4 ~ -- ~'~' ---'* f I "frlO 0f"q ff4Od~jwGE *»A I btw f0it )le f s1 cn t for th* noiioit M4te fi:"1$ ' wfl i ht nfinte paintmbi '.~'lWlte To HOfl. nenvlsodbit wfn, in tho Ovft of hl# deaulS retu"l t0 b"? f4li.r' -'Yeu 4 àkfted ab« emovpr, but ewlu"eatod wu, itul4 n bt Waîe ,bl# 61x1 tl 't t hvlm ht e0TPi hefeUu<> Vi r Pô Jorép folihi')-An ol»berhl " itbS, tlffle, ô tl phys'O& d'iV*b tll)Ybm, AtfftnetWA for rk in--'-~iW6 't J)fo If lit thll>iiild, M4-W te e (etltfte'.l Il4 or l i oAE'O b.om1tl , i !. 18 rmacit' irt-110 f« '<rt ~tl 'V to l'l t. < i n rpt h. lie bldhfl r s I'- .. .. i, oropd tto ber~f$4 it~" w'~ V'mo"lv oi' t Ile" t Fv. ro f h cfici â'"~ l rtithl f vthohdqni Or hr!ooîv I old1 ely that tf "bcw (à> ),,, tmiti' "Io b. »'t 11) ifAc 4 ~ ~ ~ v . Ill< t ,4b' ' A r " ' tc a ' t'?' r'cf-Ili ! l ier i <t .1 ,nvrt' (or . - cttrQlt W. f'r"~, "t3'hrî lu1, Pir f, I 'i 'i'<b, p'l'1 u f aVl'N'A, . f, Jt( % vli li m )1Iin l oo MI 'î'îtin le wn, Px ", t, tVint. sUer t tfùw itlelhrd E6411cwl' ',l14t it ln z% f8-t ' sýq 14ff'otit toi .'fdfrbin l, it- . I'<' "'e ,w, vxim iOI own1o t'nd F i1wtfilit h' pf'4- l'il' It 1«I tîcîîht tlî't tIi r" tè 'ootdte pl'î'avil wthen lio rap.. i c" îth" Ili1dev b C'o1o Cn n l 'h Il rb <'Ot lt I;n)lndOl. T~a ',-, li ht4 Ill Mk. 4i'cfriq ff'slot erly t.' l' 'y'ut .h" ,n d 14111 tiîî.' l li )1'e hctit.1< i f (toi stii kuse m0 4w, v t" wbulIii," h cvi Cîýiîif.'ia,g 1'Iý l" Ii<onlui'sr" inI<. MgA îlq V) la 10Oio> $4aP4,rw"") tobtour o ."yon* '?îtIrt~<w1ili ptooh't a 4*mti*t'IrfO It ier, ýimIrwW1t>dcft*n ýeià thhm 1àtInr "1 0rIl' ' mf, t'ti. 1 l'<l'.' O 1i<>ieu1<1git4) plae Inthe ~~'$'4' < e.f t 'l1ig tut' eîem*lhftl ~' flt hîcV' hiffbl 't.hlfiM4lO. B, ' S~em~ 4tiiibt' tib"~Ili t4.'f« o "rd Ot'adh hear'I 4 mth(§P ~~¾tî,m, f. t*' n tvît cfýlftM eiko,c ~i'~1rî 'n ôiw'r~aloe~il ~erêflori g >~f' <i' ,t otft V Mtol i lt.is on 1s>'t minid4 tutu.Anli 1-,4 iperims p~i~.J~'y ralUtt'Tirodwl thtl,, O*mm 1 le èsth(% f t'hod 1* m it '!l Ç~mî91r tha.fbéSi»hC I dMi)t44tý4ltfin" 64 i~ -1 uofborUe tenohi Yow. Mus. bot bSMta@"@ ::@=*mlehlm. beM»a à"d 00ouod slnd *lIai »« e n omla ie tue&o =b euPlayemil eafno e ced dro«ubI . lceu ourvo. Thoam'. bocand hohithugbnla "mtC>W oogi ho'<e haIt bMhaush May l bcoa i ne "s. li.nyeotg emrot e tIraie folw In onaof ibis disposition the hair on thoir boa&e le gonemly, fl faet ainîcet alway, of>&* sthade darkor than thoir bourdle '-When the boardI# fait, ooveTlng the entire fae, tht> cotor varies fren a cart ,tbade noar the rots te td whlch colors tho eudq of the hair. Theso mon bave vo'iirëeIr*a gondi momory. Théy forgot Irïty ami, otton loave a cano or an oer- roma behint thom ln a barbe m hop. Thoy irogret prorutinatora mmd, are bnc a koplg ppoîntmfonte. 1"ThI)nkov1ýerayour nqualotaem ad qoc If the mn w ho l8 habitually slow ban not a inustache or boardi of a noglter shade, than bis hcdr. lt's always the case. Thes are the mon who oomo ini lâte nit the thon tre aind get te the station juat ln Utie to miss the> train, - Biit philbeiraphy lea ascienee Tt tnkoe yrars of'Atiady aind observation to neýtuto lb. Srom long _practice and a nmitur&I lklng for the art 1 have a"tIne con&%lrîîble akilli nul4eornlag hance 18ngAwhisà oni t r.Plg& It hme comnnly béon Qttppomed tha thie wlt of min wasunsot olual te tbe task of tranefcflTdng a pil's ta it lao aWltle, lionco bhe familiar exproasion to indicMt the lmpossible mueg, "Ton mlght oMweU. try te iawalowistIo eut oC4 pig BiltoMW world un long NM awb tlrnt. >,,,'nl things a ahobdone msewell ou othoýrA-t.hat, an cgg, for Iffleaule, air thouigli In thcory as avermoto standing on Wll readfy a"sMe thalposIion pet os seni w a abt«Mgdm ke('Columbus Sc0i'i ns a A "W«*&agf rhe occsi 08 asset tuI" =. bleMon ol neot ho I&qhlonodt froin the former, wem tipon a madter cf ltm piper proeeeded to convict Il of error hy forwarlng te T)catm sanctuin an uidenlble whla8tle faehbonocd fmmi an obvIons y t*At, ,"caM.ully paclmed lu a nea bo*l Mm.ofr to! tht' tote cPhIladOir DM& EgpSolocf I1876 doubb1 emmm. ber mseiagamong the attmof Mo»e o!e dqpmnmenbe other of aue. mlntkmn'clnfylfi nsrmtgs ihm. bccn Woore tmankcd, we a" living Ina qYcatâgé. -f NeywYork Tribuno. Md ro n=, mad ln sMd ont ne mot it - neoâeile « tri aiwaye betwessber and kilenu Tho moud-ing basket lies ; AMd tbc patient band, tbongo eoy 'Vorl< lovîitily on sud on Af-kg tuai neyerameftwbed Aýitd aile lu«« e do.m Tawlý%ltle mai. ouin e esio; Mid lir bhmtst eerm.wuglaIode Aid ho I M« fgo lisege, lmha = soaetetI. o.mM An erI wait aibe ugo, A" hod te iselst er m oui, of Sdu inafourwI'~lm had te Im Ouo h t.U MyI &a ; 0fI be elum we i.cmeyl g tt11, umuua I've um mi - Nm lop* tbOIý lb aIdoMh* n«4 amo@-- AI" ouew MM arbo su~#lh# 16%lb« huai~ atg ~ê wouifiwufIt. ai e.m ftomietbê_iw Tubu Ih stWhst wêh -W. diepens. wlh ia benl TooSU clown clown the fat and theoleml; nhe boorden they floek- 4.h o!rwreched folk!-~ Aa led by theaelio! Nu-g-rtn(y. The table weil, set, The poo 'rii(cie-oue" They tack le the ham, Tih. gnvy sud juin, jw th b.Olo tallethelu te plea. «-t#iwmmdhW. hie -am.-sÀ fp 1 told m! - ae 19kOut Md u Sb M*c ý a amu -* tu y a se tg OISmueat tu th.eMr! ~we sec it bath wffl1l" uon!e,' n eread .thetM *l BisiL wbarrbiswftout bib bt. lm iLio.IRBdIUeretbe utol ftU aI "ho tanIt coudlru a t s t ion? Inuire a lergyman. m "We a.c wathedIt of the bagUt ion and me," retured Wlkf EU), "M11 Miy "nn got -too er the bari and wiw 'rowned. Excuse these tOMM geî 'inen, but 1 ena never tell abiout thtStorm wltbout erytng0" -Verily the truth la sOUiilf atranger than ficton," said the eluf- . --n- ln(t i Be. hr.r-val ju.qt now surroundeci by a h'tv ifait'mir- ers): «'Oh,<lear, (do telw" }I , 'ouîle your hair up s.'vhriw. <; e you do it up fin? It look-i,o-thtel't ual." M'iu, Belle (who wears ber ha'igh), *Wo'. lIl, tell you, dear. 1 .'r.l do it tup over hrains. and (sweo,'tiyî 1 dor't think ymi cin boy them at the hair store.- Boston Journal. Why lN. Crcp* Out oet lWetiug. Ata pryermeeting in an Indiana town the other evening, after several o! thé, ueî~ehren hmul "led off," the ,.uo Wlhà crirgeobserved: "iBrother Bedloe wilI flou leatuk i ulnglng Rock o! Ages." Thbere being no response, the .'tqaeon letBrother BeIW[. presemt?" N~o, sir," respondeti a voiee' gMbr he dloor. " *Brother Bedloe ijust h ~that wtieat haci gene îrp in Chicago ee ents a bilahel. ani he's gone over t e try md fix UP a shortage." 44 y dear frlend, " sali a long-baired eouutrymaute the blographical ex- pounder of a dimo musewn, Il ù that unfortunate belng really a Cannibal?" mi h.ofticated a. South Boaea siander krns-Corkwho u»sEdsttinq on a divant. -"Yen, sir, that great living curtoety w»e captured whi.e lu the ad t ommt- mg a. Prebyteraa mLqelonary overa.elow "Grat hmeve 1" gsped the SowltY- mon,"aatya othlm?" ~Couvert hlm!V' uold Ise blogi, widiegust. "Do you s'pose the great Amerlo. publIc would psy tes ceut t ]ROI&MChrles&n1"-[Lde. 4-~ ~' Pompu.r "Us Do~r ~ k I ~mwj:. "'I Imu ~ ~gwt ___ kIIsvIng~mt ~ Ils -~ i.. "I5~TIMr.1IIIIIIIU~ut os ~Ss~kwjbut - udm.~*. ~nm~7 buhat be~ -~ Wkg,.Uil ~ i ~rnm a bok et y.r hft 41 -pm,& wtng et ysoj no *P aE - m..you peh«*" - - ~ la mm (or h4 5 las Wy mai o h tlUlY ; t I.~~aotlS È keinpd t soifupa omi s etir y ort. g lb ebtàm oe's B ets ou m rt blgB lB.h oMon'aoztw itblii .-ri OMyB eIdrhonmarto aburn wlth tM& frtb tzImm e, & mlok of teprsnq aio ]w o!m Buloe@ing, r at te I tbdug aor-othier taoa . twS of the urame o!and ta .de sob st ttoe ffeorma or ele!tgs Ihht io n as the sathetlC uIOr- it la à Toi3 cmfrt ;vthryw ivote mge k on dorys bfre bis dthatiare taee o! othe naisSithhm, Ohila mg eet he eothen, r a t box at home. mmrrang or olerhafldhamlOUM ay an hour fli o commuiali n u p ealtte .i ulo yu haeritten ou a copy ef the ahaet (It hows theMAn- tlqulty othe fsuperotItin tht hendmer mut e kcapite sRm]Mnformtla Indu- o the sate wtavel alngth etaUne u e te e ter yn wxsh t hadtà tbuca hapelatheox t»o! a pi lm a If otheerimys et bas eeproprl pformeduknw. n e your lover'ssnl(u u tlariyoneaofthe ane moit m, ikea ou ecan tety n ox t he.ri Boror) wIlitraeing wthe Oe- ohr nd la top aheur aeyat the Yni tof ants spboxu l t oany rs at pap ehoosweh u the'ae asy nonuen- len theonlphaethe ephowrte uan respondiof thsr iiogh tth edium o! a mue bockeaptalewhintRoan frm, tin ea lIf the comthunictr on doesn'to m off tihap e Inatse oiasnt overpia, andh bI xehsrgoen or eectroe th pprolued, hour or hasncail (ptoulov you, r as therse mon. Ie ao mouanr miscon ofcted heClf. c Brteras il als In the c lae a sanlet frmoeaohr. sEg land an Austrahi tasfcint care mas noue awase th the nscieni sient sionsurethe orretootho loal hesor t renih temeim; a5 waclok aot ale" Iih is boxa dgea- o It himmuicuatin at thoe oher enjoymbeuent o habnt! over, fatie- Teessmn ae foev :.n oneashlnted bte ter onte ou1orrbas' lietan Da t lve 'yarttor hioe! Juse o Uic Supr Court o! the DIstrict. His ablity as a. la.wyeik, his rectitude as a judge, his genial qualiies. as a man, ahi combina to ma.ke hirn a favorite. A.meng 1 .,: earthlv possessions he ouns a fine ranchîe ;t Great Bnd, Kansas. This place is iii 'barge o! his son. Young Cartter lovcs the good things of Ilie. The good things o! life cost money, and sometinm.-;te youn- man has felt lt neeessary te make a draft on Ms fend tather. Last sprlng .udge Cartter lnforined bis sou that he w',>fli puy h îm a visit durng he sumcr v,î.*tIn of court. The young mani saw hirs opîîortunity and in- p roved it. ioing t. a. fri4-nslly rauchero, e borroueci a bunch *" o! cattle; i. e.. &bout;a hundred head. These hoe drove ov;e ~aie oui> ranch.. Wen Uic senir (artter arriveci, Uic ion took hin out andi shwed hin thc fine "buncl I o! cat2eha h.'ad bouglit at a barAin. The eider Cartter uns de- Jlghted, ad uhen thë youngster x- pbl&ned that ho neelid a couple o! thouseuda. o! dollars te ii.uih paymg fer the catte, be at once gave Mas check for th. amount he .Judge had completed his viil, the son casbed the cheek,ý returned thc « bunch " of catte te, hie friend, aud he time he sud hie felbow-ranchero had la alBi spkeno! aevi*y by h. or'e"t B5exa.'-( A. lady wrt th e New York Hlerald la reEuuuS oe P rench custemauttim remui t. young unmarrieuiwe .She 'oa!% day I oaled un a.frlend, Xle. EgmeUleagtotbBra of- me e l.Most r 1ps & Milleto!the eUchat uoewtaum md pi, 14z "NBt log afeIvsivi>.aàbm&l k eau M a y ung 7ro MD, 89 uho va. * b moydnglutm . b e hftlb Ibum 3100mmab8", me me be0 a bitwh *awlng reoic, M bu WM émdu" t'ao &MW 'ulout wS a% sab " la »Pb w b o girls n OMa ý*1 - r -omM teaumub5 oe hIL auI ==b u MMeb. f b UM" m Th. es iWhtfa- r m r P ils, n this uorlè'to be suesIl -'r~ Deacoii Ray- 1e1.-: isa '">dr<' hen he's all niornin' ut f..r a.e.n~.te cous. feed si,:, . I'reakfat-t for twenty hnniU-. ' . iyordas work befo)r" i;ý j -«Does n't (h10oil, now%, Deacour h asasked. Oh, n.'he r.p .wîPîng away;I. tear, 4"ehe',S lial -, An Exliaàu.,tive Work. Biggles. - i suppo',e 'von have.reMd that uork by niy triend Scribbler onthe Transmution o! Mid?' ; De Jones: Oh. yes; 1 read it casually." Biggles: - Didnt.you flnd it a very exhaustive work? " De Jones:.'- 1 should say su. IWQt to sleep before 1 finished the first chap- ber. ".-[amb lei. Prmeoiey Why Me Went. The English acter. Charles Mathews, belng une evening 'la the front o! t1je house, andi seelng a gentleman putting on Mis coat preparatory to leaving, ex- elaimed: -"I beg your pardon. r-jr, but thero le stili another act." - Whch is preelselY the reason," re- plied the other, i'why F'm goiag." She Couidn't Fool WUUi., -Mamma,"- said a hl<li4-year-old boy. what do de ang-e-ls do w'oii dey git tiret of ftyia'Pr "OL tdo't know, Wjllie. I suPpose they sit doua and rest. " -I doa.I dot you dere. mamrma De angela. ain't dot anything to set on, 'eept de back of der necLs. "-[Newman Independent. "Good merning, Mm. Gilligan. 114% 1atrick?" -- "Sure, he's nu better. sor." 'Vhy don't yoummed ihim te t.he hos- »NU-tubetrented?' 't be treated. is it'> Faîth. au' Its t1i.dabinm trimmins ho lins already "- A XMdlR»& r. «»Ornt that yo«Be. bwebm t& yur wî!e. N4'w, a ~ Independence; he awm h l lst nlght," wu . -*.. Z, ýý ý - ý-- - "I uÊk .m th"t MY leg uSe hot bM. * et Aatlstam, but ozi MMOMI ap~peed toeure me of' SI - S aumpmng aiong the bigh- ~wl~IaI0su&~ stopped at a bfamhouse ~~WbWdlÊ7O kmsethat eg?' aaked M ad o uü e aRmy husband. - -ne eme laoa the barn, and 1 WM gkaÊ he MY rogiment u e & n kdl the b@tU. :, » th. OUemon3r,'1replied - & Mh! -VWl, my son Bill WUIn the uIim1T.tSo. ru eaU hlm la.' ,-ý- ."un eoon came ln, and he wanted ta )MM W ht partieuar gravestofe 1 took eh e1hînd . 1sald it wus &a. Sctch gimnOSmonumient. 64 'oh,' grunted BIH. ,'My broter Bob WM bahlnd uat sueh a stone, and ru olhim hL' "Bob came in, and he suore & MlghtY DO&t th"t he was thcr.' alone. Re Sort o' peemtedthat monumentand les ]However, to Ille e the benefit)f the doubi. I1'was a-k dt.) naIne Mfy eora- pary lad rogiment. CoIDpBly ","Fifth 0Mb,' 1 ri0k Brother Jim was ln that coza. p@au; l'ilcail in in.' -Jlm camee in, took a square look at Me sud remarked: st4Stranger, our regiment wasn't wlth- ba 200..Mies of Gettysburg during the w rr &' atdlwTýentY-fllth 1 Of course the lfhwasn't there.' 'Oh! rilc all in my brot.her Aaron; lie was in the Twe-nty-fitth.' -Aaron came in, caUled me a. wooden- legged lir a Iwas pitched. over t1ho Wue nto e road &&They've got this war buslueg !own j»fine that you cant go around. pIaying zootw on the country no more, and. the bet way la. to own riglit Up that you got drumk aud got in the way or a. !ocozna- tlve."-[Detroit Free Press. U& We i:i G:Ood TIMM. W«orlI flcSdiec ~blic to t Sporti ,fientlmies picli are wd. lu t»e defen devise " ,esatiOn Anima COuditiefl, the WVes -son. *Anima their bod lu&, as to boaL Anima tortured itou pa Anirm pied, at water, 'w kuces b. thoir me no Cruciati Soihi igno less driv Dogs tilon an 'gfler. nlor through food, an Old, Over-loa hard mD Cous penhiriol en Uthe villages pu'ddles by 8te! viiend Ihe mii of hn Calvi 'uhilei tances, rough i Fine checke4 by dr ilated before pSitio 'withom boys f 1n vario by th fie oCa fui. Thu Thu inftic ed b, *ad bixis MM