Hors. iobbin 9 i WI& 8LKI a GH89 BUG- bo b dmd CTt"R8put LIdi cal si per Aiw 'I-la V 2Irlvt-Wbo1e NO. 1810 t - These Saws are made from the1 warranted; require no set. W. also ke sud everytl4ngi 1910.18 a 11,11Mc.W IIC '1? 1'* red;fuUy R:R D WÂBI, lic vos' .ai. ta UIs., WELL -ASSORTEDU I 'Winter is near at hand, and Iwohave maoe'prepmtiona for it, md would ask you touoe. our stock of -BOOTS AND BRUIS. vhieh pou 0m"octe __a will find fully maotd and gond I . ej 'W. have almo a fine range of DUBSS AND MANTLE OODS9, Mmd 04 trops wers extra good this year, w. would auggest that Y«u gle your vives~ a share in them by purchaaing a usu Drem 'or -Mant. Our Millinery Stock, though we have had a I*rg e aoiait, is k.pt peU aasorted. Don't fait to «aH and »Ôu whât 'we have. litIe Brtalu. Oct. 151h1 iSI.-19"4 TE ~. ~ VICTORIA WARDER IN CONNECTION WITH TUE ENCYCLOP&DIA REVISED AND AMENDED. hos~ the, haeu paS-fo IT ýB YOUB F&IULT thst the boy cloma't undewsaud tlia MIanUg Oft ilsWOrd ha bas eucounierod, or kuowu othiai of the mam ho bas baie riadlug about. You semm anmoyed beeause hhe aluupelyon while pou vire resding Iho papi?. Do@@ not part of the anoyases aias trousa h ftt Yai yoen'l 1mev îouruet 1 The viole trouble fer bath yen and tleboy ho>voul b.obvaedif jeu cl bal a goodl Eneypups Sla lhe boum. TYon omn't afford IL. Beal oui maoumntfl dl mIounviiies@ lIaI ponu e, le pou THE E NOYOLOPAEDIA BRIlTAN ICA B.,i..d and Amended, le the mont complets and lversfidlbraryof utsmmlsiianmd latersallg lnlusO ever ieued tram lb. proue. Yen vWUl fiisomelhlns_ toatiriot MdInIbret !FOU on euer>' page. if vou arc tond of ialoryo à Ltebe me fsl uail oeoloi nofhlstoids ta tiche nd, smbraoina iver>' nation oft amust ai mel imes.l Ae lotinlter- nestl lu Soloneel The Enoye dit OhSBrianiO Bevw s " mmdedd.Wil ltipou«, in céar,unmdestand5bl BeS 21.&aIlabout Miam Ian »Ipou sa>' yl lasludy. Aré pou ourlons about meeh a m en svi@582 Agau tlée 3 ia oiB 15US>te10jour bond;a momet% alunin8os, ia fal i bt e ope? hmilSgto "M OYON 0" Ihere before jeu lies a omphiand nbauallv*iaoomt e 9inti n Ur sbjeo.'la sber t, whetheryon anat muasmiimlfor san1Me.hoer, seld iàmirll f* oros eai- ous moments, or quiol li fâatiionabct mi buffiate vil" pou9M ilm dobli peu have tb. mous a ltleue boula off i" I10romediSIf TH E WORK IS ILLU-ST RATED léc sevon thoufl*51lpuArs' t%41Mvu inei 6UI P . words. Tiei nlormation auuupl ii OukS et 1000 of lhe abblalt if fle*0 osil 4>5 ÇuOfIIS ars thou lvi 10 vut! jeau *0 t gui, fwu PeblateSanI 4, vos. .1 Aibegi ateesi. Usd017 u.mh~'ah.e au.. WIII ho isatel cbsap fao a te a muttabîs tuant, loi JURE uwJehau, OUi Oonutabis, Port Nopa TM"m h Sadeomu t. Reat t rum br MLaoto tî ve mle w Ie rua, Lot Ne. , lut con. IAxtoaý semtialng 10suIMs.la mu MiU plwW gdeas pw ta iwuubn M t 1he. opistor on th. WL E.AZW Pam hiorS1. la the Towushp et O060 eutbs5tquartar c9 lot 27 la tlàSh on. ci Opo rhâ h fuugns Mres, &Ui eluMsdata sfol jac elllaglm. l'hui«4sm the premhia = =noeai dvelMng bouse, atrn barn, sable mend absia The hem la en ol îcs"u haarai fnce. Th fé dbi&t5for miles from Llndiay on ho oobk icboihoua on el cornu cf l là ot, t ebumebos cmvumimml. oi millepmlua!p~ t AMontemâS ONKIg tue pl«à '-u.u.,ag4, wwàd Fort," Victoria Rond, IM E 11*1>01 GAMTL, bmsaIL'on borns or L clipped on rijîl blp. Aayca. rstornlng thos or givinx ifoma on WMad itothehr ruue" iii be lîlbsrsl wwarda. LhJDLAW aUO. No.25, l185 .-iO * Cu asa e . romies of lb. ubrcribmi. Lot 4, Con. A, somerfflle, a B.d He30er, two varold P"i. ,ne ovasil= é"qustteprove pSrptt, m ex- Pen .es andt e u waY. J A W Boinsrvle, Normd P.0., Nov., fISOL-10-4 Étrave& Lbeidea Vis,10 maripos, Nov. MSb, 1891 9"4 Sheep Straàyel. straye froua lot 15 concession 9 idon, sorne mouibi àgo, oee oe ;a ~tvo Iambe, riglt car aofae I aplît. A"Y Inormalon that wm lad te lIeu reov- or> vl b. aultabl> rowarded.I A. N. CANPBELL, Hartlsv P.O. Strgbyd Sheep. etralel&bout ivo veeki mgo, Irain thens prome o! the cubetor Loi il .Ooncsssla 6, opa, a Leeesilr -s, vit a Mr ll bimgbl mmi. A luit. able rsvarl vii i.gven for mach informnationsas vOl lald te is w. H UNiGRIFFITH Ope, Oclobe M9t, 18991.-OU, MuMe. NIES HAflBS, oniglst Cmlbrkl 8 eSt hodlal clursl, in a pirel to gîve l1mmeon the.?hIanda orgurneor t«ain pav as te0 ambrldge St. North. inilOct. It, 199OL-S For Sale. Oa «Prae"Thisn« acins, mmufacuie bY John AbeD; ona lover NlDIbflllb> aâme; ome io larespovur. Cehava.An slave maoIla hla gool uanlng otder. WIIb. olI ohsap for stt Moule>or stock. Apjll ntLot S, cona . ,Nasipau -. IF. 0OLABIE, lia-tf. Woodvle 1.0., ont. beparaor itoi eale. W. bavesa- u.clmsSiii , manuftursd by 5, . averferame. loet for steam or hoin paver. Fr ju1« S*,1>EE5e Set20, 150.-Mlf - Hamd LOOM WeavMK. Mw~p Mid tle vve beuia- Md aan lat,*c0narrovHannol tvllid, id EEza g COopt, libu 8mis Ze.per ït OOL 4,Ni»L-i-S Punes #sBs. on pfl a Md i "110W I -o NVE MONEY." Fix Tluis IYour Uind. 'Tour Dolla ,when it 1i It ioour bue most foi YU se&"onWG0 vahie fer passes ver4 ove 7e god duty goodGoodg buoto give the money This giving better zy dollar that ýceunters thana 46 'nuuuu A great variety Of charming Fabrios at oheap pnuces. We lay claim to novelty in styles, variety in pat tg sud mod- eration i n*ues. FLANNELS AND UNDERWEAR ~Fo Liývàsd Men'swear You muet hifrb;them ana it is juist as weil that you should know that we are offering something special in these standard goode. HOSIERY & GLOVESs 0f late _years muoh more at- tention has been paid toi Hosiery and Gloves than for- merly We make a speolity of Hosiery and Gloves ef al weights and grades. Men's Suite, Overobats, Caps, Hate, and Neokwear ina end- less variety. Make a note.of our Overcoats, we- are carry- ing an immenie lino of these goods at money savmng prices. In Cosas, Caps, Collars, Muffle, Bos, Capes, These gooda will b. found tob. reprenent- ed in our stock bys fineal Uinea tihe mhrket affords. ýBkwkets and Comforters. In thes. goob, sa na9Il thers w. desire b -glve outomers théos omit Met NaMO faio We offer to deliv o (JLOPEDIÂ BBITTlZ7 TH IcTO.ow w WAU, able asmfor per mothh'd payable le.4 par a. r. T-#I ~Mdg Bt., 8.31 *ne Narie?.0 'reniev Wante4& P«i Bebool IUsction No. 17. Nnlpc6. Second or Third ohm oeut. rite stallg expetlsmos and 0981 wàà@& . ý Airu & 9 NSH' DAY LU.U Teacher Waan0d. For ILIS. No. 5. VSruam, holding *tb m cln Uill Ilos. Doués b commence on th.e rz-tfjaauary. Sl For pértIonlèrs apply) JORN QUIOLET. v. 21, 119L-104 Teacher Wanted. WM a oa cer hi bool moeon No. 7, Mari- em u sprsfmld. Appilctlons receivo up to md Iadudltag at1tfrNovmbr 14h, ddrus te a gKAZA", UseTrog&. Oa&wood P 0. Narposa, Oct. 10h, 19L -B-tf Telboher Waat.d. Wmmlsd a teaebsfr ltShoo section Ns .9, Carl wrlght for the ymar1M9, holding a se&d or third édaM OrtlleeApplications to e m uat 10 JORN DUVIT. Nov. lotI, 1991.-S 4. Loat. On Uaturdav svsnlng lait, 2Wa Novsmber beteveen Victoria 8.ad itation sud i. Oonnora', a kack ut mule. The linierwillb. giltsbly rewardsd by lsavlng ilt Ni. W. B. Jobniton'i botel. Victoria1 RosIKART ]NAODONAL». UphiliNsuembïr951h, 189L-10-9. Notice. 190p.rioa athoriled tocofleta&comiorob- tain Credit la myame without my wrttsa order. «OOP Mr 1nyJAS. WETHEUP. ladsay, 11h Noy., 1891.-10-1 New XHmI.c I bave PnrbaUOFa newHRack whlch II ralan sonnatlon vith ail Trais, sud Boats lunainsa Ombére lob et my Umsy Offic. aira»Y ni the hotais, vin recuve prompt attentaon.Tet.!,bono o ée t«On. E. C. BLNZAN, Llvery Stablei, Opposite Ton Wausma0O00. Lindas', Nov. 21. 1891-104 HARPER'S - BA ZAR IUusti8,tOdaý cle *Ie latest Information vitI regard tte h n ons, Mdaltis numerous Illustrations, Parle dealgus, sud pattern-abei supplementéu i ndiuenabls at.le to the borna dreemàker sMd ths profeselonal modiste. No e"» in uparel te nake is I ft itîattractive- nuas of thé hilg 1.5or'o. t briéh l.ice, mubg osatediea, sud tbougbtlul essatiîstl &il tenmese sud is lait page la famoua au a budget of vit sudi bumor. l Ia vewekly itues everytbuin aincludsd vhlcb la of interel tu vomen. The aer"al for 189 vii b. vrit.en b> Walter Besant sud Wiliam Back. Mis Oliphant vl become a conti'butoi Marlon Bua& TnI~ ely Talke, -Dey lansud Day Out." aie intendel for mationé, sud Heien uaisaliNorth vin speclali addresgirls.T W. 1Hlgglus i l, Womei mmd Mme," vI lpîus a cultivatcdaudiencei. IIARPER'8 PERIODIGALS. Per Veai: HAUPR'S DuAZR. BAIPEI YOUNG PEOPLE ...840 Poafaie ires taall ,sbscriers in lte UsiUd $Usta. Canada, anid Jmeio. The Volumesof thc Bszàa nopa uith the Ira Nutmbet for JanumryofIesth year. Wbsa Do lime lu manioed, iubec ntplto iùiibegan ih ths Nuimbu courrent ntaI tme of reclami t rd Boud Volumesoa! DAMS s8AIU for 1MO jure bw. ,la»nelth biudlug. vil b. mot by iàaà, = paid orby xpie. frueof expu, (prvi d te feigt dm iotexSesd ane dollar per veu.,for 87 00 pr volume. Clt OI6Cusfor esalIvolume utable for blndlng6 viii bt s55t by m"s, poesl.J on reoelpt 0f1 Mi Romittanose aouldle mades Il -00lO Ode or Draf, te avoid bchnce I cue wZ2 AMdru: HARPER & DEOTHEESNov York. 101L PEmAT, Dacambe t b.-OrellMal" ef faim sM*oand implomente, nt uouh h*llOf 1.1 i8, ecaceuIon12, aiWposa, lmepropeit> ot mi. losepbFePa. E]cla OVES, 55- etOROieyNM s fa alaiSes c eSamis.M P~ ~ à,~!.e g . UT et nilmu y il w luow uai tel (ýll U1f5 Mr ua t l- Wb us Ma Tudlinetiou £memol hek.puent ce Inum.rablo M mae.Th"t Ar'e&- om' ap la la the best S»cro oIndiestion, evan huaomi?& .Joseph Labn e iEoku. Oante, Mh: - 1 UJJ.,o ouplub dt Itndee1ou mmde M7 MitsçtLQUrMd nmdcamn m ending my existence. Por umtothau foryem I suffered nntoid neuy wu toueamont to akeleton, s and 1 strength to drag myself about -A kinls f toddistreeaed me, and oniy tk. moat dellcato could k. dlge1ed at ail. Wi>n the tins. mentione severai fphslrtaedrne ithoutgMubgre. lie Nohin tht 1took s3eemed to do eny eunet good until 1 commenced the useof yer's Sarsaparilla, whlch las produced wondenful resulte. Aonm atter commenclng to take the Barsapa. tilla 1 couldsece an Improvement iu my condition My appetite begma 10 returu and with It came the abllity to digest ail the food tak.en, my ZiMngh Ilm. proved each day, san ra 1ev mnonths of falthfl iattention b or directions, I tound myseif a =1il woman, able to attend b ,ail household duiles. The mnedicine bas given me a new ease of We."1 Ayer's SarsaparIlla, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, LowsII. Mass ,.?du $1; six botties, J& Worth $5 a bottle.. Laut Prlday evîning the Literi> Society 1 held their voekly meeting Inla.heAueombi>'9 hall. The liret mumaber on the programmeq wuau suinstrumental duett by the Misse Groat mmd Robeon, executed tu a varn fiiahsd mancer, Thle debators vers thon called, upon to take th. plalform, the subjeet for dobate boing "Bmslved Ihat remig is more benefi- OWi than travefing.0 For the affrmatIve, Mesu ra.ies and Hor., and the negative wau aupported b>' Meurs Sima snd Carter. The speeches vers very good conaiderlng the short tims that the speakers had for preparation. Mr. Bruce'. speech vwu Ivery veli prepared. but the. effeàt vas aomewhat spoiled on se. oonunt othi@ eonfinlng hiinslf 10 hie notes& Mr. Sima spahi atI mre, leagth and Wtrld1 show the audience their great mistake iu thfiukng àbat rendin ug vofa more benefit tbm travelli. Mi.- Hors gave quite a lengthy addrees snd vas qulte as oufidesat thst readisa dld ne a great deal mors good than travelling. Mr. Osit&Arispeech anded much ln turnlng 1h. attention of 1h. audience in th. negativo aide of the question. The debatn, wsu deoided ln favor of !the nogative. Prot. Cooper favored the audience ,ith a violin 1olo acompanied by Misn Eva terriu Thi.svas a rare limai for 1h. aoclsty snd b! the ma-'Ner lu vhiob h >' applaudod they aboved their appreclation. Thes encore vhich followed tbe .electlou vas gracional>' reapoaded 10. Mr. Stevens havlng been mpoitedcritlo for 1h. evsning, vuthnaid upon for bie report. There ver. several other pieceS on the pro- igrmme, but owlng 10 the I men.. of th. boni vhy ers postpoued until orne future date. 1-Pepeîngfor the COntes3t. A sPECIAL, 8.4 TUB Ol'TECOMPETITION. O)ui Qanadian ladies'ére already pmepsriug W for the preat Diamoad Dye Competition; tk si Ti are golng into tht. vork with a vina sud ai taruestnese ibat t. Iruly suiprisiug; mnd iinlatei well knovn uto, that vhemover lb. ladies Fi enter upoua su>' ork lu tht. vay. ilt. ealvaye Ti ,sll done, of courethe groat novelty of ati tha voil, sud tb. vide field of operatloujit opemed up by Ibis unique competition, viii ho s» th. mens of drawing bnndmods of ardent «u voiler. vho, mmder otdluary cireumalanea, vould besitals befare committiug themselvsa d to tromble sud unremneralîve vork. et Ia this liberal. sud higbliy commen"ale ai content, iucuguraled bv th. provriotors of Iol Diamond Dyeu, Ils ladies have au agentl la'9 vork vlth. vbicb develape immiense possibih-i13n tien, and prodmees resulte vbiob am planing w, 101 h. eye. The great varietv of vork in the ti varions classes open foi compeliticu dces ua pi by&Dy meus tek in &Rthst cm le sccm- ai plit.od aDy tbe celebrated Dismond Dym ,Il îi le, howver, lu tb. viii ro«ulatid, ecouami- co col and happy home tint Dlamond Dyea are juslyapprecisted, *ad cs"dersd 10 b. Inde- rq spensibl o lpe mmd aida. As sesson muceesmfi ismuon, tha vise viteend mollert ties of ti th. veaiing apparel belonglng 10 berelf, P busbmmd mmd obldren, sud realizaes m. a. portant taIact tIlosa b. fitted for vork once more lbroug heIause of Dsmnd Dysu. Them mèteriâli &M iiaood, but porbape 100 llikht in t color, mmd, it mmy le fsded .vltb vorMiade expoeurs o hoebasu, ea lUb. rs.dyed in.1 cornaefasimble dark color, or made a lovelvt shadeo tjet or bInebleck. Il jusî amoutat 1à thie,sasmlady rerked,"for a trlfling ont- la>' yeu n have theamma vardiobeofaà 1 mmm, voma or oblld. iransformedbIlnevno mmîd styllsh arties for aturna &Bd vinter Âlrsady seces of vive sud lmotburshave sent la lb. assaurar> pplication fçtm, li- màtlng iboir Intention et compsting la the Mreat ODismul Dys Gem sobemacaie. Tlykaov1 a xcilb.thepartieular Hm sof wvrk lIe>' cma xcel la, malt i aI" b. pead cmpelâtion sieme embrasanlail s amaplo sol opjsinob«*voil asnith"'eaumien W II'Mthe pasi ti»e. ves labsula lhe r'United imtes bave vrlias 1W uakgif il.>' vii lslve l 10 o upais. e1= kt diotibifi'umierbool lIaIMe O "IMmwmd Dy. Ounpstltbem"ops offyMT.11il. Mies of (15515e oWvta. vo devout>btoailia bma vmpetMmfusthe amc Iis"amemi DréCém lath a et ai Lia bum m 10,al ou uites N tbnadisg lbn it thé idickst mi au I ~ ~ ~ ~ M te IuS l.eu"i o lo*6s)a" fbt là«M M - m Tii. Wemther, bsotlu vu wk mdhqa ltaturdaY mlgt, Nov. ~ b il 1 e izdcayobssvatory- ira wSet.708.....7 Weduesdy Warmut ty mmanOf 410. 6 ..... ..Monay O.hlent " 44 150.95...Weduay The wesk 1>5 PruOIPTATin ni nsze Intct 1fou of rai tui1 day 0.58... TUeaMS Rab in emo4 day. Ores$osfl ofso inlda 4 0 .. Wed'~y So, feu ocal dsy0. Tota rein and moied un-v.- 1 73. Tnos. Bràsi.i.. The GCensue. VICTORIA q0itTH. Omad....... 51 Dalon.......... . 8 Bidon ..........3 5 Dealon......... .1 Galway............ 261 Laxton, Dlgby aud Longford .........-80 Luttsrvorth,. "idon......... 797ý Snowdon .......... Stanhope, lihrburne and McClintock 310 Soinorville ..........1,074 Woodyflle......... 19,2442 VIOTOBIA SOUTR Liaduy .....**......4049 marinosa... *..... 5.363 Omemees........»'*, .p ....... * " « 3350 Yeralam .........2,z siool Zotei 916 83778 3 094 1 '55 394 815 509 3.145 2.809 1,219 710 586 549 1,110 1,182 807 1,014 551 583 1,509 1,940 323 0,813 20,455 750 1.018 2 876 2,603 5080 6081 5 531 4,849 744 687 3 358 2.92 2 474 2,291 20,986 25.325 Burton 40, Herbert BoutlN 33. Fkurth- Aggle Tompkina 45, Emm" H iskht 44. lier. tb& Clark and Weeton T m ns v 41, Soaie Willlamson snd Emily ChÉât man 40. Lydia Clendensuanm Nellie s î~. 39. Guaie Cola, liaud Covieoon and John Tsyior 38, Allie Hall 37, Msggie Sirelair 35 Berkley Taylor 34, Louis Jackson 32 1(1,; Tripp 31, Edgar Chambers 26 TIiid-L ?z.t. Jackson snd Alliai Feir 39 L .,'ie (,ýý - Lï May Shire 38, Wm.'MeFairquhar-tàzkd Wan. Sbire 36. Pied Rontiey, 335, CJaleb Mo,-re and Wm. Chambers 34, bopftis Taylor 33, Sadit Irwin 32, Lisi Jackson ana Frabk Br.k.ULahire 31, Lizzie Austin 30, Seamuur Western 29, James Auatin 28, Wm. Drnglop 15, Qnmuei Burton 14. Junior depatment. Riedhmg. marks possible, 50.-Seccond-NMtbt4 Br ktnabire 35, Etta Psriugtou sud 1Ne'iie Riches 26. Frank Hight sud Hernuan Owerm 25, John Austin, 24. Lizzie, Cochrane.' Sarîlia McFad. Ien, Ranest Tompking aud Ftaunk Tav.lor 23, 1dm Tompkiua, Lillie Parson, John Sinclai aud Caaey Cole 22, Jiella MocFarquhar snd George Chsambers 21, George Moore sud Howard Western 29, John u Pton snd Wilmot Douglas 19, Frank Roulley sud Henry Patton 17. Thora la more truth thon poetrY in vhat the N'bitby Chronicle Baya in the folloving:- %e ver betvsen the parsone aud "j ujuema" ib. teCity eol omonlo stîli rages in the minie. mnai Associatiou, followin)g up Rtv. Dr. asous' sttack on the uîti'mo eoties. rh Ioi order vas the chitf subject of îtack eI the meeting on Monday nighlt lut, tbeing iated by one divine tha.. lie lied never mn a man vho bad laken the third degcee md vho vas evor cheerful aftervardb! Roi. Dr. Pamuote sud other clergvnien wbo Io mot jolu societies, lield thftt ini dab-Aig in timithelb societiesa rob the church of a large Sd Important part of ils work, while the *psn faction of joinere. headed bv Bey. ryn" PWilson, maintein that if societiee did mot look ta' the widow sud omplian the church sild't The discussion waxtd veny hti mea, and is very profitable reading for the pubieo, lnoomuch as people are being eniight. oued se towhich, mcmli>'dota dispense charity, te iodge or the chuîch. The cliurch hu, obvilthe o ot he argument.ý TQ ontimmmd the position ùf ibe church in regard 10 cbaritv vas prettv velli llualrated in s sermon wvo hstened toa ctew dss's ago at a tovn mol more thon s sloue.throw from Port Perry. Ia making a long atring of announce- nontu, the pr/iher etemred ta a sermon ho nid recenîiy plosched witli a view te raisiug mnay for siy vidove sud orplians of tbe tovi vho vero lu need. Il seems that hie eloqueul appuil for a loud colleation. had proyed aimosl a total failure as to resuils, sud ho nov miakod îce vho hied deuied the poor snythlmg 10 recomelcer sud give it te th. mlssomaries, for vbich fund a sermon was 10 b. pieached. Thon as an incentive ta liberal. it>' he roies1.nains@ of those vho lait yemr gave s0 freel>' ta th. boathen- Nov boesvas the vboie hietori of ohumch cbaritv hn a yard or tva. Theo premobor thougbt hs had dama th. ohuî'ch'a duty tle th. poor viien le lad hld forth eloijuentiy for a Sho n n hoir bebaiL The membera thougbl th.> lad donc Ibairs vhen they lbed listaned, mtisnt1> 1 sudh a good sermon for tue ueedy. eii precher did mot feel liaI h. sbould, fol- 1ev np hie good varda sud nover ceas. te urge thé. meMbMuts1do thu dut>' 10 poor, but ratierpreferre o lt em off viti nohlg for tb. pour if lb.> vould, only nov corne leva bhaducsnl>'for,1h.hehen, vhU will bc do»e»odouitAndvhy vii Ilb. dame t Becanse aig book of missromary rustua pabn" tiannual>', sud Iheli mae ruout @ro thé il.pIpit mi contribuitors, The. pemohot mSat k1mev lnamdvane thast notblng j" bi e Walgich oarifor ho kmovs the eh à yducimesaber viii net gir. s cen le gmhsMe là to)buprlite laaàlbg.bcâk tovu ~nte ths tact. TIèesin no Voix beok itI mom tthegivers tb le imai hem iuui. T>i hur&dom'8 p #a Pm ur a o ~wnmofeto 0dei, lave soilte . sumi si pqg blb"glmg thebcr1glt bM a din théved»asol)vi fl 1 bM dm Turuoi , I.l tai ehura momm luesM na Imm M Bd nct SOlite oi vhlSeh mcl iela i 51ebaiilusta lb. ,usifiihuMseshima 1 oftbeis, jk «M d -x la f1"t.Th eai amf , MM pu ý suffc te *0 1. m noputu 1» )me MA uomg, namf luth 4f t"m U r «Mo etaté M i maoilh« M w-mol lu *W& le tk nt 8« 1 *fl*W1r -1 61. tire, me "BIMT DAVMON, s«-v' Gimdim. iftt ROT. % 11