Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Mar 1886, p. 5

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F -- . /IV -iAi f , %T0 w AR» BE >r et WMV lit t$i YM *AWM u i iMa btt tahe dvavtage of yoliW .%" * u«o16hm .ym amr 0 ofifflt ~Wd W 1 les ui I V I\(CK 1) JiuKed. lttn " pe o ape Owdm, l~idbide the mmel pi«$ 0o0s 1e Dobboi Primu ner~Iy q4&4 - MttdVrp 'felf'q b niw %r"wr -f'# wtnMy Boaroe, ~., OomI ioe~haB ~ A?.. iiVVi.. iNotue Du.tnnC&rd, .1.,b CaCh*qu*im, clrouJuws, A4vettsfng Bfna,&c. Vo» cm th*sb IetPossble notice, ,WCLLL E SBND Imla OIZTIMÂTZRS. Oidoes by mod1 nOgive prompt ma COMMDP.OJ.ALa ,WOKE AÀBPCIÂLTY SAM U. HUZES f1~r~d~y, Pêb'y~ z~6< on. me ...x.. .....5... i ? i.iVfl 4~wh ha te eliown IkW. »M14 M (A~ 1,~IW 1#11 M mLOCAL J«MI IKu #bwfl a E!*## jp5f53pr. 091ie m m"iv6"4t m t mmbui. v WM (»Mmm M lmdwW uPfww 34ha0te eovaiMdw f«i mm~s P I'êtb=Iifr uAtm&of le '.u. rm er.haIWO mhb« hkmmi . mfiyw< 1v9, U4Ut o das«tIMW piils.smdIw.. lsi44 so MOI r w bmek*1- IINAM Ir by 1A. itvUUPaMm yo pgeu, b-« tg lihw ta mui kieb.wmru& ons ?uu u& Io mP4 « mi* 7" PÉlysa e it a hmMaogfhiham wwk i.~mnd l w r.lsm *Ra À a uumv h t«Wfo èll -is lmw gehnmt, id (aMu4, t.Ullep k1mOemrf Swo1 mm rle awe& is ok'us I és4 dom, rolan w t. f <Itl#gfN*4#i011 <m14obo*W mUt ml>Pd mfi. CIof S #M~t*t41t w!Imbym. (J[*" plae n ortri 11W rm a uuh(im.@I %tét id, ffl mwk P, Lw< iuw trrî*ltn~ s.l ou aon is 21T4*Md (~.P Lqpuu. Uh~te J# rlit.su 1l mmusCIu *(I 1>. 604uU~1 AvPM a Ar uAmRam *PDA lise hspov4 o.b«M.dr u 41 VIUls has...pouubqom s sit. ile mmuo.oudiy P~ , sé us lum bob 4"e LOUsnf p eliçç oa 01orffms mile 'i"e uIl ow&m bOfbute d omma mi teS le 2« Ulm - - s. Owaw&- 9 -91 --Il P!! ou . qpg1 - -v ~ -t* - w.. ~ - wtt <'<r if ~vn.<~w. - - - I go r I v s I s I y s r I I i I F s fr t B "P s r, j: ~.r w TUE -- w.TV vne* p uru- - -r iq'ssw& 1 pTh bqtadit,". Rt f.h m cf" Idp. ns Mv. W, m. Eous'audesmout - mV lbu ubk hgt fbka.Imau Y& "134 u 1 jk hm . dwpo. upic4 VEL zom >«M ora -ý7 9MW 0 mbalu n lb ý Zr -lu - bu wi ~vM 1e IF A" #due-tu 1~wuubpud bop~ Umm»w m- tobemBte = * Z& - Mn %îa MJN1OP bodjr»p la «de tI Io our Mond bus.w le ueSs Mat INig m Mu l m lay- mmy et mà p bu, w&luos 0e wrayu .m v 15 & 1-9né -t --W i a Pm né ruukoeymd W Md s et wbG un lm tm&o & tpou le bd& s *I lr:et b~ etmi .4.46091b Sion"~ b -oum ung~ bu" b. ~o fum butWiImumYbimm tbthav., This is decidedly the cheapest andI best way to p'irclm se you- ato SIbKwGum v lm ~am + Ueeda. Please eau and examintý our stock before biiying. la 5*~ a*u v.ke'34 mls ch ~ c ht. . ~AddresS, au.. uh 01 th.u-b"ule MWr W . M. ROBSON, v~ ~ - eeas I 1-8.Kent Street, Lindsay. L ASSURANCECO. 0F CANADA mm A GREAT'SUCCESS. = Wu* Im de . w vbu Igâm*aeU5a. ief mnote lb u-id times" and 1een «ûmpeition or ûtb- Md - UMb l 'upM tei" irewroeve abm t u~ t labIWtar ,5M000.00 NEW INSUIRANCE. "W aux lue a dt pnp o i > mulnd iithe dvnt .ý- 0f ja Y,.w m-Ela U Im bbu=m- 5« WNbuS5e t mbUefly U7sm et njhjjtlO.M&OS.WOE»N. Prmde; L z' ac- -. 'om"v Mlb ai P. G. XcGRNGOIR, qw u&Ii lana lm bu lm P IM aff lmm l ~ :~ ~THE MVUEADHLAOES ~~. ~~~~et~~MeD b .1L!'s.eildfr ik- -»lwMU.Uw m U aet1 ~ETIRgl BuSINesS IN lu-vlon Ta g.. Irs W tfImU ý8Mw lkwww iet i4w T. eew , ,mêsudl . - W &t k bN w en defUIW MW p*e0- t M WfrI £,qbW, Ws êCIo au ** m sypq bua t TtU pw»ýbuaiI dM um- DUEbiEv 'W . bu. , piri f pnt0 wo -gs, hze cats«dte prs o s ox, te e et nd pairoo u.,Iwg*wq .vg"L rmi 1e. SI luab! tgla uuiWVURM la t» etutr ntmm oe atam edqit rpe aon lsj »l trOt Ig »M £( d1»a o&au t * lsu " dey n f oin .adLIkea& d. u a big h m a" wikh a ehriste stf on top, and two pairs of gloves with ~b~M. Z ~ ~.u..' àltouamm -Ve "ofti.,etaàaid.fgauntIéta outaide with a rolf icotton and a web of stearnloom under each A~oIw~ V*0 bV - -Asr - &MU hm ' eu Um > e ndyon couet me. auything of hlm excepi one eye and the end of bis 1108e. awN4 -o.III âPhUIU% & lu4oftWood g«pm« -The lmunbl.Cani- supls a&akenoff mezaslly fiUait au empty crockery crate. Re was .umk m *W1h. wqIi. OnMg g et .s d" & ggýJ ah iy frfrhd bl, but wheu h. recoverd e tlestated point- Pd w tm M d Co r o V b o wIrue <et&m-r;y damI aha&beau ving in Cma ad in ltravelling through lie stoppe cl off t rmmî'y è f,"buodeiis4t" U" " o.mab"nom % oaoIr ooeru- Liiidmy, ont, sud found Uhe egooda so eonfoimdedly cheap at the CT STORE In Iq ~.~hofe a~w OOMWM4 i tu tm g1h1 e h.»W leter b. Wda~M 40» W It k ,.do j Pa. x.ý, LP., ,UW . om ha t'w hat he oeld th"t there was speculation enougli in this purchase tc b»M wvbw r mp wy1bishàtzmveffing epn and the emalest way to evade the duty was to wear them. onnu y *i nmm »v pa br: bde1hfl ds e0f. mm ceaprkvesy that Judge Eardaway was a thoroughly competent: «fflten to L us am &W.i Dry r x3ovodvansd knw whel was getting good value for bis money. D. Ibo Rd gb etouisudLa*ivet Ilkewie, aud at the sanie Store. - L ",<'WOU ~ a. oe àîb'V ud .fb .ult<@w uo * IL0.. t e "" M-- wî;uÏMMi t L 0. 0 I. Of reffwtum,w. U ldaff 1081111Mh, w ~ ~ hi~ ~ ~ d monhl fmitwSe 1 ~~II < it u a long hlaebk m ws' A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o le Imm" e l. ..pomL0ut5hu m.- -4 Gov*w Litue Muda zTew Lqwm a by IL NOMêwllI 1W- bo umwsby 1W M 01 b» * %x@Y vidug CITY DIRAPERS AND CiOTHI-PES, bmm otm~i s is. huis.. 1h. be kuov 1,. am* et w k f Nu M,8w ItmwrusN.çw Doe > ugb MyWUdeo*WugaMmmPakMO m w29 DO SMO'S BL CK KENT ST, LIN DSAY& ou pan-»%11t K 3 a ite aMdd rlslg ffl erÉ« .am doa. en u WNohoitut auiu fisvet' T long,1k -EnKd Mud SIUW au'avsatm" NUM$lI U MW MW mu.w u s* L 4 !, = la hs LM u * I14Churok lent & ha @W* lsof IRabhum et POP- o.lg Wr hO in in "W wwmi imnthingeW rth Knowin etht NMho1 lm o u bn r.C U uI"*es &@Mt ethur 14m'fi wn . w V n twLw-U'. , ffs .C-axuOL4~ And thât every person should know, tor it concerna every one and Sm. isAbspio.d t bWtu!1a Ci" y pmmttw atm m* m puî- l, ajt k1 s freat importance to the publie. M M>o m4 o m e r o r ub . u m u m ai n f r oc_ A"d âwb, *b mocia sles o7T uk p. tii. nhm.egrM Mt hve mo: mM :sLTh qz. r WWe are minafacturing a lne of Gentlemen's 10..~ ~ ~ ~~b q.h4uégI ,bwm "15miu te bIelubm m ou u-I e"fri tkenl" OS KwIu224Cwumn, 7,p.' ; ?Tui«. 01<kut owua how mach Tud w is,3> .'àw w; Wlu"ffdusl3ruyin i Biack d Col, &' h. beoIfru. i u hm. u ýtaat a d-sqewet.W elt Boots dey 2«1h Piambe Vals, 730pW a &~t RiTs'r (romi $1 75 to $5 arà h MyWWWUigth Thuneay 2stb Kiwhusor, 7.30 P. nm; M- Doaminion m ~& Hamwm T th bu *91 be Ç ~ l , m7. &S Uvw m& e àj 99 la.. e inOU Cf . uiad . . e I N, ç a w hucli w Ml be known as the J . D K. B 007T and for -q t v yand in Mid of f qê wmt gy Petbi. bhm Neigwis hapoàütonaMd ageatLiMdmv. price theré iâ none ranufa-ctured ini the Dominion that is e jtuai tc wr v . nleu.Jiu htC.Wle q 1PTahes, I LKTWOOD. ~it in'valUe. The price I.,e325 stamped on the sole in plain Eauiïs, MMriaey. LS4payalhW OWioh b... tm 2%e Wmder. ~figurffland is to bc sold for neither more nor !ess .ihrtha, ?grV K Vr .ITIM 11- rn.Dîltwid.SP44& 1 OUISWd&go"on ee. w«k PM mem ett g h e . 0MMvet Muvu t or BexJfv tecSr- Bxuovz.-Igr. GeorgeWery huare- price. This part 1ec nar boot, %wîth ranv other lhues (ifour nake, 3oWM wt w. ai meW st. e 1TS u e ena mowa&oh. b placetu Cam __e an be Procured of lRit L. III iGUiiE, of Lindsay, who l'Sz ê» iff "vui i w r » .vyuwf.icv ý Re" m it ...là« authrised to represa um. e ff h MY ent us i tat section. mmb" PM"ta: cham 00 shn m t bu Msm dov oU n x. Tllly. pawblie ehm npsetorv P3inill ette au"i wi n"te bdJ. D. K!N G & CO, *hnmch..W " t" vsburw 06, Pîotgrlwy f« wM»oue"y.thS h bmw. -oh pem> Trot, 7 ch, 1886. TOLON T0. wIth et hi o , lmudswwk ne m m -ts .lm as msy EamaUxMo-jf_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ho&MSb#t1h .liWu$4 %u rW01511sdaïr ..v'd ýthu«la mt, end bonnu.. iopg 5pi. up s&hage heu muthe ___ ~aOOWtm JWMiou. le com iupiugmm-__ me« HEADQUtheARTERImagFOR ="mab ts âzypauw ho wut IoW. I dflBl Q. C. ectuCbug Ef! LSa oet 1amai.d0t»w.D U R O u».Ibo wek e ub<imBUglÀ A ent sdi . E. 1,oo 1,enâe bm W" u 910th. wwIbo ii.4b e ttag&Wh g Jb m et hm fslbom ssMi «dm« M@&W m muumts beu, . hou Cla Cd f*bm er to -uid t wvi.* u Amatea, omdm» *M nt u Wu Yom de lé - y r he Uet<U."k Ko..But 1h. buThmtoi ni f e.G adnSe *U on, "' -MM Nïw 0" pe e eÉMwo » unéip «e - il a i fanon wuéIp hM. lIasouat t s.. l àn'e'tW . v» O a vides »"W, mmim ou ti *fiffNqsa Tfl & ma- tif P" .M -wr ms__ aubmut. ]VOM bu w wa-à@bZY Ukéou" &0*, illtotýýig, VAI 1 1>()Yftq..Cel b, V" www ww

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