Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Dec 1891, p. 4

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of-i yu m-v e à W.OCmkcmoli aur - rinMdmmg bue ii.m SOT laour Urnes B oTsie sho yuroA ddg.O s cailutandte iude a clos. polos Ou, vurdln u4" d AT THIS 8Â8 buulsuhave moi»Wstiland tsh-a&s' ans ck f a n i.v d ae iismai aticeip a the vnt of ii yblIe Thedsad sloas. salsbu br vibve tic navout sud s. ée thn sopetlà* i. sud <etiunsu For ties vho <smttic cix- somthing juai m riable sm a timi- meeé'lt u as iade Msud WaWt. Ifatry but 01 lim inWkl*lovlus, tic 0Usld Mdi sorhuntlng ouAM vach. i tieAI Thon ous. v variant for tvînty peau. Tioe sane many portons to viom the timc.beeping qualiis of thil vatchîs ars of thé higiesti mpoit- mscs ile tic style, ltinais velue of the coses. arc only cf a secondar Interut so long ai tic latter aford perfecot protection to tic vorba. For t hos. tié oli cliver or nickel coued gooda ln mury dihisut styles bath ompcn d bunting combine tic mnent ,0fextnime aoouracy vîti loy cou. This makea a rangs vide enough to suit a&U pookets sud pIlsas aIl testes. You micht hut the oty oiver vithout finding anytblug mois adept. ed to your vants tien you 0con oui stock and oui prioua.m rerom 0 to 20 par cent lover for tihecame gooda. Nearly oery veek vo ais shova watoho. bougtithe tic tyvioc. ownere blieve they have oursi botter bargains thon can b. ha inl their own te en; and lu nearly every caue the price. paid are bigher tia our priese foi the same goods or goodu of similar yalue. Britton - Bros. Foot of Kn Street. Lindsay, Nov, 26ti. 1891 Sb# wl "ttItaIa<7gg à union cf beantcsuMd as mica etofba A union noeioaauvsi; A union of home od uni aeof Loads And tihefLW, BurnuuUnm or««oi." 1,701 E P7OTOP.d BIOTION F10- Ths triai cf thitime.teck place yestsr- dey, Thuraiay, biera Justiou Faim.n bridgc sud Street, reaulting lu tii an- esting cf Mr. Baron, ths elsot ibcng delarei voci on the firei charge tnle, the papment etf ive dollars by Dr. Wilson cf Fincen Falle, te s voter. Tic trial ouly Iatid ive heurs sud saiMU. Mr. Bairon te psy ocis. E. B. Oier, Q.C., for tic petitionor; 8. H. Blake,QC. fer the icapondat. KOB. . à. 0B4fl&<US Ar PBOP7 Hon. J" A. Chapissu ddlvred& mmg- nitfitspcsoion th oan e" " Itvien Canada, 'Great Bittansd the Unied Biaiésa. hivastunle hopc toirCsuada, sud prostate sa atilklng ocatut te Mr. Lésurir's pelmlcm. a Tice psesc I vii ppmarlu fuo u nTua Woeaa, cenofurtir comumnt nov l needles.. Kdly suai tie »moIi, ToWs oditiglfulmgl.u Tiihe *lga tN. 1h. PoSt Offie. ikers Plannel. euOomIa* edembom 6huA. Or visse WMM go bauoot In 5 0" yvin ou qnao e*s" l m ibe Br lii~ý,11 a1*goesiei1jvss '~la b vbIebkorvi ',ho Pe,» >"woeboob. ce mi d e*0lover tkmmist f uuaniiy «eneRU&UP d*aotaiont la not suereL If ou inId4m rriMods sooU lbut visit tii publie eclisocf Canaa visse rdiu- 07y teahie'ctif« " oatd <lte a $.gréé fram a Taukes ludion uiiwnVecI, sund ses tic cbol chiMe.tey vould change ibeir opinions rpiy *Tie United Biais. moy veRbe proud of iheir advanooeetl buit *V mMt Ms membe tisse are satev ouatriasoide tisuse.Tl of additions of terilioY sncb as Canda sud piopliecuàise Cana- dimna. Exoeiptlng lu the botter parte cf Nev York sud comeNewIv Engls tatu. sa ud par i tetisra lu nepari or tii vhole vomi eriloiy m hoe tii "diPar- Smli te tic candPleins orPopoO&osipt$P or omtiheluio aitBau Franocco t tie ro@kb@uud coulaet lus to compare viii Canada, wvile in tie matier ef gev- irum e ibavi a quism tia inlaeound te noue. Ws havie a s. tof ducailion thiat viame pioud of, tie tyisuuy of mob raIs la unkuovu itisoad& cf ours, tie goerument muai havi tic support of a majorlty et tii reprecststiys. cf tic people or reelgu te tiece tiat havi. Lt but net liet, vie a apartsud parcel et tiat empise on vii thé sun noer cots, vicsesflag la tii Union Jack, viti vilci ve aie proud sud happy te enivine tic Maplé eus. To tioee vietier on tic otheradieofthtiilino or tic fou tnus sideih vie inisannezation vievi, vi vouli say tiat Canada unlike Barkla, "In net villlng." Tm viather bas béen very vintry tic paut veek. Ta tanirais bacy dravlug out thil grain la tua part. Thi mrbet bois@vas very liv.ly tic put tvo veeka. Ma. Joceph Hadin bac put up a large veradahinlafront of his ctore sud ivell. lau vici aida grcstly tesp puresin.. M&. Frank Olarb oh MWlbrook,.bougth a car-bcsd ef potaio. tric. Mr. Hadden lut vsek sud shippoc thomouet. Mi. Wdllam Jouebas his boues about oompeed sud viiisiortly mcvei lto It. oe p l, B rit n h bi 1a d a late vay et 0uingsdptaqu adition te ahi tal e u .50W Wias* Vie*, MEETING o0 PiTRiçoN. - Tiheannual meeting et tic patrons cf tic Lorueville oCh soiory vas ild at Roid'a hell ou Baturday., AU seimcd hghly ctiiei viti tic seacon's reeultc. hlt iêrsci tiat tie mois remoespatrons vill b. crovded eut. by tic large ummsi lu tic immsdlisevioinli1. vbo purpos. bscoming Patrons. Probébly a tuiler report of tii annuel meeting viii appëi la nex isseue. Foooe Bàua.-On Tisukuglvlng a triend- Lms"tofettot.bail vasplayed beiveen the Wodvi sciwcel club sud tici of Lorueville, resultinq ila scoorsetf2 te ail la haver of Lerueville ..On Baturday luti tic return match vwu puy" i t WM .d vle vicu LÂornivlli aain von viti a sc ofe 7 te 1. Tic aimout harmouy previlfld ibrouebout loti matois.. WI»MxehU.- Tii remence cr Mr A. Grant vwuon the SSii Nov., tii ecenieof a ver hapçozevet,It blng tie cuim f îledautbter, Limiete Mr. John Ilieod ofMalpom ai. .m.- Manun ied ithe nuptial not viry sai.- ly. Tic bride vas supporsi bv Mies Ji. DuniaiaityoomY!M R pari of hetisprovanme lang over, tis Wpart uiova teaà u itm . A S pueOntL-Ni. fdkwm&:nTb PMWJ3.Nr.stdMODof tTo- ronto, vitos tri"bue lut ves..... gr. uwVbb wu* o tp Io No PMUm* bos forGeorge. 6gm wwo pulloloth pan1ts. OIS --0u proicnt oncusdlt.bu bougMittpien si iiprvot tic dm »ny bng cleos 0db n dv ?ceticpNoet$upnoh to. ey u. Routous o1 phmcelSb oa& hat, Ti cearaibé is ay.Ni. oue. ton u dvortefilarferrd 0e4a6ti pu4w as s ms ber tu tiis e pzsrda Th lotsvadettc r. outon. v aruticelueth@ prsnt aisem levpsu fo lva hall bilc st m a t eri mroà Iwom speab t avleg cfimd tacm mson havlng acesnd aooniu i one leu psuo NMr Eui Mr.ev, tNi.Bea » vii ttomb u for Mduic veel tt M m* that àB. _HOC&o NpueS e. AVai. Cm oii FATOIT ek Kr.-Â m9eet- i»ng et tc pt ou f tisOallsy dis* ua"in qut Do" si2.p...b " o tuf,* fideToZi of h*D. w u a, Fm, Fmivas-e emgin teio al.rc etîtvilaeon lotc mh@, by M. eBotMba m vatic voic. iciof tselre n truofteve emak ce tis build In oPoatz, wu ite m vn. thenlee bie this a tevminte Morna Te luieuppa e r vas tidoo t unicMm SytoutMrl vic w»sere. i W.m J.th &mepavs. M.oteloyVin lthet ot 4t esrtebilaing aduairv ei, Mn.u aOtirevls temet agohe tbuilding, vilrtale, tie0murusi ijl. oncly. enTic ba okmietehi. honuhfo biage i pa rt. a Thde slieugvi tiundin tc tiatmelwhnte . Bir., W. J.ll ioon bi btetk onl igaotive part lu ftis ilaga vr nro .S MCiwa. evfl, tinths&fie.hWovll basr moeve e oui lsd la nov ce- cmpyinhe hu tti octvam niuiocesoW tre bumiln s teinesbusiess l tic c nov Thestrckoibuy n foiW tflabter e rotiiepnt Mrfjo N heoriet as en e ate ti e BasTe- ILe, mlgh eiriot fro baic hm odtis blasgo nd jclu bmlail trai. WsOf hevuab tii.suco w s4me chitme ago iavlng buse i e etay dovnigtroebas yx amierab retuam bee oain.lng . eD . usuel. Béc t slls ctee agoIis vit in MIs rmu Mas. Cvrlphbvie . n l Mger ici not afang u pai Ta eitorAorVm w ioro vul &shrttbm 90al» .bumetu saMaWBuefSd ", Wià T 4imt Wà raeumd ait iii isrkb oitaba »MI sh«, .a - u sie - o ygood Treed or Serge suit. CASH cd pair a&U wool White Blankets. 11ud gIbeu.Jsg [t maku dut peu suu 11k. f» magf,.mdoule& vuc 1t. YoucI inareml1% Mal4 0tri a Iiil ama ths isvifp GIue M89, bw hbvm ie sa à bsUuuelubm m m* 1I ilSG.veu. msat Mde bas,. Item M1u- iW*" - tin la nov md bu" the Ume la Imu4 hei mue be wu f qlt o rt tS Go d iv hiplt db st à i ,mR g ce thymp à I.tia Màomal dud ou Itommb monu it gla ume et theMme%0th"mmQ-vamm fer TaIMuntuoat f the Ualvusty Xi4osl Ooum icild th*, f fi maul dina. on Novembe 9, taitie Bomblaous.Tii fistlval wu a gaud sooiu m muai. About 250 comiut atdevais thé memlmaty adora. id tabla e ilquo"aiviitii thétsd"i" cal" brosgit hfi Mdrmaau. Tni mm mot vuas sot tla artictl. sty% ,buing allumintil iivu oienis émuomie fis o. da lite& On he lient vu ploi tte i Uaivesly bulldlag. viii a phScnix $clg su--bi baVe jéricg . 'rh. gla bev pmemt uMd tihselhtono;ia stulag béa&, ssci riaderila umebir of clistion vil voé bialy appiabui.Aftt,&cilb.d dmn j«Uitici s ubmuevu la pertakng ot tii mmimptusu. dlaae tic tousviwu tienpro. pond aid repudil te. Mr. Kola7, tii p"edet of the d4maé,il 0e.4tiheir la hIe mWenap mancer. On blé lefi mt Dou Aiksam*DmCavaseloiddon, wâZ vet% Et. W. 8. lâmi, Dr. Qidea. A.cg the o0".~mut pisent vioc. Kr.G. ijic. son, Xi. lfagoDm . Vilgt. love WW. . Olu, tgu mimaN, Caa, 14Ae 8esIL .oeee eC OCOu, lueSalth atmg, bite., Cmin, NYuegiW Caeu, aIsa. lasse, KlMulbs., 0 190% àou A.. NCl. 1ctéhi% -' - w" 1 thé tot-I Thé tarnit ot epwu vii"Gelam die QiUn." lrt mét c w T uai. aldte -"osbip et uam% oqen0"-Pp liv.%oa DX11D00t1upodI. XD. a«. Dr, -' IL - M a =ismn e thi btm,.e uic bg tic DmU un De, l5*c. iut DOr. ~cvu wms yE WWin Ugivgooi.Pr Mff ormtrachan Cap. WPOB $8.ïbO ,iCASH W. ill give 6 Boy'.s Tweed Overcoat with Cape. POR ý$4 CASH W* vil giv. a good a& wool Tweed effeot Lady's Cstume. ]POB $4.50 CASH W. vil give a XI..' Tweed Ulater with Cape. FOR $5 CASH W. wMl give a Man's Tweed* Suit or Overcoat. TERMB CASH. Lindmayo OL.9th, 81-10-y Arch The 106 Kent St., Oppoute the >ost Offioe, Lindsay. and th i 4 i PIS viol ri aad 84~ menti and 0 sai,' $1, $1 $3 $1, Oampbell. People's DUR ,GroceryI TE -DEPABTIENT. We bave IlwasmaeTes ontdinricle at leading prices, aud we need flot that ottckWa= e er otrasrted t=a at present, comprising ail our popular favorably knon throughou the whole county say more now thas brands, so weII and STAPLE LINES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISION8. OUR OHIAs CROCKERY AND GLASS WÂRE DEPÂBTMENT Thsdpruaa urplt ihavaried sud extensive assortmnt of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our FancyCia u Glu aleal new and beautiful designs, sud at sncb low prices as were flOver of- fered in Lindsay before. A. OMPBEL Lind4my, Match 4th, z8gz jOHN DOBSON) Importer,1 Wholeoale and Retail Dealer in Wian Liqors, Bottled Beers, ami Geeral Groceries. Sbt w«l"t îw*#,A".2 a d4 ýWUIm u8.Boqid, Warhouw ]NO. 4 Wiliam fSt. *Wmh <>baiod ( Ry mdKItWhieke; Cognac Bradies; OId Tomi ~~ mal 5éo1oh WMi"; OCno~ larets, Poe*s, Sherries, ec 114119 WEE£K. au PaéiùoIL RasR,50 oheats choioe Japan aIP4 Vootiuu a rrants; Orange, w Sim eof r - rea" qualiy at the JusC megBrandy ia m. Mry ofit-"I ou RUs (MM MOISE1 ) N o ' sa, di tb "MO

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