Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1891, p. 6

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sêdbo ia oimdanltbg 0 %a outt m "a bar & ba Obut lu eat âeflm fLno à Ob" dlCie tPr béde r ou' NU a Obsu o asge ss u e 0 - wlthwblob . bOob@ in Mtoh, Ss tuplt edoute aft pw ut mUL, *verhW stancerht, a"n usvca. bâti. Fuloop u bp lng-buce eputol* 1fr.. Pulehoméin uid .pbt ebaW, adm> man, but aocording to the portrait tl»y b.d of hlm, h. rosemble a bàlldog mo»e Iba wbloh thor rea wo 0 imu a.lu, gook atter their fahr uappN- Moe muttholr Mother tu tempuaammt. Ont day vaudlon;saut a tologaato Eltby aaylng ho M b. home *0 di"ue, andas. ho always réquired outhlng ftW* Lu the . ne ~Cfoookins,, rv ent *0 lhm> ,ilev XMrsPulohop on t*0 aubast. "Ah 111g,.oaed En. Fulebop.i&q Vola., slppnlm.e bot wtr; *uyoudo~ kpo, my d.ar, vbat 1*in *0 b. 5-vrriWe by yur lvr-torturé andtluquItim al't in it, iny loy."1 Kltty mid ahe vwu very sorry, and ahe bar If nothlng would relleve ber suffrlug butX IraPlobop ahook berbudrup- aTMy ~ Y=t young I addthe rtUunt, "l'y. triad! enrything vdrtéu lt right but tboy &al't no good ; t'. ivy ez;ndng aud a-cootractng of lmi, unbe. knowu to me, sud tbrowlng tii. bile tâto tii. otomacb, whlch al't ila proper plac." d"lt dois sand ruther naîty," manW CItý; "and Topey semi s *0b. 111,too. , :Try a grsJ, Tpy rud gToppy, dma," suggut- Sber mother. "ýToo*0ohe," groviet Toma, lInrepoy '4nt gumboil." , "tan aie quit@ vefl, at auy rate," ml Fitty ta Anna, oertuly. îAuna, bowever, deolluedto 0b. couideret lanood bealth. 11 fsuoy wy baok la gong te achel," a.. 1 MonsieurVandoloup Iso mlug to dAner to>nlght," th.euid, tlmldily, ta MnS. Pulobop. "And a wondor it s, my sweet angl" alt that lady, ludlgnatly rling and gisu- olng at the pretty girl, now au pale anduit looklng, 'q1t' once lu a bine moon as ho Coaues'orne, a-leavng 7011tel mope t born lîJke a broken-heartd hitten lunsaol-box. Ah, if ho only hail a liver, thât would toaeb him nianfler.." Groan's of ammont tram the Mines Pulcbop, ivho bot.h bail livera, sud wone alwayu fight- ing wlth théni. l'Augiwîîat, my neglccted cherub , aiked Mra, Pulchop, golng to a lookig-glasu whîch always hutn lu tiie kitchon for the thre th examine thoîr tongus i n, "1what ohail Igtve yen for diunerr' lCtty mttggeptod a fowl, macaroni, chou., 811(1 f ruit for duàsort, whlnh bill of tare bail ,ueh an affect on the fanilly that they aU gioaiiod i ufflson. ICitty rtlred Intio ber own rooni and made her0f nîcu for Guaton te look on when ho CfttU. Poor thIng, It was se raroly uew that ho camec home fi) dinnor tint a vltt from hlm ww4,,.~ru by lier li the llght of a treat. At m lc Q'k uvrything wai .roady for dinner, and liavnig seau tint ail was lu goot o rder, Ktty walked outside te watoh for Ouaton. Thfira ws a falont, warni liglit outeldé, sud the sky wui of a pale opaline tint, whlle the breeze bluwing acroau the gardon brought the porfumeof et ti.llwers to her, puttlng }Xtty iuniid ef Mra. Viller'a gardon at Ilallarat. Ob, thoe Innoent daysi would they nover corne againi Aimai ah. know tliat they would not. Sudciouly she hoard the rattle c& wheel and, roîîing horsolf fromhbu reverlo, ah@ aaw a handsomoe cab at the gato, aud ML 1Vauidoloup standing on the pavement pay- lng the driver,8h. ma hoard ber lover ton tbc cabiuan te call for hlm at elgbt a'claok, andl ber heart aunk withln her as abe tbought thit bu would bc gone &gain in two houmi The. cab drovo off, and sho ntood oold sud a<lli'nt onu i veranda waltlng for Gaston, 'who sauntueoil lowly up the walk wth ou*e laud ln Uic pookot ut bis trausora. 1H. vaà in eveilug-dIros ad the nîglt bi4ng wam ho cldfnt wear an overcoat, se lookedtans Parelomly neowtag beir baud auÏ& - over ta thoedlnuar-tabl; 111 hb mient lu towu to-nlght." "Ah, yon no longer dm etor Im ty, *lth ansth oob I - "fS w haitemoty q Md yountPOD 4430W m usdo vêlait *0 do l mm a neeruuiM OUtt?" OUa0t01604tu$- '-Do ym mmi Tli m yn viibl*mhyoo avilsaf a esmb h a ls navef"sa ~ehg eala--k e y i ret, am baantbaa*g woudhW DMo ae 004w c,"MaltbahW ', "su whaiÀ bt wuo pmpfs g00 marmle, ou i wmimlob0 MlsWY." "Mtpruui yu," h uvrd atom àr a mnt Mi turneto owmsmd N.ti uap ber banda ilh p*» t àm=mb. bmuéinto the chair, sut burati nto a soot of tsars. tnov long LA it. gongto at?"ah aii Chtbsmaybhéa long *0.1" "Il mUy." itp«hfl v1 wMneyer b.ypar vifs?" 4"tlnortumately, Bor" wTon ovward 1"1barsi forth Kltty, nlatn frm ber mut, ant crossiug over *0 hlm; 6"yenute me have my homo vlth your fsis.rniue, sud nov you refuse *0 maIe me tl oulyreparation th"t la lu your "fcnmmacu marugaimna It yvnons intentions I may entertuln,"rots Vande- lousp, coflly. Xltty blet ut hlm for a momnent, tii.. ruaS o 0a tesh user thé winow, asuto*o trgm thence a imgi bottleof ibte glace v'lth tvo net banda round it. "àDo you knov vbat this la?'ahshet», in a barsb volas. "Tho poison 1I mate lu Ballrt," h. an- aoret, oaoly, blowlng a vnsath of amoke; "boy dit you geL hoît of 1* V" ",j fount At lu your private des," ohe sagt "6That vas wrong, my dea," ho ansveret, gutly; "Iyen shout nover btry coui- tenais. I lof t the teals lu youn charge, andl t ahoult bava been acrsd ta yen."1 61Ont ef your owu moutb are you oonteuuu- et" saidtheticgrl, qulokly; "lyau bave b.truy- ed my confidence mndt minet me; se if yen do net fix a dfty for Our marriage, I swear I wili drink tLiiiand die et your fut.' "lHow mlodramatlco yen re, Bebe," ait Vaudeloup, aooliy; "lyen put me lu mmnd et Crolmetti lu 'Le Splux.'"i "lYen ton't blier.vii Mdo îtr "Nol I do not."1 "Thon me." She tools Lb. stopper ont at the boule and hfid lb Lahon Upe. Vandoloup tid net stir, but stihI moking, stoot looklng ut bor wlth a mulle. Ris utter calouanes wms tee muci for hon, mnt replaclug Lthe stoppor agaiu, ah. aippedtheLbbtti bta ber poohcet and lot ber hauds laU Ily by ber aide. $i thought yen votit nat de t," nopiet Giaton, noothlyioaking aLliatch; "you muet neliy exonse me, I hean abs cab whsei etait." Kitty, however, piaMoo hersoif lu front ci bim as ho moveltoLaranthLb.dean. "IListen Le me," tie sait, in a imrah voles, uvti white face and flamlng syca; "ta-ulgit I louve tLiAshoua. torsion." He bevohie heail. "A1.4it plea&sos yen," h. repliet, slmply. "My Ged!" sie crlcd, "and ha"e yen no love for me nov il' IlNel," ho anavoret coldly ant bnntmlly, 1 arn tiret ef yen."1 iS efeU on ior noue.amut lutabe Ise baud. "6Dean Gatoul dean Gusten!" as ecriot, eovonlng t with khumes, I"thluls bowyoyeng 1 aru, bew y xy lilan uote, and by yen. I gave np ov.rythlng for your sake-bame, ftLio ndutfrends-yau viii net omt me of bIle this atton ai I bave sacrificet for yu.? Oh, for God'ls ae, speal-epeal " "My tsar,," sM aitndelcup, gnavely, looklug town et tb. knuellng figure vAl Lthe stnoalig oyes ant lluohet bauds, 64as. oj s l' Ico* tay bers 1 vill b, ycur frIent--I eau taL tanod L tonry you, but wvileyen are wlth lue Our liras %vil be as. Loy have bMsn; gont-bys at proiet," touchlug ber ferebeat coldly wth bis lips, 1"1 Wli ralito-mot-nov alternecu tomses bowyaye are, ant I trust this wlli bc. *0lutLof suai oftes."* Se drew i# , aud away froua hors, aud ah. mat on theo lo- tuil and aleant, wbitb ber eys fiuet on the, ga'uuud s»d an achlug lu ber burt. VaMudiup vet ntuto the hall, put on hle bat, thon' lIging aoter cigarette &Mt Me ng ti k, la flik gayly out or the bouve humm aigunair tram 1.14 Belle Saign." l'h. al, vs vatiug for hlm a lb. toor, ut ilAsirU . e ta trie t*0 * koutbi&OMI' MAnd S~!"~ Ov*u,77 urray sSet X . T., bWu bis ymwdiv 0Ptm' ne seotw u Bsh * cfP Suot Uim--meâmhw ue ;UWum* -gvi i bot t MWi a *ê â 8OU1 driv tbMmlý ?b1tmâ tR w e a is v i l m cii uoâ pèore 1w hl m thmt. s aa y ant bis fnlm M veni 7s;i;a Lua mimecasb bit "0 h bat âfrequently oi.b: 41 am," h. aldto W4s t f, tainyouugW whio hMjust entered, "wrho la lA ob paper àlho off". ié%zt yn kwr Mdail * is, tu mn. Prime; "bs sone ai on urrinheetmon, MmdvmY" " wros ithIdbs e my." "OhImel boys popoImntr," replietVan- dnol7 oo0011y; ubov la t Pie neyer met "HE& ea bum *0China or Chil- or,-or-.Omashing Soornuang ii a C," nturuedt tii yoong mun, varuely, "4h. oly came bacl Io Mlboiu'ie I"etweek; yon, ae mm o MSlm sconer cr liter." lTb«kr4 motWbyauxiomi," zrIle Vmntoloup, vAl a yavn; "mooeyln Y eyes teen et ooapmo for being brd wbere are you going to-UWlgtI" "'Miado,'" Mswavre the0 other, vboae maeuasBeftborp; ."Jasperashd e t gopthora.;9h'. gat a box." -WovW doos h. manage *0 pay for a&U *0e thingut" ae Vandeloup, Ming; *b*ln only iu a bank, sud daim not lot muci money." "tMy dear fellow," mid Bellthorp, puttlng bis baud lu abat of Vntelenp, "whbero ho get 1%be alvayabu it, 0as long s. h. pays Iseway lt'a non4 af aur business; came mnd bave a drink." Vantoloup assentctvlth a iaugh, andtboy vont to the. bar. "4rve got a cab ut the. tonr," ho alto* Bellthorp, mter tbey bal flnlsbed ther drinks, and were golng down-ata lrscame witi me, snd Il go up *0 Lb. Prince. almo; Ja8per akoil me sud I refuset, but, mon, au vol As women, anreontitled to, change their mindis" They got Into the cab and trove up Colins Street te tie Pnlncems Theatre. Âfter dis- misslng Lb. cab, they vent up-etslns and tound the, first met vas jusL ovor, and the bar vas lifl twkh .oro f gentlemen, among wbem Barty ant bis fri"nds wre conaplo. uoua. On Lhc ans ide the doors apenet on to, the vide atone balcony, viioro a nuniner ci ladies wore oated, sud on the other bal- coey a lot of mon vere Smoking. Ldeavlng B.ilthorp with Jauper, Vaudaioup ordorsd a brandy mut soda and vent out on the bal- cany ta astoke. The bell rang *0 ludicate the, curtuin vas going La rise ou the second act, andthLe bar and balconlos gradually omptiet thoanselves luto the. thoatre. Monsieur Vandolonp, bow- ever, stili iiat smoking, and occmsionally trinklng hls brandy and soda, vile ho thougit aven bis diffleulties sud vonderet how ho conît get out of Lhom. It vas a won- derfully hot ulgit, and net even Lhe tank blue ofe i.mnooni. sky, stuildeil with stas, coulil gAve any sensation of cooluens. Round tho baiec-ny were severai windows blonglng te the dressing-rooms ai the, theatro, and ths gits vithin shone through tie vlvld red of the. blinds vîth whilchthoy werc coveret. Tii. doan leatlng loto the. bar vas wlde open, and vithin everythlng seemed ho, even under the cool, white glarr of tha electnic llghts. which tabone la largo oval-shal, .d globes hanging f rom Lb. bras. supporte ilu-clusters 111e Lias.gapes kuowu a ies' fingors. lunfront stbetM thes biglu lifthut':rde ofth( 8110 as, ,I< m V'auiu1oui>lemiîed igack lu bis c..-bu e :tld ame i lteIn. u o .f thoelectrle liglîti ris- ing aboe . iîs,anuit thon t*es lunilueutà4 dark- non of the nmue-' lb.feeîd .'lu teraif tree, villa a path llghted by gam"Iiîpe gaing thrauugh lt, the lgiu of whh ahes 1k dull yollew tanu. On Lthe rljht ar'%vj th. great block of Parliatîîent buildings, with the. confusednum ofut c.afoltlag stand- ing up blark sudtdoeeapinat the sky. A picasant murmur aruse froin.theb crowcd pavement below, and through the incemut rattie ai cabes ad shar, clos, cries or tIi. street boys, Geâtoau coui heur the. bril toues of a Viella Playlag Ltes.y iricy ci f *0 e Sumuéer'a llglt t lu aioh" tusut lieNIM t a b'abe couqit gel m re p eis cf *0 nai omle huQ«M Mn eèo4 db@yW b*ont &M wnt bokru, op u i tbl c uo1L ugtt. o 00pe onte *0ilom ot *0 su"" tondi anI bool Ietb* oP"cro Bant, ho nlM Clr o.Wbore bave yenb., ou "I "t wu *0 i 1aumywnae t Vante "Cone udbav supe vlh S" ltl Mta t belablmq smogu Mdtoebae saut n 9 asl'bu sh Iso.audW neOut ce te akm."me'dVu Voi: adlupsiatoatocets thoghtondiebae b. ceit pUa4"pnal *Bry abut ismeheW b r te ba v e h smv aatoIu mtsua theete * or taln pe t s o ffu d aItacar, ut unMM n *0a ofer gentlemanwo vmsvey tsi udelthin. jat efgre a s Uet geasbe- th t momn t h. twybcurtisly rou dsud via ont e o hmace, udnthon f te lum gaifletaup rf *0fbîmmte cu ,& "Wbn o la ttgntlman WlhLeofoot" h.n sandet Barn ty. fth tutv "Thon d atout uteuadlo, ndBat slniy, "mo me l une lo lPhround'sdn tookon'L Athero.GMt" aeasr "Yc oMbs fya ere n toe n inlein a "btie ans *0yo i uf "Thbo lonttgn lemaLb. ralthecontnac- 6thoaotand," mude, sid Bary iuigvteesrris aiu Vautup mu ie ndofiien la oitredi- cil,, Lic nssil, enalre"atn mptety atdlsciip," cci"andVtheelou, as I Xdleu blmasif; "My falth 1" "Vua4,"broIe in ]BeUtborp, quicly; "*0 cmo vo vers spcakng of at Uic club-do yen knov bini" fi tmncy I do," sit V'andeloup, witi a gtrange amie. "Yoninuit excuse -me t*0 your supper to-nlgit." ."No, wv on't," mait Baty, flrily; I"you muet came." ",Tien r lok n latar," soIt Vautelesîp, vie bail net Lie sigiteet ittention of goïng. "1WI Lat dt" "&1 suppose IL viii have tLa" eid Bellthqrp, in su njueteLoue; "but wiiy ca"t yon coe nov?' "I've o toLa es about son te business," mat "What, at tifs heur eft Ina nigitt' cniet Jasper, in a volas o!ftiagnit Vsutolonp neudded, mut ligitet a cigarette. "lWefl, mint you cerne in laten," sait »artyandtien he aut hie fients left Lie bar, 21Ler makdug Vautoloip prenise faltie- tully b. enit lcorne. Gastannsaunteret slowly up Loe ii. cee barndutsalitfer s eup inubhlm ual musical volas, but when Lie atout gentleman hem-t hlm apeak hc Lunet pale sut looket uW. The. thlit on.ebatgene offt tetalk tUso:ieoue euee, oc whsua Vaudelcup gut his coitese b. turne.!e &,uwiy roimnd sud lookud strnîght at Mctllec ilp oeat lu Lb. chir~. '*Goe-enoing, Monsieur ACetike," h. sait, quietly. Mcddiechip, whoso face wus ually net and fOrld-loeklug, turnot glisty pale, ant spnnng te bis fiat., "'Octave Br-anlant?" h gaspet, Placlng bis ooffeo-cup on Lb. counte-. "At your ervice," alt Vendhboup, ikiug rapIly round to e that nnonee ovrbeurd the Pame; "but bemsIamnGaston Vende- uzýde,,pp,,edbis iandkoréhli aven bis taseaud ioltenet ils dry lips with is sanglet.voltes. "1*'.. a lng atory," salIL. Vsudr,'Up, Pût- tint bis =0&e dmMu. at vIPLq bis Il>p vltb bs h l# roai; "mAppees, *go suul have g mprrsmuwlée, ne I&itau you la "i don't wat av 08ae,! $t b 44ofl , bt ,%"nW -d- f dtSoitu f.swch4i ma, amw auIov mLuu s ifytuM bld s ud âïb *WMmi 1meva tbing or two. Mr. loqNelese bltug lmp.,te a esm A nugaulesun valter Who anava-et .*0 Abe »Vue etGurehy, recovet Vmuteloap's ordmw via madustie botcet bis beat, ian rolllug up 1» Mn. Xeddlecitp, h. pmoimmno te bill ci fane *t tat gAiesUsu, wiio, bov- eve, rogumeet 11,it nt &tDay sippe," hi. sait, cunly. Gorchy, thogh a valLon, vas humant sut bldatwluid, whBle Vantoloup resues- ateatet la a sauve manuer. "But, My dean i," h. allanbng bie tu bis chair, "lye mupt bave maauthug to. Mat. lmsreyouL"-ALb ýs.agnliaatomes Madlocbp's lips tvltebe a ltts as the Frencbman spoke, tbon. wlLh an uuiy laugbhb.ontoret sometblug, sut drew bis chair up to the table. "6Antaro," sait Vandeloup, aoftlt&yas Gurchy vas roDlng eut cf the dean' "lbning saine vine,. v oi e!Pernnery, 1 think, la bemt," ho aitet, turning ta Metdlocblp. IlWbaL Yenuhile" returnno.t Lat gentleman, lmpatiently, 4"I don'Ltcare." "'ThatL'as groat mlstalre,- replut Gaston, cooly, "bat viii. plays Lthe douce. ith on.'. digeston-tva bottIes et Pommery, »walLo." "&Nov, thon, jir," sait Motdlecblp, sharply rsing tram hlmsetatndutclosing Lb. taon, "vwhat dit yen bring me bere tari" IL Vsuteloup riet is eyobrovs lu mur- 1"Hov energetic yen are, my dear Kestzike," ho sit, sinoothly, lyiug down ou Lie bfa, aut contemplatingbids shows vith great satIsfaction; "'juot lta saine noîsy, joiiy iellow as et yore." "Damunyen!" alt te otiier, fiercely, et vblci Gastan langiet. "'Yen bat boLter ea"e tiet teOcto," h. answenet, machlngly; l'Re nnterstands more about I ithan 7011 do." ,'Qi, I know yeo oit," mid Meddlechip, .ildmpanddo eCCéxstodiy7;"I 1mev yen ofod ait.th your a@neeranmutyoun coeame, but IL von'L do bore," stopping opposite Lhe soa, sud glmung tevu aL Vautelenp; "liL von't do bonm M "go yeu've mal twLice," nepiet M. Vante- loup, wltb s yavn. 1"Hov do yen vaut me to contuct myseif Do tell me; 1 am always open ta improvemoent." "-Yon mugt leave Australla," sait Metille chip, sbarply, ant bnéting bard. -If 1 refugo?' ashi t .Vaudeloup, lasly, smiliug La bimmseif. III wlf teonnas eye n a sconvict oepet frein Nov Caledcil" bluse thLe other, pottlug bis hanta b is iepockets, mut bentlng fervent. i"Indeed,"saitGaston, viti s ciiarmlng mile, 111 ton't think yen vil go se fan as abat, my trin" "I1 swean," sait Meddiechip, loudîy, nalslng bis baud, "II swear- "Oh, ty!" observe[ M. Vanteloup ln a shockeil toue; "an old maan like yau abouit net avean; l's veny wrong. I assure yen; be- aides," vIihsadlsparaging glance, "yau are net sultedt La moodrama."1 Medtlecip svltoutly saw iL vms ne geet trylug t Lta g4i suth Le consummate ceai- ne. of Lits yeuug minu, mtlh a great ef- fort, reeolvedtoLaadaptili"st te eoxigen- cies of Lhe cmasedst fght hM atversary viLi bis cvii veapons. "WoIL" i. sait at lengti, renumlng bis meat et tho table, sud Lrylug La speair Slmly, though bis Oubet fac aud qulvoring lips abovot vhat an effort IL cost hlm, "lot ns bave stuppen firat, sud v m eaual mter- yard." --Ah, that'a mueb bottor," romrrunet M. Valoup,, alttlng up *0 Lie table andtun- M ilgbis»" " Il. 1 assure ye, My dean fleo, If Y« ttriaL me a, Pi s vey eay perman t0 " lwitb." Tb* ymeci lietwa mm umet ton a Massait &sie. lii.tabla, ast Vsutloup's bamdociia mnial gloch la. LeeLt Metdl$ecblp trsi».&bis oua lwu asbiver ruile4omp sA d tb in Laitde. oewu& 'oubamtit i * rkdoar pmm vf t=4 tba it bbb1a ýF abt o 0oneri, blel1 --w .: FkRMERS.,. ATTENTION. sim eaw *tm l et obu laid ofe*6tKM'MAYsd HABRIS Cernpmniua, I M -0 A esd u1pI?%MOUl-,vi t theboit FhrU SM~dà,hh8 dle<smii vhlch Vant be Beatent #eulatsg Uehlae%«et.. l Umiiimaume before -purchauing elaewhere. Me. V. STÂPLES, Victoria Rtoad. V"gooaba4l Nov.4tb, M. -7-26 CHANGE 0F BUSINESS. I tae.the. liberty of adviuing you thut I have purchased the genera! Store buuùienburitof«ouiried on by Staples, Anderson & Co. Being à partuer in thealA firm 1 would say to my patrons of the past, I feel grateful for tii. hlthy support with which yeu have favored us wîtb tu the. put four yests.' Oue number of ciietomers have increased everTy yoe aiumo our organiza*iin.- To whom it msy concern in future 1 pur- posu studylng my oustomer's best intereuts by keeping the best goods «dA Iaving my stock uJiÎ a.uorLd. Boots and Shoes a specialty. Cal s*d examine stock and get prices. I wouid suggest my terins are cash. Ali kinda of farm produco taken in exehange for goods or cash to suit Fire Insurance effected in bout Englioh Companies. A cal solicited. R. A.. ANDERSON. Organs Repaîred* and Tuneci. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDM Ordens by maIl promptly attendeatot. R-. N. BISSONS - - LINDSAY, ONT. On Deok Agaîn And salee larger than ever. À clear sweep of the Canadian mar- ket for 13 yeai S. OLD ENCLISH CONDITION POWDER Con"u@n one pouuad la e«eM pacage, sud evMry pckffe la the mmne year in and voiont. Not Injuriou.Bain or sim. it wou't hart &ni animal.. 250. EC, OR ô FOR s1. 00. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay- THEMANUFACTU BERS LIFE-&AOGlDENT INSURÂNCE COMPA.NIES. Combined Authorized Capital ana other assetis .................$3,OOO,OO( J. W. WALLAG Et Agent, Lindsay., W. A. HOR.KINS, District Manger, Poterboo LÂIRDINE -MACHINE, - QILS THE FÂKOUS HEAVY BODIED MACHINE GIL MADE ONLY BY MoOCOLL BROS. & 00q, Toronto. 'USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHIER. I(400115' Famoin Cylinder 011. Fineat in Canada for Engine Cylinders ÂSK-FOIR LÂRDINE 1 IMMc> lm Ohea FURITUR ~NUQET,&Co. LINDSAYa iet Makerse ta show il. aT&0 IWL 1

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