;rl' ~gqj<t.uia4~avie J: oit o a f~g tb@gsdu a. ?ibl) r ( *t» ýrowht icol b ,"tl% i) 1ward1b~ kkoi heir ot1.5 IMor, alter l lit titlh five uaas fbl t nbly ndIM""" inand a odass omO îtil m Il Mt @?05 mi )Ynn btWo thi gomI in'5T1U#Ui riy fol'<'is.sev IW.I il.e th un . sa. th*rtrio i h'Il vmIle.dsIl rlby lniio'wod tathvl o, aitd lOe t" V) kfl( O t. if ,arèy " ira eqth oftrîet bat. te mrit.'.'i s fit soul i.<fvr of Ils' omth1nI Iiht" Mli eÇ.kf#T>It; and tO= 'w tbIclik. l ho ~ h -7ti oi4 u<'th brom l 15 Img'nt iid 'W 1" s e . - - «V u uc, ~ UI..wbp a'BOYS' OLOTHINGO voulu ~Uun uS à& arcb i . I~~iWà@ " "ip u~i l , a*lae vs b us 0u*u i O, ,.o.i~'abu bel lu USêdi ..cou a.là * -- d. " W* bw.im afl" ffl M" & AGREA SUUSSS ga *bd un vu t0 ' a MUvommMb- &a Immvb l #3 '., om Su. a iby l i. U S1USU UESku m a.,,b WM01?4%ai SV j a »m" ke wwS mU=N OM OR AL jamrd ue gf vl*, »o"di# loiion uln th a, uis.Wo G.a m ý 14M mi*#oe M t te uw ebmi . dtei. la vu "PL. aNu 3US lm a caIêwIul, Vsout ht Mîï» M . nd 1.y m~et %ha ar. oilly iciv n ample tvme sa* f... ph lu*u" tith la y» . m à bie. bis or »d a m11ev%*leti S Ils . slsikmgs .Ont4 at lu&0oibisbsdu ane m éu1 m lb' oppessIoy.a dae*e blb. e t h.. '~ alm.,vi s vive hou mh - mN wm» pfric ofWfaN th* Sami h.eh.i he.. aetl hoe s e& uooezieea imt m t Nu w, e b)u booahty rsumi sud <ekà* bru. .ciéra a IoSe the ape éaàîad.mom etmg ir Ihi j el l éb 9 Ml vm bSUJIof<#l. am-lm, spîiot myvy le*A awty Ioaa o »dâ discu * m dof. ha Thîlaie pr .14* -a.i.1ha& ut et »là« tvu fb" e#0O MM d e, esekbi>, a*«wma.Y ogtà île m>sra th 5'y Sh m .H ldala&.4y6IV 910 ..1 Md jwNsati "bptUIebuaa. aê aààt au ne armole btai meUS- u ýb miilnu j ~ ~ ~ a deati mte bsd to 1 *dr h b e h o otthe com" ti, t a atu th$I IL" bold4al "Ma rm hbi do hieughi dovu aomabersasail uayamoathé' acless ue. 1 m=b.mt un U a bwbatu e oUW lib amr'v s N5501à* a vis4; IIbil.epovioms of whlohdeen4 ma&I Wb h 4OC1WW U~ ,~ pet n mi"1 e hai ve a.), mom»Y ithejiremust tM. z ; p bta.r is 1, vu MM hm etia d lare,>Ivà t am ofth <îe F d a'sîo vàtành mmte.las -l - M-y. 1 e a frl ave.ee an mi *;ai A&-yT h buiJemot oado, a.tm'.. ODINSOI< a JOHNSON ki-thrffeststg Ie .il. bodire cae '. w% 1a..aiid lov ouieBta m e Be ut. t DulibettutYdd Plifl ity« mvoueu *,ntake ibea if " bt. oPrevet mit I essrfl ~ii~ w»IIothe4il i "o4th oi Sdo hié ', olnddih.W.* do < ot. Ne VrgemIkm *hm P 1 0& ,ha.lb-boamyi.' aa l moplaaim a hsm ivlg a4 or MM Va R ""4196004 MWOe tud h euCérv n~vità a pus4ek ifata lai "=t d m 61bi» btthe eM ', wTHO MAS ROBSON affltom qutions vee t g >b. n mffip.ina MxM sm?à # Or t*uy e«ll; o e. W.u60 80%.10 b t mw;etdo mo a'hsbolUisard u.il ud iviig-o s ?Moud arlt pk.PW I flM @* st »Me octi. I0.Th" m:mtgm u e M IDUS AND TALLOirW. - - es»hlP in sscIa ooov., on îlth:e te; ihry hVMo sy va l 11.1 li pacotvlsMd omu oe.mtry il boue th. Imipffoa Uau » inP*UU et uM«67, mcua tlut z lis D*mm& mimM1- fwkwhih 1wy baie us rigit le, -5 - - - - mias d <qp)%»sa" Ire aftil, n 'V oWjmloe, Md if k lu ma - ah.» m usémiubalsuIf il. Prim.- mma.dlaesly nrmed vs c - aSPRING OF 1886. ?hs bulu» ofoU Iairy4lm iés ferd&« amolie.Io m051w duiy lu a a .4undey se" l achamot yà nu- sûr »lya areull'y ltal@,ia lho 1»0"gw MMd a m asol moi tb e. t Ilu ma inli go te. bru., a u M MOi ses- sMoym wodubmeoatyamong amat tn7 > ne "e To vIu* et ftUtilOU he b.DOsi1Lad PvsvsIdmyt.li At la eosclu.!o t '1d m oth a le fa vored i vîlI11 thé Dumb, lEai" Ilêvosats, oi., a::eflt'h delum d sarm.. ai4t»Ùpe s o ied ft<Morr a wabs diae.ssamb idmoulme- oh of chileu »db«t ofTo ,u m ooa,-KIndlv allow dus, mhà*.lmscld te61'wst ikluMr hmu qnatîv; aMd ne e. per« me Io m461 g r »&veaas11. li ; allemcS lu lis b"utddbes.It in V400Mu c S. ,. tjUmiluisor te. De MW' mDemb caT Il cenUdI7 tbd 11m ui" eoamd Ui1U UE d.Msdti ou oslIqulii et 5h. et 801)evilloe, inopm t. Se. " à asi lais muorv*0li.2 "ou 'fdal.y fermerlaor ebldrea 0ote. Pr.$mcu, a6" eV"rytamlwy osi tfenr rsou<lIesnathEIdI 4 Intouietd la lie mots ve- dif Ontaro155111, vIether vve u lik eno puy linIlthe MPUMiU. lra PrOcdflg Md thîym'e parents are Poor or vi St My iPfl m i uch uiu as. sl Il a u ablàW tt@b n Iochm otW e fefl mslaIb mnyavetae he!dacs a mc hyisdml ; ui Ei a atiuIvSt'hlo1 the toi iowing pointe veqiire*Itititloo&ai%, "eohs mt'", <laiIdmhtul amimal, h mo-vor l a- w.&.AI&.. * i n la ord«et tebut m e fdn bar, m,te« dii al oaaste wmg teonti.i Lot .FiId vmu W ambe oblairm. Thora are oaany paresu of M" limate. b lim th<àin a"uàmsSa t obilrenwbo o st k»' o IbsieMoMa vh lu gr"e (II rom healthy cove 001 oblbenusho&doM'< Wé hm0< <iean ktmbvset1so7.rby be ul*i, and pot ma11ae i [Asieand peome vîr> vili i ntorra tsatl.rsil*g oJw., vs a"OUIdM Ma-i W5le ssi ilh20i t iud foir day. aftét.I$g i en ýMCdhai il. Provinc ,a noW sor duty t. do liamop brava. ' Arayhsrh mtimus lot . .svoslypuoide for chik«àli- ttW l ,bmq»etsc "Io bd moa s ia Du ' d -' 8b-Mm- àràybarb teagest th ex, @MlOIY P«W& fOavais.ofb.at% laI "lIs nousmilmd o Ibe oow oum » meeu<.qusî tv rvil onter a Iaaing obulatim of ett~.immwlîosa Iahâ "hmIuob làjm te qalk d îr UOOWiS*tIId, àded rente 0 cld i hsp lhiead oui of piaces cher n ay [W lijome ie qolli,0< bas no knovledge o or pug; la P'isem.y pincbMsiu ls tn.1v- 3.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~«l- Coaaoib »,i~iouea 5vrtoae .<r isTlled. Ou i ot aein l, Iv 1 o"ébol b k« a io)te, mitveefrmsb sm f ina tà iiwonet vht h ialutslmd -N- Id --- - I - sà 2 - d% fwy 11dit mS » la ag 'h ' e" »34Y Md laimi hp P bam dbu @ mdd 14h- o 110am 44 w lom *MUS'W n W ~yv £YE GLASSEaSM eue___ minable fm*wïffl bu -IMMI g u leh.5Mjm~.em. .~SW ~:l~huvwdd Y Cté j OSES asdW~ 110?*IO j, bm Im bue cmosa ~Susodg& y "Lis ENCOURAGE HOMM ANUACTURE AM SAVE MONEY Br Mmigy NUI TUui, »mm&6 B Yau Tà% à.am hé Eh11er w~Ci.,dag.Pik lemDuu oha. ad i.,~, Dry Gooda at the aboveMD CORNER wIIALIÂMAND BOND STREETS 'V.boss qotagrail ', du md" ge aimvi th" ia» l.fume Yomcm »gM ROLL CARDINO, FULUNGU DYEING OR OLOTH D)RZSSMG, A90 MANIFATIJINGDONE AT ANY TIME. WRo» OI waeded aul the year ivzand Jn wu WALL-AOE. IJURRAR FOR' TEE1885 RADIANT HOME STOVEM The only stove made with the gelônfrigh "»fJ x- UA ~RN» 1I respecttraly refei, those ultendixIg to purchase coal stoves te tefoflowiug gentlemen who are now using this justjy notorions stvwhose tsmony can not be gain.said. I challenge rr-v dealer in iundsay to produce as large a -nu mb of people nus-ug any other make of stove: Win. White; James B. Knowlson; D. Browne; Samuel rwin; Dr. Jierriman; A. W. Hettg,: i. Naguire;- J. W. Wallace; Edwd Benson, 2; Dr. Coulter; James Wetherup; John Nugent Mr. Leus; John Hannah; James M9cNeifly; John A. Barron; Mr. MeGshan; Mr. Huinter; Mme Willamso; Chas.. Veitch;, Thomnas MeConne 2 stoves; H. Walters, 1" stoves; E.- Gregory, 2 stoves; Joeeph Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle; Win. Blackwell; Mr. McKay; W. 1. Irwin John Kuovison; Mr. Byley; &. Hughes; J. S. Williamns; Win. Farquharson; A. B. Terry; R. 8. Porter; ]Er. Clarke; Rev. i. Joues ; Bey. Mr.. Pearson; Rey. Mr. MeTarish; ' *Y . oe;Mr- Mfurdock; Mr. McGlashaw; ]Er. Thorndyke; F. C. Taylor; Blackwell & C4 ý- Pilkie; T, A. Middleton:; B. J. Lightfoot; Mr. Ferris; Richard Kylie; Mis. MdllHugh; (. IL Lloyd; Geoige Biggs; Wm. Peiflar; Wm. Dufins ; Johni Anderson; Mr. Goodenough; Britton .î3ros.; Johu Comstock. I arn the only dealer who buys the RLADIAN T HOME direct from the manfcuea E.dtNOOuS.. tockbrokuu u.! bmnciW 38b.SUKlug St. dîmge.Candiah a.! moecmnStock Ex- bnx ogtsds o n rniazgin. ' N Have afro uqualle 2dit iImf exuRCtng mmrdumuen CHICAGO BOARD 0F TRADE~ ta Gumim.du -A-w-w' .~,JyjÇjVjvy m J~' I wfa.d~mp* flhw -~ ~ I ~ ~ -I if hL* I._ GEO. INGLE& 00. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouiidings, F'rames, and ail kinds of Planing Doue promptly. parUm mtending to build should cal e&A]y anet 'ioeS. 'lard w are!' mLqc» 33 CI Mr me, aW ia 1h. of Whi. Subs Doms & EuIi 10 per e..L ouetbmthhcoy prie. ebmý FmtY. N8ilhiup- OIES, Ieks, Hingeswhieh w* &tmis Guei 6, voe Vre, um arage Supp]13. À&muIcis I '~ r 14 .~ 1"~ r" v lE j' m omiT Lmosf appeihe I v