Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 6

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- -vSne - -m wMi - -' And a msor or futt#o » Hé = .d tii. s it ua mot m- D Jtwu tbe Mooof a ut!» qil auu0dqC op- r when a Partiy of nattise.,of Whcuii, who write tht. nawtlve, vu sC, wu Mas i ing thefr way sI»ng the bmnkM'oi,1 Waikato,latheNÎortTkisndoNewYdBe11 Il so'chanoed that I ad rldde f otwBwd a littie ahesd of the. wagon and the rm&tnidw Of the. Party, and, reinlng niy haine ISpOB th $mit of a ridgeofaiwooded groun4 Iomd suddenly upon astrange azd sthu ion Mm .valley loped on ail uà"e dowuwwrd te a Uittle Ishe, iu etepsortdTBSOf .now-whi silics, whlch had beau deposited in -the. la"s o âges by thwaters of &score ar mor. ai WiaUt fountains, whch at Intorvals alapg tii terracesthrew Up thefr sp.rkltug valsin1 the. Sun. These Ixèihng geyseer, as the nativueau iithema, pul&q.-we e .firet luaiMy Oepeee, and the beànty af the. .Ight wu af a ktnd whlch I could nover have imagined. Vast, yet fairy-llke, the»s outelai»O o th Titans roseeini tbrongs impouible teconft, beCauee their number every instant vsrled.; *ven as the eye rested upon one, the jet vouli Sink into l.s crater, wite In a spots moment before vacant arnother fountain va. 10 bc non dancing in midair. Prom ho cret ci eaCiia Cloud of white iteMs. toted ulaviy ai On the tili air. The.ites vaswitle, buqt the water oft he spouting colummnu o5 f th deepeot sapphlre, which beame &palW imd .Yet paler azurs as it oascaded devu tb tu, races and fiowed imb hte lks, Over s, heated surface hung a veil of fatlSn miel. The. caayon came u> vit. UV Compgnlona They ebared uiy admiration toe i W, nl;but unlike myseif, they were contenled withha distant vlew. W. hadi bad & hriugmrc since daybreak, and not a man of them would volunteer to joîn me inus ollmb imb he val- loy in ordor ta inspeclt te pulsa ne a aIaud On this, however. I had seit my mmnd. We Wore la hall some houri upon thse spôt for rad aud dinner, as wel as fer sMm. ulgit matIers of i-opel- about the wagon.Aobrdingly, when the hors.. bcd beenu ubrldled and turs. ed lbase ta graz., aud wbile Our native guide. viiore baBy splitting wood ta build a f[re, eut ting rashers fram a 'ide cf bacon and brlug. lig Out the kettie and the gnid&ron I starWe out aloneita lthe valley. The. distance ta lhe neareot puis was not over hait a mile ; but th. deecntat fret wu atecp and rugged, and I made my way bu$ alowvly. As 80cmu, however, as I reacbed the highest of the. terrac e i.nature af the grouad completely cbanged. It was nov s cribp, baked -urawe, ful of crackes ad fa. sures, lrom nmanY af which splrted jets af stam I did nt know the riak of valkjn]g heedleàssiYuPOn thia thin and troaciierous crust, w uichi i able at any moment ta give way beneatii the traveller's foot and ta lot him piuage beyond redemption intomarne horrible abysa. Luckily, however, thaugh 1 steppe 1 without tii. sign test caut. on, Ireach. ed Luw puia wthout accident and stood basude It. spouting fouatain. .The jet, which was about a yard in hhick ness and some twonty fot ln height, ruaiiedI with a tremondous uiss, or rather roaring, froui iis rater on the. sumnit af a Élightly elevatod mound,, exactly 1k a miniature volcano, down the aides ai vhich tiie over- flowing water poured in torrents ta the lov- er terraces, and thence into the lake. I dlp- ped rny fInger Into the. vater, but wthdrew il with a cry of pain; it wua absolutely bail- lng hot. Lis I caanced to stand ta bavward of the fountaýn,, the. cloud af steamn whlch dii ed f roin its summit was above my head and lkept me in a drizziing rain. 1 feit a lively curiosity ta look dowu itobathe crater; but this, while the jet was spoutlng, vs. of course impossibile. Thbro was, iiowever, not a hundred yards avay, another puia whlch iiad been playing as I described, but iiad nov sunk under ground. To tbis, accrdingly, I turned zny step. ansd, asconding is 10w mound, looked dowu jta the. empty ci-aber. The outaide af the mound vas comparati- velY rugged; but thitnerior vas as emooth as lihd mabie sad as white as snow-as snow on whioh tiie setting sMn ha ceait a roby lustre af tiie Most ethereal linge. I have seen the Inside cf a sea-sheli look ex- actly like i, but noting els that 1 can think af. Li forilthe ci-ter as a funnel of soine five sud twenty yards diamieter, with sides m hici sloped abrupt.y ta the contre, wwîeotiie shat, viich meamured about five teut across, descended 1k a weli bo far- my observation'led me. Thon, wlth the niost starbiling suddonness, my inz-pecton vas cut short. The. margin of tii. crator viiere I stood waa formed af overhauging jute af swlca, as brittle as glsa. Alal Idid not kuow l, anxd I touk no heed. Stooping torward ta blook WUs ne ttiIQ bIa3~ 'chac, 904 "às u. ~onos lar fOa buue Irolt hp amot* tmu4htwdoi s am WWelvAu«r and ateep, meh dvint t. ýSv"I omel1fu; I4 su downu-br- a'n asmt fa Iz 4kowowd hmvebees6.o*« tliohobmr ert "t gtbremon*a% I #M M en r» ôeill l" 1a dI *ab" froMd o efoot, a.f wthb gM 11-- mmnpsrlyaed. lneqnbloo e« *6uhtor - k)nBat torture-af tii. fght of eymSD- e"t An expSot-0-a suqsp wu itS- *Nablo-Irzud aeory nervisto *uoy. TU» instants numnbered by y f.vared. pubi Meemued. ta f aiu pou ]Py %hoM l 1.drapa moltced. I y eamwve.ubtund tacatch the. far, faInt eouad of abysmal valse-- ueund vici. might b. cbanged Iat Y Inm- tant tthle i-Sr w"hlo ld antcipIS Uy doom At leat, wit thelb. 0--aum odià effort of a deemer starlllug from lthe olutcos of a Was Iood -inevitably dcat--wnd thers ne possiblo e eo léoe .met I turme My oye. agala upon the. ,hat Il va., s Iaid, about live fut tin,,dt. A UtIe narrover, and I mtght bave haLl à chance etfrbeed..m; by settlng my back agaîust ono wafl of tih e ensuad* my handi aud knee against the <opposite, 1 mught grad- ually have worked my vay upward, as a eblneysvspolsaoy 0hago.. Up a stLa As At vas, havever, the att.rnpt vwu1dle. Unable ta mpoyMY ine..lu lmblug, 1 eoldul aasmmotafoot above lbe lodge. Tbon anathon gleas.of hoe.abatt hbuougi mymlnd. OouldIeut not"hsl itbwslls, sud .osaond,sabyaladdort lIpifled autmy hunllng-kntte sud propared ta try Ile point upan the.surf aimeThon I sbood heatatlng, hute n band, airaito make li. trial and f nd my last hope hc.ken from me. Têtthe surface, though so peliabed, mtght quibo PO&. sibly lui-n eut friable and earhy, AItbt 1 atruci the. point against it; s shudder 'rau tirough evory fibre ef my frame; il vus as bard as adamant-hhe at"o blade barely scratcbed il. In a passion cf despair I struck vit au Mny forera.againsl the fllnty vall; the blae d utped short and toIt vlhh a ring noise lute the depths of the abyss, viiero I heard AItstriko frein side ta aide unitbdescend- ed. At last, as if Il reached somo vast un- faliomable apace, lie soundceaae suddenly, and I beerd no mare. 'Up la this mmont I b.d torb>rno ta ci-y for iielp; at heart I kuev too vell t t it las usolesa. Tii. camp vas halt a mile avay, sud niy loudest outcry, muffled by liie chasm, vould be inaudible at lfity yards tram tiie shait'. m'outh. Yel, it liaI moment, lu lie sgony ai desperatian, I naised my vola. and uttered a loud, long aud plercing cry. But vhen shal.1 I oi-gel vhat followed? Tiie sound hcd scarcely left my lips viien il vas aliswered by a voice vithin the guli-by a ci-y, beginning low sud qulck, but svelling leto a vild, reverboi-ating peal or shiik, vhicii stopped the. vory, beating af my iieart; a ebniok so utberly appaliug and utùearthly thaI Il seemed as if ail the demons ofithe pit, bcd burst at once int a ecreain of mac klng laughber. Again, and yet again, the. sound reverbercled, ln unimagmnable echoes, throughi I knew net vial abysmal caves and babylos aiflthe vorld. Shaken as I vas in every nerve, I could no langer reason; cther- vise musI have tald myseit that the cry coad euuly b. a re- ebti< n aifniy ovu. No living monster's volce tram the. abyss could have appeai-ed, ta me more real or more terrific. Scarcely knoving vhat I dtd, i f ung myseli upon my narrav plattorin sudi slapped my ears ta shut av"y the sound. When at lest I ventured ta unclose them the avtul peci bail taded ibta silence, and ne eound vas ta be ditinguished except the faint continuai nais. ai gurgitating water, vhich hcd flot ceaaed ta issue tram tue deptiaet lie abysa. To this sound I nov lay llstenlng tua kind et frighttul fascination torn me minutes-flvo or ten. Thep, even as i lstened ta the saund, I heard, vitii freezlng bld, a change of chai-acter taie place within it--a change int 'o a long, loy, booming maurmur, dreadial as c lian's growl. It vas lhe vaken- ing valce ai lie eruptian 1 At lait My heur wail came!1 RLigid vith hon-or, I t1mev myseit againat the Wall, sud, wlii astarting eyes and pantiug buieatlh, awcited the. voley ai the bolllg geam I heard the. eound Jacrease itb a thunder-a foerce explosion shook the. very rock-tiere camne s blasb, a shiek freai the abysa; I felb a shock tiat stuuned me, sud tiie tremendaus spaut ai vater siiot me iras. lie guit sud hu-rled me lily i..t hluthe i.air., Strauge that I haLl neyer thougit aofIbis l that I b.d nover takmn itb calculatian lie gigantic paver oai mcii :jet!1 Hov incredubly cheurd il nov appeared thut I should fancy that a curront uf sucii farce ivould leave me lu lie oaly. Non vas I tated ta be boled clive; the. vater, thaug i ts iieat vas anly juil endurable, vas by no meana bailing hot, Had 1 been avare before that Ibis occasion. ally happ.ned, my bittai-est despair vould bave retaued aspai-k ai hope. But vas my danger at su endi Far ather- vise; lie most extraardinsry partofaitho part for whioh I have consldered liaI Il t ithe anis sd drmu mes balkwoDd tVlts cov~e ffrt I p9tforth ailEn, Isush tlb. poSk; thyluai toabed sigdM t; I 1dr.or xmyaeiiup kWh asm dry,&and,, tafingat funflsthupeu tbibetak, I Iay thon. foras long lime witheout smm sct mbon at lu.t I rose, I *»am llglddy, vuai 9M é baklng. Il vos viti lie *oteérlug ahs of auoldm *MiaI st ont I. uma» e y tolluome vsy le e cMzpMnet-tkafteb relteli the u et tl.of awpea u t t ver ataackthe. wbo ui unft. AI r«aeod tho idge above tii. mwlItrs sud ioakod oaa. ntarebebind mç6', Tb» pl vu .e«11underground, bat even'asi bo 1 MwvAl hum a gala fron t thaby addau p- llft ils gIllerlig crust against tbe mn. Il vas, am vian 1 me Il frit, s hin af bue. B*t nov b MW il villauanallsred oye, vbieh m" ils beauty tsrnble.-temp. Bar, Heatimge oue& A wvelteriluth Osuadian Arobitecturemad Builder gAves the follov summnary le au article on hoting mand ventilating: Eveey systntpomms e mbad pointeas a.vll as advantages.Ofithoehot.alayetem vocannol smy much beyond the. tact ltatI te prompt-. nom asud vigoroua pover may r.ceamand àt ta m sme, but thbedlfficultyof dlatrlbuting heat evenly, alresdy nmtionea, MAsmne- hlmon prove s giet objection. The eus. syatemm pomeeesleadvantages ofthle hot-. air systes. vithout momn of ils taulta. Iae applcaton eamndaileif te thies, lg odice li reuin. labe Weil hsated at short notice and far short Intonvals. Hopi vater siiould la gonorsib. pref.ri-ed toasny cohier systea, cspeclsllyfor the homo, It belng considened leu caely sud more easy ai man&- gemont thon auy olier. Park. aysta ia-%hoi practicol liit ai air purlty viii depond an the cot whlcbnmme wellhtg or "blla py ior il." A HinI frontlime. Modiesha. Mme. Ifadjeeka la credited vili saying: « -Red vornu beov lie face deadona the. com- plexion; vorn abave lie face, helgitons the complexion. If,thhrofore, c vonian vii.. te snidue the colon An lhe ciioeks aie should voar a red gavu or plenty of red ribbons about ber thi-cat; on the ocher -band, if mli. vishes to give ber face c certain touci oi colon, ltionr Wemr ài-ad bat or ned ùfier.n hon hiirY The. Yevaiaper as an Ed Ticator. Any boy or girl vha reads a newsbqrier and taies thi. trouble ta look up and fainiliar- Ize iaseli or herseli viti lb. location ai aIl the places meutioned, wiii have a pretty tiioncugi krovledge of geograpbv* by the end af thie year, vithlout hain-uzw.rkeà very bard for il. The neys ak;cesthtý' r.;'ography ilbterestUng sud fixes localit.ioa in the memory as no studv af text booksa nd alIses eau.- Spriiiglelil Union. Still Unreconelled. The. exehange editor w&a; neading a ii-- lifting account of a rnîldigit robbery. "'1Woeping Skies!"' he suorted, runuing hie sheans savagelvthbrougli the fiatug bead. lines. "They weph, af course, because they mist somethtng." 4Tat doesnt iolbo," roared tbe real-estete editar, laking off bis coat. "Theymuight have been veeping for tue lead ai nigiti"l Only a Side Iâsue. ltmineut Phi lanthropist-*Wel. whab Is lb, Emily?1' Wife ai Emineul Piillanbinopish-li yen expect ta at tend that tnti-car-.-tove meeting James, ilt I time you wore starting." Eminent. Pbi!antlropst-"I have no lime la go, Enffly. 1 ecm preparlng a epeecb on t ho necessity for tbe î'ainless ex,.euloaucf murderers."1 Wool-Tbat Hug*is')n ee.ns ta b. s pusbing sort of fellow since he o gI narried. Van Pel--Fladn't ual ed it. W'hat doca ie dot? Wool-Pusies lie Iawvn mover hai hie lime sud lhe baby carniage the oler bat. Au Oversight. Customer-Look ber.! I brougit ini titi- teen cabanrs the. other day sud youn etunned only seven. Thie is an outrage. Laùndryman (prondly drawing bilseli up> -You evideutiy forgel, sir, thnt tiiirieun la su unluckv number. Confidence of Dean F iends. Ireno (in a vblapei)-"Sýe - tint bandau. youug man acroos tl iealural I ous chia, 40arat.1al. CapwItVIb utton of i ngléis.The modern taveleu, an t te invita-Ié. ofIs Pauaemie iiiu c ta off HuntIe Pmflmerbisuts sud! wiky a thé asu la *juat VA han ycèran ,MUnautemed te Il. thte Une mad the*riomy u temue)q eqtma- -YSn o<y,-Pty a lng ced direot routes one oitt ma #wtvmtyday. vlthheu I 1 bcm- slantly Baurprises! n m .ie hiow muit maMotopboaant maIhave bomn tha lad dayi n uanun kept aiong lte cmte. 15 Moe t ire- sont tita elt.immenseceeus vlit ltha waantcoua o upulof ai hosky aboce"- au oesa litIi.Ume e fe " thtan abOmarnsd vose samcosurface in vrinja-, th. litéeon board luniid.oea, oy veani- some! Sloop sud ilu1tlng tiens ceont th tiouly reaoes eofiipas iefugs an sd of 1h. Offimieul, v' n lo a 'imt n duty. Bloediitnav bua slathe and c band-ai, sud vita cula out iut-icaho jaIterns lunved! Blesied tte mcm vitocaries vith bis. ibbon'i Decline aud Ps aof lte Roman Bntprn, for ho cam jouney for menlthe sud yJoand su ll1 nover reacb lte lust page cf Iii, lut velume! Beeud ithontanvwhalthua*ahal ho cau i-rn a foreigu lauguage ontnd lte hp, for b. bac stil eue illusiona Ne-, ltera i.netnmuch plemure in crosmug lte ocoan ou tho poealsteszn4xip8, vth theur miacellaueusloada ai emignantssud paseu- ges, vite are not alvcys persona et1mankes! nefluemont. Thie plouanat day. are lias passes! along lb. casI, tie tripefront porh te part le Brazil, lthe deli$htful halt lu lb. Bay of Ric, wvice. oeded islandesud treo-clad rocks suggest the. tender Japanese landicapes of Hiroshige, vith a dozen Fnzi-yaos lu the. bckrund. eb exubaat vegobaian,1h queer-coiored pseugers tint corne onbar en te wyup an down lthe canal, te multlfariaus incidenta aiflnin lcndl beals, Ine conutsa»mouey asud pari-oIe that are slaes!a .yluth .boys cf the ship-allthie amusesfor lhe moment. Iu- doed, during the. long ocean voîage fi-arn Poruambuco ta Dakar, on lie Afnacan cocat, lie chief distractions aI tie passengens sud ai lb. ciev, vien lie charma aoi Iotoa nds Siquet are ehuts, are ta ehod0 i al spetacle of tiie Ic laugtingaof au ox on ticeforedeck, ho vnbch the oporalions ai eaptying sud skinniug the. carcuse, te smes lb orrible res! mus.of mesl draggad avay and! cul up, sud thon, fan s change, ta go and chat vith lte pari-a.asd tihe monkeyu. The airival aI Dakar is a gi-est event on lie returu jaurnoy. Altbough Dakar in in Africa, il seents ta b. the b.ginning of Eu- rope, for thoeFrench flag ie flyig oauthie cualca-itoussud thofont-t1h. auhhonlîlos liaI came on board! are il'ncb; th. nov passeugeri are motly afficora an gaveraient employeu exhaustas! by Senegamnbitufevee, but fnbl af ahi-ring stan. ies v anlike advcu- hures or pallny narrative. af administrativo intrigues.At Dakar, ob e voiinluceai sud frsivegehables aud fruit. Ligitten a r. moores! alauguide the. grieast aeamer, and ne- gro coal-hoavens wark furiouslyilutheo nasal- mg aun. Manwhil, lthe King cf Dakar or- rives, clas! lu fine bine sud vwhite floviug robes, sud veaning a voluminous lui-bau. Tisi mouarci i.sa keen trader, sud bas con- tract. viti thie ulaamahip campanies foi-the suppby af v tables and fruit. As vo look over thoe ulWarka, vo retai-k bis couc rocking lauily en lte dazzling vater, sud laden viti baskets ai gardou produ<se, wbich are beiug haiatod au taelte lover dock. Au vo book dovn, wvosueolte heade, ai lie ceok'i boys protrudiag Ibreugi thle port-hale, sud lb. gny ManoU« isteward gesticulatlng vili hua Majsty lteKing. vtehock. up. The offecta a f reahor n thIis vision ver. n ienras liatI I enceived a doine ta retaiuna photographie souvenir of ltes., sud bore illin nOur engvng But eh Dakar lteé noyai vegtable dosiez sud eveny other effici ansd olobrity pale lu interest belon. lte negnoea wvie aar &round! tb. cbip lu cauntlese canoos: Thoau cbildi-ofainature are nakos!, vithblie «x o9ption ai a inen clatit arouud tem rlaina; T h are -nii lay fermes!, ans! se beau. suggest lte admirable Florentine statuettes of theêpSo f lte Renaluuauoe. lu the&rdu ouI canoas theyait or ctans! vili lieu- taoet nptune4~.Iet lte paaeguNena, ilmu eyer w&wrýans! #4oan rtzi.Bous of ltais uagrooa ano bom rao te ms. s*k inaýb 1hwener s a Il ourtd, annq amili o~Srf #Cýd faoiiýy, VOIàr les nt4,msd liildlv. for 1V' "asieu de boeefa ml., whoi-w!Iluy strmctfmlu Si- u t tb b vu M -d«Vota himfd t* rd t ' tâ",. Itilv U ttUa.îtrm taeDwMwswere la to gwtbeof thi* glory mdi- hanseS vr uIn#t vael13Wc The futur. plunger reOgus d is bd t md'evei-y time I1* = ZW hiaorse.ibis»sk accuut. f<on gyaru feusaithe young mam fr.ambr isier at h Uce e li Mt 9taca anbeorsbesonmvu w aaced lte doluge of Pittsburg Ph!! Wuro lte liiof ]IL Smlit, but $m esnclîristened f Pllut*"*Phll, dPuwns nu !it ha. t>eea vesuaco, SAt fireI ho vas laughed a4 Msd aId timern .f1dlcted 'liat -ho. would -oa" lant tbuoNg Iufbo ,m uag 7ad ap'am sucth cOu b.d faded entirely front public viow, *ad Pltburg Pl would do th.easme. Sncb vostho argument the aId-limera unes!, end they palioutly vaited for tie tinte vtea lte plungei-'s purs. vould b. ompty. Tbey vmlled, sud waited, and vaitod, sud a large numben aofltent aratng. ot, but somehow oralter PiturgPh!!' pures inatsad ef gelling emply grein fullar .vey ay. ev montha' exqrlcncoD lte turf h. mcv plainiy ltaIta e menf ho woud bavoto rouphimss1faicnew H. y sare V % oud ueray- e waI ta toabout a race, su" hosas qui nïy reclves! hhat ho did m.vaut ta h«r nythng.Ho vouls! une hie ova ,iuand nouoe se. He did net vont lips; he did net vent ta know vther a hors. wus cut foi-lb. mauey orno netsd ho wonld uatlelt long adda frighthen biiu. Sncb vas lie only way te boat lie races, hé argued aud ho decided te test hi. theory. Ré has dane so, snd lte realt isthalta-oday ho àa one af lhe monl succesaful san of the richea lpuugara thie Amenians lui-f ha. evOr snon. He ha. mad hie upusud .dovna, but b. bas nover been banki-upt, aud no ana bus ever board hum complain. He otbalbu avu maiiey and bots cash, snd lie i. beld i gisaste th le majonity of i-seing mon. Hie vinningabve goneraily'been qf the a dy kiud-tbat i., a hhausand ta-day sud a couple of huudned to-moi-nov; but durin bsaeehebas offected neyerai coupe, ans! on mare than eue occasion bas mcde lhe ring vinco. Towsrd lhe latter end aifilt esson ho vas out a fev hhousanda, sud neslved ta buy a stable af bars.. and gel aveu. He plinchaaad s number, sud viien the late. .Auguet Beimot'.ttab)le vas cdvertised ho b. sold hoe decided la buy a yearling cailed King Cadmus, by Kiugfshier.-Carita. Il vas the oui y hhing in th. sale h. vsnted, sud ho rasulve 1 ta have it at any pie. The. biddiug vas spi rited, but lie plungen vas gaine, sud finally secui-ed lhe yaungster fan 84,000. As h. necuned the horse lie said: ««Wehl, 1 am aatisfiad, aud if b. is as goad os hie broîher, King Ci-nb, 1 yul mare lias vin him aut noxî ycar." The hoai-sa as trie!d Iliton turned out for lh. vintor. He ehoved up wl and bis ov'-ner rasolved net ta burry lini. Ile firist started nI Sar-atoga, and uns ticun brouiglt ta Marris Park. He shoved spees!in lual hie races, sud Pittaburg Phul vas sure Ihat h. had a good harse. H. shantes! um niu the Futunity and backes! hua ta be fia vonse than third, but b. failes! ta land lhe mauey. Hoei-an mxcii a goad race, bovever, tint hie evuan knew ho vas due ta vin, and ha look- ed aven the. book programima ta find a suit- able race He dacidcd tint ha could vin 'the. Sapphire Shak.. and secuned Tai-cl te i-ie, promising im $500 if he van. Thon ho seul a commisajouen ta Baltimrenoneud Washington viit $2,000, while ho himseof vistod lte local i-cama. He distribules! 82,000 nround tho city, getting sas gcd as 30 ta 1, for nseaoaIhie monoy, and thon vent la lie track. There hne dis- tribulod $5,000 nronnd the ring sud hock up a position viiore ha could se. the race. Hie bei-se iau premineutly tha viole wsy, but nta smuscle oaitho pluugen's face moves!. bu the streteli Galindo joined King Ccd- mu&, sud the tva rushed lovward the. finih on almosl even terme, wvie Silven Fox vas i-npidly catcbing them. Pli-st Galludo woubd show iu front sud then King Cadmus, but lte plunger did net appear ta b. excited a bit. -[n the lasI junip Tai-ni, by tiie bardent kins! hi ridin, lifled Kiug Cadmus te the front ans! vn by a bond. Hi. amnter vos hoistes! as tiie vinuen, sud bis ovuor, turned arouns!, with lie mont nuconcerne.! air imaginable, sud said: <Weil, that pute me even on tha yean. b alvaya knov I md a goos! haine sud that it vB bZut c question of lime viien ho vould pull nie out," sud-vih liche valked te- yard lb.e paddock ta cougratulate hia traîner sud jockey. Juil exaclly bey mncbhi. vinnings amtanle os!t l ouls! ho bard ta ea.y, but arY e uot far froni 0100,000, sud vile Ibisk enonmons antount slood in lie balance !U LrAm ourâr, TN urray 5toeL DRESS GOODS fr"Ig made mre large purcham early in the season we now shw largerang of DRUS MATERIÂLS ini the ne w fali shades.Hnret Oll ini Black, Navy Blue, Gamnet and Brown, smre Extra fine qua&il. tie. almape Clotho, Second Mourning Goods, ail wool Plaids, a larerg of Patterns at 25c., and a nic. aortment of fine Costume Clotbsýe, aUl entiruly new with a fuiramuge of Trimming8 In Brocade di1k., Plain Silks and Satins, Velvets, Plushes, Braids, Laces, etc., to match ORDERED OLOTHINO. This ham been our bustect department during the unusually duli seaion. New Goodaisin Worsteds, Trouseringa and Tweeds arriving every wéek. Se. our Dnew fail Tweeds. Good patterns and good qualities at.reaBou. able price.. A good fit guaranteed on a&U orders entrusted to us. Pants out free of charge when cloth is purchased from us. Boys' ready.m ade Suite, & m in i stock. Boys' Odd Pants $1 pair. 1VHÂBVESTING GOODS-Cradles, Bakus, Forks, Scythes, Biader Twxne, Binding Gloyes, Machine Oils, etc. Our entire stock ia now wel awoorted with seasonable goods. HOGG Julv 80th, BROS,) 1891.-1598. On Dock Againi A.nd =ae ~re than ever. A ~~~clear sepofteCunadian mar- ket for'13 yeais. OLD ENCLISH CONDITION POWDER containe e on lueery pack&ge, and very pgokffl je the came vear in and year out, No2;0t imnjurions. Bain or ahine it won't hurt anv animal. 250. RACH., OR 5 pou si 00. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. THE MANU FACTUBERS' LI FE &AOOIDENT INSUIRA.NCE COMPÂNIES. Combined Authorized capital ' Àand other assets .................... $3,000,000 J. w.:wALLAo E, Agent, Lindsay., lIUl-li. W. A. BHORiINS, Diatrict Manager, Peterborou DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. fflASTAnR4OUS 19ITS ACTIOI. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLICI ZDIARRHCEAý, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and .D1 BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO RIEMEDY LOUALS 1THE PAIN-KILLER- ln Canadien Choiera and ]Bowel Complainte lts affect -la magice" It cures ln a very short lIme. 715< DEST PAM'LY REI5EDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, XSURALGIA iud TOOTHACHE. *ot» EVaEwvWma r T260. A Bon%£@E àW evaofetcoun toftib.an<UmibaIGR&WO lemC>x_ Oheap FURNITURE GO TO -ANDERSON, NIJGENT, &Co@ *# SRET LINDSAYD Cabinet Makeron Nqo trouble t> show it. N~1SGENT& 00 )RK. .promnptly ]Re Je thi y" hi hy It re' vui aIV te( en til et roe

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