iwsvwrfl4 wauulm, fia - - £ msaibll4 igrV7 1.4 'SI r. VW~Pl '<q.!., c. pwtl1v~ ~«E* 45 'Sf * 0. P <W t. * if *1*1. s st.!. 4 p<IqsIO *'S *0*!. 04* *454' fit *0s t. ~ s. - ~v, oh ta. is~ ~te i~' Sa, h. *~4 11~% fol Sf! Il-Q i. fUS ** I. *4* *11 I.'. * 14 b.~ Si s'a i. e, 010 te ~f .4* t. 5$. 1P5 Sa» 4*00V 001 t. 04* 11*1 p qui *04 4* *4 êw t. .* *0 t. **~ *0 i. *45 ,qq. ~ SU Slon Dock andmore ç~ Au -tomqwu.us 16 bn I leTAL CANNDIAN NIÂT OIlCIwO iKle t*55f~ k<M oow 0hmw's 2wPui im iî~diy 2 1 foh, Gaad" nand mr=li nMarkets "Ih i s.t h$oh* fia)1 tiut ngof .u fiwwu iaN .II4rN.a> C$Ihi~~~~I ffo.s ~r u 1"ain. -M Pv Ç Big FOR THE MONTH OOMZNONG N "Tua mdole<b Ibo r tie uoetb w *uta ive a istru1w BRZAPÂB, DINEBand 1KG -AND, PANOX IstedTugpwcaaun a&-Ihd t to the fr advintage to pau. voe ki laçeimpoetations nezxt montk AU othe G - -ares. MeOLuRE& ,Diret Importemv off J "j. EXECLJtoP.s' ALE kw 'f %" V w oI'r l r w MW .41 R. pu-g a ... W1 -1 mep~ . #%tiU THE.,o -.c. mmu&ft Pop IlTY W~~~ SWM. tUÀ& FNu 4& l UNV M W antM 01 *btg om- U*-. semu d i* à vi ,oe ciw opeI loi'Ut, dedbe wF.no hrw ' lwUManoum P4~si~~u u,,.i SI r,,. WU0*5ÈEWIUII~~~,451h M$ue.4k. tu- - 1. vmup.4S0v*b l onh. Z. r vaow " u~mmom . N ~E t iS lp~1Sê 858 *Mut, on tn.u te W. . Au « 1.1 .w mm . l b...u pur do&ei . u.nuo ~i ?a~ ~m..i~e teS uequ ilim [am. h.ngP OYBTERS. _____-_tC=1 lik 10,uo .l. l iborbme ~o ~f~t i ff kpn OV1YuE'D l jum .4u4o ~q~bkaaffl U.bhmffl4»a-v ve » un ,tr w al bin *t,'4wqaoI. ea.0 w. ord. nush twiruul .01,4. Kro aft C , %"&bO1=ebllte. h ft lua £ . HM Tut*3(1.1. 16 l f 11 a01-g p..lIw isS .. Ul be hilyam uu jut ebv>tluu rý s ~lm the CTed pr*tmen "ut" liose o bu ito.Ss hu Wbae u ou ta!.. <'ut , .e have r otuSen>Ue S onbtheh. 310 W*I 51 __lm,_ lemut 1*ftilno s lt isi ehh mue à&la m..uf~'e fqe the aim - ba du b u-at- me o~o »u" a*%-s u u& u»5eta 0 ta 140w pay, Neik« to pa1>o, anfd ai% uair. Wbe 'wçusmmwaor àmoi us . d Théio: " Othf i"'i' w h.t M on al *1 m Iboq.'ou !hu.hlug Am hst ecaus *tllu Io 13tu0IP- 0 put tayt.m vat TIPXBO. 61 testan au 4. be. tg-ou deod or SEtdu" ytOS FOR TtiL~ hqpT IM ~Wi Mb.a" Bthe Calearfy, Skà i fsd" off Jmuuowy PilPM ne ».W deammo W. vii b ursie Oasb s. Sjit& au4wRpea d uiEt la buo M R Liftor«pou«r yoemg uIroM wU.m«Ocos 14Je l. alu. macmm e wb s S* g .hgu ».Mi ink mczEýderu b.MomnL Tlu r to. t a r I MMOMO*_Pbb01 ~~ f~rei-- È ait- x . & ACOIDENT Capital LND WUI. BELLSI. s. s SiTr, mnd Limle. OBEIRT LRYANS, I carried on byhim lu &Shi.]ngi91es .c~staidvon hand rice. [AUJNDE R. iblie generafly, that ro~d, coprising ai in ou, bexng déter- for aud, Fine '3'\T TAIlOR rPOND's ILX- I Accsýr u w.ALL Pý AIN 0.tl,oe dtf*eiithe nt w J.IL Os maStn~tc a &GBY SALE mai owle c=taMed in a ul 10 ptnanceli At the »M0, aI JORNITON a 1.. to letod. t i4j~ ni OMM