T »V« M1m butillP1UWtgiau be. «eealem prevemb, mmi a vifY ul true e,for t e Ymu i bO PO tb. gMuIthal happamed basumt beM I- bil -rclllg. Mme. Midis be.. a f ltevdto a owtdimu x iIuta*tS, the aud "h. at .1ipWod ihat uen pierr vet ho vould ho foIlowed oi by KM.V&mdeluip, but ahwcetain- E ly dIA ual thini 1*e1 th. dok>- i p Saan o f berhumbéind voUli tél b. foZoedby that of EtLily Ar- churmt. Tel mach vwa th. oa., for MiMa oburat, nualObtisg LY tly i miy P'Yw% bed maut n beervat ta mook or be, anmd th.esoered doimaeia bdroturusi vith 91du ÉUtslld tacs sud & 19tterfer ber matel. u Maroburst ramA 1h. tua-blctsd 11111e notilume whioh Ltty maA hébs so gins dom n 10 4 Mibourne t10 apparon 1h. $Mg@. Crah- hm jus it p np uhi. baud, De umt cm wlth fimily bm pr&yM ilubhlm uul mn nsd aflsi dis- 4 milAung hie servants for th. nlght, h.o«t up to hi@ deughterm rcom, sud ioucidIbAi m0us hed lidt uesrly sverythlng bekiud, omly lak- IM lng S feu ueodfulthlugm vith ber. Beiug tb ber portrait ou lthev"Il b.teck il dovusud w plae.d Il lu bis pochai. Thantasarhni tu ihrough ber room, h. f ouni ions ribbciis aidlae, ayellow.bscked movel, vhloh ho 6 handled wth th. utmsgtl lcthlng, and a pair ve ot gloves.jegardina lb.. hhingu nm1h. lu-4 strwnlute cf Helen, Dy which hie deughter tU~ beLi biean led to dfslructloi, h.oarrid tlom .-d dewn-stinruta hie dieul udy sud plhud* tinluasu mpty Ire-pllce. Plactng bise daughtreprait 00 tO~p h ut e&light t10 lowly buin ew&Y. Thé na Ol rled sud cracked la tusrhe»NIng Slans, but 1h. Amby «p lam vnildi1ksocibwebe, sud lb. glavs erachuansd shnk lu ita mre vi% cf blaek hallier. And ovwe al, lhrouh tflamesbu bur face, brlgt sud charmtug, 1lo11»i oui wlth laughlng Up.sud meM ryëp-4a 1k. oethr"s, anA yet 50 unlike lu ta piunt yo unitil thet, toc, feu tb 1hé. baby sa orthé eSames, ud buruMd .lly aWNY kg mwul1 pile of white isbas k h leavlug th. deai isba olAdd n i gfay in Z dark ire-place, vont to bla ui &I the rc t hé "ois tinprayer. a w~nhile 1h. man uho wus tb. prlmrY b& l cf ail Ibis trouble vau vorklng lu the ne t% f he PaclAiu eda imltb alght huart sud a cool baud. Geulan bai r«Usloi manageA 10 gel LIly ave, in a very @lever m menner, tnmmuch as b. nover appuired publlolylabec0OM44 tllu 1, butdlrOoted q the whele buoinues WmsrtY. Es bai givez i Ktitty ufficet maney t10 kep bu er o son moth inMeburn e, ho wi dubt et whan h. coulA lesve th. Pactolua vithaut being umpuAotif bains conoemued la ber 1 dlrnppearnce. Esoa"ma ld ber vhat day te tc, leave, sud ail Ihat day "tyd et the mine vorking at himeaccounta, Sud" trad sp entl.eveng svery plaumtly vitlb&me Mid. is. wetday MclnteshwOve nt u Ba- r lenat on buinessudelaunr.turniug tram 1h. city,vwherehêi ha1a0aou l rwmer e ouumegnifylma the wbols a&Uar greaitly-he mmv Vsuea pcorne Out Of 1h. oio, sud drew Up ilutlam rp boulA.hélb. Young nSn. 6 -Abs, monsieur," nid Vsudelaiip, gayly, i rolling a cigarette ilu hlm misuderflngère, sud .ooetlng a Iceau glenc eatAr"bi," yenbave bed a plamiant day." & May b., ys, may bs no," retumed Mo- Intomh, oaultlouly, fumbling lu th. bag; dé there's netbiug muokis lu the toun, but- i diel talk the bas," b. coatnued, telcbiyb ghakng 1t. 4"l'ygel a letter or noa trb France."1 41 For mer' critdVaudeloup, eàgarW bolA- igout hlm bonA@. An' for vho aéme veuld Il ber' grumbled Aàrobie, giving lb. lettsr ta hlm-a tIm, foaigu.looking envelope vith thé Parimla vostmark on it; 44E idy. thinla it vas for that blackavtmed freeni c' yourf' é6ardIy il, returned VanA.loup, glanctng et the ltter wl1h satisfactioni, sud puttlng il in hi. po<il.u44"pi«»recould'twrite hlm-. malf, andA1 doubt very mucb if h. bed a"Y friends wbo coul-mat tha 1 kusv hle fiaonda," hi noid, bistily catohlng ulght of Molntoioh' a uvare face beut- tnqulmlugly on hlm, but likoalvaym dra t 1011. ;rabie. ly anaver to tblm vas a grunt. ra 'm ne cf bàs "Y of b'a-wtao rse lb. day h. bai utc a bairu bora utIlhlm. Ah, 'Unm mrov aud dleah tp@g tu lais reof-trOI ie, a'.m stabl, lavamdelonp sailà aU lUMI-77 ~~ iNu, 0~ an A*hh4 o tm* m 1 Omsý eted ai t in aOsarm u j ramdam ihrd, h.madam vus by ve » alm lu lb. .uanir sn 461oam A1141111111 ilà@Ow u hWn Th Mrvclqe , wtllyenu bxUyOoéh a miuomi 1" 1todb àôub mame," muid Gea o, rUmia oi*, lb aham mte hyfaa1.piainim a *10 pe *IuscI; Ei*lMr. nythiigOido" --Tou bavthainioaiMs MnemanMl'U dia 1 h"Id R a rsue e wM ked, looklu p tailuL -alla4 MTes maae" h. aisvari, lu biu calai, n m tiues,.lcoklng dovu luqnugly aItlthé Umm bauqme fce t lb. vmànddruminE hlm; bave mansieur," nodding tovard ibe icor, MWdhte e, but 1 Aid ual thluk Il iras." badi "l'an 9 ari Ile," dslhd madame, a*&kling to or huai. -lb. l gong on* séutie, sudnon: i ather yWlnover fargive bar." bai "Suruly, madame-" 'bégaftVimddOp, la "No," bu.replieldveWtlh. la Dua a lits oeA M&1u but bis vey ei looklug at lhlnp 01118 Mq)d bs 9 -ý inmaû uo eai At unepto a vebr-anA Go kuowu wbal Un depi "There are goconn omn Un uigs,# M aiu rud.lpup, etIa lmiefors a . 5. 44Oerteil," randmadmemudy, per, Ibor a irbaokadi Whitseep inu6,,011.7 MeM look, but LIly ilae prééty Md blasurl km nMasitalahmaybsoms Un prey et Un e le ut %14mm sonde U ies.stel 'II ia mnc e b. rgrttd;bultaMM va bai ana hoe.for U as"ved Wus h. guiltyl admeculA net make leul gp ber mini, ao dssmmn qk oi auhhli- The "'Do yen remembem' Ibalday 1I anciouOsi PF Mr te ym" buli "AnA idyen gaVue syeur Wvrd or bcmn« ahi ou vonli ual try t u ber bsai," par- Wa moi madame, ldeoldi hlm; "bave yen at ?~oI Xdam,"nid ~Vendelonp,&a.YITh gve youmyvard orhbom e tIi 1; Per lvaya traita isdamnolselle Kttty as a on *Ili ami youi' trien& . liinet hncv thit pr ai bai aieeunlil Iwvas ld, sud vbitever ba jappent tobebr, Icennf.ldy my Ihat il vwu to" sIotau =Vandoup's allt." vi Au admirable icttis lbaman, notea oiturs, ba ài ise face movei, mot a single deviatton fori rom Un@ cabaneson f hlM"mec-uela but qlulumigaofthélbpu, uer a rush of betrsy- 0WE hg blood la bis fair face-mat Ma-dame 4voc wtthdrev ber oyus, qulte mtlid M. Vende- IbE [up vwu tlb.yamolhouersua u neun tïli ci Ltty'adigrace. - M "«Thauh GoAl"nMuid, wreveraatly, aa h.aidl lo6ked say, for ah. venu h ave heaintu h. ifrly dlpp, , inted 10 have fauni bier binA- for uto thia mmnreFiA bybse. trulacheny xE aviard ber frieni; 'Icm oaa ual liyen boy su elieved I tel." lus 641 wanted trspeak toyu onbusinOe, mad Mt ame," he gamtlithng outt nlaiter; lb. bm long-expectad bau coa et laut." v1iw "TYon have hoard tram Parlai" aed miA- Bi ame, lunsu esger voici. III have," ana-ed lthe Fraucman, calm- r ly. 111baveow tb lutter iniiy band, and Vf ae ma as Mademalmlle Belina brlngm lu thé ne lgbta I viii ahov il b you." a At tbtumoment, es If inasver to bis e- luai "lumappeured vllb th. lump, vhioh bu Cb bai l ghted lu th. hitohenansd nowvav brought lu 10 place ou the table. When sbs ado diA go, sa retired again, Vandeoup placei an bis letteu nmad=Ws'mbaud, sud sai ber gr toe i l.oa "Oh, no, moumieur,"1 nid Mn. VIitonsia] ofeérlugit back; IIdo nol vlmb la rosA yaur ai prtvate corresponadnce." se Vand.loup bai oelonleted ou Ibis, for, as M a malter et tacet haee wu sgood duel cf 1Po prtvati matIer in the lutter, particularly th iwriste bie triplao Nev Caweonla, wbich aU h woldmot have alloved han.10 su. But $0 h. huew il veuldInsupire ber vIi confidence cc in himIf ho.placied t vholly lu ber banda, la and rusolved. ta bcldly venture 10 do so. in Trh.rasaitwase i.guesed; so,vith a m mmi.le toh il back &gai. E "éThora ta natblug private lu il, madame," hg hoe mai, apeuna lb. lutter; 1"I vantai you tle in me Ihal I bai net mierepresented mymeIf-il ni in trom my family levyor, and h. bas ment mu out a remittanoë ot money, aima smrneti luttaf nroutinta my consullin Mal. p bourne sud ctarem; lu fet," muid M. Vaud& <, loup,, vIi aàcbsrmtngmmas., putting lbn d lter lu bis poéket, "Il plaeas me lu M3 rlgbttul position, ani I ahali assume Il m ic sm a1 bave your permission." ti "But vby my par mmoi sked madame, 0 vit fet nIule, alredy regrelllng bitter- -y -Ua-ahva g.a- M labm1ber lanant b so bey aifuiNt lDe lbg, a par- ppnwiucflduai, 1h07 dr.sdei lest tOeir bmU, lu a nmmen t o lt al$o,"uol o asa M .Voile d Une yanng Fnomm, M& an id"a Snoverae ebuabned, %n udu a a alsvia a oman amver * aPuMPt ataI- my a amSd lime, seltUg bo*disly Il 1s ýiéber. îte. ua i su oie fl incWte etI liquiris an adiethsmmt tu Un pi @.Misng girld *dg"r>d bt l *»i lmedre w -fer Vs«deoUp' mtu% w ali mwe c iKlly' = "d tosAdsappelnanceAs oei n a meo mINIC b l"Ala am v ondr. It bugan lu a hWe ami grin §Wouuh a ram citaston"s- nt lbatn"oaly Ballant, but ail Vicbionla yw Untb t-teanei DevUgI'. iaibai disovireilu tUn Paclalus dcm. T00, r yearMe i ry valtlng, attun Meusy beu M dW avfl P 13 laappaeulY umiem d4 aflu noereda"m i n s 85=d, M 5 ohbtimnd ber evord 9D.vil'sld vas dlsoovened, ami Un à nov a niame. ?or mm *imepst entosh bai ot m mallafla wlbUnthe anacten of tUn undin vhlcb ho ebiben vorklug. 00 adelugnat be wuaS le tb dopeme p smela« galliry la th. ves., nlgbIm anls trn he PUace hemi , tna uibidban u ai a va"h va pour at fini, but MclntoS ruvered, havi« nga tsi "it b . va the rlgbt WOP*.ÀA tvw wsha' vcrk oved liaI h. wusrlghl, fan lb. vash om ami nichr andaus lbey voI fnthtrtIonc rn Un eut, foilovlug the ItW, lbth" ue doubt thal lth. long-ast Dvt'a laid A hei mucMW Thenar returu bai merly bain Aive otoeu t10 U n#acine, Lt nôv the vasblng up luvanlabY gave maty unes, sud mai nugget f velum- ru gelA vera tondnA lthe three machines es main drtve follovlng tb. laad SUUi co- au" dlpplug vaslvend, ad Molnleab yw cemmméncai blablnandamiputting lu de ganélents, upeotina uhen Ibis wv a ci bvauid iharenaiy probe tUn DevilalaiLd, )r h. vas quit@ uatioiWla .s u SIt. on nov Une ylehd vastirea undrui i ulxty ouncs &veeh, anAdai 1erdsi'me vg orblng ezpansua, Ibis gave MOUs des a vubly incareomOfstheeIoun&"ci ndrd pounda, so oah e g a Me 'bet a vultby vomanu shwulikely ta b. rary eue nufelgdly rejoicedin ur cd fortune, ami mid thalat ho dw.ve il. thylonght liaI nov ae un a anolab wèl vuhi mam ba &gen, bulbeo di ot put In ap ar»mooc, nd It wIigem'r iLy o Cluedhibd tUcon « Iuck h b u levagongavaand pri- lev AemlaIhlho vnunet ion .ho ber, as, bngavlty w 1s ad havl a hkigfanrlm Unveu e c uals us. Haochbis tarevoli gracuuly. ad vent evay, cerrying tUn god vishes ai à the. minons; but McIntoSh sud GSine. tiI holding 10 their fermer opinion, vomi cretly dîmpleaudet ai lmdeprtare. Mme :iAas maie hlm a prasent et a hundrel rnnds, and, lbongh he refusadi, .ayinj ,at bh ai moneY tram France, ah, ked hlm as a permonal tavor la tala. Il o M. Vendeiloup, shvaym galant t adi"« ,uld net refuse. HO vent lunla Ba aret, sud put up stttUn Wattle Trie Hotu tending to atart for lb. metropolis nez aorniug, but on bis vay, lu cSrieO rpsr attty for bis caming, sent a telegrsm te or, telllug ber the train ha eaul arrive bi in crier "thathe mlght b. at 1h. station t met hlm. Atter b i lner h. muidenly recolleats bat h. .1111 hd the volume which Dr. Gall eckhbai lent hlm, g, calling a cab, L rovete .reuiienna cf that acontrlo il ividual la rturu i'L. whan lb. servent announcedILKVa"i loup, ah. pumbed hlm la anA sudienly clou th. doa f er hlm, asi lhough ;be vas miraI oftom orte l.doolor'm liidss geling aveY. "Good4.veung, doctor, " muid. K Vend Im, laylng Une bock dava on Une table vblc GoIO ,,Mi lmoita; 6" .coe reteu ym Iis m ay goed-bye." "Abs, goingsayr aked Gelllpioh, loi gng back la bIscair, uni lauked oaaplY lb. onngmin houghIdsapectacle, 4"nl4 -s Unvonid- c olee-von't go b-»7 - jmo~is~mive bu" Mascher ma "Thai or ovbo bE4m" MUi vsuo- blup, 1* "'outZxdon'i qM~b ihé docéci hou au Cie dmthe 1 MLhui eIm uta «Bwu 90 owdéd 1douai . Linid msml slbt mtilTm "atbeougb Unm oss ihoum 1 Imne lb. poison boes1 mnitb. ai oti, fSr Uni MMviii ismY ne W#à bd S is e aunitenu- hua rouai mv Borlauer hufore hlm. Thabashiffable Ycumm w8vasinu vamln a topnta btewsmeti-.ml>ila bn "tilwu n, 4 c5 ood vhlb bis W&Itie b e wasuwch " tkcOlaut~ "Whun. oare vS go gtor Ungartb î- "weI Vi 017<*Svaaered dte% Vampguga-4iha glanSetai U 44y&" reteai Battylmbored i vi *lnuéal àParty c- Mê it rme la ang.'î Vamield p ib ar tyme Wpur- tommes, M aa d nin1fSobr a saie s muppnelug bovvesblis Iltion Ita e Ube bO u" a1y0labayea drink, vhW" jutvM w - accj weptai, sud tUny valbu in suareb ct a hatl.On Unhe y tbey pasmedBlliru'u bhmi, aAmira VinAs. 4-rb~ is unhemut bom. I enterei here," ho ma ta Buel, 4"d muat go in and My Mn. Jimper, hov«er, drev bach. àe 441 Aomt ibi hlm," h.@Mid, bluntiy,"h' onmo devIL" "oh, li'e aivaym as vonX ta accmlom ou' u»f la Uneaclety cf devis" retartai Von- d.loup, "oly, "vo may bave 10 live vith Unm ooutauily morn day." Barty laghid aI ibis, sud putttug bis aria la etba fVaudaioup', ley veut lu. Sllv$Wssdoar mooi &arnial ta usuel bompil able munuer, but &a ivthin vis Aarb. E'He muat be out,'M »I BarlY, as 1h03 lood luin edsrk pansage. L "NIo," replled Vandelonp, feeling for a *"b mtch,="moneola toil-bln lthe oafce." ",II'ltaI permet," «Id Burty, vith a laugh, ms thay huard, Blly rapidly runng over his vocmbulsry: E411«0go lu."t H.Dgopuabsipen lie doar, adsud v bout to sl top tbtUn roon, vbeu, catchlng mghl of f omelblu mon e Ioor, h. recollai vità a oey, anA canghl Vsuielaup by the aras. "What'utUn mattomr' iashed lb. Frona min haally. 4 "He'u àZ deit" reurnei Barty, vitb a ot ot gasp; 4se9, h.'u lylug on lb. beor dead." PART IL OHAPTUR L WHOLE pasr had 1, elapesi msince tiw arrivae et Vende mlu in luMelbourne ran sdurglib r, lime mamy Ibing O bai happons' Unfortuualtely,i be luige of humul n- Bature, andith tact thatbehom~ s~~ eid hageed om Id ~ormomey, Gaem A bi ml mdi bisfortune.This vas due1 Un tfact tial evawudlmposed 1 vorbvbe I& bis bsnlg aco= u ets odal decent, me et hidlvedllM a Primo.on bis captal, a to trustlahl auch fmainfg hlm vlm vam lvwu doS a- 11117 ba i oned hlm hi Mulacuum à at miagai, sud Gascub S tjabhUIMhdber lu Ph plin ichmcni. IvawuBt a reguO '1 oanlaaboissbut Un ldy who ovuol Mia. Pulcbop by mm., vwa lu the.habit à& letng apantmiâbu oureaamablo terme, ewthca hom, ioglwoud i ase Wb$o cime sa tO bOBwit Min, Gd"s4samI aBrb Mthba onrai - vM7 UmNau1 *0 hlma madir-* ably aqasihi bâtIs lmaBe 9WR, car-playlug la. om.wbat pmDcir- ouOum iefrim wblch, te 4orlve sm Inoie, @oV&udaioup aomfoudhm iprtty7w M Mad wame a iswitte emd ow tla nis am Of0.0ri, w asource c z pe il, ah. noVer vomi am WOOht4rew a oaseret drain cm î_pereof wbld nOo me over dreums& TM WUasom otbqar lIna Pierr e Lunire v!ýahaviug spen u athebmouey ho gol ast tbé PaCtOlus, cMe sud vcrled Vandela for mmre. Thal s"but. Young minwould y4gingiy have refuaed hlm, but, untorbmaie- 1w, Pierre knov toc much cf hi. Peut 11f for bimto do S, tberdUOr hsbd tb uboît 10 lb. dAmbmmte s eulolicuawith thb" s glace oul& s b at wultemKtysolund gaumer, Plire wanting maney, sud bhopu l&ck cf coin, IL Vandelap up tiu anythlng but iaemvlabl*pcsllcmanAbeginla thluki wus lime lm luk-it ho ever had auy--hOUl uap lu. etaiought of runung up ta Baller- ai Mud Mieng Mms. Midai, hom ho know vould land hlm morne maney, but ho had a m-Wu klz in.luhie head witb regard 10 tint lady, no wvlahed 10 roten ber good opinion, sud d.ierm2tmd not 10 apply 10 ber uili ai othor plana for obtulnlng moueY taflad. M.mwhile ho vent every-where, waa univer- sally admired and pettod, and neone who a"w hlm lunmelety, with his brlght nulle sad nouachalent mnner, would have imagined, vbat cratty ochemes there were lu that haud- acuie head. Mme, Mid wuva mgoiup et Baarat sud oecupylng th. mmm. cottage, althaugh ah. vas now no weshthy she coulA have inhabited a palace, had ah.boom 90 mnlned.But prcapeity ied. not upoiled Mm. Villiéru 8h. miii managed her own mEuars, sud id a gruai desi of geod with her money-expend- Ing 'amgesuma for charitable purposes, b.- caquaeah resily wished 10 do good. and ual, 11ke mo many rich peuple, for the. pur- porne of idvertising herasif. The Pactolus was now a perfect fortune, sud Mme.Mudes belng the ole owuer, ber 9weil vwu thiughl 10 tes enermeus, an evcry month a freah deluge et gold rollA 8 nt ber coffera tram the lnexbaumllble * Devil'a Id. Melntooh, et courue, ai à managed the mine, sud took great prilA.lu hlm succees, especally atter se many people a had acoffed ae t t Various other mine bad tarted lu the. * viclnly, anA bad been floated ou the Mel- baurne markct, where they kept rlslug sud y tailng in unisan wltb th. montbly yleld ot the. Pactole'. The DevUl'. Luad vas rathcr à iul, ai msmetimea the. groumd vauid b. rich, wbile another time il vouid turn eut e ciparatlvely por. People Mid il vwu la patchy, sud mre day woiild rfln eut alto- gether, but il diA flot show suY signa eOfx- 0bautilon, anA even ifIf ihlid, Mme. Midis )f via nov goe wealthy that il mattered cem- psratlvely lit.le. When 1h. montbly yield wu smnai the mines round about wouid tal k. lu the sbire market to a few shillings, but if it vas large they %vouldrush up again te m tmany pounds, me that the brolcers managed toc do pretty well Out oft1he fluctuations of the stock. One thing aston"sed Mme. Midas very Much, anA that vas the continuns abMoce of her husband. FShe diA net believe ho vms dead, and tully expectl dto ueo lm turu up Id »me lime, but as the inonths pasued on, and » h. id net appear, alie becarne uneasy. The le idscf hfs lurkîng round vas a constant e, nlghtmire to, ber, sud at lest ah. placcd the. malter lu the banda et the police, vitb in- structions 10 try to asertain what became ci him. TheidAevcrythlng inutheir pever 1dacerVillierm whereabout, but wlth- cut sucoca. Untortunatel3 Silvera, vho me blh ave helped them, being me voiX ao- le quainted wlth th. mialg m--'0 habit&, via rb 4usd, anA, mter trylng tor about thre m mouths te find mre tracm oetVillire4 theb m pouice gave up the search in desps.ir. Mme. *0 Mida, therefore, carno te the conclusion thât m ho wu cither dead or huad .t t he ceoeY, h. and though hait doubtful, yet hoped that i md b"A nov mce.îthe laaktpt hlm. >o 8h. had lnvested ber money largely la land, auA thus being above the reach et pov- &r. cr17 for the rest et her lite, she determîned CL a te take up ber abode lu Melbourne fer àefsw lar months prior te golng te England on a viait 1% Wli h tbis resolutien ah. gave up ber cot~g comA dcie la Mewubon rue lI t cland t Sprotts Vandeloip huard of Ibis eululleio, anA meey rjelciiel 11t, for lie thought ibait moiwg Un lhW hmm@0aîuch, 110%v thal ber hambani vas la ailappuaitati demi, Un lthI mar binmc dit l as 10 Ibis ami ho bopt up l uaintauce vîtb ber. Ho haver ll of b Ie girl h. bai batrayud, ~aInln tuva "m mlloig. No; M. Van- ÇI5IUP uaaobleb nvoici afcausctfuoe peo *l Ite cming oet Mme. Midi, ~.êduIê 1 in,f ho could pcudbly arrang ~ ber. Ha va s h.spIder, sud Mik te *y, but mas Un-spider hnev gyh obai vg4^o 4labis vib vise - bei s doin orKM Lue w --w msw.a." E. A. Aa~ ~mu.~qguL~I wisué atI Olidrene ,~ ~ -po EL. 1Iaijeai emii .4, Au luvitatiofl. In N)jtkeIso8lid SUiver, fand Gold flled. W. are c'onvmcoed you have nover'snon their equal. Juist fancv, Lady's Watah for 87.50. A, 15 ye guarnteed, gold fiUed watoh, for $10.50 L*entlenm'is oid sIlver watch for $9. GoId filted for $11.50 S.J.PETTYP'8, The Jeweler. Lu<usot il4i. I 4' SraTIsFReaCiNOUAanTEned OSATISFAyCIpONptlvAtlended l . . ISSOY On Deck Again And sales larger than ever. à clear sweep of the Canadian mar- ket for 13 years. OLD ENCLISH CONDITION POWDER Ou om pound lu ewery paekaRe, and ev.ry package is the ane Vear ini anA year ont, Not Wnjntoum. Bain or ohin. Il vont burt &auvanimal. 1- THE MANUFACTU BERS LIFE &ACCIDENT LA I IU ACinE utorizd apital ana other aSsets .................$3,OOOeO(oO J. W. WALLÂC Et Agent, Lindsay. W. A. HOBRINSI, Ditict Manager, Poterboron 6RDINB -MACHINE 0 ILI McOOLL BROBI & 00,, Toronto 'USE LT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTIIER. Ifocols', Famnis Cylinder Oil. Finest ini Canaida for Egngine Cylinderi ASIE FOIR LARDINE! bhép UULNITUREly ýictarTuKETi LINDSAY.Go ~W I~ 4~a éb Obnt Makerse ~*NO1troUbk o1show it, Ward&. Thq jý»0&k ý.g madmiN do om d mtwwes; Z', av IL VândobpqN wu' leu W"es met be seen to be convinced as to their quality and meritA. Only to be seon at Oraors by mail proinptly attenaed to. -r- ir -P.-r lr% a A «Nr t-%'KT rr' - "CH, OR ô pou il-00. A. RIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. a 1 m