Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Mar 1886, p. 4

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ô evw$ai et am .-'O m *a#*#h o i mw hW humme. - - E. e owhw -w @*oe:W.u mUm* e om mu tom UUir vwwm v dbe d#M « Omo Ww onu hibg eI e .frq,4Wtfis' v o Ob".u a 19 qtvio AoIo.u. u m «* *0 d dm. #n«..* u kiI -'fidom gdaw M« Imm 01 W(b w &wew a bo. et00ofi umS* - ibm *1 ehoIWmefn *lh i .. . gM&5Mm rv Wilu 0am, w . uitmEOUdmile IWOM o1b# dmffl sefl l~~"-0 «,.« <4*04u àV# hu moulu gSooineunue b «**%*dy t.b A# boWf»e Eê<Agiu S.. diM* m eanmeu bNihm luo t1 f fl MOf Ili- 1110004uu.êv&«e ne.MW « O117WM M uiy dw o~nl0 ilofa tle dnet g6W n9 .~no d ma bm mm veowv17 m w mbgrwugPh.&iun W 8 OtY Wet s46iAdnetbSoiVue.f e.,s ib s ola*1O et udot 0140 m m huu lm i.e. oppi. .*u14 hfr msAld'e#0 0 1 a b* tetâ *#éu a*0ufd idto l. PW « la »Y de0edly le IMy m tg wb Igrd& Imm a nla.9 boumisla uumw*m ome i .11v.e. i 00 (M Iei'lu »1IV5Offi lnv eêlâ # vo memitb s iwsmm it # IMM0he lIMe A« os S ofe 0<ubl*uMiybW eu aW 06of immn m I fbbaeW* rwm "d lom W. &dw hd, W" a uo1l~ eevoo 0 e lî " kflW MWlmu OUnite plêIh au 60dmV f fdà1Wfcf -tmm bwdu dW lo« 001' S a teifledlB IOPNO *> M lmibu kowm dUul b hu. ýL- ,> t -.Kp#pn tt , tu.lb o s omm gm m-&e. mi loi ptlé 1 U" WF m bop& si* uLINOum ob> '~~~* ~~o -§l# h* I a.~SNr v a* ff w pf i lvm *Mgu, gho4 .nu do orhe euh ~ Wcmnus m ome49 g~.nmir' or e . uwb loma Mt w w mWoe -ne- - &MW bu wu*" W m tuA mmw i.WM -- * uhé I lmAm pItw m foui& et w.IuR S mm&dbuPp i au u* @*mma - ria"& do«Mu MW *b84 «if p*B.i i" bm 6.bs t tm pusdubusImm, " au e. touw #lb u »M a( boa& mmsy b. ur t w mdu u ol mm *.u nm v1 sudfblhv@' mi%108& lw oeusy - nmmOp. u mmlw e. .ojwlm-a"*uva la mmi 6. Km.vu1mi m. bgS mode i f. «bupom" b $0 .wkW -m b * g m l ute# .lw .jggmi u . UN. va 6, W lupoa*uué un# f.i MnlMO"i hoIêgu h 0"s b*m hm b.wWt.mi mm wwffl m» be. e.<e.O w- U 1 - **#rmwwq tes W. goo lm * f4ba m wLUO - ete I Va lin t. mib Mvwy m folk W# bmW *q* wbel us e, -w- ~ w p _ ylebmé b ftm pg* - bu- hgm mw mm off i . b ywm w «W E. bu plkm m M kW e-* wretJuiI ~ 1mb budy os .g Wtt. m élu jda l ;ï1ï woui ame lm wS.. ««Put *W vbap w luiwa Eýwmm *0 » M * .êe Wh mmii. Sliv - l - b. imrn . Mm*yipf e.w mob& wSb bdom bdog a- noma M im m UR a d.ul.gkwb Uwb de 4t *8 4m-*0 à Uy lm sa.t tg bm - u » I l U.w.déhe ip hemo Ib - Wb y y tgbis w e. h liimt d - ' u tm . l but e sei '- o üm»od mae bu th 5. ---- â . - u ~lp1hSdm.6 unt uup mt. p rit *ean tia e -VW oue" ruuuoy lrais mu lt Pmudu im On lade Eu~01 t. viir un Dw S. A. s dUYl. b peudetIg bm ucm ~~~~i MiO.nu godock? sMm 4mkuwéaapod lgs SwML &or o e te.us took g *qPmdobm al.lWoodwue.1" Nquln & eb» &1am ~. It~'wJ4bta h. W, m my u *y t. m ____b 1~1f~busomw UUUB* miiê ye ttly4fChe 4Uar wiwu. tud.lwp lu& ï& IMMvbubupa w se"mewbtâ - bmmo l idmm "w dm u 4m e rm al ~J~a.Mt ~- E.magm "ton Tii Paaceof Wkm~mus - it lhmà Pl -----m - ~ -Attractions Tb.y po, ubt they asmeit. w.u .p p .madsyjs -athe mua Wv ii n the eu*~ WHAT WILL ENABLE US TO RETIRE P R.hMm B**Mpui dSmunmeSinek m tomm *te vinter stock MTÂT1OUR INTEISTIGI, We avego»e tbrough our DmsGoo",yis, yPuînts, Shirtinga, us Furbng Éwaud other Goods, a" hwum .rkêd themaaM price that wil only convino y ou by seeing them. wu CAOcET 0111 0F THE BUSINESS UNTII. WE An£ OUHT OUT, 8.> do yow pooketa good turu by upenývUxr ney where IT WILL COME BACK 1)OUBLE£ Swing aidnhu er Olothigt Geit1' F rnisbings Etc., 1. M e «Mhdmma levd m 'ooe ggoods. They are chesp. Our' TWEEDS and PÂNTINGS are iu ukt vuity. TOU Cmn Pick oMd YOur Tweed, have Y Our msunelY ade and tximmed by f!ir,. dam woumm, miL whez it iq made and on your back you wl wonder at theee mai price yon have pmid. TEM PBICES ABlE THE ATTRACTIONS AT Bradlburn & Co. yse Teas, Groceries,Win es and Lquors, --AT THE- Old re VlabetablisRILeto!John Dobson, I have recived my Fail Stock of Goodsnd respectfüdly invite inspection, - ~Xk r.rs INy Tem are takimg fthe lead both in quality and price. My Stock is large and carefully selected4 New Sema n Jaaniq, "OUR FAVORITE" Tea,-a tavorite ail over the County of Victoria. Young Hlysons, Congous, Oolongs and Pekoes- of extra quality; try them. COFFEE8-Stndard, J'ava, and Mocha Coffees, the best quality. Ground fresh as required. :WEZ IW Londoin Layer Raiain, Black Baskets, limperial Cabinets, Superior Dehesa, Sultanas, Valencias. Cauded Orange, Lemn nid Ctron Peels. Malaga Fi1gs i mats, Eleme F-ip im boxes-i lb. and 15 ILb Dates, etc. New Currant& Suagm ad Syrupa at cloaet prioes. Pure Spces, whole andi ground. Canned Fruits aud Vege. bl9es, Ehleandl Keats. "Crown. Brand7 Rama, Bacon, SpicodBoils, etc. hluni ou Opoetow V eaextaquality Pale Sherry, Brandy, Huma, HollnilGin, Ginger-Wine, aiu"v Wn..Chaup Oms Caets, Curacos, Mesrs. Gooderham & Worte elebrated aged whis. kies a peiulty, GdmneW ~XXX Porter, Bom à Co.'s Aie, a fuit lin. of Doumfsie Ale ini wood and bottie. New Labiadw Errig% White Fish, Troutý Codfih, and Bonelew Plaie. lour nul Provisone. amahic n d Canm U&0 at bottom quotatons. Inop"=t ninvitd J.p DEAF, DU Corner Kent andlWilmSteets. Lindsay. 1A13BUINO! To ilwh felTimles Hid and Money Scarce.b Au CAMPBEL blfm lyiugn Oai5ofoGeneral GroceriesCa auy otbe bus.e bave ulae hsweek: 9 tiMoada! 9 tMoeds! S thinda! S thibsis! S t~ds! 1 cr SeiemGÂRLol 1 Car SYUFS.L 0 r1s iiui I Cbr WPL&STEB 4 cmm SLE!. * e me.-but - nIut IP~~o. 1m>&uw pio Bi j». Dot wait unti 1of your slack JZili Heads Letter Pý Enes TaV iDoue o: ZIÂLL 0O Orders amrfai att commEI Lindsay, Feb, 1BFIDAY , M A LOCAL J u"ýAv ANI *ulougedand utJorway Pine 1 11L t. Mit àAhW loRds of t. achp for roeu *Nu&Âpplv t&N *W*, -the Mar obu orS&r . I ýmwmthay tm meyour or4 ,O01 umes. tzunk mDg pucbasoiMr. 00Mt the mm vi 10 30 Par cunt be. Mock mutI b. ci. Ut Dorai's sâaa gtocey. L..w Inehid..Dg rerch âdimbw a iii îtmway.-pnrc ""Pt I owe.t rMt emudagent " BHoum-lu , u.L*m. Moud m--Smbua L m -~ Ih~ UOBk * u~mi ~~Imi DL. - 4 VI-' HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 <e< Çhoicut ~ood A- ý»F- mý 1 car Gemeraà G Taý Nc& dour tn Lennon's Auction Mart, Kent Street, Lindsay. mm 9, lm quov. '1% Je, 14 uapest g1ficest "Imhla«

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