Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Sep 1891, p. 5

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TEAy'H( Tea Merohmi Hoeeoed p.ey idP Te" i Tomaaepoats'! dbtl*.£ Jadis, and are nid by t lgfu JA.MOMÂ OO l'Fj, putýc Tis.. eiweI ~~apauz, ~ ,y1. i, 1*d 1< 4~ ta Black Toma rage trom 4Uc. té 0e ruahm le. te 1MILPie peS mat. dhaecp.u1oo, ordoa "et Ot. E sboot f er sab. ,à,' STORE OPPOSITE BEÈ:NSO1w, HOtTSE. NOTE.-WO Ise MA&NUATrE PÂÊTENT PICKECT AND WIRI FENCI en lhe Ji He SOOTHERAýN' Iteal Estate, aukd Iney Broker, Fire and Lile Insuirance Agent NOTICE. As 1 intend marnic'a regalar bueinase of REAL ESTATE, MONECY, LOANING ad INSUBANCE, I invite everybody wbo may have business in any eft1h. aboYee ines lou an sd eee me. 3ýrP&rtie@ iaving Propeilles or Sale eau bane îhem adnertisel vithout Ooet, sas Imate no erge exeepI vb.u à Sale te feicted. fl»'Parties havlng Property th Rent vil ino theirw.nstatteuded th and ne icent. mado until Tenant ta provied. 8ý"Parties *satug te Buy or Ileut are oordially lavileilte cal aI my effigu and .Iook avenrnMy lis. l"Working. men, Moechanic and etbers rsapplid Ith Bouses or Lots on tbè Instalmeut Plan. MONET TO LOAN ou Maillag et lonest cui- routrates.. MONHY TO LOAN an Aporoved Endoraed Nottes nt levesi rates.. JIORTGÂQES BOUGET AND SOLD. ]PROPERTIES Rentd and Tenante prooured un ahat notice. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Vacat lots for business blocks on Ket Soot, 90 'test trontage by 100 fot deep; viii b. MdoInluots te suit etIaaresanabie Pries, and on easY tenusof pay- eut. Vacant lot ou the.crner of Lndsa sud Russl Shtre, 40x6, nit b. leameil for 21 yoana nfth buld. Vacant lots for private ilvelffgoIngiluNorth, Southi and Ea't Wrds, snd money advanced fon building purposes. $4 ~ Large twa story brick dweilnu the $450OorthWard, with &Ui modem impioe- mente. on acre ot landl neli planted with fruit Ire.. sud ornementa shrubb&rY. 2 0 Largo tno stary brick dneilg on $3 Waveriey Avenue, wt goo outbuId- ,.,ai Umodemn conveniences. en.acre etflad, sic lawn, and goad vegetable garden. 001 , Nice li tory brick dnlilngnuit arn- 81,6 'pie convefienos Lot mmiipianiol mith. Iieee'and shrubber*, good gardon. 5 02sBtary white brick cottage, nias lawn $an50 d goal gardon. 81,500 ry white brick Gthie roofel e -sr~'g"u2,try roc brck dwrelinc, canvea. $1' -,750J o tt oleiteInithut.,goal lo. muity. $ 1,200 dwelling.a II trGoh te One and a hait ulory brick voneerel $ 80 D On story whte brick cottage. * noand a bal ,tory brick Gothie $300p Frame lwelling. one-eghlh acre lot lu %500 Frame dveiing lunut Ward. J. H. SOOTHERANI OFFICE., md door reof th.nnwP08t Office, Kent,',t., Lindsay Lindsay, Sept. lth, 100.-21-lv. FBIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. LOCAL JOTTING;Se. . BAN AN.D» DU BD»AW. The nercY et Qed is MOre tbsu Mercy.- A MMnAÂGE LICEK5U tonr2,00 aI Porte' book store. -2-lt. Ilta a daugeroas tblag to e b. b busy le play. CoRKs, every sizo jeu eau thnt et ai Hie- IN OTRÂM's Ding Store.-94.4. A goed man dios vbenoerna boy gous vreng. 1000 QooD SauND CEDÂN Posus 8 fI. long tor sale choap in quxantities lu suit purclase arply ta Ga. A. MeIhereU, Box 77, iiusy. 1000.-72.t. -' ilo e MARRIAGE LiicoRROs.- Bit (fh firm ot Brittan Brou., jovellera, Lindssy,) isues s marriaÈe boeue orI$2. DO. LiCt oui oetI tree.-1770.lt. Ilt tems athinker tu mate anotetIon Ibr think. FATL.COIEW -h Pnt oe ud ofthle cesuf malsnlsg g nLon have b. sult Ïau s» bumallami b> lt.e ma8 thenfre thle abore ja"d4oidcst.la "q imnputant, Sign Of thé Min Saws, Bottom Prices Powder, Shot, Sheila, Guns, Apple Parera, <urtain Poles, lothes Wriugers, Table Catlery, Carvera, Trays, Table Mats. PAINTS &OILS Plain and Fancy Window Glass, Belting Packing, Lace Leather, and al mil supplies. SOALES ait MeldLeirnan & 0o. Agents for lb.helebrmai SCRANTON COAL M"887a. Aux. 19, 18L-14-Ij. People without any ftu'ltu neyer have have uany frieuda. Spioze, pars sud tie.aI etHiGixBoTÂm's Drng Store. -944. 41 The more vo love Godi tbe punir ouiresv wUl b., A Goon sEOOlANÂD PIANo for mle. Appiy at H. Holtert'. shop.-90.tt. The nôman vhs -hales durt moas a dlean honse.keeper. IcE C x tresh ud igeoil,, aIMn. B. F. Jem, ausrotnit. Kent atieet.-81-tf. The devil lovem te gel bis bsudm on geai. bearted peuple. CHEÂ,&P, CHEÂPER, CEEPEST.-No w athe lime te socure bargama lu boots sudeoe et a the nor parler boot sud shoe store, su voe are ietermtued not te carry auj entamer geode over, sud ase lu mate rooa toi oui immense stock et tali snd vînler goode. W. bave- made mch a surpiing reincîlea iu the prilous ut ail ournrtaumer geais as villi dean hem eut la a fer veeke, so bu sure aidcomle early snd secure some et the bargains aI Bryas sud Co'à., firet deor osui et Daly Houen, KouI strost, Lindsay. IL. BETÂNs, gonousi manager. ..97-tt. The. donil vauld have ta quit if ho coldn't do the mont et bis rork lu the dark. MoNimy PRizis s'e Boys Âl4D GRi&s- The "Sunlight" Soap Ce., Tarante. offer the follownqn«prm o eoy montb tilii uither no- tice, lei boys anud girls ander 16, residing lu lb. Province et Ontarie. mho seuilthe grec:. eut number et «'San4Iht" wrappons; lot, $10; 2ud. S6; 3rd, $3: 4th, $1; ô5h le l4th, a 'Hanismo Boo; sud s pretty picture te those vho seuil net leu. tia 12 nrappons. Seuil wrappmeo'*unlight" Sosp office, 43 Scutl St., Toronto, net later than 29th ofet ecl menît umarkod competitien; &Ia givetfull uase, sdros, g, ail numberoo! napper.. Winuena' notons viii bu publishod la Totonto Mail on furt Ssturdsy lu eacclimenti. -92-ly. If il voe net toi lhe troubles te moriownon oe u enuburounui.souldered lu-day. ELEoTRiO LiGH'.-To OW~ Citizen. of Lsnd- aay.-To thon catemplsting lie adoption t electnie liglit fui thei plaes et buainess or private ruelcea ne eu m algest de ual be toc, batv lu «lvlng jeur eors teany rival coiupany toi incandescent lighlîng. We have made arrangemenîts fthei installationi ut s frit clan incaudelcn plant lu bu rua in con- nection vitb ont uer mtation. Thon thal bave vialtei oui nov station m"ce filtbasbeen runulnit cau judge the clan of machiner.y vo vil be ltbely loadmipt. As lu tie cent et Hegtiug, consumens my nut assuisi r. mli moke the pricos ntght. Yomn reepectfuliy, The Lindsy leohrit Ligb Co., B. F. REESOE, MG.-98'1. T.e6 oupgatlou that voudpsy th. presoier me o telling theitlIe trulh in one Iht wonld be ratchett riti a gnat deoi la lerest by the angels. Ho Fu <Ien00BO01M &BUT SEPT. 15m.- Oobocuuk, Auguet 27th, 189L-To the .. w o TEE WÂuui:-Wili yen kiudly give th. followhng saso.iluTour ppar sni oblige me y To the aiions, meroeant sud butai] piopnletons oethie tors et Lindsay, Gentle- mes :-We. rursalsetfNorthi Victoria beg leyl ou hmbly abor jeu thst as yen have arangea toe n.marktlticketsMeoh and erary Sstuuday asurl bv theG. T. R. troui ,aQl local pointeto lu oui tenu: sud wree Ibtis bas a gunt tendoy te dram a gruat per- 1tien et the Weatb ufthlb.coutry le tie tenu, rhereby yoq are aIIl bemftei by oui leavlng ,s ur monuy qlth you, sud oui villages sufer te lIa t tt; v. thetoe ibm. lu pint eut Is-ysu the debî IbsI yme ne usand lIeu conwee J13.-flW Ailvies mmdive. 'Vmm.duhile 4- " ffl -te mem e ie . 1.X n i ionssY on te erumêorm uie af alrge. y . 1. Euty odl petlb. Gui usestêureau À bras Iboofmli ms o, cho ryom andpeteplel pi H ETeh"inoppéc tS eSoy-Roe% dsy.e -98-t. Sosie toika vhe arm irsyssaxious about vihier rua huil "bnov èoaiolbr ler." Pau thai nexI door ueigîbora in the omInet Vithout speblng Mm s hrraima. basrelurusi hou Toronto noire aho las beau attendhng thm millnry, openinge. 8h. puncoeed a lange atout of valuashe goude.andui la nov prapalul te sait ber, entomorsInual lb.he Istatstyles. Aise, aIl lbo nevesî atyles lin reand manti. msb hng....98.t. Bina mwih brigit plumage do net sivuym Mao geai pol.pi%. OnMMuMeu TRuMai MrMornarCEunE. -Tisinlaa rock ut prayor foi 1he Bonda scicol. -Sundsj moring the putorni:% rosci te h dus.ubjeol, 'IGianl llllng, sud*lu inse veulsg a sermon te jonng men, The oncl »b u taoozed mii lowr ndnithe chIdresn i» help te lai lie singing. Alilne are dialiy invite& ' Tioais'l s mn lue1wrnd rbo wil have a»y tnouble about usilersn»ding lb. Bible if ho vili benautly cdterais. te livu lhé vsy 1h tola hlm te. NEw Fîn.-We irect attention tluthe amIt. et Mr. .P. Rjlej, mblcb la o ob. touai in Ibis tmuaï. M. yiey hua puiehausi tho stock ot hardware of Mn. R. D, Thexton, sud latendae anryng ou buaineslu the oh ustand next deor lu Ine Beusio HRune*, riore b.omii bu pleased to aveal&II biitlfriade cull ou hlm. Y.M.C.A NoT»n.-Tbe Tburdij enenlug Bible clan conduoteil bv the gonerai usr.laty, reaumes Il meetings Ibis veek t a8Sp.a. The topics et cIndy an. labos trou "The Lite ut Christ."iluthe.gospel ut Mark. Ssturduy, Young me's meeting aI 8 p.B....ro. Wil. son MeCanu viildolivon au iddhn oleyeng mon un Saday ah 4.15. Cheorful elaging loi by the orchestra. Ail mau ieartlly in- viteil. Tii. doati ut Christ vas lhe braveet ct ever vîtaseseon tu Iis esthi, sud bde cruci- fixion lie meut cowardly deei even pertermoil by man. Te Oua SuBsonzBun. -Durng the poli- lical excitomeut lait fuil sud minter very fer et aur accouaI, rare sent out or collected, Ilta sareir net lo mach nom b urge on oui subucribors thie piopriety ot prompîly payiug up ail arnoars. Wo bave seversi Ibeasani dollars dae on subaciptionasIoe. Lot oui tienis kinily showr hein leyalty by premptiy paying up. There are tee mauy people luthie cahi vbo woa't manci nuslie>. ey n hoetaItlb osil ofet b.procession. GAÂT Trxs F OR A GuzN xCOLT. -TIc Kingston Whigsys Ihal 'Beimoul Prince," a toal et 1888, bai mado groat lime at Paugli. keepsie. N.Y.. inlng the Nelson oaies iu 2.15f sud 2171. :The ,paerai 81,000. "'Waxferd" is tho sireet -Beimaut Priace." Eliheck's "Kinguîten" te ram lie marne @tra. Tva vears ago, la Cicago, a llreeyear.oli madothie record et 2. 181. and Il vas eralisi aIl ever tie country suit regardai as s marre. loue performance. & prorninenl brman etslaom i l as aimply a marnelous record ton s Ibree-yoan aid, snd ho mas lu veiy mach doubt nbether 2. 151 i net thie bush record ever madeisnlu laIclama lu the Unitedl titee. The man mbo eayu be ta kepl eut et the chanci bocause thon. are see amy hypocrites in it ta ual influonasi by tbem anymbere else. 'A Lunianout3 MiTÂxEc-The sborj et a ludicious amitke, and a jokeonauthie ureet inspochar, ih toli. A hors heamaten mai de. linernu blockts for a cedîn blook crosslng. aid iatouaditil uees.ary ta damp hi. boai st the street aide lu front et a residoace canyon- lent la the cnamslug. The lady et tho hous, seing the. operahian, excîsai :-"Tiat's juet lite John. seuding me a load outmoud mitioift lclling meoe t i, snd jusî lookd re the stupi mn is puttiug il." 'And going ouI aIe pavethIe stupii man a pioce etflior mini. "Doc't von iuur an y bolter tia t put tue veod Iliere 1 Whi ou't jeu put il -o - ILte-,-cofidentLt cour, lu bis correct. atonding snd cousequmnt 10 lis reogithat iilout« uinaom epnilhsD USUL Artlaion «ledi storquWsilomasadvollioua ciho bLbla% Acrehuni e lmour sud glatIesof 11e putmae reproducoil la lb. pioment.The centtust, Kr. Joba Eettlg, bhm deoois a Yeuare ot.Pem"oula imarolinPalm. tins, Jumu dlii RBoi>'Lm- ananhba ailohumi>' mstum e lbiaisa>' u&"- lrathm et lte Bsd strnmguprcdeue s grand aeteuarmuli d tcingli £Mt i muÎuvi.vllu sudmaoit' etofurumsIsu lIe vEut t lie Qaeen etbhc t»i augu dente U ul UNl qlil4la Ils. slOM usl~~ but tb rnyonWbà-"-wand coda. et ~ Ac fiarh ler wun hI lu-dse boie eIis elcluetés arn9coVIUC obtn vdmemata tdor e ' Aetoyr': arspaillar ofPaUNRr h. wuh" have an In.ur lutie us on t ndardteam Ihsiber, hudt te W7 #m S. of rei h Rya oesndiia8 9 u th boo. SCharls L SOPeyH-ruomunionet Dr. Jb. pe0. Prepa&aCo servesvMM hob hel; afh.b"0l$a-Worth o a 8 e'elce a& aulc Whoer. A tcIa.a"eanPeter. &osowli pcyh.guoi«nt rvlg Ltie n au a . ueeudre pateal for anul alauers h b . eppieil l ha eapoya Te inentwion ta simpleta.danwaa phuresua equlrdymsag 1. or neW ony anl ha prU rveutngvein et zwie RIIe *à*M oHus-Tof sunua ingo thel recrdaho.rvosyor.T.V m tot eunt ti the4harled ov e er or. foro;or h sam Hghe ud Litenhn aprrsowey llaothe saes cf 1Wtem, Thina'vto gmil sipbe n te lait&U tii.se race T edpsv ug .the a vii be e.smnI aeengpu Aons xuLz ATREX-AIh. eet-u ine tPte brngeOteay, of lie Poe lbrdidarototie mu euho». eîboat lb lwng rcreolroutn vsadoTedVe Mokuv y BeassE.0D.thewis, auseond eb the WfrontdMajor d rHghsoaLetanta a isiemeo eing n t xpr tles ou. qlifed b teoder mnaliqu o the imoa Iiala oen piele ly iaplthe li cueiitionaienttsmet&, owhio sampies may . se uIi oal.s.S dîpimybrostrbiofeve luhodnot oeil,e me olzing esecalion10w1h. opng, bu aed boly b evlaD.et lb. landdb Mr. D.Wn DE and.-r Wesveday atter- noonistrsBmting tWilliprmss reen- verut m adeto. 5, Lndy$'soferrco, ses mbe noigbbir, is Cubhberl. OnBnchr is.lysw Ctbîtlitaho oon lvde-il Dis. Clnark.tandhe Poofe lad.aioc snmnD, butmicn a adwas olter-o avail, bcthBaedinag on Wlareeeti we.ha bnto dea.Ldy' toilyoe, tose vi Ihat lisat uaert a lb. ce aeofdealb. The funerail aites place to.day, iday, ai 10 o'ciook tu Bîverside cemetery. NEw MiTHo» of Golil and Porcelai Tooth Crownlng. Mr. W. H. Grosm has lately visited tome of tie prunelpai don- tias and dental manutactnring mmabiih monts o! 1he Unitei States, a country where tie dental art ta broughl bo a atate uf groaler perfection tban any other in the world, notably with a viev b preaerv- tug naturel teetb and rouis. Teeth lu advanced stages of decav are trosted andi crowned, with sithor gold or porcelain, restoring their naturai usefuinees andl ap- pearanee. Mr. Grass îeceivod instruc- tions tram specialit-te lu ihese branches' of dentistry, siso in Bridge vont, or îeeth without plates, and ls tully prepareid ta du this beaubtiful vont ln a manner never betore practiced in Ibis district, andl he appemis tb 1h. publie, espeoially lu lev.ers oft1hé bsautitul ln art. andin t their owu renti nIl ly b. dsami« LdhhlybO hs otabuihuml. l'h. DiWs bi m"au numbutet sppnoputr r. At lb. eettry Beý r. .Dosa. înIsui the@bsohm*ble mm"Ie.la MImpiues maum mw l. atOr rsh b bll.M&us qmiumi *b eregnistela *9ls Mu d vi.. llenA*UlIuOi*Su'W OZI e -d EUSEIyfor-Iho j~ ~s mpet cui4 wtha vryfie toktomikeyor b i s. o 9't tbe yo@ugMm r« udy 'w SoholOpeniOg. W V , a. &v«sY lareVsock f BoyB & outs' Oot~ingbougbit at 60c. on the dollar ,vu&h we are effring at ltem th=n Manufcurer. pricu. Three Suite for the price of two. These are Boys;' Knookabout Straw and Feit IRats, Braces, TMes. Shit, Bocks, Underwear, etc., at special pricos. 10 dozen Boys' Flannelette Shirts, regular price 45c, and they go now at 35c. each. 75 remuanta of all-wool and untearble Tweeds at less than haif prioe. Bemnant's of PrintsDreris Goods,etc. ]Ready.made Jackets. gains in Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbonq, Laces, Underwear. Bar- be aaved bV purchasing your achool outfitting supplies direct frorn us. QLOVESs GLOVES. GLOVES. 13pecial prices for all kinds cf Summer Gloves. Better bargains thanever are being offqred to clear out every pair of Summer Gloves. In additioh, ute have jut opened 1200 pairs of Ladies' black and colored 4 button Kid gloves, which we offer during this sale as follows:-500 pairs at 50c., regular prico and valde 75 Ù.; 600 pairs et 75c., regular price and value 81. These are special drives and worth looking after, as they won't last long and cannot be replaoed et tho prico.- We are opening every day large quantities cf Nov Fal l oods. which are being offored at our well known exceptionally low prices. COUNTRY MEROHANTS and amail delers cen, at aIl times find Job Linos with us in Stmples and smal vares rnuchbelow regular wholesale prices; in addition you have the adyan- tage oî buying in lengths to suit your trade, hall' or quarter piecos. Our jobbing brade i.sbseadily inreasin g- because our prices are right. If you have not yet lied quotations frorn Us corneand see what we au, do, you are sure to be pleased end save money as well. WARNER&' COM y. 'The G.reat .Uankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. COomng avents. l'IA.Sept. 4th-Excuooupet steamer Oradeila, lu Fenelon lFalla, to.day <rida,), under asapicof t1h. baptit êchuroh. Tickets 25 cents. SuNDAT àmmu MOnDÂT, Sept. 6th sud 7th- Aunivery services and tom aider th. auspices of 1h. cougregational church, Cresavei. WEDIqsEDÂày, Sept. 9th-Rubhnson's Cirons viii exhibit lu Lindsay. FumÂ, Sept. lîll-Picato under 1h. asa Piceofe Port Hoover schou, il b. hei lMr. Wm. BeecrQt'&m groeo Il tabes contact with other people lu mmke us acquatuteil rith ourmelves. Pickltng vinegmi, extra'otrong, and mixei pioklipg spic@et BéE.Gregory'.-98.4. Mise Msybee cf Brighton, ta visiting hor asaer, mim W. H. Downer cf Zien, Mariposa. Reulm meeting et Faitul Brethien lodge No. '17 A.F. sud AM., Ilim evealug, Frtday, 4th ml. Dacit shootini soason bhs commenceil, sua nov the air vii hoe filled vith the reverbera- tiens et lhe gun. Thone are people vho neyer itive aray auj mut a 1ater they ski iansd than lhey want credît for creain. Mr. Albert Morgtan, ster speadlng nu eu joyable viil uner the parental roof, returned, te Owen Sound yesterday. Meeting -oftheb directois of lhe Lindsy horliculturai societv iu the ceaucil ohamPer tbie eveuiag. Fridai, aI 7 o'clock. Remember the day sud date,,Wedaeaday. Sept. 9 1., Robinson'@ circns viii exhibit in Lindsay. Puste the date lu jour bat. The wvend a eofetpeople vho veulsive before they vould Il w hiskey vho are giad te tate tbe saioos.keeper's muney in a thon- sand difforeul raysansd put il lu their pockets; The Park Place diater .111 bu graphioally illustratod ia the next mumber et Harper'is Weekiv, whicb viii aIse contain thriliiug descnptions ut that eveattlaeiteil by eyo. wituesses. The day that a man maries a good rife ho takesas big stop temard heaven. Dr. Saa. Broad, V. S., et Memeae, Ill., brother of Dr. J. J. Brosd, Coboconk, sud Dr. W. F. Brod, 7.8., Lindbsay. ir visitinq hie friauds la Canada. He gave T.Hu WÂBDER a cli on Fniday. Mn.. Matheson. Weodslock, snd Mns. -Builor et Port Hope, are visiting Iheir brother sud slster.tu -liv, Mr. snd Mis. Ssndy Laidlar in town. Mns. Balerblia sfine boy vhicb int he pris etfits mbolo.hesnted ancle. Wheu vo remomber hhat oui mords may ia- flnence peuple for etornity vo oughl lu be nery careful by ow yeb. They have discovered il!1 "What?" Vita Oie, mhlch ta variauleil lu cure diphîhenis or auy tbruat treubie, dyspepsie on teurale veubusases. Put up by the Vils Ore com- pany, box 89, Bellevilie-96.13. Il linseldom Ibat Qed fiais a man rhum il moul@poil tw have hie ou n,&y. 49Fivu joan m&go I had a consanat cough, niglit aveets, rai greatly reducedi lase. and bai been givan np by 'uy physiciane. 1 begn te tube Ajer'a Cherry Pectoral, sud afler uatng tva botlles eft Ibismedicine, vas esmpletely cured."ý-Ang& A..11L-910 Ricard, The man vhu fliglîs to.dsy'saiitlt aitb. tully viiinol be vhlpped to.m.4' Mr. Chai. Thorau,V.5B.. Kirkfi 14, bas gene toCalgsryluinthe far Northi W t. to iilan engagement vith Messis MoKenxie & Cos., rmllvay contractons, vhWe aIetprient oaen in th.eontilon -et the Calgary sud Edmon- ton Railiay. They ors &n'immense number et heres, a large number et rhicb have ot iosa beu aufferlng ticu s complication ut dis. ousi lxhmba baffl e l.stili ufthle Vet- erinarvu etthat localty, sud, heanlng ut Kw. ThuuWs vonuaful uceausmt h.eteu et amardisusse o! Ihe bors.they seul hlm a togrtfflsng hlm as "goil lhng" for his oc mtatusnasdunlng theoconstruction ei No mês e l oa Gl i aSU bic huart Who apeasathe -Mout 0fhm tlmein trying togot ld. atareie ts miova. lIe Outilla Pachet mys-lmay lu the OdM&lsditritVil adoe ths tollowng, front partmsml 15 s ulegma&h anuyejceby iaislileg tlb.localisaet th. candidate.a lb. woeeml depinnrtt4al ozansu. The gulmdthis rusatm gioer ibse course s.a hal 'Il «Im ujut .ou.he.. e Moils ~ 6.5-es.M. »MI on>r tet eosa «moom u*%e sd s&Il t.eruquflnu ~sth mu b~étaIs4, by e an s suis i DRESS & MANTLE MAKER New Cutting System. Haviixg aecured the services of a firstclaa CJutter, I am prepered, ho warrant a&U Clttng sud Fitttng. la simys reay te mmist in matchhg Trimmunga. AU customers from s distance alteil upon n Satnrdya. Latel Fashnealrayo on band. Ail ordois promptly attended tb. MILLUNERY-I have on hand a large and vahiable Stock of Milliery, and arn nov prepared to make Rate and Bonnets and aIl Milltuer in the Latest Fambions. CheaD tfor (Yiih. ROOMS-Ove Werner & Perry's Dry Goode Store, Doheny Block, next door ta A. Higtnbothsm's Ding Store. WHITE PINE BALSA THE -GREAT Cough and Coi> ]Remedy, Cuires (Joughs, Coldp, HoarsienesB, Bronchitis, Âsthma, Loss of' and ail diseases of the Throat, (Jhest and Lungs. 'Voice, 25c. EACH OR 5 FOR $1.00. A. HEIGINBOTHEAM. Druggist, Lindsay. Advrtse IITheWadr THE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE 00s WHIOH WILL YOU H &VE? The latest Bilue Book âsb wh lia ter providiog for &Il liabilities the surpiuq of"týhe ROYAL CANADIAN for the. protection-t ite po!icy holdero at the close C-f last ytâr w.Žî$.-09,074, bouides stock ta tii ainou-ut of îupather $100.000 suhscribed but net calied Up The mime Biue Bookt shows that the surplus of the London Mutual ras $67,176, ccrnpouei entirely et tho unassemuîd p')rtion of premium notes miaitnô policy holder, ever expects ýo bu calleil upua te puy. The followin4 table shows et a glanas hom biq affaire cf the. London Mutual have been:-oing inning the lait tom jeano:- Losues Cash Surplus, Year upai aI Availablo tor Money reckouing prom. Inveatwtrts close et paying lasses Borawoi. iam notes at I aci year. oaci year. ut claoeof tull face saab yoar. value. 1885 $6,047 8 963 Noue $101,816 Nore 1886 9,878 50.686 Noue 115,959 $6,500 1887 12,455 22.701 120.000 97,268 8,000 1888 23,014 20,721 40.000 1 75.334 NoDe 1889 20,436 13,911 40,000 1 4.068 9,028 1890 1 26.182 1 1.403 1 60,000 '7.176 1l 797 It uheuhl bu horno lumini tht during the lait thîeyears 1h. Laudon Mutu,àitc in l hssvy assesamonte over $30.000 aune Ibm usunal, suni .t ah the close et last year, aft.er col- lecling s full year's tucome. lhsy liai ouly $1,403 with rhicbhoepsy $26, 182 of nusebtIel lassesInaregard ho ucaity nu one uholi hesitate s stelahich aompsny te select. S. CORNEIL. Lindsay, Juiy 22, 1891. Agent Reval Canadau Comrany. TEE ORGAYN8, PIANTOS ÂND SEWIING KÂCHNES I el are aupei rteo amy cUis numde ini Canada, and uzesurpeased by anj made ini Âmerica, w. LOGAN CO> Boot aud! Dm uest of Uay House, in Bryans& Oua lot ited irnaica when- II con- NDER Beef a2m new IL mi d-1 A «r% 1 ý 4v

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