Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Oct 1886, p. 6

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-i. **6. ~Uk 1~IA wAumDfl, 77- B i Bug mmm m Thot if d am ilutm etpm~uIL~ N U o -4uu lieAw mwImm w a n AGAIN TO TEE FRONT. vwmàýmar«BManties, eu~. ro h la mu.day.mit4 o0"oéP. M. lu ute & ros mTH OITY DRAPER AND M R H N AL RN tht. s»w«onar.eplu b.Iug orowud WU bmc«1u.. uwtaêt ts u iN dsyméWo&h@%e m t"M'EMPORIUM F LNDA IoavebfigU N htfthES. k. i p, vlq W buut ]lé'. A. Wew u MM&ai W. «L vlfM# aîn ptým ulIgm bnrId i.lmL. WA"4tVin IThat you wiileffeot a aiing of fro15t20pretalond Ck lS., »i m- eh t. .d*" t d thmodTC5 uS the lwaudehuI eO l m ..,b bu.la W"1.wa ~tg oug MOlbUOfl he akletl> 5k sud ma"f That our Goode are irigbt, fo hu me uddys .1h, q 3rStig a h io1hrI you buy your Mantie Cloth from us W ileti re >al ~~~Tha1t o BLSyles aerih, berbm,»d, teW hl .aàa nSmyItwietm e e oui' are rigmi, , wx kln an kdbg a teammyof boumsoff a smoe! If you buy your Cloth Mantie from us we a ieyuete emno Egih That our Pices are right atdfrh-r vpi»bz, m » 9amo h Arm . ~or>u~l7 ayreolaw , at~ In whch we York and aomer i If yu = yyourrnwmMenie If yowe bul warant t to-b as rpreofnedeorretum thÂrig th avph )riawand oemfi Ur t ir ndpnet bolatis tHudifor lh, ho vuaaOchool The x«. M. L r. Pmme et het.he money. comieid iliif ----à b a y@«% a sm& h homm. hwe1g viiýi th e noltlse bteNewIrac a"@W m. b ea r&1tt. m M l fyou buy your Clotbing of us we guara eei w llb gh an te pic rg a wé ro o t am hos.Bye.prngnw4iIve houi.., Who m ar ldm.uoor...k ,ups.smâla't" Bmw Bot Imà ubleYomig: 10. ofth#tmeoW* kesp our stock very oopl h -lhstulU et the alw er iima. shb ms.îfyivtd On thé ~ ol y eea rdrs. which w, ane daly openinq out. ;;;1fo »U84 mr ü4 "t If You aut a good fall suirt cr over Sole agents m Lindsay for the &lexandia i 1v lU Api wé kel mased that buyerm vill) «nmuttheir own intuem a * mph4.w our Iewa.mnA"da.Hus-eO l% o t to fr&id ti&M. . »tbey bar. îjfd1tirnd il t 2b.lrtAdvant.a é to cal) and inspect Our stock, Whlcb P#14 Enq . ee or to bis .Ibos. I a s t St f ok la Uudsay; g ou v aut OUMlTu'. -Tus DOWA Ggs lio okngpu.got r ffl %il bo>ught f« F3SPOT JASE and inb. buot mark" Là"us - thq bave thon lion 5100 up.j Nesv ta ke the. Iollowimp iotee ofthebel,&-41 4.S4YEAE d..it Mly eflua b Mr flo aiy lu wl.ibu a public mwting in b AYEhe dtilu, Xr. Jobs Dobmos«-Th- Rloght M< 'é " àüAmdOCUtiS al Spoiatie u ewDrsePado, aHomrble Charlotte, Dowag oteu OLIlMWhW& mlo .T&U3sul ..Mnm NeFate lto as ltene hdaU it oof Jobs, 1usdLard MR% -, 8 ugS odochL A» cm-CITY DRAPE S D OHERS, New MnîleClote, Nv Ultenns« à# W q gejLwd . uiut jOd"paumo hb bs nugmi. 1Ç.w Pwla nd Fana Pluï&holmi) a"sUd Tof bte tleu. en-- '"« 8» euk finite& d ü O 2 O S NSB O K - K N T I D 146,w Coloyed-si6 e m wnovBlack Silks- Iiu<li hLuorudhailiim" Of8 ü»M e A lari N O . 2o Dt d ms ehlvoess ils. 8u ,b l ca h. lland t 87 X«- à lame- omCATTK5 STW saD. k" d nu pproumk« whlch an warmanted not IBe rtl arl pu m tm Ama 1hsto=ck uda l.lovst piomlamuh. i Md wogt d.ugtm ule fl.fwmer, t i1. -1441."u-m" "* _________ illamOsssm.,Lad lu1.et Tb@ amna u imanth b wM = o Lioa ~~ lsbO ofDuhIl; »d *1h. the ?«b.Pu M »dWàam d u clubsd tla Meb. w 'd e me mi )Wh ~ Me. fur &ititjyj m ud mit *4 fli Hom u. ali15h01, N.P. fw dost of ld. Pcut clah. tb. mcm lM L dugufm Lt9 2dC minimu c lworim.amd Ficauptos omqdw e b I érofF TilE l. o Db1w hflt fffit.15. fvue h usWA»u Uds 0"LofFet a.nedim edatlytofi Thurodsv lb. 14wal 00Wh day0 d Md ui.of boys db ofmt§Whhey TI 0 me vMEDr. bwo&Vd'm . s.imut o tb»u seeoulatmmugm dsuîd- f ns xy... haua lb f. g.ote -A. cam MiliO~1& ? dIgh b.oy nd.veyorpokT mdT Iftjeud" dsont eaer-14 AMr R M- . uslghbsAudrmgcd oute he u Wun.u boa terbero l60 sou " e 0»ItnsT laxl ov dw oa m oatS mm su Poes.Céarkber er u thesou% mKpltql inol, Lindmay. XA"smi Ioserupme...............r eidSa &JI Th eo 3tu m inub g « w dmpoonM am aeirint à cd . ' y ....s.......ie - ». hoou L yoi ej y ac ou * l"» u eiseoe tom u f Slot broug bin dp'. xsomAIE&oeml Wm e w e i. J. Abu esmd fmi D. C. ursv Lai. Dr. SuIt et iM*bi~S ~ ua JA W IE S C R A H A M I am ftmS the rIbo oru WAi Im o su d O ta rnos. H Ioh Se b mob« up&mi8rla8bý DAY.jeu iii uI l lu Jary '87mm fi or wkadhWsmér5 m itnamât - Alare aaoat c pan a dalycutui 5]5thClOEI1ES bgSi. lh. ecml . 11 LillidfYu bued.lgTii.etcbauS of l m Mdd PPISiOflB, a, Tveru ofT tiao i t.p.uyb ken ofN rh11urm 1eiCeiYI welet .3 . Vlio anllbokdMr .C nped c-. Dr l. achooL ot i n colbe oi tout ~. sveM i of pro et im ihomc as son y . is pumpilsemécr W J.JNg>LJ 'L t b McE la hIuv umit lb. .ree t go eetly sd rl rmvayNT o eturab sid sdre i. sdhui tdu vsiitaape e my E NE 11 C¶nretsMeoimmHrVaofaumemn Mmes Usye. iahthS eib.o.iPgim Therye id 1le, b b*&I w« fuclag dclub e d beis utHeaàable t.aolemi bat - l'h. D on î mios g von i m nd. A.? b . 1105 en o h W t " Pannli'8, tc.,aI th Pars >1yuat il SCO t ti lues ali '7vor125h. airesoostvo8e ehisisi Otmby D ieJ Show B oom s, ILs. R Oubys son of Cambrav s yo WS"mSuit e l ly m% . sud m mNci dailtmo-d tck o ~ h8PP~î7rsc~ l'auemerma ef.) ud o is uymace dud rket Md sMà PmiolisB. rord . u r t, 1,. i& 0 aruoffet foTshoe-ha i~O r -ry M oilY udm . We -r pneeydyt hwtelts 7e i b aeae rmteCpyb "r r Thoaoma. vuveryli. ikoa T W * A ThO flusomby etIo amll ou l iiom « M v ais fu t m a u h" h , AT! e t h e p ibuigh ed l Lldss rthse g a taI v Mdu e v ld tlh.m- Lai ofDunas Favele ros .t. WlowofsbsM & L. s-SSoppi o 5-mof thewyi'e tcale uu.O a brC ep m Meuy tvis r to tra vesMr. %W.1 . Süet n zr S .H U"iP.SSeou @T.Crea hy a h rd.ainmmP.,htul uo mB Dthener Setsmu Cheiepm Uhole .iWfor4q. lai - - - - - y.p.ILbL.A.71-lbShmldlbh oisud arnassumana L AM I II IIIAT. . 1 fuud-U m luaAudaio ste h hamli& aMr 1.Up.thn. mt im 4 ---9 aodai£ fi T herUIa.. -. b0. is rnb &d e lt m oM"hnql m.tetab. prdictrsu mtl.lu lun et ~ W~Om taAI w.msut sos'. letsIl h mat un -lb. t. . aehM ýat* tt~rnlh --t- .~ -Momés .eLochut M L J-. Mle 1mbIIIs% Tb 1 u @-S1m4 teb2m n ts in.te N EUD aI l à a imb Suawu X&iU>0 o hlg un "w et_ u . anuou"! I" b. n. .s.if u u ,A u m ffl VO- wa o»«t telu e & but~ h. i. si sd A PIm, s l. s, f p u d boiev e- mou . ga e e rif l>tR Idu,%R Sa. lb id los- u» U nybrolm pao mi "<Tb$bff an ate b_____Md______M._a m l e.401bmnmd bsaIoie W. D.mmt" admdth -t ou rmk l*<uhvw» d-____f a Y cWà m â &»t xis ii * iw. n MN..Suy, u. A UtIM Us ua buu -Mm mu16bu dm - l m * i m t w i - . -I b y * 8X4 * 1 M m O b . M u t MmiembIit ut d n u a1h k P~S- isniu M~ . ube M %iss. "Eet .se akomC ' t.~~â onwI 201a ovw frtu Im ialdu Mho . m le _4 lm blm Mffl& rm aMw isahm., MW ai@%?-* A t àgtg ffum *mal.t.WMthecEU thhe t «é m .. n Il % : ta M l m 1 14. t t. 1111 lW im am*! MJd.umww~ s; ~~ « ot b oc BuS .l~~WI t udr~ SUWO êtIMO 'a.fi*Mn. é vs s fovruhe t -~ ht usZ A o p ui . U Oqs. nid 4 P & ,onsS . a . wA . % u.m du ap"leo 1 on k u t ___Ou 'W.. vaOé .st - i %, *, . i49i= 41"Z . - *0 bvs, s.1 ê s__m**or.qu b UiiueUru.1 Ja" «W- DA .N YUlb 11hPame 3s _ _ - %o'otb l busm' b ad'I *0g5C !2 2à~a , Avilo. w(HÂ& CIt1Hl m d b <u' m d m u b swà w ffl d i g i ta i E pW " . T e pe' -ai rt a e. ~ 14 't: IL lu&

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