Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 8

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Ir t~'L foer- ary eligous dootrine fQI mny huma» boinge bave, eiV~lm ai'u distinct notiom oM God e agom man', d&uti, the prialrnr mm s a - t trutb sbould bave ben e fr mdobscurely. Hov t*MY cf the youu at neru "of ubat oateeliu ba"e »~y char pempuo of what la meant by, ulUserquuutior snswor? > »utidiisipate anl obicurtY ta the "te- ment of tbe problem mand île a"itiOu, a"d tii.matter le tll serloualy objectonbWe !leb existence of each individual la made fi~am tw puroo.sor air-Orit, Godaé ~fr, eit bs on ujonin e lancal Mito bigte gratlfy two Min*l «d&-Quethe Creator's, the. aler hie ovu, Itta muet be wroug. God bau net eroat#4 se eth end thât Re may be glioredt »or wtb any such purposo, but la obedieonce tote idctatea o!fNia Inâglt benevoleuce. Hehba giron usnbeng lu erder to increase h Infinity of good wh"e porradea the universo..Re bas ,ndowed ui vih reason and consolousness, net cotu- mandlug us to glorify Kim, not blddiug u enjoy Klm, but exhorting us to omit no OP' C t nly of doen good-of dlf uslnt truc bowledgowlsdo. appiness, bleflig. la Èkort, God bas fot created us t subiirVe amy selsh end of EU@ own, nor will Ne heM un gulilhm If we puru. oaly sudh ends a Our ove. Am 1I wrong lua aumng that Our ethhcal end olerl oaechers aMegemeraiY deficienl la thelr celculatli ou ib is buai-tbat t*efr pint of riew lla isuafiently elevated itir requisitioni toc icanty? Io not 1.v«lgar notion thatt teralu frons dolu 0t e ur neighbor la virtue, uomowbal eountenanced by the usuefl tenor o! moral eohortatlon? Dowa not Uic commmdment- Weping aquanderer, on bis owu luxurtoua appetîtes, o! the AVURÂGE 00WUrG10001TEN lUXAI EEIWGS VM i lu society as an innocent and Mien ai do q)wnplapy ment? It seasaveident thai a radical reform lu th popular apprebenalona of religtous leao4- If pot lu the leachlag Il e a ro es muethe ,erl>hl pligriafflOfM *9 ' ie lien of sorrovi, we have had fe* 'ch on who satd frmky and polat«dly, hadlsanhtht hi ave riches. ýr irnbithe Mnadom of Godi" "SeIl &ai t= &ou ha"t give to lhe paon; thon comn.aa 1010w me,, etc., etc. Do we reaUli thti voe. not theeloxagontouio Utoia O ;r* asetlclam, but the rn, arl conditions Of spiritual bptb ~Miutioii and progresi g~ --a- the disenounbering of t »ul c;ceogg which enibeddedIti and bore t# lwa",4v What Christ sald of weaseu, luintmiuces and proper -o s, h" .4 émer@ local or transltory stgniflcauce. l as ~~îv- .n 2gland as it was in Palai tino-as truc lu 1846 as Il vas lu the Yesl 1. lu trutt-wouiLI employed ouly or maul to, subserve personal ends la in its natff lucempatlble vils a tmus lit e Or yuth 4 #for"of omsnc a tite. The mans o!fu #éaneevwho regards his riches as meani 91 Iu-yvry, of elgar cm, of power (other tlima the dUwer to rele-A aud bleus), or of contiuIuuDS atoha advactaSo to bis descendants, la haévit- ably, pa'bly beclouded as to thi erY PU>. fbg cPr vhîch Ifte was given hlm. Hisaat &ea fteii and grovelling, bis underitandhfl# darlvned, hts faltening, evading, feebloe Ob tts t goodiieu are tainted by the- in 01 Ananti.l and Aapphira. His fealty te Mamm- *ILL JeTER CLAX WITH His DtTYT T O 0. The true disciple of Christ r'gad @pli bu t as tbesewoard of whatevervoi> od ~vidence bas placed lu bis han<I tcSeho t to atisfy the necessities ýo*depeudent upon hlm; ail beyond 1h. jonâ tcbis Muter, agnIs ato ho dispensai i* ýng ta fis plain directions. Not tual te 10e o n"ul e d ivet himEelf to-day o! - 4ieaaaof rou&e'MC Waut to-morrow; tffl weuld t b ea spart of a pr-odigai a*4 tkeuqitee steard; but ho le to (dispes ~p~iv ublei~bus Ieen oonfddd Elb gbpe Ordimace te thc highest gei ai.Althat beolbas beung ltheigitul", of bg Getor, lato e b h=pu =te lthoe= aver before nh4m lu jâqamtte ofroUi »mai hine. ira Wbeds or Imelomal eorts are0 idbl anybouUd&Veof 1amil3 ilI rbwôo uat ue, teaMtt pelt 7bdiek10 .- _ tbero! LgT 1-. =edr th.ie , o o*er humma spwely auxMlary tI.bit ovu noy lYhiu une areonly arved, dIe Mo&da hmetly airvahu hpm ornfl c le bolfmruy palilsi*the"s muet dq« mt iec~ee lnal*6mm» 1 *tp tof4 90114 se misllue hereby a omiM au ~emm, to hi; eoetrtable WIOe liceS urrM ce ' ;1n twa; , vewbea a s~ "0oCr vme 'Sale. mage Dsuaà j ulm git at vUle i= iîuk touk a liS vit.lH ,tby I lied hW"ay Wc a Imadq Io"lmbea rcli xtm bof moisva pbo l.M Xl. mmabqgUaI am l ia î KoOI e ofan r tegut etX. m 110li .W.ns th*lmdiB7 .aMr. . EmàImlit FaIO Fae. aupWa for eloufrme vhére heo cntinuia lhé llvi huila. r. UXi. s l hcaucomor ert Wooivlh. Menue. G IU cial MZion, lalpoés. MdL Nen Rutherford of Biaeon, avant Tuiadayi la lova, puevlaui le going le Touat. rnilil A call trom Xr. Robrtson, bWamaier of Oremiebligh iobool lait isdy lent bigtl amoic our ofRocefora short tltu. Calli&galn bliand Roberson. If suy mmuanbath. hirt te in. elGd viii ni liaI ha lai.s billty le do h. Mme EBu dMatalvabhoen- ,lalllng kcm ftllr, COL Deaconfor Miotlime rom>n ly. Wlthbu ber oehébegoas leToronto for a riait lhis W"o Jo. Deay Itole more thanbh"1y 1heyue. Nia nev trotter, 8"Blaclaono' von tIre. Site" lu Topol on Wedueady. Concralu- lallorns on lIe vichoy. Conduotor Brillon look a holidby 1hvee" and vlltad Toronto fai. Put àulckin the post. Ho a e v mmiiou letale one bel ors excepl for deethumllug. On Tmiday lit Ni. G. A. Balfour viitidl Llnuay. Ho reporta good prospecta for Emily f&1 fait. Il viii be Ield on Tuuady mmd Fuldy Ootober 811 and 911. Au imialueanaent eepl lIon vho bave s Santeur. Have yen gaI oas. Wih commeadable .nterprlsaig% mmThc$ Irory sud Sono of Omemée s areuilding their @km Soon lbey vil bc under ful «Uni l jual n tlIugh Omme lad not hein duitroyed. LutI Monday Mr. John Havkina of BahIy. duE,; came 10 town ou business, Lindsay la lhe naural marlet for âaureaud the tnerohauli ber. aM noted for good tai priais. 'he mmm v h earublhmieUfkUop agood Smauy oller people ont ef mhmhief. Mr. Samu Gilebritloe Ilinmlownship, au old Darlington boy, farored us yulh a cmii lait Xloady, He vu on routa le Toronto tai mmad looksas wvil ai Whou vo ver. lad@ together.* The wvend la ful et popl. vIe lire 11cm. elvoe and olIere nearly tocoinu lnlg le ud Mr. Calyle BA la back trcou t1e mina la Colorado#,hharlunf eoed -iupeulor pasition on theosaffef cGiliCollage, Motreai. Ou congratulations ane cordaly mtended le Mr. Call n ie ou i oe. W. D. Smith, la q of FotIGratilel, ieL., li veek psld a flylng riait ltoinl Lindsay, Victoria, and Ontario omt&afy. He in a proaphrcua moeiant luit aorou lIhe border yit hue a varm aide fot Canadiena. No, fiuer ipocimen ai mauhoad vialtad Tor outo Exhibition tisa John Chatabe, hEq., tu"e of Fenelon. On Tueidy ho vent yult sud wiii einploy bic riait tle .44 10hg itredy 1 nest fuud of uaeful intormaion. The deil'i Sut wark on mrl u le l ry le deitroy ber nsd h. Iqa bain atI h even ine.. Meure.IL.B. Ilacheru, D. A. MOlntyn snd HugI Midougld, a&l vorhy ctiamaof Eldon, lait Batuuday ipont ihé day in Lindsay on buiea. Theyase«ean eloome dallera le Liadaay. God doe not vmmlliii hielduan leH"ln uîtale bresd, but a great mauy of lIetu tuy to doift. lma mma Shaw, daugller of B.,. Jon Shsw, of Toronlo, fonely of Port Hope, vu msnrimd on Tuaday to Dr. W. H. Clanke cf Llndamy. M e, vilI aUl mua.Clarke'a fMeade lu lFart Hope, john la cougralulationa.-Poil Hepe Guida. ", You caunol bc too partiouler about tbé 1midicinea ru ne., Whmu you sud a blcod. puxifir. b.cuna you gel Aver ala pnli m4mD o other. lviii miage iI, pulf su mavitalise erery drop eof od lu Fouurho. Il masu t.he l lrog.19mm1 Tho mmmWvo wv"epo Ihat lIo .lovai mai amilledoum amelllug tIaI auge ivould' li le tdo. Rer. Ni. Nagalay of BEoeygeon, presh. ed lu th Camnidge arat mellodiat ëdurci lut lIay morlng, mmd Rer. Nevton 9 -wâo BWotIUS?- onu Usouma lb nom Mad .vqWbuii. Pr40, SutAIl4êD~ lâm JOm $La& - dby Use ?MM Au &, L Cu SwmàCoDamn.. e m jgemd fS E» "l 00Cu»eSki >U» .u"4IB RAching Sides and Back, on Nfonday luit i. -Daid M uoOnf cartwdegt, lulled Lnday fmonde.à Remumbor th. AlvIoul OMIomdy Co.. Ope raouaslo.mrroW ,4ght sbtudY. àmlIi Log of Veulain, barwmetly beau a gunt wth ber friimd " nDUON ao. le xi. John Kfojue Mdh ion Wilhaui, Of1 Fmelen I lDs aot Xomday ln lova on buainai.The bWang tlo& worthy famly. Fr.m lhé entérprin -9P.E. agent h% Mr. T. 0. Katohett w. laverecoleaneW O P. R. tImetable. 0.11 Mt hié OfiMM d g RneM on Jriday dth Set..buet PaI îMioin. mi, h. vileo etxB.lcrol et.da gter. The pe mother la daughlor of iH.. 00elu of Ops, 1Grand r.ob.lg of lb. Opo'a Houai, Satlur- day nlht mmxl by the Alvi Joulan comedy 00. S~~Ugith* row n ery fort1h. pieoe. = IynBridge aune déervlg apecial mention. redit amie of IGohWadofléfeding caUte a lot 17, ln 71h concession of Maripoma, John Damea, tam, on Thnuday, Oûtober lSth., th@proatyof Kr, Jicholai Wed"nTisa wilD aa me chance for thoe 4 caille1#1 for feeding puxpomea For fal particumS poilera, itai Bovei, notiones«. lieeLipeett sud LAelux vi lv tbia veek vl1h a phouopauh the Int uetm meen or bard ber.. Il laa vndezfnl lnYent. ton sud reileobth Ie geulua of Ediaon. Selet. loua frotu ulitary bande,, qcerolg, Iheatrca and apeohea dellvered in iodans ub araOf the venld verereproduced un»=»t$17tmiyaidelver- @d. Ij&syherd the phonograph. but evry- one houl hm l;vben it cornaisigan. Groal vork la b"S gdome lu lb. repalt mad u ai fbridges on théHalibum!on r.llvy L là Hany Frgnionroad- mer bu àsam soài etwork oad a bridgu@anorth of Kinmaunar blm g fIId in. Thmreina" géât woik beug doae on the IrendU% Bancroft and Ottawa mdosi!ta «mmým . XPaaela shaving pnrvéeaeiralt- eued, bridgea 51.4 lin, end the JIntion foundg at Kimount grelly improved Tg tUlbng Indioalui eolid Improvemnt lu th7 rhcountry, for vhan reilway compuai dem Il neomary le improve Ibsir roadeitI betoxensa a rogneisni ommunlty along the route. Q)ollegiate inatitut. Note@. W. invite Lindsay, in tact, sud vie- tonsa COoUDtu hoinape Olurbeautif i groundi. Thiey are lorely sud proud Sa Our title at Préenta. &ehol lasaeUhlmg down le voîk, snd alrady the uolcrnn louirof midulghl oufnhis tudents st IleI oca. ya 'ofthiespupili show t11.1 the gonfle ephyrs of sommer have played with thelr lochsansd xWaed the pale clubk of the. sludent lIe lIethebrommed bue of the jolous sampr. Bishop Povier, DMD..LML.., of BOu Fruncdm, one of tlb.,moscml.omu ipeakers lua&tneresa, Sa oo 0a. mpl' for snytblig tUite hem, Il.. He Va ho14 you ipellhouad. eSectauon Taud Oet 0thcm "ossepuoblemi Buptmbar 1611., 1891, Nanti BadvInag 49youa Em a Pla Sut b Drink-A Spblg tuer 11e ooune -oon aII el hoaacho Oiovred byr e. lCae. Il t malv 4"~ ~IÂL de, r -* *lm - tue di~o O . ..... Mo0 00 de: -mm 5 totoia #wdoM Ilii ....10l000 UWe~........ 186tle 0 00 Ceeuae.pe 0O.... ........ I05 S9 ~ s asio 0 pou buét.. ~ - - *45 l'a PWood d ...... .w..-O to à * ohm d... ...... . ...-O 1toC k naiz,"03&;- 1 - - o ato #O pr------«lo . e tos6 se hi .-nom -.-f - - - - - - d ii 00 an dO ....*...... 0 e ilte iU nmamib aii......- 8. - i tleaI Umm ....mI...... 200 EIibU.. - ... . . O toi 10 m M. , .. .l.. -#sle 0 M3 plat»" i 2Iou 40 Uvelopà."go-----4800 ite i ele.... o to 84 sa 1b.ktM&.......... 4t.5 gwaham pb. ......,-S Nt O ô40 lima ton p....................:..0.m i 0010 Rai Gaer ..... ..... 0 Ua§0 0 DmnE hop orc..~........4900 leS7 00 Wistmmd...e ......... ... t Du s peià............ 000 to 00 cas ve D.................. 000U b oie Panfl....................... 000to 000 Dre-ueb ..sv..... , 080 0 0 Duekper it............ s014to 016 ?6Fmto per00 0 &0O Turku ..................... 0100 ,7 CEnbte-« oui........... 8 o 0 e Butrtb. ...... -... .. _-. oUi le O GO ......... ..... 004 le 040 .-. oi0 e00 0 Apu.................. 00 10 165 Tisnilstatow.pmb01....... où Cabmepeedoua..*,%......... 00 0 O 2 pS tEl ............ 109 là 00 050 te Io40 Psrleprlimn........015 loego0 ~16SUniIltem ..f a80 ta 0650 ~and B . .......... 00 4(00 " oomange 8o75 perb ................ 30OI) 350 « ge u. e h Sd......... 8500 80 00 r d'oowau hwbes.1 .. 500 d4500 Obeep--IKp ? ... ....i;....... 450 000 Buteobn, parhbu&d....... 8 7 à49 IAmbe-Perhid ................ 2 4 U 400 425 Shagm.xilb........... b 00 *900 Omvu-pe? luai, geM le iuLO&e..... 40GO 60G Carnuon......... Ise150 800 Touchburn & Preston, GRAIN AND PRODUCE M EROHÂNTS. Ueamv, Enrn mm~ ~omee. Uubea mmrketpuIeepaIit~ oSaS kisia atm le.. J 5. VRION. m HIJESAN VeR W. B. MURPHY OATERERm BAKER Havi1 nonro~ orkpea~ iu~piy * dus CÂKMS I vice cf su excellent 'sot ~ - sois.. w&nÏBowIIE.Bdkmmie. ý GUO. XUU<IIG, Auamei m e m rEIdetut»Com c ~~wh om &W e. s.Mo"ai vwm omut. SauUI Am-o.n. onla OOfd Kmueam l" Mr mue. kau Y m» vaI b bd* khOme .WUt libn To rarmera. MacDonell& Oowdry oa Dow pfipated to buy at the Tant Wàréhouse nieros the Bridge. Whest, Barley, Peas, Oats, Red and ÂAlsike Clover, c'a Hpui at lb. Uioebouuo. Jinday, BipI. il, 1M0.-47-84« T aM M appn e la ois. à Id er. le v . UN T e.ut@aii Prm eu.e~ E TT runml, nIr..gEID O Park Tae I ma ~ ~ Alum alm mm e toz Appyat Lot 8, Cou. 15, xqloM. asat aie en.WIlb rMuM<' e a s8-fi WoodvMle P. Ont u uon.-a>u LIIDSAT 108[111IiltLS . ' Tam for SaMe or te Nemtin n la n h e«rud.IURgST, STRONCEST, BES. Pur " er to ent, ILot No. 9, "uce.lxtn cal UiaG> ouns a da.ugh emsl m isue. » "sera ,ploled.1m Ver~ ~ t hlprtuuapla 0 pibm ~or ontHighesit price" paid inuah -W xrvv WLE.1B. ALuNr for Wool. Apli 2 CNTS EXTRA WREN COL LE G Tarm for Sle. . -EG ib r u ta trboro. vin fenca, ed.u wutme,IIIi 10UM1?u~o sd wen bueli o .ÀArai-cdanfam.- Irfoui na FULdaITH T W EDS saldin a btgh auie of oulflivéio. On&alf tif le & ïm&zoct mr. 0omenPUt FLAN NELS, Etc. B SN S Pi to a-t T. EBx 0Petrbero. FOR SALE. S O T A D rm te fBout. 0-1i~, moe eUIeu, la e ai 1 a u Iretasat. About am seadaeam*teraimbl =c ambenPature Ma&i. b. faim lu itual ui s oaygon Robd& Ove~~~~ mi.tm t b5witbln -f -mile0f the mbool bouse; Md al i wtoe&Polameon giren ai sav ime le sit tise tenant, Fot furtiser patcu. i tar y to " is MryA. Ray on tbm promises, or Uf y = t10Ludntr. 0. M .RT 7-2-061.,1001-199160U AII IL"'Y LtndmY i, l SU, Z189-1790-Uf Salfo Me la tle TowaMbP > ~ ~ U W Thi. tut50 m~ts m sra.a l ot ed ad ina &goalONHA » 0"t of ouihAlon. Thare ar. on th emia ecmlcrtbe dlelug hou, a trame bain, glable and *mual Tbhe m lvu Uenosi eltticeiarralanom l latai t our mlle. hm du ondmyo lf to ébffemi 1«"laà M5shingle, h Oressed lumber, 8,E Ue on tise crerSmS miZ¶ot, l aburabi..:cn Mt.lnt. orfutise artclr pt ollg.SaDc u4t Diessed Flooriug, Etc. Teacher Wanted. mehof ubi1cis Ii si m WategpottitTice. olins isaiOlaPeterboro or Lin dsayv Prioes. htap 540 rom G. ABRTI.HENIRYT OOLE. Sapt. ftb, »M-90-G2 1 aue on th. premisen et ithe underlgued, Lot 15. Cou fl r&ou e Itc f à TheOwe SHEI', ou. whlle ud the osher blu l TOM la requrnuc to a pro"pperty, pay expense md tae am&y. WELBY SaBlmoN. 1790"4.DowneyvUie. Gm«. ls Metherell. 18938 à<)liDftflffof 2,iho.II Wbum, myvite. ELIZA ]HDLEY, ha. lat ny billbarWlbot ui cus o povoalo,r For Schooi Book. Schooi Bequl- pariasMy porios r..m gv e credi luaymeceaeutu m ii moiUe- tes, Publisher's FriceB, go to 45,18,,Xoe;éàitb. G. A. METHERELL.'S Meaneub, pt.Sui, 191.GOS ~ s~ à" aiomery Stoe. utpomte »'evP" HEAD0V CTTL. I el blfu a whs itle tar on faisumm eawviitaespotsabout tieflank.lred uig~~alh~1 rMd a>me, wtvitle spots about Thl aresEtvo yam old put. "aY m mmeadvwiii uni wvad leme ce Tu. laumay. viiibe sntbty rowut- bot141 M.0. P ull Stock of fligh and Public SOHOOL BOOKS always on hand. U eroIIms , rawtnim nPeumMdPu CeO.METHEIRELL Oppote nov Poil Office Abs f AetfolOim brsted UxrUg &ra dMdim Pla. adSn - Mehime ors; -P uo1 J. B. McKÂY, Through Tickets issued ât lowest rates to ail points in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Manitoba, Dakota and the North-Weà, Pasiengors cmii choose their route oithoi ri Chlcagi or 'ay the Lake Superior steamers, or the AUl rail x out vis Norith Bay and Winnipeg. Througi ticetsisisued to ail the principal pointa ini Canada, United States and Europe by first-dlu linos. lrot every informin apply ta F. C. TAYLOR. Ticket Affnt. Express office Lindsay SBILQH'S CONSU MPTION CURE. The sucees of this Great Cough Cusre is vithout a parallel in the history of medicine. Ail dMugists are authorized to seli it on a po-s. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfuily stand. That it may become known, tie Propnietors, at an enoranous expeiise, ame 'lcn a Sample Bottle Free into evé'ry home ma thse Uàt States and Canada. If ye have a hog, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it *v1 ' cure you. If vour child has the Croup, or Woping Cough, use it pronptly, and relief Masue If you dread that insidjous diseaSe SCons,.rnption, use it. Ask your t>ruggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 50 zts., 50 cs. and Suc. If your Lungs are sore or Back larae, use Shiloh's Forons Plaster, Price 25 CS Kow1soII Bros, Financial Agents. $5750 viii -buy two ttorey 80id brick five teneme nt lerra3e realizing 186'f rouI per annum, situatcd in centre 01 tovu. A good investmsent. $4000 wiii purchaae one of the fin- est nealdences iu North Ward, wit we acres of land. $1700 .wMI buy Ji storey brick dvefllng muaiadditions, oonvenientlY Sa- ualed lun ortis Wod. $1200 wii buy éther of two brick dvefllugi 8 and 9 rooma, lu South W~ $850viiibuybrick Cottagelf Seiulrd Ie minutes "ak from P04 W.@ hae foi gaic sud le oui olid briok,bic vmererdsud ftrame dwellings and v = #&r UaI parthe .town, aipices d n 0 rMi e ilthe vanta et any inendifli Pu .Ims.Cal sud ueo oun list. INSURANCE3 W.npeeiit l mer o f lie atrolf5e ~ sudAmenlan.Imfl CitPS mme Wl. Lt ssu ccidensitiial * aPmfr the M V fhllffbeteflMott' ~LTBrON BK. :Biao z 7, 1 KINGSTON, ONT. 96-26 1 m prepared to koop AU kinch 09 »»L toucamm 1 1 1. PUR«,. and T. BEALL. LINDSAy, 1891. le U. ýie 1

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