i or Shmi 6 %»C Fi er A==nmin, 'w, 2 f 't &IS 8uoass BUG- mi ~. OU¶PBmal ZXIV-Whole No. 1811 Bal-. These Saws are m ade fromn the best N~ik1e Steel spriul tmperedI fall ivarranted; require no set. W. also kep inMSt<k -a full Une of SHEILY HÂRD*ÂBle, ana ev.rything in'the BUILDING LINZ, .%.À63 VU z»iUcuiv C and Ladies' Dressing Cases in leather, Gente' Pressing Cases in leather, Collar and Cuf Boxes, sioida leather, Perfume ail kinds, Hair Brushes, Hrand Mirrors, i CntGiss Perfu.me Botties, Chest Proteotors, Chamois Jackets, FanoyLamps 90 cents ana si, LZibrary Lamps $1.90, $8.60, $4.50, Tubular Lanterns 25 cents, ALL AT HJIGINBOTHAMS DRUG STORE, 74 KENT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO WARIER à COB. LUMBER, a- COAL a- AND a WOOD» Whonle a nd uéBetaildamler lu ail kindt cf C a o e ]LUiber, Wood, Coul, limelatb, Shlngies, lltii. ad Pire Ca ee Pipe o ~best &merlcall make. Lumber of eery demrii ion, dry, dîeuaad, and resadifor nuie.bMapl,ngllrch01 Ailr. tmg. ]B111 tuf fai li k > di. Timber and Joaita afi1mi lengiha. Sigs falgades. Lim o ti. ou ~uli~?In tekdeUivered le amy part cf the tovu st shoit notice. DRY WOOD of the best qua lty ta aUY Part ai the tw nlaeormliqutteM, cf~I Telephontu connection. JOBEPE MAUNDIll Office and yard-Victoria &vomue, meuti cOf Sylvester Bras. ' Worke. Lindsay, .ApriI 2d,_ii89.-1704.tf._________________ Lot 16 ln the 9th Con. Eldon, 112 serasMO" rep lois, &bout 70 mrei oleared. Prame hous. and bain; good archard; cose toa achool and churcb., App1y to J013S TINNET Valontia P.0. or ta Q-. R. opklns, rluoLiàdum. To RouI. Park Lots 8 and 4, wost of Abet treet Lindsay contslnio nIie servi. Wîii b. rnted oheap for a ltein of r@, If ceoassmy, tesa sutabie tenant. Por ' JOHN DOUGLA. CotfConstable, Port Hop*. April 27, 189L-80 tl, IFarm for Sale or tb RouI ltu LaXIOIL Par sale or te rent, Lot No. 9, lot cou. lImtea, oontating 100 acres. 15 ores fal plowimg doue. Par full partlculars apply ta the prepritcr on the promises, or by imter ta W. B.-ALLIN Aprîl lut, 1891-77O.if, IParm for Sale ln tbbcTOWDSbI1P ot Ope. Th. folwlng vminable fsnm prapeui mlg the muth.mt quarter 0f lot 27 ln theét cocf OP&. thia faim cantainei 50 screm, 511 loared andlnsa giod atste of cultivation. There ara ounbeth he Ma eomlortablo dwofling house, s frame bac, jable ué fh. proerty ls sttusted four mile. liom Linday on h udng maid te Eobosygeon. There in a goi yon ocad, tva geod vellemd pml e wih a gocdm brick icheolbousl an the cerner àf aid iwth churobos convenient. For fuiha 1tlnsi te JAS. MOIRISON, Xing- t., eut vs Lin 98-tf. Valuable Farm for Sale or te Ront., The. Ezecutars of the ste Wm. Say effet for sae th.eut l ai Lot 24, lit Cancemlon, Vanlem, in the County of Vitoria 100 mri more or lm;s90 acresltesred, balance wwoIIvoeded-mueilibarévcéld saiti lay ban; fonces goed; comiorimble lui houme and barn; tva gaed wveus. The raperty te situai odlon@ and s bât i le fre. the Village ai Venlon Fatte. Tsuus-Emav te suit paraoser, said la 1h.tb prepatxla iDont scié thé Executors an r Ptoisset rent»Mare For fuither paritoulats aippi? 1o0 . EH. HOPEN,Vende 'SoUitor, Lindesy, cr 10 TROUAS WILSON Pension ï1ala, THOMAB QGIAA, JOSEP I emL1ÀMI Band Loom aWeaVig. The undéreigumé la préparaid te vav bedlbew kots ful vidti.alec taflalierai beit qimdi, fu wldI, sud Il kinds off mmv W lmn:lt lst maddfano Eag Osipe, bi Ma nti p« j auosigu. sAwUL Hul= àmi Oct. 6, 189.-7-0 Publi lo tlue Notila I. uerb tun0a1i h ml e tb. MunIipal conia 01Euh, wbe "ilé in Orenee.osMods 9Do.mb.t p I s I. i t Camm ule ihe praciés etaf îe suloor, Lot 7,I lu the 111h cancesson 0f O!paaREulxIrR, &bout eue* and one.balf years aid. The ovner in requestmd btI prove proporiy, pay expenos and Ishe ber swy. DAVID COBNUILL Ops, Nov. 2911SO 181-4. Onemes f'. 0. 5trayed Bbeor. lins eliste ibe promieesLot 8 Cen. 4 Elden A TWO.'YEAR OLDBRED AND vEiTE STÙR. ke ovuer ta rquested te provo propeul, pal oxpeem sué 10k hsvIL H HWKINs, 1811-Si. Woudville P. 0. Prom *#Pie Fort,"l Vitoria Rond, FIV I RMA» 0F O&1'rLE, bramé L'on borne or L elpped on rilit hp. Acyc»éue ieiuag thum or givinc infrna lon teadini teibth emovery viii enersli y revaded. LÂIDLAW 1101. Nov. U, 189L.-10-8 Cama lateaIbe rramis *f0besubreibet Lot 4, Cn. A, semetvllla, sa d Helfe, twvoues olé ut The oieér ta riqueoWte 0prove preperl, psY ex- pousese and téko ber say. J. A. WAKULI, morlai. someiVIN, Norimd 1.0., Nov. 2l, 1»L-10.4 car m e téptmleccof ibem ihmiller. lot 18. ooseaton il, NarIpois, about ibrea veeke arc aa bifet, b"aak cier, appenênlithm me e ld. ITho ovusi ta requssilé 10 pove pio #Pety «p e pa 1. é~Valley, 1.0. Narîposa. Nov. loth, 189.- 9-4. Sinsym &bout tlvi oeia@go, gralhe smie eft li umsiliotLoIl1. c oausom ,Ope, a Laeeete r. ,Vil a ring in hie igi Mr. àAsuti 0 bleroté viiiv lm frsuch lnfcrmstmsims vïi W1ud te Île reovmt. m GIPT Op M ie~ e0UM, IO-* -lem. *AIPU'S 18111 IEOPIE A uttabS4WOl ..'~ w.. ~Ra..muoa O KYITIIDAY 10111K Gmbridge St, fS.u1t» r b.Isket, Tohr Waate&, Lc Lo. &%lumàoge omui. Veu a" *u ckevlUe, lot Trand mésu.Apjl ir "bg -levi- Vca illa, 951hSMNo., lm.-U4. Tmohoe Wated. ILt " L yN. 7 vers (jstve) xAMI&11 TATa" muni&holding a"thleX.estowa. miary sua. Mdmolosiflitau-i Qýi WTrtù mutATesdy, 151h DeOeIL bi.AM UI AU. iméfl% S* r«mer,189.-1I.m. F o r 8 * e 8 U m m . t . V e ,u la m à .'e l e Secy., Dobesygecu .0O. Te»oao eWate& Third cimes um=t. rt itn eptec m ALNIMT DAVIDION. 0«,'v, Olsuélue. oui. Vr LB&. No. ô, Veilm, boldlng tbié.elaesrtti- austo. Dumties e cmmunë nce io icf Jan"".y 189i For partlculsis spiyte JOHN QUIGLET, Sertay, Bobosigeen r. . Nov, 21, 1891.--I TuobcerWaed Wuted s imaiamifor 8chool secton No. 9. Cari- vrIghi, for the yegr 189%,holding s soné or thiré Nrov. Ian, 1191-4 4. .1 DENTM UDNT là a ROsu 1811-i. DMnt, Lndms. Wated te change,;7"sesfor aile. oaa@mare ine 7«n o ld, snp o e inelu osi; eue bars. four juars old, hm v. will exchmngeous or 101h for caileMykind. Amy personwsnting sncb mou cor- reeponé vltb W. B. OGRAHAKI De. 1, 1891.-il-S. Lindsay P. . Fer Sae. ou@ Paisgca Thimbleuf Mibineu, mauufacuid by Joh Alli;ameClaer 1iibulIt ly sUme; ans tum boi. ove.'abVe Al e save macineritaina geodmumnng oder.Wilile old ehmsP for eier 9:0: u lc. pl a o 8, cou. 15. lips. C. IP. CLAZKE, 1MALtf.Woodvile .0.. Ont. bjep&rabeor or sale. Wa bave àa Irt.elus Seurr nniiftiiied lv 6., D. lavuet, for sle. E=%ber fer sican or boie pewv u ~ puaienlm & I ouDo liaprïetors» Eden alléfe ]Lest. kon BIsiMy Minlg lut. 2Sut Navember butwMn bVitoria Rud Station end Mr. Connei', a AsciPui Nu«. Th.mer vi i lesultab r revarduti bY leaving il eta i. W. H.L Jobuston s botel.Vit<s Rosé. MARY MAUODONALD. lUphwl, Nevumbut lth, 189L-10-2. New Haok. I haaep«raha e eV Rack 'phiceb1 villrus ln aen me t &a smu$ d a M.io a OMMenlft 8mi my AYM 0006ic, or My efbbthe l Li"" FStables, Ftdsi oy-. 1 .L-l0 Vente "HOW TO SI' E MONEY." Fix This O~OU! Uinde Your Dollar #éod duty when it bu ooc Goods otp It j.Our bs* to give the. mot for yonr money This Besson yVO ari giving better value for =vt~dollar that puses over ong 0ouniers than ever ore. IN DREO G~ODS & great variety of oharming j Fabrios at cheap prices. We lay claim, to novelty in styles, i variety in patterns and mod-, eration. in prices. FLANNELS AND UNDERWEAR PFor Ladies' and Men'. wear. Yon muet hbib Eémand it is juet as well that you Should know that we are offering something speoial in these standard goods. HOSIERY & GLOVESI t 0f late years muoli more at-'. tention lias been paid to ai Hosiery and Gloves than for- t merly. We make a speoialty of Hosiery and Gloves of al weights ana grades. Men's Suito, Overcoats, Caps, Hats, and Neck'wear in end- less variety. Make a note of our Overcoats, we are carry- ing ain immense lino of these goods st money saving prices. In Coats, Caps, Collars, Muffs, JBoas, Capes, These goode will be found to b. represent- sd în our dtock byau. fine a lino s at hemarret affordS. Bku&1ets and Comforr In these goodos ainif611OtherS ws deuir te give oustomers th. mo opet aifion ri ok Ud values. 'v. a by4 i l e timudue te atom S tat1IWm O c %0. L U, OMeM$%,Novmo lm # U-" Parhueml N.e4 Dru- a tboi r atglb avem. boofaepuoaab. 1 ufglgbèa où fo to tooie hy bave e Mgroli bon- eûti hrm tbir ime. For omorwo yoar Pau 1-I bave tak..quono he G.W. bowumoEaueM"BlBIà&*- GailTaI Fa1. #' 1bavebeau laking AyraPas d nalngihem in My faudy ame 18n, ud àheoeWflyremmnend tbem tb aIl Iu ed of a mate but elfectual caibartie."1 -Johni X. Eogg, Loufiavile, XI. Upo le .ghtYom 1 W" affiited With lsd ~ ~~; Ibt1.dceacud do no more for me. Thon 1I bega e.Ayer'a Pill,14 dacuth. bowels reoovered theirna mr a udregua aton, mo ihat c WI1am n uexcellut -aI'L ldgo. Brfsu, Texa ain ad Âyer'm Pilla wth good uldtoeg, Ifll dorme them for the pur- rfor which theyare recommended." T. iimer, M.., Centre Bridge, 1a. .or. je. C.Ayr '&,Coc, LoweIl, Mass UcdymggWuIgenmd Dealiers lu Medicino COMMn~E vente. gtveau n dduSas on "Life and adieu- tureelin dil,"in the -8.A.busk. CapI. GaIt mcoempanlosae. Admia. ade by ticket. 5 ceut@. Wuno»Â'r, Dmc.. gh-Meming cf the pa- troua of Cambrsy ohamas atsoy i t Village. PEIDAT, Doc. il-Annual meeting of the patron f c Maipoma chous.fator in the grange hall, maripoua. SUNDAT Aà» MNDÂTDec. lSuh sud 14- Aànmlvesmty uervice in the neihodiai oh"ro, Dunaford. Tauma»Â, Dec. Ith-Anual muetina cf lhe pattrnscf Kirkrfild cheoue fsecry in Oamp)bell's, ai Ivo oclack iharp. OxmRuTxAs DAYt-Sobrsunder the supices cf tempemone lina bine lodgo, Beboay. A. Mountsln of Truthe Despined by smre People. TIRTINO14Y i lierm are trutu vwici sme mn mp aécuasthey hbes ot examimmi '-thin, md 00 wici tiey will mol examine beamse tiey d lau~ Une tien. Important sud migbiy trthi ane ai, omïmi1y bings oumulatei, -in geligte ne prve tiai oui Cnaadh -people haie nov in m their dâ tha le ,uudms ai nyfor lb. 0- -- tle cura cf narvouscul, leapleasmeas, broien. e* dov, Ies, wvanlsisud bfoggad bralu, tc Lymiswlagad rieumallan, aven beard lotIl th. obitla ved. Il in the' grasi rostorei il of lifétali oui foimfathers , s ongil re for but conl moifiai. Provideonce,ilutaowu m eoo lialrough oneoet1h. gremimai pbv- siloans oa!the century, gava 1e, mnffarlng mmm tg Pmlne'mCoelery Conpoud. Tp tothie sant E tme ia maguificent sud hieavsmblmmd tria. 0 uphe have bean nommaad me remarkabie, tî thai many joaloua physicieni, of tbm lover ti orier, have desphsadits vonieanas effmcta, and a will mot condesesnd ta examine trulia con. b asetiitiiiIl simply hecanie they ialhke il, aud fuitvil!l tesavay tual meau cf aI. taining a living. Simaon suai 1ev, mordu echaisoter I Away with suai mon, vho put periomal gain bafoue te publiecvel mmd oeil1 We mev «Iiiliehéattentiona!feu reaudera te amfo soul.airing facha ; amd i;theame lime. ve voul inhform lieus jealoue physiciens vie t ialike thea luth, that full sud ambl rooie 1 min bosh aboyath len efthe tollovî g cenui;*1 bu. B. uichini, s vell-inown, RuaiLisàte! ami claoiel Agent. o! Montres], P.Q., cuf-3 feond for fftfy yenso from, muralgis and re-a aalm; havai eurei by Paine'sc elay0com" pomnd. . M is.Y,, G, Fohergall, f Xddletcn, N.B., 1 vice lite wu s long coullnued mgony fuoni almeplomeonesnuralgisand riommatlin, found à perfect cure In Peins oeleiy ConpoumD& C&ptalmDongîs, propristor cf ths Lmlsd Homme, 'W lslpogMmm., amatianesa elory Qoaponn for dlysppel Indignation and lamai- tuie. He la nov eujoying paerfot leilti, and mesy Oéemy Oompoundibate a&U lhs efforts of lhe dociora. Kr. R. Allez, et Orangeville, Ont., va matyr te niam anmd oIsemm; he - foua n ev le cf lite a ttet al Paine'. CeaWy ompoumd.' XI. 3.J.T. Dil1lon, ms. Boind etCihy Aeesmes.oniroeP. Q., vu for amy yeate a suferorfromiIndigestion, fisaulency sud rhiuasts. Be hm bmcame a mev man tarougithe u o!f aine'. Valeri Cenapouai. sud w nov pOue a arobusl constItu"in à9. Jesepi Manuel, cf West Brome, P. Q., wu «ien op b! the docicie a a incuble freadreà ; h vu eapeted tlea, lut Pre- vidmmureumode te iry tlie mfuétcie pslum'm OslespCeuipsuflen the suRets, vith the remit; liii ho la mev lin«aeL balli. Kr. EL V. Ban, elotSt. MsutfuaN.B.,i vu lth! mffoehotra memiglu lwsvu ,mured a mien lia.Dyv Pale"? sycern- Mn. (tam IE.nBbatma, ElcérleaExpert Mnu » B"Oduea upatsndeB of thé loya Elc*ls Vome, KanlumalP. Q., vueatainibéé uns vnst .'uvu% *9 , =n«WMw 1 4 mwr dboyendPila.Oie yC. ode vqr wtà Md amev m oiff tas. a £ Imm- <>o~ab. I il. 5.t.a. j i. ~ ~ ECN Ceual m lher .D The Wardo ea os ud oemnitai 1 lihe m »Mmdl a report eioviug lis sxpsmdiure ou R àdigent paou h hi.e couaty. sied ad mmd Se, atonumi to lha standing -comnltte u fiÏanc Ti M mnmn at-m1 tel ie report o ie a peclal committeaappoint- ha i to take atops for the introduction o! a bill ae to ie Legiolative Aaambly giving reief to R lie couniy tom the uablitim union 'phAchFi [han beenaudace heia avy Act, vasR couvai end renadamidoptitdluin th. naa A motian vu pamd inairncticg tiec donrair to matify tha clark c!thia nuitai ocunties cf m Nornthumbeand mmd Durham o! tbe unasta"0 condition ai lie hridga over Pigeon creai, ou au tha beundari belvsen tbm uuited ocathesand 2% the county o! Victoria, requeeting joint action BI and liai . E.l. Bobime bc commissiarouon8 bahaîf of!lia county. Coumail adjouraimi. cli, ,Kembara aU proeut exospi Mr. Stuart sud D>r. Wood. A communication frcni Thomas Bobertson, B msklng tha i@i son be mominsted ouunty G amidnul th ie Onmimo sgrcultural collage, îý wai receliad, read. and roferred. le lie conmit- F tee on finance and assameui. le The report o! tie ipecial omiimeamppoint- cl edeteJuna session te prepire lishe noe- B msy acoammodation ln lie court houa. far a ues' chambera, liv librerY, ccunly attorney E and clork cf lia peso%, vas recaîvei and a adoptai. A motion wvu pasmetireqaeming the con- milleoan finance sud asmeasment la taka mbt oouslderaticn tis neoe.aiiy cf re.mmnactiug lhey by.lavi islating tu sucionnera,' bavieranmd peilars; alec liai lhe couuly angiumai ex- aminc JDintomi'a bridgs luthe Second oucea. elon o! the. ioncip af Dalton, sud. report taI th. Jm maceion lie cmi cf arectiug snov bridge; alma te report on ths Urama river bridge, on Victoria roi inuViatoriavills Tinse tva motionsvaireoried le the standing commit-1 tes on rornés mmd bridgea. Conueil adjonun . ]roux= EDAir. Isabra aUlpraeuni exospt Memera.Adam. 1a Ubaty ami CarmlohesI. 1 & commantoahion froni Mr. L I. Bovmmm, j] ouli engimeer. vu recelisi sud umfouned toi lie emndlug commllle.eon rosis sud bridges,' Report of lie comnîties au couniy puopeity vu nasd sud idopted. Thi report cf liaeonnitteea ppolated 10 cufa witabthe high âoicol, boudeof lia 1 couniy,retie eaoncuni 10 laieuby thm oouuly 1, cf Victoria for lhe maintenance cf couuly pupha, vu uaceliei, rend and sdopled. Report o! 1he. aadinit ommliste on es- i" wie vu p ead d optai la heuanuaI Mir. John Deo acuddromd lieécoe!i re»atie te aKing"lenmemenha! l e slate air John A. Kaadonsd. A bydev vu pissai omfrmin the.aris& meni viti lhé leard ot educallen o e t s 0 of aRdaay ai le lie amouni for vilci hie i bé ais la lé !.for ihs maltanauoe of .omty pleaa i etoth e glei "ust&e CaUa4jonn&U " Mmu O. en é - Maa lbamm th*ii.fellevlag am1e omm enit. tee u e m»Pr t d iidépem li e nMW wsmlÈei1Mana tuim te suniab sité le e 1 i- a 'L's lm m S m in- baul hma Ocu-80i mpléumenta on lai 6. cooc. mie Il. iovauip of Mvaisthe.pioperiy of Mr. ElaieniJehusten Thus asie viii h wtâ&eniresam me Kr. Jeimmnbasrmmiad hic fam ,'. 1j Avey, suctionter. Regelai meeting of Faithful Bretiran Ledjo Noe. 77, A. Y. and A M., ibis ovenlug, Filday 4th December, bualmeci, election of effi coms ' Rapia meeting cf L.O.TM, No. 557, on uey evning mmxi, Sth Decamber, for clecthm of ocar. m ad ether bumema. Tic mmmii meeting of IL.B. P..No. 262, Wli b. held ounPrtdsyvenimig maxi, 111h Decmbar, for elmollon. of officers sud g«ees butinons aoumeoi.d wilb the premeptory. à full sltenmime cf membara is quaeted. Resimeeting e ofkai kt tro bina ldge Ne. 8, on cModsay eveun, Decembar 7th, ai 7-30 o'olcck.Elnection a!officere salvabion Army Notes. Tbe mu .awà h lave iý e14 hame.i gX7nçm.E. Klk .Ë. Yam 1 , 0. Lin-. à maC, mth mand,-Il. àà SmpseV DalT. J. Phray. laso l tonpem thèlse vuean muu ly ber ou f thb.modal aces! altudenle afler . h attenmisded theu Ittesni oty etn m aillr e d.mternom, ianormd liehé,=g &ae by thoir préesci. Ater lhe business pari cf thé meeting isd, been tnmseWte whicha reieda a e y pl gL I etyl.Thé oeiénitieneale uonl b 0eatrite tir pae The aubjtet l for déewuv *"R tlsd iaiglass ilamore uaefol thia luF orthle affirmative vere Neuai. MoArilu, Kenedy mil Sommer- ville; lie negalive vue auppctted by Kemm. ÇYaneeSmihant i Wiila r. Mu.K ibur apoke for quit@a s ins; hie adduomva. very good gmd ho ieemad ta hava a greai llklmg for titgé cf lis beautifal. Mr, Vence spoka wllb gresi elequence, dbeplying sbillty Me an ersior, Mr. Kuenmdy vu lisemmi ta spesu; il ddim east a gimat deal, et lie paver by is mmenlg uervouamhaa. Mr. Smith'u speech vu ienvMrv 'eul, but Il conidn'i ha ex- pected liat he vauud diaplay ench eloqueuce ». lie otuais owtng 10 lia ivingach a chort lime for preparation. -Mr. Semmervillo'a apeech too vall viithaheaudience and Whou 'ho had oc-iuidhois reamivat roi pplase. Mr. Wllliana epoka vsry wvs»; h. dmsiymc «rai piaie for the mammer in wvih hi mimed la bring oui ils point. If soute cfthi.eider boys vculd tae pattsrn b y tins suafler boye the liermiry ocity vould bea Cresmatoresa.u The debata vualie. Tichent on the Pro- granne vu anoctat. cualating cf Mieses A. D»son, J. Duffa, L. Robeon, L Touai. hum, E.-Bannai, A.Banoiltu, aMdMi era. J. Smith md J. Carier- Tiay naced hearty eMcore. Mise Jaime Brovn, via had beu appointedait rc, then gave ber report very ably. The oetlmg vu coeed bY elug- ing ibm mational antis., Oounby (Jounoil: TUinDÂt, Novembar 241h. Coeuil met ibis day pannuant ta tia cal! cf abs Wordmu. Fromet- NM.Adam, Alto., Berkeley, BrynmuaCarnlchasl, Cham- bais, Dr. Conwall, Poi, Bam, Bopins, Kelly, Kylla, Lihgcv, MoArtbur, MoQuai.. Stuat, Svalzsi, Dr. Vucoman, Walker end Dr. Wood. inutes of luit day cf Juna saton rad sud eoaflrmod. Tie Wmndsui addioaaed lb,> oncil sud laid an tia table tha ievoarpk-cem munlcatlons racalvad mines th Jm esion., The connuulcstio % = fItiiidta tie comniliemain t~ e e alybolongad. cumeil adjonrmed. ÇHRISTMÂS PREBENTS GIVEN ÂWÂYO 181018 1_ oe 878; Dapc 20 h of bc Sb sud and mai" foeui du Mfl four 4 1 o Dah mu SI, luiy mon 1 - - 1 --- taneis 21; Corps 8092; Ontposts 1197; aers 10,745; Weekly Cry circulation, 672,. ýRuons Uomems ad Shelters, 57; Food poe and labar buraus 89. Thorere a " horn of rai for alck office. snd accru toes 'phare offamers oie trainad. isiff Capt. Cox, Iste of England and Indis, L ue cit the abloat and Most muccemful cra of the S. A., boti au s miter, a speaker [s 'poiker, visita Lindsay for the brut tino Saturdoy, Sunday andi Mondey non. Dam't m hariug hen, Cap%. Gui, wha lame prom. ut s àspeaker. soloimi, etc.. eud lhe ihter of Cbiot Justice (3alt cf Toronto, vill beh presmiSee poster.-1l1. 8012001 moles. àuxoON- EKLy - Followiuig are th. nos cf the pupila et 8,S. No. 11, Emily. oding baisa on regulatitY, pnnctuality and gkiy examnatiama. Faurth elaia-A. BaIl suad T Lyii.. Third cama-K Balfour, Wlndrom, M Lytie, B Morgan. D Adamse, Lytle Mud 1E Beai. Second clam-F isa, L Adani, K Pamet, 8 Nichala, H F6%, pue andi H Lyle. lirai part fl-W Bai- Lr md J Beatly. Pliai ppar I-B Balfour, rhamnnen W Nicboleand A Puat. .8. Ne. 7. PENELON, fcr!Novembar.gr; à-Gorge Bora, Angolina More, Ramis Hay, «goret isriana. Jr. 4th-Loitte Kennedy, bit l l ta RYP Wllmnm Wagmlaff. 8.3 .Jackson, Bertis Irwi4. Mary Irwin, i14cso. Jr. 3rd-Martiia J Tharston. nulEndicot, Gao Eadicott. Si. 2ud- zno Thoruten, Willie Jackson, George onmdy, Wiiie Grcar. Jr:- 2nd-Ethol onndy. J=meaEddiott part II-Walter or, Macinlyre Tâornian, lottie Hanoak. avid Endicott. EoRBM=uIL.-Tba fellawing la the stand. c f tie pupila iu the foxur classes given:- omith élaie - Carlyle MeMilaân, Walter ouglaus, Maggie Meîntyret Annie Mcas, mnule Burton, GaoFk, John ILIntyre, achai Icrimmon, Mary Plymi, L. Calder. bnloi Thira-Oto Tonkinaun, C, McCaffrey, 1jay, N Klu. A Plynt, M Davney. Junior liéà-E KcOorquodaim, H Burton> C Wbet- r, j MoLea, D Graham, AP.eid.A Gin. am, G Long, L Moore, G Kurby. Second iae-C Flynt, A Whetter, A McOorquodaie, E CLean, A McCrimnmon., R Butler, E laer, p R&id, ML Shields, S M.cRe, J Moore, Biaad, 8 Klrby. PorrÂn HmL-The following le the sahool 3port o! S.S. 1îo. 3. (B1mck's). Number of mIsri abtmined bv ech is attached t10 aci nme. Toal umber cf marks obtainable ia Ucam 500.-Fifth aos- Beatrice Bowes 9(. Faurli chai-Lina Brooks 253, Ellie faok 212, Neile Bmgshaw 100, Edith Wright 4, Maggie Cary 54. Thomas Cary 21. Third ma-Bari Jele 390, Annie Bagshaw 381, iha Cary 273, Fred Black 204, Jimmie Mc- udoc 160, Jchnny Fee 150,. Johnny SpO13ce A9, George Daoe 85, Sarmil E. Black 17.- ecoud clms-Lizde Bagmhmw 386, Maggie esgshav 359, Boîta Brooks 312, Ândrew irami 251, Florence Kinmee 22%, Fred Cale 141. George Copeland 69, Albert Love 63. lurt pari meond-Palmer Jewail, Lillia Tay- or, Maggle Speuco, Dunan Spenca. FPuai ga-Dick Oopeand, Lizzio Short, May Bagshav, Erneet Wright, Edward Curule. jod aýttandmae-ýAdrew Grant, Florence immee, John Cary, Fred Bak. Average Itndance 20.-F. BVUBQS, lucher CAMBÈÂT- Senior department, dictation. [aria possible, 50.-Fifth clma-Wiliam Burton 44, Berbart Routly 32. Pout- Emme, Haigit. Emily Chmpmau end Saale Wllliamsoli 48. Nellio Chapmmn 44, Weetou rompinm 40. Mmggle Sinclair 38, IMatie' Clark 34. Baîklay Taylor 32- Maud Oowieaoa end John Taylor 80, Lnuil Jmckson 28, Ida 'ripp sud Gosae Coe 26, Allie Hall 20, Edgar Chambers 14. Thind-AnnlO MaKas 50, Allia Jackson, Lizzle Jackson sud Cslab Moore 48, Sophia, Tajiai suad Fred Routly 46. Mimule More Mary Sbire, Lottie Cola, JamaS luatman d William Shire 44, Annie Meouai- ell 42. Sadle Irviin, Lizzia Austin aud Prank Brokenain 401, William MaFarquhar 36, Mana Wood 30, Athoi Pair snd Percy Rovan 24, Seymoui Western 20, William Douglas, WilliamChambers Mmd Samuel Burton 18. [uier depsilment, artthmeiic. Markes poi. ble6 l00-acmud clasa-Frauk Tavlor sud F~rank Roully 78, Ida Tompins amd OmaaY Cole 74, abel Brokeambre and Hanry Pet- ton '12, Sarah MoPudyen 67. Balla MoFarqu- biai md Baward Western 64. Barrman Owens ý63, Linde, Wells 59, John Ausif 55. Lillie paronM »aFrank Umigit 52, Bulil pp 44. John Sinclair 42, John Pattnn 40, George Lspe) 83. Lizzle ochrane 82, Bita Painingtoul 27, GeergaMcci.28, George Chambers 16,0 VIns WeZl13. Brumai Tompius Il..Ethel AVM.y Phemia Pair, Katta Cochrane, Arthur Thomas, James Routiy, John Cochuane mmd Chaisa Sbire ver. prcMOlte lite 1primmi seoom ariutam cIM.... On Frlday afteinaeUl the chaian, FianiWabste, cmled tbe mmtngitoorder and ait once bogan the Pro- grmme, viac nalai of raadingE4 rOchaà- tic a da listaiT match. The iamdlngeand reelt@*ilGSi v o cice, voi randaied and mnd br , tetitve ndm .The cap- 1 Noqr, uth, 1SOL-U& 1 "mye" NO Of thé WÈOUO in de in