làpemelut ,frlbWhovu'. memd land It e S»V ola t .s or. AiniOvMW S mE-b 0M bSt. AudraC' pNShV$aI*Oeb"*ê O a ealgof ueloéà Z= de,!VteBOr bPgIic ammalaul " ta blt R-V eyMr. Jelmao o" a sbzimE aidroath, Utjigibis bh4blaf oro,'uaba to whom thep v ie dbed for the Isi tt huY eajoX.d. HaIl$ sin fffled Idfrorly $0to"lbt onuatonMoieo ig h-aitte l1I&&lag qa..hail h. fuel i..1 lm% %ho fi -a fpr him à -& f 6 OCf îoU'ii ta t 40'.n'-wledg dG0-01in 4'se nolt nt'rn. Mise p-ilpil vwu aeaoatedtd vlo ee fruit and gr-in, balasu a pieutai a0,a06 'Md Mluee pr*Vàséle thelisvidage ut Li" ri BdLb *usdbp I theiUt et stli nusm inator uia h ont veiik sa thrme famils la the vil] sgt d ta one la Tuent u, bo bed ilved frutl 07nlu the village anti1 Janere 1t mIv Ub e uIta oT -rute - weuh iber pauante H.asry 41 aid Ur* wille. The tirssa ho dtel Vi. villâme e vre Mslirls.be&b Glamm, viteo f Xiwaut Glass, -md ia@rof iUr JonaOCarke cf Ibis 9, un.... Aies. daugiter of Heury ADUti bâth cff vhom lId on T!%"dy?10sih...On eaud.by mnunlJohn Bioad,sau nid j»Vidnt ma for cmore theai îvanty.fiie iuis p0oma515 v1h ifi o@ ho eda uiabaout fun ur ef s, a4 _The fortathli Mwu dase iSDlla Ville. d-nvhîsr of Mr. flery WiIl4 ud atmc 4 Ur. JA.h imiltof Lndsay, a panai Unon of eoseta ty.IWVO o«tht.. leu% W ho *Pwd on Mandal trous lha% telldisses. dliah. tria. Univrsela mpaihl la fel lu 'Little Ibitain sud nslghbohed vitilteésffi.iotd hualliméa sesnimafntvhw" la e"d lu by Tan 'DkdoKz" GiAuna oN smmT.-On 'babaglt ivuai DépAulttable adduaeavesde. Ui'srsd from the protestant plpte of Lindum. Seo. Mr. Graer ocupyli the apiiof Gubridgs tras meiboit ciurchi, R..ý T. X. Campbell, the asub?. bing proSWited by £Muon. Ber. Un - Anderson u ia beibptlas tburoh, &d Brs. IUr. Duàin the .angtican, tg tht mrnauîg; E. i. Hr. in laQuneSt. nothodiat churci lu the euulng; Eov. Robt. ,bhmswain La t.A.drt'a etmi nght revtead lie causes fo thankflamaamne tbm Canae. 4saa people. E'.ou tbe loyal mulîituer ai 40 thea ddromm ih là doubtful ifpesimiste -Md anasi -tionlate viii reap mach oomfoit. CAuada. &il ln aIl . ma thoroughui loyal sud tiutic clergi; sud should thtelianfor. Bately oer corne la drav the @vord for Maorty and iigbitioesviul B foad vaut- tw-blauk" ssaas sa urmlee" mad "blaie" *eiùdu Lu 54ht fùt Canada and Brti4cr- mation. The. 'blsck" gouttde la tht noms ..vmby thernuavéea ta a corpsa of oleiepmn wbo 0 ce rallilsd for Britai a igt on lia *uai fiad. 'Ri!,viaLàau Oa.NGs tLoDouhava réentl' cmit a fi» ucu boa su whicn tu hou. -* ir meetligs. That loyal place la on tubo Ll~é~înrnraid on tht tuva l"ns btwe.- *.lwây and SBorvlîtlu a Nort~h VictorL éecotoral distitt. The hall was dedleattd oa Saedav i>ght 03t. 17.b lit. Tht oc 1G baie$ of the locahty boit pwepéerd aàsulndid b.q:,thm hall vae tatefally doauralsd VI e-Va l 4ge sud clone; white the atan- ducn e a&I ht mleruld ho . ccomvnnds'ed. ire Wra Se.,%wavt, msler of tht icdgm vws 4harniar, and a gond one ha made Addr.rsae ee deliv."rrt1 by Cmnty i aster Oharlfe Fir. bin. IM p, RV. MiMr earofa oaitn, 19 j'I S .M IUÀhrra cf Lindsay, Jamues Wilson tffKit.'miniit. .sd thochadrman. Gotid musi wtw furui, tel y ba mi MisesMain, Dw.itt, iCvnter, Lambert sud Graham. aiv ssmstedl by MlTr esvu ggentlseiAu. Ni. Mârsu, Aas Devitt, and ii.Coculter ln tainu pralded at tho'isa Thte rssof the t itai bit a iit cf ouly $20 on the hall Thnuab the night vas bail thora usai a grand turnon' aW did not rgvt 0'o. long drive froni Lindeiy jrin thes ibmn ta 'nifi a promise. rsi buIk cystaiseaIMms.B. F. Jowat'.- Jude'Singera nezi Taoaday nigitopera lenîri -9 1. Mr. & tx. G. Clark, cf Sot Finci, la ei.tl'g friendu ln loun. Mta. David Ans sud her dangiter ot Wood. ile vliied Limdua rit"ode this weok. -Ciangpe lsemiilthetlime for onîdo aird White Piao) Bdlasmteathe rsmody25.- $4, mlirsa Sephauson, Midam etocOMeM$%.. qeut Bmîuidey ammn. Ltudmy bi ast wsoek Ti..y wma ersuorna visiai ar. John meminnea iSalas, Ei&om$% m af 1ho trm *gis on ltaiOo ?saver valse.bues<i Msf au Imo res la I.111.. . -y o t~ssuWmsis Ater easmm d slof etmgi ahoi ..maoh, lit oJO- i 0 ve i » i Ste eae plu tl m sdat bât Flrst sud1 as.6 Oic cfm 1no tg=I ~~~~n taleeuma a sud gmmai wtEE W&M of u EMULSIO HYPOPHOSPHITEgs untl aauyli.,ni1898, for à81. r coJanu y lt., 1898, fnv bor . CresavaI Isnf3rtunate lu living suci a re- lhable bimkemtti me Mr. Id. limas. Ho alvsys attends te) bits uork sud doe 1: volt. 1ev 0. H. Marvio, Woodvtlle, ibu eecsd a aie, ber af tisa Arnrie.tu Aoademiy of polîtical asic socWiaceby oai Phldelphla, Pa. Dani4 S pry Eroq .*he lieohnt post Office lusptor af tbà district visiteci Lindsay sud other Victoria centres Ibis vetk en aua flichai Thnîmi. ub tre lau aiuri.for oubscrption lu Tan W&nD» a iii kindly note th. label on hbei p*lir u»d gavera thoiemalvcooidingiy. MU. CClé,. t ero f Dunou Clarke, Cambra, diéd lest vsruk Demmd vwu an aid au is~otd isa t lof Fousion, for mtuy Phei, Ut«, Shaw bus returuad frein vliting ber son et West Toronto Jonctiom, vs mie glad ta note h irbe l mnrt aatpletely recovered from ber raceut tluies. R..v. ir. Hill preecis. Sothle children tn th.Que etteet nîttidtt churoh next Son. uap uirning Tht osuij.nt for the svecng viii b. "«A Word ta Niai suanI others"I Tiihen1ac anl v' oV f the Woodvila ,,.t ht lin brvii li e b.id la thst village .n Sondai md Monday, Decembet tht ISth ud 14th. Fulpuiicalare ill be. given lâtâr. Mr. W. B. Grahamu, oue of lie mont enter. prieing end proseptioi fOpa fermer*, scom- liene-d hi bis daugihter, Liése Emma, tiss v . ek vstwd hie son lu ev sud daughler, Ur. sud lira. Waltz la Teronto. Mri. G..Y. Baud fermeril G.T RL opera. toi hart,nov u in telea.lale s»d retai meu& sua poutry Inode la Toronto rovllted LUd. uay tbis week to ascure if poemble rokular top. pis. ",f pnuitry. Tise repart of lie lopsus! Grand Orange i@tniame Counail for 1891 as lunae& Thosu ,iaeulux ouoléash..ui'lad,&Uffl uat importi Graud 8.crery, Robert Brmlngîham, P.O. auxi 208, Toronto. The plaisent oouiâtnanoe ai Mr. BlotS et Fealou eFalia ouce more -g'addmn bis many fiaondeainthLe non beanvilliage. H. Bloti wth bis top bas basai sujqig a vieil; amang western tri"na Mr. Riebort MoRe, of Burton, Cailvulgil iooonpaided by' Dr. .T. EL. Nuada rsturnd humo oi 8turday tram a vîit "ameg Zxtoa B.xuly sud Feislon friands. Wa er. pleaso got mueS or nidd slgb«io. lira. laGujna aif1!.pmnee la Lamaivitis ber asa-t-lan sd dangiter, &. sued Mis. flooper, lu tovu. Thé t Ifesti anveuuu of hWissi e MX 9w thfgtiamaioevsle Immedilae ceus.of a v r saué o t vieil Iii, W Wiliames hi. nopula G.T R. agent et Maipop #bs% bu klia eson a maisMai holIday la viil Dati4m n sty friandsumd thomo.te Pormttd dother Nes aoudm -poitla ie sm a MuPiMn111. TisaWho i M ame nsruai the louerr taou lu"at comma a Mt. Wm. tgl ,4". in lail*sea'0#su0ppl ia, I. nP.K o f ocfiua Bd-l l 9aiu 5tS. the lie burueW ICI* la vru Mei. 9arkomi,, suiturot t m eal aupri toiu lGTir. lii or iMai, .1w" iende "bi weei la ie aO&m qs t la basrnih# U*i ,e95à@"a luiesud litlon la alvapa mdoement, The achumb boold isumbéZ'-th,$wieuil think* et gojeh btià$siov butlnmaMW m nay. or ailth l diferusl yf0i reýaolg lthe masss wsa14dimolat meof v.bemsaggests lrylng loi et of mmrt plel tu lie member. We anra spy leabdate lid I.Greory5. sMd Robart sylvesterl hae ahovu a deuied change of tmpto'ienuat tu lilâne., lhé Indica in lg liaI timy ora ou lhs ay ta Klrkfi Id, Crmveil, Naulla, OmroPavFo.. lms EanaKiamounat sudaler Victoria o00n17 viRages aled Ladsy laut elurdy. Ail lis tonig ltas vanrevdd Mr. Robs. Elleko G T.R.IL gent of Mmnile Junollon stioln àla anunil. Tisa lime the trouble e inlhthiot. Our friendvwu Son energallo lanratmmbg ta "rt beloe vwu thoioughly resoom emvo rir Weé e pleaed ta note liai wulia Remy Pogs forerly camping on busines tu LtlloViale, hm. rsburned ta thut vilUags havisma purohsasdthéia rflfrmorely ounai sud ocoupled byS&IL. Iéel. Thé Liai Godiva mums awa lid ea tin slly long baih "s t I ompletoy ooae ber lovoiy parson. BinesAver's ui Vigor cama labo nuesud exempléesara motas rais se iormerly. It uol omly piomotos lie groti cf thé hait. givesIl a rich, aliken texture. Iboe Mlap laced Bvtoi" Mlahélie ollf a lectur, ta b. dellve'd llisthe ambridge ouest moliodist churoh by Ohapiain Bemrlea DD. of Auburn prison, N Y., on Frldey evunl nul. Novombar 211h. Thé lecture la mde lh. asplonof et1h. young peloi'. .ooley of Ohulatlaa Endeavor snd la hlgily réolez. mtnded by lia prosi. RagliaiSpavia Liniment ramovea il bard., soit or cllouWe lumps and blarniies fior hums. blond spivin. aurba, spilts, ring bue. swet.ahies, ipralua, sors sud svaile tirait, omhs, etc.Sava- $60by nueof oui bottle Wàrré lie hémost vonderfut bismisi oureser iknovu. Sld by E. One- Tht Hais.@ShvtaSMadison Square Gardon vili h. bis subjeci of lirées ftU.pmge illustra- tions, together viti apprapli omnl the naxtuumbe o Haampoé>m eekly, publIi ed Iiovernbsr lStb. *Tii sans number wili contaia the raI smurets portraits ai lie Wèl and Heard foot-bail tueam, frosa phiotographe lako. expreaaly for lhe Wsekly. The Montréal icarropodet of lie Toronto dally Empise. on Manday lut compliments R.. J. W. Avis of St. Thomas, on preici. inli s splendidsearmon lu the Dominiom Melba. Idial churai, Montréal, ou Suuday. R. . i Acuis ha brother of Mi. David Anale of Wood. vine, sud cousin ci Kr. Stepban ubabglo But Oakwood, &Il old Darlingion boys. The. concert om Monday mvanlng by the Greig family, undwer1. uspies of Grampian suoampment Sons of Sctlend, vmu fairy at- 1toied.lteopera huas buIg patilily fîlld, but mot crow'Isd. Tho, via slopped away missi a tiesa; in tis good cM Bettîsi sangs lt v ers @un& chile Mr. Mauoi l i daung telieRghland Binemansudword .lanné t airiy oapivaled the héart.of thBocf Old ScoU»ad vbo ven rséisent. 1 Mr. IL Harding, B.i..a u e eiy sa 5h10 the olti. The vorlhy old gentlema 1bu beas. aihuffor smrne ime, snd pemeu 1au ludornîtal airil, hmbas ttsedabu visa ho eiould b.oreouverating labed. la Il v Iii continue ta b.; sud Tam Wmua us. ,peotfufly su&gesta thât:Toranto Goan"rBUopuf. l' liàe. Mr. Haring cauid go lie bi ratention. Tht enmla mot muai, W. noas by thé Peterboro paporu liat thé 57t IlBot. beld the mmeal sneosefle rmatches.an Tiuay thal le hve ea ba over 125 volunleerocaomps l .Lieut. Mat. tbavastands sali up l in ansd bis cern. 'pauy (L)boldoe ip and von fire pise i the couupay mmpet . a sd &Waiss arav 1u - pu theakililgoopedtlllon.Cnb"Mu. lattons 511h, mials e sta our oid tavamman, Lient. Meattiavi, " taaonertain"ain curse$ r im ss"*" it. vUtqâeê8I e*4 tu u» et abs Inismapte mis, fi. 8cM avelubais. Useoovov, PiS. - ,~ w ~. ~8oI7eflt mllar1 InteaaAlp, mai a" COiWflA éoai, .xteiiially, lualelli ~y usas. cd humai viii. lues of bau, tram t. serefula ,s~uua.T5o. Sali USe. by tua Pomma finira 80k WualraWonsaa" 1* Rheumnatie Pains o» u aMaS. tbeoutsuz ats. Palu liaaoerovu rheu.rnslo1 so- adhUe kio, abealmd muoMWa mmd veknesam. Pris, lo . lova on Mondai. , Wiatt@ Pin. Baloa i e ry my oteks mci anm hite la t-9 4. àr. W. iapl.a. Sombra. la vidting friads in Lludeay, Usuvuranad Eldn. Km Jea. . Biremsao auvais poms tbraugh Iriva lyuut e n hia »Y ta Vie. torla Rosd mil cave TXz VÂnDua a cuIL Mi.Rebert MIddI.ton. of Toronto. spmnt Thankuoin dal d"runsthé .parental roof. Hrab bha s ptal atuaion lina of the laid. ing wholsuie tuas. thera md la mre te sue., dala bonséetrm Scotiud reeshel Mi" tu la il condtionla embar. IsimaUo e te -a glaet the foilowlag lii. oaas coholhon .-e ILOrd Ira kinet ""oyal SautsIl a" «tiad Book MLa.." ThbLcvm mpotaid ici saisbara:; - ,.d ,"Wat.r a ed 12 rs.," by '910S) us"da the bimns os u "HousSicuLa." maoed 2I pis., 17"Stud D30khT*I de" 818, dam *Bell» 87K 'Ducss S..p."rel,- apr2o.. by "Lord Eraklno, 1746- dem*'DM lof £ettOCk" 179 irlÇÎi swedar' 618t, BmdSapirs.. Iiy "La«d BIna" dam '.Accle cf mla" 171 Thon à» for sala i taIMreasomabl tes Au vanse cWWvépenamlly b y ulf lin So iid Vistais Wbailmwssvoloro. tiiulaaaddron M.C. JOBNS'N, lmaila Fo., ont. October, 141h, 1991-4 18 WILLIAM MKELc, wooD)VILLE. ONT. ]box lit Breeder of purebred Berk sbires of the. fineat straîns. ftadq Obma sulei on"u Ci Appli P"- OMM lai" B-b c~ VUd4 - t A nu i~1: r~nwi r RO~Ef~TIES - eo CES* ...~ftme,.. 0 I. * P'RO---- t Ese %*. pélf bIL ..... ... I t~ mou rd e »su. pr*s'ae ee r*u-.lu ialI s gs< id i ail as S e emrt ti '" % 5U ce%8 »»,tqOV ' a5an$3 o . . . ..... te Md«Holiffla u te VWisge 0 #Mu n70tu d C.it . . c . ... .. - . .k *dauem ber 1 91 Torontomi loipn,'afilrigamsaipat.s be................OOU«0 lej 'WeaS,: « , * * m .. 08 505ls aiws& ofdm igomms................ *~. an.0» W OLt Mol *tu » M.- r g * rW n. a ...... 0 te n m s i . or .af ShieT vu-,« ......08»4 000e r -. .a- en Ine Mm. aftsfhumted . ut o». an a holt .4.. se &7S ofm orm..vulle lunotto - -ndabutt àf be il. miigep o t ... . - 8&t ilS L v vfiil. be ..nd laroltag. vho sou a ......r........ ... 0 0 o 0iCi011ax prtubL....... .... 0l 0O rflbD*b î n4. omsinwt o bua par l0.-. . . ese eb 500 f. n .4,.tedal a.. .................. 10 te176 o e w u.a,. e iubrP-u nth lt tiu e w, par....... oet f O at r a1#4 oyae *w &,@4 i.l pr ~ ........... . o se le 04'e "ta i'd oui laitu ...' cm»I fýoal. tIna ae àrbu parmm..........ona t os w" h a. mixai aunit 1mb-r, prit C 1y,p dosel..... ........ Ila te 0 on idh. « b s .: : a . . . . . . . . . . n t e :o s e ' ; E s a a .m e e r . n u b > y v ile i h p u m p a m sid ry P ds,............t e 0 0 W is ..mu-ng UN per le, .......... Ob aprla 100 mi hsr...ldjýstlessrel jasa,~~~ pe on.......Ot101 . 1suImmt. diagpu >-m.#ds.«»o Vo potos. t......... Us0 t4e$01001W , 811 1!. .. .- 1 0 0 0 t e & 0 E V S - O u e .t.m t o f t h sýa " u s b et m v 0e a a P m lb . . .. . . . . . . .. .. _ 0 05 0 '9 I pa0d o40a tim e sa e. .the lb u et c o n e m st b c Torot o Catle Maket. fnce bwmout aswaa T h*£bi. vifi bc a r.ssvbid ~. ~Otlar oc'm a cUîà tl bu mmd" taonem sle Tri aelm% " s& MdS p&0uetopa M SurlIebp« .ur d c. ndtl",ofi ame aowv ta NlxsIad imis. .. .. tué 4--ire BlET MI tI IS '. Nilbmw»t »R Wbl o "aos pi" er lb 3 38 $ 6or et. < leHOL.là CHIWlIOL. a o iesspar et. .... $00 S U MV 5 5 ,PO9m ief M P 9 "ouos te goci, UuP-aprt............... 20 27 u rebtowprlbé.......lmQ1001 Buth eV, pea"......teS66. .....arom. ....... ..... 400 38o Hags-LlghUmm#,per l....... 40 U So-ias 04pur cci.........84000 *meppoMtb.......... sU 00 CommS.e......-......... 150 800 J-JIC 'dEN3SSufi .' Touchburn &preston. t T.BEALL. LINDSAYs GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHÂNTS9 zwaksu,.Vmkum em Tu Frarmer MacDonell & owdry à»a nov prapwrai 10bol am lb ruent Waèreb@us. AcrOasthe Dnzdall4 1-tf Red and Aluike Clover, CASH fPu aith tbe&rhom&a LInds.y. Sept il. 189-41-&-I GEO. M&JNING,1 Auetloaeai fur, b e s" lUdIng f lIe ouaty 09 Vicowia, a" DUO S forh.second Division out o n « 8a" isutdo mo Fai n & F m " Pâ V l% .Ap Mi Mh . -- I.L "SAMON" yl ha k *for sedie inu, b. aumaof 1891 ma"92mULti 21Com.M18, Nmpoe. Uame uoaiafor bis abs CouDS 47) a reglatoss Tortai boer, brai bv Ovmby & Obpmau n Iga Oradt, m"i dam aufoN ow Terma 44ta b. p9d aM lia. of enves, ba tapi ferris. m o L21. Coui, 7. Ope. duiÎ bM -u. Pedigm use »amat.ou pilao Jour W. tEomaiE Opa, Oui. Ust1B-&l2 Bears ftrr vlocm L $ ~11% o ea. p«at sb» if ÎiÏ&isM Liff ov. 011, MO-SI Nolisas b- he, genlm <ue b~hither. Ainuuder il.amin mre or séaples à 6 l sou, bu tbhsday beau dino l ea, u ttbusitdm f4 thesa Lrm v baeafe .mata by Ia mi -ralabtt:ioof1. hommmM qo = nt lbain. mammalat Meurs. a rtO oaughilu ai li oaof L=ndam, ris =6a.a hovae tueaa asSatIamrasdgat o@a lbà d w .IL AIL A N D EU SO N UlmuW. IL NOL&WORLIN. D" aietlVietbs RSi Ocober 81a.». 301. ONTABIO wkfPutâ&W Ir attended Business Colfre VE ý- , - 7in Amorica jt= SUND wp the new circular. It' wr ytm te decide about __ vo.utem. wu Et MURPUY~ BAKER AND CATERER. Having socured the. services of au excellênt :ýiw ~ ok p-rybkr, Iam n ow ready to wnppj> ht itinea of Lindé-ay. with a ftrrt- chaslin. of CAKEiS and PASTBRY of the latest Amýric&u styles. Charlotte Rusaes and Jeouies madie la order. Parties and Sin m spl.ed on phort,.st notice. PýgUdC')Ckesa swetialty. W. B. MIURPRY, 1M8018 Baker sud (Jaterer. 1GA. Metlterell's Book, Stationery and Fancy Goôds store, Kent Street, Li ndsay, la dbm cheapesi plats ta buy Goodi at. Panay Books only 15c. uh Methodes' Hymnie only 80c. each. 1 a ba d t f. ineof iSUN» AT SOOOL BOuES in Ltnd'ay. SépWall disoont m no ais. Loades' and G;atlem.u' ous-« mg 0C ase Pluab & .Atbe. Uummbai ?Pu" li.e. ailon naI0. A. X.iberaWs, Gospal îa lie.5 aMd 6. Tilumpbant aa nNOs. i Md 2. O..METHEÏIELL Oppwb t»novPeut OIRnas Ais "Mtn ferlth *e buisd lUxbdidge Oigsu and Mmeuab Piano and aug B..lug ci. No y EOPLES OPULAR ARTIES r01,0 ToAI ACÏfIP De.l.1-3 RAVETut A5YAIITM; OF O114 tt ttdauotS rezrtSS Rapid rI« LovI Iqjtv of Roou AUfluLa5Faon ^avYAGENT 09W TNEC OUpANf THOS 0. MA1'CHETT, Awah -C P R" 91 Kent St.. Lindamp. oppnoit, Il 't.' bis. 17P7-ly In operatioa the vear round. ligh est price paid iii ý 1 for WooI. FULL CLOTHI TWEEDS, FLANNELS, Etc. FOR BALE. WALLACE CI).U Ltndmav. JUIy Sth, 1891 .-1790-tL A s»riez of one way excursion parties for Vancuuver and other P'acifie Co ast pointa wiiiloueve on the following dates: October ".. 21, November 4, 18, 1 ecember 2, 163, 30. Bach party wjll be p.ersonally con ducted and no e~ffort wiIl be sprtred to make the trip pleasant and enjayable. For evory information appi> to P. C. IA yL' ', Ticket ¢.Z,clp.e Offce LindssY SHlLO'FlS CONSU M PTON CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is vithout a parallel in the history of medicine. All drggists are authorized to seli it on a pos., itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cesdully stand. That. a may become known, tie roprietors, at an enornious expense, ame piarcing a Sample Boule Free into every home in the United States iand Canada. If you have a Gough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for kt wiii cure you. If vour child has the Croup, ior Whooping Cough. use it prornptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease IConsomption, use it. Ask your Druggist for .SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $x.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, ame Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 ctr Knowlson, Bros, Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agents. brick five tanernelrrmeorealizing $600 rouI pean nula, situated in centre e1 town. A good investmaeat.. $4000 will purchate one tsf the fin- est rsaldenata irn orth Wmrd, with twa swortf land., $1700 will buy 1i etorey brick dvellini su4 additions, oonveniently Oit- $12<4) viiiboy sither of two brick d»iChM, S8sud 9 roma, lu Southi Wl OM vilibuy brick rCottae in W*- avefom adtod aroui solid brickhbick &Wsudtrame dvslfl an sd ve tauplomftshfle, Soya, &imeuoand on le omIt the vanta cf amy Inliending pur- obsa. l sud ste car liis. Inemance iCompmdiel mUn ~iAccidaul riobAIslOvs " onre anda r-'OS 1 m à-- Cash JOËNSTONI manuis, oim »Vr. Irouciaitu» J.j 3. PUMON. lh» 1 ËI [MIN