Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Apr 1886, p. 8

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APRIL mstj 18860 y AoeyUU~Ub1tW@ oo of GOODBI tSPECIALTrIcES $PINGMILLINEBY, TOSIBY AND GLOVES, PRINTS AND GINGHÂE, EMBIROIDERIES& *4" C C IATS!l CLOTiIINO RAY&COD OoriO' toO>flhelyBlock LIFE ASSURANCE 00. 0F CANADA. A GREAT SUCCESS. IM I% tik, y r i(s 1ffl t4u -4I .Ie, 4) tf',»*,*< h~ad k ." > ea41 c ool $2,80().00(.0 NEW INSU RANCE. = = " lhb A Cvaaw. l P. 0. MOGRGoRfl wtêI Agoni, Lls fl7 i i os lffoe. TrHE MIDLAND HEROIS Â~4îîidêfrom fhc> chuomet11&,bana LstTobaccoand ars e- nI~~to i* b. b4e i. (cip avMr off"nd1t thepublic. THE CRIME DE LA CRIME (IIM srtv îîtV t.v'g b.p th~f# fvorlto l10. Cip , ansil11l tk. the Red, .&iî~oo by J. Il. k\>fTIRE, NuoeMs Md foi'amI who6wobyJOHN DOSSONS PRE(G G4~, tiPane enmm, i MISS MITCHELL, DOMINION AND HEINTZMAN & CG. PIANOS An e l. Tw m ~a&S lu canada. W. W. LOGANw porcas"m. .LEM Wb o' -., w W. ha - Gpeffl Omd5 fu U s ah s u a o Ob- ýWind Milet Force & Lift Pumps, I X LFed mst la.ylng Toolai Saw Rige, - Tanks Wa.ter Supply1 materiaL. Saleples of x4 on ext litL"n ila a feu daju. prces and other partlculars naie kuown on app'lication. ortiers rer..pectfnhly soilcited. -bGRAHAM & GIBBS. Tu '<' j If a aro ~t hat hi tbe mie a à eailylnz %h. ri.k um yaa >até) l sxpn'. ihaie Of 3 iper $1,000 Nded. On l.plan Uye Camé ta- W a '4#00 C%> 'r ay Mi » "t 11.. arer bWked ul p by 1104 <%Ila vut *100..*463 whieh Io. dpo.slsGt wlb st iohitthe ~ BRITTONY bis. L""à.) ISSUER OF MIAhlABE LIINSESI Fer the ce. of Vitoia. R. S. PORTER 'CORINEIL. Isui et1Mauic mm Gran Pecher' NmmastaJlAon I"CH AM PAlONVE" OMI tadtwmto% "i u pimis e "$" AguoumIsc. S-O se15.misv laui Sow i»VM&Ilot » sd lrd se Ügt la uid 1d uS" Maubon 4ubu"004lef, - ýMparmet, à&& lm-Jos a yu *l a sourg) lokATEAN DAtuupls"o" lut"& nl *âqilu 4 ié ébutb7 WM=01 PostpSlun àIoetftlY Au XUW£LsewSAU ~11 AUtEIi IIZSB AND MÂNTLE, MAKERs aoIMb W6048114DNAil AS à MbPm ilW WM-MiL?. M 1iAND MU&I qAMUor ' o A"LSD 1.u vIm j wRIVER VIEW FAM FOR 8AIL9 d MW 1Waoek1 Countv. of V1ctoiLa If«Tomat a 'Weddni oirfii h ent j "a" a qbua4lWS&«k of WATCH ~JEWELRY, t.co. rm. If you WB"ê a WU>DIN Mlle Asi R l. ee 1 lua W.r9. mArmbeàym Jusi ]P WAGT WIL PA te S ALEX. MACOONELLI -a U~~* Au" ........... ltuan .au i...... .....# ue m~auw -uxa Sa.U ;S~-------- sW.* CdlèS "'prÀc-.y Cash PrincipieSae the basis of our future business. The close st margîns on ail classes of goods, and posiLivelY One Prie eto every one. The truth that cashi prm- MvJca ci 1lnw TflrLes mist go-Vo- gether is f orcMg itseif on ail Â~num ~t0)~ ~~'! ,.bbIhod MORK » ihu ,RC Black and Colored Silks; ask to see the.-- DUNUÂ8 & FLAVELLE BROS. and a spec buttr ,roIIs.!40r-to 25.butterm,'1 C1~ Meeting of Central Charit1 omiteUTnasSonsn - 0~ o3~ .qa per dûs., 1 tu 10 ; . DfloesI.C9pr <>sonFriday, May 7th at 4 p. m., in the Most promnnent Inn r:i .j- eft l.e5; hay per ton, 810.50, 1 wix hirc ;omowner-, was ini Lin d -a ,e -±~f too v r l. 8e.10SOui ' ~on Good Friday. M r. ,-z 4ù r e Bet.hany & Frankli l M . LEaston, uith 1-t7zastisl buIsiness i esprsetat< ~ Spri Wh . ........... 70 o w(0 80 1 enterprise, bus adted ztu 1aest improved w neapo ecat tev - ýi Fan s< it ................*0 65 w o 0w On, acijnes to his factory. Bemember West Vizý3ria 1eaC7, rauml Wbm.............. 06btu 701 Buey............... & t 0ýO1;A.sk t e eisgros..conentioni ai W0»1ille c 7- 032 &0 0 35 i 0c. une of white cotto-9' suMd Friday th and 7th Mav.. peas-mau ..............055 uWt The Scott Act cornes in, force in Viseor- The E.at 'ict5ria T, a _1ers'cýrur es.................. .......ào 5 7 ! l> Duha, ~Northumbe<rland, P.t1erbc>io>;Lindsay uà l3th and1 h M-1 lu uer-F me h.......... ..... 1 .ý tu O01 5 , zýd tntario couLties t e-merrtow . A s w e go to p ess w e - :: : M Butr-Firkin ...... ........ 0 k t. O 12 -ndin2theot- o âý%.............. stu 0 19 ;Parties frcrn the country attend cHUnhgmther o 1 le Y 1035 tu 0 0 concert next Thursday ee<>, hgld1 fOps as serio~us1y................: B a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 I o 1 2 ù 1 g e l. i n a r y & a a t e e t i e 'z t s . w a . E z , Pn t o f i n j t î r y ~ t . ' 8beepkins .................... ;01 u<0 Ladies' hotiery and gloyes in silk, lit,laytst i.Bd 'reeu, Bard Wood.................. 300t"'325 etc., away tuwitin priLe, san.- ziter t. Pail's charch. Soit Wookd .................. 2 001tu 230 thing eLie st G. A. Weese's clearinlr sale. Lidies' InJia kid turton r,È Toronto Cattie Market. 19_2~ t.:) $Iý.25 a rair at G. A. We~- es a I CaIe.Exprt, 1,200 lus, à Parentsq get -our boys . and ae-92 and upwards per lb $0 044 ta "$0O4î - girî's bats at rI-tchie's, girls Parasols Parasols. Openei Duchr' hie' OO~O03. alosfrrn2c.u. os up at S. S. Sitchie's this week, " obd," 03~O 03 fij~ s asfra" 25c. IL>-l2 35 dozen parasols in sUIL, i "Common, 003 O 3 h e nfre n rs arpaein, zaiila, alpaca, lace ait Milch cous, per head 25 00 5500 th tred bnior soame, o eaceprmnt. Prices front 25c. 71 . Sepand lýanb&-Coice, hv u rat Fred Sherin, B. A., 110w of Osiq erhe.d about 1251Ibo 3 25 375 COL. Villiers* dePutv adjutant gential, jhih scool, bas been back for an Entt eC= arquality. per il be present ai the grand concert Dent, visit among bis numex'oua friends i,àk hesd, 100 Ibo ........ 400 300O Thunsday eveming. Secure tickets early.. urod, Lindsay and Peterboro. Ca nI. 300 325 lit isexpected that Major Hughes, semsaoagree wellwith M.Shr1fl Stare, per eut ... .*75 5 00 Capt. and Adjt. Ponton. and other Mid- ho. vl be sue to sueceed anywLere. Sta ard susPer lb. 0 031O004 iandes vil b. in attenLdace ut the. con- ( .Ivn fLnsy np~i lya-ot he.........000 cert neit Thursday. Secare tickets ealy. ueig«hts and measures, was in - ta t Cou~o....... G 50(1) Land alides are commo inlxthie heaxy day, snd vent through car nmarLet, :ea Local Market.. ecuison the xissirùg Link betwten Peter- ijrg of ont- of the latest inventi-iis in CettleChoim ........... 4 t 5e- Pbrb hro andOmeaemeeon the Grand Trank shape of a 'weigbing machine. Far-m Câttl% ordinaty ........3t 1 railway. The trains have meveral tims M do weli toacornily with the it.- ShtN ......... ........ . to $5.00 b elayed this aprimg. [Port Hope Times. Lamb, loehad..... 3.2ete 400 The Halbrton andi Cobozonk Alagearotmn cnfC Hog, ft........ 4 td4prlb arenow rzowded every Saturday as velu just to baud, mnaki g now the lir: Hof~,san....... 1e.Mr- as on odd daya duing thf eeL . Trners stock an'! at the lovest prices i Ldn1y. (hiu. rnsd.. .. 1041C and other reaidents at a distante Sud that Ouly to b. mm ai S. J. pettys the jeq* ____________________it pasteocmeto Linday teomake their dle.-14..tf. la the sprineg the Young Man's f IMms.B. Fergumon, ulfe Olt Harry Fer- lightly turna to thoughts of love, b% J'BDAY APIL , ~guson, the popular rond sauerintemdest this spring yeume and oli are tumi UDAT, PBM 8 M& o the Grand Trunk railway here, has their attention suddcauh ta G;. _- Wetel _______________jfor mu. uceh been en a viait to fnenda clearinit sale before h. jeta aay toi cfl et halé Bms. f« leubargnin Bdelu Bllfe and Bay of Quinte district. rout<.-19.2. .Ighiug. uoulufuruimgmuémi. A Oh. rIetsw to-day. A meting of Ladies' Committee toi t nt gonmatmud l vy tins. Rage er Nw ]mmasi la white 0IB& Dominio Organ & Piano Co'. but the jàS. qipSateA. ,mpbeW&a-182. ,4 * Mo - ,-:t- o p9i&â» cocert uil b. heUlinthe C!i=b 1 J. Cauudm. Esq, 1& A.,BfUt8~Se Sf11oo, aa6aanEqlmud ioneKent street îo.mor«o Uànèv 1* uaw te oMW abauk £bUEdU< 1Wet1icTriday, aftsrnoon, at 4.30 p. ne. ARlJO to et Tieteet.i no msavit te edbcst irics ait S. ue1sM. imy Mbimb. W&u-19-2. Cemets as amn corsets. NO Er. W. K. Payas, feuuely ana - oL8bpm < o lent - eof goodaDr. Gibort's .xcelSi< ta" l a Tieteacuv, havig he lbalerme et iat City, Wu n aLiamy ce.abNamza, sisal, lue tfl M " e te" % u ul mly h. M>lum Satuzdy Mmd Saday ou ,-b -em.benbaIrdt, 1t» tumit.fa 3*bi% miun Sttwth e .omnéatliduith alving up hia inet in &lMurW 4 l-aa-alh corset, amP thi fflva et Vngbam, in Huuma l iPLperiiMM opmx. l'he Comaul Balla'orsets. AU the sio ummty.Nu. Pyasnuthelbgrocay 108ou hfaîhtir M ver am -etl in labovo rnakos ut S. S. lut*I muéuy mué U10 ~a. mi, n.agu era an emu cans -gag i's-1a imam iinb. VeilS . - N<ISu- aia o.mé ii ORTEH EULdMI. m ta Tuinto CaoIlaimbttutsmu f l 4a n uipeth's E d thelb U i S b I bave beau dadag Em*or usk vmtmg Xi.ChulasFiesVernia, haiîffg* puos b.I iM& et tlb MMa d.' fmmuuMta Eu. ThomyoeMR th. ceptei au aqemy fe th. amie f 1 3 Volmlbar poum . am30 Wx- lity.N II"o.lt _tuMN n-ià lumiru ahuly Noo.,-Spfimg a hmOonce Mme-" - ~ ~ u iluo ~.i. éj.. arus. TPiU boat bolks èaplut dthe best it bu 1 ~ Uf 8. J. %e.bébU, 01 a~i bel umN iTiW au onfor my JaSES..Fsearme b«~15 Afflée bM lutTmmut& .. ,W. mmate lb metnca ebiff hm u~m mié .xpsc oit t tough &W4 imo - ut l.mb son .il lmM sa n - --lbe imet M ay. i u " e miit * -". 1 - - "et T GEdu. Th m ]Lb danun.m. .dmi. ag. Aaovr 30carbes mut doua ta ltef l..e MN.L. theivSa e1ygu l àm abudt»w deuils ga tthe .Forest houso = ac et*1 -12 ~ ga- ga&Oge __ysna _2 dafterthelb. coU M&é" IS Ié p.lThe k1mséi m h. ue% n l à»b" uébm jutis.t. the el I5:ze* Lin. h.ma w** u be " te tu»" ne tenet Bègues ap>,taedethepu~ mavmalb1k-a a u n l d m45and of BoyCSP t> therinie e om" d*5 t e - l uet m- lb tm Edd-- au o7.~ M ci dUM cr F a* t. lb tiuin et UU m bign uimu.t hm "iW. u; i .1m. 1ele t w b émI a . w i.o MnZidUh &tl.!I g on, maa behlif t ~ - ~ 7 uvy - om wm i L h, ~swmto t* Nu. EU is, ~ ~ d(~& 'P ~ b,~.bup t.Wom e K.i. The an!U k »84 à -8m Mtu adafl walvâ lm w ma-auquhi th mié a umber Id 0 le tmauoé. m O a fflà mmbfr yNani C.QT. Sund âd e ~ mm mlu 1kSh bW.2 é , j y 0 5 ~ - --. mm ghi u it A. ~1 A. (hL.m l~ lbdu.trip about 21 ~~ lb ai. um" tokp cmriitbt1 h W l m, u ic o. u i à"lbta 111111k,1M uM aont n ~ nu sa.nd à nudn I. -a ~ ~ ~ »%JLà"tu bmu lt t s toe hO& dw *_8 man hr - Mt ga #.am" - L_ 1 *s aioflA3yad bujî ute.v- Ilil il! SheR2 of Bay Ln ~iathe2 ~wuuithe vIr A *Ioporof 0 Ea.Vor & uli c , ........ so co bu' a"xn ON'IT à. on 72;T!.Ope. ...... . ...... ........ ....... .a ..... . g. DRY (!GENTLEMiEN'S aré bilowilbst th(, gost sttractive stock 01 OMCUL Cati /or Cireuw. . .. à et

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