Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jul 1886, p. 5

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- vj w*umm, Lmfld, Iumay, m~ i~ lUSb 5 *oe~ - - - t !!qhVàpihm M"Mlte M h. Baue. MdmbW «MiSia h ULblm a aM b h uub~hmIS, aémmiMu» slum #aL J arrIN dâuwvmmwbnry §h.p E iài m.L kmb au , cm t Olia.-cbomp "am et mm h.mi -a lm vie.=oz,,,lot __làI mu . t, un ON i-aIhu t Suff nwazal4 ý v lm e ba u »W&MI# âm* am Mu Vien m pri- rom Obs am m i pih. d vui- i. bbau m utmw q"aut a- LOMU4 J yle -5w.-14 hImb m-abom mi ~ eauamor I - m- s. F"l-boflW _____.- 1*b l"~<q.,. Pàm - MiW Cam- eaudm*ûw t I&M - ndn t aâ-ý us laoe Thme UT TRE 's Titi TI' In t Us ,ww ID Pm lui 1lu Monde »W . ip ta l b àmém - i te » dl l ~ h baé- Dy GI~NiMbMd bë - m 0(, B» hGoP t um La ig &f!.W&, .g g. T p - - im sAngug l u ~ . u Li7 7 Jou, -wu be a tt *4 bz"mPM ne Sm1 « lu ee et &W g.~'~" elvouWdmaylt i #14 Un ~ O1eSme WOU"&,~ -ti is Fr M. hmw f X" W b ela msgé.d f« 1wtheu m $luI ~ni4 fu» y M"o ÀMmIOdsd mblI Cuuudffl a u l.ti.utiluem-ts mmp..(W da yvouetf i. kUpuebtsM. Stouat. ~ftf4Ifl< tt TEtbondfit ff y5 h. . . AnCW__T1¶x&-o*R sud î.-~ ~ ~ aI h p~eoai tS TiumSm ru;ruJU W d"-bf 04 »MI. le lWd Ubt"Abroue bil 4f d"n OurCar Me p Wa e ewf &Ln rio Yov W» iTom CaMEivzi SR. SMYTH & SON 1 w.ô%1 '*î t is refed b«ivs #Row Lur"v1 thn d tbc u nse och Tlebui M "I. p rt e eeI. John but Tai. REMEMBE R mm-B Mmu ueadifflt iii Pe-fee"in Tmau. Mly. IK O b O f5, L 5' ii. le tua" ImporYr (AN. i« DrA o,,le xx«M 9C"bp.a-SBut tabit. m*ule C ik y q vening »inI 191J@84. tho Ad av *H1qlla a Ibosbm....-aU.&tiert 'FIii ' a- o&es aisy ltbeahu. APt'?ow &u&-Um modou~,t, RSi OI.D5us. The Citi. su""4 lu2 Mes Bondul ffl la inme. .p P. M.- uauh p eu# i. raeed. In atdof 14r, Pua' uo litMWv i Ai~~~« O[IAUGlO~buv t.eS>4bday ,-bmL idmJam ul oe d lb ulelgi.,moi LAt 5ViYOUO auudý moisi issilion Wvd-eLrmU" uat the0 %oriwm- lsfq-tu ., lm, Pd"YEimPm am-hAt :0 Or lourdoff il.low (or14. M4 t mi, la ftber P-mo eh.» -R UI~ oMisi byr pv. u. u iumo u AtxMW %1 s W . umwib, S.. us... -:1.. i-u' u1 a Protuetutr W. baie loaM.s-B bAil-s lr0lm PbU 1bà t. a.Uffl LepaofInu Fallu, ..dDr. ilettc me ettu et M,<dliverd 1m a uda- Waftham, t.,iumm tb4 mOoDen Roue. -Mlii, le 46 W kij »M 9» mli ««W lla ati ; t he su-H"uat Ml si vubmu "0utouilrautiw Hamprden I 84 7 Isee. msolmg i cri à&u& m bu'e . vu*i i S a a ?Sbstrvmag..Asto, f Aurora T~m.#iwsmé osb"i~iîu- hg Ii ihht.k T"m*nWMàe.9 .uM l zusin u WsuilITbrdy .N î4î» Nëas, P. G. W-.]P, mi ulisia. Ne- ed TATue au 8WlPAf~i5-4.Miib. ?l . 0. W. P., fadma& TM i Lfovr~s.6mswm.~ ILJ. R.Da, ILP. A.&SIA AleoW i . lewat.r. n .N toy'L . A ItL Veré OR UA~~~~but Pq17M#im pu, #Z1. iOes;P .,~.layfsTia. W bitdapl h 1. ai 11 .,Ps., mu ý .8,W. ï. Kim0. K.,ID. B"; - umdosud w 11.1 j .P.su W.yP., l. Itaa K euelugW* en pfayT»UlmIl. Pv W *m ùpepsm W... ola @mm My e Iranew Excimm to ubem.- M -«rI p isM .Jot pe s y u .. y T OM 5s is' ez muila fruam ilP e ».u th ,or the Rookfordr ~oM~pO.f<1. t ift ltTaoayvsToXI~m- &UWOWU I arn e«,t whàe at.'.. Theuhdo de in tw sulmIauli slia. . ooýr, hinli lagom t. Tu, WA&mmmia ie f« à~oe.m-#MasW. uoo.ir tforthis distict, e ead 1»erad"mii15mlu o M. mufisMN taeN. os. immn u aws j dat i,,-io o hâom Ii,'..of * isene, Mmd Mr. B " .o.fag P s. Novdf% , on&d uet li hin. Tne - I GR '4P Ae %>X.4 t p EDOLUD e~ m tuas!Mulue lime h. Làndsay ta e NOv-Lst S9"487 rIe OratmOf MTenIe vu rivm md thlruata rhou,, LaO7awthmi h it* MOM &S a lm Iadtaq a delay oet ta .lvvsminutes J»We4leTIn a"ouéw t met<ova '.'umun ~ oi~ ttu ~ oflJxbrfd4agroM ~pu, »àa. pli Ywmoir e rnrr. 4 PM'# .1Mb 0 10"Tb# Jmis«w et Mm P t Swm __ _ 0F ICONOIlS à.uab Md ma b bI va wo - vhbu -lm -»m2m mi CBW N.wY ma V Tà bmb hO t b , h". khlhg àe dbodi% blip. 5u"mymh . u -W mu-t wmbsmd pohut & a0 Voemsa wu y, £mq , uJut h* lechiugr hà &e W w bluly Omuaga.a l d. a B.un o polioiu - fa&M!7wouded dovi te l1i.asyawd- tiey Mme0-4t mdo«L.-.4 pioùe ta Guauabm ain. nStar- guos point Mai ILMmlsFaUmàast Tu. Isy uornq n t &.0.AU ahUg&. Negw <beu»u um bftm &". rwum OUS 5up, at 8 aS Et- &MWL-1 lev, Mr. Greme, bam show, a- Pl* of gsuslmih inlugtMd.imaut of tbe muo~Te vue thgme gt rsv.amn itwm aaFm ccmzBp Ni. BMmlet Il1m et MD"M%.o BW14 Ruer a3 E.gluh d i u m Xoelay lut b TSont. NBu], w"isa ilflr etMr. J. IL Dl...,eg minde%, Md 11,mchildu..mathe son nsto s mSUaiY aiglu bu c« the roet M Kw.Wn. akm-m à polo md puiJed it du»a. SU& e..l.. lemu a o"emti Mr K. jaeimmva i. Y. E.L.... vis iUd lues kW v.m@go, lm o boa b"foev ofi Jolid W. Let ffGulau k la&. xx. Lau. k mev a thrimg mercam Jum romielet S.J. Pe<ty'lmN.mel- qpSta»wveddmg riawsU k. (gum- Md) houa Zto 4 dvts.,quit. qat mysai mperiorte.the. uppmodilba- id G. W. B.-14-tL Ni. Me ml.bm inum a -tDada. eut mKa"lie.bai -m mdi..- so<Itmadait Otum plain àseom- ýadin&Iy ..U o ue. It usotheispu- lu t hm ls s.,. An aum e .urothe tmda hm D.m - ýmou mos ls<m.d A" "tc lv., m Tus.hy * famg ay. àa imp o& m 1.1 -wu ro ào trà* mi 'vu huSdMa ît ema rh. = gMW miitjum la mteu>s mu MU1 tIs.m a t vu m a oCam ouai a biulEs. .deth's HistSof theb.WoM in th reatest historciit-al M dth.egvr » by the gmetest hivecim of the g vol.. g;5S0 p2geo.4200 -migz~u mpravtngefrein gIs crut hbbtoioel muntap Ofet Eopou n iI., nsly -êe &boumi hav, it ac ro. lueNE CITYX D«IbA1RAPKS AND C-LOTHIESY MO. go DOBSOM'S BLOCK. ESYO -RD. *MW go neWw*r b.. mam by 7mS Dmufford iCJna' CorasOEMrPamimt Lut uaope d"ly, Dm"& oerrapommhmt tmhegt le wus ddmtm a bîg ba"mm à*b. rk t. hart ttea oino et am CIa'. Cuoeu cbamingYoung hImOIX&CMii heo MhaveCm cs.the.yu.mg I a m-] ibe. y ma i byb lu z4Oam"bI. bai te My ui.ta o- ouI liaii tmob u-S.mm ly me. W *v.UP&Mw OU t.e ho bummA pathe ply vu %mm" uleimu àte. offnam.oi ho WU nDcowdamhosdWp eofmliaorlfuby al Pub- heu vhic un vs greof Cmd c it slI yonng Julil.. About 100 gula 1Mtdoua te.tm. Aftuhtma gmeMCI bela s tewiiineAfter the.pa Ure- parite the.boum% vin the ligit ha- wm. al upulm fr dr lau. Win paudvtb..unday'.emjymo.t lffxlNEI.- Il le ipurwtai I Jeba un Aiy Tot tais huib t. the pienic aI Los, s. i iga, os ta. 2511 uva, Md vue muas hmppby pllling manfflee à* cm& -W.! Gaà~suîw.-urte'sLý. .L, Ne. 406ý, in.amiioeanNow muai. emme nighl.tii. i.nove ateoumgSt lolge in th ii.dhbk't &cAM-Elg logmbu ut W. M. ir ..levcuJvoo....t auvm amwe. ai, mu needed.....P¶sly CM .m ...W. a.Fe l it mos uaday aight .... Ayelm ]D vil a low dug fhem LiEoud lst"i un y os SMMIY aight.. Clafie ventte Orceo lis Uwnt .. Whim u apffl e 1a.- !. VARDES WAXRDE34,in sami l.deyutne put offceS mlzd ....Lmg My il omnnu. me. "Orown -' KE"ýeià(tST. LINDSAYb» Hlow Cool and Cotutortablo My feet are with those lovely Frouai K-dButton Boots vhic 1 purcaSed a feu' days ago. They ae ust Lhc nioe--ý goods 1 ever mau for the summer, and s he ptoo; -unly thwr-k cf it JUST $3.00, AND 80 WEL-L FIMXSHIED. WefL. uhere did you get them? Wbmre did 1 get theen Where o'ouldyoepeLogs.a = glad giine Kmech Kid Button Boot >batflyis1 NEW TAILORING HOUSE'. WM.]&a 1&OIH a6"4r, TA. o,,%shilorcf Lindsay, avingreoped ia the Prejîsý3c 3@911M Seostek sa" Camadiax Tweed%, Fret. - h Wrrste3ds, & Es.tunm out souie of the ffnest and! best fttig grments ove, made ù, Lindsay. lA 1ha-vo bkx lb. lu.!sa Tuor ni Lindsay *rigthe pagsi x yoeru1 iwj'winf c? b recelvu a liberai shxr2 pulic patronag. c u t Nothing but LL t-lass Work. ft-V WM. McK&YI> Central") ooe~~ Grocorioa ProyisÎons, Glassware, OàOCKEY. T m T We . ý-. .* nte. sUCr saExr BîJ TEPA; :rwftiwm i -h un ah.cap it cauno umrpmee.« SpoWm n un% l"Y Hym..4 sd fun Black TM&s bm beC"t.ute ay... W. gdit MIF o- Tom. mi < Mdy« va bey »ethes Grah arn &Lea iw kfràmTu f tw . Ou lmim to.uhy n te oeB purieuaâoW" imte MWe ----euigY large mStk o e.p éui" e Dry GSdi% Ourpeti end - i7.. oebo it inferab e the g alrId rn. tbue is - 1 ' . 1 ap beoeuu in h belov Lthe prisse thS bohumes or'ying the mmch..of geodi. We reet thme in atium fran! thing To-dayin Lthe tme to cuoe k th. e tySèmefor - ont stuad out largelins. Ireaum e uW iut 'a et S E4 a sYard whidh mre good value at 12j oents. 15 yard.Shfrting for $1.00, or Iess tita 7 cents a yrd- reguiar price eLsewher 10 cents. Dress Goods at 19). 1%k, 15 and 20 oent a yard, worth 50 per cest. mbore at any other store. <apes froea 10 oeub to $ 1.50. Tapestry Carpets 29 enS up. S112MM SIIOIIIL4 Sau mai good emough for another seaemw' -eu « oe h m u!mited. Tableau. Wèzy aig >the CLity MNehant Tailoring Ho u»eau la.o.yA happy suggetin, fer it opeme u anayway out ofthe dilflculty. Way not a" thure Whynot, indeed? Where u'ill you fiï so large and coniplete an assortment ? Whsw? wMl you find better or more styWi goodi«f Whoee wMI you lind nearly as low prie:i l Whe cm~ yon ;-,t auytlnng bike the style, eut md Si? Whme cmayau get Lhe saune durablw trimius snd shilfu workma-ashèp? One woezf snswm sail those questions-N OWRERE. Nowhoeecanyou equalour$10..0.si!it for $12.V Novimere can you equal Our 11.50 suit for 1&5&; LÇowbme ean yon equal Our 12.50 muit for 14- 5W Novhere eau you equal our 13..50 suit for 15.ra> Oo. )otUb1 So i ,, mter ,LTe Makoei, rbIe-in & Voo tras. Wb bo.i Lb ppSfotion o frm 0» w ý ip.u-a i go ý Z* . Ca ýebcrjiý la T

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