Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1886, p. 7

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wnsi Oie ~.lf~iAh AS lo lév '~W U Mrn ~1 ~e 1' ~ ~t i le". ~ 'l'ho Pr, dmp S 14'#4I'(I lu>' d looftI~M *6 il>', .*t f4' spc.6 eI~e 'Uv MN JI te t oi.? sivr f41 W4 4 W ( Uh't h ' oih f)i4" i'tho tnt A,'4 t t C' 'r C r r 'r'1 If WI10IIj~~ If" <I'srk 1%ii, - - r P irf,,CCýI1 t4l Crf. te r 1f'f 'fflfI lo« r 1fill 'f>l'4 t « Il et fl t h, "q.f o ri'lîîlt l. ltr1 w w~ t ut . h' 4m #Mao I I I I I I I g I I I I P1 - - f. ~ fÇ<VMM' l- dahu orb -~ ~ b. f.~Iwu .1 @ P~I~ s~f lm Wu moi4uf u .k uh q.I w. 4w ..liro 1 leS#gw uVe" M4 «gé*»8.(Wo. deyw. «*Mg irr âvjg mmi un tk ("sW" liredi 6tF& OMMWh.s - w nimd . 000thbk i .f <o. if Wi. f« cA y iff O I "uv*a le w4 NWvu a e "w¶ Wb# IWIf hf1bo$&bM Om ou"vInkth efdl 0 nemtmmmu = M **r Sb «týfÇ&t tw(nIit fo effl à Masi bv*h.kaamifthe ulemenortheOf *0 1T ( b$ifflebl 10 poomwç My#o uoréyu *$ M th@1U«4"Nm. .1*OO ..- k». hW* thto % à« 90 Aiiijoint 0"h.Bé et Smd ohvii b. dhm fw#ww 0 " « ff #Wltb ?ate âe iwtbu1db sb Isjmi1.noIe W# h,# é@4 te Mg#*b Wi,&W, §»t à" of hM b»Faie* te 1dWe o S. lmmst le 69 e Wh. b"I# t hAlf 6f «Wh17~ ho et" et etsil»s, wu*uldoit aetvu16 NtP k,* ione 4 no 6eW 644$W#l. *11 ih t1 < ty M ue . UMMyb. Now th *4,galeAsMm 4 oaPm -cokiprlbua i e etM" s ffl * 3OeuI10 boev SI mi S", ga.d pc. ' d p1hS Lv.. lai1the <01f0I~10S 1tU ~ b Md th" *» bu umasiThe pro. ammff de &0,00",M.b 110wth poV30 OISA < o .de ooPrb Imb v#.he ghto le bMWM ma w p tu (of 16 Novt $%%I w1.< f »io i» .1 Ch * #W utohm. 0p, JIbos. » ou"" la bvuai le tu«. holder si &W M"ondwve t oM p" y g»g j » ,* e I"wasm l'YJ. . j>U~~>N rI~ftIPA (flAwvii # In couS b .pou lit e dsvuMparl", »e10M'u R.sla t. ui 1>% e o '.l t# ~ a f"tt à irh.p mat T6ebed &W Let #J, lalà Pli"of lt.4 lu ho Whm o *"4R~i k1 Ir'M< owta n omr db nâPs se Ca" ds Tw254o paiom f tortM.Ra h- hWJ t ~o' ~~smis-Io 0fm ffl esv« r e t p~I O041 u v Twe dldW A A&lm s4mb>uold vlchja au # be ~tbe loTi 1 dh <o~ ~ ~~~~~~po (byCfdai*1~~ h u 1 or 06Pe.U t hev A," mTII.n bl ofimting et eh.0 t*~~~~l ~ ~ le bN* rT5 vvh1 &IêVy e odsm.-Tthe dOUI«io&t ~o iol s.tua 01 t 0 Wý 14tovenlu to ?$ru o M. 4h, o yuii wtland 01'wro'IIni**woW,, I 4,032 ê'rieul nu iii ~4 ldfle ~$ h> (<fl' do&to u.1v« 2,33v.r&nlro A4 u& fo Ur. Hal l oyedC AWI O~ Iiî»~ .ntry r~the Go lêfomnt0 'rli u n 4ldbe' AIIy ewr,'kiv~ei~wje pne Lr Io rbf" t >It p nIar JMOIRtthe.l lut Thee0fl fo~v.irâ.The nlrdmesiof pthe; I stitt t .tt etmh.d o rtly t osi eh llis.pè~ ~ 1 ur- srsatd.ae I. . fn IW5» of >I O4C1 i h . w hic vo ith .oor hie ýo Dy a, whl h é istion Tîudmy ai. "(1ý0e 1. . oo , hi» b%1 ho n avî in s o #*e* d u'i l> ' slcacIlcl1e .~ni>Ub Ar b ~hUh Ifraolebasm ~îof'kiyo. 1honud. Thef ila a fAoies 5 (il tv.po1rt,noCompn ur atteh. I5l41'1od h Ai' tt4 ("(). 400 lu 1h. ioh acdIeo u. ro e lioru li e eA el e Uatrion o n aotoiC hiedo 0< eh. <*t.dl..'s ot eh. evigloal baud, *18 the stooL 150f, tletle Lord ()nc. )no0 luhvh vi who, wirhung oné mr auinp"' 01 i oh ,P"withte 'Moayoreo bis claiet wek,1h. obo m4gt rh0 Wage à vli rs t gllae.y b. eh..t K, u g'd et oliactMobnrg Goto. Thefor M hyor100- 4M noi mm ,ett h«ss oivg . i . i. ..da I, e In00<)olfrê"4 lm by P herime. Bond bo M iheit# h La7ti I vt crtin e soboishof ibis 6of1.4 e dCetIC>l i GorI4n ,0C0. irie M lhils, tbvoftog ueur *%y îLo psi cntofts M #P Candiue atiseborto oo4 Ab0,1 mii#lp t dm htoMy, d wme.ihfolprove t Te, Ieà# pM« itov A W rpov t Imptw y g 01(Ll oo,*) e40160Mr< 1h.t4 #ué ko# "bailubYIl«sof uth oaold, yctej4rçu à mve(, to ,Vaev," i h 6 " "Joug,' mmd hué e. ion aOswa. the C?"' r«< *r* la #h 1't h:A* 1 I a mandl.o n Ci. ood au i cy Suv k" ô(t« fitlionetd he ri bu î an . l ai', U*h Itl o i se ur uls l b1s~ eS.po-pot. e .U op wki la à#fs %"lii~le i~ ubu ul~JlBI SI. uen <w glIev d Mbuta s rlt ole T kw4 Md - &j~,,~~gv~e,-b W &» "III., _____»__MWMM boni auI- - Iotee uI~e .M ..w1 mont MW. f T; t "WUILLEN 11W M D100U EHO MAMWC M EVSAVE MONEY. JOHN MAlNS THE CANADA LIFEz E8TAÀBLI.FIEU 1847. A ~. mu. g, e.*»aa LIC, han mé It il. ?ua, hau au l*. h..hLlkusblut S i,770 of3 * «NU St of O e. i tb e » W b ut- S=tSle7 88>ou so . m hm .-U s.*14 f. A-m Fe O. TAYLOR, FIREWOOD. &r MIDI &Màus Mt oe d *i.. 1*odmr$ md 1 d uoqMd » d [M 1ibao 9W' bumo u~ p uo .du yTq'pb. Telephon e l Io Uvy - " YulFM .Ie,"6 TVM& Phuu, maetN T arn. à&. s&W G en iaral Dry Goods, Soeh et Sbfrt:, Drawms utu, Towefliig, Prbt., VUULUwDSCk, Cottonades, Tble Linen, &., &C,. at tke aboie Mât, CORNER WILLIAM AND BOND STREETS 'w. bave »w ,,0 OIS uébicki-ndl ad mtead runikg anl vnter, o that in the f tîture voucan et ROLL CARDINGI, FULLIMO, DYEING OR OLOTH D>R£38MG, Âlffl MANIJFACT1JRING DONE- AT ANY TIME» 1«-»Wol wantel ail Me year round. je. wu WALLAE *B IJ R HFORUTUE1885 TilhUCOAL HAIINT UM TV The ordy stove muade with the gelebnla ' î5i3tXàRE~ Iq*oe o . C Ceation M. the. iC.',I. -. - A. W.PARE1Yix a . - . . EOISY Irespectfully refer tbose intending to pirchase coal stoves VEETtL he followmng gentlemen who are now using this ju-stly notolrD1ou- stove, whose testimony can not be gainsaid. I enqUeng-ear OUR dealer in Lindsay to. produce as large a nu o.1 f p..ople u j any ot>her make of stove: Lossof Apetie,.Win. White; James B. KxiowLon; D. Browne; Samnuel Irwin; Dr.. le&rrician: A. W. Yî'ýL, Los ofApetieL. Maguire; J. W. Wallace; Edward ]Benson, 2; Dr. Coulter; James VWtherup; .1ohn Nt- laiestonSour Stoniah, Mr. Lees; John Haýnnah; James McNeily; John A. Barron; Mr. GfL; Mr. Hun 11Dter: r Habitua Costi'eness, Wiiliamson; Chas. Veitch; Thomas MeConneil, 2 stoves: H. WiltE'rs, 2 stoves; E. rrx ScHadhea dBioun stsoves; Josephi Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle; Wm. B12ckwell; Mr. 1 iv - W* . T. ~DSp.'uiI~ ddbvroisii rJohn Knowlson; Mr. Ryley; S. Hughes; J. S. Williams;i Wm. Farci, ha:c'; A. B. Ter Y;1R, Por ter; Mr. Clarke; Rev. Mr. Jones ; Rev. Mr. Pearson; Rev. Mr. MeTavish; Wm. FoItv: - Murdock; Mr. Melashaw; Mr. Thorudyke; F. C. Taylor; Blackweil & Ci.:' P. Pilkie:T. Iliddleton; B.-J. Lightfoot; Mr. Ferris; ]Richard Kylie; lis. M.%effugh: C. H. Lloy~d: Gr Liggs; wS. Pediar; Wm. Dùffus ; Johni Andersen; Mr. Groodenoug-h; Britton BroL. J CoâmStk. 'à_______ I amn the only dealer who buys the RADIANT HOME direct from the manufactuel's. cura CholeeCOWEealg .uWV, CueClle,SoSi wea ami Sumise; Caia f chelen lfiragtuam, i 11Com 1.hu pmawirte iVWN uth- ingMd Mll b f uiI Il SAor CUMINS. & 004uSaTgsu is à wk.& Est TIES~ FS, SOOOPS, DOUT SÂWB piow ~iîm - f SEEDS e - - e - S D* SEED SEEDS!!! mxx H.]IGHEST PIRICE PÂID FOIRALSIKERED' .G(LOVER. AND TIMOTH DEjLIVýBED AT OUR STO0-RE. SPRATT &KJJILENi tOMBR £WOOD1 LitD i FUEl ~& ELLAIT, -~ - -- - b * il ira~ TEEXTOd'Co@ PRMICE19S AND QuAuLTY RiG.HT »tpiisd une o(MrgWStock of SILVER 00DB, al mitable foir ad Wdding Pre»nta Silver Atii. 9~~i, laretsy. lew AMnieaStudis (to pain t Gue aIwhouahprie. te chm sont eu&*. BRATES:, SKATE, SKATES, mli latee desgn&. Dm... u .tad CUTTER TRIMMIN. r s THEXTON &CO, à m m SEED)

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