Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Sep 1891, p. 3

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-c 5 1; lIa first stages, ca3t;bê mçuely cheeked by the prompt use of humèWJ cherry Pooa. Eveu a~ ae perled5 of that diseasé, -the eough la wodeUU releved by t14LMdll 1I bave nsedÂy erpjObrr 'wth the 1 ïe~nm 'This wende dl b* ratlu niy 111fe. I sa~xuec eweats, was greatly redticedh ,Tennesee. .1 "Several ycars ago I waa aeVagl The doctors said Vvas in consu=1ln and that thley cold do uiothng fcg mOe but advised me. as a lat raoil;j Qtr Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. AlLert kind 1 -thia lnedicinC3 two or Ibree nioutba j was cured, and my health rernala good 'ta the preseut day."--Jaraes Birchard, »Darien, Colin diSeveral years ago, on a passage homne trom Cafliornia, by w4ter, 1 contracted Bo severe a cold that for aome days 1 was confined -to my state-roorn, and a physician on board considered M lite in danger. Happening to have a Mttle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely and my Itungs were soon reatored to a beaîthy condition. Since then 1 liave lnvariably recommended tbis pr- araton.-J.-B. Chandler, Junction, Wa. Ayer's Cherry Pectorail Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Mass PRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4Î1891. I Love the. Boa. 1 love the tes.,and 1 wauld dwiii Where wild winde blow aud billowes wefl £- holy caltan sals o'er ay seul ~Whre curling vavus in gradeur roll, There'u music lu the 8solrnarsi 0f wavec that bash th. rocky shore, 1 lave theses, for vhsu s chlld, 1 drank its mui-s4ad and wild. Au ringled vith mY uuree's sang It sped rny 'happy dyis &ong, Blesd dsys cf innocence and joy, Oh!1 would I were &ain-% boy. 1 love the saa-thcughts *111 Dot Sloop While lonely standing by the deep- 'Pesce, poesc, rny bourt; 'm ol adu r7 But tsars will somtmes have th* W&vs; Oh, Qed ! how msny dear oues sloep ZoBeeth the vut snd ruthleso deep. I lave the ses, th. great wlde ses! Rolling for agea ceuaelessly ! Sublime sud beundiema1 lot it b. An image cf eteritY; When lire is n'or, and I arn fies, CO1 lay me by the dark bUe smf. Britannia. -Ail bha. my -eauutry 1 hall ta thes, Thon birthplace of the brave aud res; "Thon ruler upen land snd ses: .Britannis! Ne thing cf change. ne mushroanl stafe; lu wisd om thon can'st work sud wit; Or wield the thanderboltse t tate: Britsurila! Oh. nobly hast thon plaYed thy part'; What stragglea cf the hesd and Uaart Hiave gone te make thse what thon art, Britannia 1 Wht tho' thv manners may be gruf, Thy native virtues rude sud rouah; Yet ie thy heart the sterling stuif, Britanulal1 Great mother cf the mighty deadi1 Sir Walter snr, sud Nelsen bled, Te weavo à garland fer thy hesd, Britannis! Ana Watt, the groat magiiiD, wrought, And Shakepeare rang'd the realma af thaught, And Newton soared, and Cromwell feught, SBritannis 1 Ind Milton'e high ssrsphic art, And BacoD's hoadadudBurna' heait, Ae gloris that shall ne'er depait, Britanis!1 Theso are the seul et thY îOono The gema immortal ln thy crovu; Tâe suas that neyer @hsll go dow- Britannha 1 Still lie thy path lu truth divine, Hela eacred by thy ssiI endoaigu; And pawer sud alory ehaîl be thine, Britamula!1 A Farewell to 1Balltlbeg ston. John- A mass meeting of Orangemen vas hela Friday evening lu the Victoria Aimary hal], Cathoart stresS, Montrea], le vive a grand fareveil te Bro. William Johnestou, M. P'., of Ballykllbeg, Ireland, who teck the SS. Parisien ou hie returu trip t nigbt. ' Over 1,000 peops eo presoul and the meeting vas the mont ontbuuiastia Orange meeting over beld inl Mouîreal. Bue. William Simpson C.M., preaided. anti wiih him au the platrai were : R. W. Bic. lh. Rev. Dr. Baijih ]P.C.; M. Devine, F0G.; 5. McGlanghhU,. P. P.G. M ; E. T. Escoît, Boy. Dr. Dixon, Bic. I. Porteous, P.M.; Bro. Olendening, cf B elfaest, Ireland; M.W. Buo. B. Flcady, G.W.C., ai Teranto, anti Bro. Maokay, The ahaitmau openedthebbcmeeting vlbb au appiopriale adduess coeplmentarv to Brc. J ohuaton sud bie caurlu ccmofl tien vith the association. 4«~dS Bev. Dr.Binythe pneseuteti Bro. John. stan wlîh au lluminsteti adjnus on bobalf cf the Orsngemerl ai Moatoiel Bre. Johnoton neplied lutansu loquani speech of 40 minutes on the growtb aM4 pioios' he bad ucliceti fa Ibis greal Dominion turing hie raveli trom , * Atlantic ote .Pacifia, sud IhegIonlon future in store 1er Us. sRec0crit[IWhs th. e, raarks af Premier.IIple à neuspapen repoter vhilofjr . be ho la rporled te bave lui aid Canada ooklng for louai relàtlos-te t1h motbor country Ibat she vas iookng foi independmnan Mdehsala ho a OI ]y seau nosigdof Ib tis l s -tbrough lthe Dominion. He askeliièb audience if ?ruer len msihw sepies'S the feelaigscf lb. medlnia*eTb*asv vas anusaiphatl lo"m" hbiws raisedt b. roof oaithIbaIL.09 taklSg » 'seat Bic. Jobactos vuas Éied' a ,&sered aeu 1 Dixon sud M)L#rMBo Mosses Ebritige sd M0isseso heumiga tm Mme 82 A HUNDED. N' ~~ de Osma. m lh. but > tdy~Wae m~ h tâ hié 0. 4 sliy*oi thba belo ba l.isuprovince l U- hablt.d byeaPoplaion. animated bysi sort'a o aif s àaidt igli.en»el à olae f Ii.prvicepQuebue. Il la -Iroe, cV, peoim ln the province of Onio uho do not loe an occasi a thoir ooaversatlou or in the course oft Ibil relations wlth 'peple of oui provins. to expres op.uly thelu cou- tem, t'for is People; but, « te haler hau, theon'ame a "Ms of amsa niathe provins. of Qaiebea, sud amonget ail pro- fessions, who are the victime of politioal sud religions préjudice, and inlu iis par- ticular lb.y aue quite on a par vlth the focal production of te. uluer province. '4Divide sud relgu» i. the devioe put Iu l.both provlaaes eho are profititueyth relative Ignorance ai Ihoir people as to th. sustoma aand -habits ai eseh province and daliberat si eg op au abouur ýantidwm beivlsu«'the Ivo provinces and hew eopl. Itlea lgantutheb chameful work aif the»e coteries that the 1used iduea" ountry, snd isp.clally th. businessa mon of the provine, ahould Isagua themelvu together. In aider te do"ti e jmuain luhebfiet plsce, bs better luformane t t h.truochaisoter cf the people of Ontaio, sud not attribut@ te the ctre population a sentiment of dielike sud contempt wbloh la ouly shari by s very amali frctiqo. That ou whiob our jingos afi he promcoeofa Quobeo r.. pîoach th. provine of Ontario the mcii btterly is taàeir allegid with to dominas mud roeegte ue te an unuuportant Place in-the Canadien oooledeîatioa. Te thia complat Le Moniteur allegea ébat if it do. exit lu reslity, lb. remedy is at the door of th. agiculînral population of Quebeo. The people cf Ontario are cor- tainly ual houtile te us, sud tbe proof le ébat their farmers snd business meu ire quent aur miarkets la large uumbeîs ta buy oui goode, sud efpeotalli teoeèl Us 1h. piodueta ai their farina and maeufa.. turs. To-day a large part cf Ontario&- fortune is eontrolled by aseolti, ece emiesl., laborlous and f4r seeiug race, Who cetr- tily do net ashow race or religious senti- ment te enter upon the business demain, coutîary to what vo doý ourselves te tOO grest an extent. lnAthe province cf Ontario thero are several hundrod thon. saad French-Oacadiais ho live lu bar- mony with their Euglisb, Irish sud Sootoh neighbors, eotribatiug their part te the' unooutrollable progroos oi éhat province wbioh owes its praponderatirsE influence lu the confedeistion te ébat spirit of union which relgu. lu their mudlt sud wbich la a wo rthY eixample for us lu the province of Qaebeo. W. have alresdy obseÏved that thare are yet toa manY people in tbis provîneaWho are under the impression thât the limite' cf Canada are confluoti 10 the froutiers ai the province of Qnees, and. the socuar w. destroy this impression, wbioh prevnIs the Ivo pie. rinces beiniz broughit together luncmmon ayrnpaîhv lbheoozer will tbis feeling dis. appears ual ouly lu business but lu tho social domain. The patriotie paper eonclndes Itse e- cllent article bY avpealing te the best Imon ai both provmes lie unit. iu staMP- ang ont éhat prejudiee wbieh has don. sueh grave iajury to 1h. ew Dominion. .New Dominion Line Steamer. A& novsteamer, nameti the Labiador, frein the building yard oai Keasus. Har land sud 'Welff, LiSlted, Belfasti, bas juat beew added to the Dominion lins fier %bat carepanlys service (rom Liverpool 46 Montroal. The trial «trip on the inn s5ros e ehannel vas Most ouernful, there belng au entira absence of heatiug, the speed %hrougbaut beln« 15 kuOOs, ,whioh vi loess of the expectalcens cf tb. awuere. Tise veosel la ooustructeti bhrouRbout ai steel Of extra slrength ne- cesaary for the North Atîsutie rade. She ebas eigbt wabertlghb bulkheads, sud her kdimensions are :-Leugth 400, breadsh 147, sud depth 82 feet; tonnage, 4,700 tgicleand 2,998 net register; daadwiight e apacltyp 5,700 tanse. She hie a double bot m t hgut cntainnu ater Io - I e 09 sises1%0 os 1 ltrI alTIb flue style folus" is9"s& SWoIl%' s dgyardlate Mud lsbees eomet*ouqe Gta'#, iecnng enginee tothéeý- issa.-Llverpaol Journal of (omueet Augual111h, 1891. -W.C.T. U. -For Goa smd Home Ldquor Brut"tiY. It il about lime to ask the quesioni, Doon the grantlug of a liquor loau mesa permissioen te violat. Dot ouly i*0 liceume lav, but miu civil anti criminal law? Wby do vs ask snob a question? Bocuse of the repeitioutbroake fi"t open violence cfithe liquor party agabiet iniauméi, askt vituises Who £ive evideuce *gainesthobns lu cout@ cf jusabl.0, su ad auj vobde ts oppose Ibein.-- Borne ivo moniba &goanauoutrage et th!e nature occuured et Pertage la P~rairie th. delails of vhleh are tee loig fou publication, but iu vbieh tva miâtolers of the goapel ver. 'lbe subjeats ai an attaok wbich nomrly neauhted in umurder. We bave alobst eitefa nia tion of Ibis brutalstWsek ina aujof oui daily papou. If 1b&Ai bien a political, fracas levaulti doubtîs. have besu' vealilabeti lu the publin pffl. In sncb casas as tbis, vby ahoaldthelb. ggriovid party ha complied,1 if tey vouldé btain sny redreas, ta, assume lb. expas. sud lueur the odilum, of proeoetiug the offanders? Wbat with the la'. delay, qutbbles ralset by the defane.; snd pro- bmbly svindiod bb haiovu lawler. ito ni Ak is loo groat for poor munltersofc th: gospel te rua. Wseamilupan tbbChOristian maniitry ta "s8tand up" for temupérance. When they do se snd suifer ia consequence, muet they sufer ln silence? W. Ihlink it in clearly tb. dnty cf tb. Govrumeul, on ropremeuîatloii being madie ta it, te lustitute tbrough thear 1mw cffioois culm- inai .proooedings igainat lb. parties engaged inlasnob assait, sud if eouvieted outorca the vhole penalty ai tbe 1mw, se that others miy. odoterred fhem like practicas. We trust tbe coming conuvention oetIhe Outario Froblbitory Alliance vili take tbis malter up sud s. hbal justice la If a»y of the mon holding liemues con be direcly conuectet i vth Ibis outrage their licenses soalti b. immeàiately revoketi sud they disqualifiti frein hold- ing a license fogever mter. WàICK WomiuNI-"A wona' plaec is ber boone" Boe ays tbe pubhosun. Dons. ho asy iltao bis barmaid? Doon h. ssy lb ote epoar vifs cul vsshing; esîning money vhloh heu hue- baud spend& eI bis bar? Dosa ho say ilta lbthepoor, lbai girl spending the prioesef ber obame in another glass cf bis freiy iquid? No; he only sais it ta h. vomen Who, coustusineti by love for home, cerne forth Ce save sud pralect the borne. Witbhthe 6"suspension" cf bhe Halifax Volce felowlug soe oon upon the winding Up of the Nation, the Citizen i0 new tb. Only weekly temperanco paper la tb. Dominion. Now that th. tbrifty housokeeper is aglîsteti aveu tbe abondance cf fruit anti thlbeoesof sugur the tezuptation la manufacture .'bomne made vine" arises strangly witbia ber. Wine that bas beau fermentei certainly containo aloobel toaa groater or lesa exteut. Io lb not well ta "savoid evey sppearanceot ai onu" If vives and motbers vaulti aak tbamselves tbe questiou-Will Ibis drink h amn mik- ing ever t.îoh uai f asy loneti one la become a drunkirdl they migbt deoide net ta makte Boy home-made vine. If, lu seekiug oeetoae the Local or Dominion Logislatuneu a candidate, elîber b>' himmseit or bis agent, eau be prron toi bave exercised undue influeuce vitb or orer the oelons, ubelier by frcabing or papintu or compromisae o paymnt for cartain servies, bis election le declanet vaid, sud in certain instance@ b. la dis quslifed tram a fering himueelf as a candi- dae again for some jeans. We say. this is as aI shoulti be; vs dou't vaulte olot dovu the bars' agaluet corruption. Bat, compare the treatmont iaet.d eut la lbe candidate te Parlismeat andthb.e uti- date for a liquor licence 1 He may have smée, on bis petition of poisons Who bave papeti over toe l' great uajoFity;" oipereoia Who have lmittléecoauntry u« district; cf nensome vho 'haene legal rigit te have iuIr amuseos an a petitian. la his eition iqeelti useg of snob pracilee? Oh, »nole is h.,, q»Uleti tro u ecltngor boiOjg . liesuse bflosus. Iesuhba vIlful v.@ Bi no e ne mal idiS tios uiebtorp deUUom o =- collielovl4b asswumthe eaomc sigalta raa l. tiane . '!:fMoUl sinthoMA dupiezcircuit b.in1tho vitleIreaad 4 i9aiguae Oes.ommdpl Sthav.sto i .1 et iraéssou pvd m- lipr» th se o aid olundr. lth. ohèdplà dli etr diteublg b 1h liait le bslu onti*osudynumt. thebiulii banek lu lùam on otil ta bodrma e eloa .sm~s4It the hardealst tecl bore ÏIlb dnet îmten. Q0e9-. 1b e zj»ghptet tbe DUhîtâéta tles'?rpcdoverbeWus l 'plac cnom eA e bebvues tva maVY, fis% pi««eeof ion, Mtt iem, on 4fatm fcundation and se Wh"tgunCoton woniti do la forolq the irou' picos tegether. The reactlù vas sn grealficai juet belng .xploded lu the opsn air, Ibat une of the lion pleces va driven dovu upon the other quieli iongb ta acatebsan sxut sud complet. impression atthie leaves befors they coult escape. It la &acs a rlogular fiset that lb. gun. satton u1tolahould sink deep imb the tronuWhou it explodes, shavini Cthe points of tbe lettes stmped auto tbe catridges. This novîl mathoti of engianlng by gun. pouder in oue ci Ibis century. The remit. aof the eeee elnd uslry bave this jean beau meut sallsiaotory. The exporte sinoe tbé openlng cof navigation vis Montreal bas beau somauwbat lsu thbn iu 1890, but the prie reoceived bas boom se much bilRber as ta more &han make up for the daeaanýed expert. In round num bore Ihe-shipinente bave besu &bout 51,000,000 pounde lu 1891 againsi 64,000,000 lu 1890. The pria. bas ruleti fromoe obslf ta &bout ene caeît bigbsi thaa lu 1890. The market it may hi adtied la lu gond condition, her. being litile accumulation of stock, with a pros- poct cf a steady deméand il fair rates fai Che test cf the ileson. The roluins ta the fermer eftIhe cattle trade bas aie been gooti. The exporte ta date have been %bout 60,000 hesd, eompared -with 58,000 bsîd inlu 190, sant hough the dealers have ne spéeial ressors faorojoio- mgq the prioe. paidt the producers have net bi<-n ouriaileti un that account.- Orillia Peekot. A Common Orzîn. A LL Ain diseses af whatver marna or nature are cauaed Dy Impurs loocd. Burdoek Blood Bitters la a naturel foi ta in- pure bloed, remeving sIl feul humera frein a common pimpla te the wvet scrfubusr.- 98 2. AIl go. sud couditions of people may use Nateonal Pilla withcut injary sud with great beneft.-98-4. Land For Bale. Sevrnl chaise Lais cfrFarminif. Gmasing, sud Tins- ber Lauda lu Bamerville for me. A"lysI suy time. IAN. IUIDABY framI Blood and remove *Il Itm- 4ý NORTH KING, WÎin lave 0 benvrg waek dys,,aiIl a..; part Rp 9.4 ma on arriacf .T. I. trains fronmt, West aA.North. ArrivaetaChOariltteait2.80 p.. Eaiurninog baves Charlate waak dsys et 11.05p.m. eopTaesday ai 9.40 p.m. ; Saturday ai 4.16 P. Cails aiBîlghtc>n au Wednuiday et 2.00 sam.; Col- berne on Wednisdan sd PFay ai 8.45 &.m. Connecte et Rocheater vlth New York Central sud &Rl dlvsrglng linos fer ail peints la the United BSa.e Thraugh Tickets sud Bsggags Checks. THE NORTH KINIG lasoesof tb. ergest, swUttest and mosi powerful Steamers on the Laboa, Ughtid by elotrelty sud modern lbroughout. C. H. -NICHOLSON, General P. & P. Agent, Port Re. .F.GILDEEBSLEECVE, GnM in. Kingston. Out.-8O-tf j~. a rI 1oe FI~IRE & *LIFE INSURANQE, 19eal Estate Agento Germer LliaV sMdGlonugSte Lindfay MONEY TO LOAN Ai lovSits. cf01Intirmit. Auiq.sfor Ua$ foaowinf OMpasaU FIRE Agriculture1, of Watertown, Citizens, of Canada, commercial Union, of England, Queeni, of England, City' Mutual, cf London. ACCIDENT Oltimsen, cf Canada. LOAN Canada ermnent Loan and Sav. saga (Jo., Toronto. MACHINERY wateus Bagine Worku ("o., Brantford. -:- &. Çs. a..... noit .i ahlvsa v H Baid be- rc amu&w& 1< PiaioeOrgaffl antd Soi= ohe -I t -< Q ~esm;5Ns~ laIaai5~ se ,-A*pd; lac bbamu ; v AT A.,II4TIM8 40 CENTS A GALLON.ý ADVETIB Inthe WARDER Thée largest Ciroulation of aiiv taper in the Midland District. at tu a* l sma05L asm' aL orr 'Ô mo.ever&Anmg ernuhg a ;;àworàaz;a elBkr &d.MI ft 4mimc%-..0,Mt smmEau erma"Uop or. p muefla«im~N .U si iis*ildi soiima M.lefl fui buuday onf"0a"btonbu AUâm Odaiiou Hall, ovMd Elasmbdffl, e.la ««erwooda mmre.4OW.X.e% &Y. D NMoséan. seruy. Y. IL 0. A. -N.eil n oenSa. Kent sud Osmbrw& nt&,fttuday a PM; uadar, 4.15 P.. »W. ibn vrus o pen dsily 9ain, le10 p.m. Young mm a 5wa75 woloam.- C. K; <Ishonn, oas ses. W.0IrU.um m Xonday et my oi nah tu Mmu BsosNIUao09cfLsOMOilUrunm mémet la ibe #31W EaU svery alteras sindw e tue o'alosk p.M À Amorihur, Seaatarv. TM. DaevuusuccaoauLooomorm xwEeum uti lu Sous' MaU, cornor of Kent sud Oambrldg mineetsLundsmy. ever aternas aiurday aveu- tocg0u ,S'o'oLook A.Muie, ChwaI ngait. AUoclatiou JItU, ecner Kentsud Cambrdge aiuetsohl.esecaisud fc.urth Suadoys at2 = v.olw 30«. ouaJe uMater; W. hAsarD 9.ereiav. Box 100. Laas Iror Sale. Tb@e«udngued bave à f iv aboieé, NAZ»msd orne valuble TOWN PIOPERTIEL f o oal u easyterme.O.ENPNU Umrisier Lindsay Lake Ontario Steaniboal Coi DZEW PÙA-L IÂ STEM Corner of Kent and Willam Streets, Linday. FULL STBENGTH BAKING POWDEB, PURE SPIOESe LIVER. TONLO, ELIXIR ÂNISEED, DIA.RRffI Â PEOIFIC, WOIRM!POWDER, WHITE OINTMENTï FURNITU RE OREAMP TOOTHAOI» DROPS, INFAliTS' OARMINATIVE, ANTIBILIOU~S PILLS. FARMERS' TKRESHERS USE LARDINE- MACHINE - QIL. TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL UISE NO OTHER. ery Barrel guiaranteed. We are sole Manufacturers of the genuine Lardine. Also Oylinder,-Engine, Wool a.nd Harness Oils. IMcOL 1BROS. & CO,, Toronto' D RESS &MANTLE MAKER New Outting igystem.' Havhrg ecured the servies of a firt. class Ctter, I arn prspared te warrnt ail Cutti nsd Fittlng. la always ready ta amiat in matchlng Trimminga. Ail cuatomeim frcm a ditance aitd upon ou Saurdays. Lateat Fathions always on lànd. Al aidera pronsptly situuided ta. MILLINERY- have 011 hand a select stock of MiHi- nery, and amnuow propared to make Ilats nd Bonnet.snd aIl Miilinery in the Latest Féebions. Prices rensen able. ROOS-Ovsr Wsrnor & Psrry's Dry Geeda Store, Dah eny ~lcnazI dccita A. Higinbotham's Ding Store., 1749-ly Advertiso in The Ward r. The Great One prioe organ and Piano Dealer. ORGANS & PIANOS The finest and best lot o Initruments ever offered for sale ini the Town. of L ndsay. PRIIC,.-30 ]Per Cent. Lower than the same qualiWy han evoi' ,beený off ered before.. ON ICPIRtwQE OLYO At home on wà adi 4 mSatu«Mys sure. 4. ¶ i'. di v DRUGG-IST & SEEDSMÂN,

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