t Mrpwb toom-wl'm mou team m -i *U.gu et tao$ Min u Ummtîa de.au* ai. _ _ -wV b« *irua- bau..- imb, - y ma m_______wu lm eaIo hW* leïlqBiêyk a sIaLuu W~uIm gwb4t bl m* _____r wlol l OO Iêhlieam i r uPwdu4 . obtmqIofs lu ta tboShua amU 1$ mi14il.1umMOmi=1 flUê t>- e- .- Sm ÎF l daat ami àim-- obhm - ,,pW. iifliap' i > (gfr* ~niw I a, s ..woIs I.. cmli f lb.Oov' ~ Ift wu*tt em rot u3 - - omln, N-0 *Co~ a 01mw -I 0. U rwIê w..- 01,f- ~ - ~uI Mmii! ê* tu ?b. A1ot tmom tu wV.& u am m-uiy W m dm bsain" 1s~la abn 'ab hko. cfuvbPWCuluýmb UmeI m eçàf - oeMW Imwy a #w 4d :ýlrwls, tts la W& boue : ioff wpet hi* qI >r .oe Nhou. -b" wam Gr lu fWd «Puolthm *9 1a- mg D e ý t r or t ffl * a m t i n g t h &. -* r i ail of Car o0" péepka" m-qa t b . u n ft o td & * à * , à e m l e k I ,la sud rpWeud by n, c~mpt pr Mte cbeek.oppà the ppw.u.ty vi ( cêoan id*Ca.mtierns li mIa" wu *o thir dut. (Ch-e.) WViti h fflo a. Of tra de u h» li s b o..t , bmg:qas am.,looor sas- jCW ia ..wny Ulm, nas iisi mg domwaof pdut& Thom'Yr b.mm et a wma mAo, .mewh] - o u * cor om miw te1 faI « O N Uk tbas fm W Glw tb MaiWm wa & UmOI 1 . dml MWbtas smmt amn a,» -,m » émr u i* mw soà ,édp wuii1 buIiq. w.bu*uas m'e IDW fa l tuBi«Mm 0 te de W" nousaip lamu ** u.bu -mm pm il »VWM woy y 1wuigt * ma pouin dInsmi 10 mmt m w bot.basi lm wilf-mn"p ou b.Vut ,41. doua frt!. alt *iumk tb 1 My1 bUL(Cli..i. t ge Wth. tfr*piOmt d a mouma ai OMchiai lapé ,lit Obta Md uow 0 mnus tbt.mlm BW tlisais IWO# obmoeu a.blagcua m g lAs 1b m ur p 1 @, pppluuibo for.tcb&ô -d" Smulas. Tbwy m 1a vnts papuluhm i ploqe asumt * ,OM ,%M te Md M" tiui F.). ýAasuaodeiuofcu@ * a fduty dful Obr"t tm i UmIbsyW e oq W àcnos' f an -oUvbh iadlimi Sb" a mi ,ouUgo-M » s mi c.uir, . If lmw.4 ulup teo msl"USthat 141 a ho lp îsnuu"mii asPm vba We ie v t iâ comursmi aet l n inO -iuaubi " mis i mni ama r. t5 dim.rua b b dv t d la tf for a luge mm*ugttb.jii tedî *6a ,webatai a ,.,eue" s Nothm ta 1g. 0W umTuSmCKIof &t ftILL. aIu.MW ulO om là i:Wni meywtj fyt o thie v leasmtw t.butt det ate irfynudfeii tiui. ubfftfr amm trma i la tb. %u, of jgobtbij mibupulaIs t'w iItt *le ~ km comu a b uItbà& siMuettsnf t ada bave mkuoat thej mot taMo¶ 4StB'O r wvohiva- 0lr m**ýt,,;ýi jmnt aiequi*SbW.etonas,' îdqo have bA beu , macy me repteiL qd lis a*uaUV ro-ghlea trpsty'then a am nutd, O*frlU "m """I e .vut rbu mas u4. 1 ta.is jafor a r*uwl cf bot umq iidhem y ts *mg0<m - f th* unitu b*w ap""@bysuMvthd aBrS t m ýw wrotmmomeoow oeiBm'l Bd 30. 8. o&Se 3ý er.L îimmyobmuavuý 7t &- - 4......... da 4997 .. ....Sua mi la 1d&q 0:-prida,. êY#~7 ~s# 'UTfEES, I ~ No174à. imbu& .il kUM kt O t» O1b. tocrW& il5 tb. t'maL tbkmim ma for fkaim M&n-ý th. *Pàioos apý"e1 and &OotA fthe fùmr 2d.f it behooîea lb. luzibkmnd 111faire t» )the istuailea, iuàg ia meic Diake thoir c)Tir yearytiiiWtor.' 1.whiob uil sho aure to tite ~tii:àlrv ver, eire rmîithb'peet ut ûV!e a Jp-8it Cir- 5 in the comp.xtition Wýrbo"nt ho. efaim 1 c ee progrose or rlie an 80.I a.piû. ira&t cob a grand imoLdnx &Le pêoPl* er "ad etr.e ethuéîi. w mmd 1mponeml. iBeiraqpr@e P» teit a th" faire rely irs& i. dien. secoeus awqve 'e ura @Myfata*e.hem». bk »* au oaud leu, à @b aele« er rao md but .1.. mWa. vr flasmat proe In" tai" "orva - -b in - - »' a eW m jud « nitt me n hOa esi *wm iode ma r - rmo bumom, aik ... ora obus. , ûm t hàor nm- ce h dm wa ex-v F là mmi lmaiole okom mnusp ay coâir imeemdeUmma t *à"~ m imam y h p mi wh o udt îjuda. it i. q', anibo me.;or cf bxsde uo m1 M ma if".aoteh«>g it1fèot lowd.amy aWin mung by t ehibitr t b aj s.mpWin ïaria.h à or alr îh. frti ois "or woëtmu -P la *o gni for. netiliot Atl t- ae broui ~* l 6t tebair a kS"y t. . e eaua n aeu a ud peopis casans" ouer um pewy o e th» kl dis a ues, ta~d vltui a la muss 91,biomi Or. etW iico M. R-y w, fi s ê"v 1?. H 4