Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jul 1886, p. 6

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v r me u~a w O - îuouWWi 0 o 0MMmmM igr fm. mli» it.aulwmWflf1 eNfIS10 et* **vIve tb,. y hr BU U« uMM 0f NofW0* pwub.am Dt oi, <050.0 musa.. Tm Ot bt 1 mi go oLord bCe mmr4~tyba1 mnId lvi e on led < q~s W à"è ot o. a mum: vel, 8r h e wa* ouedeou»tml m am " t 's iu4 tI4 lui" 1* ntd m as "Mv ftula f00 Lod m# rWof& shor ld f o'jli sothn omeorrw« n o enrehy idMirIme.Wtm. >Poui khil ytdpte o f, 70t1 a" I*M lhste 10,> U#wieit jol to go. oIi0hafo imd at*. m u hongayour nni .ffg <h* Ied o 1e 1'PIwm ae b go "0 ulmem a W"Iu wa 9% - rmo ui e gIi mm nI 0 v At rvuth$ m mw o f a #»141M àle pete0h17 l pl'eeI>( o W11E1o. be 1H. 'tv àfiroy any .l odMraou 51<11 bae nthveyoii fie"diuMin, uhm m o rny a fe rrOI4 .t to Ii 141 u.w to k lathe w9r4 01 tmimeoak o*clsl th*ous. mmww îpof Md » m d tiortkporIk loMo, U m* ytI u s«MEd 7 OWity 60 âuk i" '~Wlb#I .Unté bffl3f4twqgdidul » Me &Mr 1.1 b ~o*~bé o e btifyboàneuf bop 11 9m unh e W, ou à* slft iM diepasà 0" tltmb« eu e da ii il1 @am& h oile aiho M*Pe f14.beyMW tIm ow Lr. o oe l hnIe tt.*e' #iddeIogel*t à«#h.wu14 m Mvo~~~9 MW4hi aa u agmie *bm fii I«M tom. ¶u»m 0"~< vu1* eeamt. 9* 1 I maii à"bw6 it f. 4ed i »MsU M jMd km b..m M flkM lus w« NYe .4..< o IM twl la. V" à lemoud ti 1 'o tom b 14111 b oi*flIUwpwumm "-Ml o. love.m «IF astI #Wa bd . m ie fIsMe Md om.Of V dwi M&Ià &&A iilmm " 6É L.v*eu «Nhet wlb. au Wovu b. wld/' bu@" E .wI. blmw m m unoud lem« Um MUWm 'Lm ami ma. -h «ObU fb bMpulh MWsmue,4w~l '~ 01i v. flo09 a 00 . i. bIeugg <tf ug umými tu 6iAMme et is- w ~ -du 11 i« mt » osusI et o w r olrngw 7~~w by a .;ElUUsdaisP of ~iuy, ni UsM - to 0f m» 1 mal dwmwp M&i à"& e klber~ bmmeaufl wu dt vasse Ob âe t Un me h.auy e t fforumo loThegw JOWu i1TJ.UV$1. whama& iwa«td uàm à& m tll ie v« ol h as4 a ma l'à&espeuhwm lu fu s.tu b y smi" Ibhfl duewe lmeà# à" ««pu'y vileJus MW mm e dm**yMd4tm ,.as otrapewMd au M vhA"Sa #Moyou o* Mm ne MW da. eri l md TMM le Misa li luM aim M& me... Memevba u pMel 1.1h bum ml s ebe skwk lmvl otuimi l% eautfl us117 li ls." ii 1h -a M<1uh'd T -ber mw# dmou ni l e u, timma"m ou.v«nJ 4#1 âime mspI i t tale vb~ Mlpu Wd lten lu lemoi Lui"dl"vMdei ni vl Mm Ion t m soUnliew.o Mme M & ao 8" W"" usei g» er oeuMd bu ~ tel irmoka o mi l. mtooiw pudala m é» "Imme mk N 14Vle a lM"otosm,» B kIl<ho <pier d b454 met 1mvmla 109"8 spul* *mMt*I duM epas&mt «I, Lau me. vmlld h svm&d. m i b. h fol àm »I sme.à#07. 7OM" b.mId, Un bc#amsmos u md Us -àg' 1*"e Umi $*mall.am etuage aiuBla .momabvol lees .ir aul bmawla MIw. ferme gsse si<reMpe hm <s ~u B» ,sm t ow.t et.olbfllm in a m z MiLà* mm* b« m wm aniliai a aimes <MIUO.nwoodjo veiy k Mm84Uf'.slei, "ra<si etarp"ie lu. luewslhoviai 1 oeUrsa r *mw Muai algsm hsiL la 1 t» " tle MsM ubi a U"vWMt t ti la gnyo. vb"i m"u fore,. L luubo u.m I &ag -I s teauuIÉ us taM kwaomunwimma.MOI do - u l tFom -M umet ov «W w te -MUMM$ m h odn va som gbeu~ awlm a lmeu» 1 ys b s i flamSd jomgwiftkt l« omi Ie moo I.MuSuff *06ho a»ver kmsu'whai moeor mugIe uasboui.. Lady LWulim l tissai m 1«W birag nou 1et the lump. a" la k Ut uosh ham .' tat <aMr asm a eeluem.- lier deai-golà hair mai diamoadashao brlghtly, and lier pro"4 .uperb boauty wus sfteaei Cleer, rosis, maimgm uthel .rimA *umt et tmasvOl - ~ - nag Be mg-'baue lsn-waa stsagsiy eveosà-.UM d m U wuva "'JlfOeÀ"ly <Ires, nS"darila Separae, mlouin, uioc, Moi Imea Il.swl&in yoeuaosas lIm es v. eu8.1bons.. we lovai «eh o aimpuy tletusse lovo.s eao, Ami eh Imlboi asem sms BUt m M<ly hlise vbo m0sam viu u'hoahop*ed maihu m eut A" mo<hig le loftigo ges e us "lirIffetof ehe tree, u7 dm1I I. aaored eut p"la; IiVu à»s$luIt mOlb.160e883a flavs e t" us ve m»ssmeh o .11mw A" do M"eumemaua MSb*îlewrllea vwo eo »mm&aIf~ lieu 0"eor baud. 1Zt lisbesI, derMifr asu s uela Wrbie e v uy fgrla»., lasSoS, hmeu..,bote l enes *Ibo meeuri kta,my rluitag, sbave blocmi el other alwva. seyau am M4us mme «sa« mDots<lM vo hus aci«Ob MWs mm tI N<et mmwr Wb» WM un se M d lmmd s I Mal*s dhmb. lm au »jY. WMsI w Abo 1e. lm Ml..& y <brUE, ]gr jovey, Imesesa. IhisugiMy <%«». »sIrememMe WbU tgsmy but Vse My a dis »Ve re s0o«ehaoSier. laisWv»O»a. <lasle vivo À I. il as liv.. a To.sEe <baevi m Wbo es«e0« jemmg Inouil, IbsThMelmo»s lb., ydarIl aasi lie mm of ete:h." t'MaIy, el~uY, ilslla.Iy «eh vu tMi«; mai 0@ Mr p«uaitomsla a.ms &W »Wpale aMd et. Oum qMat y M ams ois i je be mtlfo imm«oMai Munm. «b "Wj, pupis unM<Mlieus liaMm La9y Liim"h as, vo aSI Thorawu » mp gr, u-tIl gb« S l a *'.1< vu ib. <MUns"atIscheau*,u . ne droevmm..reamit. le inu».@bai. ov et UIls orli.; ammtbug te arwtae Sid m buMisil.Bejus lIunvIle laid, boi"tg Mdt, mi tissai b IPoo. 0" 1» lisp for verS «I deo Mume if ypukW1m1M te l," mmli, al beloisi at Ym haM Md hame lsga o btisa < li w hrs ai T.m MI dO yeur veate me, -Lady lII. «TP@ 18 Mwvam," Us mmsvod, Mii- hag ouS <he iloteMmi bhm.unSMWm OhmS le b" pou'. maité<batr uc. "Use gei ju teo.me"hoeiem aulm Us@WMi CRsm m ao l@ hs -m d ne b vl pa.v et aa" agO lc l neM1= -" &ww a43wam lm»»ou boa - 1v UN.mmm Pme Im ce* lu- - - ïàwram.I -t a smt - NÉ1 --- - & éowa - Usw - * U ~w Imo mtmi uM g.me.m abm o v la ma OM àa dm"et the - werýhmé a~1W mm t b. m» . v a b& ktu herber, le nier hks.M.i. ].ebh» buenubt lh himm nosftm the worlsl b vhlch the passeegers have been oetrantred dur;rri- tiie eoum.e of tii.voyage. The new%.papem tua bk budget Mar bu OaeomL aya OU 4 la Beni. .h.(ý14m L ca âme 8omý Molk 5 ha m â -melMme tarfPo* MaW Immobl ea MW No *ul Mt eemr p"MtL1Um zz ui m om. r l -lV'« & Ils zbmmwoybmt mulea ayorbu m -lda£ am -- Us v.il4Md pmaierumr ihit aul #ba sqIam VMm. âmblie," saliLai!â LiluM.m,. "la seimi 11.te amf thi ltuul o0» eltUMe.MdDuiel paners-a aima hllshmn, v- l nrythtug shuiug ua" brisât, a kIfy ean house-mother,. a ta- ble vIOl a whsite elotb, a homely broya iIug l vwOeth rldlug ail the. ay fer- Wb" u . a sy, Nwz; libers? hah vs U1710 w5 Iat nt tbmpieslok h. iw we'wuthI ube av&e t.. vbu Vau vt9àta Il @um Iad te. ne Muai hmoif t. Tet, vlth 1h. yoag Di"Md. theilgay vorldy Captaits aioug- etde, vitla Laly LIliaa' proud beautifti. Mom MiMug en héun. le ouiti ne more have spolmu lIa e could bave flowu. Ho loupé te suYY "TII. Itemy bôme. 1 va boom hure. Iam a psnour the. M..- 510f 10." Tim "flUgW4am amvobutaas mhi4Mdthe wlb. veu» e his p; but h. à"d AM Che moral courage te utter "Wb&$ tu Yeu tlitaI Mr. Tuait?" Mkmdl.Lady Lui&&. "Woukt those go.' pogls recoive UR?" Mt Sutmsi avaY hiset&c.lutst h. aboud OU ils PaUse. TWaroes thie oher aide vas U» M eveetfamuflusruas orathemini. mSUmnB-l aeme Iotes"g tb hlm vith a <boumd voltes lIat thists .whaine.He vus oumpelletl tesavwe r ber. 6*1 am sure liey vould be pleasci t<ales Iou," h. sat, ina a trage hu*k Y vlec. "WIU Yeu 906 accompaay me?-m"e s.I.i, hall aurprised, hall paaaed aI hA. manser. &.-" would rater net,- h. repfli. st.vlY; a3uithe y.ung Uuke, seeing hies - ksý, id- "Lady Lilta., 1 amneven tmoreanaxieus tIa YOUMII eil tee theie nterior cf wva&s Jam mre Aà a pic: etummui od Uous«." Tbey dismuomted, &snd Vame waschei <hem enter the liause viere the lirai feu jeaa . lis nu nad been »Peut. doam e the men tu the tarin-yard camse forard. md& *W ttea e .,tie hors. Lord Uharu- weed and Lady 1'aynt; joined Lise Party, IaUghagy detiartftg bI.a gI~.eauofMid& veaUM bo a.mut elt m tiing tisey ce" b hae. VMu'. left lb OMs vità thie otiacas Md 110.sur ef o, hffl Me muri~. jeLuviLre hlmnover b" thee Ught i o elu .e .u na mmb so fuily.Il aeemed stu ias, aisu M11 bsaidi tred go believe il. th"aiUse beaatdWstpro d"y Abe bai 1oe d .o- oug Mdmi a Mlwwsy vas beginaiag btare f«r lMaie Ial, md md l &aWaIe a. maeni .agt im tu be pesaigratum hmuias-. Il àst me-vile liewas learmng te lbve bma peshape-lbe maie kuova hie buutl »CI 1poueage, tisat voulit &tee[ ber Wgiaat hlm. Tet bl Id h is eariy humme. AU the manheai ndt corage lluhm rouas la ba robeillsapdg m i ieuce. BU& 'U sPmk Wvas10 10«ebis love, or %0 bone sa. - <at as mgrowiag (rom lt-a Ispo fa, damier < bis lite. Bu sai oeumm eby te a. fLo*s NovI il neMebaockte bhla. ThesUmt , C mg ve rIl EyeTibait bai flut - mte m about a.nha.t!1 Mev ma b"i bapped te hlm"m eientI o» 1, aie un - asvhlib ai r«euir passai thremgIMmbmnd. He bli 1.4 homoa pm r kmwu boy. New bc 1.14 ovesY *rMs lAet Un veeldinlu hlmbaud- Tb$ie«u bes h. came te KlmsgsCly*k a& 9f Bay iant, bauiag »me hldres. me klmdeibai lermally madeis vil. in bis Ilve, Mdi bai mispe hlm s bis ber- Bu bai loftb m hlme tue estate or Lui. vernI, viOl mB the msueybh ba ccums- lafla; Mbu i toIet hlm anIl h baiic the veri, am that ho e l bc un excellent M" furte my latîe lamd,.s famm mm" o v0 o erousubered t lIa lb. Umsai vilt»beWU"iet the mill-etremu ta bb 0«. H. estckdaerm the e ls. There la tbe hr..f m àaav-tbay saflidil ate «t- Mamisu, viasM vwua a hlJ-will Im pay bond ha.t »d Ma tali Sguue irsp. hm& b MW mv fther bumiIy m vert, mà" Ma b»eiheDmEe.' helpiug hlm. Bks dom a a& lm MIMUgoa.maùssaiiaon a pilo-boat vemels he pilots; thse mrater th* kranglt thse larger bis fees. As ail- ships, from or destined t lumugu ort ar obig~to emplouy a , lis plo, on Part, s ouud ?Leu00n: sadaveemkngsignais for hm. Fallur. lu do tiss aVlsited by thée inMeion of heavy penaltian. The usage la the. employment of the autm pilot visaitiese 18 soutwae bound. -viso brougisi ler lato barber. Wh& the pilot taking a vessel out f. am k nuable tolesve lier because A stormy vesther, lielis carriel acrosa the Atlantica ni brouglit back by th~e MiM hip, lbh. ovuers o! shicis am eompsied lu puy hlm a stipulae saIurywviile ho co.nuee lu be thefr guet. Ris duty on an Inward bouni vessel la eompieted upon her being admitted butiste prafter thie completion of her inspecion at quar- intine. DffCEIPTXON OF THE PILOT-BOAT. To the. experienced eye thie pilot-boat is pre-eminently la thing of beauty." la size it varies from fifty-flve feet la Iength to about nluet-this Iength aïs mmeasse--ani lacuble meâsurement hon avMy to om ehundrsd and twadj. à». tSw uebrthua 1 3 Iormed to rua fast Sme hm usior coditlons favoable to r*di The ame cmforblp Mdai adsome! lad up. IT u sngl ittie câbAnlas& mutaiof neaines& and even beauty. lIsmily a stato-room and two bertbs ame uituaeai ueach aide ot this EsJuieof pilots. there are usualiy Sn bard four able-bodied seamen, tlie eok, cabln-boy and thse boat- keeper. PerhapG generally spe&kirg, seven pilots own and rum thse cratt, and eacis lakes bis turn in eommand until ail are gone, visen tise boat-keeper be- cornes responsible for thse return of tia boat I. lis. mooring ground. Tise pilot seat to Jeuv. Ls in comnmand uutiÀ ha lmee . C 11Mrk rlak Iariably follovei. iNEuhlatux croisa.In sigU tfSaalj UnI fS bSouidq& Wh"Yhie iwsuen- à l a le b. aSm as tuctuk la tSMm.e* w wls hlc bave ecaped tise at. toution of boots off shsore,, and tbI.aIs p"hi off oulvarci bouni veascl*. OYER 0"7 SHOBE Ckuàm et shm v ary In iength of thm, &" distance.]Pilot boat& (rom New York amrenacouulered as far south as Clape May,, and! as far norh as the Great Ban . Off StsIen Island is the. mooring grmnd. f rom viience thse littie erafts stait on theur voyage. Here the pâlots corne aboard from tiser plemsaat liomes or their favorite reudeavous la Nev York- Many cf tison Rue la tise pretty villages borderintag b.bey of tisegreat city, in tise enjoyment ofveI1-earned com!ort. Thse cruise of a pilot sometimes lI&SU moveatal veeks. Aimosl from thse be- thalsgle lookout la consts.ntlY malatained. The eharacter of thse boat appears Ila&s nimber pasnted c09 'L ýnowy surfae -iser sls lsey are ai intelligent and orderlY elame of men. Tinie abowdisAs spent in conversation, games and light resd- lng. Tie pilot tales his esse lu blue dan- Mnam pes jacket, doEfng bis shore whMu hovve. bis turn cornes to Lake duty' on ai ineoniinaz vte-.='i. b is a weil-dresed mms. showing inirnao- ulate linen. and gesxrally a *point levie" reigard for the Il ee, utr'uessts,- whiec is a bghly eohxnie::dsble. A speck As diseovered on thie horizon. and vio loescopo la bans! a pilot vaaft S Md.velofflemt Ato a eBal 'à%&- -"or - ha8M" g ~thiswau t tetknow h day, lave , 0 ba hgvuàdoggy aJ0On a 140V 181 in one crs'11 rU "> t " me curled race and Pe kt Prnce grmw ffacea- blac a big,.1,1 whipf-; Mid ho 1t e a wrong. -prince wOUI1 I.king her w .MotÉer ZW Prince a t: k'h'd bear ci Wiffl »ver so gjPearl on h harm. fod arm- D«Ung, trustl lwhen Pearli 1 mile or rr camed he oadrunt vas th At the close of they vere tb la mamer or in the xnoun bsqa or count ?xiaoand Pet Fact Tms busin g to tht yincomu 18tf ad van ~iof irneel, qua àp.êds Upc , Everý b. intel la prox tb cheege the folio a in or may b. ok 1.Miii froca b. ueed four days 2. y Âu ars the Cou'! injures t Cou', ahc t su ppi food and thyviii drii wber. day. COWS Choi "ii k B3 1, bo eat cie Vmiey S bM& B 1u d he Mm s orva roc" Usa Us eIO4-viA th I m kla foromaigutet bMi Thm kia àÈayahsy a". a about Ma, oove. 1 Canons the pilai .NY@beiomkF maktaghma - -- maF M u" mls the à ' 1 la aau the igatty of a coamnvhlcAi bhs supermsed itisai et the emptain, is, by ail ao", the mos aeest m g person abourd. BEmm avouMuam MMMOr u em. Pebaps e b.venu pseme lemnea esub4ect of htepatc ad 1 ever go"t Maey en bis acuI lhul es.mambieet a buavuisemyrneif.1 ho»Ue uerusboa smd"hib@Utg M Us manomet tlb.M 1 huM idb lSommss. gil" U»a , M" Us elaiy dyM ami BU ~M tUs kIeiaie te Us sla hmisa te @Mmes b page. âm eaux b ne aaiet My rupecblug the vualiag@Mutait a<caret gmll vidaI bril momey tet ble. v originste the vager for <heM o«Ma p&- cumary promit aMdi mgbla <boi séeeve at tb. people vho ame foolilsh enouagh t. bot their rash against the alinceýt alioute erta.. r of i.. la comnm fairnea'.- ti:e tIrst pilot alghted shonlt bave the .rir.'v in tise rare of thes p. That ..Le'. roNbed a! bis ri:.ht in,îr!r to :efratut in- a dousb.e o *:.t" ut. himy gorge MM ILOE'S EXPT. "M Jee Yort pilot plies bu lard vum t hroqgisout tise yemr. the ac- oeptmocf bla -ervices being compui- moy by &aUlve&>els eaming (rom --)r boom! l àwegn pont; but coestlmg 0vmmels uiv didla.to acoopi hmeser- viuli., if <th"plamse. A vu"ol beugisibobo port viilout obs g&Mt- a dmmger arise la cequapmeete. dIber ber or ber co, the s Ourmacecompasses ould not b. ie maise tbe law te 1b.aoouolyof a mUcienut mumber of pli.t beln& alimys enfdaty froux lmwju 1 I Devmber31,. k obulous. Thoy sad tIek boats am onder the contuol 0 et lm" cd omielnns "h etate et NovwToI.1e ame about tweMy-ugbl nmbousta fam& Tanuotot Eowgbly apmbm& theUsP"laUn" 09 the Empire (liy oh m id, 4b aboutS for Muitumoui, auk the creaised MM -the sai Mm ~hOatau et tliam a MIS M MU Mi h ve. us Eu To~ plMi, me as lap v uoheim uUMi thasuaMd ai dudspu. âmed. Aiwfl uamsUs0 YWIq MNU & a 0 lo*,bmu. a has - Us a% la id"a - l Numa~~~1111MI,0 sg èh dmum b tý. r i bouLcpO - et 1bseMW 5f MR 1L7at[ib

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