Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 2

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w. -~ Itou . Mlii - vitalu1h. Doublesfer a"y ,oila uaadaor *0e Umtilima #& pu 0&e. uàw»is e. perot 6s 'Dmop parel r~ to c roît mtdal-lo. Pur un 0&uby at routs. istaatioasf*s% 80. esum aha'rlaboom adaà" mlti *i0l.Po"ta lais hor l aro.boetalumflet PoilIrates u orA b lgna, ef a St Mu~, beila maiea, japon Mai Porte . Wlad n lu a l1h.Potal Union, but1h oima rates romain saibefors.e, rsS. e ~ se. Iqlalratmu tai i jw à0& Rlgisronla , &o0019110. - mis ilam SuI &si% nldu a Mdolisl Ans n" i nn Gis.tOPsa&amiM ote&Lltl oeEimtom«ui10 m. VaitmIX IalmdaIe ailaz, amatle a iimiy. Propyment by st&m a au Ousami Autans a iséoew noutii ValsaViolotia) Md qu«ousm yi- et. à ept& i huaftwalsaNew SoutahI, Voi0ie= M&.-Lottsrs ioa ml oiut& UseUsaam, ms In 'raolao.-Lettes l aMM, paprsi cont r. 0. BmGulAI'IOBL Ues:edoa grantiiamna&U Mofter SOMMaUs lu a a Unted States, the UniteId Ifl me iSormma mPirs, Italy, fIvttearianiu=Oi Esga,,Ramiajalae, Neulgo.lam Wiandla, VIolna (Australlal.FNovw ui IViesand Tmamanla Deposit. rooeîved uuier thes togulatlofîthe bý-oesflcavng' Eak,betvesu thobours aiS asglsters e te, maIb. p«Wdte i- ates OMO houmi8 . m. loi P.a.,Sundaysie!5 POrAv PPTEMBER 18.' 1891. gpMail te 2The Warder- Tit L'iýdo net corne off ibis weeli on &(%oouvf of recent ain making tbe nov track tau heavy for the light and raluable homses. The abave races iook eace on Prldav,, Scpt. 11th. Entreca were as f'ilnwa :- iiilw Flint, reoently purohaaed .by Arger s-I'r, ta corppete villi aIl oomArs; fli,'k Cloud, John Walgon'o; Tom AliEn, Jýmmy Scott; Nellie Farder, Ge t '4% '!retty Pâ oi ged, George 'al.,. A h.--e horees ail have a record undor 11.50. ON W(3i?ticEd~aV iest court opened at usual hour. Firsý case caied Neabiti vs Cary. Dociaioxi in favor of complainant FosbW 't. J ud, oxlv hoard half thé cvi- denoe, as the victim, poor plg, oondemeed the afentdar't 4' theo ysa of the court. A GREAT noise ai the round house Friday mcrnirg. The whistlo biew Up. words nt t've lh ',urs with no resuite, itlaI reported ecp!creen have uiruck. ilIA'fliiiturinc ont weil. PRobert Hlylvend ttri.hecd 800 bushels of barley in liif a& day, bif.er quality than the iwo HAIVEST k' a thing Of the Pest for IbiS season, and the fermer is cutber busying bim@elf Ibreshine, piowing or going le the a d0 àJ.t Toronato. OiRAif 4 ,Il' is iturnicg ont excep. t!t~!l7~'-!n!rge yielde being reporled ln ail parts. Titgarden prty at Cadmus on the 2nd inst., was well attended and a good lim%. e rLeio. Blmcktack brace baud and sîring orobi,.'4re furnished abundance of muaio and made.ulie lime peau pies. suiay. Proceeice 882 PuRtsoxwÂLs. - Miss Nellie Watehorn M a #à O.jJg visit ai ber punfis, Unr. Bd. Ârwt.ovg ...Mia.BSm. Jackson bai% takeu a trip so ber brothcr'o, Mount Èr" .... Mr. A. Malcolm hau returned from a iellgthy vieil vith bis brother ai Ohieiy. B-ALL's new 4hrosher ie making great work of ladte, aud the inventer bas every reaeon te feel proud ai hie machine.. WatboXa & Thoir.paon scemu te be spurring up ml.o anÀd daiiug urausuai work. ROBERT PiLrp, the creamery man, bias mad6 bis firet siile af butter, realiing a vsry 1air prio mea foilowo, 19j cia. for June and Juîy maie, and 200. for Auul. - - tr 8vey1-- .n-la---cugog 5m r la dmguoffl eieqslta Il~ ~ y âgn b.ptb paassr- affl b' mou eab- oni. effl oy, aole b yo ansa: Ra im "u mm; oat. n Nolhlg "aeds a uo *1h.beauty of a mir girlesa ar«.bmgt hedhmi opler. ioan màd b cacu etht. pure blaod la iudispec- amble.go mny oet hé ao.oidblol pUurIsm @oid ta improve a rough, pimply.maddy skin, only drivée h. sou aiuàm ~fmm ~the surfce ta somo inteaml vital argén, Mmd dis- mmc md déatb . etinitable rsuit. Onu the outrary, Dr. PliS'o GoldenMédicali Dlacevery strikis dircctly at the tact of thei evil, by drlvlog th lmpurtles eMthllveut et th. sytem, Mdvlth a ftreattis oSPure biood floving thiaug heb.volua, uetingbut thc aoftaeand faitout of cooplem ouh ca E.EdD .LAKD $#MW 3le ne Word«.. HARYZIT Nom.- Harvoul la &bout fLinahed in Ibis loality excepi buokwbeal. PýLouGIN;G and ihremblnq are novlbe eider of taeday. PEESONLS-id55 Mary Haladaymd Ims a iiam Staples bave gene té liuuden1 to attend lh. model. .Mis L. mnd Misé M. Maxwell ane atoendini sohool in Lind- BieY Onon.-Soma people oudW front think tbis onnbry la oniy goodtg19 grow a8toées, bul w. osn grow grain toc. lit, H. Davey boa a stock of peu. that bac 28 good sfrod poesou IL . â Mi. H. Davey bas purehase the pro-1 perty oommonly oafed* Oak EIl plains vhich ho intends te maka a catille ranch oL. Tbougb Harry le aàgrilho beieves there la more money lu cattle Ibun barlcy.' SooL NoTzs. -Oar sobool la pregros- sing favorably under tbc uble manage- ment of aur toucher, Mrt. R. Irvine. FIN.-The bain and coulent. and aIl1 éther buildings aiflMr. john Montgomery1 vas eonsumed by fire on the 11th lnst.,1 the bia eoontained tbe vhoie jour's orop. On tbat evcuing lie broughi ont a1 lautera ta tbrow dovn corn e hy tle i bis berces, selîing lt.helnera on the1 fînnlngoiil, vhlle doing se the iampi explodcd rsetting thec hay on the ,barn fioot on fire. Mr. Montgomery bad tu Icap dowu lint the fiames to reacue his baroses whlch ho bp a greut eflot dit). The. losla very groal le Mr. lMontgomery but parly covered by lasurance of 811000. VisrriNG.-Mr. James Anderson fram New York, ls vlslluig hie aid home. Mr. Andorat is an aid citizen of Lind- say und bas been living in New York for a number o e ors. He loaks hale and bearty. CÔOUNOIL PaaoEînDNs.-The cauncil of Femlon met ut Camcron, August Bat., pursuanite oadjaurnoecnt. Ail tbe mem- bers proet, tbe reeve la the chair. Minules.oclmt meeting read and apprai'. cd. Mrt. Borkiey presentedi a petilion praying for the op.ung et a nov raad ucroas the frintconcession belveen lots il and 12. Moved by Mrt. Berkley, ueeonded by Mrt. (lurin, thal $15 b. granted te repaut the 101h concession norlh ef No. 7 suool bause, and thut lir. John Graham 14 bors. by lnstrucled te expend the sume.-Ouar. riod. lioved by Mr. Berklcy, Seoended by lir. Graham, that 85 be grantedlt epair the bridge on lb. 3rd con., ut. loi 19. aud that lit. ,Bobert Spenoe la hcreby ln. struol.d té expendt h suýne.-Carried. Moved by lit. Bcrkley, soudeî by lir. Grahams, Ihut 820 b. expcnd.d on the quartier Uino beiveen lots 25 and 26, te mcci tw6uty day. cf gratin labor, and that Obarles Evercen le appol6ited cin. micalotner té expoad lb. aime vith in. etruetions té employ those vho bave given the labor.-Oarried. lioved liv li. Ourrln, siconded iv lit. lMaybe., thal $10 b. cxpended by Mrt. h ne dIi.rVh ed. DEAk 8914-ID jour hIMe cf 1t» weehs mg,0neav"i ppearsi louhing onathe luthMo . l.NoesWilftIwe t Lullsrwotlb, vhiuh Vas ICorrucfieis moubst ds mot giv.,Dr,, Broui a697 crdl fr dio ný u 1fr. Wllklnuon ort for go= eatinI ig t l r"lte that on Joli IlftabaI11 a. MtNi Wilkinson had bis arm as bailyborz by a nlaM s aw that bu dled fmoE fl feols mnobsneiegitea b outsauttervard. In- moslaly &aéle . ccident a momaeue vau senl 10 KImniatfer Dr. lico, vho »foiedo MTbe moucunger thon telogruphai Se Dr. Broad la o rne op, but di&~ Dot siabe what *ae tbe malter. At lb. very lime vben the seegrais urrlved bore Dr. Broui via arnpuiting a fluger for Mir. Bush, a mani vie lad bieon badiy IjuredinlaTaliman'i mdl, another mma vas urging im to ge le attend àamoet oritical cmau gu miles trois be, ani stifi aubtbee mmawated hlm le go twelve miles. leattend bis motber ebo had beina Ibrowu out ai a wagon m»& badly hurt, Prom îl cmmatam yon vould expeci lb. doolor to go 10 lb.eue wIe no.ded bis service gueil, this b. dld do by firat . goiag le asets.mDundua, sighi muiles fro. bore, and vbile attend. ing bor a muceuager caee 10 bln rois Mr. Wilkinson and explalmod vIal vwu wrong %hor@, Ibis tbey dld mot do iu the lelegrue 10 hlm. Nov, bad Dr. Broad lotft hie paient aibis& parlicular îne and goes 10MlitWikinson lbe lady woold moat o.rtalnýy bave died; and, knowiug tbis, th. only thlug te do vwu 10 romain villi ber tliIial danger vas paut, but the moment ha dure ha drove lgolMr. Wiiln. son'& and stopped tbe hemorrage aud did ail else ilufilspowevo re reieve 1e, but h. found hlm »seek trois los@ et blood that ho cculd ontertain no hope.of lita reoovety. Rad a doctor bean vlth thé untartunate mmn a tew hauts earlier te bave amputatc'I tbearmsand stopped the flow ef blood lie vould vllhoal a doubt have had hic lite eparod. Bcbgs himpcred by -neanly hait a dozen very urgent oauh., tee mucli cannet bo said ln pruise ef Dr. Broad for the efforts ho put forth ,10orchieve bis patientsunudor tle@. lameeuted ircumatanco. The iondaet lb. deceased have lb. ympathy ef th. entlrb commuiy. Yours, etc. [Thie toiegoing. latter* arrlvid toc lote fat lImtirlait week.-Ei>. WARDEI.] Over Elghteen Thoueand (Jheeee. At th. meetIng cof th ece board Tuesduy tho Angusb muke as boardet), and September and October mokas wcre eslimmted Ior contracta. The August cheee umounbed te 4,863 boxea; tbe Seplember and Uctober etlmatd asi 18,688 baxes, lbe apprxtmated value of tbe wbele belng $125.000. Aug Sept. and maire Oct. mgkê Keene................ 160 .......... 500 Warminster ....... 154 .......... 540 Sheurer............... 140 .......... 450 Central Smnitb ......... 98 .......... 310 North Smih.......... 200 .......... 700 Cherry Grove ......... 82 .........270 Warcaw .............120 .. ....... 400 Wctvood ............ 200........... 550 Oakdale .............. 166..... .500) Mieing Liuth.........100 ......-.800 Norvood .............. 225 .......... 6N lcias.Abbey....185.......... 800 Làkefiebd ............. 186 .......... 450 Pins Grove ........... 187 .......... 420 Peterboroughb........ 98........... 850 Otonobees Un'n........ 40 .......... 188 liaple Leatf..........100 .. ....... 85o Myrtle................ 81 ........... 8o OrmoDde.............280 .......... 730 Brlckly - .......... 50 .......... 250 1Lang ................. 146.......... 0 Neetovillie........... 50 .......... 150 inuden .........68 .........125 *Dunstord ............. 57 .......... 180 1Frazorvile........... 68 .......... 200 North Dummer .......558.........180 Bobemlygeen ... '4......... g........850 Lakevtew ............. 45 ......120 Trewera .... ..... 40 ..........12W 1liart.............. 10............... a on& rSas"a ,Olp L(bkh, Norh BMtl dotiw ai Norwoul. N Plavelle f.hvi vllb a bld 41 100. seeet.nOW Of Y- ltab mi bob Oa-nbeMy." pael"loablls, LornevIe BbFi adMe. Mr. dgmo effered91 for the "lice Of the board, .m~lg mais NortSoM d uni eisl dedeithai ibiY 1waud 6mesep l M OlIuzloa's revions a'o! 101o1f.but Ibis tuasuetion &areusioiderable op- posItion, tib. bujma nd others b.ing cf tb. ofialon iba i Il almtltuted a privaie 8aie aMd W" eontrarito the rolisofthIe Boad. Tha Rorveoi ad Wsstwooi alesmon offeted te vifiiraw Iheir otees a1together, but Il vus 4eeldsd la uilow lb. tranacton te go Ibis turne. Mkiko.Iel aeitd91 troisM. lt. iareile. lir. Oxton saropealsibis effet of 10 1.16U.te Lakenogli, lm"g Link, NorthB 8.1h, sud Piterberougb,wtvh Lad previocély retucel but cov accem. Otcmabee Union and Lang, ths ocly ivo taeloriei unsobd refoned 9.11-17. sud the Board adjourued for bye veeko, vhen Sept. =4d 0. . e.... iii b. bouded.- Poterboto Examiner. Sept. 9. Tlrnely Wxdom. Gret and tilzoy viadam la aboya by bop. lng Dr. Fovbcr'a Extraci of Wid Sttawbery ou bond. Il bahmeoequal for choiera, eboeara, morbus, diarioca, dya.tay, colel crampe, and ail sumamer complainte or booamus of the baveic.-18002. Purity oflngredlient and acursey of(Ialfl- poadîii, makir ibutm'a Arommîlo Quinine Wiue th. crlterlonof excel'o&-98-4. Whst S&Y Tbev. In poprity facucneg. In rellmbiliy Ib standd. lu menithle finit, In Tat the but remedy for ail aumaur complainte, &i arrlaoea dywantery, crampe, colle, coielra lmfautum, etc., le Dr. Fuwler'a Extrait of Wiid Stravbonry. AUl medacla. dealere»eU lt.-1800 21 A aingle scratch Mmv causes a fesebrlg sais Victoria Carbolle Salve rmidi b omis cuti, vounda, bruise, buresaud ail or-982. Whon Baby vas ulck, vs gave lier CetOria. Whmen abuaia Cla, @ho crisi for Cutcii. WhS hebsbeca»Meias, ah. cluns taomatanla. Wia es amd QhldrOen, mia. mv. h=temO iba Cei B surey aur. Kmra.JehuNartt, edMontague Brdge, P. EBI., write.:"Il vu, broubled lut suamer wtth very b.d hesdad6o md coatipadlamaid acuetlma "eud scarcseas. Oui bado Burdoci EBlod Biture a"@ a complets cùr of My cose, Mdi Ieh y"u *vMy auceis- moOBE à JACKSON~ 14 ou el&ui#s ", o>"eItos Ul liter, 00, Quis itril j nd= P. D. 10013. ALIACUMO. MOSWEYN h hNPEIRBONP laummaUl oro, lic.Umm",$oum BookKent huMe, 8e. CunlyCroa AtarfY' clerk of the = -. iLaaa talaaitouoelw saisi. bm«7 ARVE"R oLAIT. NUNOLA. BÂBROXÇ AND MOLAU(*HLIN, fmifesloilor., B.., au.,o1oamBo' ok. Me t, us,oP VhiieY J ouE A. P. 8-PriaIs m cpaieftu"@te loma a lit ourrftntesli. PREStON & OUBRY, @eeomrs o um &ry B u hriau, BUlctori, ~oto. Offloi-Waod Bas.11V blc=, li! iook, ô%tI., m0"Bothan on mandajo losy 1 loinamiloait rat., lGi-Iy J.WAzvuLM UmarB.A. MONET TO LOAN. lo ernt on MrgosX= atggsngoltd Mfalit lamiât 0O -d«rWwointte 17821,r M0011 haJAM1KSO. MONERY TO LOAN. gag. md deboctume purohiie& JOHN EEm T lU44Bari.t, = ",aY. MONEY TO LOAN. Baighi losm ai 1t» vSy Mwut ou. reat rate& . A' lagWmount 01 Trust lundi for Invntment, pmy aible on terms to Mat h. borrowor. le"4 G. IL NOPIINUBarister, Lladsa. MONEY TO LàOAN. At 6, Sj, 51anIS ôetomit. W. are m»vlomgnga Umm"andmIli.fma dmibuaineu propsrtlei at lia m"0ve rtes, ami co lier gPe"aommesa a4 10v. m. ourrsnt rata.. Mor4>àm a" niNotes eoald BAlloN Bà meLl~LM Auguat ~, BarbrN a eoLindami'Ont. Au- il1889-1O.y. PETER MITCHELL, AamlgmseAocaunant Flnancla Aget, .st . OMnc-hudepotla om&Lacw Office, (up steiri>. 170M.Y 1T. A. MIDDLETON, 1,1f, FI"e =4 AccIdent Inumae Ajcnt. AffnI for the Onio lo inILire Aaiuramac o. OIFOE-HaltOrf i Block, Kent strot, Third Doot Buit of ths Poat OmSc, UyslIMr-1761.lY RUGRITCELL,. Bibhle ocmtunet a rat«rei. Agent fSr Nem. ilomeaMommut ntmd ev.ry desorFption aofanable and «"ml .wok. Itnêamy. On.-1706.lv T. 1H. HoLean, diuUOllomorVaina tost., clU Laid teontb ly 8ales ati DaIey Bouse, Ltuiami'.on lias THRDSATURLDÂT IN lAcx MONTEL Vor pantho ui oepoiler a ames hay. 'Dg 'ive stocka, Imptoemte, etc., for MLe, ahou coomualostc citaMrMo MLon. Ordr oan b. loft M,*0n Deley HoUM or et VetoL' le t. Ail uloci luis mitliae Daley joui. vtllr.otve prompt allen. Lindami, Arll.IL4.f W. ginarato. aIien & or olemaiingdons tla airai. aimimms. Dys cl!not como off O5llim ains, Mdmi Dea oda, Eibboos, loý MW ers, Ce bg et .rery deoelt llo.ASoMurohmante'lded Goade. SJ.,RIGGS, LINDSMI W' aaoy (*oode, Hair, Goode, and Jewellery, as.. Etc. Saab aDoor Factmr 00e 159e -. .- -t~~ n. eeuilalilu eseriilroaue. 5, hebut *ild c 0004iou Ge wpuaêe-*u -WINDSOa JIOUSE. OMEMES. .rub ouihimow o )sW Mbio.",torit d, uli MWv - cf *U w u" -Mta Q.h Cout*. un mdla iae«MI *67 motailom, inm j"attisait . TEE ONOWDEN BOUSE, Charlotte Utteet, *Peterbo.. This Io a nov hous, Md leane of the busquippod ln Petirboro. t I ta onvenient te bath G.T.E. Mdi 0.P.R Lmeailons, nau vol!esaieuar the market. Batha. iebracm, nsd&)li modem oanvenloncoi. Terna, $1.00 per ds.-1ST0.lyr TEE WAVEBLEY UOUSE. Corner of lent m& Lnday Obrete, Lindamy The alum of the politor etthe Wvrl 14to makoit sond te no hoéei ocoide etthe cien E1very attention pad b ieoonvcnlenoc of gueste. Good itmbtlng, commodiaus aheds, aud lsrgc yard room, vIlla attentive hostiers ulvmya on land. MALOOLM MoGEEGOR, Lin"dia JUIv 3dIM1.-17374f roprltor. QUEEN's HOTEL Hiltouton la vithouLt a rivail la is dabiot sea iuuue r t fue,ad la bouttuliyilualod A ebueaing placefor liae huntianan, Uiceporoma md tac hhonm. Il lavy la h. primive forait and laa bimulif Utile village poscefng a raftlay, telogrmioko ..Mm ailH the ooaveienmmoo f modem lité. Charg. upralng1moderato. The vory place 10 "psn am p Holia" The >roprlctor in anatous ta acommodae &H i; eau, ml pmrtiesicoin. lntatm a fec dajiare requaited ta communicate by peut o w tr. ivhuri ralfrem Toronto. Th. oisn a uppl icdlh cverysacoommodatton, and a getabloiakqai. IPrueBai tamdifrm station D. KlLLWTPionr eto.-Iv?8 lProftogiouai tarost~. DB. W. KENNY, i VetàinatySurgeon. Graduate anto. Eegiitrod membcr 0f On. ltanVterinary Medical A»-- ~~ latian02mEan md ruiidcno Mat M o thodlatChurch.andmiiW.t a W llaVa Mna. Lzja.Marckh nMm1. DB.,BBOÂD, YVTEBAET SURGEON, gradua'. Onlarlo ti «b-"aryColegeToronto; reghmeremaor cO n- taiVtrnar Amociatiou oposte tbo gai vorka. Ail calta hy mail or telograph promptly atteuici la. Charges moderato Landay. Januarv 8rd,1. 12I. BOWMÂN BROS. Appoited Oounty an« Ooanuting Enginmof Victoria. Provincial and Dominion Limi Uurvoor. Cvil ]Rutneous Architecte, Valimalors, »raughtumem, etc. Pa= cular attention given ta dlputed boundartes. Plana, £@tuns and speeoiclationa for municipal aid alLer engineering worba furnlah.d and superinlomiii. Osvoa-Ovor Q. K. Hfopkiiis' Law Offices, William itreol, Lindsay. l600-ly R. F. MORROW, 1. D. L, goU d MéclZUagoeuHowr Oradua4o of h. loyael*ollf Dental Surgeons. Toronto. Dentistry la ail Ils bamohesattonde to withe ia greâtest car.. Charges moderato. OOC-O)Vorchicla Hall. Pairom.e-sII Je N IIELAND8S IM.O.D.B., ONT., DBNTI8T, LINDRAYT. By the aid of thoen»w hydra-carbon g ra omeho emk amb ldo.twMoblo poroolaliffinge and ramiare brokon and docaye te"st a hir original shape contour md calort hi bs prooom. 0)1rooti ian have porosila n esva attaobéti ecasquently thare la =ý=Làbadrainiiteroi th gremt suocua fr noarli' 28 jenr, p d otg slafrto ana0 1. wtuw1h. agpartio Da. oret NvITr, ia veclor of au fet r ila unt h, Who h. Z mnute àI te aver 100,M 0pervecea.md net -fatal ms.. Mr. 11081aMMtuas .1% a l WAnsmsboilofor --- aelln IesoL . r. NeeeM a Do nov uag ý a nv»W lo f«p Mb o &exp<usaV masufatured va on is A vntle New v at, vb" hremev ei telh vithout tje&rtalb theo 3v la g omtlanbuU.li u Uvsranmd no aubss. vopw bu Aâq li%" mi lth sr i os andi applimma. l tcirrotmn OOO" NIMa = 090 eup ;ýI t l mm»db iy Er. Nid. ý,tOz t ue « o «d« u Percesbom hMe'M pé~~m I'Mdpontai cari tE1 ue% &aur aI cf ME. ig -dOmble libonts mbari of gthe fa ipoula!8y1.Ai lesas Ampaum 0 bojaem suit aMDie hIe 4 eto 111 Nu Lmmo.st mricd t lmi NELLa*EouVI nLL, O i, Z uas vdauàpwram u e onet onliais aci tah. gmUm of &HottegradaI.., mie. pravinoee mm 9statermlnlu'tag oital, e lam Isani. Sudote sa nle aIam à IS THE CHaPETUB. Do not be mis-led by those bouse. c1eanerp who ma.y tell you that Kalsomine, or Glue and Whiting, is just as good as the gFruine A L AB1A S T1NE for health, cleanliness ôr ddrability Âgency for Victoria Co. at W.Â.Goodwiu's Boom Palier and Pictnre Stort. Opposite Veitch's Hotel, Lrndsay. DR. FOWLEiiS ~*EXT: OF,& 'WILD'% CURES HolAERlVý olera Morbus YSERTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAIITS AND FLUXES 0F TH4E BOWELS IT IS SAFEAND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. JOHN MARINS -1» aOU tîNua- WILLIAM STRBET, LIINOSAI FACTURI or @&wu àmd Sbîngla MiP Mmary Plour Mi, Sestno Nrîç;u-no. Rave à ligas.e ,ortnenof nieral Paàtte-rAte tie ehove dec,r!+'in 01 cri., LinsyJlv 27th 1999-13,33. Surlus (CnadanStandard)... 7,311,W00O Polda.Infrc.... ........97372,&94 4 New business for 188..........14380,4490 EndowmonU Pad te Living Policy Canada for the ets 182j" tcah Dyh in.............. .. 542,131 Use Govemimet Reporta 6, pgbS 8,and 721 8eours mn Edowment in the £ Dý JOlll N M IURCHY, Qeneral Agean- Llim. 15 18.MI FOR l'nsect Stingý Sore Eyes Eruptions SoreFeet Sorenes> ji on Or. Pr] Sb OL ThE st Lu terest fumai Worth blazoi -Ibat i Victor ,momie the g] mriter day, à greta paiity name diane signat of bon generi undau gave L Panye 0 The nor h far 11 on TI which Histî Cerne'. 89 h si stili r Nird La", of the officer lion 0 Brltis Thi ensie bus b the pi bas bi lace, cd, ai gisate the1 nlghl Na tegia suffer eNgai and m kilIcd Lathà b. tui ThE the hý aul ec invasi rived for N Tù, serve duty. thut be know Doon theons 't, beld, Yard, mat i lIii c oftmi tOomil >4

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