Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1891, p. 2

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s *DAI ~? . '1 e.' es * ww ,.§WWte oe M .tri.P.. a.. .. o h ..~ PifAl. Adria# Immt s por od uithif3hlDsea-k»Wu0& gu.udn Ite4 E e. ei;ae, 5e rectaalti-4& PU bsf o. p rot0Ut. R.glaralefOh 4uaabvis bo dmlu lt Ials emn, dreee. lMyd - owraies inain asu lolfr.l Ï& h.pe luAtia,4 NsJ ew iOsadPr ci14%Tialie là M"& etola) P. 0 itlrn. su. htad&$4Uant"v soiWthe 1 Maiotl u=u mi.-LeIlsroodl 15 9à,-1 ueioaeud.vis LlUmh mte ppsa4 cmte e0 ~r4ocr red ube ntil àm rof oUce UmmorlIbm sogsalofmiofmit MeWous 8e &.m. cfoa7 mail. &"dr. Mil 0h , YBIDÂT, NOVEMBER 20. 1891. OX Monday, Foy. 2nd, Josph leviler mot a t#rribis dmath a# Bcggsboro. For about s par ho boo bai charge rnf the Rrliatml et aIt 114ct. &d on the mortng ciothe .day mention. id. wnt beakw to cil up the mscbinmry, il bOng a valet power mill. Afermier vwu Mtor fier a grlàt arid vas wating ton Polee gstnrn, whpn thé Jtte'@ ittle _girl atrlved ail evqnlred for ber father. The farmer taonmnua ber Ilia heovas dovas&tin sud tiîber ,qht% procooad to bukobfor im..Im. M tlé berutbrr oe find hlm attached lu a cf t ej.roing round st the rate of 50 or 80 5yl ti>L thie minute. The fariner belng 1,14 hy th. girl et hskr fatber's pnoition reu &*wu suit topped tbé mililte find loden a bimeIrr, nul terrily mýngbo'1 norp4s, hlm boust mtiqed sud hie Inè; off aI ib ae s. Il le ?hou>ib% lhat ho wiY drainu sîouad 1thé »huit hv' a pin otcbing 6s l0cs') guerney. vhioh hà voire st the lime. On lTbunidsy Ibm te. moins vers takou for buriai ta Boioven, hie heymer jpla s of rpsideonce. Twoous, sdangh. flèn sidd on in.law socompanied lhe body. Decsiia.d was 56 leànî ut age.-Mluoka 4lÎ oTAO25WrdOrý Ula inome lime minoe any neya heom ]lias ue otnd ite W117 lnlo Your colona, 0 eouclaîiug joui speoimi bau moved le atbeu qiîlrters, 1 bake the ilbertp of îend. hg ou a sftv items lmaeVlCMsuTg. - Mr.Alîbert Phllllps te A uîmlj..d hi@ mcv residece on West *%oemtreet. It luaà fine building boatîs ett i.'b b y indowsanard la tastefuily ahintud . in the same itrcet Mr. John imvncidbamlIelI1 erectbed aaceuforî. Aiahomx.... M. LRoert Cualo, Pro. Iplot it oi the Phoenix limkilo, bas nov @mp u c itbs beautlftil boum& sud mates tato Ab'hie vçk ... . JameSpencr Eiq., bIs euî,tioc ~of ouxreéidents vbo b.llavem wt~li~ aneWhIinlua aredilte Ihe ~sce ....Mrs.eJ.u Puetbr baisalto cou 'butocitote madaoment cf oui vii. $go. Sliu bau ermoed a vs c ommodione Ibu.. umi "Bonvier Bill" for, Dr. Broad, iOloh 1,4 nulquf ln style sud thé location Omio% f tbe besi lu tb(% vllaget as Il etet. teckg oir olebtîsd Park. Béfone lea. Ils thé improvemento 1 migbl mention tbft Mr. Bujumîn BptetIbuh added lbhi% bisreatiy large outnildinige by an addition #bai Rives bhin a bars 180 foot loue vith stable accommnodation under m. wbolis lmmth 9 tes bith. Tbe vhole bru s fou cf grain sud bay ftgb* up te eroof, Aud ibis la cuir osou@cf bis bui.Re e lavlntmulug 70 bea d c cmiii buides 12 bories sud ' arge bewd 01 *ep ansud gaIs. COu8us-Measrs. Dîxea h Driluali bye e langel thelu oerZMèrinelà ug astore and Di. %rond smdlKssw 1ugbty arte ic prpweoru..... uwa. Sel h &Co.,9 baye remOvd taïib it et, a 64)nim r. Cholu . Rais.to mi. 5bert Stap*es old deil md*lbo -àean bu f e . S".9.1ou bisvle rnay ml'*s Io fn*d ou duty tboe.....I à .sleim afwmy bu unelhmbte etk* iu. usa.e ofNBis àO., bmm h fée Domnimios »mu. qim si l e. leV i onsoi v liirdUU I~? a1s ebeltri ats. tbwp' me.ai1b.ta "ite fo uI e the 0dW Im" tt momt* .M. lIuid0,Pwulân, aloLthemimelai taedM u4er f vhiéh the esimutes cf * à"a WS.1t vtualby Mr-ElanebIM t1cm fa 01ot zbSesuiete NumI tuabemtnr. iébidama.belore bImegoaSVe o" r &Oltomasd tlet etig Ii. Tb@ e ppuie vriad), Mud li a u eles e . mal qnestl@ui Put bt Mr. JflcM* valy wauslo. A dbsunslco lolved a vlhi mori SmthB, umM oggMymd Fasenden Preat ipesmdea, vltb a " be- fore bt., bok thé819,400 Oc f '41u teoflo,"for Ibm quartera ct a, boni. Mach linieiost vos laion lauibis140so Mnd a od dincuIon foteved. Both Memci.Fensuden sud Jeiewver tesdeied à voleeft Ibska fer Ibeir able lassons. The follovtn offiers vers thon eiected forithémtens lu:- Pesidont-O. M. F#Uouam, M., Principal Of Ibm olwe Istaiut@. Vlc.PitdutsPillcia milh sMd Briek ofthé epublic sud sapoiste seboole. Becietmr,.Troeuret - A. Bisasharde Patupal efthIe Bulumu U0il1ga. Programme commiltee-MaesAd . td aHall, Jeakls, Blu, Lough, Tréoy The Lasocimtioton eadjounild temoee &gala on The lait Baturdap ef Feb 1802. -oR.evlev. What Curel liai1 Dltnrbed, dlalurbsd; witbi pain oe: il No sloop, ne toit; vbsl dmodf ust sncb tao torhui O cnsuaebim, Dyspetisia &Il ulgbl ail day, It réeal Y sommied a orne t10 5l57j pusy, gnom jon, thon, vbaî curoilhlm y XC vas Dr. Picrce'sGolden Kedîcal Dia. cavery. Thot le Ibm armat cure for bocdahs, scroule. dyupopoia, k[dmcp disette, hiver cou. pinansd generel debllty. Au Inactive liver musn aoned blod; kiduey disocder moans ietoued blondl; couannptiou mosue polaened boi. Tho grest antidote for Impure blood le Dr. Pienae' Golden Mudical Diaco:- ory. Atling dinetly open the iffeeted organa restorea th. te their normal condittou. Thé 'Ditcooeyf UiiulIcad le bunât et ente iu il oses eoflasMÎe for ubl 1118 inreom- mended, or uouey pald foi Il vii be prompt- iy efuded. PORTAIGEJ'AdPRdIP.fl, ZUBTOBi. Nov. M1, 1891. r'e 2% 1. t h et l.Verdir. DEicI z,-I once moue e ak jeufor sa,. ue nTEE WARDMR for a tevbUes. W.bave haid noms vsuy rousth vester bor Jteiy; there vau e .uaugb te m ak lgbing, but lbt vry sonondis- appenred. W. ame baviug Indienusmun.- uer nov. The Iirmsbing machnes vere &Il aloppcd for ovet a vesit, but lhcy are aIl busy.me vork *ain. The îbrochitg vot more tbau balf lhrongb, Ihcy expetî tc, hcep Il ap 1111 Christms. The ite unow etorm soaaed Mout et the Ontaio boys home, but ilb eouid net score me le go, as I am msu ad étager, sud au old dog toi the bard road. 'Wol, I suppois omm of lbe, beys ei Mouvera viii be expecting Jack back si Chrismas, bui tel lbh boys thal I have bntted uy lumt boat &round Ibal country. I vouid like te oses a 1ev oftheb Franklin beys np bore, su 1 amn mioe, but delug well. Thenklog pou very muet for tum apte for Ibeus fcv liues. Toursu mmiv, JOBS MCOTILLOTJGE. PLEAANMT PLY-plZfZLOZf. 1,5dB! te fru aW~e. ADD"ESS AND PaiESETA iox.-Por vel ulgb ounl o, pjoersthe Be:. Mi. Johns. tan ef Lindus.y, bas aeudacicd à moatbiy service to thie people lu the nelogbborbood et 8.8. No. 7, lrenclon, sa isncb limes se vas aonventont. On tbe 101oh lust., ibe eveulug ef hls service, a veiy oacl] 1gatheuiug asembled, wvte blhadieucf tbe tgbborboed seuvmd tes tue. 7 te 8 io'cieek, amter vhlch thé toloving sddîesî and presentation vwu proseulmi l Mu. 1Johnelon :- 1T. 1ev M.. tJohna. DEAR 8ix,-You viii ne deubt besunr. priaed vhy iisth.e euiang 01 Foui .montily smrvie suongetusuasbeau b pall cbugod Inmb asoiai; but for thé 1pust tvesb-ouo menthe yon aye ondes- ,voried te sapusd tbe Cicapel of Chris h exieudini your field cf iabor lointoil omtunnîty nt snob urnes u beîitb a»d olheî sireumelsuces veul peiuFoas 1 It la D no ueaeay te ay thibsjoui ami. t-viséeubaye beau lghly pproolsted by b evry eue, 8ashé Ibm oes vblab bai raivays veloomed ien, eaye au eue ou lvo b oasilous spesits fer itlef. For Ibis Ibon ) vs, lb. résidentmi t is ulclalty, fiel tsè ve e rtUmtly tdebted te jos sud Iais 1lu£ th ibleiaFour Intention te cotusu tary duty te »" c i at i njmu, udefti. 1 ig joue exPoussta o sgawo-Utu r bbs puisea faitta voltut Ma u*ar eou sgprelstlo0f FMOUi roe, aMd te . -s eul la sylnq os b.1lese =0898CO&et Mv101 b " , = 4 6 & -VV « 14 " ".. *Is4"ý abdsmh* ms ltibMne ehiv. ~ ~e b oOaMmU mpm y haudmenelmeoe uimNn memisi iiiibi ' v t« Mi 19oA.p bo* 060son9"F vumulnly0(o .lied k a vme thDe à feea*me mau. lou i , Th MasNJr l u eected lu meme.1té raeMI. M.:"Jv160 Biey sonda tmessSwu l ifie seau,» a fd vans uhe â foChamersOl&Wb 1 style su va Vry maabli> r «ot iémonu- ment t r 18h1817m Miaber, ilsdigoïerwo ««W la im .-The of Mr. MW#lvite hophienst "MimsuM thé rio eut.u aitwa ThrVfoi s forh liatemnhope lied Elud.whop l hey viib aie dIitj ler ulalaneh. be:by They et bssesna ofaitamaone. pra.sun hat se vi il&a iemul and souîitu.. D. Sincasarge aledancliUmm letour ivn ay oralebotlow aiStaheo sh. Hvinu ifb1b hluit, swud. hav n strIlutyui mui bp&Ite Bbeaîls of LIy ady, vuspendid. aMfir.ilkey ro ndmd heymoilu ha ve à spuloat Mdtyle oiet tecmesnsc i . kepz»h adailure alu an p..:et the î.eonolb. Riem ii t"éb.authll bus vn the oachool of héldre unest, Iberheeo of ses Wlght saNo.Ih10e61.ndr arie battyu aisus e o bs aih@e pirogerame w ie lgvsvéred Tpéeas. su sd enjoble oneueind a cueri sio syievas routhe te a lougbyofMpt lakers theaaudience ujoînguofhatt psu. silgIb aTionalMo the 1-08 ho. eAee heeBut " e îwentye abé,w Tue moud ood, srely udrlnkeg vaet; of MiseonWrihsangithot cuber&a&Moc dlon§In 61sud on yed aen matithe a hou a.heui nortbevatrd oienci. Atan thethe lime a da Ob lu teu. mour.t e e gtt o a l s batéeatde buft of ey blti po e. lhrses. oslachfoodeztrely seniti va vi I muffe n de i l ut ierue, aug ci dakioverish odi ti. yswo stn co lvla od iouts vîoukvalt l - ahke aboulga mnevsait maerifedlbnai . taure ime s atlfy, lor y fo ib bf outs hiknot ulygabouts nib ar hors.a, sud bftaeuypratb fÀor the vtor hsas cftreua sesitive, svaut 1 ink-or ne ahe uir f ousib l. Jn 1 dig bihteu vi mo only b.nmtafu 1 te youî amasit m70U vi fr ibabneo iader te orla s lhgbi ock oil dumo > pet ;mlhcy ii b aisfer; tbfor vil c l onksd oldisud i Ilys loéer. e foteu, ardhe sypa ud kov tuer Saother omse thn syeuteyimejeuta ase jeu bave he auburme sil. B]wa 1toig îtee muIo h. snt ubly emerofib fP az t your nmeut Iaton, sud oa ne altrt doncha Ilng. se essil d ot Poo bate, sudigur oi be le iabm a mayouid areavepov.dsuk sdow mo riou loved ha bhe oy ou@hirsty. A bre PItv aba gie fodemi 11kmaa w o h, gc U overvcrkedhave aot.aaedisor abuued, m tp tearlloabl or otféentvaut c fiotesi drink l ur etero, aMd imonsu aqDotadosnvob aa i. jutréton Be mibi omest lree t lties are au bl lng led h. advmage f rbéamBt vle )f iug, treel cmi haue rvered sveAmott Il àra ork. Il . lte à cfn.Lt thig la supes oredapOiml-tu e porspauan . seeinuby fote he ta medi sal pisti 2--1 f-ma ---- y ear amompersonha Wbmu Baby vasuelk, e gave nh«00auh. Wbm "iw u a ChII, "ibe ld for Castora. Wbme bm cam b im dUngltO CaitarSa Wim obehadkImde, *e gave Ibm Oistanl Oter a. Cesturv Oid. liant eu are kuoof ersomons living lb b. ovet 100 vTe aid sud thoracfaoue goed rcaou ey his ehould net occur. Bv paying attentionte le m elb by uilug Budook Blood Billets vbeun aessnrtotepurifY tbe blood und atreugthon thé usicue much may b. sdded te the coudant sud happluos. cf lite, maven if Ibm century mark le net atla.- 92. Milbarn's Anomatie Quainn Wiue fortilles lb. éstom agusnt sltacksetfaope, chilis itlons fever, duambi gue sud 1k. trouble.- 25IL Cm"0àI àsýw#M .1 sinoe mum ootenadu a Eqàho) hrasemeuictr, e& Oumoolam et.,.Id-& MOUSE à JACKSON "io s o. & Jasirno16 1E=11 IC s r sn o* f ]P. u . OORK AXAi. JACKSON. MoSBYM hANDERSON, aviclIitorsw. t. amnesa look letot S=IUtendm. l«Mte Insc« omret rates.. * ,DcuMLAaR.Auuso. A. P. DUVLIN, Naruli,, ". ounty Orovu A , Olsrk09 the à&oseGOumycio hmoOcklmtstr@M âloseyte m tom aeurmi nimts AITEUI olEaET. eUoNLAtu.. ou stma ua of the peopLle sautrDgm fSi b umlerbtake aide ct: hoo om*0lc onu= Mud leMU. boiras taobavlng trou"d 9»li. l b.f*0oatry on l*0 qu"met cfold p"ensior oivockiug obissea This eenu l H Atilnl pteld o:.: à deeutpi th Ibe e.Tua"e Bi. la bi opminaddr eesb.expiees. bd lb. opinion 1 he b.Ine U»tunebal benu mtback 100 jeanby tbe sets e1 île ovu leaders u. jueCollilge, Ibm motel Libetl tadosale, thon meod. sud Ur. Pliay ILPL, seooded, lb. follevtng reaolutlon * "Thai Ibismeeins desireste expies the opinion ltai lb. policy 09 ttc Unme patinlutthe Sbpfuturs, am in tbe P@44 should bh o te iciilbm dlelmlorbtion cf lb.i ImpeuliPanluuln, leupbold the bonot 01 Ihe empire, te presem rve tnmdy relmiama vlth taltorsion poverat, main. .tanlav and oeinlaal parta of the Unied Kingdom, so ne le piomete sauci leglislas vil amlilorato tbm so0i8l saditos eftlb. ritilsit sd lI" péepie The eoletllon vas nmumonely udopé- sa smid a scène eofenthualsan, lb. audience tlslug le Iheit foutsMd ,beering Ur. Buasdi, MXP, mmxl sbmltboe d u Lard Cesilelevu moondel. a recolutlon expr tn banka ta the Ib.ialUuoulmt 1eadrs for the manser lu vhl e Iehaie 80 fer gulded lte Party, and futtbor mx- pressing mtine eoufidee la tetais ulg- uput. This rosoilion wés-aI.dm it. meuaiy adepted. Belote a.psatng Ibthévt audfee joined in siuging l"Qed Bave the Queen." T. A. MIDDLETON, L it ' ir u A ccient inur c gn. gn o the Outarl Luu . =Se rnaumucfor OTIC-Dotofi Block, Kant itreet, Thir Door Nait. eth*Ieut..OMMicetin-176ely RUGE MELL, Aicout t.lmai LÏf elunuaneoffetecdlu re- abla omsalutaIlevait rate.. Agent for Mmd- to'mSmenmenti, aMd eveydeeorlption of M"',J1 aud granité vork. Llnêsr. Ont.-J.701-ly Valuable Farm for Sa1e or te .But. Th* Exocton iofith ale Sm. Ray offer Sor sale tl t Hsaiat ai Lot 24, ilot Oonceisoa, Verulan, ln the Oounty ofVictoria, 100 acres more or leoe 90 mNodtard, baance vol! ooded-moslly bardvod; son l ay mfmm; fonces gi'od; coatorlable lot bouim sud barn; t»e gad vew" T»= la s.tuatonteueasd a hait mles trocà Taaiii-E.y 10 suit purobsoar, and lu omses preosmty lu mot .old lb.eIxeoutors are prero1 ret smm. .lor furthor partioulor. apply to 0. H. ROPlIES, Vendez. Solcitos, Lindsay, or Ie THOM"S WILSON Pnson ïal%. THON AS GRABAN, JOME alH CL[AII6 ID DRIIG. W eg atuo al c q or eboJngd m uslri 10 Drus OcemoD'd'-Rî 91, CltI _JjRIGGSt, LI00DSAY »ÉAgomI,=lb5mr:lu Fanoy Goode, Hair' Gooda, and Jowellery,« Sash ad Door Factory *8 hg-- aiet & ion"it bfS . iuooat l@--ui& bore dom,bos etg-o. fus. oPa"e. uil omp uusa~.et the latostilmnrovod principle, et aut on U. bore gu» 0 S lstdowi, t. hr gm»M 90"sblOtIns. 014 wotm * viS eod for io zun pocialty 1,11 revmn, qéla a vrkManfk.menuer OL rtna £utltiof etailoradestor itle is boa imadiof ne.. ~ ~ tr lome. eSOD -1AV111 E4~m , I let I M , o m b me b~!~ emuli o tesd b y the horu#gbn>ue t(f - t , s,,rk boul~60 1 OgOW ~e but . d 50 ISi Ol Sd bui embraoed sua ..r'.:or lsp1~~~ WAR WOMNNILL. Irov"'0. sud 1 'ioWi. ~Ih, We KIMMOUIIT OUSEC, ordin to ablÇtv Ff' 0re pr tnl yboomîIc ulp la - a syle fera firt-êluiboioi, sud the public un b. ssuv mq et the bu oit aOcOumOdt ?very reesoable rats. "». bar la. epUd th dml the bust brandieShquces Mud cigm s. nt~bosud omIni. and suatteuti bua.TE NOWDEN BOUSEL,16T li U , îs. oenzmemuuco, - Pet mer.. Do not bisf..i , Is lia »ec boum, a a o. e feth.beboitoquipped laletsr oro. Il l e nveniomi te bail (LT B sud Cleulu.Ir"> Who trou, Y-eu?4 that C.P.& ttlonsas vollaug» e . atel. Bta iio ii. . (lt ,k'i $LOO p@rd v .I-Is v iB JU St b gi 1 b t l g - . TUrE cWlnt udLndY BOUSE Lndi. Te ins of tbe proprietor of the Wavrley la 10 make il second t0 no hmneî outide of he citi.. &A ââs»ro itse pubile patronag e irepecffully aonited. Every attention patd to e coveunleo0f guesIs Good atabllng, oaimodioua shedo , sud are yard reos, utth attentive haieon aivay. on baud. MALOOLM MoRENGOR, Lindas Jul, Bdl895-177-tf Proprlctor. lieuton la vithont a rividla this dlrres sa eummerrewrfor Samilles, aud la beautlfufljrsltuated A ohbamgPlace for he bnunan, thei>rta submà&ihema. Il la way Inuth. piiiefri andinas beautful 11111e village poneiring a rallay, oitgraph oMe, sud aIl tbe convenleuces f modern IteCags urprslngl moderato. The very plac to 9Rpend a Happy Holiday. The proprielor le auxiom te acoommodate &a i cmo eau. dpu"tescom- by~ ~~ polo ire ve hourrilf rom Toronto. The loe ia upplled vith evry ademmuodatlon, sud a w4oed Iablefs kopt WTt,. Suie 1aud frou tsMou D.KUllar! PVeiwltor.-1S?8i Vtiofeeooai DB. W. KENNqY, Ontaio vteriaryColeOP, Tor- onto. Regitormd membor cf On. tarietteriuy Medicei Aiea- ~~ clatien.Officesud reidence itgoreel rusaIce N.tbodist tibuoh,sud WUst WatlaoVi Uýaollon Mina. Lln mna. man&ch IU 13 DR. BROAD, VETERINABT SURGEON, grausie Ontaro Vol. ern O ollage, Toronto; reglteed meniber f On. tadrI7eterinary Aocaton ~ Slh.T opposite Ibm gas votha. All ell. by mail or telegrph promply attendod 10. Charges moderato. Linduy, January Srd, IMG.-1112 BOWMAN BRO)S. IL N. omu* CI O.ERO.A. A. li. Bowx,, .. Appolutd Ovny sud COc.ultagng kshof Victoria. Provincial and Dominion L.and SurvoyMes Civil Eulbew rsAfchitcti, taluators. Dvaugbt.men, etc. FarUcular attention given 10 dis1 utod boundarlui. Plns, Estamates sud apcficaions ot municipal sd other engineering vorka furnshed aud superlntendod. Oni-Over0. H. Hopin' Law Offices, Wllfiam etreet, lda.-0.r R. F. MORROWe L. D. L. @èU VMe "fUùt and Horr raduak of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Dotitry lu ail Its branches sttendd to with the gpetent eSe. Charges moderato. OMTCE-Over Chi=a Hall. Peterbmro.-54 Je NEELA NDS xi,. ».tai.I IKR.O.D.S.,. ONT., DENTIST, LINDSÂY. By Ibm aid et th. nov hydrocarbon gai funcho oaa make IndedtrctIle porelain filîngad rostoro broken sud decayed teeth 10 their origiWalshpe, ontour aud color by tis proce.. Old root. cn baye poroeWtn orowvua a#ached oonooquentiy there in a-i Ja ar, admlnlte4red vlth great luccos for uaary 9387Yau%. xtractng teeth fer thouads of pesorom a ithoIa partice 0f pain. HeoUes the liat apprnv. apluesfor al-aorn tega.H uludled mdrDr. Col" o f NevTort the mventor of gai for oztraotng eeh, vho ha .. uItred it t0 over 10,O0O porion.suad not a fatal eaue. Mfr. Nelanis urnes Be .Local Ans"eethtlafor oxtractlng tooth. àýFHeMe la anov uatng a nov tylo of forop vhloh ho had expres a uufacturod vblle ao bl» laut v Mail 10 NewYork, which rto e s..the tomlbvlthout iD jry 10 the gum or jav, tbe guma hoaUmg Up boautifuily lu a fov day. sd no subso- qusatrubl. Artifolaiteolh leted on ail tho vopular baies sud by thé inot approed styles ad agafaoSfr thoir reteuton and ooxfort. Smn- bois of porionevorlng toeth made by Mfr. Neel- euhi ov'r 20 an. sd nover rqured regain P ufrom izomS for an uppor or under sot. peusoni hm a sance iii plue und poital card bof oeoomlag OPIme- ouI itreetl, Lmuy, noaly coi te gSimmoos oua. mot, w ALABASI SNE for heo.lth, cleqnjir.epS m.fr ura.hility Agency fo'r Vi-ctoria (Co. at W. .Goodwiu's Boom Pap"r eand Pictar.-' (>ppoite Veîtch't IHotel, iDdsy. How the .Royai C ana- clian lnsuran-e Co'y Pays its Losses. We have plemaure lu acknowedgingr the payxnent IU Mui Of OUrTdISm "Ir-ent the Royal Caxiadian Ins, Co., resultlng from the receut Liv tire b Omeme.. We veto s. mewba t xrdci n cCMpltt!iýài *u.claini pitpets, but the comptny bai pald aur claim, belore the expiraton uf 30 day i. W FI. CURRY, J»O. McCREA. Nhy outbulldinds and tk,,ir colttnts were burnt by th oplosbon of a lantern on the 11 th be p' On the 151h the lois vau fatisfactorily adjuswe" and now 1 have a choque for the amount of mi cl sim W. H. MWN IGOMERY. Nfy dcelling sud contente.m er, aurr Pd *n th8 I8th September. To-dsj egnt davsafier have acl.que for the full amount of my daim This i8 prompt and .a&l~f~tuty.MÂ'TEW WILSON. Ope, Oct. 101h, 1891. For Insurauce apply 10- &gct.t.Lindsay, JOHN MVlALjdNS WILILIAM s SRRRT. tUSDSAY saws and Sh:r.gie. au Ma"àol2ilery Plour Mill, Stea= un'gifce and SceomPumpo. h e à Ioccrpio i ok Llndaay.July 27tb 1581S-1822. [lit INSUIIRCL LUMP'! iso.e........... ffl.ffl,676 78 Incrne ...................4.842,62 05 Surpus,(Candia Stadar)...... 7,19,O00G Potcis xi ore........... ...... 97.72,83U 44 Now buainoe for 1W8.............. 14,380,440 00 Kudowment.s Paii-te Llvuxg PoIicy Hoiders Canada for th. yearu1882-"-luina-h. By Ibm BIac ...................... 542804,60 sy ail th. Cinsdlmansd Brmtish C.'s dom- MW, ouImusuSt Reporta, pages60.8,. 68 nd MI. Boannoau Endowment in the Etne JOR?4 D. UacnituCIY, Gen"era tl FOR Inseet StingII Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet Sorenesst Chafin CataSb Wu He OROSSe 1v Wr. ýl& aW . l. a GD.L&ont. u - t mgr dsq t ie miam iT.S - -- -- -- -- -w squSStoitUes~ .0euseqli irgt ., basgr OTTA Talbot Dopant. rocenl me exar b'ot bau StheIb g 'f Itsla.l s' effij for se cansed color." D)ry Go Ay 'Sut If thons in That et, If von Cam tolfytr -y«t he sa Il puy yYoi Wben yot And ho! la there c& Tha tel Dama a doi -Dean love, That it, Thnnlbock The tri nigi If jour lh .1 rar vol Lo There's im With lu Where loi But bas Where ahl Tnat nm 'Tis calbvd Where Theres i Thst cm As veli sa With p~ But the g And hii lor eves That mapot For îrr, A&nd the 0i pause û To amiie Tbat pt Edwi Frida] Wogr'4X ty in O<tb..le: gave tbe cd to si <ultai .il Tue fi ipiann eo in a mal telop ini applin-.E p;eCe Wh~ given iu Mis Tat" in style tlhi applt usi shows b Wa8 wel vhich e belp bu -IROP pou»Ilt- FAMUZE or I»tf lbt=tor& BABRONL"D MOLLUUHLIN, 1 Sorrii ora U lletor " a. m .,office Eke s Eok. 1 lent an_,omy0te Vitbhsot.LJou A.L P. L-Prlvute mi Gomp*aji fsudate lIn aI omy mrdt ra". PREMTON& CURRY, omom &0 am fti). uywAI4Solictor% 1 rlu nt. Bo uba n oendayu. loey 1 J A. V. PMMrB, , .& lun-Ir J. wuaa m a ux, ]L.. MONEY TO LOAN. Nefoylent on Mortgage, sd Morigge, gotlaled. atraIghtImmoaniai6 per cnt. 1193-1v MOORE a JACKSO MONEY TO LOAN. IbtalegbT Less t ffl very le~etet roui ralse. Algeameunt of Tenu lundi for Invemment. pay- ale on tersua 1 mittthe borrover. leu 0G. IL HOPRINS. huraIe.Lundiav. MONEX TO LOAN. At 5,I, 5mad 6prcMt. We are nov loalng mouoy onmlral.olm fCi ud bualem proporlisiai the &boy* rates, sud oo 01egoed mutscullo e- @a cuutmul ras..uessand Notu no«tito& Barristera, oe., Unuay. Ont. Auguit lit. m1SSO.-lcO-. PETER MITCHELL, AulInce Accountant Imlucai Agentý . cetc. Omor-fudqpelb's lJ Law Office, (up itaIa>. 170)y

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