Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1891, p. 6

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"Padon mmasILKVaamienp, a mufle; 'but I1 nem 1p mm M 7 «Ja IMe M be MM or waklng, Iw. bar fameevr «« t~l "ouhrilu," murmugodIL Vabgubup, tsspolafy abs aewuAM alby uyamm au I thouit ilwusdone wlthl" auM&iXi dlscblp, twistlng b h l ' -# opbewbfle the largo drof tperçmlratlou au WAhi foeehed; Ilbut> hbe yeorne 1k.. a pe*lo from tb put and revive ai b.the bare,. "If you cal Adele a borror" rtru Vaudeoup, ooofly, I amn oetaluly gclng *0 revive ber, 10 7ou bai but t mldo» »am hmi me to the end, for youewMWray weAU lmotur twme trom »V purpos." Meddlechip sunk baok luto bie chair euh a groa, white b i luisna mémy ourWaibin- mli up on th sofa in a m m Ur aeo*bls positionansd bueffl *0 1.1k. 1'ý 44W. wM lbeglu lb.eutory," nid X. V&tde-' loup, in a conversatilual t0, wth ary wave of bis deflaste ebi1a a thé good old-faublcud style of our t W ais. Ouce upon a twe4o-let us Omy lh M U asvg -thonàllved ltn Parisa ayou C>al eled Oc> tave Braulard, who wmwWbr M Wou cf. Ne0 bai atles, .b a &cor, ami wu xsludying for 1. clproetli m h bo hecame enlagled Mba vommAI. Nde- molasfleAdele Bo1lwus a oamu ugly altrecu, wih.wasetaS taIime lh. rage et Parli. 8h. traoW &Uail *0mon, nMal y ber lobse, but by ber longue. Octave Bran- lard," wet on IL Vaudeboup, oomplsomy Iooklng atilmwt , owas bandiome,aMida*. tel la lovewllhb hm. 8h. boum hic mb. troa, anid eauusd a ulue..dayal woudw . lu Parla by rmmnlng ocustul *hlm for six mm"ha Thon theon camne *0 Paris au Eng- Ba1h gentleman b=o Australa-name, Ku-. triko; postion, liepeudent; lucome mr- mous. Se bad lott madame, hi. witfetu Lon- don, and camne *0 our wloked Part amus bimadf. Se saw Adèe lo cuet, dwaau- troduoesi * ber by Braulard; remlt, Ku.. trb. beoray.d bis frieai Eraulari by matu- lut troim hlm him mistèrecs. Wby wus Ibis? Wau Keséribe handsomet No. Wua ho fae. cinatingt No. Wus ho richi Yeo. Therul lay the. secret; Adle tovd the pures, not th. emm. Braulard," nidt Gaton, rlalng tram the sofa qulckly and wallng acrous the room, I"t.lt him boucS wounded. Ho remonstraei wllh Âdlepno use;- ho ofered tofight aduel wttb0 psr1 diaus Kestrike, no un;; *0 thW fwus a cow;ard." "o"crled Meddleohlp, rlsing, Iluo ooward."1 'II say yes 1" a.d Vandeloup, mrossng to hlm, and forcing hlm back la him chair;, "ho betrayed bls friend and refuaed to give hlm the satisfaction of a gentleman. Whst di Braulard do? ResI quiet! No. Revenge Mi hon- art Yes! Que night," pursued Gaton, la a low, concentrated voice, graplng Meddlechlp'a wrlst firmly, and looklng at hlm wllh flroy eyes, "lBraulard prepared a poison, a nhr- cotlc whlch was qulck in Ils action, fatal ln it resuls. He goes.ta lhe bouse of Ade" Blondet at hait péat twelve o'cloCk-t.ho hour now," ho naid, rapldly swlnging round and pointing ta the dlock on the mantie-pleo, whlch bad just struck the haf hour; "b.e found lhom at supper,"1 releasng Meddle- chl' wrst and crossng ta the sofa; liesat opposite Kestrike, as ho dos.noa%," leanlng t orward and glarlxg at Meddlechlp, wbo shrunk back l in ischair. I"Adele, at the head of the table, laughsanmd amie; she looks at ber oid lover and nui mur- der in hisface; sbe la 111 and retires *0 ber room. Kestrike followa ber to see wbst la the niatter. Braulard la left alane; ho producea a boIlle and pours its contents int a cup of cottes vaitlng for Adele. Kestrike roluras, saying Adle la MI; ahé vanta a drlxik. lHe labos ber th poison. ed cup of coffee; asedrinks It and fatiLe -wlth a long breath-"aloeep. Kesftrike returua ta the roomn,asaks Eraulard to leave tb. bouse. Braulard refuses. Kestribe le afraid, and vould louve bimselt; ho risées from the table; so dose Braulard"*-hero Gaston rose and crossi to Meddleeblp, who vas aImaoen bis feet-"lhe gos. ta Kestrike, aezedhlbis it, thuf-dags hlm t the bed- rooni, and lhýreoan lbe b.d lie Adole Blond- et--detid-kllled by tb. poison of one laver givon ber by the olber-sand the murderer look at one another-thua." Meddlecbip wrenched his band from Van- doloup'm Iran grlp and ffeu back gbastly white in bis chair, ivith a strangled cry, wblle the Frenebsean stood over hlm vith eyo gleam- lng wlh hatred. "Ke.qtrike," purauci Vandeloup, rapidly, 'ls little k-nawn la Parls-hlm name la an as- aulned one-ho leavea France btors the po- lice cau diaover how he haî poaioei 4A"1 Cr.,77 Mumy Striee4 S. T.: Y4.eb# "the Mo aWW * Il pCO - l *alpb.r mlober, bal yen *VI toim" tb." xd. ' 1b6; boweill bas0b. Mr buurW - *Mot' irs pendi' u Wb"auM là "I *M as pMepathe or Sv. ith s. te a mtl «qwuxoorbil duor IWO' am 11M e Vaa u, mooilbyMrami a at 70% 1 bave #àsaheme ouhai by Wu* 1,I May nimba 1 kt t.may-5v. bdrei *0sbm ocseds, I viii b. Ach..ough * do vithout MW, more mOMey tram u tTu-; but If ilta&Ba r WMat Mmdebip 611t t alls,Iwhflbe oblie to irswen you agalu,' rélurned Gaao, cuildly; "*yen au'liMy, bowovu, t*051 amn bebvlng bai- 'y t0 Yeu-' "Nxo," aaawoei Mae*cbp locklng hi htL "I Qo n s ay yen are imunto demi wlth9Mo1lanticpated. WOU,If 1give you my *0b for Lve huudre.-" "êSesimx bundred," observei Vaudeoup, ricingam"gcng*0oa Mun table n thecor- uer et the room on vw"hvoeepeu a uilàk. 411 viat au ta bundred," "Six hundrei hn b. Il," aaaweriMoi-d dlecblp, qulotly, rlmlng sud golug *0 bit overcat, fiom whlch ho laok bis obeob-bodk. "FIor Ibis amount you vill b. silent. KL Vandeloup howed gracefuUly. "On my word Ct houer,". ho repliei, gSir ly; "«but, of couros," wvtbà audon glaneaI K.ddlecbp, "Iyenvill trut me as a friaid -«kb me *0 your bouse, and introduos me *0 madame, your Wlts,."i 11I don't w.e*theeusty," roturned MMi- il ch p a gr l , oi g bve o he m ail "Pardon me, I do," anaverei lb. French- mm, vllh a dangeraus gleamn uMa oye. "4W.f, veflI Iagre.," mmi Meddlicbp, testiy, taklng Up a pou and openlng bis ocheok-book. "1You, of course, cou dîclats jour ova terses" "I understani tbal t ecty," replieiVan- deloup, dellcately, Uig rang %cigarete,, "sud bave done @o. Yau oanI ay lbey ane bard, as I nié -bâtore,"I Meddlechlp did ual answer, but vraIe ouI a check for six bundred pounda, sud Ibm banded Lt ta Vandelaup, who reoieved Il 1vitb a bow and thon llpped h mnb b isat- coat pookel. 111 frpe to make, nearly ten thousandinua fortuiglit." Meddleeblp starei aI hlm. III hope you vili," hg snsvered, siru0y; mll the botter for my pursif- you doé." "'That, af cours,goe. vithoul uay-lug," te- pied Vandelaup lazlly. "Rave aomo more vine?" touchlng the bell. "No mors, thsnk you," naid Meddlechlp, putling on bMa overcoat. "Lt'. lime 1 vmm OSf." "lBy the way," nid IL Vandelouli, cooliy, III bave ual any change lu my pocket; yom miglit setle for the mupper." Meddlechip burst out laughius. "C0onfound yaur impudence," ho ssii, quicbly, I lhaugbt you aaked me 10 mup- per." "«Oh , yes,." repliai Vandelaup, taklag bis batland stick, "but I lntended you to psy for Itl" "Yen vere pretty certain cf your gams, thon!" 111 always arn," anavoesi Vandeloup. Meddlechlp paid th. bi! llbtout mmktng further objýectFnns,,and thon tbey both lft Leslie'. vltb the sane precautlons abai allended t.helr entry. Tbey walkid sbowly dawn Bourbe Street, sud psrted aI tbe corner, Meddl.chlp goiug *0 Toarak. vhile Vandeloup gel mbt a mansd raid the mou *0 drive la Richmonud. "rlve, doue a good streak. cf business to- nlght" he naid, smiling, as ho felt the chek iu Isepoakel'ansd ll venture tb. whole lol on Ibis Magple Reot. If ît auccebdo I wifl b. rlch; if It dos not-weil, thern i. always eidlecblp as rny banker." Thon bis thougbta vent book te Ilty, for the reamon of bis golng home sa laIs vas Ibat ho woulei to firndoutinuwhalt ramne of mli §ho vas. "Sbo'U nover louve me." ho said, vlitba laug, as thecab drow upin front of Mms Puiebop'u boum-., "if obé dose, eo mach the botter for me." Ho dlsmimsil bis cab, sud lot1bimaIn l with a lateb4koy; thon banglng "p bis batla thse ball b, vot gsight t*0the bedrocon amd llgbl e a. lHo Ibm cramai Ito lia bei, aa~l'b a** ' telale O% .' r "'Eryïare Issu"libe ui.Md cmi .etO*wl lap r@tIs bis il atemer;Ca "I' polal, alu' Atof h.rubi, su pl aloug aleb5 îe *0mp er wisi . elàay'=, aMaver ptb.y, testlly, putilg t*0penny lu bis poobot; "youd est a 'ci.sh.up If yen couli gelàhfor a Penny, you. gresy Young dovil, y7M." Hure Lily,Wbo vws fadling faitl Mi AU wlth goeimuoh valng, cmm forvari aMd sakuifor acupaf ot0e00. "Osàrtalaly, dma," m"lB%&lb7?Wl lues, pounlt ng oui *0 aliays4 goo oa probbyg&aL" o&"' "I'smae o =70' lcais lrva GraIlles, vho ba fnisoibi 0a1&la4 Mi vwu now lcklmg bais fingora; 'bail grenade »ud 'o ai vs.' "Go away, Yyen lelu Ibln,' "ilbs Spllsby, mildly, giving ltty bercoeud changeout oaithé mcoy sbe bande ainl, "lor l'il selthe perlice on yur ." -oh, My eyo!"*sriebdGraîthi,$Nexocung a grim a a the 0 fa ofi a tafavorite comedlsu'Ib"haut a Utr, ch, n-eaapie, 'o aW% a speciai, a muftony seeWlae dou't bih no kiltîngoanouile ux *0p, eh, no; '0 don'I huy ebioory sud calIm It eoffes, bbise!I le dos; 's'a a corbor, 'e are, Md D AMe mln'l tho mmeas 'lm fatwlhrs" IlWbal d'y. moan," acsiSpllsby, ftstsi -that la, as flercely as Mas meok apaac vould letlbm; «"vhat do yen kot My parents, yau bandy-legged it1111.dovil Wbo's your-progenitor, lilM11k. 0bovi" ",A dock, lu cours,"sai OraiSon, bof liy ; "4but va dausl, Lu conmequoence of 'or Niba hein' mlred up wîth the old mou'anoISer, reweal lbe famlly *Moet=n ta oy Wplumm *" thon, vlth a frush grimace, ho dartei alou tb. street as qulcbly as hbibsdy legs couli. carry hlmn. Splhsby bob no not"cefai Iis, but aeeng sonie people comlng round the carner, cern- meuced *0 slng outlbsMa ies oft *0splalm "'Eire yer are,--ailo'tI&an' teain'," ho crled, ln a kini Ct land bleat, vblch adisi .1111 m3re ta bis abeep-lbo appearance: 118pilsby'a Speclals-oh, lovely-slin'l *0y uic.; my oye, fine mullan pies; vho se Spl-'by'st 'Ave ou.,mise!' *0 LIl. ",'-Thcik yon, no," repliei LIly itto J&a tabin xrepu6-d wr oupty oup. "r1m going nOv." splhiby wmm struck, by the eduealoi mou- r'<r lu wbicb ah. spabe and by 1h. air Ct me "Qint about ber. 14 o home, my dear." ho sali, blndly, Issu- lîîg forward; "lt bis ala*t uan t f, Il) a Yi.ubg gai like yoix tn bc tont." I' ve got no boiwi," @nid Kftty, bitterly,. "but if you cauili direct me-" "lHere, yent," crled a abril] fem~ale vola., a a woann dressed in a flatiniti, blue gowu rushed up tu tbc stail;Il"give n aà pI, .;uik; I'm starving;, l'y. gel na lime tc walt.11 No, uer maiiners eîther," isaid Iepisbyq vlIt a renonstratimg bleat, pîj,Wng a pie toward ber; Ilw ho are you, a-sbovil 'your bottera, rort-wiiie Anl " IlMy betters," scaffcd the lady la biue, looklng Kttty up and dovu wvitii a isdailn- Wn sile ou ber twànted face: 4'wbere are tbey, I'd like t0 knowl" Il'xE, ">14 your longue," leaied ipl*by,* angrlly, *"or l'il tell the perlico ut the cor- uer."1 "And mucb I cam," retortod tlu' abrill- volced femai., "seeling bel# a partlnular frieud ef mine." "For Gadi. sake.11 me vbore 1 aa an id a Place ta stop in," wbhiuperoi, Kitly ta lb. coffue-stal koper. lComta wllh me, dear," nid Portwlni Amnie, wtgerly, havlug overbeard whal vas nid; but Xilty shrunk back, sud thon gath- orlng ber cboak sraund ber ran duvu the SrIS'L "6Wbst do yen do that for, yqu jadel" sali Splmby, In a vexeu toue; "don'i yuvue tho gil'. a lady." 'l0f cour se a"rtrtied the othar, Lu- lmbing ber pie; "we're mlUlale.;Ic»k at aur iruacs, atinI Iey fiue euglELook aIenor houss, aron't lbsvul ouh "Tu, udyér nIarl l't t.hybai eng;krsai 8pilah', waslutagup té1h. ly Plt e, qi.a eiasmn aisl aoler' a mi veta" u-"- PrIia *w iati w, Sm m e i roua bert am 0wnmgS> l e pir h1r.uMd," ssmss b Pe m Ieu am»ltM faow, vilS bm bat vM7 P camaie puttbug bs ood i w"Ïstéb; psy I~ i hmbishot braslb ber 14émoia dwlmkui ouIvliy, *pwm him avay wit.h aul berforce. sO, boy-. ove, #44 D n ouâtte0 crsbut vas about to klnhervbh. Imbuby là0 baof Ct *0 usaSmi 1 the*0guter. "Outlomml'MWa a rehn Volees, whicb proosedmi tam a mm an vhma juslappoaroicm *0 m asmàobl. te witui *9 etphasl *0he s poWM dsula, msIf ho voea cigaeat swê& 660U boy,' frated DellISmp te *0 olm, "la toui."ý "YenU bave," MUdthe *raun, vil au alry vav. of bie baud, 11*9 apeaSueci gonhlenima, but alas! yo uro bat vbltei mapulobsas, fis. le bock upon, sud 1.11et du mm usbeau viIbUm' "Jaspr,' saiBellIbap, olemnly, tktblg Emty's aru, "Iyon're s lombotano vitS daletn Iaid-comemCa--old boyyte rlght-asl of cads 'aulting au unpraoelei gu -god-lgbl, dr.' The allierapieeiup t*lr compamicouiS ofth *0gulter, anA the vhole lot rolloi nia". rily dowvuhelbe trel "And IbIs," sai * e iommu, lifting up hM face la th. sky lu tinte appeal *0 Huaven, I"I la the goneration vhhIs *0 Carryon Australie. Oh, Fatber Adaus4 vbal a IW- pated fafily you have got--ab!-J-go for a aonieiy. I thlnk."1 "Oh I"cried Lilty, recagnlzin.- a famillar X"-aaIL*5alsy Tbsadare, laying 'it s o h m a sbishor4, %e .$u, oey tiSe-' wby, bien m."-booking elamly arbei---"4t le the pretty tgil1Imut la Bllaral-dear, lear--suroly yent bave not tcorne tu ttii" lo,ne" MU i Kitty, quickly, Iaying ber band on lisarma; "lvii tel! you nU albout It, Mr. M'oîples; but you inust bu a frieni ta mel, for Ia1 tls eed ont." "b1 wllbW yaur frlcnd,'> snld tbé acter, emt- pbaticalily, taking ber anse and walklug slow- ly dava tb. street; "tell nie boy I1fini yen thns."1 "Yàlon wouIt'Ltel auy on* if L dur niad Kitly, Imp!orlugly. "Un lb. houer etf a geutenaf," sawerei IVoppeým, wLb grave dljcnlty. Kltty tlid lii,» bow ah. bai luit BallaraI, but auppra it tbe nam eoe ber lover, as ah. dii net mwant any blam no fail on bÏm. But all lb. remI aIe told freeby, sud wheu Mn. Woppbe. hori bow on 11.1 ulgIl ah. bi lefI lbthe a1 vha bai rnlned ber,bh on aa miglity oatb. l "Oh, vile bunian nature," h. nid, l sonorises taxie," Il tum befray a oonfiag. infant! W h e "b.cotinuai, booblng -Ium gulrlngly t thesrme.sky-"lwhmreare' th thunierbolta of Huavea ihat Iboy. faUrnaou No thunderbot mablng taauriO c savwe lie questi, Mr. W LIct ly be voulkmber hSo 0 * f mlly, ami ae *0ey vote ut start4Wtfl oin toun again " conicamswltth *mn. "But vil ira.Wopplos reelv neoi" am*- ci LIly, Ilmldy. "Xy imar,' sali *0 soos. graey"j vditels goi vonan, Mam olise :Inm noe 0eutes)forsa pom chIdl 11k.yen, wbo bas beenbofmyd*rougha&hem aooence. doept dephe meV' nid*EltSyluaa 44, dW $1 amuvomui Wupki, qulsly, t.. %àn=- V..w. "à 1 mekh& t guibmim et tye we*inmrbibut m behm a atty p* vb; Mdami am sue *go, wevb Cofsgdiër ummiiori"*.- *mm de oLu* baq e dTwie am l» WesI bo utr ris% blu bmwb w*M hblai *0làur, o ni vebut) S ai ssu l d afly b.. * éaresWWb eb" Pa i h neibdug le aS» H.kl &nt med W > buyaI1*bepu OM bt1 -MM poma u Uuevas mot Mdc hne im Iodngb mce.Tho ahnes viei 1 amwa tbbwm bm *a0 pookoteet k dm culsu maife&bics e K VmudLe ve a Ly s tbaruetglug sPlg lMW]" * vebqe CicWb" roe blm iders; unssmb mm e s mucb abot bs prtlanwoea W1 11 et bismome Themao mueym a- loup ou butai tbov e w a broenonel> etbvover. as bng melei viha mis Pbve Moeuit 'dimmape irance. Ho a oui betla sy *ho wutt oila *0 bedre in a oh *» bai blddan hlm gaspderse; orever; bo statlmgmach bat ty layIb is"vte M"ofnie son'Ite .vonerci aI, *0 e- rsoi vr ange nd *0GtonM asho so a.Mit do, f ultcal ronerady a g lutolo, Ibo vay i h e rust Inber ver Omalo intshwgei Mmshuhrs ligtai $iAre t ntt ui mmlled aIets. uhont "M dan asédy'h.ni anl, pray anttn t your muu reat.d ba e my domoètie affira alan.; you certaluly uniorsland lb.eue, but 1 doubt your ability te corne aou eluoie» regardimg the "6Flue wordm don't butter na parsulpe" re- ttrtsi Mrq, poicse, vicieusly, ',mnd if Ful- ohup wrm't su Apoller ho bai a kini ",spore mue thons doume Sitorie., plisse," nid Vaadeloup, coldly, "they do net inter«Ce me lu th lb ail; ince.my wie"-vith a sueer-"has gcle, I %will beave your hospitable roof. 1I%%-lsund forallmy prperty eitisn ta-day or to-rnorro, and if yen make oui your acc.,unl la tbe meautime rin een wiii pay il. Gooi-dIay!" and wlthoul anoblier vand Vaardeloup walked slowly off down the palS, esvlng Mms.Pulebop seem ieutvI indignation. Revomit Inle tovu finI, ta the City ef Meibouno Bank, oui ca..'hd Meddlechp'B ceck -for six bundrei pounds, tieu, cml- lng a hansom, ho drove &long te the Hibernlan Bank, where ho had an accounI, sud psiditi into bis etet, resrving tan punda for bis Immediate use Thon h. re-entered lhi. lmuSn, and vOnt sleng te the offien of a et .ck-brober caflei foiglai, whawas a seemler et The Bachel- ors, ai la vbose bande Vaudsleup Ilalmi- oi te place Masbusiness Poigla me a sbort, atourt mmn, acrupu- losly, neualy &eseo, -vitb Icou-gray bair standing straigÈ up, aida babit of drap- picg ont bis veillasorne at a lime, n0 ihai *5 ltaies'baite constral quile a 11111e bis- tory boe." meaýh in eider te arrive at Ibeir amatD« ngsd the casueclion lboy bai vilS om. suotuier. MormugI"mnid Polase, letting lt.emain- talion i¶y oui etbis montb raply,aid Ibm ebobmg 15tagaluilucame suüy ather word nilgh t itlmgrsay to POP ont unkuava toblaL Vandlaup wnmaiasd mlaishm hai ne briedy. «I vaut yen *0 bny Ina aune Magpie RWe sham'élIme asu, lemami*ntable. ."Manyr ropped oui of Pal glae'.jOuth, ami Ibm Aà. "at aalu'th a wan UDqm& tbI t)we," q oidia wvfth a 141 au"Isesla the papolt heyare rtkib» tu i iomboW4, ami ~~ ib" lm, h. abmut £" w - -- - R~*eI~ ~ff8;ATENTION.' M NaSA tt b *0 IU.BEY sud H àRRIS Compous, te~ i. appltlun wltthe b b. Vm IpIspWBSUteSIami ennu vhlvh Vaut be Beaten A ti ma*ai apas ivau -baA. vi a.. ei au bad Organe, Sewing machina,, Washmg Mbtao, oe. <inimsMt befoftepurcbasinq elsevere. ~. ~ 1LJ»é Vi STAPLIS, Victoria Boad. ..-7-26_______ CHANGE 0F BUSINESS. Itakeïbà. lbety of advising yo that have purchased the general Stor. buuinu beretoforo carMdyonû by Staples, Anderson & Co. Being a partmer lut, nid 0rm 1 would amy to my patrons of the past, I feil Mraei*ilfor tbhhU& support with which yeu have favored u s witb. inth. past " ~ryes. Our numlber of outomers hava increased every ygsr aines aur oïga»Wdton. Te whom it may concern in future 1 pur- pose atudying my cuslomerm bout imterests by keeping the best goods aad havim y tek 'w.l amorted. Boots and Shoes a specialty. Cal! and ezuls. tock md get-prie. 1 Iwould suggest my terme are cash. All kinde -of fam , prodiiS taken ini exchange for goodà or cash to suit cuâtomers. Fit. amraue effectedini bout Enclieh Companies. A cal eolicited. B. A. ANDERSON. TieSisisRos, Novmmbo2&&a181O. -1. L .Dress Goods,, Mantlings, MiJ.inery, Sttitings, Overcoatinge, Boots a.nd Shoes, Flue range of Men'is Winter Caps. Have a first-claes Dress and MandIe Maker. Work done whether Gooda are purchased. here or not. in Drea and Mantle Malking and Tailoring we guaraaitee satis'<faction. Give us a cali and examine our stock. Higheat price for prodtice. rAme Orga.ns Repaîred and Tuneci, SATISIAOTIOt4 QUARANTEED. Ordora ly mail promptly alindod le. B. N. SS N - - LINDSAY, ONT. On Deck Again And sales large tha n ever. A clear sweep ofth Canadian mar- ket for 13 yeais. OLD ENCLISH CGONDITION POWDER SN et injurions. Na sin a i m.1woeu' a v animal. Suc..gC. OR 5 FOR $100. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. THE MANUFAGTU RERS -LIFE&AOGIDENT INSURÂNCE OOMPÂNIE S.. J~ Oombined Âuthorized Capital and othe, amets ...M*........... $3,wOOOOO JW. WALLÂG Et Agent, Lindsay. Distt anager, PoturborO ]Opc» _= FrURNITUREC GO l JGENTa Co. >W4net Makeros EUT & cou t-- Oum 1 ý r o ohow it

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