Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Nov 1891, p. 8

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Aa vgftY CURiqUS FATO Mop INO lit 5 va md lta a yl *itbl cb M lisOche otie lmont imper"i iTm,- liens lan tts Prata. Le.ther lu such a eino'nO "Cai*ais thabut Speople ever thor ;ht ancmh abouat il have alwayseil nît customed tesam bEfgi tiD ni aiy forméa and put. te se asmaf mu that it buasnever ooouirr.d to ther hit au a intereatriiîg history leaiher hè. .aaong tannera there la an old usytaa daThere'. nothlng 1k. othe." Auo .E0àLoh tanner* ha wrltt.ec the foIlovlmg bîtle poem, Old Lether'.i famé e i. ften aung; It dates tfrous tiane unknown, Wlth cloak of myatery o'er itltfung. It greater lstili tau growu. It keeps oui- sole froin violence, And girdaour loins for toil; It btnds tho htced ta bear us heiso., Or turn theo truitful m"L. It strapa the warrior'a knapuaot 9% And guides bis horao te charg; Il lows the orgau teounr mang; a It puiups t ii enklng barge. It biuds tis to tire fllu skate, And carrnes abt and au; In lt we bag oui- thinge when late, 0ur day cf fun tu donc. ht covers hanrim, feet, waist and legs; It shttïintr carnle.ge door' lt niakes oui, travelli ng trun'k anad basa, And thnumandu of thingu more. 80 mng the praise of Leather, afl- Who travel, work or sct Where other thingi wiiU anad laU, It le aur laut resort. The old tanner ia very nearly ight vhea b. ay, "It dates frein lime unknown,' fu tether ie cf the ver>' highest aitiqulity. Long before the days of Noah'a Ark there yero those who, accordlng te Hol>' Writ, ivdin tonta and kept cattle. It le hardll rbe doubteid that thone people who tended Icaksanmd herds, wlrioh furnisbed tbeai Vith niet and drink, aiso made use of thé ïkina of their animala for artiolci of clothing, and, therefore, v ea«rly aoqured aomnie knowledge cf <thé tai. mer a art. In tho book of Geneml mention in a mdeof colored leather, and il evidencea of an extraneouu charao ter go te ahowthât nmre imple mot.hod of lanning and dnèsing the akins cfsanimait was krown before even Tubai Cain luee lte trade of a braua founder. The ancient Egyptiana vere akilled in the frt of tannihaag leither and manufaot.ured il varioua wvaysa nd for various purpoe Ëade that o f furniahlng covering for tité Iset. lndeed, it la te those buildera cf tite mIdan~d that we are indebted for thee BraS Eytiatie( forma cf footwear; and nafr u aù o asartained frein butor>' and the reW imarchea cf arcboeologiate the Egyptiant vere th1t firt ahoomakers who were wortity 4d thre nme. It la a fact, too, that tannera of to-day ampýloy veq~ muoh the smre nethoda sa dldthe ancrents. About the samne matenila ae u8ed and the proceamea are amenalpré- Ôhely sinriilar ta those In vogue hutndreds of lears go. It. ie true that tannera cf lte proaent day ha ïe found meana of greati>' hortening the ire requlred to. convert a bide initn eather, and that steum power Mmd inud rn machinery have donc mach te expedito and Improve thé procoeca of fin- bhîng the leather, but after ail, the prnim. pies oftatnning reanain the same as tire> bave froua thé firat. Lctthcxr waa very early uacd s a currency, and Romans emploý-cd iii for Ibis ]rlpose Mwore either goid, siver or brm dme ihto comman use. History i. fuil o!1 ~fereni o showing that leather was used hi Cne ancieutsasa a sort cf circulnting medium of exchantge. It i.s ad, an gond autharit>', that su bite ns during th e iuet Loulà XII. of France thé country ae o mls. "cvrihed and, a a conscquence, mone>' ]Vas so s 1Uarce that ltIle pircexi cf leather, with a simli ilver nail driven through lach, aver üun general ne ns mono>'. Some lew sî ecuneocf thia leath onny aq ~ i i xisionce, but are ouly ta be founI thtxssessan of nuanismatits, by ho'te'are highly pized. MRowever, the manu actureof leather bus qter berii a slow and tedinoua pracem, au cnaie with mot ther industries, an& qvcn low, with improved processes cf tan- *Ing and fiishing, inontha are required for hoe tanner to canvert the bide of an animal tao Icather. There la, toc, a popalar cpmn. Ine>xtant that tannera do nlt maire amood ather nnw froim the hide@ that are tanned Ëthrec month' ime as they used tara letderable vaste and àama«'lte prooM t à anruil>'to 1» doubteti, bowveir, lita -111t irit 01puabansd ewrpme uMW 'lre of luather th. ftur. vii aie woj erf fnproi emenl.tl is âImportaâtin-l and thal acieuce aid leotripit>' vi ka e\t pousie ta couvert bides latt as r, & Ms>houas Msil mev tù. ait bt RemioedaiIçnet-Iie the W, b Do mesetrme ari 01 vu i isiK of=IIUt~I Lnhlîo w4o.wI " "'rite 1BlS~StSBa48 f ion . iithéi*~U ZIG ha I>k <Y an ut~ Of Pure Cod Liver 01 and MYPOPHOSPHITES, -et Limamail*0"a- Ir la ÂzLMosT A AAA Ag XZLL irla.5 À woN»EIIFrLr rLESK pBODucm ' 1I. id n ut, .,naeri'd&W PSpcioIa.s& 4.el ait I*btattioue,' aubst$utiom SoM bg ait Druegmat M O.ad $100M 5007 à D ta né5UewW~.' S8S. ANIuEsmATi. -The 8abbath ace!O asaav.rmltaât vu heid lireon ute 254b Of Oct,, vas a grand ncens lan ves> partlulmi. W. laed lue vemher, goci roedie, «" orowds 0f lyoung aid nid, andilte lest of alis qs a puie of Me, Ivo mmd ye dollar billé. l'h.l social iteId ou Tondal eveclagte 27t li vas veli etteuded. On Sanda>', thte 2tt, the Emv Mr. MoAmus &puts a oosiienable lengtb et urne to tie abbelt sohool soitolars.We bopp tsat zItMal b. am"soya la ingoo WB Junaot fini Wo rd:our teolW<pf mor vwlovanda Mr. John omebOTI, lia his sma hour of &mfiotion. - Enck of Ages oleft for me, jet me bide ujesîflanTites." OnRUoA C'rs.T-The methodist iople of cie pflceverefayoridlulet Sbbit eventag vitb a ver> impressavesemns dellvered b>' gr., Bobisa Bomuof RirlaIll.Uii Boyatos je preprig for the miltri. anddih a M, yprousliug ubjeel turthat higit jàIô ... Ir. Fuse. aMd fsmily are ytllin freds ai Dalayaupis, and vi expeottèe bookt itis yuk. Ill. jeery, fornaeriv of Woodville, uxion te mutithe vaut of theti mber mes off t sunrreadin& bulas dedu. on r*oept off $M,0 to build a sawmlfil and minee a mumber case aa choper. W* vaut tomoe. oui frend mahe titis a sacéesan md give @mloymest tb thou 01 usvite may vaut te votr.l Wul are informed Ihet lMr. R. A. Ander. Mo, of te laie Smsples, Anderson & Co., bas pqritased the stock of titemid oompany; ail» %halaof Er. J. Ir. Stapies of te saad rm, ha. coutamtcd ith thbm arino estabhu ite rmof Maey, Sris & Co..,ma i haé sbefore, be aaspiemed te mt ltae clomerà vaU wit thbu at machne. M& J. W. Shields bas gai bis stock neatly asertel lorthéit.llUtrade. tir. J. ' . Taylor, mutagea for W. IL avmaah lec çfferng laducemmnts la vinter and f611 Idm W.Gavue m ocs intenais asumilau active busines.sf115l. Mss. J. W. Shields la stili haepîug qut. poorly, but patieut, under hea afflîculca. dumu. (Jhlrpmv, Maxiali, Boumer and Mneaai bave rturuai trou thou deer hut. Thte patty muccooed lu gelilma to duri. Atter the reluis of the Party' Mr. MXviii veut out blanseli and aitost titre *tIo day.. Mq. M. B. McLanghlin cf Lisiaay, vimiled our vilb lagt1aIwulk. Botit Saint anid Sauer. Il troubles the snuner and troubles tbé alut, Itls trcabieome, trylug and arsly coma plainte Dount îhink it incurabe; I tell yjnul Excuse the gpammar; it'à lruth 'mafteî, obether gramatioali or utngiamatioally told. The trutb 1;is hst caar osaa beoaied, Thé propntstara cf Dr. Saigs'a Cassant Eemedy offer 0500 for sanincunable case off Oniarr ainte 1'l131 SrxroM OUS FATAItIE,-RiBdmOi8, obstructioci, etu nos, diachaîge a lling *510 te thicet, sometimnes profame. vataly ad acrtI, ai othere. îiuck, tenaolons macou, pountaIbiocdy, putnil and offensive; ejes w.ek. rlagog lintt ersw, deafnus;offiadve breati, s'uaIl and teste imparied, aid geniral debiitY. Oi>' a feou i eme svmptoms laite vrt bé bpressât ai oue. Dir. Sages Caltur îRqmâdy cureslte vonet cames. Oui> 50 cents. hippyMner. m. 3emepit Taylor, brotlle o f lI roomupnte1 blm rougi thea I.formel a ille serys for bun datertté brde bo A"* &ave pesasent eg vu avent lbe k-bidaI ponta IfeliotéMWmmvrsies vit te grOM â la îely ««ttMmd ivin *wrmidithéoséq lit e hM m>'jbth, e ommnmmeudtbirMW Ton obat*pamt pha trwyOMM e Md_ go.op tei l a a hiu SIO Wanted. Cali * or a& Jia 54i.Ma @suWâb, & u lte fblte do semhai îdieàLsl oSia MD h ou t4itoeil jor.â W. TaIW. ewu In asuw "W.$i lot.VII ladlW b>' style;Tiuati u he 0611Wig ;esnd u1," .11mb eus verIdIimrd mi ua FL . Tati E. Eobe bo, bt ut Wtin. Tis auter a*wlkdupma, home o.IC pheaad liliw O atsbm êedhI u WUMâthOU55atudh thé Met vu at vu titi resou ta ouas va.o te ri0Dt moe6Moud o ptit iamit. ciiaeh@, muilaafi oitale r te abes lb aei uAamever. M boyVo. hvi e - o . M.wdoobatdfin , odu"ed ilg ro iilzl lfBo u» Tmumzuml.-The larmoesabout hore are bsîy itlirhMng aMd ait report good retaroq. MeaaSlme te tibrs mmle aol e<fltt be uineUla. PoTàToUS. -Titi farmers around titisj patt report àagrnd yleld cf potatoesaiMd litote are 1ev loues troun "diror." 19. 2U x~<ev ff tus ara. Tueastudente 0f Toronto Vait'el titeir onsual gamne on &M jseal «rouns, ounte Ssi UlS, vihSie mua good aneose. Tb* deep labesO tatou ln snob vas ot ouly maullestel bh tite siudnoisand profoesors, but aime b>' min>' of lte business mo. Titi devvas one of golden susabine sueit an maIes *verytiig vork itirmononaly. IXi brought te fair nezoutinlu smber u d1 lts>' viitt usa>' etfte opposite omcx, Bilaid teé grand stand toits uoes. They vite voe unable to, get sîttlng vers eonîeated b>' standing arouid te tenoesud cocas- sionali>' jolotuinaviti thlitrlatiteé conga, oheeri, and var vhoapm for te vielons or lte hoviof scorn ta lteé on. forîoses. Ail &peut a ver>' ejoy1ble atteroon. Théi garne oeshotu>'cou- sested. Poster saccoedne a aylog off lt.e ebampionillp. Thee Rames vere an follov:-100 I. raft. lai Porter. 2ud Hamailtonî. 1mile, lst Orion SaClarke.. Patting (16 lb. vol it,) lot Âguev, 88 fI. 9, Varaity record, % ad. Langtord. 'Bam- ulag hop. stop and j omp, lot MoOoll, 2 ad Verbes. 220 ydâ. race, lot Hailiton, 2al Porter. Gralucale.race 20yds, loi Garrie, 2ad Godtrey. Ruau boad jump, lot MeColl, Sud Forbes. Hlgb jamp. lot Punî, r, 2ud Agnev. 440 vds. race, lai liauiitou, 2nd Orlon. Stand brosd j amp, le& Porter, 2ûd, Langlord. Hurdie race, lai Forbee, Sud MCocil. j mile race, lot Orton, Sod Langford. QUEUX va Vàusr.-Ou Baturda> lte 8la; oit., ibe Rugby football eau of Quea's oliege, caine Up on the mon nlag exproe, and flaire1 te Variili em on té lava la roi of lte Varmity.'NoS- vitstaindlsg tepourlag lova taia at the tîme cf gaine, tite oon&ending teame linel op on lb. groaue, and vas es ova Sen vonk. TiteQuoe etaStie fint part of teé lime made titi heu playlnu, lt.e Var. , il>' noS appearng to b. Iu it, but coan 1thte lido ohanted and te Vatslty team amili te chente of tem ir lov studinte, von pela alier point, and vtéitegame wau fiishe: lte boies sood 25 o17 in lavor of th. Vânsltvleam. Baturds>', Nc'vembeî 7th.-Bale cf houeheld furaltare belongig t lte estate cf lte lats Harile>' Dunaford, on lthe market square. ab. ton oolook sharp T. H. MaLean, &actionner. Frida>', Novemher l3th.-Stock alde iby bblesss. Weldon and Dame., .etlite reidene cf Mn. Dames, hall a mile eoat cf Mariposa station, cf one itundred hend of feeling caltad ons bundre good breeding oves. Sais *0 ommenas abtorne o'olock sharp. Elles R Povell, auc-, tilcuer. ;TaesIa>', November 17,-Orslt sale faima stock ad implemeate, on lot 7, cou. i Pension, the properl>' of Dougel 1 iclnyre. 8Bab te commence at Ivelve oclook torp. Ses pontors. T. H. No- L.aa, siaucloer. Wieday, Novmbr18,-h.-Mr. ion; MoGi, lot 7, oa. 14, Mauvers, itavinq 1 gven op termI~inprpéatry toa1mflbn f to teé Nor&lit seilbjn pblic auclioa bis inlire fs took anImie ments vithont réserve. Titis sae»Ul Mbu àvefl orti lteé aftention of lauiadbn r Curohms, a lauge portion of SMe stock 0logtwou0ibed. estoeomiSs ' s one o'e"oo hap. Iharge lMeHugit 6ÂuelOUeew. Bohool Moles L I. I to boums cui aResolvent Mmd C M %r- eau" t*eWF ««Y bimu 09uai4~ Wu km etev- dh. bcu BABY'&br4, *ue"AIW7U BknmticPan ~~ hou ()a uhe . u BaM* KWDLAzI, ont Nol. .-A dzowniag amoent oocured h Sturdoy ngbt whewby touri bops, bot theMgsofl2md Là. lest thol lves: Thsy :loba Clukna., samof à. Ec. CisassP Kwh amuof DavId Kiwis, 1,9,. loLea m ouof J. P. lohmtom winam AllistaS. of Wm. A WstOI4 ell0f liMimi. Thé lefItown yestuwdY afteauoou inB ail t e aover to Pausent lad, Mmd wilabout ô o'oloek wu ur5nt salUPOs"lg thir w.oagt L. been out iauday. Tb@ot wu uanay afteuo», but no bodinasm jet * deeoeahave aulatives ta lthe vlimy Of bomypon] Mulbuau' u Aima'o Qso n afortifies the UMstM 7="t 1 attacita of @Rue. h,,,%, blions foyer, masoaue Mi U1ke troable..- 25. milam. lRTES or ADVERT1iG. aucde out"d ftn ilm b ~ 80i E. os&.....l 18 ,,au.tu .. N ur......w ' . m otb. .. 14 14A " r vek ........9 10 OOMMEUOIAL AND LEGAL NOTICES. eacmeur lUno for fi n atilo% muoparit M easu e, s d 1M cet. for saah lam allo t . PDOFESSIONAL CAADS Mx UMme nc"Mcr, per y ........... ....v.u TRAlISIEIfADVERTISEMEU'YS Si flees sud uni.. ra Mtuasteo........... 0050 Each ubuqusul iua-.............. OU from six *0 tes ihim a ra im«Mero.......... 07 Isolubssqumt lnmwatlon............. U Over t.unes. Osi tummeUo. pearne-........ le »s%@sbsqu lusatinun ............ os The nu2bwmbe tno*0b. reoauby the as oeoupied.meanr-l by as sosieesolli npaieti.(12 Ius.ma0ke ne é> LOCAL ABID SPICIAL NOTICES. Tm.m nta pr lime tonrOtam sstlun, av* cenfor Blak Une loam;Z o 9 p un.No loWal *0b. lma Ibsu 0 o u m Or bo stemo regula tdvuo uioby - a rusgemaul. Aivuumete oltlaoutoriien Inariacicus 11 »e ua ed until forbid in,&"i ekigMa eordiug4r. Ondin for dlscontinung aiverimtls.i mus i deilveai s ts he ite motaang previon. 50pubI. AU advîtisumte tram noa.vuiisnipeaa or airsugura.msSb. poi for la siaceo, ar a suffelu deposit ma"e *0»M» re Mu ces eglm oe 9OD lm18 110 MOURS. ns A~ usY - 8om fer S»«"" tome ~ n e ...... .. . lot ur.a,~r~kehh~ .m~~si b>' Salit b>' mou.; use i.a ~rg~~ItBMib~eP 2e' dbIf OUt~. *SLOS, lion AS lissiposa. o. i. ci.*.ulu, S *5100 ~ WaodvID. P O., Cmi. 4 * te# e MO ~3e, o~ ~ e enCOTGAQHI SALE .. --~te iFAR M PRO PERTIES Ms.PrpenbbL 00 ..~.... .1 Oteoit ou ~ ~ 00* 1» 0 mmu t M povuret< me eoniained la a ô oste àos gubb oeo. whblb. b poucedmint im Ib o . ..e.b c . 5 0 0 f rmade by P U B L IC &5~OiOin...... . ...... --Id 4 00 ldon HEou. in tI lae of .... #1.3 bot*000 Woodviule, Lafb*l..nnnnnnnnnn- te$200 au SeSsk~5.poS... ..... ...- o0 l0e ledTrot 0oa ... -00.. .... 2FIdy 7t.Ii Nvember. 1891. Toredocnln, hefoflcwlng lundi mai 1oce.s I Tomes..1M .Nov.Ut, 5lm dio P: 1 Pull ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 $6 .n.n..~ 04 10 0 6 V» M095'hs e5hmito LtNe. a Mie 4au WhoaB, te...... ........ 19 oU Out0,5cel. « 0 ainE T@WXmIii09ofEes., - i Wbe5 ... 5 t 1telnng 140 os oe op âuli, mau 00 .WcSc L H tpue........... .08à4 *0 à 5et LotNe*Iii the mCom. or iteTtou- .- . .. - .... Oett te 0i8aj:Mt ddi., Omteniaito0» tuadredAm"emmr ........ ..... 000 e 000 bémfaim aue s1tuatsd about mre au a-hait .ua ........... é O 0 a imUles ram Lornevlle Junctioo sud about tIbm ,miles Dra"gfflPar cvi........ 600 te550 fua v.odffe. The land inroliag. Thesmoil m md u i pet ................ ode te 050 O b.nc t b let LOI; Fivl a the ourth Cou - Gemspr D............ 000 00 000 esotom buhyem t c i«.la ud Tlkey5..................00 te 000 l utvto'Sibln asmee thgc ShétOt.4OlIi..... 008te 000bauwMOZed.T buildings oam of a bewed cearj S000 te 000 lot boucs 20X% &fià trame stable 21M0h., sud a _m Ofpu . 111. SAS 00 0trambsbaMWfh&ltmououe tmdlawlthgSed roul 041te0 0U1 sMblluêar- A~PPUL................... .1ot0te, li50. om thaffLot number Pour m the MfthI Tuuips, veilow, Pei t .... .. 0 O $ * 40 ommemian Sbirela fromm Ety.live te mixty aRsMcf' Cabbae , POti u 0.. . .. . . o 10 t O 0 d O dm gla good oWigvm SIo usud WOm cl a tha i m l - l -e e.._.......... 00 te000 musla nurdw!ha mized nuit tmbeprie PawshY. par domua... ..........C$l*0t000 boum d log bar u d stable. Caiveinpar bat ............... 04 te 04C Faimà s mwled by w"eiwth p ud cUet7 Pff d......... ...... 040 * 0 flapinmmbd o 0sldsubjacita othé uo xWiofg Ouwos., parb................. 000 *0 Ilot e Tt amaullibe bold ether epwrtlv or ldâ.ptd............... 000 *0 00mbloc temuitnindng purbams. RE?ýprUý. ....... .......1800 t l0101 9iaba. .....000 te 950 pTEEES.lý»-a t&imtt of tbe urchm.emcmevebe Torono I mmdc bacon 0 k»aetmâle. viloi be a r.,asvebid. TlU olkorto .90.111 mw î. Otbroomdiiama olbc made baon at maie. Fer GaSll-Expai.1USC Im. m Up-fur" bar tUuIersmadmmdidticm of mie auuiv 1 Milim md Oum.........8 0 0 HEURT ULLI0AN. MiibroD* ........oiesh __dp a30 d 00 or te CIHOLU & CRISHOLII. ~I aoies-. Bo ja 32 6.4 Vender'. lioiciturs, Port Hoie.. p«.............. 2600 210 " a 2,elb....... u00 00 L» bgOC:»rm,Vo **-~...... O$400 ..... oema ........ ...... 950 8 500 Stqa pr b........ 000 Calvu-Pe hoad, good *0o 500 700 Commua................ 10 0O MÂf -BIAGE LJICE N SE S. Touchburn à Preston . t.ELILNSY GRAIN AND PRODUCE M ERCHÂLNTS9 etgbss mtS pe sd 1forgraIn albinaiseatm To Parmer». HUJRRAHI FOR wu Es MURPHlY MaoDônel & <O Wdry Havingscured. tireservices off mn exc.llent NewsYrk beker. I am nonavready t ère 500 pr.pmrod *0 bur ai the upply the cl=an of Lind"'y viti a final. rire Waeboum arosetheclame lino aI Virl arhos. crasth CAKJIWS and P AS TRY cf lire imest Amenican styles. Charlotte W hea B aley, Pea , Oa s; Russes ad Jouies made ta, order. Parties Red and Âlsike Clover, $air Supr supplied on:bhort.stnoie CASH1 païd at the Storshoume. W. E. MURPHY, Lindsay, sept. 11. 1800-47--tf1800-13 Baker astd Caterer. NoUtic bCredibra. rfb u Ma LA.o tusak 01JON G. A.Metherell's McDOIiAD caal.Book, Stationory and Fanoy Noties lan erby givc, punssul *0lthe statuts la lbthe 69tlbeolate J. ha oDo"ad, lnie ltime of m4. la the Township cf Eariposs. are Kent Street, Lindsay, r tulIn 0 ou.muh next an" ear brs% pubd- m beedl lauViorwua W a WAithe*0d5W e o a iste chespeet place 10 buy GoocI. aI walot »U tOralpublication la lt.he "day cf Osto- Penv Soe'W r foFier a iDm ld, dmlult Iaxl cf0h perosmtaissud ocSecute se aliJohn Pny Books only 15c. each. soIfin tem " clr m uotdaM, con. Methode' Hymus only SOc. each. P&TEESON dh OROZIEr, solicitera for Admlnb"brtlx. BiblesPrayr Boksasd C&ecblmaalugr..st varlety. Pl Psaty,Ct. lOtit, IOL-4-4 __1___ h avoubu =befumi iceoftSUND&Y SOISOOL ONTARIO» AA-5111 i- Diia Go, cllege. SBLLEV1U.Ei lii Tuer, . w. &joBNSON sud J. W. JOERNBON, Fe 0. A., Ptluopalsl. This Institution is the most wide- ly attended Business College in America.. SEND for- the new circular. It will help you to decide about your future. ROBINSON & JOHNSONt elil s ElINIS OlesI BI1G CLEARING SALE Liadies' and Gentlemen's Dresa mag Cses la Pîush & Leather. lumuaerP&y 16C. e&,I on at G. A. Meihereir. Goceel Iymn lu N%. 5 Ia d6. Truphanl Sangs luNos. 1 and2Z rS aitml.st o A. METHLIELL Opposite nov PornI OMMce Atmo Agent for Il. Oelebrmted Uxbridge Orgman ad Meudelamobo Piano and Singer Seiug Machine. IhIS[tLy'S GoloD - iLO Met" fluet Evupse la lb. As leauti MMBalperiseS as A, miser ea SMm fd @tJ$ing Io m 50 ' of »aMNt e s ot mal Iwo nom IL à l EOPLES OPULAR ON E WNV ANTI ES TOTH E I~'~ Nov. 18 Dec. 2-16-30 RAVi TNE A&VAITALIE OF rogrtess Rapid riçq Low Ietv of Roolu, A nTIUAits FROU AMY AGENT OP 'tNt COUPANY THOS. .MATCHETT, à1ren LC. P, R., 91. Kent St., Llnduy, opp-,ltý DàlRcu,.ý 1707-ly LIRO1iOO188111H11W1 In operatioa the vear round. for WooI. FULL CLOTHI TWEEDS,' FLANNELS, Etc. FOR SALE. WALLACE & CO. Ltndmay. Ju'y 8th, 1891 -1 79ri-f. [OR THE PIIUCUR, A seriea of one way excurgin prii~ Vancouver and other Pa>cfiec Cst.n wiil leave on the following dýlaFe October -., 21, November 4, 18, 1 ecember 2, 16, R Eaoh party will be person0ly conducte' and no effort wiIl be spared ta make the trip pleasant and enjoyable. For every information apply ta Ticket kcent. E, l ffic" Lin&tsi SHILO1'S C ONSU M MTON ýCU RE.a The success of thi'. Great Cough C=re k witbout a parallel in the history of mredicine, Ail druggists are authorized to selli a on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no oiher cure cati uC. cessfully stand. That it mav becorne knowf, the Iroprietors, at an enorniolu, e\pCilhe,ax placinga Sample Boule Free inio eýery home intheUnited States and Canad 'ih iy-uhave a Cough, Sore Throat, or Boh ',use it, bx it will cure you. If your child [fi te CrOup, or Whooping Cough, use ih proix ;., and relief is sure. If you dread that ir wu'. Consumption, use it. AtI yk ) r11 ruti SHILOH'S CURE, Price luI -'5" 1C tS. d $î .oo. If your Lungs are sore or .k lame, ms Shiloh's Porous P1aster, Price :5ct- Kowlson Brosi Real Estate, Insurance aDd Financial Agents. $5750 wil buy two rstore5,y' i brick five tenement terrac e rnaliziflMi roui per annurn, sitnated i cCLt" Of town. A goad ,nvestment. $4000 wilI purchase one 'iof the fil" est residenctes in North Ward, with ffl acres of land. $1700 will buv li êstorev brik dwelling and &dditions, cOnvOefIeflty 8 nated in North Ws.rd. $1200 'will buy either cýf two brick dweUlings, 8 and 9 rooms. in South WS& $850 wili buy brick Cotta28 'a South Ward, five min utes walk froui M& W. have for sale and to rent scdid brick.brik 1veriered and framne dwellings andSan lotm in aIl parts of the t',wn, at prices &Bd0On terme to [quit the wanta Of any lut endilgPi chaser. Ca11 and ses aur lias. I NSU RANCE. W. repremnt aeveral of the atrOn90 0* 11mb »d Amerlomu Insurance Coin*0 ý plmo. Pir% LLU. and Accident rrast .1 ,we * amtgete fisr te BBEYa u Bteambpms iiB ýbetweîMo - NOWLB'N IBB3.00 ý 1 in Ca*sh icolyr. IroucaBu» 11 3. PIEMY. 7 1 BZLLIVILljt ONT. Il l' ONTARIO

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