Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1891, p. 7

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IEPue£g W14 13URNI.O à 3aoLlN.Y., cO. 17. C ie.s,"Tuls seramn blhI. sa ie enis, la couoeriud wtb i*4ia qWst le Epbiesus. Ris taxi Wuv os gid. 84, "GreaIta sDla.aof lhe W. have iauded Ibis mcruin a1et s lb clty ai Autto Tarkey. . aifIi.s a cburchos of Miia oncse ocd bers.Ycâ- tad lu Revelaticu, I"To 4lie h" W, fimyrua write." Il tla a city thrat i l Îa bisou ahaken hy earthquakc, ave p bby cr-1 fiagnaltion, blanled bLagc uhuoei by van, and hors B aop Polyoanp stoot inl a cravdid arnpbitheatre, sud' vh. vas w asked te give up the advocaoy - cf the Christiani religionand suare blmai fcom nartyndern, thc pro-consul aaylng "Swear asut I releasalhee; neproaci Ohltt.," INepiieti: Eighy sud ix yeans bave Ismrved e[îm and Ho ueer ?did me vrong; bow tlb.. van I revile My King sud Savtour?"l Whou b. vas broughhta lb,% flics Into which h. vas about ta b. tbrust, sud lie officiai ver. about ta fasten hlm ta the sta6ke, b. said: "«Lel me neinain as Lam, for Il*e ho glveth me sîengli le sualain lie ie vii enable me alsa, wiîliout yaun a.aurlgme witi naila, to romain unnîovod in th e " Ifistory says Lhe fires refused to, consuma hlm, aud under thm vinda lhee lames bait onîvard so thaI Ihey did net tauci hlm, sud thlonrfore hoc wu alain by swoîds sud mpars. Oaa cypresebendîug overhilsgrave uthoieouly moitutiint to Biahop Polycary. But we are on tb.way,.10IbmoéLty of Ephesus, about 50 milea mcom Sinyrnna We r ans adviaied ualta ogo ha Ephesus; tie ban- dita in that region bave had au ugl1y prao- lice af cutting off, the ars ai Inavelers sud S.uding thLieue specimns ai mrs davu 10 J;myrna, deîaîîdiug s nansain. The bandits snggmaî to thiefriands ai Ibe penisons from vbem, lb. ars hanve beau subracted liat il liey vould 11km Le bave lh. niaI ai lie bady Ibey l pieausenansuappropriaI. sum ai inouoy. If thceîuoneyta ual amuI, thie muli- lsled pisonore viib. assasinas&d.Oue traveler wus carried off ta tie obbers' den, and 87500 was paid for hi. rescue. The bandits were tatgbl sud bhbadmd, the pic. lunes af tîxese giastly heada are an sal lu the shops of Sinynna for auy persona vie miy doisire ta bave aamthiug to look aI on Ibein way la Ephesus. Tiere havi been cases viiene ton sud lwenty sud thirty sud forty Ihousand doi- lars bave been demanded hy lione briganda. W. did ual 1mai like pnlting oui fnieuda te aucli exp anse, sud -il vua ug. tmied tint we bad heller omit Ephemu. EtliaI would bave bien a disappelul- tun frein which w. vould neyer necavir. W. muaI ec Eplîesa-assacialedilth h moast vanderlul apotolle aceneal. W. unr a special railwvay train, sud lu abaut ar boun and a hall vs arrive at Ibm cil Ephemus, *hici vas called "The Gresi Melropoiis of Aia," sud "Oue cf the Eye of Asia," aud "The Emprasa of lania","thb capital aifal learning sud inagnificenai Rene, as I said, vas ana cf thie seve: churclies of Asia, and final cf ail wm. vis! lie rulîxa oh thal eburci wbere once ai E~cumenical Council of 2000 minister of religion was beld. Maric h utilmeul ai lie propliecyl C lheia mven hurcie (i Asia, four ver. con t îuended iii Lhe book ai Revelation, and line ver. doouîed. Tbe cies i=vi theb.fou oarniendeil chîurchea ailîl s tan hLe dii iaving tha tbree daommd churuimsazs * vlped out. Il oocunrmd J o as the Bib »id il wcud ceur. Drive ou sud y0 corne Lo the theatre, vhioh vas 660 f'e Im awull te vail, capable of holding 56 700 apectators. liernud liera th. vs] anise alniaetunubrakîn, but Ian tie mai part tie building le dovu. Aa I toak n place aI Lia centre af Ibis theatre sud lbe ed around t i is broken loyer-s ai atone, go lery uipon gallery, galieny upen galieny, ax i.d up Inotb hlak skies oh tial vint la;y sudtheught liaI every baud tlb svung a trowel ou those walis, ai every foot liaI lnod thase stars, aud ovei eye tiaI guted on liaI amphîltheatre, s. evmny veice that gnehed 1h. conîbalsutu: liaI arcua iisd gone octloah hearing ai siglt fer agea ou ages 1I ltîLas tiili iuhereal liaI almoal pnourated une amit . raina. Standing tiées e could net for~ Ihal lu tiat building oacco sssemblei riatous tiron for Pan'si condemn4tio because vial hoe preacbed collided witi t ldolatry cf thiî national goddeaa. Pa tnied L^ gel mb liItimtthatre sud addnî the excited multtude, but lisi nids hi hin back, lest h. b. tenu in piecea by t tnob, and tie recarder the Riot Act smo the people wiio bsd abieked fan Ivo mer houris t1111 hoir Ibroasu ere sore sud Ih wve. black luthie face: "Great ia Dieua lhe Epiiesianas." ffi Now, ve stop into lhe Stadium. Enon cfitis Nwalls sud appointinenla are lit h.conios, the pracfe- har va usneu niimeci our religion. The lkan vill ln but a briai n'outbil Of ai hm.' l V liaI ailthie symptiis aif liaI crovd vîhth le lion, lu one nitlia midirg tons I isar lie grovl ai tic vlld bU Thiy baaireban kepî for sevenal da.' oul food an valet lu order liaI 'the beeasp)euially rayverions snd biood.lbi WiaI chiance in th@er a Paul? But anuncttl 1 amsa biseuor lois* %tout aav e e au srfet eOr hboy110 Made i. eauthnuat .Witnees, Resvéd carti and hall, Ibis sngle ai Pull i wilti eatl'hTic oolmt mI ho" dlum is Panl. WhaI bas.hoic l *ar buasdefied ilii.epow.'i arlbily &mÀ fernal, and if hà lidy th Ùbd viii auly Ibmhe omu*b ]But tlashiesdaly, Mfar pruserve hie l1o1. ov %bm wild beau dao1r vihole audience eto lance brute t erh toward io 1 f VUa ~in thaW - r e---. t .. s a. lw * tbM I isp e i é e y c i th e b u ild ig , w b r hr l a m oftIf - m rav, uedw ith eamh mcoe. coqhe p tb "aê U mmIl&g Buié Th 1 q n D g u p b y orne in a lg, sMd a s h randiius uo.1oe 's o.a ',ls gbpont 1he. büther a aharp knife ev- frué. ors u atuUM# oëhUIntd d aietalff i Tlor"luq ineDc, and .. E ""a tbo 1hJohn ff es du e*MworM, odrrdm e lb ut . mlsrogging animal1 te pluugedinato a vat- I Wnder t i. idacicu pu . l.1or afl»b y *iAI Uq-* wa».ta lelooson tuie bristles, so IOUtfSusIUUR Iel IvuWI iià Prlmylvania h c v tso t al .rrshiomna d ae hifon tht E p h ff i t ý k e t n b i h e À * i d t i s , m m & , f o r i s f t u d e s * p r o is e t M a n a g e r , '~ Ephuua 1 h.laIoqsud.,M..anduniiiaau orua yoeIu. Ipllîju i:l bouIL mahneta gruldqlafordo-t for lm.v. Germ.a~~O .Âead l enyvn pa - foùr VI a Iuu lave of oist7u RlsIll,104*II1 b a ai ndlad e .University. Ps. r2irYaog b moe C.bS.~Isual 1 hI-4e tme.ofl. r pi listemfata ueu.l a m asore aoaperations f ol- *em ueof t* s f dM m D ics , . uiId the John 3uR in a î ouable n s -a mlci è n$ Q Ot eb s isn al e d n e pebo d ,i MlxlWondeof ho world. Arn 1 ut où a' moral oharacter. He fiahts ta peomote, Thoeriefew is~uin ili dd 1.ha enal eee u h oyt Vi... ce uc0911. faunelumus 1 midt trade, tb maintalu pesos e ver t1h. world, Ln t.he rd, and thoe purent lyrnph thal smong up by a bina leg ready for the next ~'Wab art nae rcke ilslo., r w an sd for ltheooof aamknd. R. fightsl pyidaae aa grait upon an aria cornesmam, w ho ripe it o pen from neck ta tail for whati s*nogwlnd Of cmnlurles dia th. glau lmditby.O-and.by. the heathen gels the' esseerned that th. large denîsnd çreated .en7ogn1e aeul eioeceae ~r adiai? her bae b.. .n. Bile nd ohnget lb ladsîWoril i ail parts af the vorld even rivaliansd prepared for nmrnesful purpose.The to4pilee of Diais, the ruina, of etc ou- Tiheeotsa f'Jobu'a marveloul sucom that for the prodaction aof the GOVeru. bIood in ueed largely for mkn lue trlbtlngaomehlngforthu eade o m U hae sténacity,lb.ecolumet bof hieba4,ment vaccine Pro aing de pattment a1 for photographie use, for su&ar refining and Ilsarhi trl n ore P'm. Tw of aU snd th. thickhusas aie is s le H jea England. Dr 1u -ner a member af tbe as a fertilizer. Even tebussdrfs Mud lvmnty y.ars vas Ibis lut temupl la ff- ~Ions oMixture of the lion, tb. mule aud .irurgical Society of Eugland, who hemaregousn adfr etlzn tre etrmuoo. Il vasneanl Ivicasu1lù us *<' cbopus. charge cf that establishment, ordere it in AN ENDLM SSTREAM! OF ANIMAIS PnaChdulLnm.Lu"îohouUdbe 1 For making himnIsf ab home vherever J11 large quantities-200 tubes of the. lymph eta itrtecrasbaieuteog 'dmarbedbywt"quakuttaDIWasbuilt 1 goem, John Bullbano equal on th.e arth. a Lme--ab sy e a f etrosud Aler i.nre wsa ba e ein torogha on aHsse.bo a md uhyaea Mas the greai osmopeilan. cheaper limph frmmthe»efrne;thanfri caedurom whhaeket. a cf oarcal oveed y Bepa L voL ii. Whou anythinggels wrou John knawi the estab inient under bhis charge. Dr.tmpaur Leo lrtdeeeils atoe amefrnu1h.carrv eab .After wbere te lay th.ebime. He keepa Scotch- Benjamin Lee, af Philadelphiaetaya a ln, the overhead railway to tbe cut- Il asdered l bill b.tempg' il vas men, Welshmen sud Irlshmeu oumne the b.State Board af Heslth, bas in is s> n- up dprmuweei atkndv hohit w red b. neathéary ta brlng the li baud for liat purpas. Thmas Carlyle porte given extensive notice ta Ibhe" audseparated juta two aides. A won insu unoug t oe fromotes anub , o in called nau 11mb yr.; if b. bad mur. farmne, speakiug cf them lu the higiieslvilli a powerf al chopper enta off the bain bdngaeetS r, ber nds, bfutiont sderid auybcdy- c vould have bien oalled sa termé. hudranudeligttsifeesry dbll aa éhrblng thesomaofI% tvarma 'Scotch murderer. A dozen men are eanployed ou the. farmne, u.parating lhe feel hoab.ie anned, pickled or wlbtc ad, s hey lsed MeWlteorak- John kuovu boy ta soc. pIt a . as mbel. sven vbeîî there je no special demand foiajx »dta the lard îiin AU of th'$ ta figngbe a nma ysee fe, itek- er than uothiug: that la 1h. secret oa ig hleb.lymnph, sud eas mauy as forîy viien tii 1 dau. with a rapidity and aceuracy that in knackod a splinler from lie rock, Mud graduai but continuons progrcms vithant dernd ta heavy, caused by ep iden .A nociabl eit e w anyeresete ahovd b Iha splute th lusron h the b. naity of revolutiana. Preedom ii auci limes severs i undncd heifers, ira. operalicusl, andte.jaunle sem e sed ai 1h oc.Tii. erheerd usrublb ha e ai rii sd bc1h muwhiclh tie vaccine la cbtaiuncd, are kepî am Of hoga s iuqat on.eud of. tb.building eîl vtb pice f iaIatnewbah t ho mo1y ns izaunnd wH v o' sadbuad vnvh bspeet City alive ud quealing, aud cmig eut ah i Cied ita aPitn mof hlo a et e mpl e o m aiHenw u'idnotRes o sanrba nd r leand eer t h I dela Prop i a a e her prepaned for abipmeuh ta h e makes v aslta urey rmviplael thenitem p aver evenla hRe overeigt U.Se s n ethuudredthcusand -'Pointe"&a day. of thia couutry on ta foreigu shoreasviiere t v lt. narrytemvdgthedpaceaous lu h i a11h. ai lhe pawer wialded by the, priai- HIFEES ASIi zercaMARTYaRS-oiviitr templ, a s ueeeaaa dlé uaidrlae tepdent ai tie United States, Great Britain The heifers are reared by the fariner' ai Nov the oiRce.Boy Saved t186 Editer. lie wbeels-vblh obvrt Ivelve feet lnuj Suneally a mri democratiococuutry than Lb. caunly for their future milkers, aud ar The paper boad sid somethiug ho didn'l dtmtrfrmunlg deep itb the iarlh the United States; itlaj a griater democracy slechedl stock, which are relurued ta tbeii lie and lhe vas going ta. see tho editor une h npaamelell, Iat ta fraine o ai Ithe lieat repubiAnd you lu Cana -vucra aiîter lie hem badl thein hhinhy dayi. labont ft and tburp lhe stufling ont af r limer b athe e oervlo le hlimIda, under your manarchial lnstitutlous, &igudfreSo tiroi Ttep l oer i Dan as45theeioeli n hoeaiEgiudeio ar uefrmr stations of the im-mmsobe said.At lthefoot cf thbe elairs 225 f. Tetetmvie..o Ai ia as 25letdniifeleda ni han or Eglanhb njr m ort sai etck, th. doctor kuows ail labout îeadin lathie den hefouud sa mail boy, î- long b 2 5 oJahue . ll Bull is os f ee om t ba e ur e f-camso e <~ tbem , vhicb givea hlm the &dvantage ai wh o, bfacked his vav. n u r d o g l ta psy far il. Il had 127 pilars, esob 60 m1al earning of the existece ai suy brdtr f~> 'h uurdrnhy e fel higb %n a eh the guIft s aking sud lu- crelatureai .Ail bis gesse are ivans, al ldisesse which mîght readiy tb. overloaked j"Yes, air," repliod tbe boy, politely. ae srie vill lhe uame ai the donon. Naw his are mountains (Iueludin the one in in the meut careful examiuatiau of the aui- 1 "CantI see hum" . nil &oue. lthean 0gofthat nasuge In lb, immediate viciniy of Lmiîeut); eima tsf Tcan'ihoengedn IIspessr. b if heeplanu l themkigpe iu o unao m d an him-u theonly tus ord w ,produeiug vceine for the market securne "Wel, I vaut ta. Do I go up this vay?" s bissata tme e tmpled o i b ae aue nahi. 111e ly his îhaukm heir stock item drove yards, and thereforei "Air yen Mr. JohnsonV' inquired Ibe 6bef turepiini haks ukol ohing ai the animal or its pedegree. bevl vdn eenal interesl. ýe ai hie owu counlrys noa mYaChist- "Hlm ion tb. good h. bas, sud la ethth nta uAlSi s careful selection cf aubjecta la One ai " ,Ye, in, )e liaI oviroomeli viil I make a pillar in lie oahier men are. lie. e te causes oi the superiorlhy cf tiie Alexan- "The arne that tbe papen gave il la lun al tem leaifmy God, sud I will write upen n B ii sa pbiloaopby ta ta b.e uveled. .th nek?"91 t hlm lhe Dame ai my God sud *hbe Dame ai ethernato ui nso ere t Wn eb.haifers Are broughhta Ibthe "Yes. Whal's thal ta yQn? 71 n ieciyain~ Gd vic t ovJeus-consstasin Ibie: To like vbali we havi 1fane Dr. Alexander's final cane in 10 give eft uhM.J ina sulmad 1 w il write onhlm m novw iiheu vo van'l bave wbal vs 11ke. If de. c hem s close fond i ctbug ue, rohnou bue2 nam."Hovaugimlv su baumrn eated, lbe accepte defeal sud makea tbe gocdcondlition, lhey are placod lin the 6"No, yu au'l a911" id the visitor Bar- XIn luaddition ta t b ceepillars that I climbed 1beal ai il. P v y la- over wbtle &Mid lb. ruina ai Dian's Temple In France polîlcal 0ppnents canuat le sbl, carlll j grmed a e on r n catticalysurve tol." elcImg -ude. Poih Conervai ready te beconie subjects. Tiiey are then '"&rt, Mr. Johuson, but belore YOn ir Coustantinople, ta vblch City thcy had been snd Liberals, bitter publiecememies, areO led into the operating raom, sud patent luto tb. edihor'nomy lkluLe as emoedsudareno a artof e Msqu eteu warm frieuda lu privaI.. Tiioy know tables, Dr. Alcxander'a invention, strapped corner by Ibe door aud gil a dray pin Bottiu' emvd aiDSI SoharTe a.artghI eMnque 11thal their. Polies in a humbug anyvay. le their ak& Y &simple mebanical thors, 1 ut il vixere you colild gil i easy. 1.genJaspr but .-m01of bcse vbicb mlaedThere is ne eseenhial differmuceini hhe twa arrangemntîthe anini4a. .emmRY ty lneii Yen sscthe edîtar ln leokin' fer yen sud de nDassem iaI peuswrialyparties. Oue ta lu and ta hnying ho stay in; aven, se that they test camfarlably ou Iheir hats gel a big hua pistali nis drawer aud .1 reulac wth billnt celns.Ca thle allier in out sud *0 tnyig taget in. il 'bactka wvîhhut a atruggle, an the uphoasen- a hathet layin' ou hie desk, sud vien I ,, moeIis ld wuplu vanu etom O thetepi, iesnia ad pnopomed borne rute for Ire- cd tables, al doue in a manuen liaI pre- sein them preparatlaus t jist î"it ilvasE %.ls ierehhey cuid catcie futslte l eaiailand, Gladstone and bis Liberal follevers' serves thein frein any excihemeut.. a sbanue fer lb. edilor ha go ler .. cl ie i nt lbe sun. A iligil of staira vas canved Out vauld have goue dead a galiaI il. Tien begina thé- operation. The imuer old paper sud use s balciet on lîini beaidea îy f ne~ra.vue Donsefcyres vod -One thin.,I envy the EnlelistaI soecur- iportiuà aofLtie fianks anec ahaved as cdeanas vithont givin' hlm smre sert of a show. I i L ny ofoe rpeîn-Dor o cpea W hiy iupIolitlcal lii. vbîch aprngs frem beir tebre aae acensd are afterwaxd an' ubody but au office boy, ?wLV I knov k- vhiohf ieukptinluglue fan yeans, sud oethe. i Egismnb.sarer lu avenumiac faes, n t~u-va uhc aa ela lIwaOvn al- bordered lu bronze lu bas-relief, evuni iorm cf goenetTh nlsma inSrtetinaubrofpcsadiou- nd a ainal piliara ai bruasudreaaunded wlth lhe stauncheal af mouarclila, and authé tii eId with virus, in: somewhat tb. sainie vaY ofCana". Go rigbt oaunp, but ga easy. et ~b upn cie cugi an mut usa marne lime tbm frémt man lu the wvend. a human being ja trealed. Next they are The. dnsy pin te in tbmelf-baud cerner.' aI bnled ack inon b li. cnnidns. Wbicb Cenvinea me liaI monarciy is quite tken Le speciallypeae tle ir u i a inh g p cdLia huldi g slood an imge c Dianacompatible vithiperfect Ireçdoni. I coin- i they are carefu ly attended and_________ bry lb.g 8dea.The impression w as abroad, taipare England vith the republices aifrane, laelywatie fo svenday. bcas ad li Bbl ecrdba ia Iag ad dAmerica, sud I find tbat tlue.re in fat iesar ten fuîîy dmveîoî>sd, aud thbm he apSunt woSern iette hp tM ,a h Bsn ie recb o uI i eav:u m b tlI m are persoual ireedom . lu th : m ona rcuy i anm a les a e réu rned io the operati1g ab es, i oî hap ealnoam ent ik. _e othe Eliot. Li imageempsaana social institutious as veli. 1 oinlts," hhe latter being two juches Ev-.bi oRollamaatniv d.es he lihaI thmy could net îestify ef iho huma] byas b Aeias ae rca 1lau cigîlsud aqslra bunpryneouzd-.G oln. .1 anfatur sd 0 eny ils cimesialirgin raie tnInelaud ? Thego 1nia luelsae.,Dcing le lhe gnsah lhing; for îf, reso- i Itisciyti otera Jma assld pople bmlieve Ihal if Inelaud once again b-luiyepeled ia i POt u itele I, tahveCityuhe ot.her o eandwtAquMida lnedtel. ni% epi-tenal bmY ?LYMPH. 'caie ta 1ke daing il. -Ruakin. PJ hi, sudav P n bulis .i Bible entvA vr nuweuiid gohome!l iFiity of these pointa are placed hegether Experieuce makes us see a wnefl i-d bho an prois luaucBibe mpetWho eolgta Amon the goad things about "Saudy" iu a clamp, sud aller the cruisaoaithbe verni foreuitce leeeudevolion sud goodes.- Bc aus semiuasrysud a ty lauil el caln whioh 2 Blouel aaid vers tise: luaare veil apouged lie crues are rnmoved- paca al la o eb lqetfor Christ A joke wliic b bu for iarly yea ta beau a witi the bandle ai a scalpel, lhe veicli h m naei ts h.Id er Jo prascedsu01 o hrb.standing joke lu Engiand ta, that a surgical thOnanghly cieauaed by spaugtflg, as. sr«mesanne un ger Ihe conaol heir opinions. foi n i ' e j h cause an% s ib r ie ok e T he à w u Ipe en i g an M M a a . n e e re i a~ e t c th ciiseelt . iiled ah pst- eperalii n eeessany lider ta gel t oego ol oupoetn n m _aaly )ýnjcau er i e ly led u at inluaScatchmrn'a brain. But perhaps Sid- pune on fareigu miter ftramn stiflg ou îh. A 1 Justice ta exslted, strengthened andabau- T. l a mneca. P u rea a ais t e S it eatan 1gla j k . h t e om ns îer tis p ep rtintienre y h j Ihu p aseo m rt àey magical arts for vbich Ephlius vas ney Sn~m eu u,~,ar'1k. inalwmmnsalrtspeaae cf~~~~~~~~~~~~ laosof oceeio u ih r-~k iSidney' ba saunvîved Robert Ruine, Ilymph begins la exude luke druofp,1 illred bylb. jdcaspas lmn~ t.uded mus.Thtîey ore ld scure diseases, sdW allr Scit, Prof. Wilson, Thon. Carlyle, gppralieu. I ato ae pvl itr togh e peniarm am cal u lralby ou na-sd a bot ai other great Scothiai humai- hair peucie sud pisced ou the "points.» ta inglieueensles varda: 4"Azki Calsaki tata. But il mhtl aurtabes. Wbin lhe Aflen the lympi bas bice dy i onu _________________ Tve Li TrraxL Damuameneuss Melon." Paul E,,ngiiah do îiarqughly underataud a joeare? reccated iram a seconud animal, treated forhavugp.narmd miacl l li naueai bcyk.p i a _on lune.Ti&fc ld e itaI a.the alher, Ihblhermeically saal . g -Ia ma~ta Joad_ xiviw'à p- -I ài0 ea mme Md do't %du ~4asc imu~~B~w5sia. L..a.eau. JAMES ITTLEB I MOTH8 OR1 HE ~ARDBR' WILL BE SENT TO 9W aU28Cn283I3 UNTIL JANUARY» 1893 FOR $1.00 BUBSORIBE AT ONCE EIMT VALLEY N&VIuÂTION 0011: Advertise in Thé Warder PÂNY, (LimmTD.)_______________ 81. TINE TABLE 1881. S. 0 A V E R- L Y, OOMMENCRIN ONDÂT. SEPT. 218,r YI<TOBL4 BOID, 'la propared to suiply FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKINQ lu SU Itz branche&. A gfui] plyo sn& at &Il tunes. Having uow completeai my IISE I a=n peoed b uppl undx1a in ll a isbranchue& THE STAMER en oyplv IteltDaWyB on hsnd. Pictiire TB£STEMERfrnamndone susuel. 0%- a am a7- SICVELY ;usaSTUr M IvoNt:d in dseon un se tn oins:an eveBobeÂGOailyaI.euspR - B MABBLE WORK8. Losve LIN DSAY L8..00lu 5prepured teta uinil h txv popieof Lindsay sud Cslt nt aisInigeon point eselx W&Y. uRUdIV eoU, ith MONUMENT@ sud HEAD- :epblung on Baturdaya wheu thé steamer vill leave "wxiii bbb arbl, sud Granite. bkde t a&820 p.m., Iusbead oetOO8.00p.n)ilpou ina alld Arrivai oftcrant a5lin. ,Buaéet ty91-zl H id fcenîstar> Single Tickets botvemn Llindsay sud BobesygeanM ai-bic Table Tops, Wssh Tape, ManIai Pieceu,ele, cent&, returu tickets $L si Single Tickets bebveen LludaY &stu lgeOn Point I ig= eica1 vorkman all shoul<d sbl d. cents, reluru ticket% 501 cents. eWsan ompare pricue befons purchuss luIe.- Single Tickets betveu Babesygeman d ilurgeocu hs >nt 60 cnte, auurn tbleus60 cents. UOEKB-In réer of th. market ou Camubridge St.. gUsmil>' Tickets snd Excursion Ticeits eIt0- appomile MatthoeV packing boue. noed rates m eaub.pi-oiiii-d aM theOBPMCRAIIBE g)ECATGEon, sud ou lie bou-eal, UBBIS £g-Arrsncemenits eau b. made with thm OaP tafo saine é% points ou tie Lake for grain. arrangmentseau emade ou ver7 favorable tersinaTeCnd nOfce&Sho n xuson fma 10t 0 pensons an réguler TeCn I 0âe&Sho b> utraddressed te S.rels' Furniture Co., Limited. 99P-h ..LNOpa .PB8O, - ONTARIO I Suemon te W. Stahlschmldt & Ca., yMaufactumers0aoffice. Sceel. Church, and Ladgs Furnitui'e. NORLANDe House of Ail Nations for Blood. iave boen Ibrongihie Sre, but nov for b1o0d& Ta. BARGAI NB1 se>- pare prises. No doubî >70u XI I vedit v>I'Il ciusp? Mmply bease I do my au buines, bu>' rlgil, mv feré»1cmIi,1eh frash, bave éail preM sad quisi returus, vici keePi lmeth@ e cdovu, sud Mv Custcmm arespthe benefil. emSooucm>' s 0"hvebloa y eomug te CARLS And see if déa't bu botter l=t u lurd Um fer a sr etORS bocts or th«aise. ve lthe obean -d bt "t vta ae T@opjmATxn"S MMnuielued.Dm%'l 0=brneit 1heh. sdambe o i PE~G UOÂI eaiDs sesAl t mot; buylug s pand of mv 25& V. .Tam lateand bout. ho.e 1 0.1 ii t e 1.0; on.B1i9o. . e &rger. Avaded thc o.Id Moweda t the Jammesa Exhibitin. vil psvva » W Wd me i n vité a05.f.o u an e fc T e S chol De e sof tbia Cempa C&n>' an aIb. exceiled .WinÛ»"ibd e mbg W- &hilfer batregh, Eeaty a1 Design, Adaptabl sand DILY G00DB, GEOCERIES, Osai ete cSoola. Bend far circulai-s 0 noOTSA»D BHOBS, lEÂI)Y.MÂDE cLOTHING, OJEINTS' IISHIN9, YOBL FACE C *OTMYTNWAZ1D CAS RTan Freoilea, 8abn . W M IM CA"itapea, Black Specks, MIc ILLUT AÀupUOIATR. in emoVOi15 KM Mdas8i3»M N Mwatd om ut no. ?ytiearpy - rtkosa * Uicrmý và m P * i d t u Ià ko at 0 "T a & lre k 1 e o t i0 l das~~~I>' Bats ue sud Effectuai TM I l PU î* ro iCeZ25C. FER S@1TTIE A. B. H. CARLs Sotd b>'&Ail ln=WmI Ul --------- ~, -, . i r, ZTON~ t k i F .1 Mi.

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