Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1891, p. 8

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's 'Cou ws mes%~ Meap ar W o» peMi s OpIa 5 bej mteuludfaiblel i Wlu, w iaPMU eBAU cf tlé 41 E?~'Mhnuê,-moaCo., whi holM *àil O Ip luces Lilansa. M.mdsy etemlng Osi. 191b.-«"Ths G011lbe. W*etsa of th but; lbsy aren ipson igbW u s if tb» ois aotma-P.libseto, 40m"), Exanme." "Ta.gmatIsolesge aêless hore lust nlghllb.hame alwsy l l.s b5i,-BdtpvII'e(14l ots maUS.n Ouumx Powla -A geal lè abos svl wialli'O ite"0V onszblt~o"et Mv. Eauilou'a iop t¶vemt b sow resu. The propvlstoue, Meue.. stemeMsd urK#,y hvre ,oL.i lb. ugt of maudia tluau alauit l Hna eemty, but lliAlava sauS sud isi aioftUtey, sud ame sirs laeof dlposMg of l14s ume. Tbe maob"t' ms utongo durable, "iIy opîiragtàd, Wu&' lhuat ileitisse, s&M4alà th ploop $ 7.60> le vithin the l!eh cfo.YW. 1111- "'-",Iptlturi Ms slqlug A; theSimpuonlion@@, sud weld hé pieu.- bd te negotiete vith pu"llsWhoMamy b. dtlgtcu et tâklag bold ai the bualmees Ttei, Klanhabve ather valushie patente lor sale ls Otud.-4.1. Ouî.-We re»r»t te anoanse tb. deaitu>ci Bir.Oerçg sBisk af Eobeayeun, wlhoavoàit cotok issu on Bunday morcnu« lat. Mr. BIek vae au al idrs- douét ai VeruIAm, eo01« oui ta thie oOuo*tr v in U487, aettlula thel.township of Vtivuivm.. in ihich townshipho baIse stuce rausided, during vhlsh lime ho 1114 lbe elfflon not<qvnblp cleriafor tom lime au 1 atterv trds shat ai rosis. eurt Ledlor.e uutidvtud. vie the ocsu ofa dsiah, haet.e"pd by asu iekofkaegrlps wl-.ho lLài tira yeeru aco from he edw fio iwhiah hs uoyer folli resoversi Kv. Biok Issuus a grownn qIfally ot tva sous *ad on# daugbier à ofai îom aie of.rtably mettled la lite Thé. fumerai ou Taesay vus iagely attsudsd. lio eSs ior COusu Yu-The Cheem. Board met &ain to.da sud a&g aa over 12,000 boxe@ cf ertmber and ostober oeese were bourde . Agalu, toc, the Boa:d adji .rned vithout making amy sales. Offert ofi-91o ve refuued. TAre wek e u hobapi f, femi 10.for Bep. lima uer sud 10o. for Ootober, but lible vas usfo-id sud .icsIthen the mims prise bu nsor been îemobed. Therewu se.- elderable lesur malftstd Iaysome aiflie seleesmeo to-day abat a mislake -budtbsen mad a in net aoopting thubs of aihies vooeaga. Seolnofthobnsvers voihng ta taie 10« for tbsir sheui to-day, but tbeb hahs.t h. bupera vouli giv u "es, vbinhI Mr. Cook ofsèrsd for 5,000 boit,@.'The Board sdjourued foi Ivo woek.-Poeorbcoo lwlev, Tuesday, Oct, 18. -eL f ,&iiatioSOtyester,Oliaver aoid Sootboravi attenhdd Cobourg sud Pot .pe v1e matches ibis vosia. Ia on% meteti et Oobaourg Mousr. Oliver, W-11ý.îngor P.114 Sylvester vesfult. ther matoa Mr. Sylvester vas second. In AI] four w"ýre in ail matches. It Port Hove ne8rýY es çtood s shovinq vu mode bi' h-1tpv i'mf¶'ir 'it ont asu wc galaeproie. ...... %lllsmooa, Sinclair, Byl. vertvr eriý1Oliver atslinderi tbfiPetoiboro rifle mteohi on Tbursdiby lait wveki. ~ W l '2Iiclwon fit, on@ Ilird pr!t. f. 805-st iuer von filuetextr# sorvis Ind r, t a aothe-r. Mr. Oliver wm etnu ewuzna and blgh plate. la othor mr,1,o<ýs. Mr. Sinclair aise aoud ig in l Y ý1. 0. A. Nort.-Tbe Men'a meeting on 3nn(làj édsîrîon nu i ii houad- d r ý;id ilti "-f - M. Letgh, a former mens ber weil-.klown te many la tovu. -Ail loti . g mii .a 0.luved ...... The BiUl. elamfiseu i au uitir4l on Tbursiay at 8 p iii , and Se.trday ut 4 p.m ...The annueal bUA11osno Meeting Oai us Aesocla- lieo amqL on Tueshsy svsmlng last. Mr. W. Flavelii, viae presidomi, couplad the r'hbIr. The. importe ai thse geui oei,,r3try vItreamrer t ous ands sAnpued. VThaelectoof a apreeldent sud freetors wuathon oalled for. Dr. W, 1 *deut. Tbe lulowag, on a ballot beiug takpn we>e .iictsd ase drectoîu for the oovu'ng vesr: Rou. W. moCarn, R IKen. 1011,1 F. Mcl3avoî, Wm. FlavIeil, J. F. Htrvtngton, G. E. Broderlek, E3. A. ,01tale tainuLtl .bpdia Conti-mau viii make an eampis 1a sn. ai hAm. la re.leving tho elanisi .gnes. tatouI or ae0sothhe». faste. Are mol scaudal mneru sd PgOus lupatabiv lbud themaeorWTbos vhs Iinuîe th at Mr. HouW.vue a lti, mre, teai ohanese laons,% tlomi the adles thome vbo omet a beia" a *uaspiclon on hi. moral puvity vllh voonu ae, ln.ty. ineanehAmi te se, cutber beusaofmou vbose Ieo a pure vamen or woibot b u uuprae.ues *oui b. ibookibag ta mdoaqè' Sty s 9f vameatbey aie ureater s sa tn- *ourtuoî Along déi as urk.vy jal nighlai e ossgAt u" itan a« bonoa'al. mu àMt goeti*sm broui dap#Igit tbfbvabà4 CASE Ora AN. V SUN DOir1," Ax TUA? ERaa" OumyT 0Fr% COD IMR CIL WlTH Hyuoteosphites of Lime à Soda 19 OTHNG NUSX3AL. Tis FEAT IAS B=N PhKPORMUD OVEIt AND OVER AGAIN. 'PALATAUXE AS MILL EN- DOP.SD 13Y PHYSiIANS. SCaTT'S. EXULSîOr4 là FUT UP ONLY IN SALUMt C01AR RAàPimi. Sai.> »Y ALL DiEUG- USS AT tAND B1 Zw*0l0 Two LaDy uoéimu antd, enquie et T»i WA»Isaoses, '-4Ut Ax OL» PlionuitOm.-On Saturday moring âMac. ChurlotteIs 141<, rolot of $h late.Pianote Logis, died sudd.nly st the uoiei of ber sono Mr. George Iacis. lin. Iogle bad 1usd in canada fo *s .ru tw u yeg bl of hiob vrdt e ns .Lnds sud nus jetly b. sls~ a 0or e * Iesarlv plansse. The ferlon Tué.dai vu Ulsrg.l atsnhed. QWoE Wog.-'Nlno day.go the waîks st Pîank Con.on'@ lime kil. voe d.stvoyed bp f0». On Wodueedav ibie vseb . henewsbodu sud bridge@ vern tomploes'"isd thé.large kilos voesItu]fal bIsa. Thé vork vas -dans under the direction of Wmn. Soriber of Hamilton, wiSAI John Murray as u frmn, sni Muers. William iclholson, J. Olsstalc, Juba Merebail, sud fifte.a othere muiet. top. The. mon are good vorkeis. REPOaT CONTRI>OD. -It bslug sur. renudy îsported l.the Igbborbood af Litil. Brttalu, ibat thé Item publibed abus. vse & go la Tîtz Wàqzaî, lu tsf swsnoe tote ibyld of sahs ce laver ased obtained by Tlhomas H. Wallis, vas iu correct, the toilovlng communicaotion fromt Mr. Wallis lit a uffiissa Dwer. "BD>. Ws.za"-Yonwoe quit. correct &boutmyn aluixe. The Booper Brou. threeh.d for me over 100 buoeaifliii lover ced lu about 8 boni.. -T. H. BISHor FowLaa, of San Fîsnoimoo, luaa Mau of gisSpromimece in the United Siates, ad sutemntroanMains@0Omait forais. The get ooncal oaIils ablest and muât rumnent wo&bOdlati in the woI, inclodine mon froua EngI'<nd, Ocotlaud, Iîeiland, Canada sud tfifa United Statue, whlhh Oi bas us% i.en la Waehlugton, D.C., vas addressed ibis weck by B:sop Fouler sud bt themt vws mosalypreened. Ht& «rosi iuttre on "&8tme J.>eblemo of tIbo Twoti tetb Coenuiy" .-l e ni1tab. on@ ai bis haes efforte sud t doliver in luthe Asgembly naiTauey ayvenîng, Oc& 20th, le nov the toplo of conVersation la the tain. Bsmures sud go sud hier 13iqbnP Fovicr of San Friaieo.-4 1. BtinD Boô?tz.-FPrn the Torontn Empire of (»!; 18:-"Laot evoclns Blind Bonnes a ens f he lumîtbiepreforinanoos tast n ght in the Auditorium. To sa.y that Blind Boune iu a wonder woulp not be doing Lhe rost artist juatice. Ho La vast.ly auperior te Êlind rom. Tho audience githered last nlght vers fot drawn thr t ehur tomre brilliant oration or operatia iner traiiied by the master. and the mhools, but ta liRten te Bind Beau., the untutnrsd product of nature, wliose seul taebu a.fiUs4 te <vrfu- ing with vrmslo sud floOdV, and wth such vonderfui acuteness of l.erception and mem- ory ai te ho ahie at otce, wthont .tudyogr tra * ±g, to reààdtsr aouuritely the atout.diM. cuit and the mont intricate compositions cf the great matare of .music. Its jut sau a weli.known muiolan sald lait night ai ter the performance, "Weil, h. le a wondsr. aud te, approelat. fuse musc le te hear Boone."1 Ho was assiited by the favorite vocaliat, Mina Stua May, who made her first appear. ance in Toronansd oested a very favorable Impression , Itmight -b. meutloned that te her hlm pa y .aoh soleotionsasa "Suwannee River" <wth variations), sud th. 'aid aid souge are vel vorth tihe priac f adrnIeefon." -The clergy and lovera of seme'êhing refuse and moral shouid flot mies the performncue ci the Bind Boone Ce'y stIbfos Opere Houes .Wsdaidayi OoI 9lst. Tins levs alvays do.. îl but. Kauven U s hev pris l viiappoar ta nezt weekla WiaDEE, "Thankitving Dal" vili b. on Thuu.da, Noyomber 12t, 1891. Se@ nctice re Opa court ai revialon ou elghtb Page et tht. Ise. Mr. Joseph Stapleâ of Victoria Rosi apeut Nomdoy lu town un baise.. Mr. Clark Stapies, principal af Cabocank échoole, vau lutain on saturday. chamois "aki ponges. tinsses. ahouldei bisoui, *te., at Bllubotham&s-8.4. M des I Uma i t UIMM1 -o.l. bu« « d any Ti n WWS IIétst fMimdp0 asjWIlt@sameimse. mai4 l BuIsthle in g Ns.amseta -e' a - Ca - ltes. i JiiaheV. Zr- Ut. i4 'il ekiofflaUproest,~antus iMiai is nosirouNv. ad e is T MA.milaer Tb@ Ciélé Dw nuee&bo t lias sali .aore.mi 51. optf elin.cadno pgasn But1, By ofv. X i. Lagon vby- Mileuaofa re5tsll. A sliv 0alticu. ame Voti te Na. si h rs e lau fyel- gnue w 13.otho fros i mbrh tpos eoslad. bave gsontrlai olsmnubr bout iebtOsuaa Meunrod s Cailcboy, cfIai, n@cf mduemai butcnelEt s iltA..ly o o wool n ci, lao rle, Ecuroa iKtrof 67ibo mul ai visii tloemo§. hei pho Snrata et180 bu.al. EThe vtbivagf as ildsu oni gesan a elult marBnllisOsisav amito tringfonriais. Rooe' vor bo utbamd Tlis u aId Ujdor by, mi ane80of Lasiesy' lecue etisaeig nte unér Gecige t Garcbam jo aipssii y bc Où vcp rom sieven Cacres bo ai jei ai 6thebagi r.i Ji amlalet7.i ss0. iisis o estimaIet thé Roor Bou On Win .siualy rlatar emeit, W. Sialaisol f etouaIf Vutnovthon te bail.o bthegntubfoaricl evvtekart'1rSmg Thsy ave a geai try par ty ai in feieu RWem ebs iahssgnei ofChaie. Lean eturne tsnuvening, aise Qur Tsereet sparoetentCairtho tI). ea bi the got. o. Oepbr aI 780. Sie naturelctlo a thele or.kInomd etbth Nalarile gutterba gilire la tlis et 1ing Ilr i.rr equlytruôc., th m t ai iaiarapa»d tinsay et 7o.»bei Iwyn enu bormre ai theay gsnlo iteu fin per' Saris t elthe Salo l osagu.aifalge. beg er. ion alroheuitono ise nsppatesIube grith aodie ha istresethe ari acr Ast trvile o!theY.vavk Inion s u iNt ebe Duvnipuns buttr ciferl lu Oslu t .a lare Phoir P..'frry semusc.-OtthiCtbie. u LindmW. aiuof Torontovis k,5vsiterea aitoba aaota ose abisueson Thr Loga.andoer oisHef Lindamibaint auv âdne rellvor is oaidreis ahtulverBo. Mr.y Logan l isetY. M.o.A. o r n ou*mbof Domioawn uoubm, s% lu er a Rmv.W. Lois ofiToront, auenvst sdit For ion. frisuds. . go.. mmxlidak io Logmatha iuatheofr isiamsand r. ahneu U hr@ fo his e re.etOn bi egrlv.n Mr.te Loanvii oed av tmatr uenn.ocf Tinw'm besof coroto. Mis. Tbepo i arent., om&I a rd. soiateor ovlbredlaiMu sd Mis V'front Woséblo apaou. mrpea pntrig boue stn thei i i s. ila.su ad Mu. sud bote. Wàrry.W. egrth et xcedorruimo blmiecuev h sud utuaSiedeut ueore Niw@ ruifToono n et.kofEdn w051 ohr oalloue lumpestsdbemmIahes iiom thîme, beoors. oneiluta, rin oue. h tovnsh. onuties, pina, sors ami solait wohk, th eubu et. uem0b e of uans. (bille. Wavd) ofute nibe andeRo ode blemsb e ism i k uavu. siby E. On Mr. WsiDrim R en u etbockof Evle vi ts*issal rta-ake teans bhieioef tcvniwebtp. of 21d&cru ofaiend. Tcisi week, tise pbande anoS 5busheLar Mu. Willmames . tLs10.an r c Deneille4 lias., more thon If hoha bi sxtovi. W@ congiiuistecaur geai couistiivefriemi on Ie ouneu. -O ----.-fIlfi u imi at Pla besa bepe l pleui shea t 1» oui iepntmfreletrar a Winds , dmum iseI nus Kr M. aS. B 1.dasI, b&î sei litu ke. Cisike us bisMe s ue Whe.sIl. sl1CX lmo a i rm. Cutiotip ami="t thi a auue by lbthe oue. mim ai si deeblsilSa Imm >, ma o-Uau Sow eveywbw.e.Pr»a, ourama, Ise.;cAP s. Eueoavn81.1O.VUIM4 y b te Pà 60 lUaataalimm, mMd 10MIslMa'dais. SNo Bheuimatiz about Me! la mesa mante fe 1Outsuws Amit.14l5 PIMastarelives ibs- mmu miuastushi 1do .musse. Rosi Mr. B. 0., Johnoas dvsrtluj ment suent twpor h oiss.. mi"e Ly8s MePudyeâ of Mouilla, bu cou@ toatstend Ca ihgh oIlIOL 1 Undertabe ta prove thât %hmrsfa o hall aui every meou mm on sarth Viiitbwov np hme bat. Iseoranes agent R. C0of ai aflh, vus robbed of $173 on W.dnesdy *Tén- ing lui ve.k. go .1ew bas been obsslned aoflths robbsri Mr. C. B. Blaekval sud Mr. ]Engsms Fée, 1,0 allIàtduy's besl jodges, vern tbis îeek vtsvlng Kr. C.. ohuton'a fins baiss etaMamui. Mi. Robertl Elleker leaon«e more "on duy"sriMecnia Station, havts« iully reoov.red trous b llne. Ta remove tb. cesaioflthe ioknu ehosi b. hie uesa effort. Thse umm ho play& the bééss hum itaa dand, al»ape thicke thé m"sto ouli be hetter if h. bai mare ta do. Mr. W. W. Logan yeeteiday delivevsd to Mr. Job'.mson Elle a "a cabsinet grand piano, sud aiea eblppsd amobsi Soa a masomi lu Winnipeg, sua oldan argan ta a fermer la Mui". Mr. Frank Caveau of Corpon'a Bldiog iSlOntly7 uold hi@ two-rowsd bal.,, 400 bouhele, the pioduet of &bout 12 nms of rougeh Bexioly land, eI 54 sent@ psr buehel et 48 lb.. The. @ame quantiti of six voved barley vould brilg anly 85 sente. Boy le Ibat for a Bttisb market. Mo da ,Gostobei l9th.-8Sale oifarum stockland implements on lot 4, commese ion 4, Emilly, thé property ai Mr. Heury' Toole. The ual. viii e tbsvtout ire ai Mr. Toole le glvicg np iermlug. T. A. Mitchell, Anoionoer. Wedassday, Ootober 28.-T. H. IdcLian. Auotlonoesv, iii eeil by &notion on lot là, onseseon 6. Ope, the faim stock sud tIplements et Mvr. Alez Moârthur. Thie al. vii b. vithont roserie os Mi. MoArthur le glvint up larming. Thavaday, Otober 29h.-Bals of cooe boras sti Cnningla, tb. propurty of Mr. Frank Basno, AMI*l. Arhd. Campbel. suotloneei. Thoue vho ha" teettmayealiant for the grippe, Msu soll for thIseough thul ba eou mter 0lias hsss.eif mos»ns urei thereinan qnalUtoKRemp'u Baisamntthé opcifiéfor & la teand lang 4-issassnsd the beet cure for coughe sud acide TheSMOa dois viii couvinoe yen of ilsse *i@ent san AU drugoeteseUsif et 50enuts sad 1 a bois moue&. Moy amWan iontbhe 1M ofNovumber. lbm ubmlbur bf.bave taulbak bW@nuauoui. mm. f«ci lb. Pamagé durug Me. PartYeu rMad aim vabu10amou lié b wM requin Ibh 4osonute by l. bae JIAU esal Mt eléds bai veuv iii b. ulasm )nMMgl b"dfor ouulims 0 zoé i.t$W dbyIlie above da"e W. 0.IOL. Court 0f ReYzMOR. Votera' List of Ops, 2Oth MNOVIMBER Cmurt eow t" 2?wa ea OPpuisse b. lmoi1laalamie r wabo mijetSts e uSai GDG. jy. 06 A:w ::Ibo b" ~p4s ~ uws sIO~*bui;.s ac Nul, mIibme;ame tus ...... *àW'Ubea u . 04Ob"As.I6 A MOU injDuy l l *-~~~o 8» Mt«dteeag.wmuna.Vi w asm dm» fo«suber ~ sMwote u moeomt. Ap*latLat.04,' mul Npan nn..*~**n e sIl ae. V. 03.41K, n.. - .....f.. 4178045LfGU Vop4ViliO F0O.. ont. Etia.. ........... ...~..-sou % 8s e WIaku sd Wrein sm.; -4« ftrmi tegete Wood................. 2 *1.o4*o tw»M lkwM MMU - 1 kpu ...... 0 ....... . .-50Wl t U = YM1 5 G t . IL HOPKINS Xm ek pwbL.... ...... . »00o1O810 Irrl1w tSt, uLIWIy ~ahtue - ,* * * Sotembe' ki, 1801 -O1.-tf ----- 4'Soto ôa God Houa. U, loi for Sae. lie.... .....0. 60 ta 01le UiI5in.115........ .... Î14oesoo e t00 ulrbsi.Gwe1fdUIi~5.55Ageo amed wbtte briek boum, wth khtebm, 1-20 00 t OBAish00 m ne ut nortb of tb. Olhgistsl> ..*.-0 00tO 0 M aflUp a't TmWam o£». or so UE.VVENlD? .-8..S50 tu9 50 Mte.omaibo S4 n Toronto I pIu Tbsou 0O». OcLt. lm30 Y*& ...e........... 092 la 000 ~ ieat......- 0891089 100s...........078 te 081 hds........ .~ 040 te0 a ie.. ........ .. 000 10 000 Pes......... 000 $0 00 Dre.i bW peevt ...........1 50 t1600 Moaeinp h....i.............a046te 00 Duk p lt ............ 00051000 Om» pu a............... 000 ta 000 Toike ...................... 000 te 000 Butitek-rolle.......... 00tOI Daller-tub ........ :: .- -- 0000 0020 Sof,........-- ois le 017 per bag. ., ...... 046 10 056 A ........................a07 to1 50 Tnvulpvov, petr 0....O80 te 0.00 Ça~-a-, per Eam.............. 0 5 t.O se, ois te-011 00 r-wâ%pe e .......... 080 tO040 Pmruleyper daums.... ......... ois le 000 OaVm% pr don .........~ 015 ta 000 uOdY. P« daS................. 040 te ose oaiinse dos................. 015 la 016 'un".buper domeu... ......... 0 wt e- .36 per to..... ..... 150 t10id50e 8trvaeh........... Io10005 Vciaerb..........000 te 0001 Toronto CatleMarket; 0allis-xporkj 0 Io. md up. 0t ,& W " a. s ke uM d i e r ... 08 5 0 a xaamdBull ... ..~ 800 400 Butbeu'oole paki pt b850 8765 44 boliepert....$00 825 pe 16................. 260 275 perh« .......8U00 5000 isep.-ftprl .................. 400 500 "rospar lb ........ I0J 00 Buldima', pead &........ 375 450 lamba-Per huai................I % 80 kpvIS........... 0050 d C ams-Pmrbed, gccditoc :lo... 6 00 700 Oonmou.............. 190 800 Touchburn &Preston, GRAIN AND PRODUCE M ERCHÂNTS89 AII Mgbee mare iet p"l f=rograin alkimmdaa 11 3. PammyO. Notice t. Credutoma ln tise matter of thee gutate of JOHN YeDONALD, <emeaed. Notics e laburby gi u usant le thé proviioni of the Ru fved ltatutea ci Optaro, lm8, ChMat 110, Section 36, It ail &U rdiloru mmd eois havtng clama againat thaie ts of John NoDoald. laise o the Towumbip ofi aripasa. lu ths Oounlycof Vcoria, deasassi, whe died. ou or about thes lita day of Auc. usat, 101, at ths nild Townahlp <of Naipoan ha. brs. by required tc dalver or md by petpeait James Wyllt .Oak'vood. or Henry Vetterf,Maml:a emsoutora ci the»e nuate, oni or betore thes lid; of Novmber 1891, a alatement lu writtlng eofSaisr mamêm adres andi full partleuiars of their dlaims, and lbe nature of a&l .eculiee (If amy) held by thua LA" noliosela fuyrilvum tIbal ter lb. nid tait ditribute liseamuela cfisemd déeosd ameng tRie pasnu mtled thmrto. havlng regard oxlt te th. d a lm f e b ic h » toic oeb a v e b e em i = n a 10 e rquisud. sud thsald Esutoru vI Fno b lumbie e b.aad mslor suy perst threof t'aa peu.. or i wiso v cdim or daims notice i: ulbave been récelved by hè thh1e liais Ea*wmTN& AZDERSON, Daétheais1M 5day of l.Isp.,L-146 Boa" for Service. The Gmadin improvod Tarbubire Ue "COUNT" VU! b. bepi forSarvloedurlm1lbe uon eVU?. ULLO O 38niit OOMor OPEN N'srovi Siv14 11,br"iby Oraby &àObh%> OMiavii.,4 hvarton Ont.;iv.Er 11. damL tlmp.) Gounlen% e mmaHol" vuiVs imP.) 1 611,1 OL-81, to be paIidait o servmice. UNION BRtAND COAL OUI Wiaitslg ilema paur sternUm. le 511e aboie biani et ~ A A. ~ k ~~U' I a~uj,.a.ci "'~'~' I EO PLIES', OPULAR 0ON E WAIV ARTIES TO Toi g. LiifIV10Y Oct. :28 Nov. 4-18 Dec. 2-16-30 MIAUS Tog ADATMIFv olitt Atteqqdarjt& rogrqu Rapld rI« ,Low Utetyof Roore LuiIOUL Mou PROM A SSI? s TUE OompAUY THOI . (.MATOHETT, A&"nt C. P. IL, 91 Kent St.. Lindaty. oppomse Di" noua. 17674y iiicENS3ES.1 T. BEA LL, L INDSA Y$ BURRAU FOR W@ Et MURPHY BAKER AND GATERER.' Haviug securad 1the services of an excellent Nev York pmtybake'r, 1 am nov ready to supplythe c=isocf Lindsay with a Üret- CAKE S and PÂSTIRY cf the. latelt American styles. Charlotte Russes ad Jelies made to ardor. Parties sud auppr su=lo on ehortest notice. Weddlng e8,akeupoaty. W. B. MuR:PHY, 1800-18 Baker sud (Jaterer. AliTH Tii 011 STATION, 1on prspared to ke.p a&Ukiudu of ON BAUD. Shioie, [h & Dîssed lumber, Kouli^ %dS4 ,Doons, Diressed Ploorings Etc. lah"1vblob »U iadi Peterboro or Lindsay Puices. aENt yTOOLE. Omsm. J UIF 8lb, ZSS-. Go A. Metlierelltij 1891. epaaùzg of ïchoolsg For S",ool Books., School BEqui- ite%, Publiahs r u, go to G. A. METHEREL.L'8 loi u i IhauSuDM Se Pot o Mip el isa,1 ram oFI Umule -"-I A Pull ~u.t h. hIE. -o *~7AUL of ighana DOL* BOOKS 0 n au. 1 To Farmer. iffcDonell & COWdry an. nov piepared ta bny st the yýt aWrehouse mer oa tîl Bridge Wheut, Ba.rley, Peas, Oitts K.ed miiid Alsike Cicaver, OU81 patd st the Utor.b.'ni lmay. f&PL.11. 1IWO 47-4.11 Q~.LETTOI PURE POWDERED "9O4o PURE8T, STRONCEST, DEST. f-1 ryf ,gint1týFor ?r-akig % Soit by Ail Grce's and Jbruglt In operatioLu the vear round, Highest price paid in Cash for WOOI. 2 CENTS EXTRA WHEN TRADED, FULL CLOTH9 TWEEDS, FLÂNNELS, Etc. FOR SALE. %VALLiCE & MI. Lindaay. Suiv 8th, 1891 - 1790tL foi THÎ PICfIC lK A serie of anc way excursion partià ic~ Vancouver and other Pacifie Cuo.a 1 wiùl bave an the following date October 7, 21,4 Novembt-r 4, 18," 1 ecember 2, 1,~ Each party will be personally conducI sud no effort wili be spjared to mske tLý trip pleaaant and enjoyable. lroi every inlormatlon aPPlY ta P. C. TAYVLOR. Ticket Atrent.Ex J f018 SHILOUS CONSU M PTON CURE. Tise Success of this Great Cough Cume i vitiscut a para]lel in the history of Medicine, Anl druggists are authorized ta seli it on a P(*. itive guarautee, a test that no other cure can -luc- cessfnly stand. That it rnay become knewui tise Proprietars, at an enorinous expense, ge, piacinga Samp1 Bottle Free into everY hule' m theUntdtates and Canada. If ycu 1V a Cougis, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis ,uze it, for' if vili cure yau. If your child bas the CrUP. is sr.I you dread that in4.dioflidIsease Cousuimption, use it. Ask your Diug9it SHILOH'S CURE, Price lao ctsZ., 5')cts. Z Si .oo. If your Lungs are sore or r-cklai use Shiloh's Poraus Plaster, Price --D'ci' 1768-" Kowlson Bros. Real Estate, Insurance aDd Financial Agents. $5750 viil buy two storey 801id brick Ilve tenemeut tersue reahlzn.-e ranI per annum, situatod ini ceutre Lown. A gooi investmnent. $4000 w ill purcha8e one of the fi)"~ ost rosidencos Iu Norths Wardt with t1wo aresof limad. $1700 viii buy 1i etoirey brick dwdlllug mahadditions, oonvenienlY gi nated la Nerth Ward. $12P0 vill buy either of twobC hv5illings, 8 sud 9 reome, in Suth WX $850 wili buy brick Cottwe Sonth Warh, lve minutes "ak froll O' W. buve for sale sud to enou.ldbnkrk ,mncered sud freedweliings aid V5CSI1 lotsin laartsof thse tewn, ut pric" ternit stu se wsuts of any iltitfding Pa> obamsi. Cal sund Se.oOur liai'. INSURANCE wonersn evrlc b.irI0~ IMA sud AmEenIsrne 55~ XNOWIJNB~ IROBT. Irouc»Ulx 1 mbM, CW% Oh. WL- «ffl 1893,8

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