Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 5

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Iiumbel', W..e& 060L LainIer o fte.sy iclpls-Payke4 ing. Billi ad l al itua ,Umne ofth~e but q litla~ lo,~UtdtO*I WOO o té, betqtyteaoa*C w XI' l Telephn oucin Omo@c sud Yard-VictorIa vmtt% MMb t r *0& Wsks Lludsmy, Apfil220d, 1i8.-lTtd4t Ji Ho SOOTHERAN, .]Rid Etitate, and EIféey Broker, Vire and Lile Inserauce Agent As 1 inlend maklng a i.gulai business of REAL ESTA.TE, MONETY LOAIiNG and INGURANCE, I invite everybody who may have business i lu afyt1he .*bove liues teoeal and ses me. . iSPrties havlng Propertion fer Sale en av haisIsaedvertlsed vithout Goal, as I make no eheig elexcpt Whou a aile le efleated. ffParties heving Proporty to Rosit vI11 have Ibeir vante ýattend.d to sud ne @barge made until Tenant la provid" 8ýrPertiss wantlug te Bnp or Bout èe sordially luvlted le eaU at ml eUem mi look over my lista. IU"Working mon, Meebsulos »à .others mppled wth Housseort Lots on tho Inulaluient Plan. XNNETTO LOAN on MorigagetaIlovset sur- isat rates. XONE TTO LOAl! on Apurevdudami dNotesI et lowel ratu. MORTOAGEÉS BOUGE? A» SOL». BREAIESTÂTE beugbl and sold on aommlula.. IPROPERTIE Eent.d sud Tenants preenredon short notice. PROPERTY FOR 8ALEI Vscant lots for business blooki on Keut Sireet, 90 gotmtntmgby 1100 et d= pwlflb. e od ltuto mimaras = Bb epries, 5 o esy tares oi pay-. ent. Vacant lot on tbm crner et Lndsysud Rnmfl Itreeta, 40M, w il be leausd foril1 yuevth bnUid-1 ing priytlm Vacan lts for privais dweitlal North, Souili maddEasi Wards, sud money admd oifr buildlat purpeses $4 tOO eworllbricklbtm ments, on. acre of land wml plauted iitruh ~ m ad ornemuental shrubbarY. 2 0Larg two story brick dwmllng on S, Wmvrmy Avenue, wth good outbald- lesmxd m&U modern cou venlences. One acreoftland, ,Lic lawe, sud poil vegelable garden. u î',Nice li story brick dwmll tlh amn- SU fI)Il vie couvenlences Lot wveil plmulediii tros u d shrubbmry * good gsrdon. 8 1 t550 2soywiebrick cottffg el ev $1,500 «d- -W br ick Gthîo rocia $1, 200 one sud a halto7Gothie iooied 8950Oonesand s a i tory brick ,mneeied 1$80 D onestsory whie brick oottage. t F.FJ5 o nea sahaitamtry brick gothie qp JJJrooted dwelling. $300Prsam dwellng. oee.aghti are loi tu ~ê jONorth Ward. $500 Prame dwefllnlBEut Wrd. JH.SOO0THERANS 0IPo]C2nddoor vest o e M uWPet.0 Kest-at., Lindsaya Llndsay, Sept. liii, 189.-S1.W.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 189. LOCAL JOTTINGS. PuMg3Ax .a su'B VA A. No min enu go rlght vho dosa net look rlght. A MA»IAGE LIGENS oU ti e t Porte' book store. -2-t. The mother eofinost religions grief la nube- lef. . 1000 GOOD SoÜNI) OunIAR PeaST 8 ft. long toi sale cheap ini quantitisete suit purehéser aipply t e o. A.. Isîherell, Box 77, Lliudaay. l000.-72ti. We up a logter sud pou vil! mii up a grumbler. MÂxtRRIÂGE Lionau s-J1. Brîllen (efthéb firm et Britton Bros., jewellers, LUay,) issues a mariage liceuse tor 82.00, lut Msd of Kent treet.-177O.lf.. MIsa MITCHELL hbu retuiued from Touombo where s haboom enattsudlng the mlliIueq oponugu 8h. purahaud a large8stOf Who seMti . tif. m sue autl6 i lutt Sign of thle xm Sa ws , Bottom Prices: Feyder, Shot, Shelia. Gune, 1Âpple Parera, Curtain Poies, Olothee Wringéeu, Table Outlery, CarveraTraYu, Table X.t. PAINTS & OILS. Plain lsud FsnOY Window Gluai, Beting, Psoking. Luce Leater, &Bd 61 ill isupplies. SOALES at EcffLenua-qn & Jo. Agaet.for 1h. e "breled SCRANTON COAL: The vwon robbée sareu Dotthase who cOMM clubs. IS Oamâx fh uad gaad, et Mme B. y- Jrews4tlarlaumt. uat et.-41.If. Thé devil loessa unl Wheu it hme oessete love sin. . GooD SEmoOD*END ru.yo for sale, Apply et H. Holterf's .hop.-40.If. Xiothersa love in th. aime kind of love au Ood's lo0e. Roua vo BaB, Jevele .Ternaes. POs- session give on or &bout lot juRy.i Foi pare tilulr. aipply ta Mis. B. Y. Jswett. -85.11. t helde n oeau i«H nyer beomes a ow thst ZvmaT oui BS sBo.-The diaploy ef valohus, faaoy looke, jewokry, deiswure etc, iu W. Y. Icarvys wludow la pretty Buta su say. A large stuak of roode la choc»e hem aud at resonable pilous. HI. ohop je opposite the Daly Hous, Lndsay. M Earthly pltum re.re ompaSed Of lighta eud a Xadon ,but heaven a plotursaua&H aiIghts sud Do ehadow. LnumST riuL-The dirscors oftIhe aboye Exhibition requestt1he furme r tra h. Deanof 1. Areultural Ooll Gue~ nlph. H@ wl uhew yen how ta make good butter; he wil ohuru on the paonnas at 9 o'olock a.m, sud 2 olook P.m., ou Prlday, 25th Sept., duociblng bw o etek. careof the cieau sud to regulatle 1hfeal for ohuralng. Amy of yen wablng le kuow how moh butter is in youi oow'a milk, ho vents yon to bring inuoe oupftullof pour evenlug'o mîlk, and oue oup. full cf next moruing'a mllk. Put eaoh cuptuli of milk lau epaaI.bottles and label lt,aso as yen vIl!kuow pour owu m1114 the milk te be veR! etrr.d ister. takIng eut the oupfaIL. Milk le b. ou the grounds before 9 o'olook Pulday morulng. Jàxa XKiT. Sec,. VEUT VYwrouî Tuâouuua' oiwux. Tro,,;.-The twsuly.elghth ssmi..nunl meut- lua of ethisaeoction vill be hsld in tbe Oaikvek public mhool, ou Thureday sud rildsy, (otobhi 8th and 9kb, 1891. 1'ollow la th. programme- STEURSDAY, 1.00 p.m.-PromotUon Exainuatleus - Mr. Xoegrove cf Klkâeld. DIcusio-led by Nmi Onu. ulage of Oakwood and Giobhriel of Woodville. Sclo-by Mies, Slv.rvaod cf 200 p.m-PubI o ehool gramma-.r- .D. XMiln o e Mt L ineil. DIscusson-led by Usmai, Rani@e et Oakwood sud A. C. Graham Of victoria Road. Redh7-Mlaa AudersenoftFoe- 8.00pju.-TreIiv-Mr. D. MeDouali of Fenein PElle Dlsqott-led by ]eam Esailu sud McFédysu ef Faun. Mudlc-bvr Misses Dames sud Miss Finlay cf Little Brilain, 9800 Pm,-ývein uj saon, (to b. heRd in levn alle,. Okod)-Bntt waumsut-.0 u5 of etelou- llonary sud musical al.tlea bbi byotlsens -etfOakw6 du members oetIhé asc slln isq a lecture con ' a 1t~o is~I. NoiIh.Wsst» by 9.00 &a.-owha to do wllh habitually bad DlaseUeoi-45d by Messie.Thor- buru o Esavlis Md Leuddif u, ouo - # GV, ois, "Y Pâow^ 40go l ,1 M0rthe leh Imm 8:6=lo te eveyeme etrai" a 0 oms. T yW. y. Mcarly, epaehthe Tuei" M 9»78,m gladtees.Meolejolb CrerelWho bavus» tmuim of mkig9m chane lu theesduot To Ou&a Sumums,-Dudu thé pli " ic!xitemu"î"l Mdt te, 1ev et oui maccuts veim I t tor It Mauisyumot teo MI"c»o =0rg su oui subsorbersthé propriety of pro-mptly piytàg up ailMMm.. W. ha"ve eurthousanidolarsdu. onmbserptloumalone. Lot ou i"led kinl! show th* rleyalty by pouptly p agup.U There ane tb msuy people lu the chu* e vho are villiny ta b. made purs inu eil but1 Who et tput toff s lue tâter "16 1' Iv PAYS 70 BEuInuBEI> Dr TmE rOYaL Càaàrn. -I bave just hanied Robert Pogue of Ops echaque fr 875, thetfulvalus ot a colt recentlyklldby llghtnb Rai Mr. Pogne osîtlnuci bis lumno vth the t] London Mutuel, or Mdi ha beau lauuMilua0 thé "Greue' ho veuli have recoiele ulyi l $50 for Ibis colt, because in snob cas e ..t compule pay only Io thirdsof the valu. a The Roy a, Canadien Péloy basne Ivo thiris clause.- 8. CÔUNEIL Thorsareu ohuieh membeis ho look tee à happy et a boisre rasd tee dlinmal at prayer.q mmetng tebave auy drawlng power toi Christ.a 8uu c07 CATTLE-AA important aveut t vl! trapire on tbe fim of Mr. John 1 Dame%, userMaripoéseStation. on Thuied&y, Ootober 151h. ou Ihat day thora vIl! b. sld Mu hare fthlic Ru a aIle liat cm b. touai. Kr. holuasWlion vlth 'Ur. Dames, unuer viese joint auspices sud dir.t ection lbtae la nheRd, duervesgrest credil for the. vetusesoet bisplan. - XAMetaif ieler, Ur. Woldon u scemalevmd thseise that a monuter miesnobc as thc abovea yul b. et great services lethe countiy. Il vUi pro- bablv attraot msuy bayerau tin a distance, and it wvil cortmîly direct attention te the groat valuse ocaadien catlle ami the, aivis. ability otfermesa golng more geusally tato 1h. lidustry. Ray th. day and tb. aale be ail thst Meuats.Weldon and Dansa old de. dmre, EElle Boves vIl b.eationesi, sud will bslinhi bust tim.- A meâ an ame measfoess botter vien h. thinku he bas baud .omethlng in lb. Bible that viii permit hlm tletaly nm und respecti hîmusîf.1 Su.SÂme Acano-It la a motter et cen. mou occurrence viere ftin tostmd motives perdons vil Ilprorn extreoidiaery deeda; and. itances a@s folunucemmou vhoe r oiaiv melf-emcrlfioing tincidents are teund. But eý genine instance of serions @uelI-serifice la resy encoanuered. In ent Coboeouk report, sud by th. vay reporte cane slovlp tram liat village el timea, vil! b. founi su item r.. eouulimg the meritorlous counaIoetDr. Broad oethlaI village, on et a voîthy aitimen of Meripema, nuerSeuls, sud brother et Dr. Broai et tuis town. Wîthont liought et poouulayrp reari, Dr. Broai hastened milesemvay itlaLuttervorth townsbip, vhon h. s camplstsly exhausted Ibreugi perfain- lug tva serions, and several ordinérp opera, tiens, in anayer le e aummenu vilci ild mot @voa say te attend an injuro man. Theugh h. rseched tie scone tee lot to bbof suy services tethe veitiy man, dying from los et bbood, pet hoeshovad iehlmgemutasusaof heurt. Sacb mon ars a blesstag le huianlîr Omsetofaur mchaugsaveu mcunt et thes#acide o est m. aidt people ou b. touai vho iou't bolleve thes nllonian vil! ever corne. Iv Nua INQUIIU<S Izro-Last veek Ufr. John Carmpbll, bote! keeper et Gleuarm, vws brongit before oeuty police magistrale Deecon ou nommons et Liasausapsotor Sghort, aa inud a cemiderabis eauxn etmomeY. The tacto et th. cmseamm le b. as toUovs- oms Sundsy ulgit, a menti ornmoe. ro, tva constables hem Lindsay, rotuning tram Eldon with a priluesi iiested for cOiai dlsturbiIiceon> a railvey train, beig ovsî. teken bp a riutorlu sud gettlug Iierouglaly L oked, on arnlvlug et Glenaran &roue@& -tram bis peeceful lumbers talia orihy hotel trgand homg thse pea-berW ipeople of the yult of Bootiani. sud bp hie uualyka isposition, Mr. Campbell varmed Ike Iravel. loetaIa Ire, plesidteai et their-disposdansd gave thon snob refihemnest a lb? aked. If ovri ircnnstmnoeu djutitplav.brsak. lmg they wve th e@&. It msm1aOrn@u ropoilsi te LicenasInupoalor Short lic ooesurrencsThe.constabless lob toutly dmpy havlng doue no. Hovever,i Short jeune- ei uponCampbel ansd allovaithbmothai Ihie, cqul!y ty unie 1h. e at iti Ceznpbell.-to escapeThs leRot thé kd Of ajustice thé people oet Victoria bock for trou 6a licea nseIpiolor. If heovers lvymjm 0 seeluathe MW& of et Imauty veu ahev 1quite dfférentl'v um v huit the? de- TEE AlIBuAIxwi of et bW.Cý'T.lU. w us heui sept 71b., ilutheY..C.A. nin. and vas wonlattsudeal mmbere ftlri routinesund aot« = a4beau ttlendei tte prékliSt modea a hirt au.. in W" v tc he eupruedgratitude fte lie mieaurs of *0e urn 1.pw eor aMi fhopss f«rgral9 os ty luàlb.éluis. *Th. e au! rape t b seoueupoilg sW'e- f y wu' " Msud i1q* 6- Pm oid»u l MW 8 ew ifl u UAe ilnsdsleW sud af~s Ion&uee1sery oratm ourewas -H bter, Ags'Cur, octmia ouPAel"» E orm Dr. J. 0. Ayua&Co., Lowe&, Mass Uld byulDragglaPrm $1, .txbowUlm.P Tie, ehirte, collaise., for the aioclaet icCrluneuls.Thýea - vashig tisfor 25 ot&.-88t1. M& I AM. amijof etKlmounlt Vas istor Couuly P0-" Magistrats COL Deacan on Wedmsday send thurmdey tibe veek eharrg- ed by thé C. J. .19h & Ce. Wood cOMPany e Toronto vlth taklag veai offthelr uoe~ Théscmsfavy" lmgrttalfor àà Kr. &IL éna er o * 0 om p any MI&al d. t e r Usortages" a t hé Victode EailYiy ver se grettIhat thef voi erleuslny ensldsrln th. mdvluablllty e0sot buying a»y vood along bast lins.This.l aéreious Imalter for Iam atiWe, sud on. demsndlng thrécsanet atlenlon.Ifv»d rolborsmmi ho bai trains vitb cîher- doalm iber, ui, Ihy ihouli b. roote cet. C.P.R.-Tbe O.P.A. raluay eompany, witb that eneigy that chersoteise them es belmg tiulyr Canadien, vil! have on exhibition et lb. central exhibition bere nzt we.k, grean roots, etc., frein Mni. bobo aud the Nortah-Weul Terrltorles. B!ermeim of Victoria sud adjacent oonies of the grIl samp, some sud aue what the Norlh-West pioduces, sud thon think, slndy sud lnvardly digest the ullerauces et joui leadoes a le Dakota boin préérabe btbe'Grest Canadian NrhWsd Hurrah, wvs up for the D.P.B., t oi the commeudable eneigy they are nov ami have elways dlspleped. '-Canada for Cinad"ia'i the molle, Y.M.O.Â. NoTn.-Mr. D. S. Cole, provincial sersteîy of Young Mon'. Ohielion Associations, vho i. vel-kueva ta ma n uoui to*u, bas bea .srlcoaly III vltb typhoi tever utbhis hoe.lu Toronto, for soyeral menthe pent. Ils lu nov on a air vay to eoery, and the f demis oet he association vork vii re- joie@ that b. bas bisen .pared le liber in the ceuse vlth vblcb ho bas bssu long sud ' uaoessully identifisd... Mi. J. L. AlIn vil! adireas 1h. meu's meeting on Buud*y atteinoon Al 4.15. Subjesi, "4Thu beeling oethéb.impotent mou-" This meeting la growtag nioiely mnd eveiy Young mon in tovu ahoulda'mtlend. AUl heartl weleoe. Bible clame on Thurs- day ovening et 8 p.m., aud coniucted by généralsoretery. ,& WOuTHT GENTLEmAN BEEaàVE»D.- It is TEm WÂmnunR's aid duty Ibis veek te respectully tender spoepathy le Fi. H. MoEachern, Esq., et Lornevll!., luhie sad b.ieavement. On Snnday, Augual 80, bis belowrsi otner lu j07 asud soriev, hi. devoedi it, brestbsi her lest. Mis. MeEmOhern eas daughter et a former mosl estimable citizen et Eidon, lb. laie Angua Ray, vhoee homeateadwvu e ai Loruevilîs sud Woodviile. The good lady vos, therof ors, sister ot Dunean Ray, Esq., merchent et Lindsay, sud Hulgu Ray, Esq., agent, et WoodVIml!e. The immedistO ceume eft death vas a severe cold, contract0d @ e Ime mgo, and treated, as beilthy pisonus tee ften do snob troubles, as et 11111. conoera. But il feslened itsel on even snob a rugged *vstem sMise. mcEmcberWe', and deatb ensned at lbheserly cge et toity-foui v ers. Thie decessid lady lesvea a tamîl et five, hiliren, the eldeet a fine Young man sventy thres Ves o f cge sud lb. yeungeat aged moyen. The tunsîsl leok plie te Eldon cematoryt end the fumera! sermon vas preaahed by Rer. Malcolm MoKinnon, puelor. Oui mympatblllsau ruapotuli tendéed ti te brotberi sud f&mly et1lthe lamente4 lady, torit in1theb lot ef v6zy &fsv lesve snob a noble huabani sud sbauempisedtaMilY sud cire eof tiende. CRRISTUN E qEAVOII Norma.- Fer the opea"elbouefut et thase vhe atayeci ay h tr tb. meeting et thé local union or Christi». Egndsmver ou Mondai evming, vs@vlh ltes, liaI peu Min"ed semetliig vitbont vbioh your éducation vil! neyerb. ,omete. 4TO tisa Mrt. EHary'oa rt 0 et b.O convutli, vas lthe néebout tlb gte bin thsrenose sii a meuler et téclb uninas va peissi out et thé baptsluoh" on Msda sveinet. Bu&tbt htas aMy. . la ne ss vh soui hae li tethle rePort without bois lumpire tlh »vsaban n thusisIe hiartineseinuobrletl. vek, and déteiminé t* Ugont Miide »ethlug& bow« ever %mml,lu the aa5 ot Ced a»d humsly. Ws s ahal nt t ste glie suythlug 1.an ouIlaset Our i.lî»g" .iUsm; Il ast bu h«ardte b. 'appsclat Bu &Mt ho . poke glvtfllet thé loisaon imani thuisstle eibiswh.u ho mlu inomm Usv.lb.h sawy the deshses a pssslm A l id u Inom alasthiltb. co i ~hmalI ddt.â mieeei 51ai15 SOTS' @VUOOATS, *ÉN"s OVIRCOATS. ThésÀiiaatauliy of BoYi'ClMn g hU d dutWbility., Boys are net Mn, and boys ways m o e«? aju cmlo e taue the me .felows t.ho caureiful of ther olothes, they csn't do it and emn- joy i. Be> cry a li t smitte to ait the situation. Oloth that viii net tear under ordinary strain, atm"esclo ue mbegrs ,thresd extra strMgPo"ee agewicinguthat vill nt rip, buttons sewed on ta "ty, and au stylUinlu ansd perfect in fit as they are durbe OUR MUws CLOTHJNG'ÂND. OVEROOÂT8 are made .nd finîahed on the urne principle. This ia &a bot qulit .Whe ou O corne to prico vo are right t hoernd eau satisfy any reasonable man that he cmn effeot a big savig by buying frornlas. We have jut puasd through the (Justom Houes 13 cases f Dres Geods and Mantie Cloth.', budught direct fromn the manufactures. It would take four pages f this paper te adequately decrihe the differet make. qualities aud deign. They mut be seon te b. appreciated. We have an immense stock at èvery price frein 10. Per yard te $1.50 sud eau tisfy sny kind of s purse with s big bargain in Drese Gooda sud lfantle Clothe. Iu Grey Fisunels, Shaker Jiannels, Grey and White Cottn, Shirting, Tiking, Towelling, Table Linons, in fct lu Staples of ail knds vo are the LEADRS. We have a reputatin for keeping the mot reliable goods at the lovet prîes, su4 are this easn in s btter position than ever te, maintain this repu- tationo sud W. buy from MANUFÂCTURERS WlIO WANT MONEY nd are willing te ssii cheap for HARD CASH. We psy cash on the hammer sd get big discounts. We buy our goods under their regular value sd vo soU them cheap. Hoe.c our succees sud marnmoth business. Cerne direct te us for your Eall Sup- elies. We are loaded with Bargains ln ail kincis ef Staple sd fancy Dry God, Clothing and furs, WARNER & CO'Y The Great Bankrupt Stook Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. BUNDAT AND MONDAT Sept, 0h asud al- Anuvatip dHarvutHome unie Chang lhs auspices of lie nsthodl.t cel", XM w, il! b.»bh l tManille. A cancet vill b. givn on lb.e vonlmg of hv rcnl prhs Monday, 21u1Ihve.cntyprcae MNDÂT, SeptsmbSv 281h. ths anuel Haivesl; at a rate on t] Home Supper ilbe held ta Cimbridie itreel methoiscbcurcb. Tlok.ts 25 T=u*- àD 1RmyOct., 81h sud 911i, G eneral ] West Victoria Touchers' Convention ait Oakvood. THuEIDAT, Oct. lbth-Mv. Nicholas W.! don vil! ..il 100 heai ot tsedng CaIlle No. 22 Ket st, ut lot 17, concession 7. Mlupooa. Tai ivnjJosii COEDT e, pay1 intend te devote my ti ta th. Grand Opera Hanse, Toronto, 8 and propose te introduci nighls aftci Lindsay. The date hors iu vill be more in; accordai Salnrdaj next, Sept. 19th.-18001. has hitherto 1 I cordially invite every Selfaines ike me blni.mechanice, farmers, law: Rad W. E. Murphy's aivl, It la ou the TI EKIanm elgith pape. TI3W E mm ...- -, ~ and arn nrepared Pain anid taamin-uarn. Sanitary Lotin, SoId bY E, Gregory. -800.ly. I Tic tommaes l a afrisai te gold. The mun Whoa pys rigil vil! ive right. Mauesl shirts varti seimg adsud Intaga MoCrimmeno. A big loi te b. ali It bergainemxt vsek.-88-tt. Wisre the. lovs lea Uttle ths trust I18 111e. Mr. John Joues, tovnerly et TEE WAPRDEI st&%t nov employsd on th. Mai, Tarante, vasi t levaon iiouday uni gave Tux W»zz a eaU. People vevy otten gel richb byminding Ibsir ovn businfes What du OeR" n ean? It neaus lb. omiy Reliable Kidnsp oure ever put au the mavket. Put up by lb. O R Company, box 89, Blleville.-96-18. Wheu Gai looksae ma n the iraI ling he mses in bie heert MmrA. AThompeon et Ohesley, Ont., la vlaitimg at Mr. A. Tima', muth viii. Mr. Thompeon in in lié North-West suektna ede- aireble place te locate. "OHe Ihsat hlean banda shil! bostrouger sud atronger." Sergt. -.Major Martin bus loft et this office au apple blosmom pluck.i off a Ires lu hie garden lest vsek. This la th emond bloom Ibis méason and augoidciep et pples bai beau gehRad off lb. tres. No man buasany more religion ia ho la wilicg te prefese Tiep have dlscaversditil1 WbaiI" Vîta, Ors, vblch in a erius te cure dipitheria or any thrcet trouble, dyspepsie or tonale vïeakue e t ut p bp ths Vite Ors con. puny, box 89. BellevlUe.-96.13. The aussI daugerens miniers ae the moat respectable inera. 2150. 85e& 500. meane thal the prises for t*e Alvin Jeeliz perfoimanee on Salir- "ay *hénexl le. Qemeral admission 25& Bserff stId85 smd 6Oc., nov on sale at Porter"book clore TMh. useof calomel for deengenenla of the lvl m bsrulasi a efine constitution. To vhsfor uallrtrou bles, haves1usd AIe Pllutty ta th ieonl tbooUaly rsandyinq lb. m&Wey, vitheut lgjugt e s yste.-l94» I TMs Lord Rîevcitoile ussanythlng ve eau tmi sut frtai ee uie. Chare. Alger et Cembrey, bat lest a WR14 ,,wv b u hmsitheror stapsor Issu F kis. cf lbtora of mesCostes, Fenelon, uble»..1wuvat putue. , ÀverdilMbe ~ snb lfermlIe es M-lsaite lthe iaês.m et lb amimeuL Ses in e sahet m Wréatw tsio théorssWi tg *au. of Bus iness,' Bd tho Hardware Business of R. D. THEXTON tho dollar, and purpose te carry on a Elardware Business en e ooreastofe, Bno iue me ndoattentio e.siens onth usie, Bm anW dae, n e mthosivand esiessi enew wihtesprogre s an ew thceuy hanh be cushthe rnar nhsis of t adh etr ta ibody whthearythy are obuilde apnes ?yer@, doctors or poundkeeptrs to call and get quotations of my prices. aking.an extra push on SPORTING GOODS, I to give. the velry closeet quotations on ?rier dS, and evrythe rquie ecels- aa Primrs n for Sohren.st nc Spots conean sae m bfor yo byamnd ihyu priso Sporslcme asepm eniryopplicatindhat xIl r ermthe n cobwebs from your optics. Hardware Merchant, No. 22 Kent street. Lindsay, Sep. 2nd, I89.-1798.lyr THE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE 006 WHIOH WILL YOU HAVE? The. lîtast Biue Book showa liaI aftsr providing for ail liabilities the su!)ud of the ROYAL CANADIAN for the protection ot its policy holdera et the close of lest y-ar w.ýa $509074, besidea stock te the emont of au-3ther $100.000 subectibed but flot called ip. The same Bie Book shows thet the surplus eofithe London Mutul was $(il,176, compoaed entirely of the uuaeesaed partiou of premi.um notes which ne policy holder ever expecla to b. called upon te pay. The following table shows et a glance bow the affaire of the London Mutual have beengoiag during the lust few pear- Lasses Cash I Surplus, Yer unaeid et Available for Money reckoning prem* Investments Yer close of paying ossu B»orroved. ium notes at esch yer. cach year. et close of - fu face eaci year. value. 1885 $6.047 8 686 Non. $101,816 Nono 1886 9878 50.686 Nons 11,956 $6.500 1887 12,455 22,701 $20,000 97,268 8,000 1888 23.014 20,721 40 ,000 75 334 NO-" 1889 20,436, 13,911 40,000 74,068 9,028 1890 26.182 1,403 60,000 67,176 - 11,797 lecting a fll yearla incarne. lhey had only 81,403 wlth ivhich te pmy 326182 cf unsetlled losees, In regard le .enurity nne eshould heaitale as te vzhich compeny te select. lndsey, Jn1y i2, 1891. Agent Royal Canadien Comtiauy. ?U OIGUUS, PL&NOS Afl SZWII~G MACHINES are espesior te auy othei~. mede lu Canada, sud unaurpassed by oupvkr-to s y **m . md n CndM mupm.b ~'MQUB. frBryas & Cola Boot and I IkO<¾ 1 - 1 -7,- e

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