Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Sep 1891, p. 2

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"B ~i* Pi~i-A - ut le ldutIi auVsBiiI Ilb. - àu L48104 mW Md d» t m o »Mto«saer md USai, EaEuRL'o.,esSoléuest 'P WAélIAI. fl &Innme îtuobjul t d bnkY." à g004 au un td Vibla a~. br~ pverame of muk svas aisdu rdW ua.pamefle. peràt c. 're eU> e ksPu by the Gis. Clb. APPWWu " ouof boih «92Emmom-l ma'",-le. the halgees. 1m @. iaa4 ayltg »usaimûlltués the ?0s40i Imm Ioala a e.M»9Ma.efl PO" rbaat aes MW h ~OUa 'lile sla agala viii npplied wàb mstc~ mladNbouts sud shoss. lit. Brovumoimbe, Who Mffe~0UlI5,RUsaJt.i5f !~t lbs IgtuIy opine4 out business bas ou viaUnlelulle:~umuiasêaa. band a yuiy atus Bioilmeft of boote Mdl La, elemose1ais!e.Jl~!,% coe, sud wvs a urs ho vildo *hie boat tuut the requiremens fe thosl ho garde2ua besaieu t.obliging bataUee man. W. vl.h hlm $Cw;, »Atobsu fata oele.svery acese in hie ne w home, and hope rw 0.lasa ourifriende viii aiais l inlut Oun1ho0e Co= e.ghAraiaela. O'Jvillage je %gan loft tW u&ual quiet- oubam 6h«t«4w 'm« toebere have agam dl.porueld 10 ibîr ,. u. d»la,- Um overai s.hols. Alo IhosWho have Mer fl ouat. bin au0oseal with tber siame., havi W lsmisg(B tailam, ' diepersed; sme orn b"Ilcdi" sud others repynesib# stmp l il Uses.1 yeuesp N *eusW5h, vl5bOw) W "lNormal" W.hope tbeymoylndeed A Nov UO5l6 etsr.aU5 prove lo bs bojh modîl and normai. 'Ws lowOthvl, u, 9e .- vicia thoe î,ay eocetsud a velcome fls, lie jsr . ilAtI 5 hoee nonvenlent sam tu"" 1 as à 1 . B. E.Agent bam returned &fier' P. 0. AEGULdAl2'IO1. cmre Ivo or thrue pieseant weeke ai the grramal ilime, CO»YOdai 000Mlabo. W. are plsaeed W se hlm r.galned me Empire, Iialy, si Uvl leu Anar0. e ,10 Jana10a, Navbcudlamd, imtu MAuma,Eev otih -BLACK,8TOL7K. Wue dT Mdith ula. othe Tionz's W b. a aLime at Blaikitock tés aavng'Bmk,bewnvieet.Of 0 o nS USept. 9th. À grand demnonsiallof mut h. M.muter the auspices ot the members of JII5IIu' eP 10imnal5 Loins Lodge, $.O.O.B.A. Whou the um eur ga.telp.e. Sadayiexu lad peop'e c01(iartWtight go lu for & littie fun E. h !hey have th. reputatlon cf aIl belog "in &Mud4. ie lut10h. lm8. il". ab the proper lime. The>' are hard _______________________industrioue vorkere. alvaye at shoir posé E, ~ vhen duty salislebh., sud always as ~ 4Vitd~tI sgeO fora. good day's sport as the next ______________________one. 'hey want gocd lively sport or IPBIDAT, SEPTE MBER 4, 1891. noue a ai l, I the or bill ortlare for the ___________________________9%h et Sept. !a fully op t their standard OÂKWOOD. of excellence. A football match takes *soaifotAsWerer.place ln the mornlng lboiveen Porpie Hill sudt Burketon. Alter dinner a procession PEIsoZTAL -Mr. Sam. Sheridan sud viii bc formeit hîadid by the Blackstock hie bride, are spendi»R a few daam nuder band sud proeesito theIb fair grcunds the parental roof... M. D. M. Grant, wheîe a aumber cf athiello conteste viii vire and fariilv, raturu ta Sarnia thie tae plaop, buuîdes a football match lbe- week ...Mr- Orson We'dcn, eho wsai '0 Ieen Tyrone'sud -Port Psrry and a auddeuly prostrated with sciatica, ta slow- lacromme match btwenOshawa and Port ly recovering. Perry. A greal deal cf interest Ilu drsmdy COXING OVants eau Ibheir shadows bc-. bing worked op in these matches. The fore. The ohadava are bers now, the diffeet club. viii evidentlLy put in their evonIe may be szpented phèr .1y. boat digi. The. prize. are quite liberai THAT 1"quizoliec mnibuel' lu still lowly and are bure tW excite 4su oompetltion. uràdergoicg repaire. AI ils preaint rate I h vnnzafrtC ecnetwi ofeigresin f m i c e ft fu. t heb. givon.. -Talent from 'Çoronlo, Bow- Wro nng Jethe d evlanothe aylis manville, Orono and other plces bas been W_ "je he evl aongthetayore? scured and tb. prospectepoint tb Ibis .Wo *n. Sheje usually more adept at being probably tb. boit concert beld lu making matches tbau aietitiking them, Blecketock. AUl our B. friends vaut and while se may not know 13ev 10 now je a fine day and th. success of their ebarpen a kuie she ean. In twO minutes demonstration le sassued.-Port Ferry boue np bey tougns in a way thât wiIl Standard. make il obarper than a twoedged sword. *JANE TVILLE. apftsaS t.7Tm Wad"r. SUDDEN DE,&T.-II ià oui painful dîîty Ibis week ho resord the suddon demise cf anoth;èr cf Manftras arly setlIe, tat of Mré. Catherine Magill, reliet iofthc laie James Mgili, ah the ripe nel(o o 81 year,. which took place on Monday m orning, lb. 24th imat., utah ie esideuce of ber son- in.law, Mfr. James Armnstrong. Mis. Magill was in ber usual health ansd assisi ed ber daughter aller breakfast to do tb. Iaouseî.oid daties, hcok a voak speilisud st down du a chair and died in &bout thaewinties. Mrs. Magili emigrated te lii. country with ber biaband- in the vear of 1832, and settle-d in Ibis part cf Man.- ves when a utîderneau, and remalued ever eince. Ber hushacd being on. cf ton broibare who -oaie the fliii settIF- maint lu this pnt of Ifenvers, sud thoro le yot lotir of îhem. living and are aIl hais and hcaîty. Pl TEIwORO. Nxw ORA&NGE Lono.-Tbursdsy nigbt, .Aumust 261.h, wte a greet one for the local Orato'.uaon. The nevlodeb b. kuowv si "Edison L.O.e.7 ,No. 821,'" vas duly declareà open. 1rbs chair wvu abiy coecepied by Mr. Samuol Stinson, cf Boetih, District Master, and h. in en- jiaciion wîuh Messrs. C. W. Saveanad W. J. Green, district effisers, performed .tha, iutorcataog ceremoniss. A lange number cf the bretbren-vero présent an<i reod-ved tiair nov brethren zooe% frater- ush&ly. Aftgr the opang tof the lodge dususa new tmmrbes veo i llttd sMda vsay lae.% umob.èof * propo44u& &W<o nvtnbeibip uer. reait. A îug 1he iodRe aourned. Thonau s~ls the officer:o et Edison iodg. gave shah bretbion preent a surprise lu lbe servmuir of à sompteoues spper estevud bv con- feoiloners Hoopsr &se' Watt. A vhry. Pleasaut boue va@ SPentIâ (Pb- uanoe aU eaifIutn- * *a4ieu .81k. Thio mu.àmBIîMe pm"tlg . fWuiogosu tupü1urfU* Us.Qo.uY ~e *sr 4»w-,~ e t WA . W. u ehu » ~& Euonwrv TRiOUSAD DoxwLAusGoNisU U IN4 SmoK.-Tfhrd.4y night the villea of Omemee wax devaetated t'y the devour- ina eleient. The buainesti part of the/ village vas almosi swepl away; fourteen buildings, iuciuding stores, hotols, dwelI- luge anad berns vere bartusi. The. lois in essimntedl at $80,000, on wbleb there la very litile insurauce. Tb@ caiamity leaa severe eue for Omemeo. This le lb. uec- ond, sud probabiy vorut, bilz ire vhich ha. ocourred in the village within the put two yesrs. The tire broke out about 10-80 'eloek Tburedày nighh ib Lb. stables of Brovn's hotel, which vers qulckly depiroyed. A higb wind carried the dlame&e ato the hotel, sud tram: thouce the fi»ef pread &long btit i silceof Ibm strier..The fire engines ver. brougâ l lto requîntilln and hundreds cf villing bande lent their aid iu fliiug the ierce fismes,* but ihou8 suocess. Tii. fire coutinued unoheekeli ntil it burned iteseit ont. The plaiesecf huii.s vers: Twe hotilu-The Windsor House andt Brown'a hotel. Ivony & Son' fiue 4buble store, cou- tin ins a $12.000 stcck. cf gênerai mer- thandiife, vws teally 4tloyed; insured 'for $9,000. à Carrie & o.'. dry goode store. MeB»a' furnituri store, dvsline and -etables. The Heralfi lS and dvillng c f Ur Osier,,e propriew. Jobuitcmasbarb«e hop. 3. bliff" gin% drestore snd dveiiing. xinw a enis&hop, Ibas #l'No. NiWF e hadwaream ebadiy dam- agod, andlb.the udies ad buIlding. Saved. -*ith pool didity. the sieias, -MWqo»te*ele-thélb.boie Theb*u*u ddlUs uthe boU vf b ~ fau ler &kk pu mobu ««7daF. Gm. be Mr. IL 'walib *vety d4y fS ru"T, to mibe. Il ahaky aid bOlkei~ I Iet mue north cf>biz .. aw.o4i up a nuamber 09u1 mtai brduiS'udeil*s ht lae zpqetoo I.iit ilil tale "ibit u tbs otroimd teserp to dq the m.eer b*sIleel n the i liai.MiE d ieuirily OUR ivo eMv'sud ebiugle Mille&ame tuuung Io fulaki, tbottconcerne hav- ing a large took tW ouit ma. Fred W. Train lefi hure Baiturdel lut for Toronsto. vhsrs ho bu amsurd a. I»M lion *vlhhelbDon Lumbor Oo'y. hba l viiiFyuade for» a chu. nov, ",George?" Mz. N. Iugram of Port 24mr, Gmand Beretary L.T.B. Assocaton, did no& guI over te L b. Auguet ceiubration uttil the follpwl* SBalurday, wvbsho loch bis depaiurs home aooompamd by a obhaugbl rooater vhlch bu captured chile stormilng the Gaie. of D&Mr. Niek énâs klnd regarda W al thei Lmouni 'l&Mbe." Mr. Ingram vShie brewcoa bosto! friende. sud proved hlmaeIf ln evéry roi- peci vorthy the high poéltibn beld by hlm. *May h. oon raturua gain le lb. yIah of aul. Ooncl meithiis 241h day of Auguet, 1891. Memberu priment, Meira Vioo- man, Meorimmon and 5eavr. -Absent, Mesure Adam an d Oarmi.baêl. Minutue of lait meeting read sud approvsd. Mr. Adam sud Oarmlehasl itersd sud bob their gstsi. Moved by Mfr. Shaver, eeeonded by Mr. Oamichaul, thas by law No. 406, beinir a bylaw to raies lay aeseas.mnt ona the raleable property in the towuship oi Mariposa lu the Vear AD. 1891, the suoe of #12874,72, bc recelved and resd a &rnt time.-Carried. ByI-aw No. 400 aller passinthrough committee. of the vhole, v" road a third lime and paeeed. Mç>ved by Mr. Adam, uecoded by Mfr. ahavur, -that th. petition cf Willim Short and six elbois, being a majoirlty la um- ber of the ovuors of the land cf thé hure- inal 1er dsecribed vont or drainage, boil3g the nortb * of lot 10, soulh hali lot Il. nortii hait of lot 11, south and n.rth hait of lot 12, in tbo lOUa cunceuuilon; souib balvea cf loti 10, 11, 12, 13>and 14 lu the llth concession, north and îouîbhahlvas of lot 14 lu th. 12th concession, b. us. ceived, sud t iatthe tovnship encpneer report tb thie con -à as §cou sm postible. Moved by 1Mr. XoOrimmon, mfeonded by Mr. (Jarmlohasl, that by.Isv No. 407, being a bylavwu provide for levylng th. sumL of $2048 50 as a gênerai sebool rats lu the township of Maripous, in the jear AD. 1891, b. received and real a firet time.-Oarried. .Bylaw No. 407 after pasng tbrough committee of the vhole vas read a thhrd ime snd pauoed. Moved by Mr. Carmichaei, esoodeit bY Mr. Adam, that by-Iav No. 408, being & by-Iav ho rais. the neeetoàry fonde for Public sohoole lu the.townsbip of Maril. posa, in tbe year A. D. 1891, be rec.ived and reali a firoi lime.-Oarrled. By-law No. 408 sftsr psitig througb cormlittee cf 1the vhole vas rsad a tibrd ime aud paosusi. Moveli by Mr. Adam, secoudeit by Mr. Sbaier, thai Jesse Wodon b. appoiuled sollicior cf taxes for lhe jear 1891, ai a salary cf eue hundied and ten dolar- Carrled. Moved bY UMocOtimmuos, uecondid iby Mr. Sbaver, that Ihe'toes v eblé eider. on the -redue nl favor of the foiiowiug perions :-HElrt & Co., aoccount, 817.7];k(C. D. Barr, prlntiung votera, lisi, 825; W. D. Roge, equalileg S. Sao. 4 Union, $B. -O-rrIid. Moved by Mr. Shaier, meonded by Mr.. Adam, thal thb. nove givi hie order on the. tre-aourîr iu favrof etihe £oivlg persona for work ou roada :-J. Ettri, for work con. 1, #10; J. H. Pethiel, vork îtownHle Bidon and ]Marip6oo, 618.00; James Ntisbiif, vork towain B idon sud Mariposa, $11.86; G. Ma"rldal, w-ek 15, l, con. 12, $22; 3. 161 graveliI5 19, con. 8. Maripos., 82; J.,Roa&àà, - vert 10.,11 c.9, iManipoça, K- . Ar 88 Io&&u graven, este W. ner@.*1~, i Mssk, tq,,d.aving 1 ioasv m*kQew -Oarrled. - Ur. Adama, tb * eumv/v.e Qe >m L theitmin kvlu f et w lulfrWlhg 1 . doftbt##WUsi :-W. ]%W- M ou T. ue &b John mi- te x-q'a ne- - 4bougV V-oi--b. %nosma tc.Raat« fah an EU*ttau oc4. u4mêDOM ILnAaa»e. ow hto» Bauton toOchoétswlld h %,., DYLE jsiavffl «0 no Mot oreEigth. euiy Creva Aars, Clark of lbe $m"teo :tw" bê â alou i* j âe 0000the vlit»tUu da dmetina . ýWi1 1-. Ils, wb4b w bïe*ru ale e %&è &zEte tr~s vhih b.I~I Ibi dayaos l. cmp41>12aSautusàa&s val, sud hiro M" 04 S. the b.A5nEDIM'J.ET. HBOL&Y nomi vue bomili a mI lb. l"rg "b. mou$h. l f ux« m sre"muîle ». AhEOS AND MoLAUG*ELIN, nelt bappy "d desursa selmin." - Sel 0ailtors ,Mha m..Ca akesa BMo&. ZAci ORueonPek. A4lt ope, P.5.-Privas. ami ocipamrs fnnds te han at '~'--- ~.. ~ (POS, k o ant rnaies. hie eeaboaBm ile eibI- PRESTON &CURY »«an i mmeas tl but(oeare i v W Cufoors 60 Curmyà amilla),Barriter, Icliolors, oet the in""&tda aiitasse fitbo WatU NcarieseZa. OEee-,veeiàaK.uW blami.,MMi. b. DU&ad, Dlr.jl"ee~. a 110 iholeiDis bro ts-ud" oba n asmomdays. Money te D i o o d . a nM d L o n g d * dis u , c r m b q # f a d f o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . iii becheerfully refonds& la l il bleod talats ud lmpauitle im d lV n o marne o Wfan nature, i le Most psohlve tu is curative ef. fées. '*iiUlà% lin têii», * UO"4 o, Ua"l MONEY TO LOAN. sk ud scalp dlssumai. esd cally eurMd bylent cnm mors udErigage naotlatail thi *"« umousnî. 8Urou edis 5a 10t anâs et = 1tast may ~ ~ i afeiti ln euipin sIIae toàr 113or lMOORE a JADESOi. theos; b bn. %èeuslag - M irWbltmSwmilInm," , Iip joint Dumei M]ONECY TOLA. tb.he u*"cd ltu lun l. âa"ig P 1 rth rvaisTrust, a&«OuPMu fanda e. eat utu- Ooauptlon. 'Wbîser sr îe 0 Fm e atraismmd on, termeite suit borrovets.Mort. Mayb.'GI. eea Disoov ew«cui t. aa u lue1. aristes, Liudsay. Purty of Ingredls an sd accuracyof ou- Voâdng aoeMli 1 &r' Aromatie Quinine MONEY TO LOAN. wine tciw" d aIO ffzmeae&-98 4. MUCU &««Loaetai lb.v« ery vosi sur- e Alag Mount ci Trues Fnds for Inveumeni, puy. eb=otereuste suit lb. baoven. '-For several m.usiij 1 ban asdDr. 7ev. 1*4 G. B. BOPEINS. Barr , ia.Lndsay. le?,@ Etra iof Wi14 Upawbetry Md fad Ibat ih Makes a perfeetcm mm.et *0.mevreel MONEY TO LOAN. attachif ad-es uupIuui .Mmd disttbu t . Ai, iSindsadp« cent. W. &l'O nov loinlug il in as predleus e gm&!.- Mme1tz. Wisger, mOW ne rst-alâ am ad business proportien at lo.ti% I, 94 , 1>boi*tSumlsd ou otbe ed »omaunligi iet ,- IC__«oumrI anmNote ion iaui A single scratch mur seau a Ietéring acre.BariT.nMieZ. Linmy. Omi, Vicoett Ouboleiaale raphllyhuisenta, Augusi laISU.-1fl0-Iy. veunda, bruise, basud il ZSom a-98 4. Dout't TOU Porgot It.U0I 0 U t . '1 viliineyer forget that Dr. Voie' Extraci .1 Wlld Stravberrv aweulfo. FîMey.arPETER MITCHEL.L, ago I bad a lerrible am* cf somumet AiminesAccoutbut 11luncla Agent. et,-, etc. complaint Sud wu giumea, bp theDr. sud OmCe.HtidPet'â O.J Law Office, (uP stair,). My 'Parente. A friand aiviasd Foîlons176-l litavberry sud ah the msecod dos I vas T. A. MIDDLETON, relleved. and mcu vas »Ili mu ansi. -Msggie Lite, Pire end Accident Inaurance Agent. Agent for MceGiflivray, falkenburg. Ont.-OS 2. lb. Ontlrlo Mutual Lite AsurauceCo ------Uol4b- sSlock, Rant slreet, Third 1D.or lut i othbePl'cetffice, upbWmrs-17"1.y DONALD MUNRO, Practilcl Archlbect sud Builde. Plana sud Specift- conso mado on Ibm shorlesi notice. Office, Bolauvor. Uhea Baby vwulck, va gave ue« custode. -38.Iy Wh= aj vais Cild,"ab cWdfor (laSteni. UGE MITOHELL, Whm*ebecneMis, lun t O"O"- Amcuatsu. Premi LI.UNsuuco s eciotd la r.- tYbenah. haume im sh <~<hable cominanlu. ailovesitales. Agent -for Rmad- Wgh iasasCmaidue%UYSVlbam CO seastau, Monumeut@. and vry description of mabia aad granie work. Lindiai. On.-I708-1y T. IR. MoLean, Amuclone, Valualor, et.,aitnl bold Econtb Iy sales ai Datlev Houset Woomome Wiedom. Llndesv on the THIRD SATURDAT IN BACH Tlhe whidt.m Of 801om_ , *- -h Fvee t. MONT& rFoi'pstilU5are»eposters.Parties hmy. dey, Wotàld iead hi, b ebea mBtdock Blocd' Bittera u ,& remedv> fdr mIt dheses of thé so ied pmir, bo«Wâel »t ielcod. It curasc subd oâ forus cfbad bloed frein aeetaîmon pimpie to the vonit acrotous scîet-08.2. omiconniewisth Mr Mosmn, Ordea eam be leti at tb. Dmley Rouie or at Veitcha beoteL Ail stuck 1414 aI liae Dsley ~Use yUI nrive prompt attela- VICTORIA LAUNORI RunuIl Mfr., nSsr A.U8ylmestsr orka. U.ral..Xa"or John Martin sous lji luthe.People cf ULis" tht hha cpusd a Iauar&Aut" teabeeaddrmesvbsre a&l «m be prOMPlly aitendmi le. PurmelaeaWfofr Md doellem. h*udoor f*4ctoeyý - ~,c*c,. Md mo d or u iBdmm ROYAL MOTEL.4 ~ThBUt1- hue hmfS=.meni TEE SNqOWD)EN BOUSE, chariot" stemi, -* lerbore.. Tbusa »Wa .booel. â lad la et the béat aTq. d la Pelerbore. 1Ilt b odânfs tu 0bge. Q.ld O.P àb iona as vo4 usar lb»usrk« etEahe. wmviolmc4 mjuouha oselaee.Terms, TEE WAVERLEY UOUBI. cornS e r t ià»dsudndsq U ù, Isýay. Theaba e " proprietor col. t véys* make IlM mm chot"i oWd. té:aL1. Good atabln.ocumodlous sh.ds, mmd leyard roomut, WlUaattentive boeUlers alwaym on baud. MALCOL m MgazGoE, Lin" uJnlv SdId 8.-1737sf Proprieton. QUBEN's HOTEL Eslouton le vithout a rival la this disuloi s ma sums ru tfowlall.,1s4 ln a eauull.yWsl àsbanLMIIY -"t'f* th à=i, lM. di" wen l Itselà* luth. prlit and lu a beautthitle1 village possesling a rillvay, eegrodiceu, and a&l lthe ooevem of gmodées lu. Ohrur S« slnglymodsral. The very plmo te <lpesd a Hapy Slid ."11The WPleenl saudous teaoommodate &ai L eeu, part iee. ln sa 51ev days are requeslied te eommunluet b elor vie, yie houri rail trou Torntuo. The h u asuppfled it vlhery accmmodation, sud a goad10beskops. àffreaBumste aud roU tion D. MLWTPrODelor.-18?5s DB. W. KENNYIII Vèt«wy uffon.Gradua». Ontaio eternriyi7Coloeu.Tor. outo.-tegiowerd meuber of Uu- j> to Veterinary ModedlAso- 0a, "tieln. Mofi esud residonoe Bond ï1ntrer, But of Melhodisl Church, and West LiudeY. Narch ftnd 133. DB. BROAD, V yTM IÇiIRT flYROION. Mrduate Ontario Vol. anlary Coplage Toronto; reglalared mombar of On- torte Viersinary Aodailom Do su Vilbin mInet norh, lu Skitchs Tenrace, empeSte the g» . rsca. Ait Wlb 1. mail or selegrapla promptly attended ta. Clanges moderato Làadeay. Jacuarvi rd, 189.-712. BOWMAN BROS. L. U. BOVEAS, C.E., R&C.A. A. M. Bovx"Ms C.EIL Appoonted County and <ouatlng Fnuboners tu VictorW a. Provincial and Dominion Laiqd Survoyorâ. Civil tbgteeM ,Atchttecta, Valuators.: Ursughtampso. etc. PartIcula, attention îlveu to Giputed houndaries Plans, Entuateand spocificatious fer mutileipal and oller engineering wotka turaished asuapiritended. mc.a-Ôter G H. Hopkius' Law Offces, William R. F. MORROWI L. 0.. 8.9 eO als eU *d tSW Hoiwr (raduaI4 of the Reval ollage cf Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Dnixtry l inl&UIls branchus sttended to wlth the peatesl Cara. Chargeamoderato. OTFCCE-Oven CM»n Hall. Puterbe». -1647 J. NEELANDS ic. D. q. M.C.D.S., ONT., DBNTIST, LlNDSAY. siy oh I f Ibm Dew hydre-carbon gais furuace bu ca ak nde.truatible porcolaIn IlOuansd restore broken sud docayed teeth to heur original shape, ottour and color by tibs proees. o018 ote cam have pMamil crowus ullached onmquently thora le Su-yi zeatr, admintatfred vtbgroat asu, pemmoni wtaout a partléoe f éa. Be mue blatest appr.ved app lance. ifor ad lngthe <a. Ho iiudied ua0er ?Dr. Coto. cf u Voale neteor of Vu. for.lctng losIi, vbq ba mài4ledil le over16,I* aud but a taud1csq.Mr miands uses 8.11'.Louai Aucouliieaor exlrctin. tsetb. Mr. N elandAa lenov Uttna mevwstyle of fomop wbihobeub.d xpv icî aauatured wvile on hm lmitviait tw ftew i=r'.Wh" bremt.vm lb. lesetb *Iibff injun W t.hle « oretjav, th.eus âMating Up beaudfilul la a L- danmd me aubes- puai treuble. ArtUMaaltt16 ersd on sal teo *âpilarIse sud by ith e M @roed styles sud upi&sumus for theu etention and ocmfori. Num- î9îu49a cf osnarterbimrug lth ade by tir. Neté- ci r 20>erssud mm, asquIre4 r et u * strou 01e to 5bor a *por d têuly epesie ths imou Soutes L, M.LO.~ IlE1i~llN, OLLER la the alleudasca, vhich, vithin a short bus eauoad atudeute rom «M-- fdfD. RuilaIthi.Stdnsca nera bl Ime reesve ludMvdual Inatrueleu, aud prWgess . 6 esm g 10 .ilhl'. Nma ciculraetc.. area ROI4ON & JOHINSont. THE BEST IS THIE CHEBAPEST. Do not be mis-led by those bouse. cleaners who mav tell you thst Kalsomine, or Glue and Whiting,. is just as good as the genuine A LA 13ASTI NE for health, cleanlinees~ or durability Agency for Victoria Co. at We.Â.Goodwin's Boom Paper and Picture Stora. Opposite - Veitch's Hgotel, zuindsay. DR.a FOWLEIIS rq *EXTOF ICURES [OERYA >lIera Morbus LAPIM ris M IARRHRFA L!]YSERTERY AND, ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. JOHN'MAKINS -amas ouau- WILILIAMW STIRRET, L114DSAY #AOV'la .4or Hlare à Iarg. .« 'A Jc Iuerà! P&atO LUlIsuRnaNýIC CMP1Y ~~EetabU SZc 8O.)* ........................ $32.620,3'76 Inconie ..................... MO Surlus (Vnadsn tauart>.......7,81 000 00f pc.liles in force........... 97.87ýý.S34 44 Ne baine, fir»15. ..........,O,49Q Kzndowmeuta Paid to Living o1c coaud. for the 8ea818&-46l a. Dy' tho. I a... . .........424,W4 SI aui the Cam da sd ritish Co. 'à cooe- bluod........................ âe. Govermoent Reporta, p&ges 6,,bOS. ansd 72.1 8@cure au Ed iwneu rthe £ttc Generl Agent (Lndasy, b1M&ld- 26-11 Insect Stin gs Sore. Eyes Erupt.ions .pre Feet Sore.neessk Chafi'n di Complai nts fý ' sut BiteS ,.unbu mAN? >'fI a mat ion CD u.Yc

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