Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1891, p. 1

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L Joblng prMP4l 91 ~~p31 ru i GlU. sMd C(JTTMOS laa <~5~ 'VOL, XXV-Whole No. 1809 65, Kent Street, Linasay. w. Kil Pi beso s oe~ ~ i amI Oumm~sm UW~E»Os W! *EW~P~UMk i~4 Psmey Suie Ov~ooW"d- Pants, Ou~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~eo Obul S» Orma IM ISW1KwAv pna umcc tme 10 yIOU à,» Q4TT~T FAX C E&VM TWEEDS, sUtabl ORDRE OLTHNG ~EARTMENT Up.mlstvs vm ew'~ a (mli imuga et Mua'. Umlewwuse Shirts S eh", EtekWe% O. Itat', Ouf., Ilotes, Rats, Cm?., Ouf Duhêsus, Cdiv Bultoaum, 2.udime*i.tm, Pewfuma'ty, OveruIls, Sassas, Bote .aly..ml. Suite mmd C1,erooae, Mars'u WaLerpri~ei Oalm, Umbrella., et., OUR 000DBI TÂIKe OUR PRIGES PLEAB. Yen must be oarefii1 in mak- ing pur purahases to alw&Ysà deal with a firm thiit has your iconfidence ana one where you sIwayls get value for your money. Careful Buyers made happy ,when they soe the plurfP Value 1we are offering in 1 ORESS GOOS Don't miss the chance Of tl bargains we are offering in Men's, Boys, & Youthl lUnderWe8ar. Why not try uis for Shirts -and Men'a Hosiery, Glad to suit you in mem iBoys, and Youths, cioübi OVERGOATS ETC, Our Manties & Mantie 010 spemk for themolVOS. s' I 4 L'O, I tho Coon Coats, Astrachan Man- tiest Caps, Gollars, Eobest Capes, and Muffs in dbess vauiety. Ilever undersold, exff1 yoiz, brae, imfor meltf.ri rival. WbY net t'7us OkaL tor ifau t hmpuuuhMel fom us OUT or E 0W OIGU BROS%, HEOGG c~ LILCDC>M1 THÂN1iKSG-IVING GIROUL AR. As Thanksgivinq Day approaches, we arc reminded of the thanks w. owe our many friendsanmd the public generally, for the many favors snd generaus support during the past. We are stili as usual ta the front, and show a stock bath as to quantity and quality second to none in this county. We are showing the best value in town in 'Ladies' and Gentlemen's Watcbes, ESPIBCIALLY in our new American gold.fihled at $zo and $i0.50. We are fully assorted in al lthe new styles in Broaches, Ear-rings and Bracelets. A very large stock of Rings of every description. See aur Silver screw-bezzel case witb American movement for Sîs. In Antique Oak and Walnut Cased Clocks w. are fully stocked and prices lover than an y. Juat ta hand-- the cheapest Nickel Alarui Clock ever offered. Kindly remember we are not doing business for aur health or for fan, but for the benefit af bath buyer and seller. la* Je PETTY, The Jeweler. * Next door to the Daley House, Kut street. paa or SleaUldea. oLoi ia l 01Oam. hism 11oim Wet ioHnTINNs alesitaP-. or l0 &.IL. Rophls ib% slt lmsy Park Lots Said 4, cet of l Aibe Linissi sOnutagnniaaU atu «&WUb i e on èLfor a wmà. èk,6»O7HN DOUGLAS. chiot cmtewePoil HOP&. A 27lf, 199.-46 eIf.. Trifor Smue or to Rn Fo.ort*0rouiLoitNS 0 flaà au.T.aLmbu omtug 100 soi. l ain 1.tau plowlmgdois. r N m i OUtal pytUi7o l.pro*rtor ou the omim;.,or b7114W % rifor ale la the TownshIp St OPa& Ibis hsm ouitas 0 acrsil.o ole»dai"tuas gosé aMmt 01f e.im 155 huie us .m épromises a iiïmfcu* e veimU louma umm br., sOmbe sud assas t»gacd V"la idm u MIlS MAi11, OsIsI mbule i atads oabl a pffrwt id 0se luwn o m *50 ud osmua. Ti ins applai de Cam~bLd W. ortha. 0=6;ayO. ua. UI- For ale. orne mtridaStour glaib aid hvoColts MISu lv.un, Mud Me a l. nobsScla A tl l ALN. yR OM. Oit. ai, lmiI h m au hâ a u n w I ma ui a , l 1 m5dL 5&MouLNUICIUO omt.m 9 L14 WM 0B*bw r. CO ~U-Êgflbd» 0&.'W114 -.a muui MM "UIyil~ A% the m o* emGiPlgO8, soltb e ho iskol. MaIdaiJ. ux HNIMMU irinu tAWD pWCiplUyW9Y amacd w Ihid ciao., for 114* Maieestan t $8. Adiris 0, S. OU&TOS. os*.Trin Norlail, Nov. il, 1891-7-8 Toucher. WOMtOd. Uaiuia leoherfor sobool m.cionU n . Mari- p:s.maI prfterloal.Aai-PictIOOu4 r*mcotPti &and aaudtag Saturdi Noîwmter 14%h. addro.sOc %0 0150 OiAA, UeTia.5, tMkw. oi P 0. Maipi, Lc.lOth, 1lU1. - &I W aiu tambe for "oh oel Ballon Noý . 9 Car Wright, for lIe "a 10% holing a esecndor ibli d oa i mee. àppulcationàIAho m»Ut 10 ioHnDIRVIT Janattull. P.O. NK'r ov. 01, li.-id. Ab4 wamtt*ebuar ab ut, a&poar ad a bal 010 nom ito lb. e -ILIDI0 i. lhait Loi 'i Cen. la, es", posa as thé 10th et Wovmmhet. 'Se ovuet 1lami ÇLmid te pous propmrlv. 1sy oxpme bulk, WIL1UMJEVLL amm 10USptemweote 01m abserbot. iol111 eou* ien1, muapo, ai btrie W»"a av.1 101f ,bias WcrSI. N U«ly Y aa mea o'd.' Il ovm le arqusla o apro"e ptopVo Wpr zoa sWud S ot rn. t NN MUIM MarlpcIB. No . , M lI 1 -0 -14.f P.- a fr0.101li vi a Io. 14 ,apOs li, Mtb4& auIWom ix gmai1Us« 5 mml o Ur VZ He »vu UnqMv.IIM1L-"4 ouff. là iQi eàtb Im pro pep o, go~ *4 i uaee :N Cog '-'--p.' NoGhJT 1 bal -~. Th V'S WU1tuea& Doige 11 Wî NewYok. VEN EIN¶'OCoRTSAR Ii S11Umim "Ou.~moeugo muIii luh u ObutI 1bun cou. BDIN .1 n udmiath gei d itute. sd o ouaivii oi. s-Thi 64oiu omi ~ama edr sueal fL 5 suri~Ae' !a4ma oal *U é~d<.U.Jsieloblg êl ai 'ucefgiilM l ut as II. lteUdbU jd5.àai. h, msinte.b O ùaup itali Nahu N N ' ~UaJuThie cubIg (rloiat h pa *et IbeN. gOUdA)".SBerIf, tuot* neagad o ly--n g 1111.er Ni mmea a tmg hmie aolidtii. moulrét on o héa3kmAN * oldMMetwomo iffrMd od obt iluk umi- h udAyer': a demiI, ~ a uw StarI4 I;Mbu4 S. IL Mr.Justice laloombidge-'Odig h u lilas I; si boUls. 5L ds)abt the Brltmah lls1g dohoui at 000 h.pmwaiumau t Satea Reg mbcoeuho hW onthe court la fou AyrsS n p-ilo h'nsou' H. Vi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oi bae rm-ass ontu b ii . ff-bair il bt. douwe e, yur al Pao. J. 0. Uw & Cs, AOMDEaSoa EzanI im bri, h gOumlde a Pelon si.six lMles e Nies 84a c" Mrdoustflgicali bats ont thOuld»il:e"' M SOPi the British theg boisad.filihl;dRy. __________________________ iti ourtmma us, tuaste court lep HÂP~PE'S WinLY wub aiu1" H-11 Wébae lt»by Théue imrf-,4tbe"hlie daboue. urg Li Ut.JusiceTalForidm- ou uaIAi NAine Wrnnî fo 1kmun'g er i cublit. t, th barda mmWouRetsbl o ezy J la aor aUatl o t?. u Bd« douaI s.a iroufrng eb.' Eét v tebud tlo @$leo . m les tt - 2 i vtC<Uai11..l tefu heualacf adjthe aotaiv. hu m tnIeThet abs marinb&.Onturd ta aulit the pcourtosi. Ove undrl ilaUriioI~ l. Caumbi N th1 nib hat.éva o ot lig hlathe leno.'" M ---a -- Mr m i ay~ ot ulcma',ls F. Jute r'T oouut r k Ym m u e t Ai 5B1er. usrlentaifurs, aa cm êlgOflb. I on-bum Lesis.aydemne.beoev I tan a o piuet <4 lb . Umeii b su bd Illstr- aicosi$tor o udts apad." amo4tsb.** latan aUraclieeail ml of ioi b Nmus eon thedo"l a ei u Doat..' m gofl UIaUm et 0'~inVId. siteloi r. Jt it ah. mbrii g .bold . ghalst . lb. Polo.iof 0f a a.ça ubinlbthebo iBi ai mHal ente,. ea.I u.,uvlbte 'lotI -aulud b o MR thor 61aie o tao ii h poet up MuF mon abem d ltI iii m b u ebIlirallo. lh. b Tabril .. h viii veor mi b cth 11 odaMW ~0a a.,of t. del J«,Vlie Outibl. viii os110go oudea atoe sy ia $0ubaLt zemmIn 0 aitIPOISIMr."fljustiiicthae e d u1 bmco1tai 01 tlinvate la mw"ve Metàpouse ot %0 im uuy.idcort iin moiMn % ofAmaeur14P% wu o"ueunr fore atthe Britch 4 bou bd, episd D. Hl PUie dZZuot moaZ Witmy E, **of eo l drîg iks thboe opirantan. The Fl Hàrit ewq- mtrlAZ bot - S w adrte in tOn an d so n y i lrah aeMro ditigu'h atae uimkL*0oox arm %et e loysal i. ii oi héFu odt.s a'pmdot lr Oou Wlma ad wl rk tat eo f ior u ueneverhm 80 heldsm .it i tommbos a %aplai ttraionwlioet tobaveeai tai bm rîthebI courthed B immmeV<dose of the Wouaty. Tgwa court wmll nos Mi, Ntibot? V. avy f a.b ~os. Wom s rne nd out'ililutfliagin oiste. PPROIaofi M. H. m titinod , Pb.O IjOh5 vii boAn L ib Be or . the lunch outhlied exird thend w Naiir uionPa I «Yê f r: h0 oietout oe ibeatu rmfo d.athed viii whej. N undBR Viorne oUWÂ....#4KLT on imr.iboîsl arma T mas r.qtuihed be a f hestud o yo.ra tSact, . . llbbntgvi o...n40b'fihm uould takelaiybtim lorsave iotie mai. ostgeuad o b OXI'l.fr0 VOXPDI. Uh ou ibs, aS thevyl pery o E ssexOO. sd Sl <P'ib.fr .gtduau Oi aicoséow ie dilrue parya. C~oh 'ao.fu ecbvo rn shalofo bn of A ounîàt aaheB" i sthe D.apledB ullbom .rton > 0mail. jm. I& as O Ume court ne ubv orne Peopl. ,dt N*.bemi etOfI e~ ftethmaie y-f *oi ofovdmy coutWhusse at wersAmot ewrtE ditTE he A v à d 'rlrai, t atia à ic i foiUn«aU. TUa! rAK1This "sa INCII<Q CAIawsd 0. gef ot I.tI8O5t flth b*v of Ha i e snt b ho ra a, uu'bo b h lmm mme doplem maidrosW o . AIPSR Eo TENE,01 eW T». b..ciuoskain bv m ot xspecmt.mm sd ffU q r*y v00 teyPortotox miVolcuume.ydî* (%,th__ lui'____________M'lubiefor ____ ie1AkM ou. n ian t and migbty thoe 1ti1blaotb m)pe i bouygon. I -fvsiib romeaiuPople.sm o i moÂtSNN.19- ebaseoiItei iAUh.gads sec o BEcIn iemlittbou g,0boiId m 5 a pd u S b0108m prY o dys i . s uadrh.um51 iTma huard o t u or'em --r h ra t atl ch11anm A aetyu1h. chr liai vr1 onl. lîV INI. G Catrmsto Di porîbod on Ib obiome H p u li .fr a udmtb d.»m h nonuceatspci Il Ti u8lpecfLunv n erti, bt uh eue oinus grs1atBh 4 ucapio' y Jhu i i..Thoauldl% sd icI t of i cDotrex aie tecauetng ads-u Bumîar. car. b>4b usrud comaul oou ains" Oeinry Cmuled. Up 10 ibm po m0 * kiuvu.The .. L .ajèoed teb. im r ime a ugiifaim sdpelhave lesDotria ef ai,.ods Np. 1 màpba bkeou tais bsu s te anstaud o r temcoab-eC in buLfrýTlh needs.Iheclu vti iueof a eadcod 0emeotri oa* moai.6, 44lpt-t-qrd-ftty ete uslae d04 vbu i. slmply e asuad thm i alike Lti, R.r orf tPor* th&% 011elasmdlisudaty gb udhemr ili id. àthe grs ubirst ob- forbitro va »v4.A omd evra p .e i iS hseroeach oraodoarlsotut a i. Ilgb e i...... é10.8...... »Norbdai villa saab moo, eboptpeslginiore !=l bvl............ 9,.Sady »d R Mtturday ibmpbllaUosiSdIom -~ Warsstdq auGrai 5 .T'mdsy W. mec caAf thém atten£vtio at ur aer te gantr verd s b t 'f re,0 85.Sa îuI ineys 1e oltarrlcm aesund aptiheamfe une e, &àwa Te ilauaGlmTIu. w 1t lelcivokdii uko ifist sb tauetv lems d muinict 1 mohaba iive botetie az nd s tleulairkbe; te 5 feU r4 bavsmdeuslinto omruelt, QCu muGrsisila Teorl idy(O.. I.m tai i Ulmt mam touexmieri ud e- Saov f51! uS laps. d with-; . vs. utelbmPae th'a Oebiuiko is Reri"fe th wok«p lM ttuy igltGn w i wlhtare tal, toi mu» ofaS N.5. - o.1, 89,truLtImk.P. eh: tanig aii va.a1u oz*ulsgm ri L....ia .....a.l sd nhunsla. ou1 »suWiuk *h LIs Ipa*% OUruE&u.-Tk ae M *s a e e u é h o » a m i e o ie M & Z U s j e o t fa i t h Ui. a i d m . lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F eiu&pmt5.I nisemthï bmn only 62. Foartn b~ulausne sur oleug dr...ias. yàla Vleamm70.mma Hlit 8, I... £~~* paUulu. Iij Obafflama mie Wiliansi»Ou59, a LgglaM Tompnea 57, hurkaly Taylor 52, illa.Ibee and BoM6. Louis lsoa 51, Nellie Chapmau 48 IIsg. geh Blucisir de. Bmury Daniel@ 39, J-%ht- Tay. ho id Ua peoludet Jis I 06..lor 87, Rand i vzam 29, Mantha (Jlik 28. :~LlIO. h " btMr. Xovat%. wu Third clas,-UijOh.J"men u50, Caleb Moom Ë6"d laët yffl 8,840.46 fe btlnssi4 M 47. AnioVltes41, Sophib Tail-tr 40 Fiel 19oe Toicute, sfier payim uut8i,.54 1Rutly 37. Au.) oirir 36. Wr,,. b'cF.'qubsr têangoe for dol«the ve t bis Office.'2y, Amuleie Mthfreil 28 71vî.wi9M',re 27, ,t o l then! MW. Ucru! Lett 1WVuv Shùre 18, Liazzt. &af.n 17, Williami ru iDioetory tacet ou:aiOtt&*&& &ad SaJr,.10. Wiiâm lirr(Jibti-7. Fr4i.k Broken- blih Ibm bmiicLent rolgu det nom * 11 iair. 6. Seymouar Wenterti 2. Jno-rr depArt- 50-Frsk. Taylor 43. E&Ài Lpp 40, Frauk Haîchi and Csey Cole 38, Nellie Rfrhees ad Volleglal. Ina$ttute Nate.. jB- e VFrqsih.r36. httua..n Owen. 85, Unad& Woll, George Chmba ~J. n Austia' ýooT Bàu.-On Thursay, Tha-kan ad Edmoud Blachford 34, Id& Tomtchias, lg day, the ZLluy oiegla»iti. George Lapp, John Sfr cle, Ernuat Te.tt. bins bfourb," club veu tot Norwood snd Haîiay Patton 32 E'zs Parinçitrn 31, palay a tsleudly gaine vitbthe Laim ieCocbrm% Bsarh bicadymu sud John owned bichai. etfL*Mitbriing placePatton 29. 'fine Wells and Frmnk Rccudp 28, a &me teck place belote a goodly L411fe Pâmao 27, Wialmot Dongmia 12. îerng; cf apeetatoré, bus il vau mvi- --- > t frithebmcommencement thai thc SON TA. arlor ureghs and eeam play cf the goTA Ir~ wood'. vas too mach fer the lighL Ow the mvoun of Tihankeiiving Day, à of Ibm Liadaayîeam, bat Lhe 5Cai8ertS5a1DiU1î twuas iveu in %iea chttch a ettheLinsaytea, bt tey t SoYs inconnoction vitb the Wooeen' ,.mded, boursier, in maklng Norwood Foreign Misaiouo.rj acitty.Tha av.ýqcing ,y aà god bard gp.. te vif. The provod mmnt aiiaraUe sud 1h. bchu ws e teo 0uinNorvood'a fayor dosa - mot ine utoits utrnmt capacity. Minsjooi y ad. teoat. se cie-aidei a gain.saU it *P- dresse, veto delivered by Mev. Meuers. Carrie m.. For Lindsay the ubole tesu ad UcLed. Baverai excullent pièces voe rel a vory lZood gains aider Lbe. dr- rended b, ithe choir. A noticeabie f.ature ot notamu, bai Mr. Hallett, J. Flood, the gathernng vas thei readilg <et tha vergs BIlltt, N.* McWIlligme and C. vhioh accompsaied the contribut ion envelope. lbis dogmre speeWa mmnioni.. The Te vm wre n.os8tlY froim uaPt are sud 'r' ai1 lovingoompoed the teax:-Gca, l, r' csa., mcml muiable tu the occasion. The tes- jIci:; backsIL Flood, A. Mcebv; pnevavr handiomue, reaehlîrg a cet auto r-hahaGlaman Malolmon udi îr85-T ladies are jubilant; over the lf.bkoGlaman Malolmon nd uccunof uhoir .nterWaimont. se il vas the ightou; eeutreC. Bitehie; forvards, fut d1he hlud evor boid in Soupa. Flood, G. Betty, G. Elliott, sMd N. On Wedne«day, Tbsuksgiving ers, thore Williamit. The tam vwu acooe.vwu a very plewmtanteirtainmanut ini Royal li by Mr. B. Weldom, th. coliegiate oak achool, conasiing cf muaic. bouh vocal Matto. and iratrumoutml. addresaoa, racitalianh, etc. 'h. foiloving obtaincti honorable in- It vas a great suoce@@& Mev. A. Currie of a ait the wmckly examinatlons etftthe Sony. occupiad the chair and, au h. al wvas adsay celaglaste matstitte. dos, did Lt la a gouil and capable mannar. FirsL Form-prtoh- Mine Englieh. Thm atadenta af the scbool have for saine lime ,thmetlc- W. MeifJ, Mas M.B. ben aciively preparing for the oyant auder tbe direction cf ibeir teacher, Miss Jesmie elou or sP om o po ii n- . rguaon . s d Vies McTggart, Th a ttae Secyn J. -Po Proea. .Maco A. Mc. lady vmrykidly gave mach attention 1tich ddJ. Fioad.Misme A. us- musical part of ihe programme. Raav. M. an .Fiead, Mse LDufs cLmod, of Soupa sud Inapector Reazux gave annab, M. Winters, L. Touchbarn, Id& sddreuae, Miames Hannaii bergutou. Lily rk, R. Whitsade, 31. MeOaunslad, là Tiromeer, Toua Fargumon snd Leva Tremeer vwarda, H. Baelloy. Aritbmsti.o-F. gravm rend'g or recitations; Misse$ -Jeaie and cughton, L. J. Satten, B. L. McLes», (Cassis ferguson sau,, a duel; vhile averal . aMith, B. Williams, j. Primeau, E. dirlogme an sud .e ere ren-iered by the *1e, H CslaganW. Gjreer, W. boys sud girls cf the achoel. Meumrs. Aloi. .ors, w. H. Hodusn, T. Grahamn, Macd,..uald, Renald Maiacona1d wsou MLcrackea 555M. Moffait, M. pc., L. Edwsrds. colâtiibtitet greatly to tb'j everiir.ý'e en; rtfôin. ['bid Fom-EulidMise Flavdlle, n,,cuu by reodsi Âwéi iOl .acol as da ichrdmn.Arihmoio-.white the vortby chairman, Rev.- Mr. Carie ýis Id Ribario. Aitheti--B iepi theelarge 1îor: [.%Kvzle, T. D. Buck, E. J. Weldon, sund kaenly. sure te the bae.utitao cf tii. Pro- fPorter, D. B MoQueec, P. Tbomaa,, gramme. Misa McTay'gbrt; aby prepdaI et .H. Pollard, Mits N. G. Buck, E. the orguiand it i is n.' dîmes to rby, sbty did michle, E. Btmid, A. Grahame, A. Cams ber cautiv. "Gc'd Save ah, Quien' à"cîoed OPe rn, M. Kinley, A Rabsan, A. Shbannon. of the muet suecostu onta.rt,înn!tute -Ver beld @coud Oinas aud Matrioalatiou-ChOID- in Victoria.Miase Ferusn the trecher. sud ry-J. Carter, N. H. Corneil, T. J. Miten McTaggart cho 91)ki-11Y as:'.in ihe ury, Misses T. Smith, A. Cogan, B.-uscaydpa i oant r io ke hîritr w c1oWes L. Clarke, J. Silverwood, L. eniered go vîllinglitet1wrkaldmrv >rogan, M. Whitosdc, M. H CJampbell, credit.- a S evait, 0. O'Conor. Eudlid-A. POPLAR HILL. M audir, Miss I. H. Campbell- kreeh-A. W. Maunder, J. A. Baller. SPuOW 90 Tu. VW~-r Lribmetie-A. W. Mauuder,J. D. Flood, 1PEmEL f.Ulks are beginning ta thirk )Clarke, N. A. Corneil, T. J. Fleaey, about commecnfg ta pracîxce for thoîr gicsi-s B. Brown@, M. Keys. A. Croagb, annual outersainiflnt ai or about Chiit- Droogan, M. H. Campbell. mas. Aise Mr. Sanaers lu tbiuking of startlusper.iai me&lLli8 hbore. ýN f, hopo PORT HOPE. and prey ifut a greatl uga'h-ariiag of legs CaNslmvàTivu METING. - Th@. sanaan sd att.! souls. nLeLIg ofthesLiberal.Cunaervative socida Wzvouder if the person tuba drnpped jùn ai port Hope vwu beld in thoir hall 1tue bis pelosi correspodent froinForest jeht The tollowing officara ver.e lected foraid t te poh. Paîtsta't picked ut Up ugain? Ëemnsuing Jear :-Preideu, t. M. T *W. vondor if lhe bas gotton lis Mmnd aime.; jat vce.presidout. Mr. A.. Winalav* cettled dovu pt? T#;ere ascn.e tte h aud vio.pireaident, Dr. Mighi; tres.urr, Mr q ec 111: attiaction f,r hum sround l'Walker;seoretar>', M. D. H. Chlaholm, ibere. 4"Young ni g) West," (flot eas.) After slecting doeaate. te attend the sULua Meting la Mullbrook. the meeting cioaed. vi là DUASPORD. s hort but intorasting speech froin T. D. o"toTm adw raig. LP-îe I.O.G.T.-At the regular quarterly BOLSO FEr, meetig of thui odgc thbe followiug officers asowh goteAUVarier. vcre eicctod for the cnsuing quarter - tin a ith scrrov t vo erecord th. daaihC.TBoD.M %ye;VTSi.ar f Mr. Jomeph bovier, vho vaskilled iLa .. rD c'de;VTS.Mr uvint miii nr Lake Boumau. Ho veaburiod Willock; P. C.T.9 Bro. R. M. Thurstan; in the pesbytersa ometer>', Bolacier. Chap., Bro. S. Thuratan, re-electéd; Fin- Mn. John MOTStOst, Crovu Laid agent, Sec., Bro. Jabez Thuratan; Treaus., ]3ro. prince Albert, N W. T.. vaahrsacaapimd C. .&sberry, rs.arkctcd; Bec-Sec., Si. hy b'. vifs visiinq fInonda.Ms. MIOTaRgart iiej *Thuratan, re-electkd; Asa. . ec- is tic daugbhter of ibe lie John Mc]Kouzi.sec.,* Sis. Aggie Weollard; Mar., Bro. Thi. Kirkfieid Tbsy hab an nsbrigadeatharo and J. Thurstuan; DepMar.. Sis.Jennie Gov; in BEeo ts ceuim as bore eoui. Guard, Bro. J. J. Thuratan; Sent. Bro. homo trom the North West11Ha arystbey * ohuto: .Ted; i. e., Mm. .. lcst byve tbcaml dollars on horsas. dimd on Thuruian, re-cctdL.DpBoE. ihe~~ ralcd . oc thebalnce t à--a t Waollatd..At the gospel texuper&nXCO duI hei dIOhd U NO 11.. T u., aer---U brdev- eK, Iss. etaUaba m evadnu m et 0 *5O h y w . ryin edeai. A1Mr ,l'l" ntS u m1 bvu t oer- tiieonpreiaid eie rMi- -. dmie 1 L. dde'softhebid, whe aMvr. eum* lgvasa"MM" That u righ aiý*maute ___ pmer the ome boesnngtebrui a 4 -tà Nd* dam etth ies t a llgplg voil dovi tk oeeIt hseu i. * vraca t ib ig v - foct"Tie- 4 um~ SI. us èýýbkng 11 k * r m-- % I a== 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' 1 V~ ! 1* i. t s, ¶ 1 i 1 1 1 lm %oàlu m PA ML 1'l

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