Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Sep 1891, p. 6

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"Vos, but nosm vela" -"ubotu Dot~un, Wtj ~ ~ -ig t 10oeokyon W W.IIS 'That in probably*hy li dmod à O4a day yesterday ;)tI am i a6Ual t aiibi aternon-"e "oh I have tougm8-ON' *lmd The. vido ver a *ieb Il Thisje <u y tp<>wy,M m&IdAias1u te herim Iin "a fnvd4qi * wIli 4ra frigliful criais, Mmd ibm.hoilyar i un Thers vas a ring eaiheibm isidomr. sud in a moment the. servaint eted vth a card. "Who init?" aked A»4"&ai "A prieui deirs toqps wihadamoë- "Aprient il'said #àqq;ý awith sir- rieIl ad it la neti 1h. priest MVille "No, madame, he uinhie card." Anastasia teck It and md : Don Jose Aua y Bernoya * ApotoliaPrethometazy, * Dfretor.GWu«mrl oftthe Spanlaisslions la Amerios. "IShow 1h, good fathor lItothe drawing- noom," said the sham dovobmo Eugenie rose and weai tobher room. Mfadame Lureau, vas about te foilow ber, when Anamiaia stopped lier. CIStay with mo, dear fiend; vo viii r.- loivo tho priust togother. » The venerable eccloiatio seumod ati lu 75 years old. Hie white look$ feUl ver hiea ahoulders, hie face wau oalm andaorsae and bis &mie vas liko a beaulciOn Before ho caild uay a *ord. abiot'.ase- complice knelt before bise, bowd hier bd -and eaid: IMy father, blond s..1" The old man raised bis heead uduaId vitli a pronouncod SpmanIcsooti- ,,My duar dauglitorI1 give yen My bleaing."d Thon Anaat"aa rose, and, ahowing the. missionary a seat, she mid:- "Monseigneur, bo gaod umougli bte e yo r very humble sortant te vhat the Oves tii. ouer oft your visit» doMy dear daughtor," said th. prient, "my friend, th. parnch priest, buasapoken ti te me so highly of your pioty that 1 do nt hesitate ta consliem..Wës have founded several establishments in Amerlo.,befor.' which the holy cross risme, vberevo recelve tg numerous orphans and poor abaddonod tI chidren for the purposo of oducatlng thoni and making them good Christians. But our resources are insuffiient for thoir vark. IL Therefore vo apply te th. charitable for aid, and I bave caine te s- yen la the hope jq that you viii becomeoeeoet our benefac- w tresses." i CIDear fried," said Anw"e~iato Madame ai Lureau, "lyon knov vher. I keep my Of inoney, ho kind enough te lot me a tweuty franc piece." ce The widow rose and wont eut. a "The pariish priest telle me that yen have ai asister nd niece vho livos with, yen; probably Ibis lady je your ater."i 1I cali ber so, monseigneur, but thon lin no relationshi."fa; "lSimply a fiend in distresa,thon?" th IlShehbasno family ; if I ha&duottaken th lier, sickness and poverty would have kifled bc bier." r bu IlYou are a saint," exclaimed the old t priest. IlWhat in this lady'. naine 1" "'Madlame Lureau." Just thon the widov returned with tho coin, and gave it to tbesliar Madame Four, nier, vho handed it te the aid pniest. Madame Lureau remained standing, as if uin . doubt whether ta go or etay. CIMy dear friend," naid Auasltsia, 0' "imonseigneur and I wer. just speakizig cf re Yeu." The widov bowed and ansvened :-hi "lThen I wiii go into the gardon; I foui the need of air." T IlVery weil, dear fiond, if monsegura Wlli excuse yCo." e0 eu Madame Lureau bowed te the priest and IB retired. n 11I believe you have mentioaed 1teteii. parish priest that hon danghier ion the oe 'w of marrying." r CiYes, 1 spoke of it, but things do not go as volas Madame Lurean vould 1k.. "«Ah!1" Sn Eugenie eing an acqompelished 1ir, a gentleman of wealth h as .e lir lh land. Madame Lureau, vill an oye singlee h ta ber child's happiness wisbes lier taernarry him, but she in unwiiling." «:Why, 1 shouid like te knov?" :«She pretends that she is toc young." Hov oid is she ?'in "Seventeen." "Juet the right age!1 Hov many girls manry before tbey are sixteen 1 And the vong g irl refuses the happnians ad weaith 'W "I illten you, tdmejorf. Rave yen net 1 etn lhzsd tI11 Lan", 1 friend -a frenref Lucien Mrd In '<'oa knov Lucien Morol, skrr ntr rv- tel BE::enie, t triiincr nil. «ÇMrainly. hsli o irer 0 a t la your balisAi "But,"rPS ied lb. "Teet bulit ?= "ea. à pu Ï00 w ys Ma. a ou#b <But lb.e »kssookewoegivmon e b two-1-eç aitlag for, hlm and sa#uspted te aftasomto is.. il 1hew&hie ynidmM he, lina a làterng voio.. "I liatn t. remmusre you, MI obld; Ltojouin doiag -vory venov, ndfa a few days vilI bncmhis fast." Tie young girl, claspe4 lber bandeandu raisod h* tenrfl oyes tewards hoavea Maurilc ocntlnned: 66Thinking thal tbey had killed hlm, the twa murdeors itbrov him fate a deop, vuli; but Ged vaiohed aver hlm, and h. vas savtd by a miracle." - n elches 1" murnurod tie yon "Tis.lutter ila a manoeuvreoftyaur qâe- mie, vie an aise, Lucien'a ; they hopud to Induces yen seaccept th. hnsbiad vliom tioy have .olecbod for yea." IlPenhapi, air-bat Ibis lottor vu wnltten for anethor purpo se.o Think- ing tisai I mighi have huard bits cr, uey vantod te quiet my suspiclaas. 91With yenu~r ,mdioes, My'sidIvi keep this letter. ' IlVery well, air, keep IL"» borlo ant.med te slip the Isiter iate orne of the pockets etfiMe gowa. IlLucion,t' i. oontlnuad, "Ila, as I 1 W4 ou, on teroad toreaover : àe s luth. bade of a learned dactor, "udhba Wwe for a mok nurse."» Il i dter!1,Tien tin l moiluprian any langer?" "lAh I yen knov liaI Dualso M., bas beaumin prison?" "My mather read It la a nevapaper.» "Shova bier by Madamoà onaïn- doubtodiy 1" "Tusmonsieur." "Deait liasbera rolueî, lier lancenee beiag roaognizod But nover miju that mev. I kaev aI liat yen tld Lucien vien Meo met him by chance. But why did yen bUte tell hlm the name efthte man vbem they viali yen ta marry T" "Ifoarodtiat Lucien, in lia ladignation, mlgit pravoko hlm. " iiYue, I anderstand, yen foeav Lucien's torrible danger. ýBut yen vill net refuse te bull me bis name."' "lHis name is Raioit."» Mourilicu stanted iu bi e at, and bis ayez flashed. IlWhat 1" lhu cried, 91"ti laRabiot, Joephi lLbiot I1. Ré ite vretcli vhe wiahea ta manry yau!1 Ah, my poor childi1 Fontnnateiy, vu ane hon ta foui hls viliain and lis accompliaus. Dc.. lie corne lier oftenu r" "HoR came yesterday sud probably vii orne to-morrov. W. iad net seen hlm for aveek or ton days ; befon liai hoi carne ,lmost oeory day. " IlHo muet ho cencealed lu Ville d'Avray udor a fais. name. " -"I do net know viether hoe bas taken a Fis aue, but I bave rusons te believo bhat he livea ual far front the Tower, and tbat hi avoids. being seau vhen lie cames hors, for hoe alvaja enters and leavea by lie back door of the littie gardon. When the prdener la absent I amn almoat sure that he at M. Rabiot's telling hlm what is goiug on et the Tavur." "lHov aid lathis gardener T" l"Sixty, perlispa" Il Evidently, liko Madame Fournièr, hlai Labiot'a accompie."' ~'« I evezý believe, fronm certain word. I *verheard the ctlidr day, tliat tie tino. are reativos." I "Oh! oh!1 exclaimed Morlnsrkg his foreliead. onlosrkn The word Il'relatives " gave him nov light 'he aid mam sa* at.onuce that the gardenér and Madamhe Fournier were vo yliely the Beaugency ceap4r and hua daugliter. Rabiot'a plan vas explained. He did not tued ta question the young girl about ion ciother ta knaw liaI the Widow Lureau was Claire Guerlna daugister. He vas radiant, "lMademisello Eugenie," h le continued, 'cai orou te11 me youn motber's family IlMy moîhor no-ver knew hon parente, air; ton mother adandaned hon immediateiy after inth," said Rageaie blu8hing. 6 1 know the nest, my chuld: your moîhen was born at Peitiers, wuas ae net ?1" "Yos, air." <Hon binth vas declared at tho city hall in Poitiers unden the naine of Virginie Ursule ?" "lYes, air; boy do yen know that ?" "II cannaI answen you yet Be contented willi knaving tiaI the Court de Soleure and haelong beausearching _fan lhe virginie bat yrti shauig atay lion avhule langer, la oriler titat -the Ceunt "md I niay deUver yen nom a&U your eaeeWat oee stroke. A rible sitruggle la eng ou boîveen the cuuut de Soler. pd , o»pk Rabiot mmd usacoaplcoTberê are Pmnsud yeu setJor, Ltuolua M&ril end aMetuuvie"im to eveà*& TmGuy Co&,"a grqiaUI 1* >~oCe~, T*muet déceive ils Play Mâle .4oolvdy t o. Wlyo Alid hoie, 'i i i i bLo Ihaef.l soedd bsa dameFeuoirm, proualsag t i coat No asusplau rmd lb. mimd e01tii 41 t. e smm ugeui l is droay, .p.oupe la us4.ugono,» nMid ber moue,"euh had lie lianor of thllrng withM se- ",Tua , nmmma R~eo ae gYs uamn Uonly good d<e n id thInga vhlaleset me tenions!y te tbluklng. Mmma, 1have rebefled againât yen: antliorsly. I vas ron; .ask yen: pardon for *0 sowI have caueïd yen. Yenkuov hat*lfoètdLnolu Mud vautod ta romain fitll!ta hl.i= aa letton vica hobhmlias munI te "Whai J" latorruptod Madame LUreu, de bis yeunaPmaabas vtnltsuta yen? "du s, minima, a fev daye80 etAnd lon did Dot aMy sy n ome "I 1 honçhit iwvu olu&. zEueaao, vie:. la this letter?1 Wlh 0e ro ad i t ." si t lane longer lu exlsteuoe, mamma; 1 bave bnrnod it. P 46Ah!1 And vhal dld M. Lale n aHesald that hoead en of niustoil1 master Md the. Ceuni, an that they voe .pposed to ia pOjct& neeaddedtibat b. sftill loves me.,but la go-aq b do bis but te forget me; finaly ho advuaod me-"- "Ho ad*yiudyn ?P" "H. advisodme te marry, namma;I beyw t. your vifl. I vil! marry M. URait. Madame Lunean turuud .agerly ta Anas. ltassa. me ld marn's e sov e car bunale.. "1Dean frleud,» mii. «led, "IlMs. yen: dean chl&." Madame Luresu took her dauglitez, la hor ars and covoned ber brev villi kiss. "lAh I my darlin5," nid Auastasia1 " muet klas yen, tee. Piyig on part d althe Yonng grl prsentd an uuvrlnki. brov ta the hisses et tho hypocrte. Anheur lalerAnasasa vent ?yp 10tell Rabiot, vho eiared bie accomplie'% joy without noserve. "lW. triumph 1" ho sionisd. Anastamia rornained but a fov minutes. Il "Shall I stili continue te give tliq vidaw the vater of Cuyien "' %ho. aked, as aie left hum. "4No," ho aasvorud, "for, if she siould loase hon reasan completely, the marniage vould ho delayed. Lut u ait. Whon I have got the daugiten vu viii sou viether lu is necessary te gsi nid cf the mother."P CHAPTER XVII. CLAIRE GUEEIN'S JR'WPI& Wiou Anastasia netued te La Tourelle, Mourillon, in bis priect'a ceetumo, vas un- teriià* tie Saietiro manaicu. .aMaufnd," snid the Caunt, «"I can read ucc in lurn:face." "lBeyoed my expectalians. Cousit, tle W idov Lurea n jeCareGuern'. daugiton. But yen cannot canceive of Rabiot's audac- ity; ,Il la not ta one et bis accomplices io vlshes ta niarry Madernoiselle Lureau; ho proposes ta make hon lis ovu vifo." "Oh !lie vretch !" "IIf thie man's criminal manoeuvres did Dot inspire auci borrar the lhing veid soom a burlesque and vo miouid laugi at il. I succeeded as I iaped, and can nov eo ta lie Tover vien I nsed ta. Madlamne heur- nier la a sifevd one, but sie foul inta lie trap I amn cert;àin liat Rabiot iu living aI Ville, d'Avray under a taise namo, sud I suspect that Madame Fournier la Mademois- elle Foturell, af Baugene>', andliaa h. bas enîrustoil tie position et gandener to her fatier. To assure myselt. I shall go te Beauigency by the first train to-merrow." MNtounilion, who, haviuxg once been au acter, retaiued bis love of stage effects, iad conceived a plan iicitise CeunI approved afler a short discussiont.: At iaif-past 7 the next evening Maunilcun neturned fron Beasugenmcy. He uvas sure that Fourel and bis dassgitcr were at the Tower. Ho exchauged isfew vards viîh lie Ceuint, via sean sarted for the Orlens station. Travcllinmg ail nigflit, ho arrived lie nexî merning aI Beufrgoviisi and vent at once ta lime bouse of lhe aid Clande Gueons, uncle et Claire Gsucnln. The octogenaniw neceived ber visiter politlvl, and enquired wimat service he could rendejr hlm. II One of the iiigiieît importance," answcred lime Cousit. II'fon are the uncle of an unýortuuate vemanm named Claire IWixa, again ! aRaiu !" cried lie aged Gutenin. II Claire, always Claire Gutesiu The people vie are léoling for ber are con- tainly persistent. Butt I tld lbe laut eue liaI came that Claire m-as dead."' "You aid liaI luit April." "Yes ; sud I repos% it nov. Clairo Que- nio langer existe." Thal is true, monsieur; but tour nionths aco &he did exiat. Yo en eemuis- taken in Apsil, for aie did nal die until lhe Oth of last IMa>." 1« Aie >'otsuasre T" exclaimod lie aid man. 41 Absoluitel>'. Nevorîheles, ton rosions vhieo i viii explain Oyer lestlmony le noeusat5o showvÎtt tse man vho diod on tht linNlaville wvas real>'Cuie Qunerffa. Our niece 1ud chauvgd ion name,. sud, as n neew tint lier rns! name vas Cli.Guerin, 1h. taise Dame a ppe in ber deaili certIficat.. But Claire Gui hbdkept nome jewola which vene Siven lie viien mhe vas a yoiMS g i, sud -I tlsonght t tis poniapaye vou idmareogala. The coid man's oye. bogan te shino. T4 e.," ho mgd," I rmauebr Claire W. nom. jovrels. :8M moftîmve,it hm fube ce-) fil !L eo~n n aWjL'M&e~ih h. $1' Tic iex me ai .8paihre umbe attIeDltnlt '.foaBcsb The lotbto et 9.30 lsealerku thedt &tcnthe vandh A e ct Blodis tor Boire ÎWrved The, Diiot Attoruey brie efod'te .o ficiaisth* purpoM- for vhlh ie w!cib~tlinm tegetiser. Thon ho naid t. auofflc<: "Bro in aClaudeGuel. T u@a =@mmsellam4tooka t "GlndeOnoil " kdthe Diatrict Attorney. "dlo ys boner la vint juan Clale~lslde uerin, loft "J. June, 11L" ansvor.d tie old mam, 'w asshollgî1 iLc-sk doShe bad black iha. "tTsan or.aoi"r r "Ratier ton, sir, At 18 ablevWu but itie shcrter dieumMy som Antela., vbo vWu and' bg. u nest fo n-Mmy duos." A .8le asbrough lt siW.ll.Dr. Battu 1" sk.d the District Attorney. 6sGentlemen," fusvured tIe dodto:, "lie joungomsuhefl I attended at Poilions bad ong btak bal: sud vas nearly the same beighl as Antbluo Quser1n." The Dfliet Attérney opeued a li. box sud tcok out Bean4louplrs jevOls. "04tesyu"orielAutnin, Il ta., an my cousn Claie's th ansele anets in tie eardrops ani lie bne stone l 1h. ring surtaunded vits puanis. I teok the ring off et ion finger once vhou I vas dancinjithhber, and sie crled, suppesing IlAnd I11" nd lie fath r,6jive is broodli te my geddaughtur ou 'en 1611h birthday. Il la aise a medahlion. I viii take eut the pinanad py up this 11111e goid plats wili my kuit. Outhe inside yen vil! find engraved: - TO CLAIRE GUERIN. Souvenir ef Hon Godfather. ........................ Suitting lie action ta lie vend, lie cld man loch ont the littho plate sud ih vas paased rosund. Al mv lie vends. The pretidenl cbjecled liaI Claire Guernu inigit have given lie jewqla ta Beau- Souir.Bt~Doctar Barre said tial ho reogtzd the jevela as lieue wiici vere ve t yho yasng motion aI the hospitai aI Paitiers. Thiivas deciaive and Denise'. tostinson> vas unnecesar>. The court ordened lie rectification eof Claire Gnernl'a deati certification and Vir- ginie Ursule%. birth certificat. The next day Dr. Barre, iearing the do- cialon of lie -court, vent ta Ninvili, haviug certain important advlce ta gLve lie atayor. Beforo i. left Ninvilie overybody kuew liaI Boau-Soupir's identit>' had beau ostablisbed and tiaI lber ruai naine vas Claire Guenin. The nova seau nuached Geandi-ai, viere il creatod great et-* - emneut But, seeisug ne policemen, lie Par izota soon fel esien, and the taruner starled ton lie tevu hall ta find ont iow tie discaveny had been made. The mayer nfoned hlm siunply tiaI-Dr. Bare mdan unii.etofClaire 1usd ldeutified tie jewels. Rabiot's cousin vent homne happy. "W. vere ver>' slupid ta o fightened," sasd i. taies vife ; I"theienla o siadov cf danger. The Biais physicisu bas doue h aIL Thii, excellent M. Barre little suspects tiat le bas been vorking lu ou: behaif. CHAPTER XVIII. IN wIMou RBO:T TFfNKS Hi mLAS veN THE . AML Josci Rabiot vas net quile as credulous and confident as hie cousin Anastaeia. Sun- day rncrning lie arrived aIthue tower and naid ta hor; IlI have thaugil a gneat deai about lie priest vie bas changed tie littho gli'a mlnd, and I tee! smenemat anxiens. " Tiie aid maid ioaked at hlm lu astonisli- mont. "lAuxions, vhy !» slia4ked. "iSuppose, 1h. Spauliehpriest vero ne n mono of a Spaniard er primat than I amT" "Nonsenise. Wiat art yen talkiug about. 'I<Tou rumaure ume, cousin,-but aiU th. samne 1 thliuk 1 vold be l"t thloriah iet&boutnlý lnbi Accodbsgly, aflerMassAnastuaa eut tnto the sacristy. "'1Fation," nid là*, «'I came te tiank u o thîe grest bonon don. me yesterday bythe viit .MoSueigneur Don Joie Iles, yps I kuow Ho vus deilgited vwili you rPite velcoue."1 b?. b o m bia aIchurois hua "114 tmurud la Paris ha n l#ll ut hm viem "i M sd thon ho vaui ma ixo keta ovs e:fla~ M» Wi mP MR àgureU*t 1 t~bm foie Ite b4l l ao fi d .vu emd wr.tetii gqo.#ig His lutter vriltmn lie took lie train, ft' paris. Âfter breakfast Eugoniu and hSer iden vont to tho arbor te wenk on a dozea embnoiderdshrs .paed te have beisa ordoed by le puo uir vilolEngoule thenghtmie vas vorkag. Alilîloe befare 2 c'clock Rugeule rom., Say- lag te hen motion : "I 1am going to getaàpeae et lace tiat I idtin In'rcorn."9 FeurYl' oyez, by force of habit, tollcved lierbo edeorof lie lieuse. Theyon girl vont te ber matior's roani and vaited Buddouly a singular creaklng neachud lier 41'It in fa 1h. vall," tie munsnuÉed. And alliongh Mannillen bil advned lier, shm oould flot svold a feeling ef terrer. la tbrue or four minutes Mounillon stuppod r l u ty u t o t h l e l o e . supcions et o;: onemies I have take. anotie od.hinel nopeniug la tii val!litaI nultier Rabiet uer lis acaom- ice kn ov nylblng about. Bv Il Docte: aapro entered your motlior'a nocrn 1he othen night wvile .1. vasassbup and gave lien acie medicine. Hev inshme te-day.T" "lAbout the mme as yestorday, monsieur But aie las ne moe o f hon frigitf ni at- "Dactar Maugars'rnmedy bas proventeid thes.. My dear child, I na>' nov tell yen that they vers elançn youn motion." "Oh,3 My G= 1exolaumod Eugenie, tmm- e~yvenng the o ured iuto tiecup liquid vhich vas te mako lier lasane first and thon kililiher." " Oh, monsieur, vhat must I doc! Tel! me." diThe poison vas lu a flask lahoiled 'Waten eofCeyon,' vich vas kepî in tie cioset near tie Cilmney-piece in Madame Fournie'. reoun. Doctor Maugars and Denise came lios mnd suhtituted lie an- tidote."I '<Ii aIse 1 h. e ureof a letton fnorn hlm yon love." The yanng girl blushed, look lie letton, aùd placed il in hon besoin, vbio Monnillon departed the vay ho came. Engeuie looked an viti curiosity as lie panel rose, and tien closed tie ciosel deoandmi ent ta bis rocin. CHAPTER XIX. FIRST RISSES. Fiually, mastoning ber ernotion, Eugenie read as followu: Dearly Beloved,-I have seen tise letton signed with un>' narna, lu vhich 1 amn made ta say such s'range things. The vretches have initatecd my vriting perfectly, aud I t"ýank votu fun neftising. Believe inlte .er- nul affection et hlm vie loves vou ardentl>'. LuciE.x;MoRXL Thon aie ret::rnctid ta lhe garden, carry- lng the giase of ,--,eeteiied water. - Namia," said elle, -I was t'airaI>' and drank a glassetfIbis sweelened vaten; thougil yen mugit liko a drink aiso", "lAu excellent idea ; I ani veny dry." And lie widow empt.ied lhe glass gradin. ally. Anastasia relu rned at; 5 a'clock, de- lightod vith bon purcbases. IlTa-nigh 1," uaid Anastasia, "lM. Rabiot viii dine witb un." Iu the afternoon Don Jase cal!ed, brng- tnhlrce gold medallions blessed by tie Ho'y Father. He gave one te dach o'f lie ladies, anud thon snid te Etugenie lu a 1ev toue: Il To-niorrow ai 2 o'clcck lu yonr motio'a rocin. Yen viilpneteud ta have a violent headaci. sud go t lie dean for au heur. Do udt fail taoe lite door of yen: room, and put lie key in yonn pocket.", Atter talking a moment with Madame Fournier, ho vent away. At 6. 30 Rabiot came bringiug a ring tiat cosl 700 or 800 francs. Il vas a prot>' pearl, surnoussded by brilliants. Ho piaced it on Eügenie's fiugen. Sho kept il on, oeorcoming lier repugnauce. Si. vas prompt tise noxt day atthelienn dezvous, carrying eunt île plan tiat Matn r- ilion 1usd recommended. But wien ~the pansl te» a beavllful yoang girl stepped out cf tueeloset ««'I arn Demise Mono," nid aie, "mand I have cerne tic take yen ta se. Lucien. Ho vas tee weali ta corne imseILf. Foe ne."I Taking Ec.gonie b>' the band, m&h. led ion thhnugh lie subtrnaneau passage. aioving ber ou lie way vhen Lucien vas Ilirovu dovu the wveli. A morntu later tie levers ver. ln proseàoceofet otaler. bIAPTER XX. The day tor ho aiunig et1h.contnsot vas fixed. Ou hus occasion Madame Four- nie: 's'a ta M"i a 11111e paty. Madame ]P*uirohad aise avited Mon- sieur Don Joue Agaybr sud the parlah Pour days later th. civil mplae ould take place lu Paris. RageBui. pla.d lier rut. admlnabiy, and Rabiot Wmsu' MNd enou* té think ual tthe s. ut14 Anastm~ $ ~au OMM-m ncorauxm, 77 murry streeu, p. DRESIS GOOIJS Havting made sonie large purclises early in the season we now show1 largnge mof DRM MRIÂLS in the ne'w fail shades. Rlenrieu.4 'Clotho iii Black, Navy Biue, Garriet and Brown, smre xtra ýfine quiali. ties, &Wa Crape Clotho, Second Iiourning- Goode, al vool Plaids 1 large rangMe of Patternçaiat 250., and a nice assortment of fine Coatme Clotuho, ài en iey n à wih& fuil range of Trmrminga'in Brocs(lf dilko, Plain Silka and Satin. Veivets, Plu sh#s, Braids, Laces, etc., to match. ORDERED CLOTHINO. This has heen our busiest departamest during the unusually duil U&mný New Goode ini Worateds,'Trouseringe and Tweeds arrivrug every week Se. our nev fali Tweeds. Good pattierns and good qualities at remon. able price. A good fit guaranteed on ail orders entrusted to us. paný ont fres of charge when cloth is purcbased from us Boys' ready-r1nmad Statu, a&H aim sini stock. Boys' Odd Pants $1 pair. IWHÂB«VESTING GOODS-Cradles, Rakea, Forks, Scythes, Binder Twine, Binding Gloves, Machine 011e, etc. Our entfre stock is now well aesorted with seasonable good. HOGGT BRtOSI, JuIy 80th, 1891.-1598. PARIS GREEN, INSEOT POWDER, HELLEBORE.. * HIGINBOTHAM'S, THE MANUIFATURERS' LI FE& ACOIDM INSURANCECOMPANIEJS'. Combine4 Authorized Capital;300fliï, ' xand other assets .............. % J. W.,WALLAC E9 - Agent, Lindsay. W. A4. HORKINS, District Manager, Peterboron DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. IlLcS ffl1~ous I10 ITS AGTIO0L For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, .CHOLERA MORBUS, end ail BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY lEQUA1.S THE PAIN-Y*ILLER- ln Canadian Choiera and Bowel CompiaInts Its-effeot la magîcal It cures lIs a very short trne. TNtr DEST.FAM'LY REMEDY FeR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINSý RIJETJMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE: MuD gvEPVrwota rK AT &o. A BoTTL AvBw evaisc onnlrfta Md i-m.1oe Oheap FURNITURE- GOTO0 ANDERSON, NIGENT & col *KENT#TRIEJETs LINDSAYs ~doe~ak-and Cabinet Makerv ont dék? No trouble to show it. -'-.4 -t WM, NUOENT & 0 a-nd proPllPy eo ofie.u Of in Dr. ' the ~ W. 1. worl( gest xliui,1 your West~ yea * don are at of P n e cou lanti faunil ever for b I as ah text. of co Cal Men, witih for o crope laek O tab)le uct last r tint e Bons,' for E,,, Tiel ini Eg~ largeil lune i their woîîdel crib,t came Whow in imou ~vin herseS exhav. and th Tlie crual lis fai eldcrt makes headt tact w befor'ý» tliey i wit.h here L iîtg atil tihoti-hi have lyg Ibis tcc ed bnit Outv, Lxi keep ri ment c y ou. rothe: ch id in "hie as had n miand 1 asking Thîe Shid(r, itetît il ît:ak'cs was adl Stili th and l0 open lid bei desptîir Ben a velK a tone v-e-i-i b as ni ýlie a fteh tf rean 'moUd vw

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