Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jul 1886, p. 8

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APRIL m'tà ;886. mv, Â,.,YfUUmdS#I8Ouiv~toekO< 'vEI~7-a GOODS. SPEOU ALTI ES. MILLII¶EB SPRING y, HOSIBBY AID GLOVES, PBJŽTTS AID GII¶GHÂMS, EMBROIJERES0 We bellovo wo are showliig ib. mou attractive stock of BATS To b. found la towL C LOTHINOS w. ~ h~v~ in StMck Boys' You~hs' Sud Men's Clothing. RAY& 00. Cor~r ~toi~e1 Doheny Block IHEONT~RIOMUTUAL LIFE ASSI; ftANC3 CUKPAEI. lires lise ~i I~i&, 41881, oevui'Imq Xtlmvanc. 4w' .A mss ~i ît<' oaaii inocule aow avetaqoe p~*r ~1.00<l 41'. lite ONIAMO guavmnlou .~t~t5é4tVAtUfl flhetmn ,.rcttVaustc, tbevthy maatilinp a meuler $0 kmev u<~ipuiaef~alep0lI0y ai any lima, amI vtih~ OMOs et ~ou.sltV. f b. ~umipalIv hotus fuît tapi fisosive. on a bais lt 44151< pet tant. hIgitO)' lima lb. Oovernaont <I ko ~ n hy l'h. CaSait.' Mutuel sheuli ai eloel<cl lu nl.n4lug~~Uftl'N~ 1. Itoosen ~ ~. nutniy. ose cf lIt' largo mii .seaouhi~g a~.oîa. O. Boueuse Il. man~eUio5t .. prudont~ econ401a1 anti vootSVV vo, 4. r<au~@ Il ta' a t'tV'nrt, VitiufOnt'. anti pftigtOfltv t .iiip#kny, It itgcaeitt' il. MWpIION dlvîdeudea a. ~e aIWa>1' t*oio <'3<tkwiitOlhIy llbofSl, thus npid- '~ 3f<ltiOiflff th, CO~? ut s~'ufhflee. 6. ficeauso *.. Compauy leas <'~"~ E'\eftll.d TUE OwfA5OS ~< il, ~ata'ien~tIat'~' ivilia whloli lb pays Ils e.'ahi lsreo" <îlot 4'~mpatly bas ne ,ilap'it<4 or ,"....lut.d c>aîwi or, Il' boku~ Anti, 7,3.uuse .. ~ lia lite amufano. ta Ibo ,..s4 le ho h :aît'1510t4O of 11. fobior. grenaam 014 prcAf*"'~ 1 A, UIU&UTXI 18 (iefi#1Sal Apnl, LladmaY lul.lvkl, R.s. PORTER OfllCIAL bsn ~iI Mauî~ap tii~eess -Peu- Co~t~; ot Victoria, - ~ J. ~RITTON 40< .ls. cf hwk. ~, hw* ha. Uu~J zuBU~ o, luuhlIt LIcE. W4r lie ~. guohiL DAN DUOU Tome BlUers. Dma4uliam Toeio SPEGIAII TO FÂRMERS~ Impoeted Pure Paris (freen - u - p< a -- I flA~fl I '" ~wu~~q.ww ~vw~w _______________ ~ St by~. Uw wgh 1~sw*L MImMhILIvr F1 SALE. ~1;'- ~oeiB~~ u~r - -~ 189 LOT I~B A :~i NOSMI Woek n ~gj~ ~ nI P~ut ~u.ns osier ue.n ;aho s tri. ni ~ bns~ ~ h - ToUS~nd 5e m.sM miaseN. ~j~W5d M~*is,1w, dklsg~ vniih~ ~ or 5-usas, Â boni 5ev. .n, ~arie.u ai un acre e ~ * sud 018. R eholos huit tries. NÔ sv 15! ah sosie sud <4 ekni. ilsoson, P lOVU. 11.0 LOUIS ni U - d1 osé esset vhtab b Inmluahte, Se tonal b~*s Lqi. e, - siecit tva a~ bsys*' ehevo vU ho muid ebnp n insbi In-. . - honni AUPiF 15?. UUA~T. £ O ~ ~, ambommot coma, 1.0 aiR, w boa Use yen lu ovary sasse litas ny ofiier K ans (M laie Sf 1 Nemi. ver k neli lu Ibis oeuubry Sot 55.55, cr1110 usuej - vili h. nluaded lu every lmatnaes. Pries em~' l'h. aub.oeiher o~ ~ mie et te ment bitaS ~ ~ lutralivo uiupo fris boise h. sUs amOur b.y tii. Natiesosi Medicul Aaaouluiq, et IIBtIIOBB, lUit, moi bj RlOh5td Mark; lelhOI'N5MSM <4 whtch.tb. Ilota. P.A. 51usD, oloos byNt. Eeabou £lme'a, uesrPluaaaut Point. sud eoboo oUceru oU tIi. Uoavd tho ruade ul GOU4 ba1Mi~II, sud seurlo ail oluatd. 1h. SouIb-East Utby hhOUshuos <41.85. la ventit mien te Ib.ymi~ menus et lai N.,-- tasbs Sel osa. et sud uduih.mmed usa oS Oua geneniloa EawSu~as, sbeutdo aoem ctaarud; geel huilé' <4CsIhEurnI& B.d the alivor mises lngs crs I. ne botter lamaI thaa thase tus 7. OAvooUcls. tarma. Parties pum.huluç usa bs.ve-th~ir ova l'h. homes <4 Lite peints cml Oie rocia anti lime for payrnont. Titi. lndiuputabis. Fou pst- qulolimandu un whloh tii. vonalltntl<ti and hopes ticulars erqulie 0f the evuef, Peusoaalom k, ofmuiyarontig mua bave been tatalli cvrock. pluvine as sain me y tkid la euafy tuue- O<L-M'OIWAISf*T Nowr. atoly J~er ~ GLEttUan. ~ Tii. Solesos ni Lite lu et gnuten vainc than aIl Joue 231h. IS3O.-23-1~. iii. modomi verba publhwlied ho tht. co5nlry k, ____________________________ ________ FOR SALE. 'v.. Pvon. Az improved au~!~sizable faim et e:- Thon la me obovef meolety b wbun Eh. Octane. of LIh viii net b. ueefuiwh~tI~TyO~itIi, parent, guardian, in4tuet'OWCtaTVIUSU.- ~ Peuiody <edical Iîî4tItiîta, et Dr. W. if. Pariier, No. t 20115011 Stroct, Boston, Eau., wbo may bo oonaulted ~n ail diamasa n. oxperlence. Chrontc and ebsti- qUii~<~, have baIOed lii. uidfl et ail Uiach tr.a*.cd un- dbSIU<WWIOUt An'¶~LI~. oU fallure. IhntI<M Tire Waaoua, Unduiy. I >n~ -15-I y. HENUT HUGHES, UmtSsty Ia.pectoW. Ooe, Lindaay 4reet., oest bush gwaet.-2047 4 NY NÂN maklng under tony doflar~ weekl7 aheuld eianiine RldpaUi'u' IllosUaSSi orld."Ibe bout i*~'k on e~rtb ta unake money wlth: S outilla Ire. i.> tiiose meanlng buais'ea.. SALON 8AO'THIJ*I. 1~ Atielaide aUeut La~4, Tonoto.-U41 TEAOHER81_ATTENTION. Tii. PrIncipal et lb. Kclectk Sborthand and T.lsgraph Institut. Toronto, i~. otluntng apectai tolIiw $0 teacher~ Juninir vacation, a~d wlli b. piomni ta anawet Boy queutionS re~adlng ho aui~ <4 tii. Eclectle Ojuba. uS Shoruhaml os.r ail ethen. ietthafld taught hy mail, et doriag JAEU A, MclLWAT~, T.I7TaJj~h3. uni L:!ectlc stre~t WfSt, 1041 Toronto. Ms88 WALLAOE .eders for I~w ~g oni u~w-4~. Rafler a niaIIy. Lent minet, ooni.r cf Sumas TeaolwrsaumdStudonts IXPEOVE yeuvself lu Peniuansbip Dooh.heep- irip. buis.. Tonna. hhosthauid. t,~ttiug, Teiegzaphy e Chemiatty by tak~ng a ai lii. Sawyer OoI1q,~ NerL-h eeura.-bes< misS-bout equipped dqavtmenis-mOst practieml et lb. htnd mev i canada,-'?he Pnm cox & coup, STOCK BROKERS, Menthe,, Toroubo Stock Lichait'. 15 Topinto et., Toroato. LINDOAT UANCH.-Ne T Eoo'a 51.0k, Liai US J. E. LNOWLSON, kasiger. DIrect ihes vi*h Toreato, NomInal, Nov Toek ni Chuo.ge, gIvtuq eotinuom munet quoo.Uafs. AIl aseuitties duait lu thesa esésuSus b.ugb$ k, maveunsat or o. UBqIn. Ilal~mbh quotstles. <4 Hudsoaa ~y, Neetb- sud ether Bock NURIOIn.Id5h~ tons waated. J. N K~tOWUON. 15154 Nafhhur, Keai Ut.,LIu~V. Te.su jmLL summum Sa Dhaaalau umnawa urus ~oyuIeu, i uuqi.mnss. s s vwau, Hq sud Manure Forks, American sud Canadian Hay Rabs, Eztr. Jork~ShoeI sud Ho. Ohio Grinds*omes, Hotus Pohu AN.wLooiSyImII~ Spd. md Sbor~ TE. E.i md ~usput DdI~g Kmdwoe~ ~ Iahh~ W~ Pdy, Ena Dooe HIq~ .~ TE. odohahi ~ St ~1 GRAIN AID PROOIJCE M ERCHÂNTS, Bethau~ a~xd FTaukliu. Sghout mariol priospddhr pain cfaD buda - a..~et Se jour. j. J. niou. moew. ?OU'CHD1J. *1 T.tMqbpIeCL - - "ESTURION" WUI - ~Iy oS Se hIeu~ lboe TabIs Ea.wLh~iI....DJSOU ni SOpu Armas U*pfl.. lape. ~ SU ~ ~*~poe P~ -6w. OS Uatui.~~lm.ue,= ai ~m*~ I-rn - ni NoI~. lb. Cu~ Padh - K~ Pm~ A~ U~Ieb~ I ~ NoeB~W. ALSERTA * collent land. wUhin hait a mile et 1h. .oepotitlion of I4~2duy. baing 1h. U..~ luams ~ j~ X. ta t~s BIb Cnt. et tke Twamblp et @g~ 12u) under cultivation, 30 et which are uawly be~tdhid clown; tho remaining 30 beixig rood pasture lanti borderng ou 1h. shora oU i~he Scugot River, with dry gnasy b&'~km te 1h. wuler's edge. Tbere sas gaod corafortable baildingi thereon, vi:: abrickhnuae.tIAflIO bora sud stable, wIth a spnng weiIofwa1eriheY9a~. Pou. .eulonwill begiven afterharveat. Trams ci maie eamv. For paticularu a~>ply te D. HUXTER on 1h. promues or te MARTIU & ROPKIIqS, Ba~t~, Lind. uay.-27. 1w. 100 Acre Faim For SaIt lu tii. Townsb~p of Nariposa. Goo<i awI; good buildingu; beln,~ n.~rth hall oR let2anduioV1hBIfOfiOt4inLl~L~hcûn Ou N.. I FAE~Xther. isa large haine h~'use; *lriviug hotu'., witb batiezuent for pi« pen md rnot~., ami a i r~e brick furnace for cookiflg feud; iar;Cf hamn ~ i ~* wjtb ba~ei1seflt. In $11. beat r eIcuiti~atufl. wihh c..n,.,krabiO fruit. ard ~.bade tne: .,ood fonces; 90 acrea cleazed Tbh' is 005 oS Iho bealfarusain the townuhip. Oit NOS Vomi, a good tram, houa.. f rau hum anti stable uni tout b..ur~c; 7U acres cleared; youflg orehard. vicejy h,~armg. Tlui lu a nod faim for a man :~ maie money ont of, as cunqiderSbl~ ol tho land bas luit been broken up and bas net bec. crupyed. *±j miles tram CanniuigtOfl, 3 tram Woodvjilo. ÂppIy ta GLU. JOHNSO?4, ou tii. premisea or by latter, Cannîngbon P. O Ju~c 8, I<I8& -2041 8~&LE~ 182 Aoess of Goo4 Laud fr sale ou Easy Toe'nmu. Tb underuigiied an autboriisd t. seil liii ~uswt.73 CO,1~ onS lfaoeO., belmg itehea lai G~. 11. ta Ibe TwmrMl ai 0gB, Victoria, 80 Bons <4 vbloh mchoaed sud z~n&l.r cuitivadon, Ibm ~ad belng veed be& Thu. la s eo~otahls nov Sinus hotus, on a utono Iowda~ioU; B ~O bain Il z 30, wlth a 1o ou the notth iii. 15 z 71, Bnd other oui bouma thereon. Almo a voung erchard et bout 100 choie lieBrIn.~ fruit trees, vlth a gond weiI sud oah.rconvuwnuau. Tba. faim can b. par. bBmISd St A bargai.. For furtiier partlcuiaii spply ta NRS. Il. B~OKNlEE. ou hO vro~ perf y. or b NANTIE & N0P11, 2545 UolcitaW L~j. W. S. XATWUEWS * oe. WUL FAT TEE Highesl Cash Price wIalIARLE!1?E4S& OAJ~ Deiivoeed at Macdozwil's Star. Houes, Basi Ward. ALEX. MAGDONELL lin' Liady. Sept. 9th. 18P~& COMMERCiAL oevica ,,, Tua Vwru W~n, LnDs*T, (10?., July 1Mb, ZOOS. Liniduey MarbetS. Syfu i. d................- 15h51 Urlag do do .5h.? Benne do do............. SLabEl ~ do Val), do ...15h25 FIoor.aew pUosmas.. ..... I 5h * S VIo.q, uéaed. ~............1.5 h '.3 8Sre~ bakema................'.5t. '.5 mmriey.pishuâeL............ Puas, 4<> -..... PaIBz&ek................5151551 oas., di .~.... *51551 teOa0UspOt~OI......... 15SI lpIwpkq~... ~. ag..........-..--* oeto*e S~ *~eî I *1530 VL.........*.......... 5171.53 Nous.............~ 5....**1.5O UhUk, pur bOS. ..........~..U*15UE 8*15 su Uap. - ~ une 58 ~zzzzz ~' o S *1548 - ~ N. o* 0< lb Bikit, ~ ~ i.n ~ fate lb aminé betty mmii IiIaed ai Christ, Bell, 55<135.................. 151 diva la tait ss ami has bsn mué o ~ 0< aibar unauriptaual doctrines Gallon, Chas l4~î * ~sd ~ tuB lb lb ~ ni. ~ mvnted, I viii ~ ~ Landsay, Chas i4~ * m~<4~~ ~ lb ~ 0< ~ y~ go-~ be-de OÊ~ 15u, Osiiertut, Allis............... 14' né lb ~ . lb ~. A~ii ibfr Wij vo no ~ namely, lb ValIses, ~.............. * h~n e. ass~sg 15 thon 0< uupal ~â E. adapte fer exaardfag Boîta., us * ~ity vi li lb voué 0<0.1 vMé vo ami ber amlLnity- En, Velijuglea euE lb~. J i~~Ii~ ~ Hie .ublb H..dsnso..CemuâO. *- * t~, if lb 0< d~ 15 Valtens, moche i bsn ~b lb - ___ né lb bsU~ fa - If ~1~11~"L Vu.?~ . pou~rH ____ ~ q~ lb é~m ci lb ~j ~M% .<dVusoi&t.. s ~Srn " d1u~~bs~lb ~ ~ni nimba lb I>amsp Efflufai Aiftué.... isI ,a~ri~'% if - Un ~ "' ___ ~ n-nu b bs~uq, - nu. Uné~1 ~ ...... ~ ~~UsP01 b lbu*~ -~ Hibsa, Vu..................y T~sb ~ ns ~ - ~~uiti Wm..... .-.. ~b. El.mrnL~........... ~ A~-.............. ~ ~ b~ ai~ ; falb 0< lb voeu. ns ~. Eus........... - ~ b ~ ~ Vu...............-~ ~ - ~ Sgte.iui Embol....... ~*~- -- ~ Amafa................ ___lbUs b. lb ~ 0<~ unsam~ -~.............. ... . Il i~ Euvam~ Vu... ............ y -w -- ~ Embut............... -~ Job., ~............254 ~ - ~ - ~rn5 Jla... ~**....-.......:251 Ip~3~dlb ~ V*~ Vu.. -......... .0 FB, - - ........- . .156 1, ~ hi b .wsyoi iyparuuaoio.~ - ir~t; w. - le uamiIoq~~ ~ by -- bat by aWgumout~; wik lb. word, net v*th our T. JUJ.T --~ ~ ~ liaI 18 ___ -. ~hmwm. L WbyO I s P~o~au$?" ~~.aIu~iI taa.~ItaI~i5~ Lb. un e< religion, 1h. - - uni net fortet ibis -a,. - - Tha quuit- IIURyUIAd agaiuat morne ~ k dli. w~~~oUn ~ Whn protestants persecute RUS. ~ ~.j, ~ - ~I~'- ~. cata ci litait own ~ - ~ mué a direct position suai ~5m pen500UilOii lB ne exetie ~. y, n~aja am~~riug. !b. ulsi na mhefl j. bal opiroga nidigenons sud I *1k qé.~ 0< - the mail itieli. Persecution tue e.ly - ~ ~j. oea la by protestants, net "' mach 0< romanista as e~ po ibjulsa la n-S- lb. pi~ 0< mon I ~ g iaiioe's o~'ni~~~ ~' .~ lb. ~ .,ny. b. humé iii Uic Church of ~me; ~ hg~ Ak the. m.IC1I il w.S whns uni.. ..~i ~ chaiity, vho would net bnd t~. d.oreed uhat ta .ouatriU vinas l~s pe- ~ fluonos te BEY systea cf perseci~±i~ jE. ~é ..mi.auaé viat vas oalled 1h. u.ev Inihfl p.uué ~ ~ vo rut eut But "if 1h. spirit of perseCutio8~ I ltiS~~ ushumon, Sbey coulé eoml~ liait vorsiip P'<4~ ji ~ éuo~ 0< lb. oh~~~h 0< 'fi th b~.il 0f the cathelie ~ lb. juacificatien mthe bock OU popery, lu tue dîci~ mutila genetal COUECIISI~ b. eallod1ut helen (3o4. lIA <ietincils, rn the histery ai its liaI mli. e.iBntiB us> Rumuan CBIIIOIIC T. lie qunlions "heur osa s n b. mail ni the fulrninatians ai its h. allowsd te boys thî churcit, sud liaI met viii God,' "wbsl unat I do t. h. 5.-Tho concealed me lb. Reforurers ceeus ptuaehiu< aay, mail aawr w by the pe.itefll .id juatiftee Uic means" ~ The - .very doctrine, net Unad by lb. ~ ~ ~j~'Wa~s, thal ~ tic Jesuîta~ as their chaine1eon.~8 ~, Churci et Borne. Againi this ducialea jutufiblhl by foui, ta christ whoco sloae atI~~t5. But I have no tîrne topu~ nx Lathersa princes sud thirteen deputin iueal boa procated eut rsésmPliOuI. Il la 1h18 well known characteristic ai tue sy,. 0< Imi>erisl tvua .ntoesd thoir peeteat, lafr thon thBt 000 050 forpve 51315 taliL Before i conclude I must refer to tht n ~ mens lima tee peofrat- ~ usais 0< Ju.~ ci~rist. ~u' Rom. vay ni vhich we are te protest. fig 8<SIni lbo~U ~ ptst~ ~ ~ esu faiV' mina, By fixaI tue manifestation o! a1 lins 0< Bonnen t~,e b mtly pester Bué abs bas fat reno.a, vo may aniaro- oiarity toward roman cat unn to-day, ~ué I ~wqne titis evenzng ~ inyonted ~ ~ 0< ~eaaI monstratxng on our loves the ~ tom.pgaB feveflie usny remuons w ~- grecs. ~ maya te the fluenctofBibhiUhriatianit~. ev.ry loyer cf God anil humanity shouid "Do penaixce" burdened Uic truth and aro the cho~dr~ utoteat, sud litaI, tee, viti ne bateil imiter, but Christ sud bis aposties neyer lot us walk in the light. i r we u~j~ ~ bruati, againut ber unacraplai daims au±horized auci a condition cf pardon. tho Word cf God do,,not let us sud doctrines. a Thon there la taught lite poople the itbyuniely live~ lit. I protest againat her daim te ho fesuful doctrine et "indu1g-nce&~ Lot But once more sud I ~xdI ~ conimdered li, truc church, Uic chutait me bridy trace 1h. history oU Ibis dcc- !~et h. beguiled jute any tL&flS eatablished by Christ sud hlm aposticu. Irine. la 1h. primitive church seven te lncroase the pover ef ro.iaanj~ TUE ÂPOSTLE ~ I penalties v~ inflicted upon those who needful that von h. Ofl yoU a bad been guilty of any sons sud veto at the course of the Queb~ Uic roman catholic church affirms, vas prnrticnlsrly prohibited frein partaking ot reiatiou to the cardinal rew. * inveeled by Christ wilh anthority' the Lord's supper sud frem communion bv Rame, sud at some tru k:i ~1 :ij oves lie other apostiita, that h. vili Uic churcli. At Uic c-uncil cf Sic. serving protestant pelitizia~, who waa cenalituted firat bisiop oU Borna, sud permission vas given te Uic bishep~ te j dovu before the greal cardinal that the pope. are bis legitinials anodes relax or remit these penalties as t!±ey had set up. The most de~1.r~t- ~j son. Nov the patrons of titIS OplUIOR mhould thlnk bcd. Evcry favor of this i terrniucd efforts axe bein.. ~ cannet show by suy gcod anthority that kind vas caileil an indu1~snce. After tic roma~' catholic church te obtaij~ <. Peter vas ever ira Rome, uer that hc~ this pover hmd bora exerciseil for corne trol over the legisiative t.nl aca~no ever a Roman hierarcit. The evidence cf time ihe Popes began te abuse it sud dis- insticutielis oU the province ~f ~ bis mojonru lu tho iruperial city 15 Dot bis- covered litaI il coaid b. made amigbt~ She allies herseif with mv :~'*'v ~ torical, rut i, .lni[îlv traditîoiiî'i. H~.tc,7' instrument te aid their ambition and every parly that vu do L-- bi.~ij~ on lie aubjool for at lesat a century after aisaxicc. Rn Uic llth century vina Uic Protestants need te b~ o~ bis pretended tidi is a lîlajàk. Net one et I pover cf lic Papacy vas rislng te ils The oid nationalities cati ulor. '. ~ Uic vriters ira the Nev Testament gives ns zenith thay retused te cenfln'~ the grant- vax.. Spain sud France auJ itaL~ ut a hiat cf it. Luke. Jau~es, John anti I lng cf lndnl~eace. te matt~rs of mere caliing te ns, bidding us take waruinz Pani maintain a profound silence about j ecclemiautical discipline but e~tcnded them the histery of romanism iii tS-ir te+v. Peter's popedo:aa. Paul wrote a letter te te Uic pardening et aine sud Uic shorten- jas, and la building Up aur n~ 1he church aI Renie, sud meut salutations ing cf Uic duration cf future pnnishmeiit. j te h. on ourguard against the u~rI- la Christian frieuda resideLt there, but Bail hue beau bestoved gratuitonsi! ami insiduons iniluences W~L -~ tharels no mention oU hisuending greetlflgs upen penitent prenons only, there vou]d a weakened sud enslaved tLen~. L-: :î te boa holiio eus Pope Peter 1; sud from net h. se foui a stain upon the history cf spesk plainly against the cur~e a: s2:e * Borne ho vrete semai eplatica, on vilcit titis practice but for money these indul- i protestants in sending IXe:: chiBoret b. apeaks of those vie vote promiiienl n gences vers grsutad.le litre mout pro. rooxiali couvents. Botter let vc:r lic churci there, but hou' atraligo 1115 Bigots sud abaadcued sud liaI tee ren do vithont the accomr±~ornens ~. that h. nover onco speaba 0< Uic sovetegil I wbile Uiey coutlnueil openly te indulge quired there than subject t~m ta t:e poutihi lnutesd, hovevor, lit vriting te la titase abominations. And Uiey duences et these places. :.y:.er" the Gulaliana h. maya: "But vian Peter did net acruple te cmli these "plcnaiy te- enongli protestant schoois auJ c vaa corne te Antiocit I vititsl0~d hinii te mimions ef mii aima, past. present sud Un- I tins country. Lot us w:p- lite faîe, because b. vas te ho blaruod." tare." To give a bit cf culot sud sup- ihis repro..ch agalnst us, anal euli~r * astruioge WSYfOtS1DB11~51~eSk port le titis iniamous tralflo, il vas de- nemoreiheprincipiCSWhiChwewaZ~ lima. teaciera Ihat Uic super- children te cherlsh and en .i~. Pmuzl's day tala monatttlOUdOclIflle vas Un abundant menti oU Christ sud ci bis Uaith. I deceived b~ Uic ides ihat ne ett.rt knovn. At the tinte of Paui's fixai 3.fl~ fui servants formed a fond et wbich Uic te weakeu the attachmnent ot Iro:e~: aver la Borne, ana vitea he IIaj la liii roe vas Uic mole manager, sud aI ils ova chuidren on protestanlsno. I crffl: duageon avaitong martyrdefli, vhcre vas discretion ho can dispense lieue te wbom disprovtr sncb a supposition. lu s Peter' Certaini! net la Borne. Had h. lie chooses. Il vas Uic offering et these net fax froua bere a you ug laJv c*is berna there, auroly if ha vas lis biuhop off indulgences litaI se srouaed lie great Re- lova vas told bv eue et tLat sr3ters Itu Borne h. vouid have stood by lic apeutie,. tonner et lb. 101h century. I viii quota I Heurv the VIII atter be di~d sat '~. bat Puai maya, vitea writlng te Timothy, tic languaga et Totiyel, one of these traf. bis c~ffin sud cursed the day he becane that only Laie stood b! hlm.. Peler him ficema :-" indulgences are lie mcml prec- I protestant. This is onlv eue ea~e anii~ self viols lattais te 1h. fuilitlu.i, but tbey loua sud sublime ai lb. gifla aU Goil many. They are suent vhen siiecoe r2 ver. net viltlusi from Borne la lies. Titis mmd orous hua as mach efficacy math. h. moat effectuai sud fail not t spes lol~5 ha naver lii~t1OU5 biS 5UptUfl"CY. cran et Jouas. Tiers is ne Un se great when uc heur of attack arrives. Boy vey diftent tii. vay hie letters titalilcannet remit. Repenlance la net While careful te preserve c..r ~r. ' trou ~L liaI <rom ~'~dr~s aut entsa.ie rr t fledcuiatv. i.,! y. tradeuxuen, yc vives, chaity~~.ii~~K neither ga~. nc: £Z'* lu modem limes, la vhich titey BS5UIBO 5 je motion, y. young mca, hear Uic voice hota, Uer penalties, ner prisons, a~cwu~ marvellous number 0< prou' .ud boasiful I et your froandu cryuag te yen from Uic Uic fnUest liberty te hold ani to l2zsi tilles, int0kdod te lanpre sud <1.1mb. IbR I bottemicas pit, 'Have yen ne ritY; uc opmniunrebblag et ne civilright aug votarsas et lu drusdful ajatoin. WheI1 are endurng terrible tonnent. A 5mai for ne panai bond, ve mus take - - lie qiniiefi 0< ~p~tehi~ a<LPOria)rlty WB5 f.. vIl daliver us, sud ye cait, but will asdid eur brave pions fathers hy tLc .LtL'~ :2 euhi~itled te lb. Savieur, vina Hue min- net give il."' "Tic very moment." muid j eur faith aad cry lu the bOL ~ 2: Istua sakeil Hlm," Who is lie greateet ~" be, ' Uic money rutIles mIe ibis bei, I eut vezxtb sud la the temples o: a~ u~i. ha snawered mi dufferenlly front t' ilSt cao hear Uic ruslling oU Uic garments cf ~ kirmnesa te oui Roman cath& :91 - . - ujecta but a barred door te Paperv in~ lite Chursi 0< Berne ânes, mail lb. vouder tien vie arc cmdapofl~ froua purgatorv." su la ibat sciareit liaI mabes preten. strogant sud omptoild naurpatioit ne 1~cevxth Borne- lion te boheve la Christ, cao so cont- efliepovervitici belenga toGedalon. _____________ pb.Iely evuricai ut. llaatoe'S temchia~~. I cao mcmii nolbing les. than car mo5I ~ ~>u~ SehoGi. ueed net dataiu jeu ta rehrrlng aI length vigerons proiest. ~e lb. pamiage m lie Gospel apon which I can jusi noue Uic anti-scriptural con- Borne mainly rcll~ anilvitici il hua lot- fenionai cf 1h. Churcli of Berne sud lis r iured laie a toundaden fer Uic doclrim 0< numberlesa' abominations. t d'd ~ r r' Peter'. sapremmcy. Wbon Christ mmiii, Again, vben titre believer la lic Bible Burk, Mark............... - "Upea Ibis rock viii I huilai my ChUrCIt," gem. 1810 lie chainier vbea the good Watsota, Aanù.................2e. b. urne mcml lite churci vas te ho man os departlug bt- tdi. hlm that ils Irvine, John......... founded upon a tallible issu, but apon pain vii soon .nd. ihat bis adliotions are Neablit, Mary........ binoselfaslha Soviomit et mmtiapoaliis almonlover. sud thar as >.oon asdeath Ciii, Mag~;e......... -i Atouemeut, us nI forth la Potar'a nobla comre he viii be hapt.v with Uic Lord uregery, t;l~de....... confrnien. "lieu art Ubriat lie Son of fcr~vrr- And îU tht- sorrowing ones he McCarty, Herbrert. tht- living Go<L" Pot.r's aaprey is a ruade, ' Absout froni :hc body, present Walker. Rabert....... r,. fiction. Gruving eut oU ibis doctrine is viti cie Lerd~ "To day shah lion h. Scott, haa........... litaI et tic Peflos lnfallibuhty. Tic viii me la Paradise" And tins de they E~night, Edili....... Roman ponilif daims thal. soolng '511h r'-jolce, that tht- sont. rcleused frem Smart, Minnie....... lite oye et ibe ciorcit, sad enlii~hteumd trouble, o. "forovor vith tic Lord." But Ellicît, John.................... viii divine iljuminaxiomm, bois as uueiring titre Roman priest tel, n.- ~nffcrer liaI Henderson, Nettie............ - lie S.. et Qed. A bluqsàemy s. ber tiare avaria hlm t e pains sud huis, Aggie 'i S~ ulé tuaI evea devils migit prolOst. maferinga cf cou- irnaginary place. Blair, Albert-.. But ve prelmet mgain *gaint lb dis- vhlci he colis purirnror!', sud vitea Hougiten, Frani. i trime 0< Borne, lite Authorit! mué SuR ho n doué lb. censolailea of lb. sur- Bovu., Annie -....-... cieucy et lite Wut 0< Gel. vivons is, thal vhen liey osa baud Gncveckew, Citas..........* preloscantisu la tom.1.t apua liaRbIe, ove te the chnrch Uic needful ameutai oU Bannan, idJÂs............. k ruts apon lu uuu.vsik usai. Vs y an escape Uiercfrom viii ho Britton, Artitur................ s Beiy Scnptmro n s mufeimal gearmmlaed. LitIle, Retint............... 1 1.3 . * perfeet tale 0< biBi amui pamelfea. Nos vichoul d.tafaimg pou te refer at Robuon, Eddie------- S ___ * EmnuisI tesehets n'y il j. bal a jarliai Imugli le lb anscriplural multiplication Waldon, John...............h * r.I. ~.l é.e'- tuaditin n tyt. 0< lb onuameuts, ~ <11Y1510 0f lite Smyli, Fred.................1.3 uni. w~ pigleol amis, amI bi ~khm nonnuml et lb Loed'as Suppet, tic dcc. Hophin., Liane.............. 0< vilcit tanna Silver. liOSile........ * -J~~---~ s eitt~ t. lb anIIu by lb. liat i~y lb pdmat's piSyOf etscomsecratiout alun, 517.............. * Loué Jeau.~~ lb mn- d~ lb luné ami lb via. are trauéormed Shitait, Borberl-------------- ~ar M Stool the' I. 0vry' also; B)M~s¶l'~ WS r. ~ic1 DRY GENTLEMEN'S I~w*'~ ,~ ~ 'r 4~ 5<- ORES.1' ir ADI LIENR ~napcCtor. HORSI abolit thel otthe' hyprO' '3 Fenci0 n CH] s second m~hoQi at st c1~ uIaryi - airer 3. - s, A. McDonei b a mou *, .ot retu ni spp~ 95EV nirea c snd Lmnd ieftin p0& wherc tb propert3 ar Ida P. HEU 111e latter .pettcd re 10, Cen I rosrded t ISbo AR~ lb. South ut th a.rme cleaa m Wood appiy te or te MB. FOI W. lot. h~ Caria warcL paincul R. St. i "'SUN LItt.i Stoe Irai clame lame dwol I yearu ual ~etal card

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