Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Sep 1886, p. 8

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mViiY~ To the Ihabi ~tsof w WiwrMay You Obbthe t' Tr our, p -e iL. ith tim To tbls enquiry every inteligntbusiness man i lansWer, the pcewheragnd opeoda a headsl t pioes0 ..ryt1in g ow is on this basiwth us. Book botom ah n e ndoe ne al stebai eb chosn t dobusness on, blieving sme.llprofite n ag uiesutg .gte.Eaieorgos eto * n AT7T1TTVTm D D 0 price# andsatisy yor min thatther is agJeatdmÜLù ourcAwh r'1m 1) UI N,)JJARb«v i Ji V~J~JJ2 FAL Âetonihig TEENEWEST DESIGNS Aum moy a i kt tr ve stock of Ja Ewi6 M GýOODS SPEOIALTIES: GEI;TS' PUENISHEINOS, H&TS, NECK TIES. DREISS GOODS, ROSIER Yand GLOVES TWEEDS, &c. 'W. behi6e ~ war e ghowing t'ho most attractive %tock of OENTLEM1EN'S HATS To ùIwsfôînd ini town. C LOTHINO Wé i"i bavée it, îk Iw"Vout.h& 4'and Men'q Clotbing. Co~'rStore,.t)crnnyBlock Rt>?!' Useful Remedies 1 1IUST RECEBIVED., ]Dand. ltters, Gnons Âuguat Vlower, TUýKckmr'is Soveeign Baimi, 1- Waznoes Se Cure, Burdock Blood Bitioes PgrryDavS an Kif,. Jobsons Fu±d3.4Cibls FIuid B«4 A. NIGINBOTHAM, WVhoI.sal end Retafl Dvuqçiiot, Li__.y M PM¶24"Umivv IWS 9ELR iABLE*la AstioushiLUg 1*it je toniehing, but nevertbeleim true. that SJ. PETTY, the Jewoier, S1 L V ER WA R E Than any two bouses in town. P»rti- î nasking Wed- ding Pteeuts shonld cal] aud see tîýt- fiWn.4 stock. j'1îst recpîved this week. Ail the latest novelties, and at prices the very lowest for quadruple ipluted ,tandard Remember I have ail nnmbers in those celebrated r>e tacles. Satisfaction givcn where aIl others fait. Prit-es thelowest; Gooda the best. I53~tt.S. J. PETTY. the Jeweler LANDS FOR 3SALE. à i5w c fSe terme. Ov sa U Stdo l m' yua. ame 9ks.ie val.i.a& ' 1>S \PRfOPE'tTlI' t'I., a..'. Ihuvtb aa<t vuemvliuoe. els- a I a IOPKIS. *-Otu'4t caursem. Il',al taR but roem-,. W %- Y$Wb atcfl ' t'w Ihtieeaa& i-SlaetithidWM wtereto attend la. s>re ta - - - PeberboroIN anl . U rie SPEOIA FAUX TO PRENT. ,:AThe ottderigtw'.,% It1 lee for a tenul nvq .,fa, e) euk* h-% . rOi. Tr1 . avmiet a rtaiteh.'.ýe 2 lxit>. ýt.is bar 96rx3o. ttbh!t me! hfe e2 wC1 brui, ei 4ehf t 1 mhp iii .i. of Lith ...c :nu iii th towihruLwii~, p.i tcJ'iil V.' tif , IIoumK ANA) LUi' YU'.LF.A-Beautitly n atua.d oun the eurur of GtenrrY-zaaà 10mli-ue hetreL.est warat, concarofi.z. 4-ewn ftoflm »d «0» COU«5 kachm ataiM a -,iUumer kitchesbam, &din#.% shed. ose4,zhi Md beat bouse. ai] tu Coud repaar. azd cl.ree- qwtm oS aof macre ut laad tcouaiiaoà amber .1 ubeA. ht ueu. No euoer jrtvetreaem "Wu. Ah. L@U 8 d13 à o. m a Se et -. @ffl em.bg MW.&*t»wau". Tb* Me 9 wlD bu »W dm.p en ,osablh cer-~ Ape lme P. ma«. i 0aox SM. FARM FOR SIALE OR TO LET. Lot No. Il. inlb.e511> c)DSoci t ex.% 200 J. £1. t',UL1D J.JLL1J~ vinibeew.i ai a bargiuan orkla foa torm a y«Mr'M'e grffler port oft he purelia m mev Myreniait» o'm .rt.eAe.Apply to R. J. RIVER VIEW FARM FOR SALE. 1I have jut receivtkd a sup- AL Ra cPn.Tetf eutylalf tioc Fi-e. a niv of abe.oa 5j uer.'.&. Lmad exculhmt. ait cluareti. nu pl fboildimua. Ali 33 maut f Ibo o lot on weac mi.et rivw.er. "aMctami veet par4 i'. vii * om et rif ,f-irod. LantI'caY derirobA, tly -.iuytu4ge.ad jMt tboUlueât ht huit. Black and Light colored 'Lj><" Trm usy Amma aa umboet bmdmme e-ova or dme. W. IFcDONLL. MACHINE OILS Fw e w- egi Lot ,0.. 4 pi.>.196 me,.mes .'r 1, '15.0 a ui elioot isatu or ..ut"Ie * hta-psi ~MW nmi abrg et vS.A trame Manuactredb' h. auM hMe dja yms aehIs.. mi a a kqkteb Ou (.. 1< BC'ISt'B, iy -ISsu; sa mnaft o; a gsoeu berd; a mv onC.Imhm. = 50;.a. 9t. .e tooMsmaiumia ist vl kop bod- abl, It à@ 10B.SOMMth un te b. pinse. a tg-me al bak b ma jicmb.T"alumd 0A ueo. tbaugb l. u- ThisoU i higiy m~<ieauttsd uufl*italblb ilm » v »Mmemca s te ploR This it isidaby fflWM Wi <e ai)m be lt et Apel Im 8. by the. êU fe<t"lMx0pera-MM& u A deva>. m âx uîL y. P PUMOebbw le i. 1A5 Puy- R Abu i» d FOR SALE. An ~psud tIdai lin Be1tiv élo, . - S.i'0 .bea £~~mMtE~ n dm ____________,1..~Lttoaj"Mo ~1IieR.bhJ~e -j-tun J '- mLuinmle* did 0111! New t Qualit ý ,qllmmlmw ý - - -- - - i . re, lmia rm hat 1 'à w m ci1w uthe Canadian racinc mwh bd I Ightm yu a totruth or ta44y L Sies»care aatme. g!.m mdhim-q dIuiJOBN4w thea, m to the t eett ao Futu qaatd MY oe, pd manct as.aMd while treaaan j flIstw el ma m theNoeth-Wet.W»l.pi:=td O this position in 1-6 I - ~.h. I SBI u<medInLlarch, 1M8m0. M À& LB1 E R T A 10WàpaiVà insi"@"la eceipts before me, $2.10w pi,. fiu roeeOenSu a . - i 30 days after r"i.nn.ThF u 0ON SATUEDAYS. 1881. These facs ou could have MM.r O n . . <>5el t h e 1,C a n ý " & l r M l [ r m ta i n d t i t h e r I r o n t h e t r iw n s th îp r t e n Trai he ch.Ea~ Imai~gToe~ uttêSor throqgh me. had !ou u.t l*en reuo. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W r dmiWe o m àiL~~> a"d they effrctually refute thue iadiï D~.mdTtsUlYN.uimamd iremi T 1PORTAIiTUUR j statemut e a Lreeeatadedt S o i , ( c . ga t . b tg i St e . ja m dc y ) , h n i e o i~ 1â ,am c. atod .eia 111U _ _ v era " bet W$"(n Marh, 1 S'ýU, ar.I Dec, Yentb»Midiithe ami wmi. fi ue.9 lltai tbeya"&Trme c ect m the mdr1881 ; but yon rept at hra Pmdb mmdm or e he.m à >'ok for W13NIPC i difflealtyin getting a s',tt.tment &ad eààubbhacme aît Sofomi I>y tht c»M N0R«tbWOOtua n là-, zeeau deny." If thýiimpû A h .,whou expern S cefr 2à Yenn à&il à C h tntioe t . te - L.w -- Rate&. lt " leg>l or any oth*r Iriuc ft fngs hLia anpeob. ly neer betore Mt t h e. lot et fa y Qu cTt u n hrough B "D. ofa Lad ing b . either in tituted ci thr.-.tened in od* p ày m n . . 3 W0 p a g e . b o u ad m ju a n t " fu re n e , , ~ ~N e o c h rz a g b Y ; È t o r c r a s t l m j t i ï a i a î me.u, e bau a rsm v % fl g g uarated Liecne as.te ie t t ~ amacu l. bm a fSoe ur o c ag - a .th - -a eoh "r Thom magiIoeut Sbesmsbis muse beai ex- faIýeh e,-i. Th e b ia's a wav à hûwEd y mak o t ttcoomtry for *L5, Vut ech. 110,0« AX*_r he ,,ny preamly l'iithm route and trndi.,a" - are 1m liabitiry, i hhliability, as t't sg w S b r e f a n d d i n e v m m e u a - P " o r y 3 « o c b , 4 ý f r . & c t , a m i b e t q i p p d a n d f ui r - î a i n e & w a à s e t t l e d a - 4 a h v . h e r e u ~ si.flb y I. tpos * Im i I h t t iv e a n e1e re e i'h ,,i o n lt .e laherS a n d ma e U G IT liI) B y t. t à c m 1 i g& 0 L to m y Iao iy . S e n d n u w . %;' wId n&" ' à'> * a n < ie d E . CIc Rr c r r r . r t u if i f g "1 n O l S i r me. auaUior by lthe Nai..a ea u u d U m Ticke., rat,.a&OU aIl Înfoo au c%&o e abd and Du' iifi'u.îy rip. rir-n ad bV the ol>- to h e Pre sldent i,1 ahre.*. th ( i..aî. P.A - i.el froni cil in getîu.. z a faii and final S Lrttlemect M m omd s 3US C3 c e ' t h" à U d Sil 13 mJ* & ]EL J. SN O N . iw tta- M . &Y 1a b- io r ou kn w of th~e % rspuctiu iri etOw 'rd us Agent C. P. tI. OPP mhfe BeumcaHO a. at- b u h h i'a u p stv~ f TiasSeleace Ot .ae L orth amM re t he younr-- afsaui hihvns oi1.ýT »Ai ~ a w ed une., ut tai.. ,eneatOm h an au W _ 1). x lIT E E W S £ V . firm, or o o n lie * -can s- î: !S .W b e goid mine. 1 eIif..n.a' .l1h sler ____nature ta>," a und have no dt1c.il'v i d: t.V.m u w aim uc - S .F fru'ai r "W IL L A T H Eu a.a a,! lh you carefuhy ' ra -1Swip ws qua.adwu.4 flUtht"ti ý hHgIes CrhPockchrg a lra mdeagainst vsu wou o f v a I y o e - m 1 -h ve been L .a i 1 -te & -h ave -s-een th a i w iuat h e aid w a à th z ThN«eiSt.,' 4Lf .u iae ruinithn -Fer,- to.k yezrs.it je said, to a ctthe Monp Tbe stim.-e ,t Lite rs ai venter 'I le th"r&U S& is 'ITnaep%-,aeuL" After Tou fltùur' in thie u. hu .fttLat>c;I>h 11 f L Li& evate roi. of defendant in. and au Tbe Siea'. t'rLei, a .uperb a.,I xnzterlyil lLI 18muleted indamages kr alandering rau Ir z a o eY Oi ~ oph ym'..a i dehalft y - DeLtr ot h s t fý e w Threrpv. un'me . ...".Delivered at Macdonell' Store- ftbOXi-.s Swi riehauti-on% nmi S.iente of lii. mii fot le uefu, ,httlwrvouth. Houate, Fast W ard. bee n u dr b. mé o nr cautios> m paret. rmrm. nituctr %r cergmalL ;00NLL. hind, J, dep7ioe, and by adding A r >nult. ic PeLi1, dtia... M AUtu-,'- D .it i;i 1,' aLd îherbv avcd o "ih W il. P'a rk r. N .. i L4 n . S tre e t. B o '.to n à -t a y ep - &h 1 6 àC] P qurij~.af .î. u-r.e . tu , r-. uv.tarf-rn- the -chocl bo«da * ~ ç1vlrrVD11~ r onut Horod s.6ip.-S--inV()" eemulyw til'. &L ,à L 'e t >j',->"boar . H e i p-rSona , auJ. a u. Ta3C U aorn., L ha y n>t'.T -'> L 1 *q> -z r Tua VITOaZA w AZD R. *lanlig 'a cerr.aan S ndrliI c a L rtx ma l T, . S p& <'l .w h o la n o t a m em b er of th e Nb t d, ai leLindsay ar e s th. p ms-n* secret .r;, only. T e:ro iti.r, .r. : .'.,uit~ 'aW h-L p - r>Iihm ...... o >.>~ dareil ta>crossi wora wiX ti. hutn r'.'. 'oi'au pp ytéf do due...................... 5t 080 wai.nam O noe.-s. & ys - -ei........ y, o na cz:teitfer the villa-erevh do_ - < de é ........ ....... o.e t.o. uà IT he. latter place l a Straw i1l i s P t O ________fur sping..;@ lm-------------..2 35 te 256' place ad powr b! TottfLi 12t'DW FO A Edo Nlual, do----------- 1tu 36 aeank - y ni* FO LE-do Fait. do--------------- 1 t hese (e. fences rraktiv t An~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~rcn ................' 1wc., oy U~.qr~~------------- 3t 553the 46parSODgo- they derrrrv ajr î har Cbe > :W se 1) \ «tt, Dji pt ur. n X e , rolli.................. 1 z S v p s' d -' u rs - Il . th tL n" blanaeiiAgent. Li -------------- »~... .... 435 to 9-5 starceof * Fair plt~ f Ba:____er_9W - - -- -- - -- -- >toý 60 -m o e t â:.6,b ____d4~ uor ................. W -oo F OR SALE.................: 7> tu 0 auin Ord otat cuDt rjerrUULrs 01 Sb. Paï. . .. ............... @035 to u 3S atrciuusvdiaiuiecag iint h %..: h'Iivrn Md A Ie ac're lo. h4-u a d 'an s. ".' ul Potatues, lur buahel.. . . .. . . 25 toS0 30 S i e 0t a i rt i- l utiyg""~ LOrw' *dlbfl.~.ira S'.ijayd Aplemperb~.................. 1 2à toiotatti. r5h0. ~î;<a~d aree 4,) yr .p-.o. .o~ -Baepr..........1 .ouiNow whtat are the feets r Faufutbep.cuai~ a!'~' ~K* .. ij; Del................. t @<tu6 u0r board The ratepaVerS-; e.o GLENESTER, St.Pti.. o -m >r gp a oa.. . . SI tef12 are ot oneý-have for y- ars, an: .4 a i , p e r b a r r e L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1 o u t o i 0 M c n i n e t o sG O- e l M ý S t ra . e o e @ &. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 0 t , 3 0 0 w u i c n u a ft s , a 1 , e t L L S ..d......................-- 4 00 t. 5 00 ail tresurer fr services rendr- J the R e S. PO RTER 2 *su"4 00Secton. Where isthe wrong C' hsdâ ........................................................................................................................a ne_,, prk. per bh. .............. 0 ] t.,fo ale rec ie d O May Make the recivia.tutmn'. veti Dreo,-il 'I . ,per100 b ............ GO0to fi 00 îhiý w ay an im proper r01ni. 2lt 01 L>&V ~e ......0 0 .,ù50 àdoe Dot. While rcii; . " mnpr ta................... ]LIOte 13 0>) Dot aav hou' or front wla eCuzce-niht Si>.t i'»rrt o ............. ...... 1 00 t015 A " - -'d ' w re 'a ken. (' 35 1 &if4< Flaz ,-el ,,r 00.............O 0'>.4 65 'Now a k'-C11):i.>- Red '>iov ......................... 5 O lo. 550 '.tat2-tak-'a liv the bciri a>-1 ...............................................................................................................................4ht4an0renr,. 'aren .ae ue vt "ae C~U.DtVof Vi.Ct0fl3 oron 10. .v' .. ro ne h abusekiSe-T O »C È LSept ±ü& -FaJl w betam 76t. u bK'- .. .litn A fD E . r i t ri.til'r Of n _______ ______ _______ ______ ____ m aa, s. -~ .S. barWe% 54.. t.>66u - . ; ai , aaê-r Wk.tr.. the tîh no: . r -- n - 39e.. t. 41c î k t vtu 0.0.; IZl. âezs .7. . O J. D R i T F (J> N drmed kog.. pr ct.t., 87.t 4750; chineî akpe iFni J . B R I TOI p&i-.IIkloU.50d uc" er pai. $ùV. C t, j e is eten ea job vou might akt geee.uchoc- 'a3.0 ;tu .4-a.?.. tta.>k banud. for ,he ratepayere 'are evidentI! Ul' butter, rol. 2J. % . ; buttr. tu. OOc'a 0. << b.B uet Drtton lia.. jeel.- .qW per do. 14. %41 5c pota > ft t. an e h arafàr. a le,-. Liium>> 8150 t $17la ayp- tt. iLI o 31460 :mighr thus e-arn -trrîsu zs:ae ol pur lb. 00e.tu Out-secure aiu he-r îerm, and i-rhais beeuome ISSBE F I Toronito CmttIe fiaritet perpetuAl ourate of this circu;*. Tht Catte-Epair, 1t20< lb>..frowu wbich ha&s far ,O 1longadt,112 - m a mua W saBra andl ujwards per lb S0 O O tSOOO -ýwtp& eutfa.ewnd~l Butchews'chaiS a ' 0034 é 34 sîaidivag us rigdtV-rel8Xt n'!tLi-at '%w i ' oo,~00 O031 lu: if u.gt 'ali seng eve of his W,)Id ..~u* Il~ L Lii LUIOLUcommaut," oit4 0rafjîi:e with delihî if you vuitu j Kikt cos, pehead2.5 <0 55 ho protitute ToUr Ca.iar.l>.B:,sr S n g r,2600 W il u ta vo that a sniir -iaaru Vi rS.P epadIm.-hie cou:d be madie, anti that wih the ruh, a«129 Un 2 75 3 25 the whole truth. for its basie. sg105wt (Iyuur ba,-aOM friend SWipes - Is it 11 £ 10 m 2 M 2 50 notorion'. tact tuaI h. prwcitie eiCflf StnputfWI. O O 0ft' longit v>*ars ithout the qulah'fYiflg ant St ffl M.IA u p or q M 04 re ur- t m se nd th tco 01ivi FOR' ' CUn .........a... 0' 0or jte" What about., «givifl tthu b.ttb,é.io..---------~ ibock to vitere ifbelouge" pade ---MO N T---- tu .9 p« Mhim .witb a sharpstick. or drop vor 'O - Lhta 1 te W.5 pethp ar l iay. f tueiue - ~ - Noa5 h... m.. ., - 4 »OuMIS.hafIko o.l Sig 8,1 Ps a Manvers Mud eh Pm& ldb" opi e Et DXLY k-De hapubliait k ,Iwish te p.', tha v varie> Comtplet ia rs, TOBACC m : ami han Rings. et igLTRÂM WATCI 1,Combs an~> Cari%, Swîtcr. Netsi fillof th eae G j. R -1, ep . , r perth &nnu INU $2,50 To bu l'eu ti NOFI Umcsty th site Town of Lia& .1 9 I t e n t; lifting taln M aube n ng" àDriVE Ou thard . -?e CouviU UBibe aturds e %md wailalso 1: ~miagu.The a eOenid vie, AND *Mmm ad -- M n» rpri utS be . te" Il: -br

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