Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 7

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THE POWEI I. UMea PO*aIep.OUO.K~ maTS IUOowup 1 .ai e 1 e Psmp ~as Tot day contîec an s anguaPomp "Per aIhme ta "10 aei4 lea mgI~ tasent f e ro m telIptLur ta mmct à,~~a. aIdma e'oaage.Âta -ee in their places. The curhbuIIdi1uX tbm' l.u pi od 'epuied îonla aailew d c harg andth ie orgim, which bave beau almoO eues h'îî.t-- whocmidei.Ati.SIL!OY contlnually undctr brîush aud haaiaomgsott010111.ftetîîl :nswl eivf-tll. Teit since the dediention hit aprlng, are now hsalthfui and AdetiîU'i.a a »% .hi and mithaL'g onbough. De" Jti about camp letcd. The sermons todap vers a brWi>n ,Ihq ric ia ful af congratulation and were attend*4 lU. retdiluitinn, @».ljbav, * jjrkda ** ofOPTIMISANI PEWiMIST. by tb. usu&al thruugs. Dr. Taiae morn i» .héorstxvu* The "UtMMIstvl ay:'II'1 tln't belleveaa Img sermon wtt. on "Rindneia,' fm tUi Ide net waui 5cr hmv ht. W«14' - Wrd of IL 1 don't think that a£ man thàt ft., Acte xxviii, 2- "The barbaroua peapi. .have. taken vengean-.ce ullboevery <eau 1i bu bt n i eful and seerrnlngly honeai! ahwdu olittie kindnesa."av udI n .wronà by fdoing bhen a. nd 0or t.wtttti ye recoule] haroe e go ift My text pte sus an the' Island of Malta, 's la[nmo4a qccaa rack 1k. t *.There 4ré trq Iaso*h another umLu.ur wltâMlita.Tht. Ilaand, aucseederi, but there area fl ig ao ' idIviiwtbihar the ot.her which has always been an Important cam- wbom I niye1prsigndIailfo aide betýfa Ilcondemn hlm." My bearer -mercial celîter, bliogngat dî1'prenttlmng beconutent Iltt l ave ln iîome wsehlpa If you are bynactiro &-pasimtst, make si tO P11oericia, to Grt-ce. tO l1'îme. to Ara- thlu or benetlttud thuot - bh1t.d the. s pécial effort by tihe grace of God ta extirî bts, to Spain, to Frace, tIIZw helangs to Let us ail pray fur titis sprit of,dnm, petste dolorotw andi the hyperariticalI Enghîud. The area ofr te îslauîd la about It will seUe athnus.nîîd uî'eitlansq. ft viii omJqWcdispostion. Belleve nathlns onehîîclrd s~! e îîie. t l inthe chaîr~ Ui ph.~ o!eveythng.[t iii Uanat anybody anti] the wrong la eatab- j Meditwrî-rî it iisv*:_i. a ra!u wclarity ofut nîlhi)w tr an~sd throtigit aur eutirs lishec by at least two vitnusse f iInteg. atnosir-et~ :.,~ Ea, ot.bunre n~tîr. I ~itrufïyrm alifetjme. ftla rt. n f uî b rved, dldont the and hirtyrils :wîvýy, can be distlnctly [lota feeling goi , p or 0dolg>bt @XStenuStilng roumatanos. ii there are caeeu the o1~d fi g Maoulvt for a lng preu iLad then cammitto menarysno that Yau becusetl~ i~giî. o .Mltafora lng Thiat in the reaàan I liko pétunia@ battereu quote for pourselt and'quate for others whlle rid-i bunt-c, bi,ttmo>, 1'ninous bw -tha4l sîîornirîg glanas. They look v"ry hat exquislte hrteentb chapter of Firat cause of'e ; r :Ie hîprelt uq..alike, anti if 1 aiould put in pour Cot.iitblno about chrrity t.h&t suifera Thte 1,vîsfl:,i!ie,1te'sxe au wlîich Paui.l haud a petuni a sud a marning glory poil long andi la kind, and hopet.h ail thinge salle iit i l"];tti l i,'nthLie siaritoard tack, conki hardly tell whtch la the ptunia and andi endureti ail thinga. Bp pen, by voice, aud tu titie .-qJý 7:r~~rîm',l~~,wbich the tnarninu glory;'buîLeont nun ni plaeayallego and Lthe vt. riIt:atî>.b! Hile glorybno'i.,ionly a ew hotra anid thon b tp poyuaîuoanfier si i ' irkft :tu aute p reted ay, lleat he pitunia la b. nathlng gooci, tien t.tghten the chain af 15 10W .. >.:ie ~v 7 W!'. lfaswdesre;i agio atwOlve 010100k muscle on the back endi af pour tangue, sailus r~i~. n>:,. "* t>~' at noan and six o'clock lui tie evonlng and epteloybr fteio h azî deib. ir~ u. - . I.>~d t aunrise. And thisgrace of kindueu and kverJa t Ivr bars oteeh n th. of te si r-. r . .t l h ot spasmodic, la no intermittent, la n01n upper jaw andcte n lvoe ae of eyhor lip liasSI)r<>i.~i tI> 1 i .!i'~t~ ~ for a fittle w hile, 5nî It Irradiatea thé tightly olaoisd p our tongue abat up. gardta l~Rtu 'i' '"~Of vole nature, ail through and clear on itpacBoky al otlv lioiey i,;raev;.> "i"" *4tilitheunncbaaurerthyexstece. lu, aud ail the otier citlez and neighbor- Olvs g iV 1.11(i h'i:rs > lnums anrsavcitge l.Ac hooda ta Uive lu. If charity daminatedi olivs 1 W tle. \~î~î ~ii utI~ you reaolved ta get.ftt t does ual corne bp 'Wh>.î if al lie young aud aid gassipera (1rý :i t lie lxaî.l, satir- haphazard, but througb culture under the wrdaîTie Lord banteuntheir funeraisl ated wiio. s:Gt waur and hligir-vl n o divin. heip. Thîstles grovw wthout cul- Whr a f lttetti n iseigv absio~îcefroU o t>alid celii lied t.0 Li oture. Rockp nîpuntain sage graus grova out af fashioni What If lu ciphering out bone. te it'id;,t.hoit h called har. wltbout culture. Mullon staîka grov tho value ai other people's character, in baranis it1;w-e .'y c<(0(flt t p;ýiLk I ithout culture. But tiat great reon os sur moral aritîmetlc, vo tnck to addition Greek,, oereltfiair dours La Lthe ship. lu thc conservatory, Il& lea.veapacked on Instail o f subtractloul Kluduessl Let uns wrecked iinfortiîîoes. Icaves, deep dped as though It 4ad been marnlng, faon aud night pray for It until1 Ever-ytiagir_,a(l gOie ta the bttam af obliged ta figit for Ias beauty aud it vere vo gel il, When pou cau speak a gond 8 the deep, ali lie ucttharroted, barehep'ded amlii reeklng wlth tic carnage ai the. battie, Word for nmorn ne speak 1% ,If pou ecu apostît' antidli'..crew were in a condition that rase needed ta b. cultured, and conaclenlousîy gîve letter af commenda-1 ta appre " t 1liînotity About Lwenty- lirougi long pears Ils floral ancestors vers lion, give I1.Watch for apponlu tien forc fiv MUti xîeale sasoîs go foncilu cultureci. 0 Gad, Implant kindeas n iliii doing good flflp pears after pou are dead. the life station nrear E:utianiîpton, Long our ouls, aud tien give un grace ta valch Ail my lies bai been afected by the lel- Island. They ba(l got ahore in the ulghs it, ta ennlch il, to develap ti t er afI ntroduction liat lie Rev. Dr. Van from te rea, wrial ot n but for shae haci The king af Prussa had pnoa.nted te Vrankeu, of Nov Brunswick Theological thep Ieft. T1hey found out, as Prail and ihlm by the. empresaf Ru"si the rool ai a aeminarp, vraie for me, a boy nuder binm, bis fellow vovîlgers fonud Ont, that the àses i rare flower, aud h vas put In' thc royal vien I vas seeklng a settlement tu vhich t.a the rougtresî of ail robiters. MY text ghrdeua au an Island, and the heaci gar- ta preach the Gospel. The latter gave met fiddi the sltip's éreiv ashore on Malta, and.! douer, Herr Fintelmanu, waa tlad ta watch my BiraI pulpit. Dr. Van Vrauken bai around a hiot frtgrying theinselvea, and IL1 Andians day Il put forth its glorY. licou dead mais than thiry pears, pet £LI viii the best provision the isiandera eau Threo dapa ai every week tie people were telletuha hlmgiietadpo effo he. Iadmîtteci ta tisse gardons, and a yeung fessar. Strauge sensation vos il vien 1 AndI they go Int government quartera mani, probablp not realizlug wbal a wrong receiveci a kind message from Bey. Thoma t for Lree days ta recuperitte, Publius, the t.iing ho waa dalng, plucicec thîs lover Guard, oi Baltimore, lie greal Methodist f ruler, nvitlng theiri, although he bad a& ansd put It iu bis buttouhole, and the gar- ororsxwekafrhmdat.Bwp ver. sicknesx i n te ouse ah that lime- douter arrested himas he was crossingattie ai the eternai warldt Oh, no, by way o ai bis fater tovn witij dyseutery sud typhoici ferry, audprked thc king ta throw open no thbis vonii. 1 di not 'mee 1he friericita fever. Yeu, for three months tiep staici i more bis gardens ta tie public, The king vbom ho 'gave the message untîli earlp ou lte islr intd watelîing fur a ship and put- replied. "ShahI deny the tiausauda af tva mauths afler Thomas Gaard iad as- tlng tîte hospitaîtties oi the islainders t A agaod people ai my country lhe prIvilege aof oended.. Sa pou eau start a word about aevere est. But thkey endurcd the test atI&lsS eeng thla gardon because ane visitor bu nmre on. that will ho ou Its traveloanam 0 faotoriiy, and tI is recordetl for all.the agma doue %vWrongP ¶o., ele &_bls-»0s vigarau long after tie fanerai psalm han of time aud .ternity ta re(Iad- bear la lie beautàful ground&," been sang at pour absequies. Kindnussi regard ta tie inhabitants ai Malta, "The And when lie gardenor vlsied ta give Why, if fifty meil ail agi-av viti Il shauld b barbarous people shoved us no litile kind- lie king the name ai tue offeuder whha Ai vlk througi tie blost arîc, meîbiaksa ness. t taken 1he rayai Bavwer, ho said, "No, mp thep vouid almosi abolîmi perdition. t BIILEEXMPEBONKID~ItS. mernorp la . very tenactous ad 1 do ual TOUCIXQ N uANCOTE OF ABRÂHAM LCLIÇ. 0N Kinduesst What a greal word that la. It vaut ta have in my mnd tho naine ai lie .Fufrthermore, tiers ta kincinesaf action.a voald take a reed as long as tiat whlch offender, lest l ahoulci hinder me grauting 'fiaI la viat Joseph shoveci ta bie ouI- t tie apocalypic angel useci ta meosare hlm, a favor ome otier lime."1 Nov, 1 rageons brothors. Tital in vhat David a heaven ta tell lie leugth, lie breacti, lie vant pou ta knaw liaI kindnesa la a royal mioweci ta Mephibashe~h for hlm father heigitI ai thal munificent word. Il in a flaver, aud bieased ho Goti, tue King of Jonathan'& ake. That la viat Onesipior- t favorite Bi ble ovord, and il la eiîriy launcied mrercy aud grace, liaI by a divine gitai us hoved ta Paul lu lie Roman penilen- b lu 'lte book of Genesîsi, caught up lu tie ual bypunlaiulug, ve may pluck 1h18 rayal tlary. That la vial William Cowperk bok of Jostiua, embratced in lie book of flover and nfot ear Il an the aulside of recognlseci vien ie said hoe vould noual Ruth, swora bp iu the book ai Samuel, aur nature, but vear Il lu Our soal sud trust a man via vould i vii bis foot ueed- 8 crowne-i ln Lhe baok ai Psas, sud on-li vear il forever, Uns radisuce and aroma ual lessly crusi a vcvrm. That la what our throned lun uany places lu the Nov Testa- ' more vondenfai for lime than vondertul assassinaleci Président Lincoîn demon- t ment., KinduessI A word no mare genîle fon eternilp. trated vien bis pnuvale secretary foid D than mirghty. 1 expecîIt ii wrestle meu 'KTLND WOP CA NEÈRfIL. hlm la lie Capital groundC. tryiug ta geL a t down beforL I gel through vith il. Il h811n unher, I muat apeak ai kincineas of bird ban ta thie nemI f rè which Itl kad b mtrngenoghla irw n achnge Bt orci. Wben yen meel auy ans do pou fallen, aud vilci quallty lhe Illutriaus s il viii be vol! for us ta stand arounc1i s ay a pleasant thIug oan unopleasant? Do man exhibileci pears belon., vbeu havlng t sudwor ouseiea p Is gow s Pns you 1e11 hlm of agreeablethilugs pou have viti some lawyen'inluthiecarniage on lhe and bis fellow voyagera stood arauune h istard about.bizut, or tbe dlsagreeaile? vap la court pas' d ou the road à avine lire oi thLe Islandi of Malta, viere tiec Mal- .Wîen ho leave. peu does.ho ledl botter or fast lu the mire, afzLer awhile crieci ta hie 105 ttuletiernelvs nîrortl u iY txO does ho feal vorse? Oh, tie paver oai'lhe hors, 'Roi" sund saici tathe'gentlemen, by the way tey breainei these vicI ini Lifshe tangue for lie production ai happinema or III must go back aud help liaI iog ont oait s.a "The barbarons people showed us ne mîserpi One wotild think from lie vay tic mire." Andi ho di go brick sud put f Utile kiniduess." tue tongue la cagad ln vc migil take lie on soi graunci tht moal nioutoresting C Kinduensi Ail definitions af liaI multi- hunitiat It. bas a dangcrous paver. FixaI, quadruped. ptent word break davu bhlv ay. Fou it la chaineci lu lie back ai lie mauli by Thal vas thie spiri liat vas manlfested ae asy~~~~~~ ~~~~ 1hiicenuybngiy eurst4 trong muscle.. Thoen t la surrouuded bp by my departed friand, Honorable Alexan- la made up of gooaci vshea, It in an exprea. i te teeli ai Lie lover jav, io maup ivarY der H. Stepiens, of Georgla (sud lovelier '0 alan ai beneficence, It la a contribution ta aa u hnb i ohc i permnnvrecagdcrifrhae th. happiness ai oliera. Borne an$ elas uadto b h et fth pe a eerecagderh o evfr asp: 'Wh, cn gvepoua efultonaijJav, more Ivorpbar.. Tien outaide ofa al ven aI Washingtn. A senaor'. wieh Mys "Wy, ea gie ou déiniionofirme tie tva lipsviitiithepaver ai com- -via tld my vile ai tie circumatance., kindnu: Il luaunabine ai lie muic, I 4 I Vat udptntliaa adtaf.. ,"Mn1. Sehncm u Kincinesa vishes everybody veli, eeIihm. oi.aloietUlshv Jho ihm iad nomach idazoa n Me rai a i fmy mac,. wehl, oIvery vaman veili,everp .ohld h &Tn e.jis o u» aý ola goiag ta have lin boumse for acearm92 U=iU ots abMp OuiES la ght and Yeun0 Weil, every bird vl, everp haas eli, m4 ume pY"r vee%«ý' ý Bo eic e put é ifUt" Tinr.1 à1anldt&»W$Khn OhmS h. every dog vell, every cest. eli Gi.>*is bana. hfer t sugIsye'soos19M epo w ma ~IPnlt flluswing, and pou vonld otec gpgai.- .I ls.sigeeathnfr W .ou moareriteeci af soclelies fan prevsiibl t ady g bsn y« d et fnM l $9iag l hilu D M &Ovtài 1îg Ciuelty ina animais, no mort ueed of POO-, sH sh 0iqPt oynia aealei. 1amil-s hie89 hactive sewing womla'ia aaolatlouj4 "ihi&h-ortm kae e x a L oc13 relt e Wonici dul svery avodullI ~a4a bii upeiu Out akin dleep, sud unwieel e've àar til i ilcould nfot rall, sud maka igub of no more nus lu lie vend e , o t rock blastlug or pyrotecluzlo>qsIOon Klndn.sa la a prlt.divlel.' sud in anaver ta prayer,asudth 10bé adlously cultlvatcd untîl il fillb .31 l 'nature viLi a pefumeiohe an&#iMm .pongeni than mlgnonot.io, a ~Pt n uft c ia noaiebaty = lvheî.e îîobody>oma me Lt., 70 a" tpndlat> sud l< mii ' mun t i ouaa But ta utYO 'OéOnt, to t 'tu an hM dlu tfM te sassci bow" -,katem et upmIn Mb M inwo -U ~7~~iIfbob" d un é'wI stge o a uaal via, d thé becs4 Sudleydiangmbruumg waj lie 41- ien ik ps lires ~ ~ ~ IrUM -dti a hr f aslm uav~a abemih. "An ualgionlgtar e u t aie-la I ,houhlu Il ith lda." Andlibr aintaia ora1"Id ai good mw uhlm ulhdSrapusvihu o yps o mnica lrionyse ai e I;-aid i re M»elug fnlfuldepor « eW"nfrado eylig lthadmlî * ls la i amolis vtiasiil*le avas, vilel Padlpila they sAndug 1h arapiyormliteetaldoneddIho#slWatelalter&"pAnamslicaW et la edater?" lcaeangk s1e1aurial u oston vooencpuu, lu Nov Yo aid teonli t plcand p.Why, etuli mie led eoas, vlle luonhiladewiha shtetasumuin omlnof lu. Kinesbsarepse.eoewiigo tpso mrc olnie 0vi*el&'toryst"methtaaung htiib in Del wmamaCount Mheaeram, 'yeecarknov s ud I nowvo ew ~York, l s aunntale afou tire are fa foliaI 'mgte othba. al hswh acesle volesurfale of Phiadlie, cov théli. iv cnI er,»t haes milltenalusu leare end ot an uknuon ep lb. oaingeac aieeiahafove ldeaail Kacdiduthtaetha e mass pimia of ay scalathudmundortron vinemes. Kinci. Iffrn tonom ils neiborew0 YaIrli nus! If 1hl p8 korM t. vr rouilteGomi-murfaceloks le in aia eli alred lei mu lstln l aI iiiWdoi You cacrpe.luakigonlivevysrfe gonath frI i orc n atoai ourapli ogtheiu dof aewre itout fr et lernîci ownou anaI acolciileue% orkleina lien atervchlaabou lhea arefa excellnce or refmtinogad utuei tarfothelwolesurface.f ic sverep Fo nuuABE a EE w ispnDsaton peaorwta pts un rothofahane.hos ii sl vI en sd le hveoamI wleum ers awin so laan u ie oldpav- sn ait gen sSld e le whvet vni: "DoU't Witu hieofatheormo cuci otcice. pcle ouvaan haci my panver? Wt. iy, vie. eentor rmake lie i ferlehAcorde mail aIf as li a cow'm bof cracks aubraouuka ie suf ace auiflstone tair. Wlîh anew ildltyowing I iave oevhInrecing earBthIie vlestiae l ntret lie wcasai tra ltuh ou aythefoot. Il bs ben arewche clcited fret thest vîti part eu 'sbip timben. I t enIhtearenovten atich ou takepace Ifto sudhe llec rreoti Alorllaocean. Ievytw u ely-atheurfear.Three waefrom arn leatrerai ahiP IuvalINDsm, ud t gin5pots0varatuhecsuare yrdc men baifrmsmai ho cs ntdv fre ari nluces lu depth.ttemotpw ore d hilcmin eaiconatienthae efa ous "Parskow la teovnlowo i aI «stllod n alced lie funaea. [Jder rDn9 eruT eea, va vas vigous rn ivuls brheyntincaucie i sotamepigna ding lrie caciv an, isitac <rtte r Doust pou viaia a cw rny p a?"s daI ruel, l 1tesith, surfaichcause heshounce hlier ositon we fm lirIhv vrl The vat vnd mae neansve, bu pu. Tic aSt. Louthis oesDemoat strwn he outfro N wfondlnd o ptclsasytow. t h een ec tnthe acuaily lit andaeIl issionhAtlaic ornewb1esvrien aticlevefor s. paper ie Kuox- amuth atele r ofbovsailie ay, dand ville Whg150et e 20 osing secessqaney canceo lme rlve rsdlaes amu et onamil reaIsias ft eut; rui in li mautmeil Ireslndte gardns bootensdalic ce fjamurnaî. crii olo saute at- ocarci on pefod thesu ls esi fdeida Ioe. Teeoee, wo as a g o Ibs unarra- brht he natioe s mîlver inta oi, anci healli lio thercilow ar, hesl iii own teitor colapen île bau, anied.oy shouetec i mud retaot ir i as toihce nrie su ew Tie hilitps, su d e no n îfer, hutuincid try teenlma ret tnflec u ublic foreea Is miiong, csud lioeher id ot iarlucle forn art . pet:rehstane. au oolh ogy o esyosudthe sky and a* il hgscsin.Bca hem riora nle eansuleamid tbsd a etot ni ntematm i coh . Thke., su d ensgladuoa , an t he cieiornl fo ivl'oo hesn- t oags lie BaveadsudeIh inuts, sude ue hrfrt snra hired eay siteilfo wom ahiel tvesa-no hson dtoi aend li veanci ad e ta liednsone n rt nthraýv h nrhi i th lltpuwidsthuernaion. te hir hi ncient a ý ,tifuec itpbi ha dzlofoll racta cultuandvten ve secau- ahmleoth anc gîmpanodgte larmcli sud O*roedQi. ~d< tur Loardl ramd he an intnmstae, mi-E.f0 ageans dhe la ersderis, nda xrS.Epes sc' th auy ecppean tteblici, sud he cyal-ns. kureL..91.. .0p sweîthes hi lprsmde drInoece laa. ~.1.0a~U0 .n ofth leasdomoniaaliateraizeihmalo'Ptroo.. .9p. i a. .9a Kinde vasdon li e ross, knine at cAas.Peipucol......6.86 p.m..48% beadisaffiel ga o ltusie aihin, esdc .ooi...83 p. .S..1.6a. toncneasablie texcecuies svilluex-il ng 8.88Mp.m."8.00 m.fl4am ame tua e li pesudhamtmeoltic andUWP crpikes, kudnved t ec a'rsminduee.sars. xres ti. thecped nditeiingalesand lie Gaet- N. Toontoe.. .9.0 a.1. 9.180 P.m.1p alpingasudthe l[ci.andevte pal eaa Ps.arlPont ole...12.46 s .017M.&0p.M andthedeonicalchracerie hoaa esPoi«ero..flJl a .m. 111 p..&.89p... this Iraceandanlte crloss i indArr C té anto, ..... 8 p...5am,141sm iri sud h ee dctioa ti great "Otaan.8 .45pa. 5.0 Sm.. 41 alonP liaI lteie ondeer damrsd lihe onteal. . -. i 8.1la.m hpieo ahowigbte lt osannaiaIbeu s..-onEpolI.ony17 m. c ul rai. ivn ll eci. eies o vterykhndues, liad Llnsy lto. .O1m E .m .0P theilo ne ath hata hale andte ibis ha e x.T~ontous. 91ATOHETTPi Dale nta thetIdaber ili ses iptae cre PmPety'Jceuy ore, -10-MssvAgn.09PU th!&ptauscendnov xmnlebe o himainee eeroo.1Ma-.1-1P12-7UP bhan skieae and eadare t gei llbtbai Ottaa .....?&ôli.511fa6 a. ory ail urtoenaorgi ver emfraiaur thRI!Itu l.IUR815 It . 16 a.-MI rieromnedfor ailtheouryendma. ht nd Aucivled va aldct e uae thehor- TZ08. oSTATON. T zotal utieriofrltbilonrord, w tht rl on 000... lxySediace Prt oe MI et. tei«n issscaiinepaagapd i due aratk. a~i oe r. forallair aclind, boi r lit evenfrgemni , RAN TRN.-A ~IL . Ad ra Ile w o foreth s thlved uidoma nmeurs-vU. have cul leresrlaI lierbsone'a chiten ,5 u xpud 11Jettio TorotHopefrcI& Pot Hop sur apastetipagaep cul uons .I e antMiox indsToay.,tri lnsy lealiaI myarksn, at ur raenta suggetion e orauo kcmPort 1H0ope via heert the e. AnHe shovletie s m Zpes ia pfor PorteanPortbP6 ron Biathfo ual u f niXc aIf ,by theaigraof Toronou- 91 s n aI ashrotraistm le eat wiy starmala e 506pmo tis-V. rave lùm nlie rocks ie mbsela rsen 916si Ipru û"toaiono, Le Prtu0- nould apropriatlyfortCuobotoe lat&conneetlngo urlydoa, aks uritiralvb.lasugin &C6LIp,. vineuiii Erso n l sprd Mldia kan a nouuled, sud ail lieot Pcouqueu WrslCliv. Baut et , ntialie lt hapai oumGetbas . u J.cae o e. .5 .M za orafrncfheeara y tirmei th" 0 .. a or l'e pnclos lallaEl- oisu »I-I tir 91*, T- ii: J j - P8OPE1~ToJ; fan UI, iamu KO~iE, ~ Imaibe ~p~1Be% Whi~s. Trunke MLd Vaflhse JAMES LITTLE.l THE RIA WADBR WILL BE SENT TO NEW aussconszas FOR THE. REMAINDER 0F THE YEAR FOIR 30 CENTS. SUBSOIRIBE AT ONC0E§ TRE14T VALLEY KAVIUATION 00K. 1 Advertise in The Wardm' PANY, (LIMITE».) 19. TIXE TÂBLE 1891. -8. C AV ~R L Y, OOMENCING TRURSDAT. JUNE dru ViITORIA BIOAD, la prepared t su only FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING l 1 in&U ts branches. A ful hpply on hand at a&U timea. Eavinir now coçplpeted my HEABSE 1 am prepared to supply undertaking In U s1, branche. Afull suppiv of Porniture always on band. Picture 1-1I71-Iy 8. OAVERLY. E S TU RIO0N PLTIG ]BETWEEN Lindsay, Sturgeon relut and Bobca*ygeon Leave BOBOÂ&YGON fft 6.80 &.m. [aud É'8,10 p. Arrive Lindmay 9.00 14 5 .80 < Leave Llndsay 'ILSO 66' &45 Arrive Bobawcon ' 1.45 de" 8.00 Ecplg on Saturdaya when the steamer will lesTe Lludspai 8&20 p., g:aedof 5.45 pmn upon arrivet ooto train. Single Tickets between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon 76 cents, retiirn ticket, 41. Big.Tickets beteeundpsdSago en 86 cents, returntikt 0et. Single Ticeta between Bobcageonsdtugn Point 40 c ntreuru tic ets 5<> en ts. d t rg &V famlly Tickets aud Excursion Ticket, at re- ducoed rates cm -b. procured et th. PMO OFfICE,. BOEOAYOEON, and on the boat aangements can be made on vY favorable ternus for ExcuMsons of frcm 10010 20M pers.on nregula trips of the boat. 1 T. V. N. Coi . Bbe er- 1788-if M. LINE, Captai. NORLAND. House of Ail Naions for B1ood. Have beeu tlurough th efirn, but nov for biood. Tne BARGAINS I Tial vere ever ocfered lu l oefCIf f coeli. Seo- hWa is idilevina'. ocme sudWses. ltmrdm me much plesaur In thowlng gooda, if only to uhcv sud cm- puec priaes.No doubt yeou vlD vuder vhp I1s»U cbap? Simply hecesue1 do my %wu buine., boy right, buy for cuah i for cash, bave maIl proft ahM qulok retumu, vieit keepe li up.se«"» , sud my mistomers reu te benuliti vue emomr &and have bSdby edmint 10 G.ARL'S.. ohmwec. vic re thé ans sd besivals" a i .m uh t re . D on% ,go b rn wul bm h .i c e n aecocun 9 t c o u ofMc Se. TmA. MOM..111w 09.0031ea1c2I.l a. a Tm w 1»73 msmlli ;ua u imi suge of DRY GOODOGROCERIES,* mm TSA»!!>HOISI , IMADY4ADE OLTHIIIG CROCMEY, 'f~AEOSAE *mat it Ba euI., A B. B. CARR G~*4 C'YLEY LINDSAY MARBLE WO RKSI ý.R. CHAMBERS la prepaMd 1 f tls h.eoe fLn sd Z 1Oe 8,-bo I FMr2 udGai. Esutima..prom-ptly RIve'. on lailsdaet cempterj' vork. Marbie Table Tope,, ush Tops. Mante] Pie., etc., = iL'?ractcax orkrnUa ilaould me.hia de. r.uand ompare priec belore purchasing els. WOEK-In rear oft1h. market ou Camnbridge St. oppodte Mathie' packlng hous. EROBT. CRAMIE»R. The CarnadianOflice & Sohool ,,Furniture o., Liited. PR BSTOIN, . ONTARIO S uceesors te W. Stahlsebmldt à Co.. Manufacturera s fiSholCihurch, and Lcdge The Il'PunoT rmu'rox" SIool Duk The htanisd but. 4vugded the Gaild .! Istlte Jamaica Exhtbltlci. Ilhe Ochcol 1>5gb.ofi ibsompany canot h. ezceiled for Btreqth, EewAut a c g, Adaptablliiy and Cocfort 101h.ba choler. Bond for cb=clara.169 YOIJR FACE Taneces, Sunbur co, au 1» removm à Tan à }reckle Lotie Bai e, uean ilERcotai" Pto:2M0. M W OnL Sm lby &Arlrigg4 n - k h Il r. r'-

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