la peintewvud toi -,DgWdeeland EbofflOl.. 11. *.*~Sei5OSPoint lak 5tM.. IMMW94 t=LU Bllduff. Lo604U@re mi ttwmà m es OO rPnlpmt n eh$ OP. "' UlaoO4 Cb@eaawe Eydu.. cmum 1rOOI*WUI5VUIOon IlséS&I. IL @a mime - g iin Ihé benmme.§Wa la Cje maa *o sUnitedste h-r n. Suuiaeslo.perds**D? l p~sag ltesM EtIla-lO. por hait .by voeu s lobutiaon t-%os,. *" banbËeen mmitii lthélI N" pgeis sbire fs oa Pmoom O"airates * havami- flu .. oltet tset. bois;n, louaamulsu purt omsamulauus o amies _uUA254AbIpa @MWfl ,u«elu fl oil o£"latM al. ILm tàont" Sl 'm'We,5nn«".Maaei-9 UW bu6ose otegmti tu &s os"-nt smLLelOt'm8eta p Iet r. Us =oalsd usdm damau-Lsetl P. O. . 5 e6QL1VIO5L mal 0M114 par es. Eutgr2 Cloma NewJauis Nofé,Voia)i 4a18a - Tmalatbr. t. 44l EesautwLlIimmuN ew n poW.e e=0 miuesé M1-e le ..0fesezmil Oad.i. luâ gi1081,1181. l IBIAXOCOBE01,1191 Dp.eswmàuaon . Verdum belng iitu hampioai4ItheoUs, Ol-o h chaý«» mpios . Wbase bibt 1h. Wrol 16» su & p i. . m rtIbsirporae ra mnae a Mcieho u am.ol P.M.,e mla e loe are QUTapîa. roUeytballaOf the sonwaclt colts as if wthday of 1h. counedth e. chaepion saatcroet.Thy ame eminso the iaoraemaienfthéof lb. g a e tht rsenghen ar thé om u ta pre In veltmo thebftkmilsmo hoeothrt cti l oftbefr utoes ianS leshodn colt& arm hopteet té coqteyalle ithad"t Cam Âi nes 1 f h ne eat l b. fate corme. bordfed on u h knoIl lino unèemon tina lai te Jhndap e millo eam e tae ds cranlobut otheairal und e, r oe ter welcer$. ht aoteseo s en mihéi"i bRs btliis to eute orIndpol ent lultiveek hmdfto liira h. liet@etbonrdatain At to eams te intearinte bya m btram Io n oa. ncb iellet Uc asd es Uerlavie g0 tikbu the asrjuet udexhblfupae mvispelain e .tly taoestorlau a fcon. hi o, Mi. IThépnden IfIylutare liii a of the mmm iou dy tonsal, anau rmr teout 1.isnob, inuDtth ansueu ymtie.r no iumouoyp but ojet..aumbto atyi mdwu pliaeory t oi trthna or geul cLsd la gIfn up tlbioas- tad héon ta Uico tandbvetmorea vaslam ova"citnuo» sud taso t Byaleu I - t *u" - - -- LAXTON, DIOBY AND LQàVtFOBD, C0UNCIL POmoîsOUolmoi st the lova hII aclled a, Lazion, the 201h dalpo! B.epmbe,_pursuaat b id. . sImme:t. Members &Uprssent except ÎE. FrnRk Bd. Miaule. of b«ere Meeting venr em Mad oufirmsd . Mdoved b y i. 5t,11e, sondod by Il>. Bcismorth, Ihswhoum Tho.Ohle liao dons th.labor fori b. nouwssldnt tax on lot 84, eon. 4, DigbyteOw b.y«»' 1884 and 1886, and IhM qM 18z viauealy' due on t* meat hall ofl 811.1.a"d Bl i fusd lm if tu gomnt .e iiflr, eh. riv s e hivvdw . m 118.. douita .18te . T1. MOMISfo fwo eoé4-U1o M. .Qw b * WA au IbO~ . JG&IOylebe ela eti namsImouum1lv5quuu lesI yMr. oumPisi, sosd.lbi Ur. Butteuvoeb, liaiby 1mw Ns -9Sp "Mun àe0oiltev 8a"eo*O0laie .Movd by Ut. Campbelli, essaldbY Ur. »atWw«til, I"a by Iaw Ne.- bo roi asecond tlue la conmfl or èbail whvl.-Oavpfr Moes, bj Il,.- C&MPbIl, as»000"bY Me. Buliwoàh, ht by lawNo.- b. lbIrd "*, pouad, signeit mal Mloyed by M., Buîler.orth, assocIe1 by Mi. Oampbell.4bat vs do uow.adLouru lomieui gita *i tthe lova- ban, gsid lakc, on " - 111h dar of Daosbei, ai thé haut of 10u'olook ta th@ fovinoon and tbthe lb.Irk nohlY thé treasurei la b. la attendinos on ibat doy vllh thc émonsofthe Bb p'r.--Cmnd.d WLIm Mxw=L, cicil. 7721TB Y. À MOS! palatal acident osur»d te Mr. Obse, Cbttieron -aifIbis town on Mon dar 1la. ne vu 'iendiù bu hie binqla enigin. ai Mr. Emamuel Slo' uan notied that lh. key vlohb ats t he@f5Y vbsel tet h heoah vwu worklng ilseit oui. Thé. engins should havw e bisa ioppel ai nonc, bnt Mr. Chatterton ta îmVe Ibis stool opposite th. vbcel smd t1usd ta punch b he e baok lu lnwtb the Monat end of a oobar, .adssverig te bit Il as it oamui round. Ho lad only trifd Ivo or tbristimes vhs» the .rowbir missel bitiag sud vu. vammed tbroug bobelven th. spokes ai Uic fty vbsi.As. qnick as " imasht toit UrM. Chattsrtonle bands, took " wvbl w vh théc vhesl ad miuih hlm ondesthlb.jav, bua"ing l on both midis af bis mauih. Hi. suffrilng and Inca»- 'tenlenos in esling viilbhovsry ,gîimt tor sous veiko, but the doclor expsoa sto ifeéot a good snrs vo undortn.- EA8T Sîmoon ELEcoTIONPEITox.-Tbe beawlng ai Ihis bas bas beasa 1:51 for No". lStb, at Barris, Un. Thom. Tîsmeer bua îdd.d f0 bis msok afine sopean ai tva ysai d (ydms ILL.-Dr. 1Spobu, M. P., bas b..» ini simes bis return item Otava, PUEnsoNAL.-Mr. sud Mum.eywood ai Cnillia, bave beau visftlng ai G. H. Wrlghls . MiYss Carre Ray bu beu apponlel typevnitor ln Mr. Barry Jonnlnî'a office... Ms. D. Forgmao, et Cîillas, vas la soya lat vsek oa a visit. .M. Iena. Day spent lust vesk la. specîinst the retorualory. sud norih yard sobeois. APPOInTRruT.-Bnmor my, thst Mr. MoPheîsan af Jarus aCorners, f. toansue oeed o bc hedmstorsblp of the pro. testant departusat ai the reiormatory sobol. busy.-Onî nev balar, UMi. Gilespie,I la fiaadlng plenty of patients. esmtIma'q ea 3emims, once @eh.lhed a boau, Ho dldn't mind hr ane, pou 1mev, Âlthough lvas mo proey. Shc bal oatsrrh, s and i te, Thot ho at lut vau faraud ta go- The abat vas na poty. If &hoed bauoouegdln time, as@ovoul baye take» Dr. Sage& OatarbReomedy. Au affensivs bretitlasmost distreslng, mt enly te tbe persan a]ICRIcted, if the persan bua sy prile. but te thoe vitb vbom ho or &ho ames in contact. Il lma sdéliate malter tea syok of, but it hbu parted nol anly trisudi but loyers. Bad bruath and oatsirb are insper. able. Dr. Sag'. Otarhni amdy auros tls worst mesi, m thoumds orna lsmlly revsul offerol, for su incurable case by ýWorll'à DispensatMédcl Assocition, Propristons of D. Sages& Oatarb Eeencdy. op#" sldo 1'I. lrm. PlESUnTTON A» Ai>»s.-AI tbé 1 los. ai lb. bible cimlu in te pu.abysrlaa iburohb on Fridldmy vemng, Oct. Sud, Mr. Jas. Wilson, B.A., asatuduat of Knox sol. logs, Toronto, vas presente vih auaid.- diemald a wnviii 1d putsesMr. Wil- son hu 1mb.. a deep Iltrest in the Sua. day sobool and veekiy bible dma, vhloh bua beaattendd by large.munibersoa Young pua le Who have buumus Tory mu"h 6 :ci to hzm sud over vb.m ho baî bal s marh.d Infuence. A short tcjuue$ b> ar"w» go d mmwent onIt 1 an tte boys runtig an lb. sMudte a boo Thui r Mad". stateOMent a nat.W b« ho s»y$ ltas Mr. y.O u DII oltsi, snob a îhlng . M.yon" 40 t1.1 u ma mld ma Ibe hsue Ibl &inla"at us vboa I v u Il" Ib ien hosIL Thc boy§ms e mtrafor*abmy but It leaunncossay 1«i me0Stue»le. 51b risuWA"vm%-Tbe poPie'lIb tis aelgbboiboed ais buap geitittnglau ilo poC tOeSa in. e rop.m týdm ,i Mi. a fW dores tic,» Laniel m" ,l DUNSIOD. LOG.T. - Tbhe g0opeltom se meinlg on the 811h nit., vuscalce by Broo. J lobammili b 0Br 0.B.01 1 hfli ad Bd wmid Tbuîtma. HiÎTTImENT. Ous orfthbu ot sud Most succeestul tempéimnc saterlala- moate thai have bec. bell for sous lime in tiel vlolniti vu bll on lb. letinlat.,9 la sonasotion vlth the DfnSoilI OU.T. Foi a leuperano entertaiumenî the pic grammue, ooaslstlmg ai choruius, dues songe, reelatlons, veadingpe, dialogus, pantoinime si tableaux, @ie.,#vire sitmb e4etil. Thos ho ippesiol on Ibé stage ver, &ainanmd&gain ccoiied, par- llculairAy lb. omi., litctary and musica psu.L Thodialogues, pantomimes and talaxwore loudly applanlel. Thc entertalumsaî mter a tva bonis' ourie vas losei by flnglng "Tb* National Au-, tbnW vhea m&l riturcal 1 théir eseo-c liv. home. bighly picmaed vib viât q hd isu sud beond, snd rsmahling on mmyay iles that tber bal sperni thei "1dîme"la a boterialvatage tIbm the "«quitterp &peInt astiendlag orneaof ur iscint conly taira. Lst mOl vbo »»r moi ablest18 be prisent it Ibis eltila. ment nmbke au iflort 18 be ali the Doit. PBISONAL-Ui. Joseph luents ai Kiamoumi, Poi a visilternotly 8bis aoa.ilam, Mr. Wm.GOrU a 01othIis Pis.. Hlm usay irsaIs Iis commua- aity voe.plessei od 10es bis genial face &gin. John MoSvsyn, hrq., birrialur, ai Lindsay, ooupiid the benob la tbe Dlvi- sion court bore an Tuîslay of lai yod. Aft e lclieoaithe court a numbcr ai lhe loadlug itiseiboa dienir vIb îthe Judge st lb. Dominion Hotel. Foazsmo=.-Mt. Barker has bsca sue. ouelul in organizlng vîmi promises 18 ho a ver e uitlCourt ai Foreelua la Mindn: oving 18Ibthee> Itat a (Couud "Minden"iU mrsidi la ezlisnce lainMlch- lgs, ls ovCourt bus bern ammd palisy inaw vbbIl le lacited. The affcers ai thé Mev Court vire l instufllcby Mr. Barker on Thurslay svenlmg ilut, mad fi le nov in fou operallon. Mis. balle@ ai LittleBrita, le vlsltlag bei laugbiev, Mie. J. S. MoMuflen, et the motbodist paaunsgse. HE Tn o BYA.-Tbat nov îhréchlag machine ai Bobirt Moimer's à à "Oelinker,"ald the boys arécnol m&" d ot blovlng 1w -u% --bu 11.7 ta'»grain îbrougb sI ths rate ai îvsaly-live bopmla flftsa minutes. RUxpus-On Satuiday eveng qlut Richard Dulvis hoémmer ai Ibis villages Ihrciteel ta "lep the copel" of Beorde Gai, sud 1daIthelad ont Io Mr. Raya yard ta show bien boy b. vouldo il-Sb. boy III mnoi iselike bolng bafsd sud alihoughanmn fvlil vulgihigabout 125 l-. e lla mceoumellI uily aI aveu 180 lb.., wbo hmlly ae '1eaough" vlith vbmlsesmel Mo18 .magci bis luti bicth. Mr. Jame. Hobdes cd MinI.., loutéli oaly child, a baby of about 4 mout. 014, on Tueslagocibait viet, quiSe muldal trouna su ItaI ai coera laInM. Mr, 0. Dasonof1Stamhbaba ainiéao about th e ace am ie on thatre yfrOmS .%, similar stMW;tendu mlrone minovre syupamIytthéIbm imd parents ln bath Ya .len I l ilci la b v Deb o Jh W. grieve m=4 sonrbeume Sul But là net l. u dlMut lads, Aà Ont&"s W. voop baisas. v csh mt ael Bestair hlmla blédjlag heu; But vua m i om a ale 'foui,» vue oMT.-Oun Bevoni vep- We cansot ilvays s*y IhetiSe, 0i doop émotion, vhes vo lou A blinI Md ~lohem oui ids. Wbaa kiwirol aorda amnapeldla lvii, TqbIvsabsgverwna" bbimd, But w le shop. 1 u~ lacb aevered lies u a "bi bu. 'TiU true vo mise thévahel baud, Th* vacaat cbair " sotttà dsgI; am sp m »w torever, mute, la oitm hie "ue. p But vo ire mol. vthlut hope, Tbooght oe onMin" vo meut po mors, X. kmev Ibal hbVo v tand poi To preot unei&Uon Oa»' abute Fuli my a levor le pinokel at nomu A" pl*acSuah lb.stlvebondi; So in hlm prime lm ho bsen cal led. To pic.tlb maneson et tb. Lod. W> eumat ilvayas 0ont vay, Somotimes thé. e o aiatb pava ilu; But lit us b. content tb ay,- Porbapa Il. Lord bath mccl ai hlm. Ris vile Mmd oblidren, lbough Ibey mouin, Will mot foi &le voop Msurevme; They voul met cell hlm back asii, Tram hlm sequestenol bol? abri. 'TwilIl mol b.long or. veobéhaimut w boe r o imnlaukuevn; Whéesin "cliotlcr's trlondo ,vo Ateembls roua4 thé Gréât; White Tbroso. Thon rut la puai s, ditbrother ruit I Lot naogt dliub 117 yqui es" Thèe la a blsume lo ift foroh, Fai svety voua s oëilg bbaan. -1704-1. [This le publishied by specW ar rangement, but c mol lu Iterfère vith ont mie saâa .biluary poelrY. W. vaml abtutrinsitu prou. Dat iu Potry.-En. WA.auma, TNoui ismily lsîtbfül voî bbaeu»due Lby Towlei'us ztrétofaiWild travberry sas a susmudqulol cmutoroi Sianiomasy dmr et, Md &I ailmmor, couphaints. I cen nscm- usiSd Il ta a&l es s smlly tblond, abvajatino and ilbfu."-Imre.W. vDhbop, vive% Oai. -24f, Ibm Baby wu slck. vi gave hWber et. .Whm isevu sOiktdbaed tor "tarla Whec *abeoamlel, ad» 01=mg1laCasSae. loi.Osa . RemISof WIdltevhery for t im a srs outfor &U sume emlte.We èe . nomv vit ltilas, UicmI loW 'id J» m sud mébkie mhiIt oI Md l~,- raff Duii U*uaIfL te ets,'ha )m bstnuehS it sl curs,"-AolilO alta4m.iPl«$ W&MOre" -ilil msii i 4o 1Upp.n.utd id n& jom o t <Y. rrmif =2mut 0M"Ont Eeçfh "Tax 0»A. OU-uelam e, lm. MCSWEN N aEU(RN, fsbleol, BLeajt.loniorent Ie. "u d3 BÂBN N &LAUELIN, lgautl t POo»-W« 4Of lOOeeOl o Md Bou on moeon A. McLauml, IM-17 J. lA"m ua Um, B.& MONEY TO LOAN. Mnylent on à[=aon otggngolld Bitaghb mtasaa it 1?l7y MOORE aJAMMSN. MCMIX TO LOAN. »blumigi t mesa S11 vsY oe~wsst s«. A maent of<Truat lundo for lnvtmmt, psy- aLbto ternlmait tlbobrrever. nu a . IL HQPKINS, Emistaer, Llndnv. MC NEY TO LOAN.1 AtSI, 55 ilmsd 6 per mint. We aren»w loanmg moW ojn re-ommfanarnmd buine .properta lI ove rate., sd on elbet gosd mecr=881 w. BALrBON h MaLUGH Ont. Barrltera, et&. *Llndamy. Augnal l4t. i880.-lW0-ly. PETER MITCHELL, Asaines Aocoonn lu Ianciai Agnt,1tc.etc. Onpïm-hudepeh'm ci Law Office, <Up tMu>. T. A. MIDDLETON, LifVremmdAocdei ncurnce Aent.Agent for OMVO-Heltort*s Blech, lent etreel, Third Door B"l et tho Poé olOffc, ui* HUGE IMIEL, Aoomatanl. lie aàiLite ltanmo eEoWedla te- n" alie eianetailowvmirates. Ageni for NSud- obu., Mouumsu md @vu y aemrtbon oet"rl a"ill arni. u. lndy. n.-VSl Valuable Irarm for Sle or to Th. e éorofthéetle aiel. "y oSeor fer sal. th. lEutHait ef Lot 2k. lot Canulo Vealam, in *9. Oouaty of Vctri, 100 mes mxore or le.; 9 acres oW aar nce wa odi-4oeily hrdwaod; mail ay1km.; fisc..good; omfattable 1lm homa mmd barn; tea gcod wvoUs Tbom= l imsluated oneasd ahi! miles tram tbe ci-Peyl mliPsURahmr. u ... ,r'Irty! o i ld Ib eirs e prla medte ine»t uolb e parcular. mepp 10G. H 1ONUS, Ve.dore SoIletomuLble yor te THMAI WIMSN - eulon ïalh, Lludmy, T an t~di, igg r laAis Mue luWielnt JaRIGGS, LINDSMY hnoy Goodu, Hair Gooda, and Jewellezy, Ete, Bée. a.nsd Door Factory ~1MIGUIS ah~~il-do ble sud sangi mi uée loae. ab gum 09 lthe lest » il h abt4 go"i aspeit. éii lu a vorkmanl en mnre resaIi 1 t» f«»lame, lirmn» < QITARO DISII[SS CoLL[Gj utas. f*~ ILguLEviLii, ONT?. M ~t va lbm»homme bus o»m oenz= lm=11- *1! $ a rtum otl, mnd tho pubié o u ofth lb e«Aoeomodatom eY«7remommble raUmi T*bar la rapflmdith m&U Ils WbrM dmo09 Uquse mm Zoai. Wg.IuIau ieS md auattostiv THE SNOWDEN BOUSE, This te a nov homme, and la oe <1mboof qipe ln pe4orboro. I lela onvenlont ic e1h0.2.. md .P .. slaiton m mvoni mumm the smaïktl. Ba vmbroom4a, nà mlaisoder couvenlie T@rm, 81.00 per a.1Ol THE WAVERLEY BOUSE. Corner of Kent and Lindsay Street, Llddy. The afin ofIe roth e ter 0 IlWaverl la tle ma. It seoond t otloto id < M c . &"m te l.publo atongla rep.ctfaily molicdlod. Every attention p=dte1h oiivenloncs of guet. Good etablng, cemmodlena mheds, and large yard roem, wfIl attentive hostie., miwaym on 'hand, LIndasJuly MBd B0.-1787-tf Propuislor. QUEEN'S HOTEL HaLluton la wthoui a rival ta Ihia dlatalot am a ummeromorifor fami«.,and la beautlfuHflltuald ÀAobatm:,lgg1for the huntam, nthe rlna %ud la à beanilul lUtIle vilage pommina a rmlvay, -ophpodism,md alltb.eoonvoudesneofemod«n lit. Cargs mrprchilymoderato. The vory plage 10 <'Spend a Happy Holiday."The<yropristlal &axions ta aocamnmo au ilho can. and parties coa. tm ata te, days are requeuted te communloale ypolor ve.Vinve hounr&Ualtrom Teirnto. The l su mpplled vigI ev"sryaoamnodation, and a alem kgp. WlIPm Buamto and frommstation DR. W. KENNY, ~~ VotetlnarySurgeon. Graduate Ontario Vetortnary Cellage, Tor- onto. Regiutered meuler of On- tarie Vternéry Médical Am- ciatiln. Ofie an d remidenoe i gmUr«tý. Ecu ofMothodist Ohroh, and Wemt Wail om' '10ien mi.. Lindsay. Mrah Mld 188. DB. BBOÂD, VETERINARy SURGEON, graduat. Ontario Vol. emryCollege, Toronto; rogltered member of On- t Vtrlnary AnoclaUion, OVhia-WlIlam streot north, ln Sktchs Terrme, opposite the gu Verkm. ail calle by ma" or telograph promptlY Attended 10. Charges moderaito. Lindmy. .anuary Srd, 1M9.-1712. BOWMÂN BROS. L. IL EO'wnau, C. O A. XE. E.W CIIA.O Appoonted Oounti, and Conoultlag Engifn go Victoria. ProvincI and Donion landSunrveyotu.Civil Engin..,,, Ârcldtmci Valuatore, »raughtmmen, etc. Partcular attention given to dlaputed bondarlam PlaaEiu4 . m ad specificatiliafor munici an md elber engineering works turniahed and auperlntended. Ouvicas-Over G. H. Hopkine' Law Offlama, WUilim ffiret, Lnda.-leoO6lr R. F. MORROW, IL.D0. S., .IdM XaaZtMd Uoner Graduesk of Ibm sevai Collèeof0 Dental Surgona, Toronto. DonlihWln Mi. ts branchu s tteadd o 0wllh the gruaflosuni. Cbargs moderte. OIIICE-Over China Hall. Poteoeboso-15tI J. NEELANDS Za l ». M. I.ECD.B., ONT., DENTIST, I1qDEÂY. By teis 5of0<the nmhyd mbo a urmnaeho brokm Mddeeayod lth" b their obi%"aep, ocalour sud aub by I"iaproomes. 014racle iun baye paieSan orowm allacbodooequoetly ite la hi mmiv 88yoau, extoeottg luth for homuda puo viui a pu#t'pom ne unm thé 16t"m 1« u»M l.eooh, wbo hma Ilteçdf lovor 10,0Wpo Md M4 a taai eau .M. NsmaMf oul Amatbe ferh luth. Mr. Nqmb.*lawV uaua »W.lyleisc à* . wMmk le b i piým.ymuurd *hile on *kh vkIl la Nowv Tggk, vh a oiveS l emAt*MM blSe nd o Ied on 11h. ano v.tUSeaLndned relrd topit.. Ps4e bo' la for m pper or umie .4 puadom% ba a 4b !rauc. mmd putal. ou mmady o Vu ablesolmm o No 1%0u vldeepre "sUtation oft hnthi u oislsdlyîlebo".d me.,0f I work*, an ta. grroutmsuecoIs îegraduste, la mfW ta Ihs altiadana..which, withn a aort.. hm abraaed miudeiitf trou Iteen & «i urontneoand Iao nclut.g tvaeofthe tIw0 imdglld. tetcmanenter stat n ý roooe"iv ndividumi Instruction, and progremta eetdfmg la lilMY. Por circulan ra. e HRODIi<SOIV & JOHNS014, BeIievwi, Oui. THE BEBT IS THE CHEAPESI. Do not be mis-led by thobe bouse.. CleanerB who mav tell you that Kalsomine, or Glue and Whiting, is juet as good as the genuine AL A BAS%'Tl NE for health, cleanlineBs or d urability Âgency for Victoria Co. at W.AeGoodWil'B B»oom Paper and Picture Stor, Opposite Veitch's Hotel, Lîndsay. DR. FOWLEfiS ~ IEXT: 0F * *WILD' TR/ifWBERRY ~ CURES HOLsERY holera Morbus YSIERTERY AND ALL SUMM ER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RZLIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. JOHN MAKINiý WILLIA1M STREET, LII1.LSi. Bawo and Shinçg.e Millbaoie Plour Mill, Steam Bngirix and Stemm Pumpo àae large asortrmett of Umneral Patterna le the above deaosptionotvorkir. Llndaay. July 27tb I1881-1828. [1lE ISURANCE OU Assois. . :88.620.76 l Incarne.........................4 84262 m,(aaanStandard) ........719OO0 Nfev bumines. for l88...... 1.30449 Endownts Pmi ta Living Policy Holders Canadafer lhe yeara 1SU4-444 la euh, 3 y the Am a ................. . .. . *- 4 Ny m&U th. Camadi an md BrillaI 00.'u cou- a"o GovUmnmt Reporta, pagl e. K ,8, - sd 72.) Sama suEmdovment lu lb. tne Gencrai Agent FOR Inseet Stings: Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore -,Feet Sorenessà,' Mies '4 NFemalje PompIaînts 1os u ito Bites S.unburn "l' Lflarnmatior' ~~*VlrABOTTLE ,61F.'wRAPPER muas , sY UV I iva 1V]r 1891, draut bel, sud f S vr Rogel W Je Moor Go] 1 and harne no! sud fi yr ok 1 7yr iman; DB8 hannei dmivin B3o eé 15J h1 saddle weido Tho or evie 2 Don V Dii bull, 1 Phladd Jno ( ]Phadi aIdas soni. ling 1b -Jerge, bife bull, Hanc Gri 2 yrc MMi or Eii cel sbeai ran]1 es,. esa IatubE TA i lambg Gr& 2V I Dale; Ditor Shr MOMI -ovess ie)e Le aged 1 mei ai;. 'lo~ 5ooh~ lins, Mm,. -inox POU»zn-- ràctuan or