Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Nov 1891, p. 7

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pEtmoN PPErACI4E[D *y TL, m. T. DE WlT TA1*AUM ad Trwenty-leui Teuts i.U*u e' . [ AàudboU08 .r .v Eiu' âk Baurdon 01 Eg7pt" kMaIs tt. lacoîLYx, Nov. 1-Th. e b o f bim normug srmon wu "Brick, Wtthouî s Straw,l a ccntinuatioii of Lthe erlus 110*iithé oegfirîr"'t»î tt oftiy Soripture whloji Dr. Tâ2nage .eau i ieua @rty.froni the - puu - a nateAt wu Iaaiah xix, 1, 46The b-'v'ý*n of Egypt» WII&L id MI tiis iexctement &bout sM th.e sîroots of Cair'i, Egypt, titisDocombea' rnoring in L.Si>?Stat udb.uk! W, ie loud voi,:05 and eeeu tlw crowds of pftoIo retrest.iflgta tihe>aideai of the treeCThéii *aCjLnucLu >,Ut wa mome oi'own ex.d oltument. Footmon comtrn lu agt. Theyt have a rod ini the.band and tamae capu easnd thteir arme and fot artemm 1r.lr garb i. black to the walot, exuept uat tireaded with laud the. ruat lt wlito. Thyaecl.aring the way for &a offocial dThn"tary anèa chariot or carrnage. Thoyd are swift, and mametimes run thirty or forty miles et a tretch in fiaont of au *qui. page. Make wsy! Tii.y art tii. fletust tooted men un cZrth, but soon die, for the. u man f r*ine aa not uAd. fo u b m-QI ql 1 Aakëd tail around nie who the man la the oarriago wau, but no ousoemed te, kuow. Y.L as 1 feu bavck wth the ruat te th. wui I said, This ise olb.d outais found ail up and dowu the Bibe, footmua runnang beforu tiie rulers, deînandin obsisance, saslu Guneais beor. Joseph a chariot te people wore conîanded, 'Bow the. knsu;" snd as 1Io-ethe. awift fut ot the mon followued by the swift fet of the. horsts, how thase aid vends of Jsrumiah runhed through my nulnd, Ifi thon bast rua wit.h the. footnn sd they have woarled the@., bow canat thon conted t Uh borioui" unI EVSAIOM Now my hearens, l intii. courue id a«. ma w ns ouly ervilg you os footman, and Clearing Lb. vay for your coming luto the vondor. ai Egyptology. a ubjet that 1 would hav, yen study tar beyond any. thlng thât coa b. said lu the brevty of pulpit utterauae. Tva hundr.d sud *igfitynine Lames doma tii. ible rter to Egypt sud Lthe Egypin Np vcud.r, for Egypt wu the .mothor cf ustiona. Egy the mother et Grueo; Greecu, ti. mother of Rome; Rome, the mather cf Englandi Ingland, the. motiier of aur own land. A.- .arding ta that, Egypt la aur great-gruat. grandmnother. Ou ather Sabbatha I loft yeu studlng what they muet have beau their glorji; the Hypuetylo hall of Kamum, tiie arohi. otural miracles at Luxor, Liie Colonnade of Horemheb, thé. omteries ef Mempis, thé value et a kingdom n lo nt monumeut, the. Sphinx, whicb wiLh lips af atone speaks loud omotigii to b. buard acroa thé. cunturies, Héliopolis and Zoan, tiie canundrum ci aheloglas. But Il that uxtravaganoo ofpalace and temple sud monument wus thu cauise of suauaslatin high se u.. and deep as bell.The. veîgii cf thase block, of atone, beavier titan any modern nmu&À.uLv, l it, came down upion the feobrew slaves, snd thein blood mixod thé. anrtar for the travela. We saw again and &gain ou and &long Lthe Nil@ a boss workinan rougiily smjte a sub. ordinate who did uot please hM. It la ne rare occurrence La au. long lines ef mons under leavy burdons paaingby taokmaaters et short djstances, luhing them sa they go bjy jnta greuter ap.ed,sadntese workmua, abutd1>1 tâté blantinul obofathe day 1liîîgdow upan the bar. ground, auddonly cildwitit Lb. night air, cringont la prayer: "Y&, Allabil" 'Y&, àAJahi vbîhi means 0O odi 0 Qodt But vhat muet have heen the cien imes cruelty aiiawn by the I'gyptituo îcward their Ioraelitlah altavua i. ini, lcated by a picture in tiie Beni. flauitumjbe, viiere a maitan li eld down an hjs fu.ce by twa men and âtiotiter boldo up tho viutiii'tmfet while the. officiais boat the. baro hnck of the vlctim, every stroke, 1 have, no >doubt, letciiing Lhe blond'. tio)W TIIEY COOLD AFFORD IT. Ntw t'uuse hiow the Pltau'aoias cauld ai- toril Lqu itiid mîtcb ostly vurits. It 0cea 1icm iithîing tan vagee-nethiuig but tise Lurs and l ii,tiof u te toilera, aud ears sud tîo tîîl re a c 'a>drink fouritevils, '"Brick@ Oitîîit :tiiIv"itay notetigsu et se M.Uoh hop Lindsay. qqP ý vuslx- u dbs aoIfmiM bmhi; à te NUabu Wodètositea'lm Oradie Umde e i le aves. «fourse there oteamb &U up amd do»a ibe bocks,tor au or4 éhy ta tlOmfbt a nant in à met o mfklug es arivetrb*a' Îtes ily tion, but curlosity. Wiso Made tisat hast? Wh Msde itvatertizht itsbitiumen ? WhoImchoi t o et iooo. diles, h 'v a ly baddnug uhemueinlathe ann, the maions vide tu Masu"ti up thé sild, aud fl'u t uorl, hlm sud isehn an- noris rushes outofttse thinshaos, sud "jyin «Bgffltifu tudil 1 vill d O M vn. Yroi u yeuWear t e L0yptîan onu ad ait on thé Egyptian titrons."1 Net 'Nol Nue! e .bu tisee maui- ra Lot of lie Hebrova. Tel lt-luanl Lhe rick kilus.'Toll itamong &ail Lie. vi are vrtsn nder thse laub, tel l ia meng ail lie caLles 'tMempis ansd Heliepolta and Zoau sud Th"h .Buor. hlm a m vIl part. Ou a mniatain o, lone, tLisa eue vili rocelve frais lis.Ailzty a lav tis% la te bu thise udatlon cf 0a1, good lavvwhile the vari laits&Wmnhe ta d.ad, Ewo Win oome dovs as Neo ansd sieno b hn hm, ne mam or voman or angel vorthy té attend thie obsequles. The ohild grava up sud goés out sud stud- lues Lihorromu et F-gyptlsu oppression sud muppresses, hi. ludignalleao, f or lh ielgist Lime bau nol come, althomgh anc. for a Min- ute ho lot fiy, sud vise ho saw a taskmastor put e tho ip snlise baok of s vorkman vio vas dolngh butsad har iith r felvasud Mvthse bleod sumt, Moses doubloti up his et suad srua i hm au tise temple uni the cruel villain rollod over lu lte uand axnimsta sud nover awuna thé. a insal. ervediimiigit! Go» VAS O09XKM SIfli. Eut, Moss, are yen gSoing tounudertake lise imposabilitie? Yen toul tisat yen are geing te troueLise Debreva tram boudage. Eut viiere ta yonm armyl Whero is yanir navy? Nat a sveud have you, ual a spuar, net a chariat, net a herse. Ah! Gel vas as his aide, sud hoe isuasu rmy of hlm ovu. Eut ane day, viien Piaraoh cames dovu te, 1his river, Moes akea stick aud vbuims tiie vaters, sud the yturs mb Lite gare oa a altaghter house, sud tiraugh the .ao aud fisbpontda Lie lnuarnadined liquid havis up into tii land sud the maledor viielmu everytbing tram mud havel te lirne room. flan cainetho tragis, viti horrible oas, &aI ever overytiang. Thon Ibitipeopbe, clealy almoat tac fasmdiaus- a, vire infeted iLla insecte that belong tte filthy sud uatkeip,samdtLite air bnzzed sud buzzet viti flies, sud thon lise dist emper etartud cava to be oving and herses te îtejghing, sud camels ta groaning, as thie rolled aver sud expirod. And thon bous, ose ef vbich vill put a man in vretahudness, came lu clusters tram the. top efthtie huad ta tie sale etftiie Soot. And *bh IITiTI ubil andi llgbtning. And tien lacuata came lu, swarma et îisem, vers. than tiie graua- happera ever vote in Kansasan sd then d rkess dmpp.dfoam hre days su Liai. Lie people cauid net sée their baud befare their face, great urge. cf utidiigit caver- iug tient. And lat et ail, on Lte niglit of the 18til of April, about eightecui iiudmai years befome Chmtt, tihe Destring Angel sveepé past; sud hear t lail uyigt long, tishle flapi flapi etpiofbis vings unIl2 >gj t rlled eusa great hoame, the eident h dead in eveay Egyptian bhome. The eldeal gon cf Phamacis expireil that nighl in the. palace and &HI son le. treels oc Memphis sud Hellapeliea sud ai u and dows teLieNlo tise.wae a funenal vail thal vouhd bave mnt Lthald et Lb. un. natural danka if Iis ati nuL heen unpéec trabie. iîîs upanuil yau' kmow thaut Lb. bricks -- NOV aisaimE5'8 OfLINCz. ivutu iîil y muthe ena fth,eii e in? Tii. aelitiasiimos, however, veri the tlirahiîg, and, this crushod trav de. tinItoiseod. EButLies.homos ver. ful e iied Lu th. vorimen, hey b.d te pick np prepamatiati, for nov ta ycur chance> ( lien' snd tuer. a piece et tubbîe or gatiser 70 viang fe erevs! Snatcb up vLi uios tram the watermide. Tihis ste c t lece !footiouen onsandtethLe desert tise blo in eonfirmed by lise tact tssî IL. mîmoomé &are ber than thie hondar niaity ut the brick vallaet Egypt haveo M yen have suffered. IL. scorpions wiii ne the lover layera brick made viti strav sting se sbsrply as tise Vrong that hav but th ii hier layer ut brick madeoeut ;j atung yen salyoum lives, Awv 1 t Tii rough strév or rushes train the river bsuk, man who vas cradlot lu lie Ibasket c the Lt ut LbtheBookiofut i îîuma is rit-papyu on tise Nil vii lad yoen. Up ton iiie brick walla dis3cuvered by Use Upi Ts la tiie nigist cf your reenu modern explorera. They gath4r tegetiser et a signai. AIez Thât govîrainental outrage u lawiays andinsa armies sud ail tic aruties et oldei ho&a citarauteristiiofe EYptau rules.tinte wVe.led by torches un higis pales T&ztioaýtu tli. point ot starvatio WMs ruiot crésulafetIri; sud Lise Lord Ahanîit, £av tias rulein tb. Bible tme s wles at yomiten onedb ua su INU '.'rownime. A medern travelier Nt maeomut ea t hat i. ,btki «ivea Lie figures cancernlng tii. onîtîvatlos tmteote trvo ibtkni iltsaeottcoun acres, tise value ofthLe yîeld ot etfb.héatmospebre, sci s torci as Lb thlie field tated i lpantea-m: vend neyer mv beome sud neyer vilsu agan.IL reasod frein Use ertii unto th Produco......... ,0 saeu a pillr et firgb hht pillerpra< IxLpensus.... . . . . . 14 'uwsiyiylsg«'Thts vay 1 Marci thi Cîcarprdile liey t"On Liat supomutural flambes Traxes.... .. . ......... mers tu a amilo reu e s t4 Amouint oieared by tise fermor .31534 ouic the familleité fIsrael. Thon ccir Or, s aîîy authority decismea, sevent.y por the hondeansd flooka meving onu se sth sentl. u( iftaL the Egyptian frmer makeéSsuds te visat la thse beach oateralonss ta paid fur taxes e the gavorriment. Nov, oaled Baiir-lKilum, but calhod lu th that l is noL se muait taxationu asasasina- Bible the. Red ses And vhen I dipped nm tion. WhaLt tiku en thât, you vise isint ita bine voter&, the horoica et bIl g resu mîmmlen beavy taxes ini Amerloae 1 Mesie passage oletiover me. have hourd that in Egy't the worklmg ON TRIR»e 15 's EOars. jaooplu iiave asosng 1k LaIilTey etarve Aftor thr.e day'. match tie Israeliti us, titey istarvec us, tiuy bous , they boat -refuge«e ncamped tor tise nigit ou th aus; but hoe's tomeo eue abave, tierem banka et tb. Reduses, As tie shadeva begi swuiàt i 'O,L'vWho yl punlais thson t..u, ite distance lesus thie hastc weli',vhta viliipunsihebm vel." But Pisaracinl î r .Tiser. vesix bui acîype'r cent. cf goyerniliet tax in dreti fineét chariots, fohoveti i gypt 15 ra meray as comparedto whiat the cemmon char., rolling at fnl 9 Ho îrcw slaves suffered ther@ lu Bible imes. And the glitteîattg tis te vilenemesu Il Tiiey gnt nnthiug but food iiardly lit fer a ourse et Wi&lat CEypison came dci dog, aiît thf-dr ciotblig wvas e re g, smi viL tise danes. tiste ILord oposh their rot-f a burniug ky by day sud tise tj1, ,,.a a4o=i..usms stars f heavtt by i~i.ttise .it .dL]ates paaeed inte lbeçt1 Yaîm's'y, "Wby dl heY 1tand 11f, ]W sud thon tise rymtagaLes etfLth. ses&mriue cause te y iad Lu stand iL., Yesou sé*long ahut agalutblis.gypiupursuors, bac k lu tiic world's tvilhght tise. va C it wva abut Ivoo'c10oc6klintise morale fantine iluCauasn, sud ord Jacbait sude hlm thésint«edtisle Lteou of t sans came to Egypt fer bftsd. The e014I p-vvrnta.Ite COUld pot mov as u li man's boïo joseaph, vasprime nltl'_ud ~ vy ' tthe b. Bd -mailléa Josep- suppose theii.tler snd tih es*.tehé rse d sud »~l0é@d 0lise Uw tri called iii inJob, far iL dom ual wbe î M% theroui isual ê à.ebà t suy diffuerea. hov -muoelababqy la idw*0Od ,rwâmjsaasudi RIW U5U55 in warldly sanocea, bts tb md brothén !cmi Musd *b'a 411 sud sistens alwàym cal hlm bhi.a.asus Id ' aime tht tho vsw u M d by hvison t oi !çý n yearu o0d-Jeuypi, b7 P aa' sien gave to histami vii. hd '-. *li rlve te ricest e chanter tar= o l tise anolents. so' multiplied. Âfter aî.niB"U7 à MM M ai luost àiN0 feftwhim ir- " euwob4sbr, pmVdp 151 41t t 0 1114Ia w e1t - o m oe - - thi W ii Jo ns. ' ML u «r. d s : E j IU I W ~ U îà d.4to lom me wo&.1~ MW&*« O. .*mai thé TheMe t lmin leMof àin 'a .é" tDiàmohi lm WoOM sak, busisonalàe9 aiwtons ii.. we 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R sutie as.'SetrisEgpà"-ehut': aPui' 4 d MUê&ivbilan;but l ise very mach lI dm uh m ot mm d vilth bu'.fltted.a, x l Sw u l , s*»perernI. Iomna»ture w»vin etsan w u Ite.sud 4u" mIte "':va ii flRemisa 1ati" ais éfaiL Au oc. f buma"mm- *Moher urdes cf la vur e wma oouspe Sit etfsix. Rblm h" i" rld& Uh. wu »aextraurdix- no bu ci tthout lacwcsud ytrb of m wiu M"i~~~a,~IliM. nehrbovlUaiI'~ the, burden cf Mohwn!»Eàncniiam. altheugh tance V hr W m r ua" dor vreesem. b th"rp thero ame ore &ol things abeut tisat, te-.tour Yuam cf tt pit h"1 hoOfflh5 fam a vaust reserve et merS.H.Re ver SuL i.lts discilesmxtavasw_«i- ltdopsutig i. 7a dndag. léot is .playtulu.cm in md or mner, al- icie th"ienlpry, sud tbatila Ive laces aP n#i i aidg« 'liodi.rs téliu4b they did vst a"pue&aUilmons. H. &Y. A .onuneiduable monle ~u«niinmsasveil hum tb. troub by killing "lm ith mwuS a" readily sa 1ccessble te overybody, S~mog d in wpoltiveiy torbiddon by iplebuan irans uverd.. b"um hoLe wusnet wling that bis hie aiehtnm M.an an sd thougi smuminay .TIMTU TIT. .hauld ho devaatated ba thse dul and merelyj have sous a dmunken Mohammedous, I noverI They vouaI te a r' t deal of trouble ini ourucas and 1de. Yet inaciarmi of manner i mv ces.. ft us.areligion t eobriuty. Thon toe sta &mu[ e pe . Tituse an wuiS sun, d hi. graciotnsa s ad i Liiey are net ashoeni tiiw deot'Onini. 0peagth is oieuu giave giead . er. ofteu remarkabie tai thos Wheu the cal for prayera inscsundud from uni bseu ild eatdsproba Vise hadilelaisWm of amy kind opon bhuae the minarets tii. chammedan immediately k daes>n tue b5,t ce asbig ta 51Probus No une among us probably vas 50 %cirolla Lthu ruizon the .ground and fans on sud then hp lot tise mb catch and kil llar as b. vith literature ln general, N hieakaous, anti rwda et spectators are to 'viat they waated tiho va v of frosis meat hold bis reacurces se campletely at cern- hlm no .mbarraùsm.t-.r.preof Le msuy aI by e inuto the an ,()wJeach oet- . msud. Tii. félicitiezof ethieconversation Çbert.ajbn wIqits bis huaproyrs if people t -4jcbo , o~se , idbor. <~ reeincessant and remarkable. To Lalk Bu4toffamedsn trgihVez, îa e î! mbrsall uiî iLla thim vas 1k. rcadusg a good book, sud ar kki . itis pclygamy, s ulu s tno yma ait.mincun ut b*.bsu sligiitest notes have se . appy word But obamedgium wit intwo ela ail he illins he o ahut vhloh makes tii.. precius.- bligh.ts uverytising it touches. Malsain. tr=tY Tierus hlsaved e .hamasesGerg William Curti, in Harper'a Maga- rand, iLs foadon, iad four vives, sud his atood ln stal ls of mother of peari,'theïr M». mn tallovera are tho ouemjua of good vaman- gersvou'e of ivory,teir barnessof gold sud zn or November. hood. Mohammedanisam pute lis curse on peiasstoates. It vas bis vfLii aSl Egypt, sud by setting up a si!îful Arab whlaaviefiaunti evory day a o nIdSibre *vervhelming blaaphcmy. May 6(a holpt emeraldsansd pearle valued et tva million&.viLh an nimpresave appoarance. Ho vas tise brave and oauarated minianaries vis Haviîsg heard of boy Cleopatra hsdud tie &ohi motiser'. apron triasgs up ta the are sponding tb.lr lives lu oombatiug it. svalîaved a peari hie diiaolved s dames ime ho vent te college, sud iL is said that But betor, I foangt IL 1 muat put ore snd drank them, and ilistead ot bresdad veu, viin a youth of 18 if iie vaut.ed ana ex- empiesi upn Li. act aL ii.Ice eu-hb gave hie guesta ochunka of gold. Âlthough traelice of Loast at breakfast ho had te ask rage that resultod l iniheluberation of tho antedatig maV yof these mon vu Lis mother for iL iu a timid aud deferential Hebrova vas thoir be'ig, cmpeiled La maiti have kept iim for the lut, for ail tii.,. vay. Thse pont in paeionately tond uf tee, bricks vithout straw. T hai vasthe latsting e.om irdly worth mnetioning viien et vhich ho drinks groat quantities. Ho sti'av that broke the caunel's book. Ood ve came te Noro'n record. His diaoased lives in a reiired vay vitii hie chum Watts, voul sho Liedueptiemagalat hm pu- imagnation conjua'4upsiisaOat'q editor of tho Âthenoeum, near Putney, n pie La go no tamIser. Making bricks vitii- Lhem ail. He vat7d te be housod 1keas"me but little of seciety. The bo1heidati eut stnawl ma e h burlit d<àwn a city. Miles Of frionda et Lb. hoyday et hie yothi are Coru u eu e Egpt il . ho re otmarble coluataus le tLaiei.palace. lInLthe bsrred eut ev, sMd h. haut e ii enslaved. Wiiat Christ did for us ho vil 1avery and peari lesibn1e atood tise 120 maIes do fae' yan. "Exodus!" in Lb. yard. B«-fet iiighi statue oaf himeif, ut alver IN ELIZABETH'S TIME. adus! Instead etftthe brick kilusetfE 90u lIsu o v isnit couie into tii. empurpled vinoyardoe t and Ieund. Il v e ts nou s t where eue cinster of grapes ua baggor thn ver. cavered vit gohd sud te 5dawzztriur"fIbgalyScilLiel theo oue thatLise aplea brought te the la- plare vas .niisnoed b y tise glaoos flash- JLa»dndainuHer Reign. raolites by tihe Break Eshool, tisougis that mg cf thensanda et pàioed geuis. Thei.l- Inutise.narrov limite IL le impossible te cînster vas go large that it vas berne "bu- repraduco much of the Elizabethan daxly îween tva uipos s star." lugs woru cof ivory4sd pearl an. I tîO%"îaIlO lIt90. Here, howver, are certain details: Welcomu ail by iin eppressed, ta b hotsallowed shot'i' utOf fOyers te fail o<ji Theorderini of the houaehold vas strict. Welcome te bis sacred test;, the revellers. Neer r vtrea d'sa Servante sud prenticea vero up at six intise Notblng braught blm tram abave, tvice suad ane ai hie many diaclet'is -n-a summor sud at seven lu the winter. No NoLhIng but redleevalug love. vaiued at thbras millions. He. ste off golden eue au auy proton»e, except that af illnesa, plates sud drank oaît cf vas ta absent himseht tram moruxng sud SOME (.*Y O D I E. cure oOz EMEIi&LDS AŽD Itumu. eE.venlug prayers; there vw u e a eno etrik- Whe h tavelg bs rtiueconisedclean-sirt dayDne a at eheven, aup- THE ANCIENTS ENJOYED THEM- a ie m e îv ei . < ra u.Thr a u'bi r rvt vitii silver aud&I teservamntsofieware l)ntrroigdvftha ibe SEVSWITH ABANDON. letis ud neckîscescf gold. Whicîîluis %*. ofc iihva a rvdd iaBbe SELVIn the botter classes titere vas a general ou- Poppaa vnt alan , 500 she-asses fnlovl thiuam for learning of ail kînda. The ]Kov the runiau Eluperor Arnaed to suI)FbImilk or lber daily bath. I'ladeimttn taesîpeo heQe Their Gui-aIs as Wall ns Titeir Stuîjecîs- caitharl eli er clothos anl I :îU practiaed embraidery, wrote hcautifully, w aiting maidsa re kupt busy supplvii.g li played curions linstruments, knew iiov te Modernlgh Lite Offera No Conparléofl vants. sn nprs rse iha uhmg INera committed uvery crime, lbe kueisrn u atdese h anceheg te Their Extravaganice lu Havlnt Pu-an. sud ie eeyvce-uha oie nificeuco sas hey could afford, dsne h pratiedevey ~c--echa iotst-!caante sud the lavoita as well as Befame the spiendor antu luxury cf the an- nover iived before or ince, y t, wnderful Lise simple bey, and smudied lauguage- nr clouta the cotliegt of mnodernt Iigii lite iladasta relate, for years after, at Lre anntvýcl55rv Ltin, Greek aiid Italieni. The hast as tise j rell.k c i. iiiie and a'gî îtlisntions have of his destit, the multitude li adxil azle favorite language. Mebiny coilected books. a 1 elýda calmnatiitg poinît at senstitns ex- by hlm magnificence thronge(d about bi' Dr. John Deeliîad as maauy as four thousand, lE trL"Ltgaitec th-tt yarcs caii har'U1y deburile. grave and pfied it hligb vith llawcrs. etfviiich une tîaousaaîd veie mannascripta. The vaoity of rithes, te lave of adorun- Wbon te barbariaus fraithte uorth de- Thxey ere arraîtged an the shelves viLs ment, thicetural craving af the himan for stroyed Lthe veatern Roman pawer te evtst-. tise Laves turnedl uctwaards, not the hacka. bsoîîtething îew, at aîsy price, lias caused emu empire toak the esson igzhtlby to heart. This vas ta show the gilding, the gold mthe dovaitali ofthtîe mi9htiuIcý41)_oples of the The fal of Raine only aeeined toa ud zest te clasan sd the silken et: iîîgm. The books' bvorld. Cliiitese, tilvu'oos ,Yl':yti;ans, Gre- the extravagances cf Canstantinople. Sen. vere bound viLla grisai, came snd coït; tclane am tîlloîîî5fl have &Il vorshped be- 1suality nover reaclied bevh heiî';nover cvemybody. knavs the beauty of tise type fcretiesA idîtls; they couhl iijt hillevo tîteir before or ince base huxury been su cultivat-uediL.pitng capaity for s.usuality wus iminted. Thpii' ed or so srdently pîursuod. Hoirse r&aceâ Taurnamenta vere maintained until Lise iextravagance kiîew no limuits. They cx- sud circuses vent an every dlay ail the yeam sud af Eizabth'e reig. But vo hear E t.austdtwrthîienelves lu depraveilcaiig round, public orgies were gaseti niglttly and littleocf them, snd iL is Dot likely efor unov ploostures. WVcaiceiied h3' inonane Lb. icense of the wonuen n'as soaîîethaang that they retained mitch of thoir old ..excetses, uotalile te rally frona i te deptis of appalling. As ta the depravity of tihe popuIarity. One Sir Henry Lee entemed rf vice, they aili fou a prey ta e arjran1 stage, Our prissenît day isensuali;t. ; 'ould lce tilt-yard every year until &ge pre-L à hordes, sud te glanies cf their civilizatian have diod (tif orror. Riote veto coînînoit vented hum. l'bey also kcpt up the. spoart 4sank te risc no nmore. lu tiose days, sud 0,onencOccasi-11 0 o f t1 iting at the quintaiu in the vater. But Perbapa vo poseseas mare accurate records deai and dying participants cCIv'i--d the their favorite amusemeants vere the pageant c f the wayB cf tie Egyptians titn Of &D7 arena ut the cirons. Thame vwere gay ahi sud the play. The pageant camo before t et these itionsrThy tell us ovory deotail imes, but noue af us vould wish ùo sectise play; sudwvile the latter vas perfarm- e et their bouseiold and pltictil economny in tiins bck. ad oni a rough soaffold in an inn yard, Lh. bpicture almest as brilliantly colired asu- ---forer wr as providod vltii 5plendid dresses, L if vien freslily painted 3,000 yeaîs'su. But IBBETSON'S WISDOMv. munic, longs, sud praperties of every' kind. d the Romians are nearest us in point cf timo 1 Tb.ro vemo pageants f or the recoptian cf a snd ve vili take Lhem firat. Ueîected by Geprgi du Maurier in Harpiera the King when hoe mado s. processio'nmiet 7 L. Long betore the days ut the emperai', Magas ine for Noveinher. the. city; t here ver. court pageants; tiaere R.orptibnicaii mmplcity abidgonwer farve. 'ior 'as vo sovv e resp'; that ila strUe vere private pageants lu great moesia houaes; there n'ere pageants goL up by cam- Tu Lh. victurs belouged tiie>spoils, sui thLe synand ath o mwiîg ion. d n her a es -Froîîî "The London ut Gaod Queen Sconquerors ofthtei.world dragged home suci carth, sumte1eapmt bybd.1anla% alter Besant, lu Harper' di vatt ers ut gald sud sibver, cf jmb; bis dead day, maslie lies coffiased inju vÏo Nveby. > u preaRsae u d ai o r ta h r hla, rave, le the leit-off cacoon lbe ba sp r.M)&Othvoroeîb wu noneedfor te populace te vank. Tiie for himmeif dutring hies earthly lite, ta burat thel-"Ibgn etik yba dsl gt sueralis vied with esc.. ther lu biddiug 1epenan sd soar frcinvit lah 11bis mmeoriesnelvm."I T or popuhar favor. They gave public toasts »bOut iim, evon hie leat oee. Like the 501love me."'Xyd e hn el l citsuci magnitude thiaIarmiez were emplay- 'dragou-ly, the buttorfly, the. notb .... .- Clarits"eWh do omphin tsm" eti e gLbe up isefra mentss.dthe yol- Isd ien tey die il le tie saine, sud ta i el~cs y oover ompimens.m adt ahru hefamne1imewt ld fga.W r I praisosemy golie bois." lav vaters et Lbe Tiber vere cavered for as..viti bladsetegass. . ar day. with tho romane et thèeoorgies. To 'tans tant que noua sommes,' littîc 1hags-eu. I~t Ont sheilothat hoe sn'Lt t4 rmembrancyau. ILonnyyer disst;t lie i tmutii mike a fortuite lu thase days one iad te cea ee is hLsva ful-that ho von't tr'îî you a lie." mrnd amle. When a candidate for consul ve're for. But ve eau ouly biing vit b us, C* rassua invited aU Romu tea sbanquet tLte i. omman stock vial ve've o.A ~ aprad ou tnnd tables, sud aMa Pore Fraucols ua.d 1 say, 'La plius belle ~ ' a tuo n toc n auite 1argveatas t fille an monde ne peut donner que as a, Tawal of TWOgter our aveD ab fat of qul le s.' TYNV-w "AuSADTÀLâ. 1 d titis I inow: th. langer sud mare ïs Betaro the latter get mallofie ho oved j trenucuely sud cainpluitely one lives unesl CNDA AII A Y 2,00,00, nd ledns as Mnce$5,00,00lite- on ..- -.a11 Tote to i. inlethe1àUA AGFORIW Y amloera, sud an th.eitunîries oethLs e wrd bisse et blasmcaun.' 1 As&40ons»"eur pe -. c,& asp. ve. 4d.r taibats l hvo -slrpalale Maor uaod te sMy m'Stsmple cOuMM S. ie .e ePu e.va1157 gomie nime. iebbyne R.ommaver busjosr? v t f o liveti botter ltissu ealà. .IL vas ihovWheo "Th. psS mu.tbm v@ L55vw~eOctlNu e taest m Po.Umm,:Ite lie K. il tàt MpUP '-"s, k &J WM1mlTfLUtm.l- PR'U.OPRIET L WoIfrv@» lu f - k hoeI~~~~~~~~~~~~~df Uslgwm b»hi 15ts c b 0p1eba rl ~. N5UT a wwniu50 'Us,~ ~ ~ ~~ *f mhtima eqr1Mai",W tin ît êw,. Und mail. îolsrs aspeclat> iSi.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~M AUIu slî.I hlaSYee Wll eenvlced liait itatht lageat teeià 1. fB~am m enyutaem lan aviy lae tuun. My cipuse beng ow a, iSsu plv.u'u~em ea be i h gam, pbSace luv or dera at onemie. .,d on't . i s U ~Itfl fl~. I paflng prcmh y &a.r. * 5m >>&%*a t ia g55flb.Cuve ne a o i. jas,, ~ lUI1 1U~-1elS. 4M0 gFOR $1 BE. 'VIETORIAhBBR WILL BE,&SENIT, TO xzw #SUBSDRDEns UNTIL JANUARYs 1893 FOR $1.0.0 SUBSORIBE AT OISCE2; r RE14T VALLEY N&VIU*ATION VOm(W4 PANY, (LimiTZD.) m - I. TIME TABLE lE COMMENCING MONDÂT. S8PT. 21.T ES T U R 10ON LIndsay, Sturgeon Point':alid L1GBobc& gÎ Wlla o berumaoilwa Leave BOBOAYGEON duily st 8.00 ami. Leave LINDSAY 0 8O .00 .. Oallling at Stuirgeon Point eauh wa: Except1ng on 8aturdays wehên the stesmer wilI leeve Lindsay eM 8.20 p m., istead of 8.00 p.m.)upun avaeto ntotrain. Single Tickets between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon 76 cents, retu tickets 81. ing e Tickets betwo.n iàndaay and Sturgeoli Point 85 cents, ratura tickets 50 cents.. Single Tickets between Bobc&ygeon and âturgoon 'oint 40 cent., ratura ticket. 60 cent.. grnit>'Ticket. and Excursion Ticket. st ro- duced raes cmn b. procured M' the POST OFFICE. BORCAYGEON, and on the boat. gWArraenmIte cmnlb. made 'with the Oapt. for muin as point. on the. Lake for grzain. Arrangements au e .made on ver>' favorable terna for Excursions of fro. 100 Io 200 personh on regular 0'~ ofbhboa. S+oeSeoeetar 1785-U1 M. LAIE, Captain. NORLAND. House of Ail Nations for Blood. Have becu tirougi lie=fre'lut uaw for bloc&. The BARGAINS I Tiat were«varoffered iu the City et Nqorlani. Seo- lu>' in behlevlng. corne ad sa»& L rt m m» UCh Plissure ta shcwbtg gooda, if «oi>'tashow aMd oam- per plo. Na doubt jon Will vonder WvI 1 i l ciscp?1 Simpi>' beame I dem>' avun buaine, bu>' rigit bnv for cash, sali for cas, have isAi profile Mmd quiok retumn, vhlch keepae expenc bn, Mmd mv_,cuatSuiteres p lie benefit. Use ecanont> sud have bood by couungta CARL'S. And sSlf youdont bebotter ofe a b ard' tintes. " kfora oiraiOSRIK VETýý11'Sboatsor rnaufect.ur d Den'i oewt i dceo ccut o a buyI-g apui fm 5.T DIIY 000DB, GROCERIES, BOOTS ÂAND SHOIS, READY. RtADE CLOTHING, GlENTS' FURNISHINGS, CBOCKERY, TINWARE% GLASSWARE5g3I IrMIMBLNETiASEILTd HAfi Mmd BONN tS 1mmisd on short nodS, cicaper tte ssCe& l sa prisas.Ton athsa. lrm produce klaknlx- chane Trust la dcad, gaictn 0e di A. B. H. CARL, GJ.. HOYLE, OAI<NHIITGN. et et Advértibe in Tite t; VICTOURIA ROAD, la prepar.d 10 sutio> FURNITURE ANI) UNDE11TAFING Inlu et! 'i rsî,ches. A fuV'b b py ai. ibw,' .iail tîntes. avinîr now coniplettd My fi t"1,2E 1ar preîýared to supp>' undertaking In eu t . bràuches. f uil suppiy ut 1- rLiture îlways on hawl. Pi.ture freunel, -Kdont as usual. MARBLE WOh"KSa R. CHA-MBERS» murond1ncoutr wtb MNII1TB and fiIAD. EsUztintprarnptly givZon &E 1~klndi. ot aoinotery work. Marbie Table Topii, Waah lbp.. anUi ei.t et a ~'?irlacticai workan a&U .houiùu ,t& iiia de- .ta nd mm ompare price. befor- purbhetl'r &.e. WORKS. In rezýr ut the m, kei. ou.Cawi,idge St., oppoolte matthewa p.ackxng hou».. - IROBT. (CRABEBflS. The (Janadian Office & Sehool Furniture Co., Limited. PRB18TOâ', - ONTARIO Succs e Wa la.Stahiachmtldl 31Ca, mmAulacturers o Office, School. Church, and Lrdge Furniture. The "PuurxCT 'm ArTOsATIO" Scbool Dssk lTe latet and best àAW rded .Ibme ld Medai at ite JaMaica Exhibition. The Seboci Deg!is of this Compauy caî.î.ot be excOled for Strangth, Besut>' af Designi, Adapt&bllit3' sud ontiart to the Sclualar. Seud for ci culars. /du1 b' UAIÛEb Li-î:Tl-àlý. i .891 e," to 1

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