SUN YNU& WA~ MAY, 110h?. JAUPAIT 81, ION - - - *1* orne" ~ IL W 4flE<iV SWu oemuISatuÂM ZEw 1 , Iq4WUlS WwQÉ~ MW bit 4x 4o 4I I et u. otùu,% S twjwet.. S.ý . ......... E ...... 1 -4 v q-t. ohm la waum S*Au.p-. f usê*w. a PWuhs, - - - N KROXANTB- I - -. "- ~ ot m at 1o* P.tebd. mmd Làd 0 Md D. M alWib. hii be.imeI tbe Au l for ou 6b - *tom..filai' ~o -e~ -.41110 I~mm. u - teun h. m JuhI riz 7tnww me e u ,b' tete C1 vu te fb smi m l, ue_ '~~~~~~~ - -- h1.w Rsmà MIL__ ~u n'iB .. v ~ l s.m m ~Lt~4Z~ Jol MCCLURE £Uoew~~O - - -a.--. - w DIRBOT SU LIURPHYI .~ I~nI 'Uqw NouYuu hi ~IWm~ h B RDER Paper inthe kn.ow. wilat the Watchrniakerisi, looks 'srraight up Isay. Tbey' are flot.. kers and repairers, ~,Engravera and' you values in ods inot get elsewherei rin, sncb goods as' Lce proves.ido' be thé oxy to, the consumer Iquality:and price. itoducing a claàsof bh only. need to be appreciated. '%at-' or qualities as accu- lily finished time. &ODERATE PRI- are made ta ordeî.. itt 'n Bros, and, are mmended for relia- rability. These re ers 4puing- theïr way ablic favor ô n their Britton Brothers ving you the advan.ý chma workmanship .hand jewellery re- nxought to vont doors inestimable advan-, des fo:r havimg your cared fer. While ue of glasses or.the >1. glasses is i njur- us ta the sight, thé es perfctIr adapte d às ofithe utmost im- reserving the sense itto. Brothers Pave .omplete appaTatus, testing the eyes -of, eed glaties- These. .vey costly and it ad care touse tbe'. .the bemefit of al IV-II mStt Qà u 3- Ibo.bftfl mau t- et lu W ow im w w oni. rd, Ik indeba m bp m *mà -" Cien rom . q u Pu*mumbI P" loelaMWIIb@ m iFi 1 h 1 1 .Chou s W. I& h Wwn be p aoeDo.5- wAM w f». *leFa..r #., se . R. Mw t l gu d s i *o wvu mi# pfr w MMSU hrvT l- u o~~~ -ia re oei 8 Mm awem llmie <I&WURI M le I FAL L 0000 ahm u-'nue m to Of iV3l AAhm U? MM UDAYdi dnI proS mnqug Th Cw» md igot o"ef0« aim Hohd l01 lU t HoldayGooda 71s ub Bkat~ hs - - -Bros. chrissnm ana * êoe.ude j, -s 0 a r* lu "s -9