Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1886, p. 3

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lAMi e b, RDb y MW#< lie A##M t.~ Ti LE EWORKI salol roty. Ba*ofle ,.wD-I' wo~% - M41P1110 I4~Sr ~ ~IIY*q et ~ ~ a- - ~ ~ *M le.wwv~ettm6U ~ y, ub. emem ad «0 M"a ôfind mif Mw d e v.n pil, g o1 4 id t pwhomi hano 1Sf u<MOSl eMM ftoit AfIfMit"Il Md uffl À.1 mili'iby f tmf 16,6ohl# , eloid t1llf 11 1 ',OWI* labhe& % IYE et' ? haIMMI 1wl.*etelo- çAi ifmi mt 011owd moêu se l(OM pit.5 ut r al b o * o e Ob h;4 te btod4bter bo 1(,,m l'o II M 45 uhS liSf ou #i4tu"hi~ wtm4l d oeta btei Si A0eu;gç io<I' Ow1141 M.. be day v t ,'ht ordyaunv Th< M'y sty olei l th#aî46,111Q, Om t'hitSo oanouv aiobd th# ab.iI g NW4lel)(tb hé d.oll hemi îhy ii et Ihéin *aité ,Im.I wo mv atiUy fi4 ho, oia nuet o<itrva4 sa<4peil Jouci @,d 1k Ii# dwlew o, liiai e4, vl141 lhv.e 11mmI Afiuiî'l* .$. uýtV.tI 61 bo M1101 soc i" IniftWh00Y f i oh homo cf me 9#i'IUy 4 whtmb. lowle c 14 eet Wro (s bthorfOUiI#0 ite»OîiIble gtj edjf #j pele 0in p le eé. li fflikNU W fal >loivo 10 ltip oafi et le Sbg 1M eteméB101UU 14gul P1444 v ueplwlk itph«, hOmté u d .a te mutIes m Of*ut avehmest '0614o«peu« of WIý)stâs 64 im oin à#""le 1 t1l.à..£ mhe OISifS .0 SÉUlOn 14 ut4 l1»se iii. ~ .4 u b bi -U . ---- .o - *0 - I.IbeJAU 5018',m m c"ét hm d m am luSVDaeo lubrUgi te du*e wu Ausl b ,eVtl mua 10 uwbugu»dhllb ji wuudi bi b b by g bwidd b1W»4 MIii a à u £aM bthu ou lu i bi o l M4 hwab à Niwm M deI *a PC OW siSl, mi lie Po& I1.. '. me~~~~b li ..A ehU i mn hotu I. vut'la b~~~~bm lau mw.w&b..Oh I 134*Tb Ib Im 1hqcsuut.0.bk=18 [n~~~t i.m 0o*telp. lb BsPM.hkBIni 1am -qu -un moihS vE* SA1 YEAItfl &MÉOS ou- -»Y-. MW4 Ouw US' i If- ! uw-umi w Mm. iPWMm -d- - te 0 MW @ma mgW- l ~I-mo - tum eutp#"et .80 tutnd3yshbu d mmhhl.t.pqwwuf àd eug *1un àMw au Wp- tu sw, 1b tb a dP<liéwum#ou Lkdlaff aMIbu O4M te iw mm wu Rama te.le l mme Pm pu-flt if. e I.W -lmww4cE0. -g. , - W wM lb f1»Y Mm&AS kiu.hF0 à4@àhou 6.0lbIVA ..-m& w- du ##v o hh. éo p p u *mu Mrw - hom. lmu54uotl mekd tinOUI.5 -- dult eulu A eb«*v*M neUf l IWIwoMr ou II Y vlom y d wp born .t 0 wmf l e mma w .du p 1 OêI W o ,.. mm Mdbw au I iMd la la , auB h.m - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u M *I.gbg cil muif...., . PU ", . o pnn bond W 10«on~Mmd la uI .m.h.It ... sokf wo, am éM b Im'ew te ai e e ao Mm 6«10 un hao.p. g me sf-*. çw lo #lffb~ ffl et -ton ~totbb 4lhk~Aeàmr Lr la *lm W* a Oe Th*i.n#u'@ tMaUUUPFn k.wh4l.uouu %0u i.lb. bet W"fV" in ,* 4w" u cVM f oell.upami fa th# '"M M M of Besp e O. Som* *0 mme - 0 «* uisgaPm"d et p#0 a e aeflt we ful h tSe 'cvès-au mM beMWAU. t *6 @dgw 0th l01clhgM I.lb wynMMlbM #odk m»Mld» Y» 9 ne . vmwfao0 f9lwpo M J *0 i l. am lof euh.,paty; if l * 14 » wiI, 700 1w s«m h@ s <rii. .l &Wauu% abheî bu W» o bl U4 jR " $19017 pu; or if t. h* &"Ëtor bis bahs abe.p noi psaii1<#MW oa o omt 0.e be h oh, f th* emg0a#ih. ei1h . 6ONV bf tL.î 1U#hm -ý( ulmi A ohbil6l ga t 1h.ABIAV for faor A( th# 07d oi54>1, AMuwa '0 701Ft rise* (om mofAti tu b. e Mho lb »IMu *bd ai 1 MM, If lm on oaJenfe aid ieurtiluof th* 1*1.,. ~6 l» ?bJoddm && ¶~'Fe (è-P.tu11s apIcted by t4, 6out to In- le Imot ouMd t" - bUrTWY fflapu"iIor àfovovab1o 0") *nde b #0 .4 Ob gwpIval #vfont" . meuoi»W»mfflof " le- t ie Ut bSegh bdSf *00b1. «AI' j as.. It 14nid th" l fo»n * 1 IOT 1 fffffly @f<lb Jomue.wned bea a omm ho OOR Ù MIM. 0 1 1bis t «We7 OiesbilM ,w teIh.1f f«07cou. la ame of d41l 0f1 ""o atbl ha lof" uotiskw.ow o f te lbeoi aW l»Mil lb. .auS f lb b à u1S*rMIt aamyb. uiond of obal. èbI&W th# ,,ideff. Tbey mal fr l" 10 lMb fo f4oir ton imo s0l1rt »4 Oblèà S b oplolikoîChmU 10 lb 9wPoLI8ère af lbm Joea, If amy doul urQiahg0.fW~- ~ ou f li. A upàurJty mua!-. ibrpmpto1 orfor mua»C tb40,woPk QIIUIJ h. InâOMqwâ à 1IoBbe amy, elibefa B pie cha gh lb hu o f the ltmowtai, aMdi a np w r a mleu g» l vor. but if thé I"mimt OM<ihl iool lailudea p.viona1lnoqaely a ~'e dIh~ «~ Pmd JUoT he lbjUqUen à lh a&1a43 or I *. L il» wu 84 gti 4M 6 0»t1 minaor où aQ SUOUt of aome palpable Lion i~i espeeiaIy adayP'ci for the relief and cure 01 tha i.t~ of dizorders nMtendant upon a kw tîor redîiced state foIlow 12e use ln eaý;eâùf s~ Ex- . hiito iarkeing fromn Le,i ti ltlod, â%euie or CrnoJi.ti~,amiin the the reeryfronW.t-4tin-, Fcetrq. No r%-Mt>qy wiII ;ýie nimort, licty r' lief in I >spp'tià or lmhs oI tA ar'tn on il.' ýxt.emarh bwngtI.-% of a vîile and tarUuless tFnme c. ..~llas 0t1fl5 of dliireiion b to ,,;on. andis.! IflJ ording carminastive propert jus of the differffl aronatieý' whmch h Fl1Iixir contaia Telivier ituIqfiil au I î.1n:q lit iyý4pep&w. 1- L'4 a valusdîle rmc dy for Atonie i'xlx-41a. vhieh km tipitat occur ini rnmof a golty chaxticter. Sl'r ImpovrizhdSd Bloodi, Lox. of A ppeite, l)e pondenry. and in all cases where au effective sMd cera simu- lant la required, the Elixir vi ho fotn nlu&ublo la lFevmr of a malarwal1 an sd the varions cvii resuits follovlngexpo- tturi. t hecold or vet veather, h viù provo a valiable iestorati. m thelb êoi Wnafltionf of Ciînchon Calisjaa md ,serpefltai an i ulerafy recapnis s itpsei&icfur theabov.-namM d dim- &Ui bu, aul Duudo*la IFaugm% teîid. Prie, 01 pis BOUle, or Biz BtdUk$ /W *à D»avie k IawnCO . <Uulhd nom A » s moiTiE&.,F En. A. bore ledw et b. mm A lma, u â» et Waltham andEgn Watches Jfe Oowwabe aub MyVobus WATCHESLOICIJEWELRY ira 1Doe gwA. Q.jrie . lia cBWN fu m M E~OEÂNT8~ I ~ ~' v~Iuuv - ~ &~ ~ n N~ ~ O mPM uie.vm COU - cm m UJWTAMOr esl AI WU, «TOLAU, kS. n lmTEZOuAl. aux - 1E&17M ~~uie P~luw ul0 ~~vu ~w w-a» lm- iDUw Ir WOM f E » .SINCLAIH wi M" SLEIGHS, CUTITERS, BUGGIES, AND WAGONS -s. lum CA n.F^whg .'oeWor., MMES L UE38 - £NDTmLLW bb. -w i. impw ma lUMAN MR 600D "a Md I m x 4urant Kemt Bt, 19da lui foL miLORPAPRFme KITCHINDfl'TU, 5eUP. NEW NOMIOS AND OHRISlTMAB CARDS S. M. NEEDLKS AND DYE WORKS1 ÂGEIÇCY. -WlliamFoleyi HARDWARE- Ismbr2 Wh làeuIe nand Retail. E- s 'Il -I 'n c il , p 0. ~0 -b oab rs SfIYT b8 M z -I I lu, M mu' 0 -I -o R PI 0 - M 3 z E. E. e n. M o o g .5 B E. e 0* g w .5 e, e 0 o e 0 o. e a o G wi M Do You Use Coal If »o youi abould buy one of Cameronts Paent Autom" Dustless Ciider Siftmr. Tou wiii more than clear the prWe * une by the mving of con! in on 09---àseas.on. Heap's Patent Inodorous Dry Earzh or Ashes Closets and Commodes. Hlghiy Ycommi b Iy the Iff~iCA profemofl in a fl a y point ofn-w.F,lr sale by H. HUGHES, - Manufactnrer'slcgent LINflAY STREETLInDSÂ&Y. 6>-tf THRESHERS AND MILLMEN. A~ ~~~se lesok gshSochaCanadiaulG»44s UctVrm"'lnlgsetc. Ah.~ ~ ~ ~ lnrà B U .. *a'Mm Gool., wkh nill h. ma"e at the 1oweM .b.tb m -oi ai~i-'~ u " v p peu Pom àA - kagnmtoeu JSKITCH, L~.outb S.3 eut A w im ale h in e tTa m 6 0 9u 'OLDENGLISH- CONDITION POWDER -v .ut :. fzà.d.Bain oSh4%.» iLwon't hart aMy No bMU or kwow vuoem ard td bbe withoub lb. Pnoe25Zet&. each. 5 for $1. AHIGINBOTHAMY Dru~sTàaclauday. TIOMAs ROBSON1 IVI oA- e a - al4- Md oe. tmamte mdibet - umî eapecy mkw. fo *0 M of ia -o bA. m ftmàuA» u.lw mo- r * <vcomitn. '~oit fly mdais cmfo l. mv c rvma AL.Cow.r&wn eAu> Ezuowzs DiA T)oftbm,*8.s r m t rtM CLb TWC U oo . meei Curtrow oo wnerfflas. gntho mld ng l Iqumllfoin, vte to e am ofauth e uie ho k)toaduit Pu up la Ibu. OMM hotUea, and sold by &Ul dsI.n la family medIM&ea Prim Rot.It,2S CatI CAMPBELL'S TFONUC ELIXIR vU~, I .~~~~~~~.io W ou' y.~i e ur INacbbwyM ite oold wautbu uune NcCol1"s celeibrated WIMTER LARDINE Emobme 0 mot10 atifu Upm o" wvahhe. Ti.he et 0OU in the %tord torS Taeo nteous% tIi =1nOLhI.IDaIShIbyEMCCOL BIOb.&CO., Toronto. ini ir ýSe 3Y Carpenters, Builder, I <~Dî.,-ixes%,moasef 4ppetite, iadies;t io. , Bdosl mdSohekeoe& EDqoa imàc ~ ep .4ffctiùmof the J2iver and t.1W aud Husekeper. * PiuleaBlotchoe, BoUia, Hnior, Sait RJeurn, S <14 'd -m dk Emp fr M a*ae azdioe&a=zm awg from Impureloi ~~ -~ m.a. ut Deramed StoMuoeAS W WT<gUa£cttiof the BosoelB U IX ED -P_______________ AUhbui of 00Mw sd Wood T ulum IlMa OMMMERCHANT TAILOR, WM F0LEYa M Ui ta~M "dsin- b. TailoàdUglns. Puicuosaitmmtheb.ard lunes. h VM 1 0 1 mg drys, wW& vilbewM 'vuryIow, as 1 have bought *" oadthe .lamge ne n'càidtomber from 'l B ROuBMI AT FBNBLrON .F LL S Md Imam »1w --usE to»Bths stock at prices I7 W7JLL BE 7 B UYERS' .1) w 1rNZ.GLE to cmimauigelm beore buying, and also at ml7 Iia"y yrd, m 1 now hold over 4,000,000 feet for "alet ievM deseripion. Dremui mn<imatsxed lumber tcilUkina. à - 0 mm IM of a&U kim a" sdCoul and Wood, at very loW, pd.. AMl <m by tekegum or tolopikom prmptly attended t06 Tulsphom. ern. m -1 !11 1

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