Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Oct 1886, p. 1

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t'th gkt lmim ou# aikid<t h,*w1,4a i >a huX. dv"I i* lime. & fi&Yà~.li adi eà&bmd d- wd * but la ry - Il irtoria - 0ge-l.-% In AA1wokn.a o-* i1 &:ur~Iimr.LI& &M V ~m~v~vm ~ i I T TWTIRAY.. ONT.. PBIDAI ,UUi~J.DEsLb ¾ LO~>u iroi. XXI-WhIe 14o. 18541 ýth ibé* au ot fit UT I 1 ta 6 0 têaira (oaieoqos Durham~btt, 0u toihîfs d.g Miko9 oit b mu n.~_ "'sn >oneouee'a Omw 4 to <lffl m i.hve h 14 *4a~ ,à foi'yuhi ut <the 0f1»« "dam #h ws the. 14>ws, -" bd "07m toappl, Pott Rops vas up ande eviduet W ass 7 t 'tp ef pouOas.,*0 will tome rop Uagaluta n. p"h and ,4ndàby# .d ~vww e àemIu lu . le e.. W ui selle >à W»g fka~ te O omMoad.y 11 itl.s.a, im Mad uh I uMda mong heum caiedote eipiami5 TIey "elinsIf à ASknmUSWI114 outf t llon f the ,asrto »Y ddm kW0 thiretf. Tvy Il j e$h01dl bdto 4 h. ouai la tu ESio .W. L.ogmle v.oovoelu bu ti tom. tima &à" lw lm, -14.1f. 4), I.oyalitm apeev Ides 4 uto-blght la t lpft ip fm. tu Aom Ifaet. 5= menwil be ruetbdm tb id mtàl .uaIboy lràpms. ete. ctef ihl.d m twI 10i>nIq .oMablgi ~instoi, . o opOmtau 'c¶ubior I.eLE hIdof Mr, E. IL. l'otvai tb.lla h io"pI toti.* 12th uanti1kk it "Jot W@1 d too, lurt eclte ohelp en (in,% wili étiit1 oui abssMu .'ýjq Itt4slng ta Irkthé ui-dW W# mlâ mgwl oa'vCU s' rnym: Prof. fco«l'II Io pet nixht for 151M fite tôrs Iishow Ihét 1M*et 's dili thoe mm@ îhla fM mliraI endhotOIUi r 1$<tI wiliI 4 lh.kint 1u1 ki Mlllbroek on TOUW'Li , (otober 1laîhtd 18e1 0iinud pâieWUà h 1 :h libersa plism n e I elatnde pan LUSa' ivYork MiAU& «Ceah Aub;uuU*î. mukI Irpusuid ta id M«ialouse e b.AUUI .Tas,, ef LWmu~, 01 tI um. M I e tueu of aaim4stàuuil 'day.' wHO KUILLED RABAwD TIE MJo'a '%e did it with oui littie Hatohet" wheu we kocked the tops off oui paoking boxes andm kd Dry Goods,. Dress Goods, Gents, Furnishilgs, Tweed .1D Baym dlOothiD.g at a shgiit margi on cost. an S«- - w%%« iinueinithe ]LeetSye Our N ew Stock la now n, aud beiug soldrapidly. Cali eal. if yoU wi&h seU!asireom uru 'v*- - quest QuBlity ofGood& izWê invite 1h. publiae1téoeau d inqpOC3 ou? stock and 3udge for themmolves. Mcz M JrimiflflBrs> coener ]Kent and Wiliam Streetis, oppo6ite A-. Camnpbefl'a GrocrLn5 Addw su pysutU.oe dos . bumui ad viumm< mat Cm- ~~,h tahi8&g a lage number et *ItI~IIOU R STO RE _ma ateBVwý W .Ciiw8W ie3w ~ Isi~owfihld wih a boio lia of areflly écte baralia m - Ibm lb UWIWid~,.. Im p. tbq'pi.: "W ± - nU<: a"&Wb" m .momtag a b nyo ug m . Usent e p ke o a u lar<fl e h a " eH m o a O Yl m s e i à-àa Nb - u , othe m mI et u * r t akam 'oMf.the urv i aà giingaoin of them to he p lli - id i. X« la câah.ls- o agtn ae dic- yt he iB a gala Hu m m je hum vithaf RIDAT *XXr. D. C.mmxmmuesonom 0" "e n" te hipoUepnrure elocdioet rt the inla l4z lio o -rb. .ibaI.MMV fba:-y z - d- à, "ý- .00M p . « yn t j" mige C MWHm imin be WWM.--moofliin paatxy fma w» hiby cema- g *uYO ao guie W. o mt far eitci or 7.1Te. Bsw . -' *g.: _hejk«Mbàîm aon Xgf lmrg M mpsma o u nmye vit siff M Ci"!l et bpqmt& Ahm. J. Th ut LCo mSe' SB 2. AB»mNO I j>yalI iTS .io&god beoryo wa o Lmà%Wv e be o u y. e WM1 M"M ec Ï_omeMMn u O? ~~~dCi, v a tbuJ,-U m m ci d uL .ehibtaN lmoa jw e amloMr e af - . . Si i ll w n o Lom g U a ki tx m a & w d m « M W f a m bM M 0 i o mr p u t m t e m w e e àl .e owE**5FAIsu& et à ga.M m-W, a »R" - = Xmi a - l pa rn u<.à* 0F C~W. 10 gala -i7ibb WIU 1-Wlu 0» thoe1 rgawmu AHLI EUC :I R M' ntI me ! t.j Cam * hunma. chst'bm clavhd - S.1 ua awd hiila .ÂOUONO TT I m Ira ro'Bb.8tr opotSpt i. Lt81 i ms v semv . ule CI.g BUpun.am ~bê642"8 ia. 17iirais."Akiy-VU fiOW -g d &Cg" n tta dr . !.1 m bm b .l d4xa EI> ~mduq.-lI~ g - hdib - ' p 1 1 vili abivL tue guvu t di.X M & ch i in t e tal itio v ms hly& ~T'D(X!AEI F O A L !I*W t(r1'g'0 a"Ji*" Aienagea ma opa .u& , Im bu@.; M i bàd er mlinbm « 0 Offlaffl uMum 1 y c bm luE -m Wb u t vu O m i al gr and. 17 w. Th tte W s aeuW. Imm ebiho-7M pu;fiT.hw- at u bà M 7a'vx aEftE TE EO WATUUUD01 pilma_ ih* & .abibiums vum smt m W*X aa, P EdJS d ' ac mm .«-dm 0 NCd, % IL -P. *ump. Who aANTS ~ou an the jui. miremgu&cla ts O.WOm à EO bIusUui et x.ouM R ibas Âgu1uiffl asutrugIh, abelge valh vunadhez______ umiot - - - oFMIoS - Sud.aa *«W. t mgcte U Ini. Uil4rm F ---1 but sWhmabti IPtuu iiaa.umlL i.GoOpbihsalt~r tjw M# AOmum W .m.B110911110 - - mm ueeu. Buua D.umhi tenir: Sint hebu lb ""' et..doli. amy impegamtor MWon 1h. Maie alartThe 01.1 .hwWlla8 8 tmi - - bu à w d ] -, us eck lii' w - mmmimtheloc l b bgMWa uu." oe nad 001mON eci .al to t mte 010 a m tiona.Pohuus. vhu i r bai tbibM qu __ klu&uau = ,e Wh, am A.1 h' budyd lbWoaugmn dm5 m- «. ......m= watoout LAlibm lm!aJun&mibma bU m i.maccnl.Tef li * uk fr b W D mmafe SEtgl ow laid dam d m o'ou uéeule04U ' MM u bu 1.11. bua.OU t] w 1Ad 06l «WIU1'4 m1of Pr*"hnaaWWli s. ..iw. ~ -iii dMIS ha~ ti. licel .:s:1~i~ afroot ud q0h-pihl mmi. Tstebve mv Uithavîbarresyterana __Î WU in m bu I â t i b t i am 04 thl e hh 1.b7h l df d ai o al p otsan s t mm,: wdnm" doter in cket mlâ amtMir.kg lwiuuy OW i.v~i foi 1@aL O urNSVMi I iel" M em. - lb ulgi b a a.<<> l~it co. meuc 1 muoein" viv Iju m d tdaigvi wM u ffed l w o. .. . .. . .. . .. il t i m tYi l S 0 S1 i tb le îe eib m aï-Xr vu sudM «,bavlCY9 IO W ipex- i al ela rs n Idy gv laey*4 dcomofyof ut". ukmamiAmieaiooffk admg dnWi.a s. g omlookuu.I aa fe t ns! ieciliprac t h rt iEwa'~ - --ur. ru mu0am teDhe f« sw*M"w: o nt he DLum bg rW @ala bbrpou n en!lsulg brdrcz«l4-M m s )loOLex n e ak, hs:I .sm W"85o%1m '9w' -.nM - A et @Ja lal og t Wh. M - cmofi17b &WwW.A. J. Sui t1 ilous Hudspêih ni 11e chair.aM i die. --bS pbicdsumo o t uin tmU4t~r Am 4wu 'awkS LD. vA of* Md$*b4 te - o rd r b etil m ig o T marii t l i is . Mill Ct s me t ii.H. «m.est h ve A si a" pu i l, hag. hel v e ai ïi"ofïdru of ohevusR..ourhad bahiy 19.ini a mdpa l ino4 flen uhv IWD ' USdOUý --1A u the mmc"h anm poIdSOBU -11f1 lat" i W cgt m nîot m » lagina M io. m bi nd okm l &Myp fu t ru efed i n r. a" tluw ih M id u aiea h nsiai sotte Jou os ...... .h idn tlea e puei.aià auBu kume ai blb . acti" g dtakean lamlbp Of comdu kjm B o a r off rom an cal ru RIVER bVI oU hm Fo ~ aIi~1lWI' ~oniauO lbALE Ubmi' UPo 'h= s undd »aO orCI< I Wllaz heew peu uý t I ~~~~i a fit n C M M S o n thvewbyte huai mi m l N abim X .AWmMdeb aiaai m in i i'Of bthlb Bau d ofapridees meetina c. i aa*a41s pn nelia G HT1IAy Cu ! appoi- aicetdrtcm illi yiDlb " fiarA . J . v uet ,pMoCvil t as1iluaSI -anMim t'L R.iWML. A tloiS ASE BOU l -am Dbo, VAitCO.= Vn Lob Ono ialpboni)so. afumam gTh ort n 'm flafm t d frlgIhani. M lîcm !Kes lrotiu tl rniaei «" of *Ai mm W# poonapar g b uin.On -mvD ld aflu exiba, roeilng xMoeuemaO'ulr. Mew - n J ami bock poio.Uoà W«4, b&evlUg sema .ik thzoughoe w- yuy luetai Dolas., Talor anti Stevilof10&invest- Isaa lut laI aI dca. of1h. intaille MONEY ir LOAN momenu wuw Mal Yabm Toe boy R.Masrapof . dtc J. A.,U-Tum dcoms-111110 Em te Boobjeca poe. is meatigladlien _ _ . . . sf "sf t t « t 7 o p i n t l 1 1 o t cehM d'i cm i ç i u n m . l o t f o S .l c m l t e dbe ek j a f o r m a t ioo m-oh a t t h é. gui~~u*,~b(i1h$'l~,mi Myn. uO. Ofgvimg b ubuilàue, fans TIio dpliti' gfruit u Bym~1f@~d, OanadBofb au s. ..mie. §ap a"d mm eing fl m souaiIy apu ti. u g al Wle l Va y f ne ~~ m i.a b oTyi tew adrtlbtepotof drP5t b his u ae1 u ~~ff heAS motllngbe al pm lof m u t l al Owmg tarpe hos gOdod t o n aSe la HgSh o imEubcti l Miithet L U of '1*th 4M M . ot he g ts caiM M f &i1fr.a Dva Gra ableion. ac Te e por xal gt u im o tla l et t rmm .r o m n, 1 . deimiaf w mutOaS y m 'e CW y u al SuS «W 1te, MyI1111518ul a l b,m bel. Onopmg b ne la qkya, g Ma u - qis. ai rTo e u" ofsn Ea i us ! di.Th a- aaoXr iea. euat h - gm g4 bI bon pmcol of idehuartt a Pffl of ovmirâv - '~~Mw d l* * " 10aIin s!m u o h e b tI L O. u n is! ath e 'lu D urh a c e " r.D. , akvood. h ,o d io n a i a g e a s! ce p i l i .o - o i l o et1s9 r e e el e of»%alhwr»« u m«PO aue oflLNTNmbm» mi. ""Eo mmlu b lat.,i5 b ltl îlb epor ii a b rcfIielEa a t Maevh ffè lpPi % a nO ..",. pl çmpuiu uiacm imm ail. vue le Md un uo - l Mb t i a u trsib aC " o m icpiel b CnriPio. U O a Y~~gm am00 m t- r. sal eum n e D a oi o ù B a à "s i n e k t u oh . a lom v s t l , l b u p > a IL I * M~~~e- m- r- d Ti. sI UïeTia . leurg ' id P-' aM . ad are xida - aaly IFbcvi à~ v - tlt rmnclcl osc o in S I 9 w n i d 6 . 4 1 8 f . D o u e b l o : 4 & b o u t h u i t m V W. e ' f m t h . D u imycl § 4 a l » lu m . e b dh e fl s c h te I r e atI m p l u d M Yc i u m l n i , c a c l t s abri. ls U waad S'W S aia GI-mtheeun W* imth d U01 he o -'< L so m o b mt n T z« atu Lvnthu&set tteta lb.hvb!Cle Wt " W %itbeacommdi #,a gom safi« PimS an1 m -ý et ummboeiF 7au-Mudi onimatm m doo DM 1ç* tg h W le U .Z Nm ------a-----Ri a u g o iard q M t ar g 'lÏkXi. M ol n a m m Ilam m ues! a Ia l u t a uj al b ves m i B u mg y o . e nWbre y t X . ow'rOr &àmur @o mwiigfm b eum mieà. B' mmm oft5# in*owMcEO l "1ihb a tP ita i i ic i.7v llm yb . T Im br !,u .1r siô,v d N. Ulos chieyMLaiah bum . iL me k lb 1*11 ' g b o F. a the U Ma bapn lageB ond__ __ __ __ ici 04 tU'g i mo«iu 54 h1als,"',m u ftam v ___ ha'a taTi Vole = du m GE- ci r d='â lap71 e I00 btu miAn f. a dgr Q a" ofil«m" 5tt. 1hi PONIheFOOL tu bN5d~ - &M, . Whiu.dini' v.imi utdi54ka -mommlbpt a 1tiolbe oflU L lmma0 a M&Bwe. m-O h ayb e el "fflolslbb lu& g.rg'N e ih&y0lj . m C . i O h idy et.lt.E m in 0.Ion q ahl b <l m b eih m f lm a lmtUc bBm iA Yl r_ _et q M el té kgefl e M th-e- nom -- los"51.1 êueafnly- __ ai-1Dm ____ ____ vbiéXdl.17 te7lb b5 bmil lm& Satmidy Nuari2. ____ ____ _ u hve isa'rulImm' _ __ _ i.usImm ýW L Obi Wm"<bv top-------- .--i. ë'ë l l pi - .ln amam' ihîi i otl gàm m___ A- @mot l dl% i1 ling if. kW phS la mm IL Immam Lb~ 1 T-,TlqngAY. ONT., IPRMAys OUTU.UJSJM Is lum-

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