas doue Can adien bar- msre no barns. Why P imply bfonusc ve have ueugbt for cîber markîets sud bave bien auocuefl, ami have found vers profiable, leus hable to itlercuem asd vitit botter prespect of future grcwtb. (Hlear, heur.) TEE11MABETWM HARVE SOUGET sre principaiIy toi food prodUels; Our lumber sud othei produets te f l. rou the world needs sud takoui here laà constant demand for Ihese. Dutg 10 lesais 1880 89, exportesoff reui produts av.r ged #22,886,000 a yeni. la 189C theyl were $26,180,000, or #3,800,00( above the average. Tii... look aitas thommelves. Ba of thé produoti of oai mines. Our mbetos is the boit la tlb world. Our phosphates are of the bignel qualtty. Our nickel will soon biein Ilu etetl ardour plates of the cavlas of *l world. rasnexmnt ,DGIW115ini tb.Unitai nickel intahb.compoition cf tlie.arma plaies. NOW OUsirFim PBODUOTS art linding tili av tle lcocumi ci Europe-rpililall leEnglemi. Th points thaI troubled our farmes voi lic mKe t' arie came lIe oforice ver barlsy, lambs, bhors@& ami egg4. Th goneral trend of our exporte cf aguietl %oral produotu datita 25 jearn bas beu lucese lu exportatla Europe aMi reluIt'f decresinlasnachexporta b lihe Unît Statue. Thst la qute naturel sud iii poee 0 e etlR. In 1868Wbvo snt 60.1 par tent cf our faim produols te mUn ws Statcu,sud 84.61 pr et o. ho Ou Bel"al, lu 1890 vs s"nt 60.08 pur 0e0 te Gresat Brltam and 3S 0 per cent.1 the United States," asnerias pessll a somWiols reversai et lis pasllimm ce9 pied buib &oas tvo.eoaaLoric es takers oui faim pyodmce The oltmula t INT SILI"T E ovINEN vhiîb has beca going en for Daili quarter of à cenlur>.'. With spee1 uit le work sud grev t1' ~~z' snb as OswIorâlu gro'l amisavvmapper lu thseag01llbau huis as oempetioii of Omllfefala liste a «esmraMd midt f iupplln , R ci e saueas veV muh .)w« in lm188te uld avtméthe 'lm 1tiI>' of baly vc u]MI Md -71 i *morela 11 mea -lu .880... L olsslFvmfier »mlo dOnihoul ltboUe i. nEap W," i a v fumepa à tb gueo slipI< i e t 0'l uf u 0 MM 4*0slBS hwk a. Mmi issi amu~ E cwut. m lmife,158 Impaipmn asme mml - ~hla Uumb limé As Tbaa&sgviu aypprow*estwe are remindcd of the thanks weowe Our many ;fried the plb. ulc generally, for the many- M. fvm c4 Koumusupport daungtIIs pet. W.are stili as usuat. to the fh'u1, and show 9. stock both as to quantity and quality second *0 o mjin thigcounty. We ane shwing the best value in town iii Ladies and Gentemen's Watches, EspzCIALLY in our new AmericanL SgQld-filled at $xo and $ro.5p« We are fùUly assorted in ail the new ,'tu~âap. tylesin Broaches, Bar-rings and Bracelets. A very large stock of m.woiW*Rings of every description. Sce our i8lver screw-bezzel case witii Americapi movempentfor $z2. In Antique Oak and Walnut Cased Clocks we are fulliystocked aud prices lover than any. Just to hand-- atl 1 ~the. cheapest Nickel Alarm Clock ever offered. .Kindly remember we IU si are ýnot doing buiness for our health or for fun, but fortebefto ma mm%,t both buyer and seller. "m *mm 5~~a.-mla am N *îm a0tmui mdrb IIm 9 ieh ot .dab Bov VoodA' Wdf . . roi 0" la P o usomLi mm Q*fflRell,«w o 4hW.oê'bisé ira. Wà.» e. .., m" d te mf M ILO. À.-XoUms o 4. Kmni mi OmbUmlPg hmtoea,.. lmiaFnd, 445". lm o Copus dsUy i . tb le P.MTouat -M aIw" weeme.-.R;L Gaibonas»G. se. I à y . m 0 . À . oo cus U v f hmtm I3 tbe S3m eaMn 0voe7 mboe M*atmrday @4 1.1 .'eo* >...A EeAM1ur, Usoee*v. a gaeemmsm ou ceLocoouvu ]ceaunuamn* la &MI' hll, OMM e zus mi GMd tIoedgm - -, Y ome at - Vo- lu. OI, Ibo AuIm EglMWe'. mm mimuomS W KanAoa, Taxum. maSa hu Trm lies Mmi, oran 1t aài WUimM gshoon*c0 ecoadMdfou* salniaposai2 o'oook a.m. e* ,ofum, Hute', W. AmbOws emoeêr?, Bo« la ~Vla ou auoreeet**m0*, io~owanezxoelIbsao%= o ou sa sow . msoi ~ ibai à otmat qleveuisi bas bai lm ea tase m 4if. f Wflb W.7idd»i ê, *M aliemaver0alobe ~~m~iO ru la the olst0 ie ias~ e9eale r51~ n mu luopualêa, litipmti es oumtia àiLodmâle5er vlibWthose lb raewspmlbIlm fMP~bai boumt mai ~ * * als o M tve OMMî so w s i v upnd bandJlie Paunefmm t euel mm ut 11mal mol hodu iuBfiiyuasvtbLi aI 6,sillisM.existthncetM the-oeféous oit9»eu 1e im oasusmt l11aI vulie"le 0011. me <>wit sou~~~~~~~~j of"aenouIy uu ilm i m vl.b misy om e 0 giv Im ie = forva t mse tCiaa a pulrsu oms. Tassemeuthéen dosa mo gmn mli<hlbe puble vumb.Loz "4b vhio la m-. ailea mIt lur erUlia sme qamlo u tua lui mooecd lO nto uplythe oel Tho e M4Iio urai euy el 4r b o rd 861Wbln me ss l evi d"t r ea Botana d h u li o il à ai rIals, asIdl*0Bi br everal -en fThe hstberal a re ru vid tbo u eo Uknliy lU17 . Iaalr ores net te oece th 1brahea*m c e r eImalolyc i anga ibe p* rlle ai yvou **i av . olis.I lle ta thé trosM tt but~~~v nmhaatiu Ifé 85ele, rIOo* vasinol aqesin ftaelia soso m*uienutr. if "Y 414énlv, lob blu "Bscomd thee fopent 01 Mullo etr.ou vby bejuhouli umTàtsnimn os o 10m lo n l a'Tbunbros is isoà- d vu l3RWPIU 0 or Coli us. sm, mil io lvs Ils pubeili e vi (L EN LBKE .-Pfou mah g day1hlîe r aet matuo povor. B he ut I M Bt bai ab esllg bo t Ilro ita wbr gob faîier, udl a t h éïib tha rit f rimsomth s ot mP refet.ti tIa i UacnEESceIofthe» i iPlre u 5 »NAoud the vari'i ofc OU gave mbonsta e liefno. e h m or te il sadieseIbt Caafart bu of t il ith but Br" , si e à id rmi kitd aer e u. The i béoratletA»tr b o n c pait n mmd coli.-Ku 1775-obaCo r e- t I w ard Btk ogomthelely ei astin to th - ausr fU-000 h th questo, sud mul ee l frVom tho u Klum'"ém: t uim lefotf b ri. .g abl. m in i i «f0"tii P hé i u ot em asalust t o f taxetechIls t positipltcrm.Bathoer tha n fo u bstualeer udu gu M i 1mtobe h. bashe e o ben0adisluguh ed %11bre.M Btdeo i. BThe bau ehté Osea 0abnonNvBatNt. uhm v iii at te i. 1 Wqitu hen ve 1 emilrsLE-FI adm Montine B$90 " a he liubérp valss@no per.loya lt ma h tok al for i ru&om ait or e I lochb eloo ai lng ulalngpary lesanclaft Ib.dbd aoslî m d.t u1.1 1uta lem er gofrhr jml s ud 8*7I tcu ss oalmm e a b«unvae hso llh1 avm i nstrld.~ e durmy fO aa a . mTido usalen cf a dtheout hvnagocI a@y« tu" vforhU Indl liaiThe nmor t ssloplo, th@ faer alofla. o panso eoly.-I U rO und, Nov St a rocM.u imortv Canada sud 1li o ni SIio.mO .-IS 2. it position gat . . Bit7 té"fol Cabiiosfer blo&a v aad erfll huai. les delE.Blk bseoE. Il; cabanPdos Irbi h ie are th er.ho y u IbIt o ' e Demi Sl-I làoch t.ebotticm yari's a f o n l on g f e olàai lie ruyti, Ô i oe! toral dbu.Iaamj" and itoid meUofhearumes '0 naI e ora Cana " lan lu Omud ia n but sdtlnu I cfm le h uta rote Iid st d ofaI, ma Ieyd ay Th e opo r bOf aditinf al@ I ea &istiiBBBq toe ud atiehinOadaa nreu v us sp nd y. L o ei ie rPoundch,- e ase i ragaulIn a OItI 1ic ' £rmIng' Sothe Sme.*ol NadiocBam 2. a.- )0 tr u s v Canad a an t a auly a ------ sr fion@aiIv~ o ssai Y 10 dcl me ftonalear, uoopj»i o t4vone minbr la Tendora rdbs l Wou yen d tlIe hey au> Dow jqti e- oktw otnOf147 of no fuelic tulu a tqe rt flime. T ic sueYe csatdor al i ud t a"omie o m e " or nativcbrty ici ebrbasbont d lied h"e bpredB B ..i don o »Irmu iUO anvhabadjo afuai m la st&'?inda1 o aa m moruzisuW . i s églainS tlu éreltion hIo bi lal ur he eî S a ~m e lmre pilleS bie' . *IS 2 ue 149 or ie 0lImeof us ns 1 ae isu is b O i-are fIemrs .Cmiie5 amenaI 01 ' isereul b. bs ore messWe ht cieNhaa ulgbse es frma-i ug s od0,lc @TgagU eo b6 do r)Nbe Id l 8 2tlul uniW RKS id h v Oise e O ftlcbisysa M on isovéa"$ au, theibnaturel fhàoolont6,bila shotniH M B R ,,F iros e re ntmatIos fl, ge vulibuvae e-Al eonîb pl Pod ctasâ te (9ab .~ la rmpaiThZeflège M .MAam vol ,86 o M oit y for obt1 il nh o& b lia i: .. by nhVilai asf Oelai ho asilffai ammff ut. Psatbe topapu, ndli g«U OM w*m nabl m*ë SALT RHEUM SCROFUL.A. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACII DIZZINESS. DROPSiY RHEumATri sP. SKiN DisEaSES lzw I e PlTY - TheJeweler*. tiovmber lit, lui. City Hlarness Shop, Lindsay, novbumg gopuéao re E. lAME C>S.LBÎtetiý ami the good vilu.hi. budnuot BV ' i u m 9) eusto e r ad a» cm u yome viltabeu p«cagm ith dàà hI ma£ be- u- My Stock of Harness, Gollarm Whips. ý!runks snd Valises lu ~~ ~ JA E lanvi eeti a~' hao bnaipaehlv.Rm aecITLa aaEcll are DUR. ORW>êi. I 1OS A.ND SEWING MAÂCINES guaranteed superior to any others made in Canada, and unsur- passed by any made in America or no sale. W. W.LOGAN c J' !?IRE 8a LIFE INSURANCE9 Rieal Eate Auent, MONEY TO L.OAN At »Mul rt« et htuusi FIRE Âgrwcut aOf watertoyl, cilisen, Of Canada, ommercialunion, Of Engiax Qua, Of England, .Cit, Muttial, f Londo ACOIDIENT Olimen& d oCda LOAN Omo"PeWIii on i BrauMoid Boue ée-mmdn Or~BD8 ~gILaCbii~ ai liom «We ad I c Shc )ffice-First Door east of DaIy House, in Bryans & Co's Boot and oe Store. Change [1 of' Business, have recently purchased the Hardware Business of R. D. THEXTON at a rate on the dollar, and purpose to carry on a General Hi te aree No. 22 Kent St., one door Buat of the Benson Houise, 'viii be more in accordance with the progress of- the I 9th century tha bau hitherto been customary in tins hue of trade. I cordially invite everybody whether they are builders, carpenters, mechanics, farmera, lawyers, doctors or poundkeepers to cail and get quotations of my prices. TIS WEEK I am mtaking an extra push on SPORTING GOODS, aud arn prepared to give the. very closest quotations on Primera, and every other reqttisite neces- sary for Sportsmen. Sports, corne and neu me before you buy, and with your permissioLià 'will make apouir application that wiii remove tih. co:bweb (rom your optiics. J~ F LEmin Hmrdwan Merchant, No. 22 Kent street. L 2ec.&td,89L-179841T MELTON ovIiBOOATIIOS. TBOU8EBINGS lu Bluac d Fan.>' Stripes and Chu eiksho hoe hmsudv ollit eiders for simits. Overcoats and Pants, Les, CS QU31YGY I ÂO OEE WED.,ial fon Bul. i * 5, bo.g'TMaIa 8aPIRa ami v.bIv et, j u inapolnofe goaliel or P1t%0,Md e Inie yu m Mat" Bobet, Camvabs Bo oh, ehîue niai 64i, B lIOUMesW trprOI Çata ~~3g5~Whm puvehm 01u UT TUBE 0# (MABRE ]pou* "wmwnl MeWaubeTW ?BOPEE!I5 or " onc WyteM. 0. IL HOIrlum UsSIWLindhla E aity 'y I. n .mi~ b now 1 [ERY. ho 251h &coque npt and LSON. de ýndsay. 5Ay kbneyjp De tterni le pli! ,819,000 00 .879,Dm f n euh. *.10,10 mi Agent ma 1 1 r- th*Seoretofls,Pu rlfl.sthe SIBood enid remnoves *il lmn- puritîesfrom 62*Pimpi. to theworstcrofulOUS Sors.l ýi 1 1 c Yi JAMES LITTLEs Ïbe 3lictorix vatîma À PIRE & IJIFE Busm*esE:; li