Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Mar 1886, p. 7

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TEvm -i§" IA Exp ,LMM&Z 9 FiVDATU NARCR 19, Sl& 1 tif(W ïq uftAit Vg (14 01 titiî efi - . Prr l*1 iwç1, t4e ti he u the f114 ¾th*14>I % %,(. tirwzw* "<lu IIN*7 0~ IN~.4 <~ rt1tlaih* ~QP15 - ~ <>111 .a*l* '11h41 -~ dmm fwttoe "t4 b b %OI4Ift"_te MW Iukem l MftUuof ? ~, ttug, ~r~~h,.v<iîa iw' ~uvlhiw effl r Nftrh vo'i (« f w1o 11fflMnte ~' î~ t llft4OwIIPPlth* i ik-, .. 4 1 'iw r. tes$ow ie*h- nt fo hi» *flovtw< w Ap g i., uhot eh"w me mntodvh tiui irh-ff Iba f 34 4 elâeiI 4 fMtrtiiiti, ký olit' h.t*l» timi M @41w.it . Vthe lq0c, forvil t kt If g fit'. bli l 01N or t.ttaiýe, Il>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ im Af (10titVt ~>i t 4' A T h l "ffyk t i nt * ffl eb h" 1iiib d 1 Itlk i miv . t r t(lf* h" povvy iy 1. no I» politW»l oo ltk.* oil tbsue Ft<nI n neiî'nilçi Uîn4 0ltkfsl to>kpitffqlb"Imft sam If th '1 >~~>t~~' flor601& * befl Y h e 1>t mni l kth.'w 1h4 t> e t-', î1'vlol< a i# I. 100111low id nlrtl i **%Owh k i u Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mou%4lings, Fram es,-and ail kinds of Planing Dons prmltly. Parties Intending to build should and get «Prces. cal] early1 CE&#o.rZMUE Lo.e C) C kÀk ~ ~ ~ ~ féo@ lttit tliI 41dfkdu Iisfla MU«f ilt II> 1h Mq & i idie>w la tuhe le t* A.,,, "d4%hm el.by . h. f tn d-i, i4u>es 0 ho o fi lm iff rrae li't i t h» comablabnfr 4c-hst, > -. -v. __ fIe il*h Y, tt t. e a*bo t0t gIt Wer> if Nku011is, (UIIv* ýfli4tj h e I Pl#o whe srti Xi { Yl ti h h e 14 iottltki ýiltfhoIoa__ *lmIl sd'Wh>a, s'yteif îlbl MFO A E A "~ M.ay1ie, mmbmpt, , .Ifli &«" 0"olearot .TCbu$Wdlngm t l*Iit010UlhIl opqmwb t@pbleelu f wf» pý19 lw'à hd% 001* thimiN M,11141ld Md l (1ï0w lu intiu o&mj=M ~~.>%1 thp îh>*>,o ovin l" Il rtl et 'IIth m#l b. ;ïIO 'i e S#aien goplîrU I fi.'iI 14e,>'.~u the ffle dif% thou.. vf> ql u4i.IomS Ifori .wuw "*""8 t%ýfA* tome wittè t ~h*" pe t #h.?. 'wAdi la or Ç"Ws1 aid T ~~A aarvn 1 eeb î,î'i'lt> >1>1Iî lu et ot, ohW"I Ista, *lyAwlll giàtiolA 9 iilloe.Luta iý îuif'î< t .»R". lId .If ens sei Wtov l ado1 1r My . e l wh.tot m»wh itsioll, c lslmn , Pfit0 bt i t*n with eeuh iqnv1hrvip su 4>,~v îrhlti * <4 vsla f I ph t . v a' fîl~1ov.y ldn i1e Ma yle i Mky lt# ttt (s4I O tInt 10N , .î t~s - eu cvlkq o ou 11 itp âti Ibilom J ài r'>"' lte elCS(irIA 10x.t(1 il*ttw 'rl y WiiçV l tp tîj îo ssieqli ý-fki1df IXti l Çîà d 'îoui' ItSls, h eivîî t y t #~ A fri' he, r1e.*ýi 1 '1 \> trt I U i> l uit lI <1 0<t, i s lh -t. 1 U Tto i llwlî# t>WrdhIt, to . ,i)ý hi t io:, ti 4Vl l 104st enthi> i i, ehevitfS )for h. v'! i 0h' o Mxiý»l i nt l @iq($AIIII i 0 s@h»wl I Io < e but belooed -- o, Ili i »4ppîîî~ News of tb* W»k. W W om mii 1outig itoMr. Wm..THOMAS KUBSiUN 1 ,"n>0n>'unii me' h.o là&W f«iil *s Iyt;ffe Jet 23, 31d wu'i~ ~ TTE in t>' b 1 4 wkb.d lv 1 . lt Loue * (10;'IAITmeIra it eth(tt. 'st l.i . 5 *l lsy The D. C. à P. l bpp<id flO tte of~"~*f iresvvVllil< the li'owmavlhIc siallon o m Tus.>5 S ily s»d ding ms *m t. pq 1:1111 t" i- uwî ik e fo tiîv).'v.v. d4', av*e Ou l& of orpue <100 la t1gisIpl.u ""ýn iOtîýîl.ig d4 tîho 1 *Ieb.al) fi' (evu.y, Thi. lu lb. I*rg. , CAS FOR ^SL.. U 3e Vl .*n k îîit14 >1 hî'O o.l*#. he4 sigi hpmat «v*er made hi HNil>£$ANDTOALLOW. 10~~~~Of mii 1 ~iiiiidva~et A eaat oune trou dav 1t -15 dçlo**tls sl>5t(à@i4d 14', Pl* M d îlkî.WM t lt" îih gd4otf nd pin. 1'Se 64'lhîl it> i' dî*gM%, i tsi0n t onabd hii. husls..dld net pq, t'nî' ~ Xqp 'Hehuas îiî o k"I RitbwiiI ~ il tii>'.ct (4î~n~'i lcit Iw Y ) t *d"Il > l. ougbî I& "«Y W& hie (lem î h 111111 1lîlîî k * d t~<10evi h* oW.ls to alws. Utsli ho ad. y~ vu. th.li* éim" sîil mste ho, vevîld a1"lit lm hm in Tas <oa4i 1* l4l*ëielln t îhiito4mWe' tw.al g suad héim CqýiM »Wbu to vg apol, s»V fortue. e bit garder. 041 v4, 5i10101» hp 0 IAd 1,Major Dgmioat o* éU h 1t4V tiw4 *u the. îiîîî <o Wlm> tin of a srerols0 endplue tu b') preo- ~U Iiti "'ni lot thé *I i.tl ho i 'iu lé 55th.e1.114154 utsfl ommoa's 1 tý,. -&WJ4" kilo aionitd sg"cJe* $0u"h.. #b. wti t 04bàte bvFI&Y t ud'No heor4'ei1l EQLPALO AlER Sc t> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jq Gnel'T ?ARL0R, ýMbim S tOêcSl 330..~ tohi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r« nI î1 e b o os uaplslst lgcfKITCURS DITI oS. MP O*'bb4g'Itou viil~1»"îbutite The âeg '»J ~ uti . W thp 0 iog Udh th* hmg.ii i , l vl uOIL PAINTIN08 AND ENQRÂVJYGS, wili t he îhPu.visnUi%leoeiiThé goia um 0" vu . iur. NExW M0Trots AND wili titi(l .v.qpbo .0M.f1lly aumdw ti*Id of *04om I'adsy it.- OERJSTMAE Q RD 4ný.i< k o bhîulhlm, le. .1, 'cw il l Intk a*làa" 0,. abpl. tet w>'I e b>4'V# h# eut* b f.l4%Thottrilt7OhV5W bd *p IteSI X. NUtILuS A» >DY& WOIK. tit WlIîit, 4 î. ' oovd head.m 0"o .bu bousAGINCTO, <> ~ ~ ~ 0y lis>o le NhIemt7 > t'~ Ille 0 o» end themma u&lie ~~~6%o si' Ciyauu4 hi r , c #bey qerm mum,.ul rs INtllyi>Oi~iluu' ethl li*ylv7 bl e tvu l"iela là av*aitoppI ,. or mm me.r é w p&c 11. h .l i put4 S Audriof0< Ic Jamim mb o bt 00tu.<i1 s a# t «e.1 0 là Pbam. playa poii.1tlies eeàune " te à* wj~ ~ l~ cOd 4*44b4 e u.11%.1 J" m .mui âr Spe N go m Nb iho pwm "f a là*0 1" stll et us cl I b" eIWMWasÉd d l.mla lIhp Ohte blw 11 mev.. ibea ppes UQI «ebb*A us lu M» IcM bl4quj~~ h. il Il letmmi WiRb éc W "buMu ~ Yns~ 0< mI ~oresm _ Mleuewbça& Es.isur '.54 ~ ~ ~ dm a,, <~-uuibsUleUhe~ ~I o0 . sb * . e beasa 1IU. h â , Wiliamoley HARDWARE UIXED PAl IS. AD t r~oe*~u O wi iL oi 0 I-a. 0t738! GUKS >~~< Voruale-double md a" îvlm brueh md monde loaden~. Shot "ume-muagme loodusr-ilouble &"i iuqe-o.'Iwbboredown, buvels )qut varloma poadDrmecbloadine a«bhoigUMaOtt"be b.squalitL SiMladetc ~eob.uerom sW.bave jnat ecompletoiL4 mu md.ammaaa q: duooIr g.Old wm Dl MmIS bondrm Oo unm a spectit IAlrepairp emmmltS laa BW1.4%BBhte aOWIonir,.afcablq "M& Aumloal*Io f mail gredesfor aIe. LUI NOUINSONSW M. hem IselU u Lm e t . IM, Ru bad-181. M tu-q r»uIntv uiîh mobI; N M'TSandi !=du anicompare pie. belone lurlaulng WORI(-.rd uwr outh ot Dhnn.annbotlt FIREWOOD. JaMber MWdabonqlet eeydescptIo a" W..t »,mdPn, u « &0"..a" i qare u fl d prmly upmde 0 Tehbue Ce 1*-ukTlo .m lii.Mu S A. W. ?AaKINa BON&. w adbw taià- femi aw o uI Q OLLEN ENOUAGE HOME MAM>FAOTURE AND SAVE MONEY By buying ycuw %I11Clotho, Tweed, lanzelar. Blacker.i, Yarn, &c., &IBO General Dry GToods% Snicb me Shirts, Draweu,, Cow~n, TowêIling,, Printa, Cashniere@,Dueks, Ccttonadp.q, Ttb'e Lin"ri, &:. at the above Mill, CORNER WILLIAM AND) BOND STREETS W. have nov pot a good brick 1,ci1dinc and intend running al 'winter, 50 th'it in the filt (1re von ca e ROLL CARDINO, FULLINGIj DYEING OR CLOTHf DRESSING., ALSO MANUFACTIJRING DONE AT ANY TIME, WgE oil wanted ail the year routnd. je. WB IURRAII POR THE 1885 RADIANT HOME %G3OLU The ozilx stoe niaIc with-Lhe w, *~~~~~~. «ferta"b1~r WI q i i I respectfulfly refer those intending to ucase coi- tove , the foloig gentlemen who are now us-mi' ,t1is s 41,%-ttQ tcv stove, whose testirn ony can not be gainsaid. I c -aller'-'; y dealer ini Lindsay to produce as large a numx~bziieof people rsineg any other make of stove : Wm. White; James B. Knowion; D. Browne; Samnuel Irwin; Dr. Ilerris-nan. A. Iv. 71t~r LMaguire; J. W. Wallace; Edward Benson, 2; Dr. Coulter: Wj.;;up:j4 ýn Mr. Lees; John Hannah; James McNeilly; John A. Batrron:- 3r. 'ai:MrHut:Y'., Wifliainson; Chas. Yeitch; Thomas McConnell, 2 stoves: H. W.Vi&t-rs, 2ste:E irs-r- stoves; Joseph Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle; Win. Bleckweil; Mr. ),IKay: W. L.J~ John Knowlon; Mr. Ryley; S. Hughes; J. S. Williams; Wm. Farqtlbarsin; . 13. %rrv: R. Porter; Mr. Clarke; Rev. Mr. Jones ; Rev. Mr. Pearson; Rev. Mr. U',Tzivi.h; Wt!w. Fie(" Mj Murdock; Mr. McGlashaw; Mr. Thorndyke; F. C. Taylor; Blackwell & Co.: P. Pilk"e Z !. A Middlton;- IL J. Lightfoot; Mr. Ferris; Richard Kylie; Mrs. MllHugh : C. Hl. Uoyd: Riggs;Wm Pediar; Wm. Duffus ; John Anderson; Mr. Goodenuh rto r~:J Comstock. I arn the only dealer who buys the RADIANT HOME direct from the manufacturers. _____Es WOOIDS. SEEDS I c - - e - a SEDS!! SEDS!!l!l m m xxx3x HIGHST PRICE PAID FOR A\LSIKEFD (oTJYUrivmANDTISTMOTFFY 8--E D. DELIV7qED AT QUR STOAR. LUMBER £WOODa- we! Y ARftD. D -ISHER & IU.ADTI ~ -- b ut -"Mar. IWMff 1 bave a FuR Liue of Wid<rn Sash,Doors & EouIimp 10 per cmt. lover than factory prices. Giss, mtt. Rils, Pnts Oil', Locks, igs vrhieh u,& comoparma l pimer. AârtbWl Goosh, Gua% r3ilver Wave, =zd '?uria*ge SuppI. A «nl leii R.De THNEXTOIL LINSAI FLANING IILL; IN DSAY GEO. INGLE & 00. ~L b' ýýe 1-d $mm& a moi MILLS 1 A L L Aý 0 Fý-.,m

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