Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Dec 1891, p. 6

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a* cgflbe 0" ho*.ver, dld otmohb, Udbu werS 40 frbE4fortmmUrug ound Ipu *ML. Tus, there holesw&t WbhW ~grin tumm Betch face, iwtth Ibe vwle 11arocmd 1%lm Mud Guston aul84 as1 " mv e ie e xà, lm dromod la negd broadalotiz, catng d"op . poislocks on the 1w.tly girls velkîAg jW -Uet o l hzzies, grWovisi lb. ameb ATkohi ehinSeu, *'prmqcn' alffl wit Ib*I gorv m a fluedes, 1k. bee daughteOo'Zica that valk vi' mlacil a jopa a&' tnklli' otummts." a "H9ow do ycu dot" nid Vandeloap leoueb- iug th broadcloth shoulder; apon w"leMcK- 46,r Save usil, ho ejaculate,,grilny, "lit'i yon French body. An' hoo's w! ys, lad diel Eh, but ye're brawly dressed, myYOI»Ul ail," w ithadsapprovlug look; "Il= hopl' they u= r paid for." 660f course they ame," roplied Vandeoup. ' gayiy "do you thlnk I stls themi"f dwelt by the aide ' mony watersau' Actac' ished. If ye kon th SoreepturO, y MIl s h Glod helpe those wha help thmev 9 "6Tht moana you do ail th endgAva Ged the credit.", retorted nt vltli a webr; 'I 1mev aIlabout Ibak." "&Ah, ve'll gang tao the plc Tophet vhe. u y. de," n sid Mr. MoIlatl, who Ubwd tbis 3r41ark wth horrçt;, ,aun'l nobe M 1 ready vi' your tonue there, rmPin lu', but y. aren nl apéerin aboot MistrMs Vil- Uer'"a "-Why, la ah. lu towull Sd vudeloup, jj uagerly- c "ÂAy, sud SellnY vi ber," aswuMed G Axchs, foudllflg bis frill. "Sbe' Verra h ricb noo, as ye've nue 4001 hoard. Ây, e ay," ho vwent on, 'labels gotten a brsv hom j doon at St.. Kilda, and oh.'. ging t ont up ,s, lTlag, ye ken. 5blta1d me," piurod Mfr. MeIntOSh, sourly, Ioohlng at Vandeloqhp "Is1 aw ) eI voas o srs108 y t cffne an' ueo her." 6"pI.sbt my complimente 10 ame," nild VmudelOuP, quiCklY, "and I vill vait cou ber as seau apossible." "6LabS)save us, laddl," nId Molntos)', jr- rltablys &"you're aatu' o' line vords u a play actor. Have ye socnythlng doon lu Ibis plI o'l Tophet o' th. bairu that rnu avayn ()h, Miss Mai'churYtl" nid Vaudeloup, anoothly, ready wth a lie aI once. "«No, l'm aorry to aay Irve never set eyea on ber." "4The mimtrero la joot dts.bot ber," Obarved MeIutoob, queruloualy, "and eo.as' gangng tas lock ail Ibro' th loua te.*fSud tho pDufr weo thing." f1 hope ahe vili," nsid M. Vandoloup, who devoutly boped ahe wouldn't. "Win y.l nomne and have a glass cf vine, Mfr. lLcIu- "ýllbasn a wee drappy c' whushy, if ye've 1 got it gudte,' 'ald McIntosh, cautloualy, "but1 1 dinua cure for they vines that scur ou a body's >to 1 m4e jtl,îti v':lg thus graclously assentse 1 ,V aildult>ip icL khuin Up ta the club, and in- troduced hlm ail round as th( manager cf the f aious Pactolus. Ail lbe young mon voere wunderfully taken ur vit)' Archioesnd bis plain apeaking, sud b.d Mr. Mclntosh desùred heo uld have drunh oceans cf bis favorite beverage. However, being a Scotch- man, and cautions, ho loch very l111e, and loft Vandeloup, to go down te Mme. Midas at St. Kilda. and bearlng a message from th. Fronchman that ho would cal there the next day. Arche bavlng departed, Vandeloup gel through the rest of the day as ho beat couid. Ho met Mr. Wopplea in the street,, wbo told hlm how ho bad round Kltty, qulte unavare that the young inan before him vas thie vil- lain whc had betrayed the girl. Vaudoloup was delighted te lhink that Ktty b.d nt mentloned hi@a naine, and quite approved cf Mr. Wopplea'a Intention to take the girl on a tour. Havlng Ibm. arrngod for KItle' future, Gaston vent alcng te his broher, and found that the este Poglaze hsd go bim biesaaes. 1 "Going up," nsid Polgiaze, es ho banded .the scrip le Vandeloup, and got a check in exchange. "~Oh, lndeed 1"1 nid Vandeloup, wlth a smile. " 'I suppose my twc friends have be- gun their 1111e game already,"1 ho thoughî, a he slipped the acrip mbt bis breast-pocet Information f" osked Polglazo, as Vando- loup was golng. "O0h! you'd like 10 hnov where I got it," nid M. Vandeloup, amliably. "lVery sorny I caut tel you; but, you ai", my dma air, 1 amn not a womaLi, and can keep a esert." *Vaxîdelcup walked out, and Poiglazo look- -1 iaftor hm with a puzzled look; thon aum- - n0te1. Si loch bis luW' -M in 'b od4WUAOftd v"y, but rhdl raupd est». >4d4 Md- W"m~ r houo reBy, vo»d- fon ber fipa se *people rollsddown beShr. ayn "a -~ ~~Xo lb ulfflMsurt4; sud Ibon butw llb iobd-atdrsadfol VgUisIW-t ObPM WU WU s4od--aqualOrn8 er fortemne ho liIo wn dc.e-tbOY b.d alwaya been MI, fm hMe oo, A"Dnow ohé vas nich-tbSclolvély go *i Z;tohiO-indI5d, oh. déoervod .1at l-eh. cf91 would marry, cf oourso-Ob, but ladeed, s*e dort eut.62 And se lb. oomedyvont -on, sud aSU h.* " itra flirted, ml o(1d, &ad ncdded, sud per, »lm&d tili Mine. deaWvasqulto"iok f ta W b. falseneSa md frlv . iet fthie wvhca b ilng. ffle noe theso peOPIe, wttb the&n ci tl muper n< d smilfl, would 'tisil ber Il Md st ber dinners end drink ber wimiS ousto Md tben 90 &s.Y and abuas er«tbonctagblY. Mc But thon Mmel. Kidu esnve rfoped auy- Ni "ig u010, se the neeevmed lem itb Maules ii ivw throuh ail their itIle vmys, sid vhen due à* baiinuod heruelf suffilutIY wth li tair antica, oh. Wb tbom go. Wei Vandoloup caf.4 on Mine. NU«daotAe day Ia ftor ah arnvo4d m .Villiers vUe do- tii. <bledteoobILIn.HSeving au oblu v.v, . ft ourse G«uei mènide bicîlmsolCas oamin <9M m possble, sud assite4 Madame 10 arange ht bo.s, tlid ber about tAie peoeilwvO 44 siled ou bon, mnd made cynlal oOnakl ye âbout thnID, a11 Of vhlah amusod Mme-. -1 3ldas. migt4llY. h. <ov e an«y or tii. em usue gabblo and narrer' understmidli(gS Of ab peple,mdit wsquite a relief for ber 10to th turu to Vandelcilp, vil)'bis heeu tmgutt VU and clover brainsa Ostln vas net a charl- table taihefv eally doene talkm rie- y.i but h. sav îbrough evorY eue vltb 1h. utten- the net eua, and suxnined Ihem Pin ua sharp, k inciveway vhlch, had et leastth. enrt Of being doene. Mme. Nids. llked t e Mhae 1dm, talk, aud soelng what bumlbuga th. «P«o-lia, pie wbc aurrounded ber vero, and boy veli at aime hnev thoir motives lu courtini ber for4 ber veaiti lanot 10h. woadered e aI 1h51 abeshaould have been umused e aIbvlug &R U their littlevweklOu laid banrandebuMedl. the by snob' a master cf satire as Vmndelollp. BO they ast and wmtched the. comedy&ad t s dr =unonsius acters playlug their pý%m feit tlta.t. the air vas 1311.4 vit)' heaN7, ~9w noua ptrf utrA, arà i l. lights we ',~ly. sud that tbere mas vsutlflg .utlrelY 'Ibal Mt keenoawl*mospheVo vhlcb Mallock culls W "1h.e ormeo f reipectability." do Vandflaup b.d prospored lu be is 111e yen- m' lure lu the mlnlng market; for, bru. la tbe prediction cf 1fr. BýLrraelougi-%WhO, by tAie a! vay, vas very niuch uatouished at the sudden bn demmnd for ahares l'y Poîglaze, and valnY cf pumped that reticent idividuai to find out a, whgtt ho was up to-the Ma.-pie Ree! ahanes 1dc rau up rapidly. A, telegrarnvas publlshod 1 from the manager gtatlng a rie)' reof had been alruch. Eipecixnons o! Ibe very riceiet hind ve sdlspiayed t luourne, and the iy conllding public suddenly voko la the Lact ai Ihat a golden tido was flcvlng pas1 thoir lx doora. They ruuhed the aliare marhet, 1h and in tva veeka the Magpio Reof sbires rau frein four shillings 1<> as many pnds. b Vandeloup Intonded to, sal aI one pound, but ai vben ho saw the rapid rise and hourd everY a mue taflng about Ibis reef, 'whiCb vas la h bo a second Long Tunnel, ho held bis b sbires t111 they touchod four peunda thon, ' quite -aatisfied vilh bis profil, ho aold cut at f once and pocheled nearly tan thoumaid 1 pouuda, so that ho vas prevlded for the rOsI 1 of hie lit. T)'. sbires rau up sOUf high.r, la teur a punds tmn shilling, thon dropped te 1hr50, 1 lconsequence cf certain ruinera that 1h. pochet cf <aid va% werhld Out. ThOn ui- other nie)' lead, vah struch, amd Ibey ra uUp &gain la five Ipoundi,,and atorvard sunh le tye pounda, vhkt gradually becaffloeir reguiar price ilie market, That Banrao- lough and bis friend dld Weil vas aufficlont- ly proved by the. former tshlng a trip la Europe, vblle bis frlond bought a station and @et Up as a squatter. 1%oy, bovwever, nover huew bey cleverlY M. VD.ndeletiP b.d turnod their convoi sation la bis advautaget and that ynuug gentleman, now Ibuht h. b.d nmade a decent sera, delerndned le laucb gold mîuing ne more,,and, unlike ma>' Peo- pi., ho kept bis word. Nov blinI ho vas a maniof meunsVaude l= p h ifdecided la go la A m enas, as a lagr d31 for a gentloman ocf bis brillanut qualitlea, but tAie arrivai af Mme. Midas lu 'Melbourne made hlm sitar bis mkd.Ber bumbaud vue ne doubt dead, seBo o" thougbî Ibat as w sea a h. bai Stlhid dovi h. vauld begia la psy bisc ourt 10 ber, Md without doubt vould be aueeptd, for Ibi oueut youginmu nverfor a Moment ýàMý,-h oeas- Ibo CoMm 7e7 MUMYS&et XT kIbt4T tô4su 4Wqako camboal tbh o a bon ,ut, ? IL' l rdod p~Ws *br grt , SOew,4I trseJus bds Namnu.," md It>'aung tAi *ewi on, a à 1h. local cet e o w gO b ~i n(No id ilseoalfr thie net daY., t eAit.b Mr, Kitty tfZy ripouithtom es"ctomosiça g. W opple b>' Makiii "bis o e a ycmnu ai ~ooesmdtAie famulY'rtudl [burus lu blgh gl0. vit)' tul ooe SexI year, m nid Mr. WoPioi*, et a op-"qw a ,b 1hie ' bbd 10 clbrAta 114 00sIncaelsob àkeïr leur , "4.'iî ha" a thoatre l Mol-ola)Rl- b Ue, and 1,1 moa eit thb f tteb oueo» $*my l aie Cty,50me1 do't bd sssaod ~0tfo5,5thab Kl>'bai ~~~~m ber voctinmM ood]bi teralsta, but fate It = 5 UVtbW M i obi eut ithMr.j~ i M ar cie)' nr rM * a a4 issb ela b ,o le bliedadorned sg o b. CL Thm wu PW, e - etou bsbo u ug dU la tM me idas, vbo dri do irs o l- < -u> g Sreet une day, sor I4t l b omr hi e e*g v ,It »,dd oIyo be . 0 aing vit)' Faun> Woppies. 8h. image- MOPA1 iWViSibu El>' sep4bncarru4ad au lghig Vk1iep wt?5 refroI14w ft stragbî up 10lb gilwbe abdoU S t= *ié 0lu=l ,Mig M d sMing ber for tb l& M e, shu *tbo al a M a bis a ig fa go w deadly Pale,. V.=~ KbIIIy, my <Ion,".sa i diem, gzvy, iwW » hlM, MÉ.Wa neruma le vb.l baebmleahing for y0u vainly for a rop ie it.Pd»s t r- bu t I ave f Ouud YOu 8 aorI : o t o.last" XM il rittym brumaI vas ful tOf cMm0elAugm"I riions; abo tbougbb that madame kba. hm, butmet hlm oh. 7 out ber lntimSC>' wltb Vaud eta Md voeu k ov e ce 801orb.ho Wt Soe rd ber S I t ab e w o u ld sp o k so v e re l> ' 10 b e r. Nb i e d mes . b n , " q a t iera's nezI oeda, bavavr, russou er, V n é baudn t qulto 'ýyen left Bairot 10 go cm th e stage, d W»un w mntc *, M p WifuwI* soren forbhlmOsu C notl" abs usid, hindI>, bobin et ai b. vas 10wu girl - "vlmy 414 yau net Cem Io-You iuh1 htg Lr' I w aslvay e yeun frind.",0 0-" '&b.moas l a e luta eo 0 'VOes, madame,- sa<id, 114>" POut ut mi big su el Md M ,- l bsvii. bad udavrting bbebad, "I venldu t i gu tcf tmimcyh. er -tougbî à we gond la you, but I thoughl you 1VOUM i l @ fW b.MKtloeoh. eauooluoacbetsfle p m e. fram <ding." tvou gbt 1 f er o h ave hm u o tea e 4,My d emr cb wl," replled m dam e, "i ibo g u e he IvoMvrne f. s u Onosted uglit. 'ou )'RQw rme butter l'Ouit t ci t tà 5 whore ignoroco is blik-W OUi, Mo sieur aIre ara you aty' Vaadoioup, aLler dreo.lmg bÏMSNue SetqUfY 6she"' wth u," sad MW sFanuy, '% b lu evinl«nng-dreÈâ,put cn bis bat Md M@a4 ,"ü stanlus at Ibis grave, haud.l-On*' sad, the evnng bolug a pi.a.mt 0ou, mocd lady wlie bd allghted frein ith IL thought be vcud ufrail tbnaugh 1he PlIure> rol crrage; I"we are the. WOPPlea FMI'Ganrions dova 101h. station ,.?ýIl wau pluasaut lunltie gardons under the 'Ah!" mid Mm. Villies, lhinkng, "I e- golden llght ef tb. manset, anmd the gnom ember, you eo up at Balsiat hast YëRr- areads cf tres lood dligbtfuillyceai oUl, lCltty, ll you anmd your fiend drive aLlen tAie <Iar. cf lb. dulytreeta. Ved- 'iita St. Kilda mvth lme, nd VU lshow >'on loup, stroling elong ldly, LeI aa toucbon bis ly new bouser," ahoxlder aud vbeeled round sddoulY, Lor Kilt>' would have nef ued, fr she wu vtibis pas lite befone hlm ho alvsys lied a frid Mie. Mdas would porbaps moud beir bunting dread et bolug recapture&i Lck la ber father, but the appcallng bois Mmlaiemn, beveven, wv iedath$ug drave fFanny Wapples, wbc bail nover nidden inlu itsattention v"anoue ethr. hobm ee , c rrige tbe lie..ad w as yD g to do 00, Lem ir, vbo aiood lu te centre cf the ,cided ber tu acepl.go e .st ePPO in0a- fbrosasphait path, dlrty, ransil. n e ii- ecarrlage, and lira Vilhiert lid to oach- - pi3n4ni< ie bit ne altored mue)' -- we ýyohome. 1sudce h. lefI tBailarato.ave ,tbh o b lue4 A they ii WH'wM.l.NlllBadelleste- mor no llplated lob .gbut atoad Ibore lu y rfrmlned frein ashlng Kity questions bis ugm ualsiien mnuer, itth bis bat drava Lbeut hier fight, seeing limat a trnger wNuSdoiva ever ide eyoa. Some sray wblape cf rosent, but determine oti l tiiut allabou ut let ht oi bcucamping cnt twhn she got ler salne devu at St. KlIIM. ail*1h.,bot day o the gren, burf under h. Kitty, on'lier part, vas thinldng boy 10 ubadoraofbtesand il ve asy 10 eo a mffe madames Inqulniea. F8h.0huer' frein bis apperance wbat a vegraut b.ovas. îe vould bo que.itind closelir by ber, Vandoloup wa. annayed etat1h. meeting md Lnd eslyed not ttellm re dm he could cast arapil oo aa und teeMeifbvl wuO - hlp, as ah., curouly enough-colulderiig served. The Loy pople paslng, hovoven, or' h.e bail treateti ber-visbod la shielti vuretoc intent on teir avu business 10 (Ave Vandoup. But alie stili clicrishoti a tender mestisa a paalng glane at h. dusy feing fer thean he loved, and bad trmpma" the youmig man iaevening-dnea Vaudlaup ashot ber la go baek ad liveIt tA i tiing t0 bina, se Vaudeoup vas reesun&d dm, voulti, ne doubt, havo conented& The "We% my rnfieuti," b. nId, sarp>', 10 lb. fact vas, 1h. glrl'a nature ws becomDin<dumb mins wbet doyon vaut?" aghAy demanalied, sd lbheKlt>' vhe s51 Plu"reput bis baud lu bi peoke ohing aI Mme Mitas new--tlieugh le face "o%4 Of cours,"r eplie NILV&madli wau au prelt>' andiber oye. as pue as ever- zochig>', "Moey, ina.>, aiways moue>; wu mi el aine Innocent KitI>' that blieddo ySn lbing I'u a bak, elvsys tlb. dravua rlst the .Pactl u , for a .di b i en f lb. cmn e h.th is V, Ire. af Enmivedg, saddvas alrosd>' cult- 'ra.dub - m mande no olgM that b. bai d lu vorldly vinue0i.Maae, cf course, "~i u tv afel'rodg bimuseif 1 believet Ial 1Kili% bd goe frein Ballarat ad fro amd dîavlng a visp cf h. VUS lh. struigbt on la the stage, andi n ver lheught b"pce f d ot,; for a moment that for a whole yer ah. bd nd lb. yonng ma, aklug ont a bm Vanduloup'o mlstre q uwc it' svrlamliglt ire A. Ibétis fouud Ibis out-ea aba 'tory seou dd--4h. just nov m oubotber megonupoan My lac& tbeou at one, mandsserted poaltively wv.d," vith,#sdsaMfui oek,*&Ihl obol- te madale Ibat*abeb ea u o'on th. stage tivdybarl* obaud y=nover 1 0 1.". foan elgheemi month. Pierre gb.mei.l Isl* l ad Veude-. "Butboy lait," ashetimadame, vhe o »u. paget thée <bain qf bis ea union b. lieYMtiber Lu»>', "1h51 I oôuld ne fld odof lii. bat B ooueo I wu ~up h e o untry au' t h o ul116 a a y tSwe ', uol ai ail tiue"repled Kilt>', quil>', "&d et a .~ ~na gd<wN 4 m, e course did net sot undon in>'ruai name." .yS mae à paupar, si iurapwbw "T11on W v ouln e t o 10 go bck te your W w illbolie r w o d1'. a m i " u 1 talAi, 1aupposel" soggostWadâ~dme. Ny t*t irow ar uto lquli* qulbine # W M Oad a ge m ut .<I4# K , <Ô av0 ' &, a nid doaI trouble m e M a , d u4- * 9 a ee a u v o W d* w m gI v aslw u o r " w w u a «m , k e m ghu s la n o t, "I W * d *4e4-cf9nMy'fatier M ml4 ; PIXnS ou »Y" tbe Mtage, ur, ad I un ootlekltu" W'àdleMàa pa1> md "Ki*etyl zisetnim omd i>'U, "ye)"n e 4M O k! % I r i I m m patientA>; "IPve b.Oh tr .o àua, a1, l WAng "lpovm À Id anovelist' bhah bina besteci Im»0" 'iswt t)» unis nm iatnecrastion-et, G à .el*llaêelibav"Tou bave CWI à bau ne,' eploi tty, cliniug 1 d bauds. "To noraftd viMtbecame nf mam wai tM n. Woppl u*me fa -_ ho tmmeutSl ia ftwrw ai n d Giknov rbers1 Wcui&isvebom nov." s e r Walb ameTOn voeu ibave ou * e tIn i 1.povuty or tho strulu oi -m bok lte yourcag." "NXy «Ses, bInd»ooi ae ohS& bitieri>', âIpgr m itibo foot"Tes, a 'Hv *blc ye n re otung," ssiithe oungM2 ins, lrUlcy i -butidndI>' SllP aangla payabiesamd ii e R'ba POol- Mmn we Uant 10 c o 0ege)'o&iierAs mrî«yr 6&Iy Gai, u s"ah. guhed eut uddenly. "Seoma rnue b b oIe" ho anavereti, boy- ga& "&W. iii b)ItusalotAie ladt yen free O m rnsiien, emd 1 vi» mt yeu to-nlght f« du i. frtlim Mmceyou boft Baller" Of meunso," h. ent on, ratbon ailual>', "yen bave told madam»e oilngt' "tOuI>' vat srtd M», llrepli e iegirl, ,oldy, stung by tAie celdnew e dulter boant- ima5S of Ibisman. "tOh!" viu#,smole. '"Dm4 lb lucludo my "NO," enrty. -Ah!" llwth a long tirsynbreatb. "yeu are mor saisble tban I gave YOU endifl lr." K ilt>' rose la ber foot and creaaed rapldlY ove' te wbore e nIcalmau d smllmug. "tGastaMiV&ndejoup!" sbe husd, lu bis est vblle ber Lace va quite dLstorted b>' the violence of berpassin, -"when 1 mol yen I vls au Innocentgirl-yen ruinedme, smd Iba maot me Çff as sem as yeu groreaier>' et yur ly.1 thaught y ou loem me, ântie = I tfleti Ob, d"God belp me, I love YOU "teys, iny>'Bobe," ho sai, ln a casei'in lon, toklngbor banda. "No, miel" aheemio, wrmobing tissu ray, ville-en&aMg$potuel et odeglowed ça bot ebesi, --I lovd Yen u myen vere-net as yn are nov-v.e Mdoeie itA sentimt, Mon- sieu Vand.lup," a&e "id seerng, "anmd nov Ounreldation te eue ather viii h punel>' buaiee ames." H. bovud amd mle&d "Se <lad youun4orstaud the position," h. nid, blautil>; &"I se b. ug6Ocf miracles 'a nM et 1paewS av wo vman eau talk smee." .4Yau vont dlsturb me vit)' yeur aneora," retoted tie girl, glarng fiercl>'aI hlm ont ci thie gatbSeing gloom lu th. reen; "I aSm not 1h.le Îoonlgirl I once vas." "4Ibis ne«eto bteli me timat" h.sali 8hzw. ier bnulfup aI lb.exuremnu mit ~v.a aneGautonI" ah. muteti, hur- Ib m n blnh."1 H. rm ofreidbs sat anti approaheti, hie faci, nov vhltoasberon, o uhers "tWbat do you knovl" ho ashedinlu 1e, pssdeuato voles &4uEa ougb uho iagmom ousleye" ahe r.- lotoceî, defaenbi>. 'Th.y bo* îcked ti atmue other alpaIl>', but Ibe vimite Laceo et . omau didtie ble'be ote 1h*0clitstU> as Of bisoyus. .ÇWvlm yOUou evI den't knov," bho sai, Mhodul>'; "but viatever il l1, hoep lb l yoummle «o-" calching boe rlst.L -orvr eh. n&qoti, beldly. SNtbmv ber saa>ÛMfein bin vilahuq)' mad lwwsmbon findietiouColbseyes., "E 1 b mAti, gsyly, tSr oot> tûrnigmos atàagod>'; I arnm ouoh)'m yen. *Ibk," iuamt>,'twoveundmr stand eo» uethe." 1T% Ink vs do," daae twuet, 0a"a Slc o emg back 10 ber ebeel %= of us 10 oter t t b. pat, a&W ve bo* Mr ou r SrS& rad ublndeod b. aidai , ic>, as mnii,"a asisrile bialio, ~ om *70 9«AU n te vmat ~I~T3B ILLUIBB, DESS AN~D MÂ~RT~~ ]KING. rfU.t bargainh given in a,.IVdepartmeIts, espec Dil BN NETSrin mry. i 7Shlauo prepered. to' make HATS ANDBNESi the latost fasiofls having secufed a first-class Trimmer. [ew Cutting $ystet. Special attention given to Evening, Wedding, Lnd Street costumnes, and made in the latest styles. Ail customers roo a distanc waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders promptly attended to. iLOOX-Ovoe Waru k Col@ Dry gomba tee, DohMu Block, next dom tb à. glW*botha'5DruSo. FARMERKSs ATTENTION. gaein WOW4 &* Ag V1m R" fS> Ibe11AM8EY and HAERIS CoMpmnis, 1 mn pneq e s151?lnrak twlth the boit Fa.imnIemiit8 a i ricesandi Terns whliiiCans be Beaten à. tan gIo*ok.Beumi VM ~ M baud.v1i MeSkeSp on baud Organe, Sewlng Machin., ,Wasg MahIao w te »Ào summe bde epunhcbaln«uwher. jet& V. STAPILES, Victoria ,Road. VIct" I Ld, Ir«. 4th, 1891. -7-U6 CHANGE 0F BUSINESS. i take, the liberty of mdviing you that, 1 have purchm. sed the general Store business hveto oaorried on by Staples, Anderson & CJo. Being a patuer in the mid flrm I would say to my patrons of the past, I feel grutefal for the hemlthv support,,with which yeu have favored us with in the pust four yeàrs. Oar number of eQutomers hav, incre-afed evory year ince our organizatiofi. To whom it may coneern in future 1 pur- pose studyiag my customer's beat interesta by keeping the be,~t goods and having my stock weli sortedi Boots and Shoes a slpecialty. Call aud examine stock and get prices. I wouid suggest my terms are a. Ail kinds of farm prod'ice taken in exchange for goods or catih to suit Fire Insurmee effected in bust, Enîrish Companiei. À caii Eolicited. B. A. ANDERSON. Victria EBoa& NoeMbit 2ud, 189 1 -4. Or gans Repaired and Tu-nel1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.' 1~ EL IR.ASSBISONTLINbUl Winter la ser st- hand, sud ve have »ade preparations for it, and ,would ask you to se our stock of BOOTS ÂiWD SIIOES, which you will find fally assorted sudgoxid vaiue., W. have &Ws a fine range of DRB8S AND MANTLE GOODS, an'] as crope vere extra good t>.us year, we would suggest that yon give y<iur wives a bhare in them bw purehasing a new Dress or Mantie. Ouar Millinery Stock, thoagh w. have had a large trac e in it, iï kept 'el amrtd Don't fail to caIlisnd see what we have. UIO rftbtu, OULU 18IOL-18064 THE MANUFACTURBERS) LIFE & AOGWENT ImUtRANCIE OOMFANIES. Gombined Âuthorized capital 00 Àf-% - anau other assets .......... 3o Agent, Lindsay. W. A. HRIS Distric Maager, Pstroron W "FURNITURE9 NIJGENT,&Go IS'uUNDSAYO ,rbIne to show. =ue O ENT Ow; à. uoN hy mma promptiv attended to. 1 1 1 bà*'dw emvm%ýl - ASSORTEUB WELL

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