PUE - bs*mm bel cm. "eunh.mui i ~<Iuwo% d* dém by t» M@Mp" àO* b - he ta é ne,- mal U~bel - h umwV@M.'q hde b.m v*$ l.fo 1éi l ofs awm - "î as eil o bot à& - .su.1.weU ëogh s lob udf-nu.f> . vuqhg o ai. -n. b" uSoos nusu et th Victora, , mn. j» T JGou.lml Vahéay. T ai bis U tatoe Uny v. d Md ' 000.ts sWr»Mof obhéWOs. e I. 1$hape.me -* $V$" isI gea ",.â oh. Iup nààA-n-s --Aq $90 lie * mue am *a'ilabdw Ob im vilm u b fmMise * ."un Iwui o .* mm o émis '0111 ë in et plis. - Os h. mm ha.W mu joue.sm 5i~u ki.te-Whd eAû» h eimms . tu lu phia, IprsU"" 09.uew iog CeuscMu tOuhu.tismeus. .ium eh is gobeI.u uai. Nhe 0E Qumm !. tes I lsg~ Kiaoise pmi, e. .ou.. bi ».,os& hm ..u.n s Gui.dwaniag ijouuu. a"i l. mP NIAlv nIia K.Lm.i vi.w..t Naueolh. or .ouéSmth, atmss. 6 o4 edogiusu of at v. u M) L NOb. hem auhu i Kmut. 16 NEs.vml»,o J.. 5..1, aigle >malia uisoIami in à* ch.ai. T& ho ,W. i, JO"bm wau*l I i ag P.vS..hiRa'M W J Pui. 9,'it, 1oubom Tt» .ohaiv Ti. m. LO.1.No95 hiOia, R.d J. Ni et~ -B C.,Tmè ; est, Ah NEIw; C 1' memou, ix a. ushamlDâW. NoAh; -S udim ors, . a.; ol a& J.ph§* D'nboe 'h. on u.>dumi.. e.'; 14m7l rulbwonmLec.-Ci %Lweli C. ILSf vea. eI L S"t. os.w the edmu-8a iLJ oing Paine, BW.. J. a*hliP-. xB. ,a . .c Apama, .C F. .; A.JbstaJomthe a, elo. o. JOacn fo heI. 18. B..r h J.té PomhlI P ULB.A oui Uelao. J. I 0iêoréAs, 4Lspeech NwA instgitu .late teace L ting for the jeat Moih bine .f ah. oire dg i ind % th Qum , Ban anhut osi i. phd... maih gev. us sfth. sehsoi eng.am t.i ofh loe clissai by uingcosin prw.e m55n w "s ieu eamin.ae a" mmdo"sevul steass bo ing .vm nap*m e. w-ql d n wbU4th.w Illof the civn i e, MI vin *', e - Ï us th the, vl le a off»«» tii. oseoe.,et d s... i. Tram muid ahMsoikal b a" f ii aet am -h i Wt sâiha" pdmeàs toliod. cPs au 0feh. as t lm-m if~ oviii wffl à&btioteh ouvé;u W" pfflala h* *yvasr Psud eullih. ooaptht .àmvoff lu yLTe oOis. C*besual cpw oq* or wbloire s eibleiOins soppoald@.»ohm. le w am bra s' ug 8" bnpma * ilb -a ni - lioqpoV.Ydhv diq meus b ses - ~bi ~ - - » va MN « ,m~I Seasoxa," I v Wmes, I WUBS AD UpUO * ymu. UII~ ami > .11 ~s oei 1 -I lye Whikey, m.kuy. Oicue M,; Ba Ws scel-, iand London, ieats, etc. 'U1TS in-au the Arriwi ~wea liai.4 Ui mpumw 7tid. QSM& s The E N. rJ. Â.G 1L. M TU W. have always uade Tesaon u h.ii that ooe stck w.u - aer bte ase cire'now.than , 80Weil and STAPLE LMNE& 0F OURECHIA, RE>i ThsqtmeU. vetw.t r n Fany Cinaan Gbwmlmýa& w ad ya~~~~th wg siy.fitxkv v.~~M eoOpt iaou 0< lb. hum id ~tb ~ em zps mdeh. per Tor were nev er of. aL wil feel »t )f the. emetis 80 tO at sftu ', rv oeaa Xtcelam e. teay L ie iy ewmi - I of si otocl of a .~ i 'f4 Qce Lia J. off ni &nd wh") sen il the li) Mth'a Mo mliort Vu. hftf est. Htree' ni, 0& genou"