Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Jul 1886, p. 2

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w- B- . ~1 e-0W ~" u -~- moh *«ocr v tai ~. ê ,,enîrn L44,ht? IfSIIWINW. g :~<~$4~~ #U&Y JfLit m twi in rm bu.. ma"C u 4Su. « f '1 wIt . 1UW th i FISUI itUI#w qid eV, D=- -ou *6 6 K..u pu au, ;he dlh.le w . am. - kosptelspu ~, LPé lhffl le ou 119W -le Fil M en11. . *6 bonIh#1'ilmw W*" o.Wu WB< BIf Mà. mu e la ft01 - # SO& i W W k m dm 1 b haui'S JUt U tu. Pi bmn maB 4 4u0@ (>U.#~~~ MrS GuwBMum.T$ e 514#BIU l*h t10 ftCf1nU <n.un wIw - - e4M ~bu am M v~ u w*WM Mta go bdo:., M - v beu w u uod iý &'M 0 a@dmi t sm mi obm boen 4ow b Oum ob' M4Mhff va onug.. *a dmuLtuwe eOu, ONN. uu0W, le.,du.te S .s.MheêmmdJImmh MW"' belle *8 ~ 1.0Wv Md o .oe bmd «» PW m Wume P"«"'lie v.Mhie#muS ga"~Md m vt1 eh.m *1 - me po0 me &86 vl lie - me M d mur1 Pile vu g.wI *us'wu » W 0W~~~ak ommuwtlSeWr- I. w M s UrIUI SEL __ww -.M6, oe Imm --ýw-- -'w--w- -r--lu or 0 I u~ ~ Na s. IL Nd ___ ___ ___ __STOCKTAKINI - ~~MSt FANCY GOg, -maammjaflmO lm t.th" e e tf he --m m'Mla 0mDI, hChurcb, lent __. pwlb- . l as&. - - TAuIdBs8bm %là lu nom b mll b , l ~11BIC1YCLEn 1 iffiom. ra o - u 0" -àb * am- b la em- anim Me ~ - jWj- - b- m l~eu ' 9* kw - eb a mdoo wi Ws m 0W 1Omb te tu l u m e ot ~Ug-wm w ie .,. iea d1 w ...... - ~by 0amoe to;um f-w ge fr eN Ob T* unow N.~ 14@114 et rmm Fa1 e ret i 1u.-W»M»eolg.~. gal -ime m u i ibsu. lwsuMmai.mm edw W W.4 .wmd ~ le '" %M- pb w o.mPin sk.ibmlm au ma We Mrcoup Noey, Pi.bah!. *w*uin Sa lk Nulpsu, le io le w. ulkgmon a kw. puIqW & h4b Ne uuuuEOb M& evub mos w im oi1mdu, ve mm le Cmm IIiTmmwàr A w uni op, 7...h.,wi. vuab WINW 1 w- - LIIH ~~a.u a e.asWve la aman griping, doma Dot ce- 'wffl ot erputfrri- tasloumdcongestkm aud«o many et the amuai atbawticu md. uinin>tri'd lu the fom of Pille.. Ar. Ladies anid Cliii- *mbsnbsvlg the mms sensitive gta. machs take tbis medicine withoiit trou- blir omplaint. CAW.7IELL'» CATUWTTC COMorlti> is eaipeciaiy adapted for the cure et livraN CowiLawn Ayb BzLxtous DI&- orii" Is. -..atAcIm ftowânà,.ÇAYI Le» or Air- SF. TITI. Foîit 41CK IIDCU iD'rrr.psu. i oit Co*mrà PAioS qou Coavrvvnqs. FOU ALL COUPLAJUTS âaEiUG m nt4 DUOMMMuD OSAI0WOU MSiO- 31MW. This modiinebeincg in liquid torm, lie dose cma b. eaâfly regulated te :rtiw't due requlinents of differentper- iii, I.s raking it equally weil id apted til the use of the Iftte chid as -, dm aduk .Pu up l inre. oumce oufrue, and uold by ail dealersil Ph t&c W, 25Cetoa. u1uTis 4& umpa a ow or rdued an«M km nLeu *oR Uood, Acuts«ifChaem eccopnmiecoru, *oWungVou poadmucy. Eud inailcu«es hes m n »EFTCit Wmd cEWTAi STIMULANTlusreM Z ed. q5 the. LIXER !ab 4fond iNvtLu. swa itr au l lea4*rs in MJdiueaý SOL£ AGENTS, NOWEIALP._ IVTm Wta WÂTCBESJEWEMYT, f b boniu. If von vasaIa WIM la»Mr to e h l. lqula towu. Un. -A. by Ag.W lm Pm>m oe NuaDvs Ferla wmk15.Moab@ d jéwo upd 5.1.- M& s i k" 09xbisâE o- e. m-. tw 013f lew bu"* M Rumb ebm m 0@6-blum boue tm-:-- a tOMBER, UTH ~1off dit, MILBUP BRICK AND TILE FOR TUE MILLIO'S. LIN DSAY B RICK& TIlLE WORUS Mr. Neelada has had aImst unpaall- t n in ful Uar I . ed gaucceu in the un e af this anomthetic ' trt o r m te t " in Canada. Admainistered b xmCflat e tentmi t e hat ar .taaiiy for 19 aboliyemr. Rhmlasex-as rue an get mûre dry >hteds ert,.tW L tt.éd s»mmy sa 213 teelli wth anc 1getting a tile nmachine tt 'î dias., and 1h atient lesvung quite well to 1-0 t.boueand 'lie uer eav.We'n sud atron.g. Mr.Neelands naea~ the market fuilx . , iv. 1 of<bs no m acudera'Dr. j»inthe future. Tic 'ar a'-,- cii atudy o hsacshteudrD.from the Lindsav -tati 11. ands"e Colt=of tNew York, the first persan with thIL IRLR.b% à. X :tn.- - who gave it forextracting teeth, and who loat dit.ct from :0ie kiilr.s.ti - t eiu -- hm idmfiflhKtezed ilta o146,000 persona of teaming tO thc,,e .: r. r t1 withoirt an accident. rail. AXTIFCIAL TEETH 1 THOS. FEE i C inserted n Enli h Black, Imîeil, B.d snd Pink Rubber, also on God AI- in-a. JIv 17th, aSSS. rsgn rom 310 ta3OU for an upper orÀ --àdeat. The best af matera used. - Teethflled .4 blast a lius ime. Msny- have becui inserted for over 20 yeaz. Cildren'a teeth extracted for hafpie Permons from a distance will plese und poutal card before coming. LINDSAY Opucz-Sext door to & Smytu'a store Privais eudence - MMi Street neait CHAIR FACTO-hi luit, Lindsy. 4 (JlearÎng SaIl i. M - - ou à a 9V W. H. GROSSe ilastat, Liduay. Over2t%.pars'experience. If us«taut Rartiflelal Iodla that are beau- hire Ify. want a ut of luth tliam r durable, af WC asaet ofteeIb tta e couforba"l. lem= a set of ltt, liai are life-like ini V Bif you ant a ut of teeth that ill a ud mak-e your nioLth sore, if vou r t eelth that are perfect, in etanz, muh~ d ail otiier important p&rtlculansjgo si =i Do not; get a ut of artilicial teeth on -, ~ ~ ~~~~i 5 emlubesteyare injinious. Ru JZr. OM a a Yu a st on pure Enacish lak lBW*r. GeMd or Platin; tbey are the bu& PUWP cWWy Iuel with gold if dered. &a qPpror amibeut fron t *35. Col- mi rbPmplit.(red or uaroouu) maie for poumW" uhut thum vrir4liIED AIR- Sbut m.uMadkuwu fer unike *of ath' PËR;Plususu se " M' W"te e- THIE CANADA LIFE ESTABLISIIED 1841. amw w a - x*qow in nos "ImadimaAvu,. 3n, or *wyMý«c«a ua 'vi, 4g~ i. t~ ~ Inteud extemar.g the:r mnuf&l ut Vo bave sal &ge ,tock of ? x..ftt1~ wwhwewiu Bell at o .d 1 Caflanti se our t.'- . . pucba'tinszeLsorbere. We arc bu~ wmtroom for the larigCt a. Ingatpresent. Ail 1work v.arranzcdt :~~~ AflklfldSofi>WoOD UE change for Furii' Eumember the place, oppù- e "&,y Statitn. Lindsay. ltt K"m u b&k.xoenz'ADVICE. Place Your order IF. K 13022 ROIL IOTEr, ionce-so as to secn a mmm ~ uwed.one of the firstshp ou*---immment -witb. nmuoom# viiose j prmiu. bme mfiy bmnn t&" up im ood oclebca *ut.du. otul, Md itii. puw bli mb àwEWUN,ê~AzzLZ.5015 icetbbut a.uOhtiMi ut"""m' *m.Un a n uppfludw" Hthelti JNSY N. ~i3TEI misK oft l.~qmrs m ouIM Large stables à 8" u a ttetiveitl duer. e nt for bicycles an dt ri cycis ~ uENSHtEal hs be à Lindsay, arch 16, 1t.~- roimwt*rtaIuimmOS afl bewntiIuily ait- E. B. »E&Z~ ~A.iug placefor tiiebunta iMioshe a.. <Uoe~-Imam, Mdosin ae befAiUtl ue ttlii. hi laway in th Boy4 *. I DwLN.a ra n -az . k "ha 1e. couing t h] --. ~ ~ ~ 5* kv ~saesi it . ownetb uni. ta lem as 4 ouIa. iv b.euri1rO To OUI iThe hot-& DomimParti" .om£ ta et 5 a ]l,@mdm losit.qbilan, ZCorner Bond and Lindsay St W. A. 1A5. J. 1. 1TN, LA. - b C II V. C. P. Gad.ute On- 1Â i LWLIdAe iu chmiroVtu-y Trn mt.. iu. qouteedmem flb un-f0 LUXBE, LATH. SHISNGLES AU Auui @'E&%£Am. HuE'Lo rt=7 diel A-0-jPICKMTsOF ALGRADES. AUa GlAE &NâcUICI. mm rot, lzt ceNutiodst Ciburch,mnd wti BOBCÂYGEO-N LIME IN BAIB!II 5* à MCMRR. twalne"W o lis. I~NBULK A.ND CORDWOOD 7Mi f ~ t m w mma____ - -t LC. -cLAdom Y.oeIV* . EYE, EAR &TH ROAT __ DR.6, S. RYERSO% OM*fnS. am"-mmmo d tetheL. R.C. P. S. E the » 5. B n-d miL Lectixrer on the &ye, Lar and Tbrcst, T-_- =%=Ia m MedIMmb% gcalCollege,TCerofto, Surgf teon, m ~~ Eye andi Earlnfirmary. and late c :Agm naval London Ophthaimie H.usP;ta.MR' e and Central London Thîcat andi Ear .ç Coneultinp Surgeon to the 0~t m!~ 0 111 Blind., Brantford, and fur the Dtaf rDi, S Belleville On t. J. -EELX&ybeconauted at his rsJ-e A. E LiND Street.Tcionto. Hu la .- HIJWW! si*p in WUITE PIRE BALSAI ~~ CIU, HscinSS TESTINON!ALSI 1* l il ib om IaSa l LI.,hIl¼thJ th r jACKSON, Gscler, LindsSY' ra P.uha sIoug t olJdD BlssniD . BAY, wo M . dry.umN.A",] jKmUTTO LOAN. Pitut. Trust, Mdi Cempiy RuaisaiIowment su rtum Md u amio umato miborrowrs. Vs Me PtpmÈit. u.g.Uaemcn4ht lose st 0 M 7pa if et ,y..ly, o onrd nenriI. 1ev. d..u.wAl t fl'T.WAL"rV 1 g; 1 lm the wcI1d* 0 gUTE ûpiedý .ana eh a 0 gratie rored th r ..... M uts at 1' L CLSI VlaW t tbi bé u ks latc-r ingtuLa One .0 d on tiit off the dly luan i waytr Th,?4' dward' si for tl uleu L f Bally< friand, lad\i l the to te. ater othy an' vigorol fields Qi be sea Cther setit pri cultu rie 10Hugùe in th syhva ot a gîl ted tt niziit 01 aretdol bishop held cc hn'setc , the con.iru iphilisopi n Riven uce at ofa 1 0 bille. eleu ti. vara Pi ro. JOI Walsh, c-d p blackî faiah uAL &i 1. phiID,, . li, bot dog. t. sWO 19h a 1 w b MOUlT TO WOAN ou Ruas propifty en Ibem met brorahle ea * W fy se . D . 3] M R &K MgozUlTTo LOAN. »MM Barm às & .1un 1w lmadlng at 6 i S. OSsut e.Lt. E Sunex up- stgm mu t o tado Bath BAllO & Tà lent IL. LiuubY. IMOUl To LOAN -m ftuaNbbt mm4 aopopb l i iatat. inft b. bewr ulwLomS aISIX par MEL Prifflooamb e mivos wqfy *U~~UImESm mtN14id VaIwéw *ppubn.eo& n uct bm AmUtas WattKent jm, LhboVj. Abv dmb»Muw u immu -p - mner, ommty viouri. mm- ugltlýa..,é&. Ut l-TNEW. Mwa qflt o Imm. a.u Met E. LUNKOum iimu mer etlaa m - am -0 v ý " = Bw w là»- - IMM.MbEvIIkIf Tim OLDEST ESTABLSED 0F- iicE ix,,Tis PAR~T 0F CANADA. GASi-.VITALIZED AIR (Ho cafld).

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