Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1891, p. 7

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y ifu 8ww «A»ON ON THECO ANSU NuUU 0<!w. Mdl Oreeh ffluSumc wb » bo a part et the Dible, . genou qb*opiw Uvua7aIu i«def et "M s.i *1kt- "urneWhoe Uinle frome c . Gtu BuWOLrN Oct. 1.-AMM& thé .V&#A-te dine..whlok orowd th.eBrooklyn Tabuer macle at every servios are largoenwars'cof Young mentnaîîy af wbom are tboolegtec ikadeuts. Dr. Talaî'a' sermon th mornlng lied a apeolal intereat for thèe. At thhuls ime when no rnany are givlng %# th. Bib., or holding th. trut.h leus Bro1j than before, th. eoqunt preaclie1pt Musuli on record s clearly and :4obl tlaý no crie who hoard bhen oould have m 4ogbt as tç, hie attitude. mla ltt am I Swauel xxiiî, 10, "And bis band clave unto À rî.. ' etra .1lCtg David wu lin. opeed atti ag inathl, and lit trooperetreatel. 'rime uowards lied. Mea- sar andi throe iof hie cunades wcnt lie tithe battie adsud t athe field, for fourmm vIi (laUd aon timir aide are stronger limat a wliole battlmmm rith (lad agaiut thein. ',Psulba:k!- hmatcdthe cominander of the Pimihtie armny. l'he cry ran along thé bocat, t"Fe acak !' Eleazr aving cwept th. field throwmi himmeif on the g round toi rut, but the intueles and inewaaof hie bland liedbeen tic long Imnt arannd the hilt cf Unm mword thai. the bih wu senbedclud in lth. lln, and them gcmidwir, ;aU the Milt haî broketn Umroliglm lie skin of tht palm of the band, ansim e mormid ua drap bis sword whloh h. hart n gllantly wielded. "Hie band ulavn tmita tte iwrd." That in what 1 cail iagnilcmmt fim1tiig for Lbe Lord God a1i rael. Anmd rw wmt more of it. I pro- pose ta show vc;u tiis marimg how Eheazr t.ok hold of tie >tword azid how the mword teck hoid of lei:zar. I look at Fleasr'. band, and 1 coitme to the conclusion that ho teckr thé sword withs very tight riî ~hcowards n ho thon lad no trouble ln tcppinig their swordm. As hey fly aver lb. rocks I heur their cwcrds olangiug iu overy direction. Itl i asy enough for them ê drap thoir sword. But Eloaae an' lad Xave unta the sword. Oh, my friemids, lu this Chistian conflait we wamt a tiglitergrîp cf the gospel w«.- pont, a tiglimer graep cf th. two-éded. sword of the Irmtli. It makes me sud te nos tiene (Jristitpian pple who ld anly a prt of the triith =(d let the rutI cf 1he .th go, so that thu Philistines, seeiug the hcndgraap, wrench the wholc sWord à,ay from them. The anly safe hing for iusto do la to put aur Lhuiub on the book of Geuesin and swecp aur hand around th. book until the New Testament comeées mb thie palm, and keep on sweepinmZ our haad arou iid the baok util the ips of the fingers aiutdh utthLe words, "lu lbhebeginnina (iod ortated the heaveus and the earth." i k. an mfidel a gremt deml better than I do oui et LIeue namnbLy-paiiiby Chrîstians who bold a part of the truth anîd let the met go. By miracle (lad preaervcd this Bible juat as Il in, and it la a I aiaacus blade. The seversât E twhiah a swcrd can b. put ln a sword Êtolr>y iii ta wirid the blade &round a gun rrel lke a rlbbon. and then wheu the sword la let loase I fliles »batik to ils own ahalie. So the mord of (iad'a tnuth hau beeifrlly tested, and 4t ln bînt this way' and that way, and wauud Ibis way anu timt way, but iL siwavs cames back ta is owiî shape. Thiuk cil iti1 A book writ. lin tigliteen oenturios egoan sd mno01il thousande of years egoa sudyet lue our lime thre averagu sale of t lût book la mocre than twemm ty thiousai dcopies every week, sud mare then a million eopies a year. 1say aoW that a book whioh rm diviuely ivispired and diviincly kept and diviiiely soattered ia Swaoworth holding a tight grip of. ilh>Ci o will coin* alang and try ta wrech mîtai our hand the ffvbooks af Mossa ild stranas will came sbong and try, to wrench out cf yaur baud the mniracles, and Renan will corne along and îry ta wrench out of your hand the enlîr Il oe f the Lord .1eaus Christ, and yaur asaciate, in the store, or the shop, an the facory, or the bamkimmg bouse will tg 'ta wrcuch cul of yeur baud the entire Bibie; but lu tb. atrength of the Lord God of Israel, and with Ileazer'a grip, hold ou ta iL. You ;]imp tbo Bible, you gqive up any part of et,,alud you give Up pardon end posoe sud hi.end beaven. TRE NOTHINGARTANSS ORNE». 1 see Iiimidred8, îerhaps t auanda, of yaung umen l intii. audience. Do ual bu aahaned, youug man, ta havi 1h. world * now trait you are a frieud cf lh. Bible. This book la tb. friend af a&l that la goed aid it lm Lb. awaru eucmy of ail that la d.Amn cioquent wrlter receutly givus a eident af a very bsd nian who ateod in ~eoeil of a western prison. This criminel adgoue throrrgh a&U styles af crime, and h ewus there wsiting for the galloa. Thé conviet standing there at the wludow cf *eoeilt bis wrîter ceys, I"looked out sud. Il mn 'Iarn u ldel.' HiealdthéIt te ail h. mon and wen and ohildrs wbo happened ta b. gethered tIgre, «I am 1 §ufdel,"'id lbe iloqueut writer MM 'veyman sand womaa thIbél v hlm."I And the wrler g£osé on ta »y l'If lie bad astood tirers My ing, I marnehr tia,' every uan aid w9man Weald bave --àd,à'it la.a. -0"'tThl. 11Bi.le.la,1ime I~.and in Jmm C>wstM.d i he Il C.îoli drc anmdin5 lÎoemminItd bitilits, aud la th. 111. evelastlm. AIneugm -()!), when IIseoeE1eawpartoktu ÎmI*6 Om i -of Lb. cwor t b. bMattma l or riglitooxmnec,*ome t4 = .ýi looma t EleAnr'ehand I . Rîitit ai self forefkem .mcetîItbe d l'et know à b im Au, ho eend u ofti& m~ c.;toerk66% in aâf.1vIiiM4y- atvoh" b s, w blu' w»W tha muet "t tg 1atuMOIed, i thqverebouî~pegt ~ à telie aur ,~i0Iat * lbv~ leqboloeethe "No, ~7~~easUmuiés. Re ta othat table - M Aviella vasbrought ta .land bs nid "1o«oX twonk aiI be. e -'-"jfalymiutes, dur1 apea mof mpton,b.m au: amuleffumodroppeaa naoewlile lie played came aveel lune. 0h, la il ual siramuge lIat Itvll le muie aofl. GthePl r of Jeene Christ and villi Ils grqad merch et the aleh" militent on ltre wsy ta bu- cornethb.oliurolitrxmnpbant, vo cannel for- gel oursoiesuand forgot ail paug and al aorrow Maui periecuticu and il perturba- Tm MUrq»umàzo01ou mora lm. W. kuow vlat mon accampilli aider werldly apposition. Menou doa rink badli for antagouammor for iard*hlp. Yau have admired Pruoa' "CauquLest 91 Mealco," sbrillAimîaand beautlful a lister7 as vas ever witîeu; bal one cf yoa e net kmev aider whal disad'vaatageai vas writt.n-that "Canquemt ai Moico,'" -on Prett wvas totaUy blind, anal lie led Ivo pieces of wood parallel to a ecl aller iaatenud, anal lotaliy bliud, villi lispe belveen those pièces ai voadho vraIe, Tie stroke againat one pièce ai voal llng boy fer lb. peu muaI ga in one vey, tle stroke egeat Lire athen piece ai vaod tellung iow W erb peu muat go lu tl. otber way. Oh, liov mach mon viii endure for vanidiy knowledge anal far warldiy ucceos, and yet boy litIle ve venture for Jesus Christ. Hov many Chistian& thorerem thel g enaaid uaying1, "Oh, My lbond, My bnal my hurt bamd; da' you se. thore la lii< on th. baudl, aud thers ina ioad an the svord?' vhIle Eleazen, vitI the hlut imbeal. dea in tbe flash cf bis ight lanal, dans mot knov lb. Mast I b. aarrlad ta Lh. skies Ou fiawery boda af oaa, Wbill. thers faught ta vl'u lb. prise Or alled Ibrough bloody mumt Wimal have vo cuffoesainla ompariaon vIi t ra,. vIa expireal vitI aufoîiau, or were lunneal, on ere oliopeal apièce s for tlie lruLl's sake? - W. taikof the pen. aeout.lou ai olden limes. Thon. la jus sas mach persecutian gaing ouncv lui vaniaus veys. Iu 1849, in Medeacar, eighteen men ver. put la deatir for Chrit'. ceke. They were ta b. urleal aven the rocks, and before tbey vere hunleal aven tle rocks, lu order ta makethein daeth th. mare pain- fui in auticipation, 11.7 vere put in bas- kets and swuug ta anal ira aven tle preci- pte that île7 migîl ose 1ev maun' hun- dreal font tley would lave ta le'dashea down, aud ville they veno swinglug in thès. baskets oven the rocks tbey sang:- Jemua, lover aofrny ucul, LoeiaThy bosarnfly, Wbile the bilavas nean me rail, Whilo the tempesl stilla blgh. Thon lhe o n ir "dsed ddW-*-4.Ih i Oh, hav muai aImers bave eudured far- Christ, sud hcw lutIle ve endure for Chistiî W. vent ta ride la heeven lu e Pullman sleeping car, aur tet ousait plual, the led male up early sa vo casloop a&U îhe way, the black porter of death la yake us up only iu hure la enter the golden city.We vaut al l e surgeons la ix aur lanal Up. Let thern brng ou all e lint, and all e bandages, snd &Ili the.salve, far aur Isal lan hurt, wbile Ebeazar alcea net know bis banal la hurt ,"Haolad clave unto thle sword." As I blookIetEleazar's baud T carne la tle concluaion thathbulasdoue n great deal ai liard hittlug. T am ual surpriscal wlen I ose. thet thes. four mea-Eleazer sud lis tbree cmarnaiou.-drave lack the army ai Philistines that EI.azer's sword day. ta bis bond, fan eveny lime lhe struckai %unm vth oeenezd ofi lie uvord tb. other end Ît hIe mvord vcluuded hlm. Whou lho tok olola f the aword 1h. avard bal liolal of hlm. Oh, ve bave lourd aun enmvi caunol bu cooquerud by rose vater anal sotit speeches. Il il etbu sharp strok. and1 atrIg h lIa. Thîre la ruteniperaice,1 mnd Îhere la franal, andal lIe. lambling, &ad thers in luit, and lIenare nteenllio-i snd baltaliona ef iulquily, armid Pilis.- line inlqitly. Hov an.they «ta bu aaptured1 and oveithrovnT 8.11 sermonssina moroco es .laid dovn in frnIofainaiexquisillc audene will tdo iL. Youlhave got tea Sili tiuga by their igît namea. ImMA" IYR UE»OFAN AWAKZNG.1 ýWeliaveSot te .apel trom ou chancies1 Cho oMh é tm ieull.macramt. cm Bai-0 dyeuddevour viacys' lieuse-s milthe1 vee. We hae, got to stop er i ndigne-z lien igenai lthe mltites aid th. JebusilecI and fie Gergiaiies, sud let Ilic.Pomr a vnildbes go, sud applycaur lad<gnâtuall.telu lb. modem tnaaït'ere aiona vhltei 1» diaggedouti sud dam. imhu em. Nendiliere. Jezebli hers. TIe usasa-r on. et thi mats ber&. SIrlke for Gked se - ol - - - e Irm-a.wug 1U îý doeYou pu chiaI oud Maiama0tohe o«êpet »W laspraye nîetlug, orecsa- do ýPulpirlà eti roasa wbel, hherela mm omto%ècamforted, andAà la 'the m e ld rIn tabla ivoice. ;jd b. u a d sof and-- pu. id hJrist Md beave& masbMnd bac a bngclutoliod, lb. aword lu Chriatian confluIie canenol drap I."Ml iUd claveuto lbe award&" Oh, if timr.ver wau any orne who lied a rlgblto relire froin lie aoufll'mýt 1r ia auid :&sbu&. Soldier. cme bacli from, bath.e bave the naines ai b. batimlen ouleir gaga, ebowlug Who"e ibey dcallugued thein- celvs, id liaa vry appropriaI.iarp lion. Look at th. flag a ofcii Gemenal .Joehuaa on it Jericmo, Gibson, Hamar Ciy of Ai, and inmîead of the. stars sprlnkled onuthb. kg the'-*un and Ilie mcci vimicli slood atllL Thire b. la, one bai. droidsndteoyelaralOU Ne lslIylug ataon ii baoî but lie la reachlug. His dying verds are a beIlle char e ua idolatry aid a rllyin g cry frorn theardcf Hante as lie maye' Il.ehod, thuaday I go tle ïvsy ai aIl the eartli, and God bath ual failedta falfil bis promise ccuceruwng InraeL' i dyiug hand clave unta the avord. TIen. la lb.eieadlesa body ai Paul on lbe road to Oatee. Hie greal bran and hli great lieart bave bison cevened. Thei.atim. wood rode lied atung hlm fcarnniy. Wbeu 1he corn slip brake up lie sae.&shore, cmgupdreuched with the brine. Evey dymince lIaI day wlen lhe haose reaned umie hlnluth. suburba af Darnasous, as duywbeu be la sixty.eighb yeara ai age sud ol d ddecrepil frcm lthe prnoeiliof the Mamrnle, lie lia been outregeaualy treated, and bie la waitiug to die. How doee le apend lis last haure? Telling the world haw badly le feels, sud describing the rlieumatism lIaI he gallunprisan, Ilie nheurnatism sfficting hbialimbe, or the neuraigia picrcing bis tomplel. an tle tliraI thal levers hli langue ? Oh, Do. Hi. li yards are th: battle about fan Chrisien. dom-III amn now neady to b. affered, and Ithe lime ai umy deparlure in at haud ; I have faught the good figîl." And as bis dyiug baud clave unto the avord. SPIRITS OP Tmi MARTYR". I pi-eel this sermon as a toula. I vaut you ta hold the Inuili vitI ineradicale grip, sud I wan$you tb atrike saoliard lor Goadthht il vill react and white you te the aword, tle qward wilUtae.you. Yen noticed ihat the afficers af the narîli. eru arrny a few yeans a o aaeumbled at Denver, and you ncticed Kt a the cficera cf tire sauth cru army asaernbled aI Lex- ington. Scîdiers carning together are very pt tc recount thoin experieuces and ta sow their scara. Hers is a saldien vho pulls up bie aleeve and aya, '"Thers, I vasi waunded lu lIaI ar," snd shows tle acar. Aud aucther saldier pulls dowu lis côllar, and cae, -Thorn, I wua vaunded lu 1h. neck." .And another saldier maye, I have had no use af Ibat linI ince île gun- sliat fracture." Oh, rny friends, when tle battle cf 111e la over auid the reaurrecticu las corne and our bodles risn from the dead, will we have onunu any scars ci bravery for God? Christ will b. tItre ail cavered wih as. Scans ou tht bnow, &cars oi ' )c haud, scars on the foot, seôaI aIl ov. lthb eart wou in Lhe battie ai ne- demptc n. And ail heaven wiil sob aîoud wlth emmionion as tbey boockcn those soara. Ignatina will b. there, and he will point out theiplaces wlere the tootb snd tIe psy of île lion seized hlm lu the Coisseurn; and John Huma viii b. there, and le willl show wlere the cah finit acharched the foot en that day vlien lhis spirit took wing of dam. from Constance. M'Millau and Camp- bell and Freeman, Ameritran 'miusionariea lu Iudra, will b. there-the men wbo with their wivesansd oblîdren went down la the avini massacre et Cawnpore, sud tbsy will ahow vîers the daggers cf the Sepeys &truck 11cm. The Waldenses vill bu there, sud thuy will show whers their bon ere brok#n ou limaI day when the Piedmantese sldieny pilcbed Lhern aven the rocks. And there Will bu tlose tiers wha taok cars cf tirs sicl sud who le.ked aiter the paon. sund they wii have levidence cf eartbly exiaus- lion. Andl Christ% withhli hlmcarrai baud w;vlag oven the .csred muli1- tade, wil my, "Ton suffined with me «E earhi;snov bu glorifleal villime lunleavi." And thbn tle g<nira ei eterily vi take up the chant and St. John wiflplsy, "'Tliee are limey who esme cul of peat tribulation mana id them robe. vauled and made vhil im e blonofteaiLb amb."' But vInt will your chainansd milue b. if il shal b. tld lIaI day on tho strene ofe heevun liaI n an eslim e sireul bail frisa 1 il liaid asarice aid hardaip. Neo mrc te cbov tb. beav@naly coldlry. Net ane much as oaerialge onthe patinof th. handi ta show Iliat juilonce in the baIlle for 0.4 sud lime lrulim, vu.jusl once graspual 11e sword sflnmly, sud sînuck nas lard Ihal thé sword and lb.eliand stuck legether, aid the hnd clavethe svond. OMy Lord Jum, naset un up la lhy airvice Thy saluMts l - ihua g&loria .w&P exeolma l th" lie" uitd ah$ el" tI laf frôm ltOJ Que M, bNqoat ât mth onr tet "9eYu.~ a lv pi " Ir t rkuel M Mecru ami 5 e eb9w lbrie tdmat l bev e Yeua~ no l Oe Inu psiton " u g% b.aPué Md îflpeitbe, w-m Guard," se I la laailed. »Iâd bh* anc rMaIl5 0 i hI4 Ol 16M " halla ;>% MlI'th le Wl o n ou - .lâk,,,, mle dialaul. e Pual Ili u h. botta. -oayiii.0ot in ho viii l,e t M a pdeghl ytour barr.,aidtlie cm-. sinet yoa «xpos Ià 4youn body ferel an- tu o f.: heking vaullboconre ex. Pt--th -phaute aveny l minutes, abis a"il <nNe e lou ed iuào tva sections voulalrelax. But lie nevîn loomenualha -lunging or. 9 asgouIta ii i yaur ap- Java. Bath nales vulal, thon lie pornalaidgnarmg galsI altadli fr T tinganmd rsig ai~uegv lspoint. Asthme te ltlimehardesl t ue ,ille r e iv lia, . u.3. f,ouirmeleî viutlantet nes 1ven lime king voalalrecaver hlm brealli Starlrte h arn, palmt a"'su d srengtlinrunsame degree bu voulal on a level i v±m t arm, pvrîcu van bein ta ligîten lie fatals agalu anal lhe cou- pointof I~ Ma beRan anev. Aid il cautlued tirai brmutig h. e loi a l111e lover. Iuntil 10 on 11o'clock LIat nlghî, vbemr lb. Nov~~~~ ataghnbo es hroviug youf king relaxeal lis java anal witlidrey. Hie velgt oc the igit andl à--lug&s fer fer- ifa. vas dead. vA the paua ie vfh= eua leu 0111fae Mt fThevictor lay stretcheal out ah hie i«» At 1. crneIimstnl~lteulb.1dbau- Ifon a canaidereble trne and then began te ai otuhastil PointesaKtergbi p fminhe liai tle rsirtler's lady. Begu*anlug et the cluonlaler. l o. ead be plastereal the rau g bcoat clown evea ta the endl of the taiL. Then, gaing lack la New tepforardwit cu. rghl foot lIheshal, he began. the swallowurg procecs. about founleen luches, baliing right band To lIc observera this eemeal a prepoateraus and fol lu the nm* position as bef are, lut' and lapelesa jab, for tire ratlIer vas niol lrluing heleoft11baud lencilly ta the aide lsaIlan cue-faurth, if net ane-third lime anal Keep your loit leg sîragîl and firni larger ai the tva. The family lingereal lula Theo lait aaras 1h la brou làt dovu sande the. amal lheurs cf the nigît wstaliug, anal you forvard, addiug tlathloesa- anal accu- when they veut ta led at leasi hall ai tle necy ai yaan lange; Ilis m a oi aids Yenu raILler vas inside the king. Nexi rnornlngr in theienoavery vIioli uahurslly fobbows j Iere vas only coeserpent lu the barre, every lunge. bathoe as as big as the tva bad been the To recover lthe guard position pru i55vi iday befon.. He rerninded tbose vho le. the riglil fout anal stop blak la the base. IeLdbim aof th e fanny paper's goal that lad position, bringlu ine left anmabaak ta Il *ton a barreL. And thbe king sesmedau a cunvedlpositioa ýbv,tho Iead. The ight' deadat sLe ratîler. It vasmany day. b.- am. cornes lad te ite aid positian egainat fr emva.We leaoelag.c Tltie eyufr bdav l ga batek t gard:life, anal acteal like le migbt vant la stoep Thaila ourfra eson.Ptalic itbu.davu.towu ta get a drinjk, the barrel vas fore a mini-ar untl yen cen execute tb.; gentîy tunneal dovu analfho crawbed off lula lunge and reaoven lu one foflowiun mave.~ a big a iho ed.Anal this in ne ment, anal ly Ibat i.. yaur thigla, right jkenaya The Sunny South, lut a Irutîful arm and destmI ucles vIl ciy M otifor i Scut cf an actuel occurrence. JoUx OAEINAL rOINM .The Pleanuria ef PrisonElife. As yen stand fâiolg your apponenl or Hore lsas very suggestive passage teken yaur own reflecliou inluthe mirror yen vil] Ina., William P. Andrew's article ou 1h. notice that therare an or pointaat hihlc "Inncseeai Crime by Reformatory you may irecTi our z Miue. AMUCOse ar called he four cardinal pointa, sud are as folicw:-Thlait limnt, the igît bneaat, the *iî anal ighl aides of the abdomen. Tn lbe cerne vay yoar oppouent bas îlesu saine four pints a<.u yDur body vhich lio rnay attac etai vii, and wlich you muat fuard agaiual bis point. To Ilinge et thee four points sud ta proteot lhern agaiust ahi tîruasaanal cornatiou Ibruste coustilates the whale art aifencn Nov yau are on guard, v. ill say, kueea bent, right arrn clase th îe nlgbt aide, ahi your veighit trovu upon the ieft leg and yonngm houlder toward yoîrr oppouient, sa thýa e ay ual have the fulil front ci youn lreast ta aim et. Youn oppaneunt luntges et your leit bresat, or lu carte, as thia point la cableal. What imuet y ou do ta proteet yourself? As hie blade glides acrasa yours lun your wriat so that tIe thurnl la uppenmott anal bunal the banal lovanal th. mdvnclng blade. This simple mavemeur lviiasve you.fnom any tîruat lu carte, far iL turne Lhe avane- ing blade avay frorn.'your breast, no matter vith vhat force vour opponent linges. Nov for the nîght breast r untierce. Here yen muaet.qnick of ban.d anal eye if you voulal save a p oint. Tomn your vrist clear aioral util Lhe lack af your banal in uppermoat, analtathLe sminttime brin our laud close lu ta yoir r iglît air ? the foil painting atraight up.. Whal lias aIl Ibis donc? T yull tell yeu. Youn oppanient, fiiiding that le canat laacb you lu carte, draps his point under yaur Ilade aud lungea 1cr tierce. The tun o f ycur vi-isI defiects hlm pint frorn your ight bresat, anal wheu yen <bnmivyouir lana close ta your sheulden yau vi-tuaTlly aleer hie point dlean, no lIat il passes by you. These are tIc tva principal guards, anal by that T men they arc the meut useal lu a fenciug bout. Many experts lualceal rely l sleetany cîher paint, relylug elmamI en- tirely upau thein quickneas la bit a maninw illier taerantierce. TRIOKBTO uLEAENE». Timere are many trials oonnected vAit simple carte anal tierce thrusts. Plns, by reaaanaf its alumplicily, orznus «Iihe lest." You ar enggea viithy aur oppenent la carte, lot ai aay, sud b ave tidreffltediy ta taroeh 1m outhal aide ofîthebMael; Lbaî, ry aisliard as ycu aay, Yea lai. Thon yoa reseul in "the besl.» Thal in, you boat lis gard away friu carte, Iubr9iag Il out Mofi-e by a sharp lui-a ai of un. vrit, andl lange at haisx- poeedcarte port. Nov, il la imply a question vhic inla ljiquioler of yen I.. Yeu bave the advantago, iovever, sc inuei bled. must le irougil bail teta he nIe <nanti, vil. your peint la travelling atmaight for hua expouid bhu& I.f, ou lhe qlber laid, yeur o=ouetrithIis cmuse ical ou Youbledde m'1 7M. .urlid, ut imal. îlth e sgu.d as quicby as pai- suble. Thé deuble dise.pgefmt inla efavorite trlok vltheld teneurs The double eme 1uinp 1avariation 44 ia ertfice, $0cI m or. eceve ,or - oneuhe4jre. YeugauI er heu- ilade, te 110r0 quh,âp sàemýitbe lierc. geard iienebyexp cgcrt,ouct t ak te aLdluàng a bexÎpoiebreast. Ifhotrmth 'scmeIndu kaupon you unly muikneh iii meve yau <rom a hit, Tqat Of ai ourelis aw ombluationa o1 lhose movemunla For exemple, disengage frmmitel ta tierce, Ithun '«tI*Vers'thl.op- pculug b d mluis ng &M, 'a-r mOrco* to tirS dngae bc agïiMd .r& i oalI, ÏO1U mse lie oudgions are uli o - ',Tlier iàone ti*eglo be borne 1A mehv. l kowrlbtàmeuvo 'mmd' iIne~ ~paéaimb~at~ 1leohest, stran, "'Sevemal Uies the prisonems have corn- plained to the writer that the officers have made a mistake ln copying their mittimumes, and flot given thern time enough. Here la a complaint of this character luti made to hlm : 'I have got but two moutha, and I amrn ctitled to four. Please have it altered jor me. 1 want aIl four montha that I waa senteniccfl for.' Again: meeting lu a county prison ýi physician sentenced for two years for nialtiraotice, the writ.r wau astounded witb this conversation. The neI oner wus a mani who had been uoted for la enjoyment of the luxuries of existence. Re sa.i, It is a great mistalie you fel- Ioa make lu thinking you are inflicting u nishment wFen you tend m"mn here.I gave been here a year, and eau truly say I have enjoyed it 50 rnuch that 1 sha al o feel sorry if my pardon is flot obtained. You see, it han been vacation, wîth jumi enougli ta do ta amuse me., The noveis ln the prison library are enteirtaining, and I amn very fond of douîinoes aird checkers, and find tomue first-class players among the men. Now, if iL strikes mue lu this way, who bave beeu accustomed to every luxury, hoW must it be ta the poor devils who nev2r have a mquare mieal oirme Do you wonder that 'Za they flock by hundreds and thousaude ta the jails ini winter? Nly only surprise in that you can keep any of theni out at all.' This la the opinion of au educated muan who bas experieuced the beinefits of the inmem Iu is owu person, and fluds them 'dlgtfil'-a life frorn which bie is loath to part. Biit it la evident that it àlafur from the 'austerity and severity' m-hich once did <pervade the prison place;'. and il will b. liard from this ta realize the goad man's desire of 'impressixig the prisoner with the idea that the way of tthe transgresaja in liard."'e Feminlue Tact. In a litIle episade of village 1f. we bad lately another iuterestîng instance of ferni- nia. tact. Unon the conclusion af a mar- nl a vilae churcl the bridegroom hrnc ie register with bis x mark. The pretty young bride did the ane, and thon, *unig ta a youn lady wha lad kuowaL lier as the b e aolar la uchaol, whlaperod to lier, while love a»d admiration ahane la lier eyez: "Be la a dcar fellow, but lie caa- net write. Re la gaina ta learn from me, aad 1 would flot sami him fur the warlcL" OANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAYO on.i Md eu" -im. h-ilit.UTrou nNbpre... qL.O&.UVmmeVv'r - M * Oisu... .11.16Ma.. 11 .36. «ww dsje... la8 1MOI..&MiOU06 Maebee.... &LAmpa. LU a.'S» a..' k3.Ueto..- aMp... .U.U6 m»j. lcrbm -. LU'pa.. 880.u. Léls.. 001» man. « OWwa....451611 !8.5 a. .Z ~IL hm17P.es16Mn M8 1.5dcMut&K om PmPetyEOl oaV. MMo.T PW L Ai wm >- Mf p& Uu- à M 0M 9M% TRUNK IMLWAYO »M I8wo vu nEuq, ~hOp Linsay. 4 h ,Trunks sua valim JAMES LITTLE@ FOR 1 THE 'VICTOR11 IA IARDER' WILL BE SENT TO NEW su2scRnZR3 UNTIL JANUARYs 1893 FOR, $1,00 SUBSOIRIBE AT ONCE§ TRSY, (LimTzDoiiAdvertise in The Warder 1891. TIME TA&BLE -1891. S.0 A V E R L Y, colmMUCING MîONDÂT. SEP. 21"r YICTOBL4 RO4D, In prepared ta supply F'UBNITURE AND UNDEBTAKING In u i liabranchea. A fufl) upply on'handat &il 15 MONIRS h i v 4;' i St I THE STECAIER EST U'R ION PLYINQ BETrwEN LilndSaY, Sturgeon Point and Sobea>geon WiII dlmoonlune doubie tripe and rn am foilows: Leave BOBOÂYOEON daly aM 8.00 sn. Lesve INDSAT ' 8.00 p... Oanug st sturgeon Point sCh W&7. Exceptlng on Baturdays wheu the steamer wll lms" Llnu sti&820 po,~nta f 8.00p.m.)upon Single Ticket. befween Lindsay snd Pobesygeon 75 c=nt, returu ticket. IL Bang'.Tickets b ieen LnaysdUugo on 85 cents, reteuticet. &=ycent.. ugonPon Single Ticket. beiveen Bobesygonm md turgoon Point de cent., returu ticket. 50 cent.. aWf. Ftinily Ticket.sud Becuralon Ticket. ai re- duced raie u b. cueab the PMIl!0791ME BOECAYUEON, im hd utc. àffrrabgememt. ocm le made wM thel, api.for caldn. a& point. on tLb. *1.for grain. Arrangement. emu hi maie on very fwvorablet'.. for Excursions cf fr0. 1001030M peum on regula Po trmspply by 1~atesddreumed te Soeeiary T. V. N. 0o.,6Bobosygeon 17881 M.ILAMNE, Osytain. NORLAND. House of Ail Nations for Blood. Save bien ihrough the Ir% but nov tor bloci. T» BARGAINS 1 Tht v«O eebwu sd I b 1carOt Mania»Ii. lnrt.b45vlg.core uise.Ilataori. me muaI plesuo u hot. goda I cml 1 aer i Md U- Mdep? mir hameI omyaa ndem m molbig ofu7d "OfMy I2s& TEd. Dlty GOOm8 GEOCEBIES, BOOTSA»D BROU, EEADY.MIADI OLOTHIN% mm M mm NEEtdhaui m. bat meui Ta le lia lb.dum A. -RH.CAL tirn. uavinir now completed mzy HE IME I arn prepsned to supply undertaking 1i l it. branche. Afull supply of Purniture always on hand. Picture a. usual.S.OAVERLY. 1LINDSAY MABBLE WO RKS. R. CHÀM-1ERS in prepsred to furnish the people of Lind. ud surondngoutr wth MONtMEM nT8d HE». mroiTONES , blarbie mad Granit. Es1mate prompily gironon ailkinds of cemelery Narbi Table Tops, Waah Tops, Montel Plooceec., ES iratiSOBworkt.an&aUlshouli sou his de. c@Cý.m ompare prions before parchmelng si».. WOEKU-In rear eft he market on Camrindge St,, oppcdt. Mai&teva' pscking houa. RBUT. (JEAMBEELB The Canadian Office & Sohool Furniture Co., Limited. PRUeTOà, - OINTARIO Suceson .on 0W. 8t&M.hlmd, à Co., Nanulacturs o O01, IhoChurch, sud Lodge The "PmEor Aîrox.&rna" Sehool DemI The latent sud boit. Avardelthe Gl Modal saithe. Juarn aExibition. lb, lebool Docks of thiI.Compsu annai b.exzelled for Ulrongih, Beauty of Desln, Adaptabllly and Oomfcrt te0the Bebol«. Bend 1ior circulars.109 YOIIR FACE Tam Freclies, Buaburr PIiEPlee, lBlack Speck., BEki haca n b. remofflil etdrby applying Tan & }reokle Loti Uato,Bure and Etblehal. PWicg taC. PER BO11W BOilbysail fmgg TW~ O~o.v -u OUED 'p.. 14 ý il am il

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