Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Apr 1886, p. 4

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1141 iuslobb m ev n w- . ~ S.. om vww hes,,~ ,MW m M P WI M *0 ou dom *0* « A» s. udm ubui s' *e opte b4a OIF fwMid&ff bVSdiU5 &Mt &sW * u& $Ipflào md qie us iueib do*ds.w.ss'gs»d 1 o i M# dffl aB u Ibo esi ,ed hPOOet wbb f bf * *od bée eob* uab5 d ielya%0ânusmh 1.11k ie 111. am 0e(Pt, ce' < l' î.lbe lbIai~~eul fmi teste waJq m , WI*. lkMetw.W o&be a men If IurAfiF 4#41WuIekiaWwbtttlae Ibo . h.ifom Mifusem 10. Iairf t m4àw"g fa # Ifbue ê554.e.lcemy.hfedU. 9«8 ppNmitb p,# VU. se se aL#$4m&am 0«148 vs ie f" u ".tedoitolmb b etmr1.5 et eur M mg 1.1.15. sueur. ed la gwis emp.<v~emsei i a*"e mm t îe uieMd.00u oIwmles" AYYTlTI MST MusI ., " M #dmi he Mlé p115bléplq6Se 0mu *0 ' M,11,,m Ve be. àpou'majouISy a *&tu mm à" m«, mmé06" la Oshile pies k hs'.#. te l Pis mi dr*& mo i *0P»d W IblbOami hMvudhs suv svdseb iw, w Md s. h. fl m ig Ohé eawaS. IS.w1 i mi' UP umibw Isisul, bu r Meue OMtu5* a #» et 8,111-811 hi SM s ahu - b "mm er.*0zao mie l l Du *@ma, i@fs aveleubkcmk OOPeOW l nuus S.r ue mb Nb emsulaiSbuaigluai 66 *d.i eslis* hi4, légua a M e um me ka me l a . 4, ma moidmbîw hsk hi Gloe, sMd n a 8..qu ms p h m ly â, ,m e 4 09 4 'w* S.bufféus I, be . ssbul iesrl te l. ppoe Sth" usnul@" am ab- ," aiffi le noffl "àai«IMM.lMM meau, b»4#4i le îm7v S muswe mutbes 0(eWb$ l. Wde 1We Wistht. netuftnioe ne 1îk1ý1m N. Neele 1 b" ms ike PNP"t ls a 4so40" a". Viii 00 ha I f b a .e se a150 .ieVM V&Wsua"e.mulsgy ugasisth* #»Iw @618esmoeu.we. hui1144 i* *.«Tusiseome. huldV.4, tla a "q ,.y td sme, si te o«pfEiafl m g» MW* » Mv. usàtp b tu à* *qi d " Ti.,. ar tnPl pu p pasap due uilarsud a6.0mu Md .vne 5l5 $i Bil "j <'hdagus il *a* fous >* dit aws..ve boauv t lm " uSSi ap" ..al, .et& IWO*i "«yv1 pudble * afijeeleaj sIl b idéfum W&4 MMv. e ljSe W" bel .5.158OMM #Dm &alsPm Pm *4depmw bom Su Thse"Ti qomaftd m *6 nme. s b lae 'OSu.vu a Ssl le Auobihip ymmi, 4t ibmuau t dt,e.'. UIUS.w, vi oW « léssihie am ll.vu b.Uu ami osS th.qb .mel,04nMd Se les. fies*0SI. dli *0S fOWtt see4. sud <il le h é bn eïk" »pMae hem *ft"beiil.peaeShuos Pedtmad doMeefiMdsun » w.vm.neM v VW.bWholàUnt os las.'.w. eM& iluM i.k mS. BiBisMyS.% ami va& kseu1uuuib~iE lm e Av."W. Setbieus, q*ft 4464. -fwin 5 ai. en ueWb@s, un esamudi au effls.e bb~ MUMOe M& dwe.ma n vIM& S. usél nuP «u & OW5eMepitbeiqi d *uam besa ~ M4 d, bis. bu "a teb Mi .l u .1, W. kw IN4 a*r . uis b u buna mi&t ne f« ffl * d bii.*ba b84 * ,Mma. m.in.e W aemb R% autw lm Is ag au usla S bwn VdIr b S S.g u h~ MOIs pot. S uu, Mal- M# theLd ~~~~bn mik - w m la î miu -09-b t*O- W di e S.t. Ob* dk. 84m teWOubey<W pai b.wm a &dotebam b a » vw àtm ww b F b.a &me tbelmdw m bu*0-te j-IM& MO Ma go e .k lm dw bu -lS.B- by Wbi M emb b, -,p.. . um V. P9684î» .w*mýbu-Pudk bu1me bma a *0PO& X W. ami pu Wdsmw 0 S. fm dK*.a ~ b ba piy mw poM- le mi M iféb" l s' d b b ohm b ..i. amiteui e um a Id àgWe *gameulu b Is .~b w&086aaedgmpe-m i rd" @à" c b s1 ms- s ham"se Ila suté a lfl. Nm it le SIb SS* W#5* misd.".OUsMduUesel g.u.vCaoe00%SPd Da te be la boma mmm Mdslnd b aue' a ue .1Tb.osmsr. s P mq @a »M fbg .vau lm mbs te ~Tâmby M eh.aimbanus. à. hlsWUAdm ws te s MY Wb mymdv ..ar. lemi; hem«. *rtew &M w tuud a«l é du5r'Slma s.% ii t wwdm gw * SaS Suks b hie0 Mekamu 1ev.; ThMessWob loim. omuffgrl .p d 8 tlerà S. UI tu te éama oul opmm£dm m'tl.dm u»ot r pspi Em mq US u lat#d wm timejimptyIs desa bus 1A4O4U1. elêl s. me»éI M emmd m psimwi b.OtW CUi 15e d *0 Um m . sé q - udt oélS M u. eau'.w mm 1S.. - my Aev us vii lem*i. hi la 1uTAse s u t PION OU PIaOn m I 15., . asumiS. U~oe Uh sf pUeuTs. a ah. Umie b 6@ ab"" 1 Iw5 km at b r tien olM hs @.»St w us tlm* haS. Meu g.wsusu@§bo a a" a- Aume ums J«4 I S wwkm by qffo"W; *o7 bave a& uvm" m n» oisnSi-i cbis Ievsd S.Uevwywm *@y île W -_____Vamt bt *..J,5*.u.ainsqsds.; ing 14 in a»w aasa.te be *0 b"o-.iqlib. New B Bouma isollo. bpreseS b teaiuvolmiesu Gubeiuu, em «P hi.ul& le hoeem in the N-ah-vm4,mde Osd ebusa @gom i.Ss*01 emspsu.l a S. posai., lâo.t mdis. à malin, Seuis b*0tou" Mwv g W" è"S .vi bb s in S fuaum m T&Mdslmas" h mué- hsse mikw ah br W *@mm *@y - m omk SI. s60 S.u me aiemUSId ause. S.mUsdi puesi e pu mfr «àbu hp.se PMU SuMvu w db w'md.< JTauBousy Mdi oai Sdi Uuç, mi Wvm ààw mr é» dam - k sué&Nr" *meh Mu *Mivu 1-S bu É ud Badé; aMd â» n~ a Bor lf p-ami Md e0sud«lvoe bu&hast ~, #WdaUmm .is. Esesh Tib""aw m uusvai b. MIsi»V. gou Rame, Y"àwauuse, o" ,W 40 mi fS àpu.ss"Ydmu Tou n w âdamdalie u1*4 t. S. Nhýomma s'las..Wé tqe t» e la*W k linbMaUh g» .iSwm d ?y lObR pormi* Ume -saumes-. wek momdtb ObuS Potwssi ud"" Su. S. b.., Md .qtm int us J me nIe 1. o us.uIhl Soma amh.vw.-aime àoiC. wP. a-Y.th 0" s.f vpu. 0""eoeyvSui W* kw bslwotics. bla wu0" maims b«O dtwb Tb@f ý s »d u s If in t. have olm b u put, ne VOIR W tbe puma, mt b. ___I làau hm te -, o-B odU aàu vot iDInOaUz ,oim vissbhiemnte, have a madaL umis.tS. ewmmmssecevami Tb* QkW0.la vu* isoue S smc silite wooilim us Ts..ot. about hsesilms eomi lie0.samieWho amosi ob b. Sdhm u; ,BI* e * l psiads"sseti liaSbuS Whodmi» wsk; Shah is if lises del. W"___adveimwoshanebtebe passd m apuVUISticsviWh.oie tiet The Qu ha wu* use" . MMMd*, a" ibu~,y musheit dnod a" e bek J" .A. uNdassu in. duls a b , m at aS. le lïba ambtb e m"ut S.MW le su i aiesiOe-ve M muiem"é a *a* vw ms La' oeS.Onesium, ha b, b=,ammai-g S.the . By mi ab.ev1717 - *0 evu...à@ as ZÎ;z * iluthe à obvi& Io iim- - md 'umb e k Tsun bau mm bm a lwm WOU a& IL-hi. l1.& mm*- vilbu Vil Iv~ spu~l iuOb e 1hLai- et Iô@i sMd .rrouading euj,, GOOda af maj.wesS wIU be Markeci at a price below e.li Attentive Clerks will. show the following GoQ<(k with pleasure: 1 D r e s a GoodsE Ca hmeres, Prints, Gingh&ifs, Silks, Satins, Lace% TPrimnmiugs,Hoaie7ry, ola Cuifs, Ties, etc. An alGooda belonging to Ladies' weai ~,jGen WMi b. .>mked so hbp tha.t o nnot help but buy. BOUSECLEAENG ime wM oeS next week, and old CAEPETS, CURTAINS, etc, j »y moms clUhae to e .repLaced by new ones. . W. viii Sel House Furnishing Goods so Cheap1 Ult it wWlt py yolto use the old goods. Carpets, Curta-ns, CretonesMTikingse Table Linons, Towels. Sheetings, Steaul. Iooms, etc. Qounterpanes, Table Covers and Table Napkins. Floor and Table Qiloloths. 1hm neit week viii e a Bonanza for Ladies at Bradburn & Go* Apu'ilà 118& 'SI tiotwit lqpthe sial 7u si Sigu, the Colored Euibleen, Kent Streeft East. I havE SPEOJA -L. SELLING OFF My entire stock of the choicest Wmnes aid Liquors. Now is the time for families and invalids to Iayinsuplis, as ail must be disposed of befor the lastMay. Cail at once and leave you.r orders, JOHN DOB3ON. DEAF, DuI Bât» BINO! To ail who feel Times Haid and Money Scarce. Au CAMPBE7-L hs buying i Carl oads of General Groceries, Goal 011, &0:9 &C., t suppIy the County cheaper than a.uy other house. "We have un0oaded ti week: 9 Garloada ! 9 Garloade 9 carlodi 9 Oarfloa 9 Orod GE Ibo I Ail k mi Loc. à. Ve"i b RM Al Im i 1 ar -Âmraen GOAL QIL 1 Car, SUGIR. 1 ar SYRU PS. iCar General GB*OOBIfS 1. Car PLTIÀ.ER. 4~ GaS BLTO We~~t aebud MeetMh ard trnes with LOW ?-jeý-n odingwi ue quca1ntities tisweek osI.L ti ne - - Up -VSU Nibmm& b um i sai S tub J amfu a d

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