Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1886, p. 8

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f 1 f TES YI~UL& WA5W, iUrI 1 VICTORIA TARDER Tie LIBB ADVBRTISINC PAPER lx ,N ~mIDÂDITRIOTs ÂDVERTISING RATESI VERY REASONASL - - S~bSVIp~@fta$8Yser SAM. HUGHES, -FA&Lr 1885 W6 have opeêû.d a large proportiou of ou PURCHASES Values are deoidedly ini favor ---<w TUE- aoe~ ~ W& toms prêpai'i.4 for a Lrg. Business. w13 .i it O.n ob" hW yo io do <Kwflet lu h h m mnh.ism S Ft D io w M dStoob, .04 Owdlaa Twed. 909M&blhTtOufflgUf me YwUup a.uPd th.sob e Ro4i o au- 5. ap Mdau vgai moule ~ ~ ~ W ce as wuiebs IMAMM 1 Buy the Best. Theet MIpe eaf Lanoe Too1th Thex lesew is the b88t TÂKE 1(0OMMHE AXES IN GREAT VARUETYS HANDwMADE AXE HANDLESO Bosatu.omd.growth Hickory. And a&U kinduof M:_ & .10 3W SIxLJ At lovest prices. at BIGN OP ANMI ta NDSÂY. SHORT HORMR FOR SALE. ?umu ý« et *unam <ami%. '. b am t ". , Tu bWmft ou m1m #lsali i'l un~IW ppys DVT>OGB.Ladmy. mal A.~~a aigue Oomol à?,ce NAEQ LUTWOOu.-'ho boum. le Mmeaboeoa# it l,~~hiUb~,0 MaUn ou, Ilem Te "e o lt=. - - . o Agosi q.mtgr àa hiaoh.r àa.bo*mi.r. tom.~ 0 «moa~%o vmw le for au tok.lth A~eiJUO. 550W14, V1twxul. bti o A8, %mie, Ua6y P. O. J,'446ary Re S. PORT'ER Inlmil Marag slim cm~tv of ictoria Farm for Sale Isr* et I.*0 pru fflU 5 ffl e tu mi.W à . .ià HigestCash Price Deliv.wsd atU oonfs tore ALEX. MACOONEL Uninj. le . I mS COMMERUCIAL. ovwa or Tauromia VARUM, Laumav. 0ev.. hbruar!Wh.tI lt t., ~<,........508 Oi'dot. .............. -1* Seo m de'al d ..............0100.7oa v t..mu to ........ 3 go 2356 diti. nîWi. roS............. m ....................M tot35 kaimreP« S......... .......04tcS kil........................ 15» s.g......r............ .......i »%0î4a0 er e prod... .............5 1.30 Wo..................... *IetO » .......... ..... 0 r104 ou umu ... ~.. ... b...se etsu uwnyrl er .............. nias No U q t i* kIb............44 se, as50 Laikls..................5et bi t timtit .. .................. .00blt nw toor.. ýý... ...ý. .....-.... 0 e5 M Aluâh . ... ....................4lef&s Wb@&% l e lap.S ; Nuls!OSM& et ou; i M& te 0&me, ONs. e s.; ~.eî.s.o. -'u . s k.t Pr d1. . la . la t'nu=ln pàaSC 1 anid 2 'The 'Wem~~ * .s h.f dlkt numbe 9Bf»d the " c..s souih woBt uaiter Ot WoiNo. .......s#t. e léiTt6 fOUOOIftl ntU à. u ss Towm lp ~ ~ l551 ................ 0» tu. Coui o Vctri, I~:':. ....... b* more or km.......................... »00 f» au 180 aces mio. or D ligo.............. nso vm&u*W#M*am a muy ai. estusu s e;U mm P baorosmh.'omb. 0» b"m ai ........s.2 a Umm Ow»W % iobe se m fl Vasr. 'h m uis e 04i n ae Ruts g a*0 lmP"mmiS mm" M» Md" ej e - ~OMM04 S- I#le abs 5km km8L26ê8 m -, abut ~usiis f a àLmiou "38rI'd M devie sis ziÇ«1' Md w« o*» duIM~~- U hi v.I.ih Sii(~b. W&. d]Nmdoý dSSIS) W#îw teas w faNa . - w~ a ui uwm~1Y&UT 19. ISfls LIV~As » urni DMWN MW 29 au V mommm etg lb (buanine, Md mii.' Enaun a mi (lr1bPwoubiseasBayavi l a htie cea' mbb .d"mi.f bu iletou i&. dwo em. Jumg by Vlais oe oniderable lumbaiing business. IL M. 1>-li t mapkUl, 1" k In S h > mem ààbovin mu in a afavorte rmsot for utera 101 i~ ~ ~ ~~~i Udv.nd i u h.muu iglummably malii- ma.Tise river la ouly navgable -w ~ Por Aitht. Pu Aill ualewlalug ~ lun h ~ba atmut"asibpoint Dight, 1"0 tb ue a » & .i f lbt ilm ml Th I . Sf& M n ateb & m - Puet .'ag Weebuitige, l'.e lx Tn ,,, vu m ath a bme umSfet a. 3 mf Cstmugbt6h egl t r-, re im ol ru hu a ispoint. Tr i LIANT SgIW-'Vh 11w. 7mi tp~ B~uMidy ~ hui g Lakis te o te iantisomet in tbe - te e mta bV suOur . UMM.g un Iualymi &te* wmu LId. i laabout 15 mues in 1e * __ 1 ui 91" baza n M b m lv . Ilh m '- b b. M fon Mmmlte ont andabout 10 nmiles trou lb. duihu Sta b a g d l ZMU ~a&" ,U amte > nrtb. ia baya, penm uu I Pimet, J. ffstMM .aAL; Jet vin- A C u gaui 7M. VD n linai.are uurpaued. Several goTer> p»wninmt, T. I ffl û N.&AL; Si in. Jà " ild malun d4 d, *aml l m is bdiverge tien s ispeint 00 104 M --&- M-4Ss.m MdTMOn., mdbwweethu bmding teb> &sebmidge, one te rn* k ý ai mg V. 3. w. 61J n , UuS Rn wul lu* b Prt Sydnvr mal H nt3I'* --- n . Ge ur lPutwa=ma - «hu Cluan..ma f-1 S ung tise river here.' et, W ao& jN bwFw D a c b G m fu& mk w b w w o m.l m&. «stte lb Busboygon ynroa Cs t o zw u sommam a mi bmi. beIge Chrmady Colar airov). - ft mi q wnif Ms. n.bavausa oeciti«" af Ab" a wàEm C.ILmr . Dsi» Ye > fa os imtm lb i snhae La mmd 1k ~~ii, 8 ~yI~S GmiansM1~ êu 1 Km. f manibdt naug t. iaal toble59 v~ 1 ~ 1 m~ ~ £V. . bh.a m mb> b t t dteJafarymeetiI'g' V 4f ID *M a vLbs m fume ]k du"bM inetiao b" to Mufl-z = -oft lius _ MEee :aN M= nb.ffy Wb"oliunnl u lb. te l'ù ý M --- mi&Unba ubm& h.Mb ONg e = dUv. Rw uiis o vebis oppwoa «M tu IWu uns=*bmume WqOlb- mmme lAa 7auajily .1 5na-O -- Heis mna lumCo, s~~; mi bon MHYÏ&Y ioer un ait NuOWALU.UIO~CO.~d1ICI.4 b, t p-il. Ibis vicinitY' ~ - 'i ~.pi~Sf mmv. ~ ~s- Eu. * ~ G d m*QueGmCxi -MEL Wiliam Xuk - t u.Ubae i e MM 1___ g . w *. u s m a b r b u mbud A M kU er me.byk et et 1-0-0, f« me&. Thnila yiela th"i for Owm ~UL-l - * àAdouàl1h ueiliy in bard 10hboit i~ tus o.om us ~~ ~ à.png. u os~ ldby mghtLindaay, hm been ua&ing ano1»U2 fi S .ll m b y ] W MD u h V i i. . s V al.. rdote t M . l o u e . e t h a M a O M Ma n h m -.0 M r.Jo h n C ou le . % ., umed aigbate the agmatm andi ,vin%&eWb"no douli vil ivas good ta iii lk5àUm M lb.u mpkdmd bj, jmd trio. mmut te- asuffl m un»Y hb.hmunid in tisale neiann. ]Wu adititie tissai, monial *Z yàe lSth, mmar' lb. aamu eoftlion heretoforo The sjorty of té e à « 1 . M" i tl M M g 5 M t m 0 " e b à 8 9 m i . b a u n , " a t he a t r a sm l s i n l b t I e s e h a v e l e % el a iisas; in aU iab s u rAy Mt devest gtu a he. Ih la eoz ed thal laima ire giso M i . L.gan'a ag ecy sid lb.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i rdw u.miaahlim ~ k E a~ uSb pablicaul <ansgave ambtactolk mû tham I*~'*h. 'UMCd- > atà '. 11q- vl olUI10l l.munefa sleu mail. bY hini ca. in Onw et f l W b> n flta i n 8"4.'li.ml pouiom et the mditd teIeperamive powers wi -~~ ai. - 1 mm'a ~a~~a.pa.but 1telthe mucenehtceof% 1 - u.V. . t, mw Sbui- »b Ua wbehbu' ogma rsie W5 Md IU. 9.Si ama.eetSf a a - uahimêç. H. in juat asM .aknh ie fi; Wbbru e * amibs u1be mi viteW 16 un uuapaimg ib1god quali i s bwuoy eio.ud. AUM.m m..pog et Ou m et the gide @ a mu Machine a» an og!de Pt .. embi fU .W ums tain a Idi.u ..u. m . G O& ' omp US met m l m ev " y im. tauoe, Wb@ Iaruly omluitite the«u msh xm@;î un. 1"« Mill. reflet mI àWUMs. iw rn. noti'eVais e t LlJ.m7.D.wI I W d tbhbae hm siml m, thk .. iImVé the m ! isl iipurcbd a car lomi = Y* o Linuy, mbdagin h haaMW o. uhea ust " unis hicb i ummda.' uýa mpwmi J&Mie du& mI6 u b grWimdine fr thMNontreai marke ttbe = blve-os b - tin. lThe d.nm birememw'y & zen- Xr, wi.-dm, carntakr, Mv. VIRUS vm oopb>bd US i&M 611h. ,udme lgbnimi--'U »M toi, o <f moving te Canainlon ... . àJ hu bm u . p " m i md mà" h i é b wà m W kaet 1lm 11110% Ch u r et Iid Om m ee @ru *W ti Vien e t q 11111 t mi" a w anm. a US pSf b & W b. u e aviuatmniramas4 P gu i b . s, 1 bbuni mi b> bate m iM MUS o mi aqm t o A fl l'mg eS, miMéec autni b c* uehl .i vn ~ m daijanao Sm the QUM," ses ler.AMO Omr. I u a uythié vumk te Uma - humablb.eRn- noed l edt maeut bwWa sadiest taalmy bu mma embly nMd by loi amis, ihat of Mr. John Qiih,% Who Mv ami Um aThaun Suai.,01 etb. R - l CiIE8ofy " olS u mmday Imm. ai theadvaaceillayel botIl. Whfluu.bg. The. plalg. isus My7 07ffl on a Pieu ohumit ag. of 73 yum rl'h.imesurd getie- d à anuctiarn mmd.b« fatq"@M- Casserez, vhih I1 huail f17 ydoty b -iu umof het aly aWh"ool l mm u doe a Clttvight milaum os r~~ r pmmt esu y llggtml la Ibis ol U Y, Mmd wun »Michrummmclmd Tmmy mie4btlb. kb, a"lm isu hmY oeP O . he m ove f a hou by &U «"b k » hum l . Tb* fumm tak dm 5Ou t M " VU s au .if n»t Rond - d utud adm a rty. t> a hamj. plac lio lb.tuîmes <f hm W1, ne- a . mulbnalmda mrj i pemu W. 01k s Utu6q ai tu teIbm Ir i mmueata daaebmmmt et lb. - 7008< mm abving thse shat W.cepnis.maiun itual ~ alum Salall Am a > osu b. ulîUSbis cutter froiss, "ah er damq lq«rp.M. M w»anued y alug edati Ary i teremer he mml M he bre.inig of bisicutter la entii.j nom a et m d mm& ng . r . Tisen leaving yon? readeru te lu..vii.-Mig. J" oHopo.,»- Du* hm bu ewalamothm l d i"l Iinkigbis ompanion in mifortua etR climt, iaubout b> numoe bteSaave.flOu, edDarlingtim rl pn tet oMf. Brdy. have hona lady. Hore aaffi k hoediverge baviez reniaithe Camum sbRook an tsI t. a. sufrein a vdl.knoafat ; bis eabaq Floum Wé tW Mru . Je& - B- n mulcoupsuim bbing a gentleman. R4ATLET. tatry. ta bdgiug m th" I m u nbp for Toye avomfr the a T.V~ bossrait et tisa.. bo are PriltVUh1iaM V nomnateJaesmai apui -Xw a aul aokrIdiiaotiU4lB itnUSimorai both enamoureilof one Young lety, Bmuaso Ii L aa pearimg ta itS Wablm V. Isua ne c en by M amein tain receiving tho addresscusi mathOf his lum infer he billsse Wekmw e cmus hy ý Or love slici swmina. Lut wu.k it sftm g ontionet ha.bar. l'. cat Ofthe. amof m.ega@"sin. lb enteriveU. st.Talentine hu been eoxrious1y scutoe barin ampmeal te amoutaite>amdyarl boulil mot sucesoil n el W ethera. ing bis missives of love, uheu aur aï 81,5M t vin ibat un a atomse toua- A Pria mowdl il b. heml intise Sous' youug gentsemch are made the recipieft daion, midi appaue flé elfor th-e-MA l Iaos t.uiaY uiUg. Foir. etofanduome valentine treim their Indy uew er of catile. it vib -lio a retit toa ry %3d, »d theb m yo es et the C. M. love. Our heree being on mot ami "e~ Ib m abaUU iI. Cliarel in mii aof b.th cawl àâ . Au tom a, sho ed. eurh oth r their mach Mi. McKrDie. <f this place bas ja-t lntersting programame iii ob. deed. prized treasure.. Jo.', hoever, wumced & pumih*aod a fie tborough-bied bull, OO"nU et f iIIiUP, reitatOna, Vocal ltie under tis discover, but did t trom MrN. Sant» , i, t ri pan.muai istum nai musc, mmi dialogues. vey gruiioualy, trying to persuade bât Mr. Robt. Nylem, in at presËs.t vieil tlia Im ev. Mr-à[Ka, opponent that bis (James') was fro. 15< ai thetnai mlrecidenc. He hm e..mallb.pno IL"e. Mr. West, ber ister. He in tura strenuonsiy nxM been purauu is ie rde in London Out. mill tdove, uidres. Adminsmn25 cIa. bis caim, utrengtheniflit it by deciang andtiàt jual recoveMe frein a mevei iii.Chilis bar-Pim. he neyer lid amy truck with bier mister. aDU& By the action o et b.vau aoth vini, please elucidatt- thr word truck' Lus.-i.John McFadye uvson umbineul uih the geeld aya of et bm i. fhe uTiter cnakes a mistaken bis nfortunaepas te 1cm. a valuahle bose Imary e . 2a coliaudotble dii'LtiOIi private reteue" tn our -.pecial. ht ini lhe shanties. V. mie gWat e, lia. buaom mde in oui coveimg of boati- anether fmàl-L-oi. bouttver, thatlihbsm ot locol bene, for lehi liow. ---------- _ has alr.edv puichused anoilier, and in off Pariy given by Kr. Vu.. McLanghlin, BETHA.LV 7 t u t h h n " q l t min e h o ie n c e, c r tw ng k t . - -- i o s p ec i al t . T k a W a d e r. A iterf UnMi ls .trom Port Hope, givex by Mr. Andrew Reluesr. , aitbis A M SICAL ad Iiterarv eu'-rtainnen: la v lsiting ut htr qmter 's n ibis lac '. h o m e u .à 9o ( us given in te to ua h ., on W ednoe- Tazi s m»nesuipriceMo Man i n a M ma. V u.John Relues, Cartwnrght, [day e î~ vthe te-- . 'i hand oui~~~~ ~~ qoe ilg ui v e canieti ly hm ember alt sone lime am ve!y oor ofathe Sahbath -e,hoi in '.:- u.wt notes tu ti tr- ~ret at he.Hou. Eluard healtk h e h lady ini quesione a b ibeeau tM.rr's fh reh, Liffor I. at whid cthe Blake wus t r.ut'. t-r a ie. n ti~ h. vil vacciated, md ibis mi prob bility had pit, ,;elth ana ne & î - of our V. luge Hall. Thp xKi, hoever, VOf - muacis t» do in camsing besicknes Ths go vere veil represented. We haiý nmmu at disuprt.in téel wt-n h e day v àciaaioq v proie.. inh m Cm "u&d 900d been led zte .xpect a great trtàt ca th paudai thout the- arrwsl of a»y nohr m ny la suier a <veut. deidmore than occasion, anti ve vers flot ý~ 'i nz l"na gentleman n a linifalo ceai, uht' tht-y ever diin the iatevesta of religion fr it uus a decideti Suct. t-'1e liai vent auay agan vith, ut an my Ii êit mn- ud <ef civil mai politiai fredeoi. iearti of tise mu.sicl talents a'i 'itexM7 SU RSu :su à rr- Sm ofO .tur 'ý" intoij a flouiishng business, smuething Lfford. but, as the Queu of Sheba m termd neghlorâ anat-d o gt upa lkê M b»elà f gak bingrerdM rgarding the wxstiom of SiAomon, I*Thi G.abmu, o eeo.Th-ptt mMuoe e.Acontinuiationoflis !SPECIAL tvane'-stiC aervices are beix vas motite% o ý,fl-i r»ongh rh ie ila t oe 9teconducred in the' Methetdiàt church TOI ii .qx bat tot an inisli». thit ther t hjtt orld f ierce P riY POlitica smmd a nebeing made siitu u v :#~~.aL e :j » t b. more ilim a 'I m d " a s s Il is. umbers ef our citï ens. . 0 ,u f our miaioens ave an ait-rt'." m m James Churcbv3ld. at ri h . aT Hu mmnyr e t of Dick 1) 'n 'chx e, tdancing. they vould nfot comme t-, asiet on a vieilt e inmembera oftber v i i o y t e r o i r4:g ime. Home, tn eu o " e t'rarin a e n iaamie.co pe fhl is tt- o trd'. 1: : puincio ma M -om eio« S eaon ii. au41 j-t, n 2 p eo i ik h zird : Samoied tbemuqelvea thurouchly until the Wu% Windel, K.q,lfillIP* . imtuRted ipoamaho wusaengaged aakin,- out raLs .ifur 5 tnmi.ll boum" of tbe momniug, u tht-y in a visir ta Balsalin Villa, Nmvn%,tise Preston B4--,&, and while forcLxuza :tgt liexan bto eel hungry. t a-as thetlu li.rne -fbis brothfr-in-4aw. Major l3nglw.. jcedar lhe overbalanced anti fel -:1 L .ýn he imyia i osfut hu .Mn Janies Brouwn, SeuthisIxImveu, vas wvus lie aboie smalat. litby ba" noeiete a'. speais about t:t- '<iaParticipant luibtheio..pillities et esa, d ndGr'ahami hippé! ablea. t i. r'n ho sappo udeti ta ayt ht- itua <t-iaantd ciserf l homo. anotuer car oft tint'bt-t-rts frein bere à : "Mi potatoca ertQ- Ptoe ofournidon ie*ching Mr. James Xickslemou. anvera. te useS, but our farming friruizs -e c05e bon.ue Ibev ( dioepotnloe> u oumd bho muer; uritoîn ut- nfe"ved in your s ume, aus-j plaininc, if thte pn.'rt pai ,t 6 earoe in lithe rin 1 I houhti atvi' a.ii -,t..e îmre sat-e a s., hy tise deatis me are înfeimt'd, -hting 2w - ~ liIgent)eman to ramember the noce- et anothier borms. veiglit. ULIE * ~aat7of ' lu IAN;I "Usbeghe.ý 'Ce h t Onal bi w anti c*.-Z': as ah. -'." Iagineer' tfi ~ iun mLd == Msn.r Wh>c =uMwar sonuc .1t t' lrs uilnemt be c * murtaardance wtl Uo ima inexScpt mbw %ug.atmthe n ma pmiuhe.abl malu ai Tufan ua o mazt.epanyter ds umtening ltatoconl 9 iirutr.din cd Ibo e pot eept t tue »ah. respecue~ b l. omut or a - 0 toi M à& 1885 [AIL ovncuL Mou& I

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