Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1891, p. 4

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the post me M'A chuaaggma ' o order iaféorer o vudeeiga. .Or aMr spéciav tyej MM"eus Ie of vhi YOu yul s=ive vilae tht. klnd o oietil.a hea cule op@oWa. orders mtsllUsaip sud satlaf&otorlly àsuit aIlose Prioem Our weddlug sudt Same NOT OU P Y MADE. AT THIS SEMABON buainema la more lively " t smaWs. othar sud the vide awake mooaM antiipata s h. at.of 1h. UW lu no Ulin houi repmms Mrn fil trade mors opoeBél Thou a lau Io"it&plasbut thela are nlov styleisuMd improvente l thernsàswda minlaother this sMd vs have ths neyait sud but. Ws taksjlrlde inshowlue à YmÎr. vaoito lnauaIlheb.Most dealible klada snd stles. Pur thcm. vho Vaut t IOmut«s" uive tlIe.an ,momdgold vtla t1h ipsu fae, sud hanuuin oa pur tlose Who are iatisflhd VUi somethin jasa ai rlilable as a time. pejut sm haudiomo sud ati, fatýybut 01 lmaiultri" viliNaleB ùled acld open or hauting .esed vatoc lli Ilsbill. Thoe06ai0 VU varrant fur tveuty TUtU. TIers aue rneuyperiM o wh hom the îlrn..ke.ping qualitiesofet thir vatohesanareof the iglul impoit- auce ville 1h. style, atrinalo 'Valus of th» cass arau ly of asods intermés go longai 1h. ate pensai tprotectionu W th* voila. Par thaïe the iolld slve r or ickel coued gooa la amy difWenot styles both open sud huutiag combine the monita of extrnme ccuisey vlth loy ot. This makes 'ange vide enough to suit ail pooketesumd piessa. ail tastes. You ml«ht huut the Cty over vlthout finding anythau acme *"Pt- ed tcyouî vat. than yoU u inl our stock snd our puces are broa 8 ta 20 per Cent lover for the smre Nearly every veek vs are shovu watches bought in the City Who"e owners hlieve they have seoured botter birgaina iban oua b. lad in their own lova; sud inlu eaîy.ery cas. the pricca pad are blbeî thon Our pria.. for th. &mre «coda or goodstls imilar jalue. Britton Brose Foot of Kent Street. Liado-, oy. 26 h 1891 ?'R!:, V.NOVEMBEB927. 1801L A union ol hairt.ssud& autof sbande A union noné, o.asteer; à union of hemp. ns a àunion cf Lande Andth tba lg, Ramz ION, tc. ome." WIN TIR DRA Mil lION. CARPINI. TIRS. MA OZv8 12W 07551 TRA 058151 OOIDIUND. "Wh.a chili Noveaubmr's surI? blait Mate.field anadtforestm bars.' Ia à country suoh as Csuada there are cenlaia classes of ciions vho canuot fad employment at Iheir listes ci occupation caly turinx the îummer seascu. rng these ave carpealers, bricklayer., mons, salions, etc. Thsy muaIteéther tutu thé attentiona W .omething 515e, or b. cut sf employrnent turing tha vlater umon But, if oltisons vere tcb morsco- aideraI. la regard to glving sapicyment te mon, they coult benît Ilenmeolvée ait thehr feflovaca Wo a gresater calent thon nov. Theaudpudels istoput off& ai ldoor or arnall job. ef oarputiy sud rnsmona.y anti ithe ummermaiu sud thon, ail ornes l in it a rush. TIsre in nol that shadines about business to guaaaalo.puât"ble nim sfor labor. IY citiseus vers tebloout *Bl prernlap tbsy voulit a"itmury stit lobe mach ai npalrng tenus doue la bvlth e wI as itq» u& mm -er montha. Xis lueo ; BD msai ordinaeryjobs ,PMUib. toem"dby bes u w4àothe o bee, ]?Umm tho miims «M" it VOI Déeut mail sd, vocuit hi u l I,40. wes *m t XI bau fallmn to the lIMof -bat 1ev aumtstassanh b. 50hlg hoacteit a the amn.John Hart, postmemeusa or Can@a1almainlabhsmhome tovacor Lut Thuaiturthon . umblaitla ils ýnqWU et l iPerthe l.ooautr sea fLamaui, su immns ocourme of ile l.sdlug eaitents ofri*elova sud cocuuiy boauéds ilgulmbet ulisan. Iem a dis- tabs. Hcsornagk*Boi onmea" si cào;trade. or uen 1ecabnet Ministèe 09e m& O ast ièmteitble banquet; sud by th àennesud tBoit voielu msrtd ososela thir oapsalon tu arme.. seiitadittamai v.te delveied bjy is xwMluht -Whovlle r... i.HmgaWO ovu speech vu stesighite.the point. R. ocPbr peevdeuohfebd hm»u latiineexposaitiheir evilUd A "~IL ahsegsd laqalry sud m aci Thîa ade&lalletsecofthBe ait- dru conotinOur, - be given la toria vin beony mona rol arouad v. hope have lhe privloeelarlng àmre oft1hé,cabinet alalte sou 1h. ium et thedy Bon. John flg«sut là tovwon kuovra sud toc, ffly hcoed tc, le luun ib thé veaosa suit aallgliy of aadérers. Etestand to-day a stonger mamtIé», 5DtQP.U1 AL" 0258. Mr. Porbes, the gril vho bas rosigneit bis sest for Quesu's, .8.9 secured 867 Votés, MsuIlacharged. vlll 1,011 viola- tions of tii. leotiou là,v. Persona chevrgeau areng présaed agaînât hlm. OAX WOOD, 4» uls Sii ardai. Âs 1 do Dot sée. àmeallonei la Tam Wa»aa efthle aesful c00oert huitil th@ lova bailOnatIe ev.aig of Thanks- g iig day by lie Oakvood busbaud of 18 Pleosa. For tIe short lime they baye mode voaderf ai progresi under lhofr baudmaiter Mr JosephOCoad. The cou. cart vu a suceai being veil pabronlue Ouavillage bas a aew routdent, a punerai orhstMr. J. Todit. fle bas leaseitfor a aumber cf jear.the larg sud mlnit store ovuet by James Thomatke, tIe oldeml store lanlthevillag. H. don not orne boeosaemynlaop- Position, but Wc compote for a share of the trade. He purposs 1 ke.p a «sacrai store' to, upply the vanta of ail, W tae ail kiats of produce la exohange. H. t. belanggaàtock of «ota of ton thousad, dollan sd ho a l selling at fir pnios tc0 pies.. &IL Helinveil-kuowa iu Soul Mariposa, îavlnq la his ounger day. litai vlth Mr. Josepb Biglow, nove of port Perry for seven years. gossago ne ariai. Axoire hénotable évet. thaï bave occurre in latht. Village the Most impor- tua ant11 te raaig oflthemavillovned by Mr. Jafey* Il lna agood substantil buil &Mg sd vohop@ sud trust il ii "Mavr aiUlb. purpomsorlglialy iatead- ed forit. WB regret la tate thât Mr. IMc. Damorethbubeea very sick for thselait 1ev days, but under the skiful treainent cf Dr. Brosd of Ooboconk, ho lapro gresslag fsvorably. W. ane glad.tc, boer thissthe.ol4gentlemanvwusétionsetu"n lnas Vvrycntica condition. The pe!a docior vwu kej>tqitim busi duriug bis short so0journ hors, thoesboang no lles Ibmn ighi patien & va"ledtherniies cf thé oppcetly 10 o uit hlm viit regard tW thé rvaries ailmeutm, vtlh rernakoblbonaiolal roat. 10 ithem- salvez. It il àpityolIt as sing lb.pro. «tuiule nature of VioWrRon Lat li mmornaduemeuts "da »at b. oesi thé dodo, to nonove hue. I arn surs Il vould beaàMtpv. vooit mIl sprocge. 1 sus t#t" 1" . i. Ouesýte co - lannel. bâobuM ting bis houtilul nud esibai oit ou the vut-'sd&Ofet"BevOMl&*."T"M 11me lait ve osaut ce MSecuage MOU grain buai «a Mboo hp o n E th is t mmn vu vaùsipped ,Csf orsJ. J. Pe ical Mib buy« Md t - vhs agl *0 B fi5f lit 04P uatuo il, v.uors li boMA pood f.ra hWEb à u oi shovumuol iou ie mm ~ou suce.u a s "Poster." held ith*c0ocerton su tauIer apeeit0 favoàiituf ed lht. isBEahilandui Wei"lok vrs ias çgly primaitfor rendenlg snob fiue masso. PWOfeMo Paxvsu ot up to te «Ptation oft Il acuein ce*01XIDOU* spart. mm ss MisWus, or erlys hacher 0ethàilsipt a g, ê epuett sud Iso.william moOsrtusy. Minais «aol a astbeaulftl coutenance l mtau. . bl« . sp.udlug a fev day. bhe. BEily fathe sme old boy neof Tcre ne ae Belauy coUmea usaI 1 bis native home, havng set mnof Ehis mn lug t10w s famàit6 WaliMW eVes*oe 3wv. Mr. Kolsus b . itMe anveitlpopu luitu pomof Lamevliami Mlt"speabywmla " = bavlsg veceveita isIM@U 0811 sU.1%11% e vuida uIt aal of lb. 11dm sud Lomeille oemgrogetlons Tuaity 1aIveïk t. souuit I. Aluge suit ilsass ¶sELg" d MaLyeeIlOrvMte b. bo Boit estimable pamio au lbu tuas- firait. la cas st. t.Ko Muonaccepta Itl hii oaunillustimof .1vbeeocse cloegy Mann g ot a haortahs a o alu àabaudItEldo@4su d Ihm avemmsoaalor. gmlstoa inasmm alla. Thor la ast ou* çu aiH ths district but vomit accapt IEt.M&. Lumona removlM a spsrsocal ls. e l boovaibym&IL. Ehs oct vifs bs vIUlbe gratly alaa on tu Uais Grava sudaitdlon. Boxaa sqo Et. WtIllaaBraonEofbi looanqt, vblle on routa te Eal lvar Wa 1!ud a fà euH.wasa brouht book h Ne sad its . audly hr hae b. syalyof the oommlity. as lim.llnî of Tosont.t. eîjolns the couur bamo vlallag Ur. sMd ExLM ESti XoTcoGAnT Bacs. rooally tbramboi for D. IL Smith apestiofsE1000 bumbale. 5MO hdst, sud 500 cti, la lam tbaacsve a ot Who oua bsat 1ha1 t Tumu Misbegialsg 10 le exotemmnt ove thé probable sautait for the reasbpé 10125 BBAY. Wu baa hait a grost ammouf tala dtur ths lut v su d v"ey adit vathe for the mmis. This bu giveu buildoraaammal gisait oppselunty lar cempletlug théi ou. trat. Euwnsof lét. ba"eouta i loso vsa aumbo, of homes in Ibis »sv oocnlry. Word moshoelsas lait voolltaI ooeMr. Alsen s trappai, bu berna osagît laabéertrlip L boll buds, vhsrsho vwa b.l I ileoaller Itarvoi or bled tedutb... A Mr Shorts frisait of mine, leMehie bote. &bout dm vik MO t moka hlm vsY througI c- au mal« offoresi but bus cet basa board of dus. go muet bave purlabtoo t bi. H. MIaybve hua caaght in à trsp, as iDudautad hbëdai sous @aitor perhaps dovoutait by volvaS o AnoTua wry ai t sIocourrat ast far froat Forlh By. Mt. NMusa lboas. cbtat Who* vIlle a MMila vo ch Soun. cf te1h. rcbltmavti ave the alara just a ia. 0metav*a i. nadt Mm.Gel sud ail Be chlidvsabultome dum Ma1eil t byomeaolde 1I aotmdsobewuv ".uls sby the boys suitsiS Mt but a i dl.spsudmet ruhanu haedaugor fuily, laid itovc eg.suit vu baumi t. dulh. Tbo hiaha me aidaduipseg efort"a, Lis ahlld, but via peevostiby Beél&ma. lt la mthe .mollwlabu 0. let hWe wauom. The bfil fas sfl.me oieappoalsi te lr mmÉLsd te lb.tuait *là* aMomt 7«ZsTsk .at 0"Q lyee sympeay la 1*1.. a e n Uh Il r Grocery Ilwu T1m ouhou l . - ' b~~~~h weowemme~uA~h BOms m sd u hdes ,wlth lard wu $1uras 1.11 kI hum the tsdee 'kIor flnep fabrie. r Pmàty bu »sa Oua Tri 11,Ïk Mil, i ta the ToMiU&M lhll, ¶.oecim.evo t ba llon Pthm e t nid wnidmu Oua Wh* soommultnuécobsi m Psydq kmbj a tio Fm, hifae iait 'GqDe alD«« abI. As eau.vu a" a tla Md »6«4psa àaa fvuo, ysou -'hoait. ls wu appillias .Ts mi bi I. ub * 'uE ~a o a In ab ubs. y 4ut"esit wT fi -w hevuhom:a= ai l2at statioan- bluadsy Biot Md ho wus burlaithâte o an ""y. ewuas mambeo ft1. DIodook dbanse hdpan& sllhaqh it mimai .&U de?, hie brethma lai nt intlarlsge saab..ta pauforu I lent sait rits. The poor, Tome, hasrtboéa vitsw eu» ehome ou tb. mue train, v11& th.1v obild, sotloyt a vmo14 it Wx. Cowan. our gaulitmavobmuuh.te. mo"te BoDukol talis%, avlag b.ugh esut Igt.QoyW Mare. We vish Mr. Owa msse as uhiseu»wproalasa Jcaum masud zaioomo ba»'.aêat.dla lb. OffSemmSIffO Mb.te EL 0 4 m oesd wce Kot s 0. am aM, hZPMl um M. Mod W4vano «rbut lbey'.111nUaS ]RObmut.a sdd w voiekm ou% of hi. stable md driva-s amy 0oe au Iaslwekby lv. of our youmg0=4 suse .h.m wu sinaon a joarei mnediutance' off; sud tbé theon% ealrmuluguth the bous,.llut bis vy ubewlldetei md mot Jug uushittbed tBe mimod, 15usd Itlote à Wdsud made hie vay homme af e., borng àu cs »u m à c srro h luh sE bhs huit. Tha o ras vufoundin a sacople of de of sotihe. Whoms teI bJZb.bs b.b!e ue isola var baid Z vs has buaMi amItsy dolasu tae b.evu 10 rasimoaashlm fLw bilolm 09 dîme sud trouble. Wu or@esirry la infomejuy«Ibsi Un.Albas Ipbkuhm bubernagutg Eforsome lime .111 mmoncislae 5brasai, .du-bau goëitl sont but lu lasvavyw«kakyiltebut etlaéo ommit vua masbotter. Gome. Spiah. vhsvont t.emilbs likg apgialmba tuauei"houssiks Carwright bottean auh5o ve du& Neye ails.th. bowuls fte rmososati tait lut mrimun MOU&se saiNt"oub mle aumaW o nrao tou oadtptlos- 2. An ImctoiIm le the Qum. lèv*»hamo usaorosta pm. o y, h'me rwady mêmea.ethe Qom of Rmdla-l>t te VSIU.IMMI. Il"proiut ol ta " vms% md udm i Bis o mfs Md i soalayb vieo b v fà mMs happy huus ait m alis Beudof ii mlaI. aa iio~eytrI W. viiiB .a c' good Tweed or Serg Suit. FOB- $2650 CASH WW in giw* a ped pair ail vool White Blankets. VOIR $9 CASHI W. ii gve a good FuÏr Muff or Âstrachan Cap. FOR $350 CASH wt ae W. vMi giv* a. Bois Tweed Overoat wt ae FOR $4 CASH W. ii give a good ail vl Tweed effeet Lady'. Costume. FOR, $4.50 oxêlS W. will give a Miis' Tweed Ulate with Cape. FOR $CAS We vii give a Mma' Tweed Suit or Overcost. 108 Kent St., Opposite the, Post Office, Lindsay. Arcli. The- People's DUR TEA DEPABTET W. have always made Tom our leading article at leading prices, and vo need flot say more now thas that our stock vas nover botter assorted than at present, comprising ail ou popular brands, 50 well and favorably kuova throughout the whole county STAPLE UNES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISIONSf.f OUR CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS WAREI DBPÂRTMENT bhld=prmn srpe.wt a vauied and extensive assortmnent of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our Fncy Ciam lsvr ane l and beautiful designs, and at such low prices as were neyer of- fered in Lindsay before. Lindsay, March 4th, 1891 JOHN Importar, Wholeeansd Retail Dealer in Wines,, ,L-iquors, Bottled'Beers, md eoraJIGroceries. : ~o,>tKmt8Ssui2 h WoeOm~ ~*i b~ Idub maê~ 'e - g au4 4 Willim 1%, Bondtd Warehonse No. 4 William St. à", XOIdE mua XItrnWhiskies; Cognac Brandies; OId Tomn &~ *k1eê oe&~.eu.,Olauts, PoIrts, Sherries, etc. UtU THIS WEEK. a f wwt«,00à mPfcfle R.' R.,50 ohests ohoice Japan. P~l~au~lostizm Currants; Orangee B5ou«aof Bree" v~T Campbelle DOBSN e mi

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